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Cruising to Healthy


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Okay, little bit tired after the moving and I didn't make a good dinner choice, but that was then, this is now..............Good thing is was the day before my week started over (WW wise).


Weighed in: 326, so 1lb down from last week.


New weigh in idea: Read that this lady weighs in everyday (same time and all), but she takes the lowest weight of the week and uses that as her official weight. Its kinda like a Average I guess. But if you think about it, it might be a way to track your weight, but have a positive outcome. You'd still see if you lost b/c from week to week you would way. Idk. I think I might try it for a couple of weeks.


I only got 20 laps in. The camp kids (diff. set) were rowdy. The lifeguard even asked them to stay out of my lane a few times. They were having fun and I can't blame them, but after the third time of getting water up my nose from the splashing, I got out. It was still about 40 mins. in and 30 of that was fighting against the kid current. Chiropractor said that I was probably extended my back, but that the weightless effect of the water caused less damage than if I was out of it, so he said just to keep my core tight and it should be okay. I also have to remember that I will build some muscle from the resistance of the water, so I have to count on maybe not loss in the next couple of weeks.


Got a new one piece though, so it should be easier to swim now.


BK: I just now ate BK. I had my apt. then I got into work and I'm on a deadline (I'm waiting on some info. thats why I have time to write this), so it was just go go go when I hit the door. I'm starting to get a bit woosey tired, but that could b/c I got 6 hours (to my normal 9) from watching the movie last night. BTW, same as before.


L: Ha, don't know if I need one really.


S: I have some peanuts and such.


D: Who knows at this point.


W: If I can get out of here in time, I will. If not, I may have to go home and just get some sleep.


Good Choices

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Wow, what a Friday. I did some stress eating and I'm had a drink. My deadline was..................sigh. 4:58 was the time I submitted by 5pm deadline. Had a nice little cry afterwards. I tried to rein in the eating on Saturday. I did have some points though b/c i didn't eat breakfast until 11:30, so no need for lunch. I did well for not eating until 11:30am though. I was surprised. I thought my sugar would drop, but it didn't.


No swimming though, I went home b/c I just couldn't stay at work another min.


Back to it today though. My back is super sore though I saw the chiro on Friday. I'm not sure what it is. I'm just gonna ice it and take some IBprofin.


BK: greek yogurt, kashi cereal, pineapple to snack on.


L: I'll go for a salad from subway to get some veggies in.


S: I haven't been needing one, but I think I have some good choices if I need them.


D: I might get around to that stir fry if I can stand the veggies mom bought. She though stir frying califlower and carrots would be good. I'm sorry, but those are NOT stir fry veggies.


W: Swimmming. I'm going to try for Swimming an hour MWF and Swimming for an hour T &TR then 30 mins in the gym.


So far my weigh ins have been:


Friday: 326.4 ( think)

Saturday: 325.6

Sunday: 325.6

Monday: 326.2


Good Choices.

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Hi everyone!


Well, it's a new week for me. I have not been following any type of plan for the last week. Thursday was my 30th birthday, so the week has included much more eating out, drinks, and cake than usual! I could go into more details, but it was just a horrible week, eating wise. Ugh!


Yesterday we went out by my parents and we saw HP 7.2 with my little sister (it was AMAZING). No popcorn, although my husband bought a gigantic 32 oz ICEE. I told him that it was obscene and that no one needs that much ICEE. I had a few sips but that was all. After the movie my parents wanted us to stop and get fast food, and I got a strawberry salad with chicken on it. Honestly, the idea of fast food (fried) kind of made me feel ill... too much eating out in the week, like I said. I'm not used to so much restaurant food. My weight is up a few pounds this morning, hoping it is from some salt, but I know I did a bit of damage. I just feel kind of bloated. Honestly, my first two meals of a typical day are pretty simple - a bowl of cereal with fruit, and a sandwich. To have all this other stuff is not doing me well.


When we got home last night, I looked in the fridge and realized that I HAD to do some cooking to use up some of our farm food before it went bad. So I made roasted beet hummus with the beets from last week, and then roasted the beets from this week to prep them for salads. I made sausage, lentil, and kale soup (froze half, and the other half went directly into the fridge for dinners this week). Then I made a salad with Israeli couscous, chopped veg (one red bell pepper, one kohlrabi, half an onion, one tomato, one cucumber), some goat cheese, and a vineagrette. I prepped another head of kale to make kale chips (but didn't bake them yet). Oh, and I made banana bread on Saturday, so it was a lot of cooking this weekend!


My goal is to get back to my normal diet and drink lots and lots of water... I really want to get into the next set of digits and I feel close! Just a few "good" weeks and I know I would get there...


I'm going to bring the other half of my birthday cake and some cream puffs that my mom gave me into work, so that they are OUT of my house!


Have a good week everyone!

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Rachel, we all have weeks like that. You are doing the right thing just moving back to the track.


My back is really causing issues. I went to the chiro on Monday and I can't understand. I think it might be the muscles and not my actual back. I think I might have strained them, but not sure. I'm rotating ice and heat. The heat relaxes the muscles and really makes things feel better, but the ice takes down in inflammation. I also too some IBprofen, but I have to watch that b/c it thins my blood very easily. I intend on getting up and taking short walks today b/c it seems to help my back.


Went swimming yesterday and got in 40 laps. I had to take it a bit slower b/c of my back, but I got in 40 laps and I'm happy with that. Depending on how my back feels today I think I will decide if I need to do anything outside of the pool. I know it was my goal, but things happen. I am however working my way up to 50 laps b/c that seems to be the lowest point on the WW counting of "leisurely" swimming. Once I hit 50 laps I will then try and make the laps count more. The "free style" I think its called is the hardest for me and just doing five laps with that makes me really tired and out of breath, so I will work on adding (slowly) more of that.


I had hot dogs (no buns) and a 1/2 cup of baked mac n cheese, oreos crushed in whipped topping and then I couldn't resist some sherbert. Two desserts............mmm.


New day.


327.2 is my weight this morning


BK: Greek Yogurt, kashi w/ skim milk, watermelon


L: Stouffers single serving lasagna (I need to stay and work through lunch to take off early for the pool)


S: Peanuts


D: I never know and when I think I do I never eat it, so. Its just so hot in the house and I really don't ever want to "cook" anything.


W: Swimming and we will see how the other part goes. I will try for 45 laps today.


I did do something brave yesterday. I don't like my legs. They are one of the biggest parts of me besides my hips. They are large, and covered in cellulite and jiggling. Not to mention pale. So, I hardly ever wear anything that shows my upper legs. Well, I ordered some swimsuits that are one pieces so it would be easier to swim with them instead of the skirtinis. I like the way it fits the rest of my body, but showing my upper legs is hard. I wasn't so much scared of the adult lifeguards b/c I've made friendly chatter with them. Believe or not I was afraid of the campers (the children). Its silly, they are children and their mentality is so far below mine that I should not care about their judgment. Generally, I don't. But its not the present that bothers me its the reminder of being an overweight child that i think of around those kids. The judgment I suffered as a child myself comes flooding back and those uneasy feelings reappear. Sad, but oh so true. As much as I wanted to throw on my skirtini and go, I pulled on my one piece and without a cover up or towel I strolled out to the pool. The lifeguards were the only ones there at that point, so not a big deal at this point. I did however have to get out with the young campers around. I took my time and tried to face those feelings. I did notice some of the young boys looking at me (they just looked), but I just walked out like I had a purpose and was meant to be there. My imagination could go wild with what people might have said after I left (if they did), but I just have to realize......I do what I do for me and no one else. Still fighting with old emotional scares are hard. I will take them one at a time.


Good choices.

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Had retreat yesterday. It was a day of eating and work......


Tried to be good with the donuts for BK, but ended up eating like three over the 6 hours we were in the conf. room. Subway for lunch, so that wasn't too bad. Still had greek yogurt and some berries for BK with one donut.


Then we did an hour of putt-putt in 97 degree heat.


Then we ate dinner. I did good with the entree, but the appt. we passed around, then margarita, the salad, the bread............I still have 3 weekly points left.


327.6 is my weight this morning. I sure hope the is muscle weight from the swimming.


Right now if I stay with the 327.6 for tomr. the avg. of my week will be 326.7. Which is only a 10th of a gain from last week. But I could go with the 325.6 on Sat. or Sun. and have a little bit of a loss. Hmmmmmmm.




BK: greek yogurt, grapes, kashi cereal


L: bought a frozen pizza thingy. It has two serving in it, so I willl eat one today and one tomr.


S: Peanuts. I waste money on the veggies. I just won't eat them. I need to just buy like the single serving frozen things if I want to get any veggies in me.




W: Swimming. My back is slowly feeling better. I think it was muscle strain. So I will forgo any extra workouts this week until it feels healed. I didn't go workout yesterday, but putt-putt in 97 degree weather has got to have some exercise value. I did do 50 laps the other day in the pool. Sometimes the camp kids distract me and I lose count a bit, but I'm pretty sure I'm only usually off by 1 or 2 laps. So, that is good. I went in at 4:05 and came out at 5:12, so just a little over an hour.


Okay, gotta get back to work.


Good Choices.:D

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Just checking in. Brooke....you are so dilligent about recording everything here!!


Good for you for facing your bathing suit fears and wearing you new one to the pool. I feel the very same way. I don't exercise in a pool, but I know it would be tough in a tankini.


I am happy to report that I am doing really well. For the past 4 1/2 weeks, I have been completely back on track. It has paid off because I have lost 15 lbs. That brings my total to 38. It has not been easy. I ride my stationary bicycle 10 miles per day. This is the most I have exercised in my entire life. I am trying not to get too excited. I have lost and gained and lost and gained hundreds of pounds throughout the years. I just hope that this is it. :D

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Thanks. I'm just trying to stay on track. And thanks, I'm proud I did the bathing suit too. I wore again yesterday. Much easier to swim laps in, lol. And congrats on the 38lbs!!!!!!


Okay, weigh ins:










So..........If I got with the lowest weight of the week I would have lost .8lbs. If I go for the average of all the weigh ins. I will be 326.6 and will have gained .2lbs. If I go with Fridays weigh in I will have gained .6lbs.


Good grief. Can't weight be simple???????


I'm going with the 325.6.


Did about an hour and 20 mins in the pool yesterday. I had stir fry for dinner though it was hot as heck cooking it in my kitchen.


BK: Greek yogurt, Kashi cereal, fruit


L: I'm torn. I had bought those french bread pizza things yesterday, not realizing they were really for the toaster oven and not realizing they were like 11 points a piece and not really filling. I don't really want subway, I've had it too many times this week. I might have to go grab something at the store.


D: Eh, its friday and our usual fair is pizza, just preparing my points for that.


W: I can take some extra time off today too and get their early and get in the pool. I made it to 50 laps yesterday just in time for the campers to show up. I'm hoping I can do that again.


My back is still being a pain, but not as much. Still, I probably need to go back into the Dr. and get my chiro to call him and recommend some anti-inflam again.


Good choices.

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Okay, it was a strange weekend. I actually went and checked out a house on Saturday with the family. It was a foreclosure and was really cheap, but of course you never know until you see these things. The entire basement was covered in mold. I mean you could see it. The door going down to the basement had mold on it. There was standing water in the basement. The foundation would have to be dug up to fix the leak. Along with some cosmetics upstairs.........around $12,000 is what me and my brother estimated. Its on the side of a hill too. In the winter......it would be impossible to get out. For the price.......i should jump on it. But, I just can't see myself in that house. It did make me start thinking about finding a place. But I know that i need to buckle down and save some money for a good down payment first. But we still looked at some other places (good to have family in the real estate market).


My grandfather has been in the hospital since late last week with a serious infection and is hopefully getting out today. My SIL "foster shower" was on Sunday. It was very emotional for her, she even made me cry. She asked everyone to bring a book they loved as a child. I bought "The Wizard of Oz." What better book to read to a child who isn't from a typical home environment than a story about finding home.


I think I did "okay" with food. I didn't get much exercise in. But I'm doing an hour a day with the pool and I got in four days last week. I'm hoping for five this week. I'm going to call the chiro for an apt. to get him to check my back and then I'll see about adding the additional time in the gym twice a week.




Sat: 326

Sun: 327

Mon: 328.2


I don't know what is going on here. I think maybe not enough water. So I will try and chug some down this week and flush out my system. I've also been out of my vita product for about two days, not that I think that has anything to do with it. I did add in reg. vitas until I get my new shipment though.


BK: Greek yogurt, pineapple, skim milk with Kashi cereal


L: I bought Bird's Eye steamable pasta and broccoli, but then I bought this oscar meyer little meal thingy....it has that Arnold flat bread with shaved chicken breast and I think a cheese slice. Then you get a 100 calorie pack (chocolate covered pretzels-I won't it them b/c I don't like them) and sugar free jello. 370c. I figure I will replace the 100 snack pack with the low fat cheese sticks I have. So one or the other of those.


S: I have been neglecting veggies. That is all there is too it. We know how I wasted the fresh veggies and cooking veggies at work is difficult. But I will find a way to have some once I wrap my head around it. At least for this week though, I'm going to use low sodium V8 juice to help at least get some veggie like something in my body.


D: There is a salmon almond crusted frozen fillet still left in the freezer and I think I will have some California veggies (frozen carrots, cauliflower) with it and maybe a baked potato.


W: I'm waiting on the pool schd. to come out, but I hope to get in the pool today. I think there are still new camps coming in this week, so probably won't be as lucky to not have to worry about that, but that is how the cookie crumbles. I have been doing 50 laps and I think I will stay there for now. But now I want to add in more of the free style b/c it seems to take more energy for me. So I want to try and do it more than the 10 laps I'm doing it now. I've been trying to do the last 10 laps as the free style. I do a fiver at the beginning, but slowly. So really 15.......so maybe I should try for 20 laps in freestyle, but I will spread them out among the 50.


Well, 88 days until the cruise and I just keep holding on to hope that I will lose a few pounds.............


Good choices.

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Hi again all,


I promised to be better about checking in, so here I am again.


I am still doing well. I am up 2 lbs, but it is "that time of the month", so I am sure that is what it is. I am still getting on that scale everyday, something I know I should not be doing. I get really down in the dumps when the numbers creep up, but at least this time I know there is a reason.


Brooke...I now it's hard to get veggies in. Luckily, I do like them. I see that you do eat salads. One thing that we do at home is grill vegetables (onions, peppers, mushrooms, squash, zucchini) on the outdoor grill. My husband makes extras and I put some in my salads. Delicious. I eat a salad for at least one meal of the day. I will put tuna, turkey, grilled chicken on the salad as well.


Well, I got to make dinner for the kids. This is the hard part for me...cooking a meal for them and not being able to partake in it! They are are 5 and 8 and pretty picky when it comes to food.



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Veggies are hard for me. I'm really picky about them, not really b/c of taste, but texture. I don't like the texture of grilled veggies, the raw I can do if its not a carrot and I have to chew forever, and veggies that have been in soup are sometime icky to me. I'd say that steamed and then crockpot are the ones I've really gotten to like. I mean besides the ones you drench in butter of add cream too, etc. I think for now I'm going with the V8 just to get some in my system and then try to eat a few servings for dinner.


Weigh ins:


Sat: 326

Sun: 327

Mon: 328.2

Tues: 327.8


I'm not sure what is happening with my weight. Its like a trend. One week I'm up, then the next I'm down, then back up and back down. I've been in the same range for a quite a while now. I guess I'm maintaining when I want to be losing. Do you guys think its exercise or food? If I had to bet I'd say its food. WW is confusing me this time. I should be going down, but I'm just maintaining. :confused:


Moving on. I got about 50 mins in the pool. The hours aren't the same as last week. Then I have a chiro apt on Thurs. so I won't be able to swim that day and they won't be open Friday. Actually after Thursday, they won't be open until Fall, or so they say. I'm gonna miss swimming and I'm too cheap to go join the YMCA just to swim.....plus.........the Y would be busier than our pool and laps wouldn't be easy. Hopefully, some Fall hours will be good for me to use it. But I guess its back to the gym after this week. My body might like the change, who knows.


I had what I said I would last night. I had my salmon, with a baked potato, and I put a little bit of butter on some frozen veggies with some onion soup mix and steamed them. It was after that I got some cravings and I had eaten my dessert first, so I had side points, but no daily. I resisted up until a point and then ate two little dinner rolls with butter.........but I would have eaten them all if I hadn't have stopped myself.


BK: Greek yogurt ( I might this is 0 fat and naturally sweet), Kashi cereal ( I doubled the serving size to see if adding a few more morning points would kill late night cravings), skim milk, watermelon.


L: I bought some pre-cooked pieces of chicken breast to put in with my steamed pasta and broccoli. I thought maybe the pre-cooked stuff wouldn't have that nasty taste that I hate from leftover chicken. The little sandwich thing was good yesterday. Thin bread, chicken breast sliced, southwest sauce and sugar free jello. I took away the 100 cal. snack and added a cheese stick. I ate some chips for pecking later, but not a serving size.


S: V8


D: I'm really not sure........


W: about 50 mins in the pool.


Good choices

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Good Morning,


Brooke - the V8 sounds like a good idea. I would also just go with the veggies that you like. Better some, than none. :)


Do you clothes feel different? If so, it could be muscle weight from all that exercise. I have not done Weight Watchers online, but I used to go to meetings and follow the old school points program. It worked like a charm. I lost 80 lbs in a year. I don't go now simply because of time and cost. But, I keep those basic principles in my head. Recently, I was stuck for a couple weeks at the same weight and I thought to myself "I am going to be fat forever". The next day I decided to add a little more excercise and take a good hard look at what I was eating and drinking. I stopped drinking diet soda all together. I cut my snacks down to one per day (about 200 calories at a time). No eating after dinner. The lbs starting coming off again. Are the allowed WW points still based on your weight? Perhaps try eating in a lower point range for a week to see if that makes a difference. Maybe shake things up a little bit and you will start going in the right direction again. We can do this. :D


What you/we are doing is the hardest thing. You should be proud of your accomplishments thus far. ;)


Have a great day,


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Someone sent me this article about how it is not about the quantity of the food you eat, but the quality of the food you eat. I thought you might all find it interesting. It makes me want to get more yogurt and peanut butter in:




I do think that I get a lot of veggies in, mostly because receiving that farm box every week forces me to! I also usually have a serving of fruit at breakfast everyday and for a snack. Brooke, I'm trying to think of tips to get the veggies in, since I do think that is important...


Do you like celery? Celery and peanut butter would be a good snack. Or how about cucumbers and cherry tomatoes with a little ranch dip or hummus for a snack? I still am a huge fan of tzatziki in lieu of ranch... it's just a container of Fage greek yogurt (I use 2%), one shredded cucumer with the water squeezed out, juice of one lemon, garlic (usually 1-2 cloves, but you could use garlic powder), and salt and pepper. It's so good and everything in there is actually good for you (you are even sneaking in some veg with the cucumber). If anyone is interested in a recipe, let me know.


I will try to keep thinking - what about adding a small side salad to all of your meals? I like to pre-rinse lettuce, dry it out, and have it in a large ziplock... and cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc. all cleaned and chopped and ready to go. Throw some of each into a bowl and it will help fill you up and also sneak more veg in.

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I'm still not understanding the WW concept that you 'have" to use up all your points..I understand the basics of the points and how the system works, but to me it doesn't make sense that you "have" to use all the points even if you are not hungry. Also, do the points work the same? I would think it would be better to use 3 points up towards eating vegetables instead of 3 points of eating bread..but I dont know..I am just trying to make sense of it. I did read somewhere once that if a diet isn't working, to make sure you are following it EXACTLY the way it is written..no sneaking a tsp of this or that in there, etc..I am not saying anyone is doing this, but I know sometimes out of habit we eat extra without thinking of it assuming "its not going to hurt anything"


Vegetables..is there a way to combine fruit and a vegetable in the juicer or blender and make a smoothie somehow out of it? I love smoothies made with beets, ginger, and oranges but I dont know if the WW system allows for that..


Random thoughts here.. :)


Good Morning,


Brooke - the V8 sounds like a good idea. I would also just go with the veggies that you like. Better some, than none. :)


Do you clothes feel different? If so, it could be muscle weight from all that exercise. I have not done Weight Watchers online, but I used to go to meetings and follow the old school points program. It worked like a charm. I lost 80 lbs in a year. I don't go now simply because of time and cost. But, I keep those basic principles in my head. Recently, I was stuck for a couple weeks at the same weight and I thought to myself "I am going to be fat forever". The next day I decided to add a little more excercise and take a good hard look at what I was eating and drinking. I stopped drinking diet soda all together. I cut my snacks down to one per day (about 200 calories at a time). No eating after dinner. The lbs starting coming off again. Are the allowed WW points still based on your weight? Perhaps try eating in a lower point range for a week to see if that makes a difference. Maybe shake things up a little bit and you will start going in the right direction again. We can do this. :D


What you/we are doing is the hardest thing. You should be proud of your accomplishments thus far. ;)


Have a great day,


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Here is the recipe I use for tzatziki, enjoy!!! I'm not sure if it is completely authentic, but it is delicious. Best chilled or even after it sits overnight. Keep in the refrigerator and stir before serving.


Tzatziki Sauce


2 cups plain Greek yogurt (I used a large container of Fage 2%)

1 hothouse cucumber, shredded, with the water squeezed out

2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (I used the juice of one whole lemon, but I like lemon!)

2 garlic cloves, finely minced

2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh dill (optional, I didn't have it and it was still good!)

Salt and pepper, to taste


In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients. Taste and season with salt and pepper.

Edited by RachieLnnn
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Someone sent me this article about how it is not about the quantity of the food you eat, but the quality of the food you eat. I thought you might all find it interesting. It makes me want to get more yogurt and peanut butter in:




I do think that I get a lot of veggies in, mostly because receiving that farm box every week forces me to! I also usually have a serving of fruit at breakfast everyday and for a snack. Brooke, I'm trying to think of tips to get the veggies in, since I do think that is important...


Do you like celery? Celery and peanut butter would be a good snack. Or how about cucumbers and cherry tomatoes with a little ranch dip or hummus for a snack? I still am a huge fan of tzatziki in lieu of ranch... it's just a container of Fage greek yogurt (I use 2%), one shredded cucumer with the water squeezed out, juice of one lemon, garlic (usually 1-2 cloves, but you could use garlic powder), and salt and pepper. It's so good and everything in there is actually good for you (you are even sneaking in some veg with the cucumber). If anyone is interested in a recipe, let me know.


I will try to keep thinking - what about adding a small side salad to all of your meals? I like to pre-rinse lettuce, dry it out, and have it in a large ziplock... and cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc. all cleaned and chopped and ready to go. Throw some of each into a bowl and it will help fill you up and also sneak more veg in.


Great article. This is a question I've often asked and never really had an answer too. The value of what you eat. Like soda is an empty 240 calories, no value whatsoever. Me and mom argue over sugar intake vs. fat intake. She says get low fat, but that means more sugar. When I get low fat......she ask about the sugar........you can't win, lol. I think they make good points. Avocados are full of fat, but good fat and so is peanut butter. I think the logic is there.


I won't to eat veggies. Like I said I like them cooked a certain way. I think i will just have to use dinner as my main source of veggies. I was trying not to eat dips with them or add calories with them, but I might have to do some low calorie dips like you hav suggeste.

I'm still not understanding the WW concept that you 'have" to use up all your points..I understand the basics of the points and how the system works, but to me it doesn't make sense that you "have" to use all the points even if you are not hungry. Also, do the points work the same? I would think it would be better to use 3 points up towards eating vegetables instead of 3 points of eating bread..but I dont know..I am just trying to make sense of it. I did read somewhere once that if a diet isn't working, to make sure you are following it EXACTLY the way it is written..no sneaking a tsp of this or that in there, etc..I am not saying anyone is doing this, but I know sometimes out of habit we eat extra without thinking of it assuming "its not going to hurt anything"


Vegetables..is there a way to combine fruit and a vegetable in the juicer or blender and make a smoothie somehow out of it? I love smoothies made with beets, ginger, and oranges but I dont know if the WW system allows for that..


Random thoughts here.. :)


I know what you are saying about eating when you are not hungry. I don't know if that is a real problem. I'm probably eating when I'm not hungry though, but I still use up all my points anyway. I think the concept is your body needs a certain about of calories to function and that is your basic points for the day and that's why they say eat all your points. But you are right. Maybe I need to go back and read the diet plan again, maybe I'm missing something or forgetting something. Can't hurt. The juicer sounds good. Its like a V8 splash. I just have a blender though. I might price some juicers out and see how much they are.


Here is the recipe I use for tzatziki, enjoy!!! I'm not sure if it is completely authentic, but it is delicious. Best chilled or even after it sits overnight. Keep in the refrigerator and stir before serving.


Tzatziki Sauce


2 cups plain Greek yogurt (I used a large container of Fage 2%)

1 hothouse cucumber, shredded, with the water squeezed out

2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (I used the juice of one whole lemon, but I like lemon!)

2 garlic cloves, finely minced

2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh dill (optional, I didn't have it and it was still good!)

Salt and pepper, to taste


In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients. Taste and season with salt and pepper.


That actually sounds really good. Is it a sweet or salty taste? Its sounds like it would be a bit tangy, but in a good way.

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I did 35 laps in about 45 mins yesterday b/c I did more freestyle which takes me less time to swim. I went simple for dinner. I had peanut butter sandwich on honey wheat and then a tomato sandwich with chips. I did eat some crap I shouldn't have. Mom brought home all these leftover candies form summer school and wouldn't you know it.......Reese Pieces. Ugh, I love those and they are so much easier to eat than a Reese Cup. Just pop them in. I dove into the little baggie......but I stopped and thought about what I was doing. I still got a good amount down before I stopped, but I stopped. I was still hungry though. I sat down and drank some tea and I still had stomach hunger pains. So, I just had a flat bagel with a bit of butter. After that I was fine.


I'm highly disappointed that both the pool and gym will be closed down now until the Fall Coordinator of facilities comes in and sets up times. I really don't want to have to pay for a gym when I have all the facilities here. A little consistency would be nice. I will say that maybe it will change with a grant we got for the gym (although the renovation will shut it down for a while too) and we have this new program at work as part of our benefits. They have hired a health consultant company to come in and they will give us a discount on our insurance deductible if we participate with this company. We get a blood test and stuff done and then they tell us where we need to work on our health and some suggestions. They will be on campus at certain times to consult with too. Can't hurt, right? Well, my supervisor says that it might be a conspiracy to figure out who is healthy and not and start charging them more or something......:rolleyes:.


Weigh ins:

Sat: 326

Sun: 327

Mon: 328.2

Tues: 327.8

Wed: 326.4


BK: Greek yogurt (though I've ate my cereal and fill full, so I think I will just wait a while to eat that), Kashi cereal, skim milk, watermelon


L: Peanut butter sandwich on honey wheat, low fat cheese stick, V8


S: I'm hoping I won't need one.


D: Um, I have some chicken tenders (frozen-grilled) and I might just have that and the leftover veggies.


W: Pool. Let's see how many laps I can make it to in 45-50 mins.


Good Choices.

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Just a quick note to add - the tzatziki dip is definitely savory, not sweet. It might almost take the place of a ranch dressing. I can make a tub of it, and then eat it all week with cut up veg or cherry tomatoes (and sometimes, pita chips too :o)

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Hey ladies,

Sorry I haven't been on lately, got other things on my mind. Still been working out but not as much. We have a friend in town right now, but after he leaves, we'll pick up the exercising and food watching. We have 6 weeks exactly until our next cruise. I'm going to try and maintain my weight without gaining, but we'll see.


I don't get emails for whenever this thread gets a new post. I should be getting them, but I don't. Therefore sometimes I forget about this thread. :(

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A couple of random thoughts..


1. I have a friend who "mashes" cauliflower and uses the butter spray and a little salt..she swears it tastes like mashed potatoes..


2. Juicers: I've actually seen "used" ones at Goodwill but you can buy a decent quality one for around $100. The thing is to make sure it has a strong motor. My first one was a Hamilton Beach I got for around 40.00 at Kmart..it was ok for a basic juicer


I will keep my eyes out for some innovative veggie recipes for you. I love to cook and I love veggies so maybe I can be useful .

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Vegetable Fajitas:


  • 2 1/2 cups julienne-cut zucchini
  • 2 cups julienne-cut yellow squash
  • 2 cups red bell pepper strips
  • 1 1/2 cups vertically sliced red onion
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable soup and dip mix (such as Lipton Recipe Secrets)
  • 4 teaspoons olive oil
  • 8 (8-inch) flour tortillas
  • 1 (16-ounce) can fat-free refried beans
  • 2 cups shredded leaf lettuce
  • 1 cup (4 ounces) reduced-fat shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup chopped tomato
  • 1/2 cup bottled salsa



  • Preheat oven to 450°.
  • Place first 4 ingredients in a large zip-top plastic bag. Add vegetable soup mix and oil to bag; seal and shake to coat. Remove vegetable mixture from bag; place in a 13 x 9-inch baking dish. Bake at 450° for 20 minutes, stirring once.
  • Heat tortillas and beans according to package directions.
  • Spread 3 tablespoons beans over each tortilla, and top with 1/2 cup vegetable mixture and 1/4 cup lettuce. Sprinkle each serving with 2 tablespoons cheese, 2 tablespoons tomato, and 1 tablespoon salsa. Roll up.

This recipe said it was 300 calories per serving. What you could do to make it less: Use 1/4 cup kidney or black beans, use olive oil spray, and corn tortillas.Use less cheese, or omit. Also, I think this is a good basic recipe and you could change the vegetables up. Beans are good becuase they have a lot of fiber, are cheap, and you don't need much to feel full plus have a lot of protein. Instead of a wrap, you could pile it on with the lettuce on top of a corn tortilla and have like a taco salad..you can spray a tortilla with cooking spray and put it in a cupcake tin to make a "shell"..

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