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Cruising to Healthy


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Since Brooke is cruising today, I will be posting my weight daily. ;) No, I won't be doing that. But, I will report that I lost 57 lbs. I have been working a lot of extra hours and running around with my kids, so that has really helped. No time to eat I guess. I am still doing my bike, but increased my time/miles again. Every little bit helps.


2 weeks from today, I will be waking up in Miami ready to sail. So excited!


Have a great weekend everyone.



Wow! 57 lbs, that's huge. Every little bit does help. I've been out in the yard on the few days that it is nice out...won't be long before the snow flies.


Two weeks to your cruise, you should be excited! Are you packed? I just got under the year mark and am excited for that milestone. And hopefully Brooke is soaking up the sunshine right now.


I need to get focused on making better choices...I know I have a year till my cruise but my step daughter is getting married in June and I'd like to be down by then. I have about 80 lbs total that I need to lose but I just got to get started moving in the right direction.




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No, not packed, but everything is out of the closet and ironed on a clothes rack. I am a notorious overpacker, so I am going to see what I can eliminate.


57 lbs was huge until yesterday. Bad eating day. Of course, I have a cold, and nothing but ice cream seemed to soothe my sore throat. None of that business today, so one bad day is not going to break me. I really want to drop 3 before I leave and I know I can do it if I focus. When I get back, I will set my next goal. I would like to lose another 50 or 60. But, we will figure that all when I am back and settled back into the dreaded routine!

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I am going to miss your posts, Brooke. :(


Have a safe trip and a wonderful cruise! I can't wait to hear all about it.


Bon Voyage!

Wow!!!! That's wonderful. Losing 57 pounds before your cruise. I just read this thread today. Did you do anything in particular to assist in your weight loss? Any special eating habit??

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Just checking in. I have been so sick this week with a bad cold. I suppose I should be grateful I am sick this week and not next, but I am not. :( The upside? I have no appetite whatsoever. So, I have lost 58 lbs.


To answer the previous poster...I am not following any special diet. I have just cut down on all portion sizes, have eliminated all soda (diet or otherwise) and fried foods. I also exercise 30-40 minutes a day.

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Just checking in. I have been so sick this week with a bad cold. I suppose I should be grateful I am sick this week and not next, but I am not. :( The upside? I have no appetite whatsoever. So, I have lost 58 lbs.


To answer the previous poster...I am not following any special diet. I have just cut down on all portion sizes, have eliminated all soda (diet or otherwise) and fried foods. I also exercise 30-40 minutes a day.



I hope you get feeling better soon, better now than on vacation. I need to stop drinking pop. I don't keep it in the house anymore. I drink water and iced tea at home but when we go out I get pop.


I am such an overpacker too. I tend to pack early and then spend the last couple days taking things out of the suitcase. I get so tired of bringing things I never wear/use.


Hubby cooked turkey and mashed potatoes for dinner last night, oh so yummy! I did pretty well on portion size and didn't get more even though I wanted it cuz it tasted so good. Had leftovers for breakfast, I seem to do better all day long if I start with a good, balanced breakfast.


Tonight is dinner with hubby's company, it's always a buffet. The food is just ok so it won't be hard to load up on salad and pass on other items. Dessert is always cheesecake which I don't like so that's an easy one. It's gonna be the pop that's an issue they won't have iced tea and I don't drink alcohol, not that it would be any better than pop.


Yard work yesterday and lots more to do today. I feel like I accomplish two things at once as I consider it a workout, I'm sore the next day! ;)


Here's to a day of better choices!



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Paula...I, too, bring things that I "might" wear and then never do. I just need to bring the things that I love and know that I will wear. None of this "just in case" stuff.


Breaking the soda habit was very difficult. I drank diet soda (with an occasional regular one), but it just made me crave other foods. The sodium content of course is not good either. I do have one occasionally when we go out to eat, but even then, I don't like to. May be too much information here, but....I drink it, can burp and feel less full and then I eat more. Not a good pattern to be in.


I am still sick and I just can't sleep at night. I am so hoping and praying for some good rest tonight. I am getting to be a pretty miserable person to be around.


Food wise, I was pretty bad yesterday. I had Taco Bell for dinner. No excuses, I just wanted it. I had a chicken buritto and a crunchy taco. I guess that's not bad.


I am happily off for the rest of the day. I just have my kids to contend with. ;) I hope they let me rest.

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Exercise kicked into high gear yesterday, we got an Xbox Kinect....so after moving gravel we, hubby and I (as it's just the two of us here), played games. Sure got a workout....we both were a bit sore today.


We reset the Wii Fit so we both have new starting weights and can keep track of where we are, then we played games on the Kinect. I hope this works to keep us moving especially with winter just around the corner. If we get as much snow as we have gotten rain this year we'll be spending lots of time inside, as Cleveland has set a new all time record for rain! :eek:


Food choices not good today, too much sugar....at least there's been exercise!


Hope Brooke is having a great cruise and that Rina (tropical storm) hasn't dampened things for them.

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Did 1 1/2 hours of Kinect yesterday! Gotta keep up the exercise, gotta make it fun. It came with a Zumba game, Brooke I don't know how you do it, what a workout Zumba is! And how outta shape I am. :( Even more reason I need to keep it going.


Found a new show on Food Network call Hungry Girl. I've only seen a couple of her shows so far I like some of her ideas.


So far today I've had hot apple cider and a Jimmy Dean's Delight Breakfast sandwich. Not sure what I'll have the rest of the day, wish I could plan my eating better. I'll be out running errands and probably pick up something I'd be better off without.


Hey Kim, hope you're feeling better, you're off soon! Have a super time, can't wait to hear about it!




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HOLY Cold Batman!!!!!


So unfair that it was 80 degrees like 3 days ago and now its like 50 something and snow in some places.


Anyway, I'm back...........kinda:rolleyes:


My desk is not as covered as I thought, but I have 6 pages of email to go through, but today is just a day to get what needs to be done organized and ready to get done, lol.


Okay, sooooooooooooo drum roll for my weight..........




So 3.6lbs gained. I hope some of that is retention from salt and not enough water. I will do my detox tea this week and hopefully that will help purge my system. I counted Sunday as my last day to eat crap. Today I'm back on track. Zumba will be tomr. night (a change for Halloween) and its a good thing b/c I got back just in time to take my nephew T 'n Ting. I think 3.6lbs is good, the avg. is 5-7lb, so I'm below avg. I really tried not to deny myself, but I did listen to my stomach. I think if I get back to eating my points and logging, drinking water again, and the exercise and the 3lbs will be off in no time, I'm hoping by next Friday. I think that is a good goal. I don't want to play around, so a quick goal like that will help me.


Speaking of goals. Well, as soon as my boss gives me the "go ahead" I hope to book my next cruise for the first week of Nov. on the Liberty. The prices are just too GOOD to pass up at this point. I think I will just book a room for myself this time. It will be a group of us, so I won't be "alone" but some space to myself will probably be nice for once. I hate paying double, but the prices are decent enough, I think I can do it. So, here is what I'm thinking for my next goal:


On Thursday (if we book this one) it will be one year out. I need to lose (assuming I get rid of the 3lbs in a week) 21lbs to be in the "200s" (299, but it counts). I think this should be my next goal. But I like a more rounded number, so I will go for 25lbs by next Nov. 3rd. That would be a total of 57lbs lost since I started at 352lbs. So that is about 2lbs a month. I know its a little on the low side, but I'm accounting for a possible plateau.........about time for one again.


Anyway, I'm trying to rid of this leftover sea legs.........maybe a week or so though.


BK: Oatmeal, 2% milk



L: Ramon (I know, but when you get home at 7:30pm after a trip and have to go to work the next day and still have to pull clothes out and try to be a little cleaned up............its what you have time to figure out). and a PB sandwich.


D: Ummm, going to go Trick or Treating like right after work. I might have to grab something on the go. I will work through lunch to see if I can get out of here an hour early to go home and throw something a little warmer on:o.


W: Not tonight, but Zumba tomr, then hopefully back on the elliptical the rest of the week.


Good Choices guys. And I've read through most of the replies since I've been gone! Good job everyone on the progress. 57lbs!!!! WOW!

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Busy trying to catch up today.


Had enough time though to book my next cruise!!!! I needed a countdown! Lucky I have some major holidays coming up to keep me busy and some nephews too.


I booked my first aft wrap this time and so far I'm booked by myself. You think a aft wrap is a waste for just one person? lol.


This will be the longest countdown ever, but I'm excited to see how much weight I can lose. I was kinda hoping that I could do one of those horse rides on the beach, but I have to get down to 250 for that. I don't know if that is possible, but I'll stick with my 25lb goal for now and see later.


Mon. 323.6

Tues. 323.2 (It was the walking I did with my nephew T n Ting.


BK: Oatmeal, cheese stick


L: Leftover half of the stromboli I had for dinner last night


D: I was thinking chicken and birds eye veggie rice mix.


W: Zumba tonight!!


Well, here is to new goals


Good Choices.

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Well, I made it through Zumba. She did some, not so challenging moves tonight, so I think it was a good thing, lol. I couldn't do the spinning parts, I still have too much vertigo from the ship, lol.


I did have a leg cramp last night and one nasty one this morning, in fact I had a few this past weekend. I'm thinking its just from the long drive and will go away once I get back into things. I'll try some bananas to help too.


I splurged on some donuts yesterday. They don't have donuts on cruises and I think this is the second time I've come back craving them, lol. Well, the craving went all weekend and Monday, so I decided just to give in yesterday and have some mini chocolate ones. I think I'm good now. I called mom on my way home from Zumba and asked her to pan sear me some chicken tenders. I put some bird's eye rice/veggies in it with some low sodium soy sauce. I should know better than to ask mom to cook the chicken though. As much as she tells me about how to eat well, that pan was full of oil and the chicken was actually had a bit of a crust on it from the grease..............oh well. I had a bit of ice cream after, withdrawls from the 247 ice cream on the ship. I'll work it all out of my system I'm sure. I just keep thinking about where I can be in a year.


Mon. 323.6

Tues. 323.2

Wed. 322.8


Looking good. Going down.


Went to the dentist this morning, my face is still numb. That stuff affects me weird. My nose and eyeballs and back to my neck get numb a bit. Makes me a bit drowsey too.


BK: Oatmeal, cheese stick


L: Okay, I haven't had the chance to get back into a groove for lunch yet. I'm lucky I had oatmeal already at work or BK would have bad too. So, I just grabbed a loaf of bread at the store, some PB and a few packs of ramon. I know how bad ramon is for you, but just for this week............I need to just flub a bit. I'm not going over points, just not making the best choices.


D: Maybe a hamburger. I actually didn't have a hamburger on the cruise, not once.


W: I will rest tonight and do something on Thurs. Since my week has been skewed I will just do two workouts this week.


Well, I can't believe I've booked another cruise. I'm so nervous about this one, like something is going to go wrong or something. I want to buy insurance right away, but I need to wait until I purchase my flight first. Oh well, life happens right and sometimes you just have to go with it. We will see.


Good Choices.

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I am leaving for Miami on Friday. :D


I have been horrible with exercise this past week. I had been really really sick, so I just couldn't do it. I wasn't sleeping at night. I went 4 nights with less than 4 hours of sleep at night. Once I hit the Nyquil Friday night I starting feeling better. So, my weight loss stands at 58 lbs. I'll take it!!


Now, so much to do. It wouldn't feel so overwhelming, but since we don't take the kids, I have to also clean the entire house. My mom stays here, so it needs to be done. It's not getting done with me on CC either.


Great job Brooke! The scale is moving down again. I saw your pics on FB. Beautiful!! I am super jealous that you have already booked another cruise. This will likely be our last for a long time. The next one will probably be a Disney cruise in a few years. So, can I start that countdown?


I can't believe that I will be in Miami in 48 hrs. Then on to Boca Raton that night for a concert and then boarding the ship Saturday. Not a bad way to spend a weekend. If I don't get back on before then...Bon Voyage to me! :)

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Hi Everyone!


Hope you are all doing great. Brooke you looked so good and happy on your cruise. :)


Kim- have fun on your cruise and guess what? I'm at 58 pounds as of today too!! Feels Great! :D


Brooke we are probably wearing the same size clothes. I've had to buy new ones and found ones I've had BRAND NEW in my closet. We should trade clothes. lol

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I am leaving for Miami on Friday. :D


I have been horrible with exercise this past week. I had been really really sick, so I just couldn't do it. I wasn't sleeping at night. I went 4 nights with less than 4 hours of sleep at night. Once I hit the Nyquil Friday night I starting feeling better. So, my weight loss stands at 58 lbs. I'll take it!!


Now, so much to do. It wouldn't feel so overwhelming, but since we don't take the kids, I have to also clean the entire house. My mom stays here, so it needs to be done. It's not getting done with me on CC either.


Great job Brooke! The scale is moving down again. I saw your pics on FB. Beautiful!! I am super jealous that you have already booked another cruise. This will likely be our last for a long time. The next one will probably be a Disney cruise in a few years. So, can I start that countdown?


I can't believe that I will be in Miami in 48 hrs. Then on to Boca Raton that night for a concert and then boarding the ship Saturday. Not a bad way to spend a weekend. If I don't get back on before then...Bon Voyage to me! :)


Bon Voyage My Friend! I think you've def. made it, feel good about it. :D

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Hi Everyone!


Hope you are all doing great. Brooke you looked so good and happy on your cruise. :)


Kim- have fun on your cruise and guess what? I'm at 58 pounds as of today too!! Feels Great! :D


Brooke we are probably wearing the same size clothes. I've had to buy new ones and found ones I've had BRAND NEW in my closet. We should trade clothes. lol


It was a good time Jess. Many giggles.


58lbs!! Go to it girl! Its always great when you find your groove :D


We could totally exchange clothes, lol. I'm itching to purchase some fall/winter stuff now. I have to check my credit cards at this point though. You know me though, I can't help it.

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Man, what a week.


I had two hamburgers last night and some ice cream. I went out for lunch, but I just had a loaded baked potatoe and I had a PB sandwich for a snack later. Still came out really well.


I will have to forgo exercise until I can get to the chiro. That fall I took when I got back has set it and done more than I thought. I'm actually pretty annoyed with the pain and even IBprofen doesn't help that much. Thank GOD that he had apt. tomr. afternoon, so I wouldn't have to wait the whole weekend.


Had blood taken this morning for a wellness program through work. I get 10$ back each month if I just did the test. If I follow through with their suggestions, then it will go up to $20. I think its a good deal.


Their scale said I was 327...........lol, but I had shoes and clothes on :p. I weigh at home with the bare necessities on. It doesn't matter though b/c I'm going by my scale and mine says:


Mon. 323.6

Tues. 323.2

Wed. 322.8

Thurs. 322.6


BK: Oatmeal, cheese stick, banana, pineapple (they had fruit after they took my blood, thought I could use some)


L: Ramon and PB


D: Meatball casserole, mom made it for tonight


W: postponed until the chiro can fix me.



Well, one year until my cruise. That is a lot of planning time, lol.


Good Choices

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I am checking in one last time! I am all packed and ready to travel. We are leaving the house at 5:30am. :eek: I just have to do some primping before I go to sleep.


Jess.....That's wonderful!! I am so happy for you! I am sure that you will far surpass me by the time I get home. There will be no formal exercise this week, but I will try to make some good choices along the way.


Oh........does that countdown really read what I think it does? So cool!! Tomorrow night at this time, I will be seeing my favorite rock star in Boca Raton. The excitement is overwhelming me at this point.


Have a great week everyone and I will write when I get back.


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I am checking in one last time! I am all packed and ready to travel. We are leaving the house at 5:30am. :eek: I just have to do some primping before I go to sleep.


Jess.....That's wonderful!! I am so happy for you! I am sure that you will far surpass me by the time I get home. There will be no formal exercise this week, but I will try to make some good choices along the way.


Oh........does that countdown really read what I think it does? So cool!! Tomorrow night at this time, I will be seeing my favorite rock star in Boca Raton. The excitement is overwhelming me at this point.


Have a great week everyone and I will write when I get back.




Bon Voyage!!!!!!

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Well, I woke up with a nasty little headache this morning. Ugh, one of those that make your vision a bit blurry. Between that and my back I almost called into work, but I know that would be a silly reason, so I got my butt up. I'm a bit dizzy though. I think between the veritgo from the ship and my allergies kicking up I'm just having a hard time. Hopefully, I can rest this weekend and get myself back to a better place.


I went a little overboard last night. I was craving stuff. I had my meatball casserole and I thought I was doing well with that and then some milk and a few oreos. Later though I started craving salt. I had like 1/2 handful of chips and thought I'd be good, but nooooooooo. I got into the bag of goldfish, thank God it was almost empty b/c I finished them off. The stupid thing was there was popcorn in the cabinet (I just didn't know it) and that would have been a LOT better choice. I went over daily points a bit, but I hadn't really touched my weekly points this week, so I was okay.


Mon. 323.6

Tues. 323.2

Wed. 322.8

Thurs. 322.6

Fri. 323


So, my official weight was 322.6. That is 2.6lbs to lose by next week. I may have to get a day of exercise in this weekend.


BK: Oatmeal and cheese stick


L: ramon and pb


D: Ummmmmmmm....haven't had much time to look in the fridge, but I'll rustle something up.


W: Chiro today, thank goodness.


Well, lets see if I can get through the day with my back and headache, lol.


Good Choices.

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Having my morning oatmeal, lol. I sound old.


It was a short weekend. Sat. was spent being an auntie all day, then Sunday was spent doing laundry, ironing and putting all the suitcases and stuff away. I had planned on being more organized about it, but honestly...........I just wanted it up and out of my way. Hope I can find stuff for next year, lol.


We did a lot of walking around on Sat. so I counted a few exercise points for that, plus lifting the baby and Adam too.


Sat. 322.6

Sun. 321

Mon. 321.6


I'm really hoping to see 320. Even if it has a . something attached. I just want to get going. But I know I need to have patience.


BK: Oatmeal, probably a cheese stick for snack


L: Ramon and PB- I made an extra burger last night, but forgot to grab it this morning. I haven't got back in the loop entirely yet.


D: Spicey chicken and rice.........I hope.


W: Zumba!


The chiro had to work on me a bit longer b/c I def. hurt myself falling. I'm still sore, so I know it must have been bad. Hopefully I can get back to workouts this week.


Here goes another day....


Good Choices.


PS-So jealous of Kim right now!

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Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend.


I really need to get back on track. I have been really bad with the Halloween candy! I have realized that what I need to do is NOT BUY junk, and I won't eat it. If I don't have it in the house, I'm fine. But if I am home alone and it's there... it's hard to stay away! I have been pretty good about serving sizes, it's just that I've been having it every day.


Overall, I did not go totally unprocessed during the month of October. IT was really, really hard. But I did make some changes that I think I will stick to. One is making a roast on the weekend so that we can have it for lunchmeat during the week. Those types of sandwiches just taste so much better than lunchmeat, anyway.


There are a few other things but I can't think of them right now.


Bon Voyage, Kim! Have a great time!!! I can't wait to hear abotu your trip when you get back.


Brooke, sounds like you had a great time on your cruise too! Did you write a cruise review? If so I'll have to look for it.


Have a great week everyone!

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Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend.


I really need to get back on track. I have been really bad with the Halloween candy! I have realized that what I need to do is NOT BUY junk, and I won't eat it. If I don't have it in the house, I'm fine. But if I am home alone and it's there... it's hard to stay away! I have been pretty good about serving sizes, it's just that I've been having it every day.


Overall, I did not go totally unprocessed during the month of October. IT was really, really hard. But I did make some changes that I think I will stick to. One is making a roast on the weekend so that we can have it for lunchmeat during the week. Those types of sandwiches just taste so much better than lunchmeat, anyway.


There are a few other things but I can't think of them right now.


Bon Voyage, Kim! Have a great time!!! I can't wait to hear abotu your trip when you get back.


Brooke, sounds like you had a great time on your cruise too! Did you write a cruise review? If so I'll have to look for it.


Have a great week everyone!



Candy........its evil. I don't have any in my office, but the lady downstairs brings in her kids leftovers...........but I limit myself to stop by there only once a day. lol


I'm with you on getting back on track though. Its hard taking 3 steps back after you had met the goal, but as long as you know you did it before, you can do it again. I plan on it and then some.

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Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, so I have a date tonight. It kinda happened quick. I was really surprised b/c he had so many of the qualities I was looking for and he has said some perfect things.........so perfect that I can't believe it almost. He is local too, well next town. In fact, he just texted me good morning.....:p


Anyway, after emailing, we started texting and he asked me out for coffee, so we decided today since I would be out of town this weekend-Ghost Hunting, which he actually thinks is really cool. I just hope we still have stuff to talk about after texting the for almost 24 hours this weekend.


So........back to the topic.


I had a crispy chicken sandwich last night from Hardees. I know, horrible, but I wanted it. I didn't order fries, but I knew I had some leftover from last night at home. I re-baked them, but didn't eat them all. Cut myself off when I wasn't hungry anymore. Had some whipped cream for dessert, lol.


Zumba was fun. New dances for the most part, so I never get the best workout those night b/c I'm just trying to keep up. But still moving, so.........


Sat. 322.6

Sun. 321

Mon. 321.6

Tues. 322


Okay, if I only hit 321 this week, its not the end of the world. I know I have been losing about a 1lb a week, soooooooooooo I'm okay with that.


BK: Oatmeal, fresh picked apple.


L: Hamburger patty, applesauce..........weird I know, but hey whatever.


D: Ummm, a latte, lol. I don't know if we are going to eat or not. I have to come straight from work to go vote, then into town to meet him.


W: Got a date, so no.


Had a good sleep last night. I was out for a long time before I woke up and did my traditional turn over, lol. Normally I turn several times at night, but not tonight, I actually thought it was time to wake up. Hopefully, my sleep pattern is back to normal now and I won't get the slump during the day.


Well, I guess we will see how tonight goes.


Good Choices.

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