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Cruising to Healthy


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Hey everyone,


Brooke, I would have been SO annoyed with all those people in the pool. Good for you for hanging in there! I don't know how to swim the "right" way either (where you put your face in the water). I do a front stroke similar to that, but hold my head up the whole time. When I do swim, I usually try to get in 26 laps, which is a quarter mile in my pool. It takes me like 20 minutes! Everyone else in there is flying by me as I putt along. But I try not to let it bother me. I also like to go into the deep end and just tread water for awhile. But I usually do one lap as a "front" stroke, then to one side, then the other side, then backstroke, and repeat all four until I get to 24, then 2 extra to get to 26. I guess it depends on how large your pool is for the lap length, though. :)


Kim, sounds like you had quite a bit of trouble with all of your power issues! What a pain. I hope it all gets figured out for you!


Today I tried the Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal that has "as much protein as an egg." It's more calories than I'm used to for cereal (about 200 for one cup of it, and yes I measured it out!), plus blueberries and 1% milk. It was pretty tasty but very crunchy! I did stay full for a long time this morning. There's a lot of fiber in there too. I'm used to just having cheerios or something, which doesn't stick with you as long. But I would recommend if you are looking for a cold cereal that you want to stick with you.


I have a birthday party to attend tomorrow, and we're all supposed to bring something. I'm going to make hummus tonight and bring some cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, celery, cucumber, and pita chips for dipping. I'll stick to the veg though, since I know there will be lots of tempting things there! I think I'm going to make roasted garlic hummus, where I will roast 2 heads of garlic in the oven, wrapped in aluminum foil, until they are soft. Then I will add them to the hummus mixture of chickpeas, tahini, lemon, salt and pepper, and probably some type of fresh herb like parsely, then puree it all. I've never made it before, but I love roast garlic and onions (I like how they get sort of caramel-sweet), so I hope it's good!


I also want to try this french onion dip that I saw that uses caramelized onions (cooked a long time on the stove top) mixed with greek yogurt. I do LOVE french onion dip, and this homemade version didn't seem so bad. However, the key is not consuming lots and lots of potato chips with it... sometimes dipping veg in dips is not as exciting. :p


Have a great weekend everyone! Remember to make good choices!

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Just checking in. I will try to post on Sunday about my weigh in, though I don't expect good results.


Last night I did munch a bit. I stayed up later trying to get some laundry done and just kept snacking.............now i've already started eating into my weekly points when I'm going into vacation, silly mistake.


This morning I'm fighting a nasty headache and I don't think my brother's house is helping. Thought I love my brother, having dogs in the house does cause a certain amount of allergens. We have one dog in the house and he has three (all shedding) and i think it has really effected my allergies.


I had oatmeal this morning w/ lactose free milk (my SIL is lactose intolerant and I ran out of 1%) and it wasn't bad, but sweet. Then I wanted wheat toast, but I really wanted butter, but realized it has no staying power. So, I compromised and did one slice with margarine and one with whipped peanut butter.


I hope I can make better decisions the rest of the week.

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Good evening ladies! So this morning I had an appt to take my car in to get a part replaced, but that took longer than I expected which annoyed me, but oh well. Got it done. Last night the guy installed our new alarm system, and it's working again, so that's done with too.


Today I indulged in some Chick-Fil-A for lunch, getting a Diet Dr. Pepper (only soda I actually like), a grilled chicken sandwich plain and medium fries. MMM, so good!! Now I won't have it for another month or so, lol!!! Hubby went out fishing today so we had fresh trout for dinner and fresh green beans. I love the way we cook our green beans now, so delicious.


Tomorrow we'll be hanging around the house while I do laundry and clean before heading to my Dads for some weekly Sunday Funday (lol!) beach volleyball.

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Okay, I don't exactly know what did it b/c I'm pretty sure I didn't get as much exercise in and I def. went over my points (which means I went over dailys and over weekly too). Maybe my body just needed some time, maybe it was more water, maybe it was less stress, maybe it was less fruit and more veggies...........but...


FINALLY...............325!!!!!!!! I never thought I'd be so freaking exciting about 3lbs. But its very important b/c at this point that means 5lbs lost and its not the end of the month yet. And I wanted to lose 1lb a week to meet my goal. It also comes at a great time. I mean if I hadn't lost anything or even gained headed into a week of vacation I probably would have let myself eat whatever I wanted b/c, "I ain't losing anyway, might as well enjoy vacation." NOW, I have 3 reasons to try my hardest to stay in points and get in exercise.


Speaking of exercise.......my bike is calling my name today.....at least I can get that in today along side my ironing for vacation.


Good Choices (especially me!)

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Okay, I don't exactly know what did it b/c I'm pretty sure I didn't get as much exercise in and I def. went over my points (which means I went over dailys and over weekly too). Maybe my body just needed some time, maybe it was more water, maybe it was less stress, maybe it was less fruit and more veggies...........but...


FINALLY...............325!!!!!!!! I never thought I'd be so freaking exciting about 3lbs. But its very important b/c at this point that means 5lbs lost and its not the end of the month yet. And I wanted to lose 1lb a week to meet my goal. It also comes at a great time. I mean if I hadn't lost anything or even gained headed into a week of vacation I probably would have let myself eat whatever I wanted b/c, "I ain't losing anyway, might as well enjoy vacation." NOW, I have 3 reasons to try my hardest to stay in points and get in exercise.


Speaking of exercise.......my bike is calling my name today.....at least I can get that in today along side my ironing for vacation.


Good Choices (especially me!)


That's great Brooke!!!! So happy for you!!! Maybe you got over the hump of the plateau! Good job!

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Great job Brooke! Way to go!!!


I'm hanging around the same number, but I do know why. I haven't trakced any calories in the last week. For some reason, I thought that if I eat the same lunch and breakfast (or at least a similar one) everyday, and I know how many calories that is, I should just be able to add a healthy dinner and stay in my range. But that isn't working for me (yet) to be able to LOSE weight. I can do that and just maintain. But I guess that's something.


Once I stop tracking, all those extra nibbles of a few pita chips here, a few jelly bellys there, really do add up! I guess if I am tracking, I don't eat those extra nibbles, because it's such a pain to log them. So when I am slacking off and NOT tracking, I feel like they are all free game, because it's not like I'm eating a lot of any one thing. Just nibbles. But it does make a very good point that all those little nibbles add up, because I haven't lost anything last week.


Hope you all have a great week!

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Just wanted to check in real quick. We arrived at our friends on Monday late evening. That morning we ate at home (cereal) and then headed out and stopped at Hardees (we have the worst luck when we travel together with exits and food and gas, lol) and I got a ham and cheese sandwich with fries and a Dr. Pepper. I thought that would be the best thing. Ham is suppose to be lean and it was the small version. I haven't had a chance to log any food, but I've been trying to keep in track in my head.


Our friend did take me as a guest to her water areobics class on Tuesday at the YMCA. So I got a hour workout in. I was proud of myself b/c I was so not wanting to workout that early in the morning or go to a place with new strange people in a skirtini that is not condusive to water areobics, but when she woke me up and said I could come......I said.......okay........God........ I hear you. Then we went downtown for a while and walk around in the humid heat for a while. The bad thing is my hip is really sore and achy b/c I know my joint is out of place. But I will motor through it.


We went to Mexican that night and I tried my best to be vacation good. I got the fajitas (chicken). I only used one of the soft tortillas shells, I tried to curve the chip eating, and I got the beans and rice on the side. I did get a Margarita.


Yesterday we ate BK late after the water areobics, so I ate a large breakfast to get me past lunch. But It was like 4 pieces of bacon, eggs, hasbrowns, wheat toast and grapes. I ate 2 pieces of bacon, the slice of toast, and I left a portion of eggs and hashbrowns on the plate. Then I had a chocolate covered twinkie (and indulgence). We didn't eat until 8pm and we cooked tilipia, green beans, squash, carrots, rice. Like a stir fry. I had a few treats of chocolate cookies and milk, but I actually had the points for it, so I wasn't concerned.


This morning we are taking it slow, but I feel like I'm making good decisions. I will feel good that I did get some exercise in and then walking. If we go to Busch Gardens, can you imagine the exercise from walking there? Well, if I curve the eating.


I'm gonna try and go log my points now. If I can remember.


Good Choices.

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Hey ladies! Today will be day 10 of Level 2 of my Jillian Michaels workout. Tomorrow will be day 1 of Level 3!!! So excited!


Had Sweet Tomatoes for lunch. Romaine lettuce with shredded carrots, raisins, red onions and green peppers and fat free italian dressing. Then had a cup of their Low Fat Deep Kettle chili. Pretty darn good!! Then of course, had to have me some Edy's soft serve nonfat yogurt ice cream! Delicious! I tend to be pretty full after a lunch like that.


Tonight I'll be making burgers and fresh green beans. It's raining here, once again! I hate summer time afternoon storms. Oh well, at least I can workout inside!

Edited by Mrs.C05
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Back to work.........my desk didn't get too bad (mainly b/c my VP was out the same week, lol).


Vacation was fun and relaxing, so I can't complain, just waiting for my cruise now, lol.


Vacation is always hard on a diet especially when you are with other people and have to agree as a group. I posted a bit about the choices I was making. I tried really hard to make good choices, but my schd. got off too and I feel like maybe I gained some or all of the weight back I lost, but I won't know until Friday b/c I chose not to weigh when I got back.


I was proud I did the water aerobics and we did go to Water Country and we did some walking (of course) and we did some swimming and we did this thing called the Hubba Hubba Highway.......its a river thing. Not a lazy river at all. You get on a life jacket and literally you walk into a current and sit down in about 4 foot of water and the current is strong enough to pull you along for the most part. The jacket keeps you afloat, but I still had to use my arms, abs, and a little of my legs to direct myself. A few times I walk a bit to catch up with my group and that is hard when the current is pushing against you (I can see why people get taken away by rivers). We stayed in that for an hour, so I feel like I must have got some kind of workout.


We did eat out chinese buffet twice.........argh.......I can't control myself at these things. I tried though, but I don't think I was greatly successful. I couldn't even figure out the points for the most part, so I just kinda counted about 20 points for everything, probably much more. I did try to stick to like the beef and broccoli and small portions and the second time we went for it I only allowed myself one trip to the bar for food and then one for dessert (grapes and ice cream). I was surprised that one day we had pizza out (You know how I love pizza) and I had two slices instead of my usual 3 (I did have a garlic bread knot thingy though). We had some home cooked stuff a few times that week though. One night it was broiled fish and stir fry veggies and another we just had a baked potato and salad. I know the chinese is bad just for the sodium and I didn't get to drink as much water b/c I didn't want to have to go to the bathroom every 5 mins.


Anyway, I'm trying to wing myself off of the bad habits and get back on track. Its hard though b/c you snack so much on vacation. I really don't thing the big meals got me, it was the bites of popcorn or the little bags of chips or a nibble on a cookie............the cake and ice cream b/c we had a bday party for one of our friends. But, nevertheless..........I just have to get back on track and do the best I can everyday until I weigh again and just be positive. I can't let the stress of what the scale might say get to me b/c it will only hurt me more.


Watched that Extreme makeover: Weightloss show last night and its def. an eye opener. The guy last night weighed 651lbs. He lost 150lbs in 3 months. He mentioned at one time he had to exercise 2 hours a day or was it 4.........not sure. I think he was probably on disability though. I don't know if I could do that much time in the gym. But it made me think about upping my workouts. However, they haven't released the gym hours or pool hours for this week yet. I DID bring my gym clothes and swim suit with me today though in case the email came out..........so I think that is a positive thing that I just didn't say....."I don't know, so I won't even be prepared."


I'm taking some fiber supplements too b/c I know all that "vacation food" can get to your stomach, so I thought I'd try and flush my system. Dr. Oz said that most Americans need a fiber supplement b/c we don't get enough from the food we eat. He says that fiber also helps collect fat in you system and flush it out (you have to drink enough water though), so I'm adding it back in for a week or so until I get my system back on track and get to the store fro some veggies.


I'll actually be going back up North for this weekend to see a friend and go to a B'ette party but I think after handling a week of eating........I can rangle a weekend.


Good Choices.

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Hi All

I'm cruising at the end of aug and really need to lose weight all of my new dresses are a 12 and they are way tight. Hoping to drop 20 by the end of aug. But 15 would make all but one dress look ok..I'm after a solid 50 lb lose by next june. Daughters wedding. So back to working out 6 days a week for at the very least 45 min. I'm thinking I will keep my calorie count between 1200 and 1300. I am going to cut out all sugar it really isn't my friend..Really white flour and white pasta and sugar make my musles hurt.


I always feel 100% better when I don't eat that stuff.

So back to clean eating and really hoping I stay with it for good.


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Hi everyone and welcome Leigh!


I hope everyone had a great 4th. I had a pretty healthy weekend, but overindulged a bit, and on stupid things! I get so mad at myself. For example, we stopped by a Trader Joe's, and I threw a bag of yogurt covered vanilla cookies into the basket. Of course I ate some of those this weekend... I need to learn not to even buy stuff like that, because if I don't have it in the house, I won't get tempted! So next goal - don't buy junk!


I did make a few good things. I made a kohlrabi, carrot, and apple slaw with a honey yogurt dressing. never heard of kohlrabi? Neither did I! It kind of tastes like broccolli a little bit. But it looks like a weird alien bulb! Used greek yogurt and just a touch of honey, so a pretty healthy dish overall.


I also made ratatouille last night... delicious. We had it over pearl couscous and topped with just a sprinkle of goat cheese. Not very "American" but a good summer dish. It is basically just a mix of eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, bell pepper, onions, and garlic. Great hot or cold. We got all those things (except the onion and garlic) in our farmer's box last week. We still have a bunch of salad to use up, and I have some shredded chicken too, so maybe I'll make some light salads this week to get back on track.


Have a great (short!) week, everyone!



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As often as I say I am going to check in with this board more often....I just don't!! No excuses. It's been a few weeks and I just read through what I have been missing.


I have been doing great the last 2+ weeks. I have been using the stationary bike that I extracted from basement storage, every day with the exception of yesterday, the holiday. That was only because I was away from home. I do 10 miles most days, more if I can physically do it. This is a huge accomplishment for me. Even with all of the "diet" attempts I have made over the years, I have never worked out daily. It is working. After gaining back 15 of my original 35 lbs lost, I have once again lost 14 - so I am at 34 lbs lost. I have lost 11 of those just since starting exercise.


I do have a cruise in November, and I try not to jinx myself by discussing numbers, but I would really love to lose 25-30 more before then. :o


I am super tired after driving 80 miles home, doing my bike 10 miles and laundry, so I am off to bed.



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Hello Leigh! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help, otherwise we are always here to listen.


Rachel, I'm so jealous of your cooking.......seriously.


Kim, I think I jinxed myself by setting a goal too......I know you should to motivate, but honestly, I think I just needed to concentrate on finding my "mojo" and actually losing any weight. I'm hoping that is what is happening. Exercise is big though. If I didn't keep up with it I know I'd be back at 352 or more now.


I have a meeting here is a few so this is quick.


I went over my points with dinner, but I feel like I still made better choices than what I wanted. I had a hair apt. at 6pm and I was already hungry (my fault, no snacks), so I went to fast food (I had a ff salad for lunch too) and I wanted the grilled chicken sandwich and fries. Instead I went for the grilled chicken wrap (save four points) and small fries.........but then I got a waffle cone...........Still........I came out better than if I had the grilled chicken and all the rest. Then when I got home my stomach was still growling.......I tried to wait it out, but still.......so I did the best thing i could and cooked some green beans with just a 1/4 of cup of leftover corn with it and ate that. Then I had a pickle. I did find myself mindlessly chewing on a piece of cheese bread, but when I realized it I put it down and walked away.


Today I'm being more mindful.


BK: Oatmeal w/ skim milk and brown sugar, Greek honey flavored yogurt and pineapple.


L: I just picked up a Marie Calendar steamable meal ummm.....some kind of chicken pasta (370 calories) and I have leftover green beans.


S: I bought one of those made up veggie trays at the store. I'm gonna take it apart and put the stuff in baggies.


D: We will see.


W: Well I have my workout stuff.........they haven't said if the pool is open and I would like to swim again and then maybe do the gym after and get a double workout in since I haven't had a lot this week. I will have to contact the person in charge of the hours and see. I will probably have to skip lunch to do it as they only keep it open until 4pm.


Okay, gotta finish my yogurt before my meeting.


Good Choices.

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Hi all

Just back from the wellness coach. She has put me on a total detox for the next 21 days...Oh joy

for Bk 1 proten shake with 3 grams sugar or less Lots of supp

Same for lunch and a salad no cheese and dressing with no more than 2 grams sugar..I was shocked at how much suger was in dressing.

Found drews dressing meet my needs..And I really like this dressing.

Dinner 6oz of lean meat or fish and 2 cups steamed veggies.

Veggies are pretty limited.

And other shake later in the evening..

Goal- to clense all sugars out of my system

I know me I will crave suger for a few days then I will be fine..

Its the cheese i will really miss.

But at least I will get to add that back after 21 days

Just not sugar or any white flour..Never do much white flour anyway

almost always use ww pasta and brown rice. And not eating bread really unless its really good wheat and grain bread i don't care.


Thank goodness I don't ever eat fast food. I tend to cook all fresh and organic as often as I can..Don't do boxed or frozen foods much, I might do a frozen stoffers once a mth for a quick dinner.

Bottom line she said I eat pretty heathy..just was to much of it,,And way to much sugar. and not enough working out.

So I off to hit the tread mill before work.


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Oh and I forgot to add what is going to make this so hard

Is I live with the tall skinny guy who needs 3500 cal a day just to mantain his weight. And know its never going to catch up with him.

We been married for 16 years and hes gone up 1 pant size.

I swear he has a tape worm he eats all the time.

I make home made ice cream for him and he eats a 1/2 gallon a night..

Just not fair...:eek:

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One thing I think you do is excellent , even when you make mistakes, is that you are being "mindful" about your food..you know I'd posted something to you a couple weeks ago that the mind and how you think of food is half the battle..maybe you went over your points but you saw where you goofed.."not planning"..what's that sayiing..man fails for failure to plan or something like that??


Set a goal to be more healthy, not to necessarily see a gigantic dent in the scale..that will come as you get more healthy..and the exercise is key like you said..food is not your enemy, it's really your friend :)


One thing to remember, and it sounds hokey, but as you get used to less food, your stomach won't complain as much..sometimes getting beyond the growling is half of it..the mind says "eat" when you may actually be thirsty..and of course your stomach will protest until it "gets used" to having more food..it's used to having a lot more food..which is what added the weight..so of course it will protest with less, even if you are eating the right amount of calories...if you eat at regular intervals )on a schedule, even if you are not hungry when it's time to eat) it shouldn't be growling...




Hello Leigh! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help, otherwise we are always here to listen.


Rachel, I'm so jealous of your cooking.......seriously.


Kim, I think I jinxed myself by setting a goal too......I know you should to motivate, but honestly, I think I just needed to concentrate on finding my "mojo" and actually losing any weight. I'm hoping that is what is happening. Exercise is big though. If I didn't keep up with it I know I'd be back at 352 or more now.


I have a meeting here is a few so this is quick.


I went over my points with dinner, but I feel like I still made better choices than what I wanted. I had a hair apt. at 6pm and I was already hungry (my fault, no snacks), so I went to fast food (I had a ff salad for lunch too) and I wanted the grilled chicken sandwich and fries. Instead I went for the grilled chicken wrap (save four points) and small fries.........but then I got a waffle cone...........Still........I came out better than if I had the grilled chicken and all the rest. Then when I got home my stomach was still growling.......I tried to wait it out, but still.......so I did the best thing i could and cooked some green beans with just a 1/4 of cup of leftover corn with it and ate that. Then I had a pickle. I did find myself mindlessly chewing on a piece of cheese bread, but when I realized it I put it down and walked away.


Today I'm being more mindful.


BK: Oatmeal w/ skim milk and brown sugar, Greek honey flavored yogurt and pineapple.


L: I just picked up a Marie Calendar steamable meal ummm.....some kind of chicken pasta (370 calories) and I have leftover green beans.


S: I bought one of those made up veggie trays at the store. I'm gonna take it apart and put the stuff in baggies.


D: We will see.


W: Well I have my workout stuff.........they haven't said if the pool is open and I would like to swim again and then maybe do the gym after and get a double workout in since I haven't had a lot this week. I will have to contact the person in charge of the hours and see. I will probably have to skip lunch to do it as they only keep it open until 4pm.


Okay, gotta finish my yogurt before my meeting.


Good Choices.

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Thanks Gathina, I think a positive attitude is the only way I'm gonna win this battle, no matter how long it takes.




I would love to cut sugar out, but I'm afraid I just don't have the tolerance for it. More power to you.


Okay, I got in 55 mins. of swimming yesterday. The pool will be closed the rest of the week, so I will just have to do with my bike at home (the gym is closed too). I felt good after swimming, I could feel the muscles in my body feeling tired, so I know they got a workout. I did a little of everything, forward, side, back, crunches, scissors, anything to move and work my body. My skirtinis are really conducive to swimming so I ordered so straight one pieces from Old Navy the other day. I got two, but I'm think I will only keep one. I really hope they have some pool hours during the academic year (they will have a swim team this year) with some hours for us to use it, I mean its indoor so we should be able to use it year round when the team doesn't need it.


I had a burger with a slice of cheese, reduced mayo, ketchup, mustard on a bun with a small (not even a real baked potato, just cooking) and a tblspoon of smart balance butter. I did indulge in some ice cream. I can not touch ice cream for months and then I just want it.........its okay I don't really love the ice cream mom bought so I think I can stay away from it until its gone. I just gonna stay out of a drive through and I'll be good.


BK: greek yogurt, berries, oatmeal w/ brown sugar and skim.


L: Salad from subway with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, cheese, turkey/ham (I have some carrots), crackers (sorry I have to have a few), and ranch (gonna water it down, so I don't have to use as much)


S: Well, the veggie tray I bought.....yep......they had it sitting out, but it went out July 3rd. When I opened it everything smelled bad, but looked fresh. I took it back this morning and the manager guy was really nice and let me just exchange it (even though the tray had different veggies and was a little more weight than the one I got), he said that the tray should have never been out there in the first place if it was out of date, so it was no big deal. I made a point to tell him that I come and get their package fruit too b/c I know it will be fresh and not have any rotten berries in it. The customer service doesn't open until 8am, but he just happened to be there and did the exchange for me. I mean I had the ticket and all, so. Mom is getting some green beans out of the garden already and she says if they get enough water that we might have an overload of them (YAY!). I'm still waiting on the tomatoes though.......fresh garden tomatoes.......mmmmm. I love a good tomato sandwich, just a little bit of mayo, tomato slices, bread and sprinkle of salt. Perfect. My mouth is watering, lol.


D: Mom didn't get much in way of groceries this week, not sure why. But she buys them so I don't complain. I might stop and pick up some frozen chicken tenders and some frozen stirfry veggies and do stir fry tonight.


W: I will have to remind myself all day that it is very important to get some exercise in tonight. So I'm going for 2 rounds of 30 mins on the bike. i was bored last night and should have got up and did a round, but I was tired from swimming too. If I can just motivate myself a bit more I can probably do 3 sessions of 30 mins.


Okay, I was trying so hard not to peek at the scale, but I did it last night. Now I know the diff., but I also know that I usually weight about 2-3lbs less in the mornings. It said 331.6. Looks like I gained back the 3lbs. Now that is a negative, but the positive is........I know I can lose 3lbs. :) So no excuses, just gotta try harder.


Anyway, I've blabbered enough.


Good Choices.

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Well I blew it last night on sugar dept. Had a customer come in with a GREAT I DO MEAN GREAT bottle of wine. He broght it in for me to try.

He was so proud of himself for getting it, And said as soon as I found it I knew I had to share it with you..LOL.

Told him I would love to share it with him. But I couldn't as I was detoxing

He was really upset..saying I promise I won't bring anymore in till you say your drinking wine again..But please you have to try this with me..I caved

Was it worth it..oh yes it was..

So new day and no sugar...

Brooke I can give up sugar becuse I know how crappy it makes me feel.

Once I get all the refined sugar out of my system,

I can go back to eating fruit and some complex carbs and having a good glass of wine and be ok. It just all the prossesd and refined stuff that seems to make my body hurt and make me feel bad,

I think I have just come to the point where I want to look and feel good.

More than I want to eat junky food,

Having a wonderful shake for BK this morning..Going to head to the garage and get on the treadmill..May spend about 15 min or so on the bowflex with really low weight bands,

See if I can't get that I have to workout weights high back...I love weights. Can't belive I let a bad year get the best of me and stoped working out and gained all this weight...

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Wow, I would not be able to resist a really great bottle of wine, either! One of my weaknesses. :o


This week we received beets, tomatoes, carrots, 3 zucchinis, 3 cucumbers, kale, lettuce, and 2 bell peppers. So I think my plan for the week is going to roast those beets and make something called beet and white bean hummus for lunch/snacks this week. I loooove beets, which I found out about a year ago. They are also really good in a spinach salad with goat cheese, walnuts, red onion, and a balsalmic vinaigrette.


But I figure I can make the hummus and use the carrots and cucumbers for dipping. to go along with my typical lunchtime sandwich.


I'm also planning on making lentil, sausage, and kale soup (even though it is not really soup weather...) maybe I can freeze the leftovers, because I know it makes a ton. I really want to start working more lentils/beans/complex carbs into my diet.


I'll probably use the zucchini, bell peppers, and tomatoes to make a pasta. Maybe I'll make some marinara sauce, since I haven't done that ine awhile.


Other fruit I'm excited about this week: bananas/blueberries to top cereal, plums and cherries for afternoon snacks. I'm going to try to keep eating at least one thing from the rainbow every week, so here goes:


red: tomatoes, bell pepper, beets

orange: carrots

yellow: banana, bell pepper

green: kale, zucchini, cucumbers, lettuce

blue: blueberries

purple: plums, cherries


I hope everyone has a great weekend! I have about 3 planned meals out with friends, so I'm going to look at the menus ahead of time in order the best choice... unfortunately none of the places are chains. So the menus are online, but no nutritional info!!

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Sorry I didn't post any It was a wild Friday and a wild weekend. My first Bachelorette party..........yes alcohol was involved........I had no choice. It did eat up a lot of my weekly points though and that made me sad. But I didn't get stupid drunk, in fact.........I was the only one who didn't get sick and felt fine the next day. :rolleyes:


I did weigh Friday and I did log it as my weight even though my last time was a Sunday and I like to be consistent. It was 327 on the dot. I know I gained the weight back, but I was happy not to see 328 again. I had to go into work on Friday b/c of a proposal we are working on and I worked about 3.5 hours then left for my friends. We did a little bit of swimming and some dancing (obviously), so I counted like 20 mins of exercise total b/c it wasn't really vigorous.


My cruising buddy and I have decided to do a last 3 month push to lose some weight. We will be at 99 on Thursday. So 90 days will be here soon. So we decided to use this week to slowly get ourselves in the right mind set and officially start on Sunday. I'm not sure what all is going to happen, but we are going to discuss it this week. I have WW for another week or so and as you can see it really hasn't help me lose anything, just maintain. Could be me, could be the program. But instead of paying for it again I think I will try Sparkpeople again and just use some of the concepts that WW has like free veggies and 2-3 servings of free fruit (no more than that). I think I will take the money I would spend the next three months on WW and use it towards the cruise (Its only about $50). I will update you as soon as we get the firm idea.


BK: Greek yogurt (honey flavored), Kashi organic cinnamon squares (28 pieces=one serving), 1 cup Skim Milk, 1 serving berries (I'm full so I'm just kinda picking at them.


L: I think I will go get a salad from subway again. It was filling and good




D: Well, I don't know, but mom made dinner last night and it was chilli mac, green beans and stewed cabbage. I ate two bites of the cabbage, it was from our garden and well...I'm no sure if it is how she cooked it or what, but I didn't really like it. Not a big cabbage fan in the first place, but I tried it. Then I had some cheerios.


W: Again I'm waiting on the pool schedule, but I think I can do the gym if not. Again, summer schedules are weird b/c of the camps that come through. I might have to be careful too b/c I twisted my ankle this weekend (no......it was not the alcohol........I'm just clumsy). I think I just pulled the muscle a bit. I need to see the chiro anyway.


Good Choices.

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Brooke: If you start to log in Sparkpeople, see if you can get your ratios of calorie intake to be close to 40-50% Carbs, 25-35% protein, 20-30% fat for a Moderate Diet plan. You can adjust the ratios if you know that your body reacts better to low fat or low carb diets better but that is a great place to start. In general, calories in < calories out = weight loss but I find that getting my diet closer to the ratios above give me better results. Good Luck!

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With Sparkpeople I think I tried to be in the middle of all the ranges for all the nutrition. Does it show percent?


I got about 50 mins in at the pool. Between having to get over there and dressed, then a camp came in. Maybe its b/c I don't have kids and my patience is just not built up yet, but why do those kids get under my skin, lol. I used to be one of them. I was doing laps in the deep end against the rope separating the deep and shallow when they came in. I mean they could see that I was doing laps. As soon as they did their swim test they were over in the deep end and just hanging onto the wall right where I was swimming to and from :rolleyes:. So.....I switch and go the long way.........then some girls decide thats where they want to dive off from :rolleyes:. So, I go back to the rope and make it clear they need to move over a bit by just kinda moving past them to touch the wall. Then the girls diving decided they want to swim under water under the rope where I'm doing laps:rolleyes:...I was determined to get 20 laps in. I had like 3 to go, then to boys came in..............:rolleyes:. The girls got back in my way of the wall:rolleyes: on my last lap.....so I swam diagonal to the ladder in the deep in and pulled my big old butt out of the pool (Its straight up......imagine how hard it is to pull 300+ lbs straight up after being weightless for a while.). I was smart to get out b/c I then heard them playing Marco Polo after I left. But by the time I got dressed and was heading out the lifeguards blew the whistle b/c the pool closed for an hour for them to eat dinner. So, I figured I lost about 5 mins of swimming.


I ate sloppy joes (deer meat) on light buns (2) with green beans. I had ice cream and a snack cake.........I had the points, but it is no excuse......I should have found something with some substance to eat. I could have eaten a whole 'nother sloppy joe for that.


BK: greek yogurt, pineapple, kashi cin. squares


L: Chilli mac (deer meat again and home canned tomatoes) and I brought my steam bag and I'm going to steam some broccoli with a tsp of butter, salt, pepper.


S: I have some peanuts and of course some veggies that I really need to eat today. I think I actually avoid eating, just so I don't have to eat the veggies.......


D: Mmm, had mom pick up some chicken and stir fry stuff. I'll see when I get home.


W: I think I will hit the pool even earlier today (I won't take lunch), just in case the camps are back.). I'm going to do the pool this week only for about an hour since we are working our way into this 3 month program. Then next week I think I will try doing swimming for an hour then over to the gym for another 30 mins. 10-10-10 of different stuff.


Okay, back to work for me. Actually, a position in my dept. might be opening up soon. I think it will just be a lateral move, but I think I will like the work better than what I'm doing. I'm really hoping they will consider me for the position. I miss being creative and interacting with people. This job is great and I don't mind it, but I'm such a people person and I love coming up with ideas and planning them (tehe......planning me? no ;)).


Good choices

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Lets see, its was so bleeping hot in our house that my dinner was light bologna, light bread, light mayo and tomato sandwiches with a handful of bagel chips. Some cherrios for dessert too. I think I'm leaving myself too many points at night b/c last night I had to eat an extra sandwich to finish off points. I mean i was still hungry, but instead of choosing crap I did try and go with something with some nutritional value and filling.


I probably got in about 45 mins of swimming.......but I did 30laps. I thought I'd get there early before the campers and the dang kids came earlier too. The same problem as before.........DO YOU NOT SEE THAT I'M SWIMMING LAPS!!!!!! All I needs is like a 2x2 space against one of the first walls or rope that is in ONE HALF of the stinking pool! This is why I don't have kids yet. I'm surprised I haven't used my mom's teacher voice with them yet. I think I've given a sour look or two to a few of them. But I did count 60 mins b/c the last 10 laps I swam was agaisnt all the waves in the pool they created with their raucous. (Its more points when you swim in a lake, river, or ocean b/c of the current) I'm still going to go today and I really may have to as nicely as possible ask them to stay out of my area until I finish. I mean when they got there I had like maybe 15 more mins to swim for 60 mins, but I cut that b/c of their inabililty to notice someone else is using the pool and its not all about them. Moving on.


BK: Greek yogurt, Kashi cereal (I did a cup 1/2 today b/c I feel like I need to eat more during the day and not leave myself with so many points to eat late at night), strawberries to snack on throughout the morning.


L: Leftover sloppy joes on light buns, carrots


S: cherry tomatoes and peanuts


D: Depends on how stinking hot it is in my house.


W: I will go to the pool again and like I said, I will use my firm, but nice voice if I have to.


I really hope all this pays off. I think I'm doing fairly well this week with exercise and more water, better food choices.


Good Choices.

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Thanks for the link.


I had bologna for dinner two sandwiches and then a bowl of creamsicle ice cream. It was toasty again. Today will be lower temps so maybe I can stand cooking.........oh wait.........actually.........depending on what I have to do. I have a deadline tomr for a grant and the HP midnight showing, then I'll do some swimming to get in too. So, depending on if I can take off early and do my swimming or if I have to stay late will determine what time I get to the pool and then what time I get out and get home and etc. Anyway....


So, the pool was better yesterday. I got there later b/c of a meeting and then the kids showed up but they mainly stayed in the shallow end and played marco polo. A few drifted over to the deep in at one point and even though there was only me over there and three of them (so the whole deep end was practically empty) they went and hung on the wall right where I was doing my laps.............okay, I asked for patience on this one and I think God gave me a break. I simply asked them if they didn't mind just moving to the other side b/c I was swimming laps and they said sure and I said thank you (sorry for that sentence). I bumped up to 35 laps yesterday. Here is the big deal part. I didn't think I really remembered how to swim properly. Like the one hand out rotating and the head side to side thing. Plus the whole water in my ear thing. Well, with the kids in the pool the water was rough and I was getting water in my ear anyway, so I decided to see if I remembered. I started out with my arms still under water, but pushing the one at time to the side and turning my head. Then I just went for it, pulled them out of the water and off I went. Okay, now I remember what made me tired when I went swimming. This technique is rough. I was out of breath just swimming to one side. It takes a lot more of my body to do that. I know I'm still not quite right when I do it, b/c I think my butt has to be a little higher, but to be able to get that far I was really proud. It really takes a toll on me though and I don't think just b/c I figured it out I should do it all the time. I think I will start off slow adding it in. I count a lap as swimming to one side of the wall and back (b/c I'm halving the pool). So, maybe I will go down to one side doing something simple like I have been doing and then come back doing the other. That way I'm doing it in intervals. It helps speed my swimming up, so maybe I'll have time for 40 laps today. B/c it obviously takes me the full hour to swim 35 laps at this point.


BK: Haven't even got there yet, but I will. Greek yogurt, Kashi cereal, fruit to snack on.


L: Umm, I will probably do subway salad.


S: I tried eating the carrots yesterday........I try and try to eat carrots raw, but I can't stand chewing them that much and then the texture once they are all chewed up........I can do roasted carrots in a pot roast with the juices soaked up and steamed with a little flavor. Raw......not so much.

I will try the tomatoes today and probably get another pack of peanuts.


D: Like I said I don't know. I will probably either do FF or go home and cook some stir fry. (mom bought the veggies with pepper, bleh)


S: Yes another one. I will reserve 10 points for nachos at the movie theatre. I've been wanting them, but reminded myself that I will be seeing this movie and I like the movie theatre's nachos and it will be something "special" and I that is okay.


W: I will get in the pool today. My usual hour and try for 40 laps.




Fyi too. Called my hotel b/c I saw a $5.00 drop in the cost and they def. gave it to me and then they said I could pre sign up for the shuttle. (Wish I'd known that when I booked in March). 11:30am shuttle.......wish for sooner, but it will be okay. Check those hotel prices as well as your cruises.


Good Choices.

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