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Cruising to Healthy


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Hey all,


Brooke I hope you are feeling better! Sounds like quite the bug. Hope everyone else is well, too.


Well I have not been very focused lately... no excuses, I just don't think I've had motivation to go for it. But I'm tired of that so I have decided to give myself a few firm dates/goals.


First goal is 10 pounds by April 14th. I will see a bunch of extended family that day, and I was thinking how nice it would be to be a bit slimmer by then. That's 7 weeks away, so I think it's doable.


Next goal is an additional 15 pounds by June. I will be taking a trip to Paris and London and would love to be able to wear some of my cuter summer clothes then. At that point, I would be about 5-10 pounds away from my goal (honestly I would be happy with 25 total lost).


I guess I'm just tired of this weight loss dragging out. I want to get my butt in gear and change my habits for good. In order to do this, I think I'm going to have to start tracking calories again (it really works for me) AND waking up in the mornings to work out. I have never been good at waking up early, but now that it is getting light out earlier I'm going to go for it. If I can workout in the mornings, then I don't have to worry about it later that day. I can just go get a half hour of ellliptical in and then shower and go about my day. I did that in college and loved my shape. So it's really just getting up maybe 45 minutes early, not too bad.


I know what I'm supposed to do (move more and eat nutritious whole foods), so why is it so hard? No excuses this time.


Oh, one other thing I need to start doing is limiting my alcoholic beverages to 1-2 drinks (maybe a glass of wine if we are having a nice dinner). I think the way to do that is just to track it along with my food. Those wine calories add up!!!

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Hey all,


Brooke I hope you are feeling better! Sounds like quite the bug. Hope everyone else is well, too.


Well I have not been very focused lately... no excuses, I just don't think I've had motivation to go for it. But I'm tired of that so I have decided to give myself a few firm dates/goals.


First goal is 10 pounds by April 14th. I will see a bunch of extended family that day, and I was thinking how nice it would be to be a bit slimmer by then. That's 7 weeks away, so I think it's doable.


Next goal is an additional 15 pounds by June. I will be taking a trip to Paris and London and would love to be able to wear some of my cuter summer clothes then. At that point, I would be about 5-10 pounds away from my goal (honestly I would be happy with 25 total lost).


I guess I'm just tired of this weight loss dragging out. I want to get my butt in gear and change my habits for good. In order to do this, I think I'm going to have to start tracking calories again (it really works for me) AND waking up in the mornings to work out. I have never been good at waking up early, but now that it is getting light out earlier I'm going to go for it. If I can workout in the mornings, then I don't have to worry about it later that day. I can just go get a half hour of ellliptical in and then shower and go about my day. I did that in college and loved my shape. So it's really just getting up maybe 45 minutes early, not too bad.


I know what I'm supposed to do (move more and eat nutritious whole foods), so why is it so hard? No excuses this time.


Oh, one other thing I need to start doing is limiting my alcoholic beverages to 1-2 drinks (maybe a glass of wine if we are having a nice dinner). I think the way to do that is just to track it along with my food. Those wine calories add up!!!




I know sometimes its just plain hard, even though the concept is so simple.

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Sat. 316.2

Sun. 315.6


I surely hope the trend goes down more. I really want to continue to lose. The virus kind, "cleared" my system and reset my hunger, but I fear I'm getting back to normal and cravings (mental) are coming back. Well, Mother Nature is getting closer too. I really want to change some things, but its going to take a lot of mental work. I mean small changes to most, but to me......make a simple food change is a struggle.


I actually went yesterday and got a "reading." I've never really been "one of those people" but I do believe in things like Happenstance, fate, destiny, etc. But I do believe our own personal choices can make changes in all of those (free will). But I thought it would just be fun. In a sense though, maybe it was fate, giving me a push, telling me what I needed to hear in order to realize I am making the right choices. You know what I mean. Sometimes you just need someone to say, "Yep, that sounds right," to give you the confidence to move forward. Maybe it is the cosmos or maybe just a push from the world, who knows. But it gave me some confidence in my life choices right now and it did remind me that I'm not always in control of things, that there is someone bigger at work.


Anyway, it was fun and interesting a bit shocking, but mostly all positive. Actually, a bit eerie how close it came to somethings. I didn't speak all but 10 words the whole time. I didn't want to disclose any clues, lol.


BK: low fat wheat waffles, w/ 1/2 tbsp of butter, and some Kayro syrup (did you know that reg. syrup is like 210 for 2 tbsp, whole Kayro is 120!!! good grief, that is def. a change I can make)


L: I have some leftover Marghertia pizza from dinner yesterday. Might eat that.


D: Hopefully, mom gets some good stuff from the store.


W: I want to do a round on the bike, in between laundry and such.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 316.2

Sun. 315.6

Mon. 316.2


Ugh, I really just want to see a more downward turn at this point...........and I can.


BK: Oatmeal


L: Cereal, I know I need to do more, but its just safe and easy for now.


D: Umm, I think some chicken and light seasoned veggies


W: Zumba tonight.


Went out late looking at houses yesterday. Note to sellers, ummmm make sure your house doesn't have fleas.....ew (thank God I was wearing pants, but my poor cousin had on shorts). Saw a house that was pretty great, but then we found out it was out of my price range, oops. Oh well.


I was out late so I was very tempted to go by a fast food place. Then I made myself think about it. Was I mentally craving hamburgers and fries or physically wanting them? When I checked my stomach and taste buds.........I didn't want them. So I went home and had some homemade soup and a few tortilla chips, didn't finish the bowl of soup. Had a small bowl of ice cream later. Did eat all three pieces of pizza at lunch either. Small steps I suppose. I just want to continue.


My brother went out yesterday looking for a new chair for his dining table.........went to one of those warehouse sales..........his wife found a new cheap living room set and whole new dining set, lol. Guess who is getting their old stuff? We are having to rearrange the sitting room (we never use it) to find a place to put the furniture until I actually find a place to live. I guess my parents love me.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 316.2

Sun. 315.6

Mon. 316.2

Tues. 316


I'm not going to let possibly gaining .6lbs down. I mean my body is still probably leveling out on food from the virus and now mother nature is on her way, so sometimes you just have to realize that these things take time and I will eventually make it and I will get there.........giving up is not an option. I will also look at the fact that I was seeing the number 315 and so far I've seen it two weeks in a row. So, I think I need to change my mind and find a new number to focus on and I think that number will be 309......it will get me out of the teens and double digits of the 300s and one step closer to the 200s. 309, 309, 309, 309, 309, 309, 309, 309, 309, 309 (its said saying something 10xs is catching).


BK: Oatmeal


L: Maybe some protien sandwich from sheetz, I know its eating out, but I have a$10 card from there and I will be out for lunch b/c I will be at the Dr. for my health check up for my insurance.


D: I think I might do a hamburger, maybe not bun with just mustard and mayo, a slice of cheese and slices of pickles. We have some sweet potato fries left too, baked of course.


W: 25 mins on this ellpt.


I forgot that the students aren't here this week, so no zumba last night, but I figured it out before time slipped away and got on my workout clothes and over to the gym (limited hours without students too) and got in 25 mins at a good pace on the ellpt. It felt good. I hope it will help my body balance back out.


I bet my bp will be up today at my check b/c I'm already up in arms about having to talk about my weight. But this is a new dr. to practice, so I should give the benefit of the doubt and just calm down. But I've been through this so many times before I just don't know any other way. I plan on being open, but firm.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 316.2

Sun. 315.6

Mon. 316.2

Tues. 316

Wed. 316


Well, I want jinx myself by saying what I want to say, but maybe you can guess what I'm thinking.


Did 25 mins again and I had 2 burger patties, no bun, no mayo, just ketchup and mustard, tomato slice on one and cheese slice and pickles on the other. Small serving of baked sweet potato fries. I did indulge in a home made cookie and some chips and salsa too. I think I'm just gonna have to start leaving room for a snack after dinner instead of using up extra points for it.


BK: Jimmy Dean three cheese omelet, two turkey sausage patties


L: Turkey lunch meat, a couple slices of bacon, and cheese stick


D: Chicken stir fry


W: 25 mins. ellpt.


Notice anything about my food? Yep, lots of protein. My little Dr. apt. yesterday was okay in some senses. First, I just told them I needed a wellness visit for my insurance. I guess they took that another way. I came in they started talking blood work. Umm, I had already ate oatmeal. But she did it anyway. Then they wanted to do a pelvic.........and I was like, ummmmmm don't need one, lol. I think we finally got in sync after that.


We went over everything on my insurance sheet that I got back in Jan. And we talked about weight and practices etc. She said my HDL was okay, but on the low side, but no pills for that anyway. Exercise and maybe some Niacin (?) would help raise it. But it comes from family history. She said she doesn't think my BP is a problem and agrees that I was probably nervous over the blood being taken b/c my last three visit I was in a good range. She didn't like my Blood Sugar being so close to the line though, so we talked about that, which co-mingled with my weight management talk.


Ultimately, she likes the WW system and agrees it works and is good for long term needs. She likes that I've been losing at a fair pace, but says I have a love way to go and wants to see if I can lose at a little higher rate. She wants me to try and reduce carb intake b/c of my blood sugar level and my weight. Now, you guys know I've been down this road before, so no big surprise. But, I have to say that the way a Dr. approaches you about such things can really make a difference. She said she couldn't give me a number for how many carbs I needed to take in, but just try and reduce them by cutting out some. My organized mind doesn't do well with just that kind of thing, so we discussed finding a baseline of what I normally eat on a daily basis, then trying to cut that slowly each week until I feel like it may be causing me anxiety, level out for a while and just see how low I can go eventually. I can do decreasing slowly and can respect that she asked me to decrease and not cut out. She also said, that she would not pretend to know what it feels like for me, but she has to stay on top of her weight and diet everyday b/c she is prone to gaining. That made me feel like she understood a little more.


She agreed with my exercise for now and I told her i would try to increase it in some manner to move myself up. The only thing I'm worried about now is when I got home I had two phone calls from her asking me to call her. Well, if that doesn't make you worry........but she technically won't be in until Thursday again. I'm gonna try and call her nurse and see if she can tell me what they wanted. I hate to have to worry about it. It was bad enough I got all up in arms that my boss kept trying to call me during my apt. about a situation with another higher up and some emails I got. I'm still waiting on her to give me an explanation. I know I didn't do anything wrong, but still just b/c you didn't, doesn't mean anything when someone else thinks you did. I'm not sure the case actually, so I'm just trying to patiently wait for her to come and explain.


I guess I'm also a little up in arms too about my nephews who will probably see their mother for the first time in 5 months tomr. Its hard not to worry, though I know most of this is out of my hands and worry will only hurt me. I'm gonna try and just get through the day and then get some more exercise to help with stress levels.


Good choices.

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Sat. 316.2

Sun. 315.6

Mon. 316.2

Tues. 316

Wed. 316


Well, not going to complain.


BK: egg/cheese omelet, turkey sausage


L: some deli turkey, mayo mustard, cheese stick and carrots, maybe some pickles too


D: I had salmon last night, so chicken stir fry tonight


W: 25 mins. on the ellpt.


Well, first day of low carb went fairly well. I mean I did have cravings and I DID feel my body trying to make me just grab stuff. Dinner was the hardest. I was trying to cook and keep away from all the cookies and things laying on the counter right beside me. I bought some dill pickle chips and put them on the counter beside me and just reached for one of them instead. It was something to keep my mouth busy until I could get dinner ready. I did eat a carb smart bar while fixing dinner to help satisfy the craving.


I had a salmon fillet with a bit of oil, lemon pepper, salt and some low sodium soy sauce. Baked some frozen red potatoes that had black pepper seasoning on them (about 5 oz) and then sautd. some french green beans with a bit of butter and the oil and seasoning left in the pan from the salmon. It was filling a good. I know the potatoes were over kill, but for my first day i expected some give. I made a low carb shake (I guess as low carb as a shake can be) with half a banana, 1/2 atkins chocolate shake, 1/2 cup of carb smart ice cream, 1 cup of ice, 1/4 cup of 1% milk (probably could have sub'd the milk for water). It was about 27 carbs. That was it for the night. I felt satisfied. I also came in right at my points for the day.


Still gained .6lbs. But I think i will just have to increase my fiber intake with powder and try to force some more veggies in my diet with low carb fruit with fiber.........if you get my drift. Too much dairy and protein can be bad.


Oh, so I guess I'll add to my weigh in numbers my carb number for the day. I will say that I went back to my sparkpeople log from about 1.5 ago and looked at my carb intake and tried to average what I was taking in. It was about 224 for a four day average. Then I looked up how many carbs I might be taking in for my actual weight and calorie intake, that was 400-500, so I went with the medium of 300. My carb number for this week is going to be 150 a day. Its still a lot, but I think its reasonable to start with for a few weeks until my body gets use to it, then go down some more. I'm sure there will be days I'm over and some I'm under, but I will try my best to hit the target. I def. felt more tired yesterday. My workout only lasted 20 mins. because I didn't have the energy to finish another five mins. But it could be the flu shot, the dr. said it could make me feel tired for a day or two.


Now, I'm actually counting carbs on the label, not this whole "net carb" thing. So carb smart products are still pretty high in carbs (15 for 1/2 cup of ice cream, which is what most plain ice creams are), but I'll think about that later. A lot of atkins stuff does net carbs too. The shake had zero carbs though, so I did get those. I brought a half vanilla and half chocolate in for work today for a sweet craving. I brought a 1oz serving of bbq pork rinds (0 carbs about 4 points for WW) and pickles, lol. I have some cream cheese too, might try that with the carrots.......


The hardest part is going to be considering my WW points and carbs too. Low carbs don't always mean low calories and vice versa. But I will do my best. I'm curious to see how mother nature reacts to this :eek:.


PS- 122 carbs is what I did yesterday.


anyway, blabbed enough,


good Choices.

Edited by brooklynfc
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Sat. 316.2

Sun. 315.6

Mon. 316.2

Tues. 316

Wed. 316

Thurs. 316.6

Fri. 318


I don't know how I jumped that much. I mean I really think I've done well this week with food. I still had like 20 flex points left and did 14 points worth of exercise. I'm just gonna pray that mother nature is causing this and I will just ignore this week and next for that reason.


BK: I ran late this morning and I didn't have anything at work but turkey sausage and bacon. I was gonna fix some eggs at home and bring them with me, but I just ran out of time b/c I needed gas. So I stopped by FF and picked up an egg/sausage platter. I'm sure the calories are outrageous, but at least I've stuck with the carbs.


L: Turkey with tomato slices, mayo, mustard, some carrots and a small madarin orange


S: Banana for something sweet, but no horribly caloric and 27 carbs.


D: I ended up eating hamburgers and sweet potato fries, I couldn't stomach chicken stir fry for some reason. Every time I thought about it, I felt icky. Don't know why. Might actually grab some Applebees on my way home, saw they have a Cajun stead and shrimp dish. I love spicy stuff and they were both grilled (sure they have butter all over it) and I can get veggies on the side. I'll think about it.


W: Nope, Its Friday and I have no motivation. I went home yesterday too. It was beautiful outside and I went home and just sat on the front porch and enjoyed the weather and peace for a while.


Finally got a hold of the Dr. She just wanted to ask me to bring in my food and exercise logs next time. Then she gave me my test results. She said everything looked good, liver, cholt, thyroid, vitamens. Well she said my Vita D was 89, lol. She said that is the highest they've ever seen and that it should be around 50 and no higher than 100. So, I need to cut back. Of course I thought I was doing good by upping my Vita D, but apparently not. That's okay, it will save me money on buying them. She also said my sugar had dropped from 99 to 89, so that's good too.


I really do hope that this sudden up in my weight is due to mother nature, she should be here in a couple days, so I'm gonna chuck it up to her. Its either that or all this extra protein isn't digesting as well. I've been taking an extra tbsp of fiber at night to try and help. Might try some of my detox tea today too.


Good choices.

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Sat. 316

Sun. 315


I woke up with a nice sinus pressure headache that has not gone away yet. This guy asked me out on the dating sight, we said today for lunch, but he just never answered me back about time and place and hasn't contacted me today either. We've been talking for about a week, so I don't know what all of a sudden happened that he just ignored me. It seems like a pattern with me. They send me a message or talk to me and then all of a sudden, poof......gone. I'm starting to get a complex. I just can't understand what it is that I say that makes them run.......I'm just being me. I guess if they don't like me being myself, then I don't care anyway. It just starts to wear on you. Of course, maybe he lost internet or something, it happens. Oh well, gives me time to do laundry and get the cleaning done today.


I REALLY want to see this house that came on the market. Its $50,000 for 1869 sq ft.........now it needs TLC, but even if I put another $50,000 into it I still get it at a great price.........but they didn't have a key on it yet, then my cousin/realtor got busy b/c he took over his mom's real estate viewings while she is out of town. Its killing me. The first time i'm really interested and a great price........and I can't get into the house!!!! Argh. At this price, it could get snatched up just like that. I know, if its meant to be, it will be, but ugh...............oh well.

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Sat. 316

Sun. 315

Mon. 315.8



Sun: 130


Hmm, down .6lbs so far. I wonder what is up. I've pretty much cut my carb intake by 50% or more and I've actually done much better staying in my daily points than I ever have (well except for when I first started). Maybe I have the wrong idea about cutting the carbs. Maybe I thought the lbs would come off in a snap if I reduced them. But maybe its gonna take a while for my body to respond. Plus mother nature could be effecting my weight too. I don't feel deprived though and I'm working hard to stay at my carb ratio (actually been below it). So, its not like I am totally frustrated and ready to give up b/c I haven't seen the results I thought I would. I mean I've only been doing for what, I think it will be a week on Tuesday. So maybe this Friday will reflect something. Idk. I'm gonna get over this Mother Nature hump and then see what happens.


BK: Atkins half chocolate/vanilla shake, some pre-cooked bacon later


L: Made some deer sausage balls with a bit of cream cheese mixed in last night. I brought about 5 of the sausage balls for lunch and I will have a 8oz V8 low sodium drink with it.


D: I found some low-carb recp. on that Skinny recp. site that I like and I think I will try and find one I have the ingredients for and make it.


W: I'm pretty sure we have Zumba tonight, lol.


Well, got an email from our fitness center and activities director today to the campus saying they are starting a fitness program just for the month of March. It will be on Mondays and Thursdays with nutrition sessions and exercise sessions taught by professional. It might be helpful and of course its free for me.


Oh, that guy did contact me, said he got busy and wouldn't be able to meet up, but wanted to re-schedule. I have a friend's bday dinner to go to next Saturday (Indian food) and I asked if he would feel comfortable going to that or not. He said it was okay, but he would have to work around his work sched. Of course, we haven't set a time yet, lol. Oh well. Also had a message from another guy in PA who didn't seem like a creeper at all and I wasn't freaked out when he asked what I was doing the next weekend he would come down to meet me. IDK, he seems nice, but he also said he was more interested in friends and conversation than finding love and he just got out of relationship. I think he is just on the rebound and wants some "company" though I don't think he is skeevy at all, just probably lonely. Got two more messages last night too..........Is it in the air? All of a sudden guys are interested? Idk. My psychic did tell me now until July was my time to date around............lol.


Anyway, Heres to a good day.


Good choices.

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Sat. 316

Sun. 315

Mon. 315.8

Tues. 316.2



Mon. 112


I'm trying to drink a lot of water to flush the system out and possibly mother nature, but we all know how that goes. It doesn't help that my Dr. suggested that diet soda isn't too bad, in moderation, and if it helps the sweet cravings instead of reaching for a cake or cookie or whatever. I'm trying to limit it though. Like one 1-2 12 oz cups a day, if not less. But it does help curb that want for sweets, especially with this week.


BK: Low carb shake, low carb eggs and sausage from DQ-Had the dentist this morning and ran out of time to fix it at home after making the shake.


L: Deer sausage balls, V8 and a small tangerine for sweets


S: some carrots


D: Idk, I actually got a low carb burger from Hardees last night, but I got a small fry..........salt cravings.


W: I won't today b/c I have to go get into this house I've been dying to get into. I'm so ready to find one.......I hope I don't let that skew my judgement.


So, Zumba was low key last night b/c a few new dances, so I never get into as much b/c I'm trying to learn and then there were a few that involved some jumping moves and that is a "no-no" that my chiro warned me against, so I had to modify it. Great news though, that I heard that John Heald (Carnival) said they will be contracting Zumba classes on the ships soon. That would be fun exercise if they make it by Nov. cruise.


Oh, that boy agreed to come with me to my friend's bday dinner. I told him don't feel bad b/c a lot of people from her work are coming that I don't know at all, so he won't be the only one not knowing ppl. Idk, he seems nice enough, but he just had to bring up ..........what is on every guys mind......last night while we were talking. Now, I know that EVERY man thinks about this all the time, so I guess in a way its normal and with our generation I think its even more normal just come out with questions and such. I kept in the realm of "seriousness" and was very honest about how I feel. We will see, he is a guy.......so I don't know if I can really blame him.




Good Choices.

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Sat. 316

Sun. 315

Mon. 315.8

Tues. 316.2

Wed. 317


Carbs. 135 (Tues)


Stupid Mother Nature. I mean, seriously, I was PMS'ing in my dreams last night. Glad that wasn't real life.......:eek:.


BK: Shake w/ banana this time and some bacon


L: 1/3 c chicken salad, probably spread on half a thin bagel, carrots for a side


D: I feel like I'm gonna need volume to try and control my "cravings" so I might do a stir fry and just pile on the veggies and maybe a salmon fillet.


W: Yep, the gym is calling, so 25 mins.


Went to see that house...........man..........whoever owned it before just........killed it. They went upstairs and just started putting up walls all willy nilly trying to get more space out of it. Its only 769 sq ft. upstairs and they were trying to get like 4 rooms out of it. Its a typical cape cod. Go up the stairs and there is a hall in the middle and it would have been pretty open with large spaces about 300 sqft on each side accept, the put sheer rock and tried to close it off and then tried to divide that into two spaces. Not to mention they redid the stairs going up with 2x6s. Oh well, I guess keep looking.


I went bonkers on food last night I just WANTED food. I used a few of my weekly points just to pig out a bit. Thankfully only two more days until my points refresh. I guess I'll lose the .6 I gained last week. Maybe I'll lose 2lbs next week......:rolleyes: Just a little annoyed. I guess I would be losing a bit more with cutting my carbs out, which has really helped me cut some of my over eating down too. I guess I need to give it more time.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 316

Sun. 315

Mon. 315.8

Tues. 316.2

Wed. 317

Thurs. 316.8


Carbs. 127, I think I'd have to check again.


Well, I will just be happy I'm back at 15lbs total again.


BK: Shake and some bacon once I throw it in the microwave at work.


L: PB sandwich (low cal bread with low carbs), tangerine, v8 or a cheese stick (one or the other)


D: I'm gonna do the salmon and veggies tonight I'll explain below


W: Nope, I have an event at 4 and I'm trying to rush over to meet my realtor/cousin to see a house like right after. BUT I did 30 mins last night on the ellptical......explain more below.



So, I had pizza last night. But here is the deal. I wanted it so bad on Tuesday and almost gave in, but I just kept saying that I was better than that and I didn't really need it. I went to the store last night to pick up a few things like (low carb ice cream-trust me it helps a lot), some shrimp (gonna try my hand at it) and a few other things. I went by the pizza section and I just knew with 3 tombstone pizzas in the fridge my parents would fix them sometime and the temptation would be great. Well, if I was going to give it I was going to do it on my terms. I looked at the pizza's and their facts. All the big ones were 300 c and 45 carbs for 1/4 of the pizza. Even thin crust. So, I started looking at the "single servings" ones. Though they arent really single servings (we know that), they did have better carb to portion ratio and of course calories. So I decided if I was gonna be bad, then I better do it better for me the best I can. So, I bought a few. Got home and dad had a pizza in the oven.........:rolleyes: So, I had my pizza and did better than what it could have been. Still came in find with my carbs and just went over my points by 5 to get a serving of milk in.


But, I did do 30 mins. on the ellpt. last night. Even though Mother nature is ......:mad:.......she did let me feel better that evening and when I got to around 17 mins in.........I realized that..........I feel pretty good still...........I think I can do 25 mins..............NO.............I can do 30 mins. So I bumped the time up on the machine and went for it. I kept a pretty steady pace the whole time (4.0-5.0). I figured most of the time I have to push myself to make it the time I need to do, much less trying for me, so i was going to take advantage of it. Of course only two workouts this week will hurt me.


I have a Mary kay party with my mom tomr. right after work and of course the house today. I think I will have to make up this weekend.


Anyway, I'm a little in worry mode today b/c our little men get their first visit with their mom today after 5 months..............God bless them.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 316

Sun. 315

Mon. 315.8

Tues. 316.2

Wed. 317

Thurs. 316.8

Fri. 317.2


Carbs. 149 (wow, that was close to my limit-but I have to say the majority of that was two bananas and veggies.....so.)


BK: Low carb shake, some bacon here in a bit


L: Hamburger patty (bought 91% lean), apple, V8 or carrots


D: We may have to grab something on our way to this Mary K party, but I think I can do well, most FF places do have carb free options or something I can make carb free.............now calorie free.........not so much. I will just have to account for it.


W: I'm determined to get a workout in at lunch today at least 30 mins. Depending on my work load.


I think for my first week 1/2 of low carb that I'm doing really well considering MN is around. I would really have liked to see more of a drop in weight though. Again, I must have the wrong impression about cutting carbs and the amount of weight or maybe how long it will take. But I can't say its made me feel bad or anything. I think next Tuesday I will go down another 20 carbs. I think I'll give two weeks at a time on a certain level and test that.


So here is a shot of my weight tracking since January.




I think it takes me on average about 3 weeks to ......umm......okay:


For three weeks I will see the same numbers pop up 318, 320, 319, 318......etc. After three weeks I will see new numbers pop up for about the same three weeks, 317, 316, 315, 317......etc. I don't know what that means, but its pretty consistent.


I'm still hopeful that MN is the reason why I haven't seen more of a drop, but we will see. I was hoping to have shown at least another 5-7lb loss when I see the dr. again at the end of April.


Oh well,


Good choices.

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Sat. 315.6


Got in 20 mins at the gym yesterday. Had to cut it short b/c having the time to get over there, get dressed, get on the bike, factor in time for getting re-dressed, freshen up, and get back over............it takes long than you think. But it was better than nothing.


I'm gonna try to tame this headache I have this morning and then hit the bike if I can.


I did have pizza last night. My SIL called me to come to a friend's house for Mary Kay thing and I felt it would be more fun than going with my mom, lol. Um, plus I got nephew time :D. We had a glass or two of wine and ate some pizza and maybe a few cookies. I know what I did, but ........well, just but. I did lift the 8 month old up and down for a couple of reps, lol.


BK: Shake, some deer sausage and eggs


L: I don't know at this point.


D: Indian food. I'm gonna try and look up some stuff to see what might be available and okay to eat. Now my friend (its her bday dinner) is on a no carb/sugar diet, so I probably can just follow her lead.


I'm hoping that since Sun. has been the day of the week I've been showing a lower weight, that I will show a lower weight tomr. All the better reason to try and behave today.


Good Choices.

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I haven't posted in a very long time. My father in law passed away last week after a battling pancreatic cancer for a year. The loss is tremendous. We have all been eating our grief around here and walking around in a huge funk.


But...today, after a really good night sleep, I feel more focused and ready to continue my quest to lose weight.


I can report that today is going well and I even already did my 10 miles on the bike. Yaaay me. We are having tacos for dinner, but I plan on loading up on the veggies and staying away from the sour cream. Should be fine!



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I haven't posted in a very long time. My father in law passed away last week after a battling pancreatic cancer for a year. The loss is tremendous. We have all been eating our grief around here and walking around in a huge funk.


But...today, after a really good night sleep, I feel more focused and ready to continue my quest to lose weight.


I can report that today is going well and I even already did my 10 miles on the bike. Yaaay me. We are having tacos for dinner, but I plan on loading up on the veggies and staying away from the sour cream. Should be fine!




You're not super woman.......sometimes you can't do it all. Take the time to heal first.

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Sat. 315.6

Sun . 316.2


Well, Sunday was a lower day............Annoying. If I don't drop anymore this week. I'm going to check on my points again. I don't want to maintain.........I want to lose, do you hear that body :rolleyes:.



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:) Keep up the hard work!!!!!!!!!! I just read this the first time today, I have been trying to lose weight since January and in 3 months I have lost 8 pounds. My body loses weight slowly and I don't mind because if its slow I might be able to keep it off. Good Luck to you. :)


Thanks, same to you!

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Sat. 315.6

Sun . 316.2

Mon. 314.6


Does time change affect your weight? Lol, well they say messing up your sleep can make you fatter, so I just wondered. Probably not too much I would suspect.


I still need to add up my carbs from this weekend. I counted mostly, but didn't really pay attention.


I'm going down to 130 this week. We will see how I react. Last night I was just jittery over wanting something with carbs. I settled for some plain cheerios and milk, which is something my Dr. recommended.


BK: Shake, and one sausage patty and eggs


L: turkey on thin bagel. I didn't stock up at the grocery this weekend.........V8


D: Chicken stir fry.


W: I'm gonna try and get in an ellpt. workout before my Zumba. I haven't been getting the same effect from zumba as I have been, so I thought getting in about 20-30 mins in before hand might help move me along. That's if I can talk myself into it.


I didn't get on the bike like I planned, but I did help move the furniture my brother gave me inside the house, so that has to count for something.



I just threw away half the eggs that came with my sausage this morning b/c I was full.


Still house hunting. Still boy hunting too. Was supposed to have that date on Saturday. I just knew in my head he would back out. Must be that physic intuitive I have, lol. He did wait until 6pm, 30 mins before we were supposed to meet up to bail, with the excuse of "a headache and exhausted from work." He works at a bank. I told him another time, but I have no intention of talking to him again. I gave him more than one chance to back out for a whole week and he waits til the last min. I don't need that.


I did sign up for eharmony, on a deal they had for 3 months service. It hasn't really yielding much and its been around month, but I did get a good communication going yesterday with someone. My physic lady did tell me to have and date around, now was the time. We will see. I guess I just don't get as overly excited anymore.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 315.6

Sun . 316.2

Mon. 314.6

Tues. 313.8


Well, though I will round that up, its nice to see. Just a bit closer to getting to my short goal of 309.


BK: whole wheat waffles (2) and 1 tbsp of PB and a banana. I'm starting off high with carbs. But complex carbs. I think I've read that if you are going to eat carbs, its best to do so in the morning for that early morning energy and it will burn off...........or something like that.


L: Idk, probably eat some more turkey, I bought three packs of it, lol. Either that or a salad from subway.


D: bunless hamburgers with green beans.


W: I didn't work out yesterday, I skipped zumba and the gym. I got a call from my real estate agent to come look at a house and its one of these deals where it might not stay on the market for long. I'm not going to comment on it..........right now. Tell you why later. But I'm going today for 30 mins. on the ellpt.


Well, I hope this downward weight continues and its partially b/c of my lower carb intake. But I also lowered my daily points to 44, which 2points down, so I don't think I'll hurt myself too much. I did fine with it yesterday. Went over, but when I lower my dailies I usually always hit what my previous daily was with weekly points, so I'm still lowering my intake. Eventually, I'll get used to it and less weeklys will be needed.



Good Choices.

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