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Cruising to Healthy


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I guess some chiropractor's have their own theory, mine used to encourage walking because it will strengthen your back, walking is the only form of exercise I will do, I do take the stairs quite a bit at home too. But I can certainly understand your wanting to lose a certain amount of weight before you do any intensive walking. I love it, I enjoy the scenery while walking. I can't tell you how many times I joined a gym only to last a few weeks. My DH says gyms are off limits for me;) plus I like to be outdoors.


Losing 1 lb a week is fine, that old saying "slow and steady wins the race", when you think about it that is 8 lbs in two months, nothing wrong with that number. I need to get serious about my diet too, I am at least 20 lbs overweight for my height if not a bit more.


Thanks for the info on your screen name, can be confusing since you live in Virginia and not brooklyn lol...what college and town?


You will reach your goal for that cave tubing adventure, just be positive:)


Yea, its the type of problem I have in my lower back that walking doesn't help, but if walking was all I could do......he would def. tell me to do it rather than do nothing at all.


My work lets the staff use the gym with the students, so not paying is a perk.


If you have facebook, I'd be happy to add you if you want. I'm friends with others from here on there. I don't like to post my town and stuff on here......never know who is reading.:eek: lol. Though........I do post some personal stuff........:rolleyes:

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Just so you guys know that I just don't let you advice and suggestions go in my ear and out the other........


Pcrum, I did try your spinach and parm salad. I made it with spinach, tomato, parm, and some oil mixed with some different spices. It was super yummy and might be my knew side salad go to, which would REALLY help me with salads and keeping them healthy and tasty.

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Well, after my DH's strong start, he ate an entire bag of goldfish (the small bags) that were "buy one get one free" at Publix. I had bought them for the kids, not thinking they would tempt him. So, 120 carbs later, we are moving on. I can't be too hard on him though because his weight gain (50 lbs total) is the result of quitting an almost 30 year smoking habit. Given the choice between the two, I'd rather have him overweight than smoking! So, we are starting a new day and he has cut back, but is not going full force on the low carb diet with me. Baby steps...


For those doing low carb, I found a great carb counter list online: http://www.atkins.com/getattachment/Program/Carb-Counter/2012CarbCounterRev3_12.pdf.aspx


I was surprised to see that seasonings like cinnamon and chili powder have carbs. Even splenda has some carbs!


My new favorite dinner is either romaine lettuce or spinach leaves mixed with Wishbone caesar dressing, fresh grated parmesan cheese and chopped up steak. I bought some really thin NY Strips on sale on Publix over the weekend and cooked them all (on a George Foreman grill) so they are ready in the refrigerator. Then, I just mix a salad and take a steak out and microwave it and chop it up in the salad. It's very good and satisfying.


I also made up a a big batch of homemade chicken salad (boiled chicken breasts chopped up and mixed with mayo and celery and a bit of splenda) which will be lunches this week.


I got out a 1X shirt to wear yesterday that previously was too tight. Well, it hung on me and was really baggy! I have not worn that shirt in 3 years due to it being too tight, so I was so glad to see it baggy. Some XLs are still tight, but the 1Xs are big, so I guess I am in between sizes. Finding clothes to fit has been a challenge, but I won't go shopping because I literally have every size from a 10 to a 22 hanging in my closet!! It's just finding what fits this particular week!!


Good for you for going to the gym, Brooke. Getting enough exercise is my downfall...I have trouble with the elliptical...that thing is a torture chamber for me!!


Brooke, did you read "MrMom's" review on the Carnival board http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1610836? Apparently there is one cave tubing co. in Belize that carries your tube for you. He took his family on this company's tour and saw others struggling to carry their own tube, so if you do the tubing, be sure to check out his review to get the name of the "good" company. I have read your previous reviews and really liked them (and of course, loved the cruise fashions)!


Brooke, I'd love to be added on facebook...if you e-mail me at pgstickney at gmail dot com, I will give you my facebook name.


Good luck to everyone trying to lose weight. It is not an easy road, but it is a rewarding one. I think the mental part is 80% of it...I know a year ago I was pushing 250 lbs and was just not in the mindset to lose. Finally, Aug 1 last year I decided it was the day to start and so far, I'm down 47 lbs. I still have about 50 to lose, but at least it is a start!!

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Hey everyone, thanks for the WW advice. I think I'm going to stick with Sparkpeople for now, since it is free, and they DO have alot of Trader Joe's stuff (user-entered). I just need to set aside time everyday to add in recipes that I've created if needed. I think it's basically the same system, especially since I try to hit my calorie/protein/fiber targets. WHEN I track, that is. :rolleyes:


Just for fun I entered in my lunch today. McDouble (390 cals), small fry (230 cal), and a chocolate shake (440 cal!!!). OMG. I didn't know the shakes were quite THAT bad for you. Well, lesson learned, I won't be doing that again anytime soon. Total was 1060. I'm supposed to take in 1200-1500 a day to lose weight. Sheesh. Planning on doing the elliptical after work for 45 minutes or so to subtract that shake.


It's weird, I wasn't hungry at all this afternoon after that meal, whereas usually by dinner I'm starving. Maybe that is my body telling me to eat a slightly larger lunch or add in a snack to hold me over.


Going to the grocery store after work, and I'm going to get lots of veg, chicken, shrimp, greek yogurt, etc. Maybe I needed this wake up call after all...


Oh, I also learned that I just can't buy any junk food (Easter Candy, chips, etc.) because I will eat it if it is there. If I have to go out and obtain it, it's much less likely.

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Just so you guys know that I just don't let you advice and suggestions go in my ear and out the other........


Pcrum, I did try your spinach and parm salad. I made it with spinach, tomato, parm, and some oil mixed with some different spices. It was super yummy and might be my knew side salad go to, which would REALLY help me with salads and keeping them healthy and tasty.


Glad you liked it!! If you become "friends" with adkins on facebook, they post some really good recipes. Here is a link to other veggie based meals:




I like the idea of a lettuce wrap with chicken salad or with deli meat and cheese. Lots of choices for lunches! I find if I put enough freshly grated parmesan cheese on things, they taste much better!!


Another idea is to buy a bottled alfredo sauce (check the carb count, but usually it is only 2 carbs for 1/4 cup) and put it over grilled chicken. Add your freshly grated parmesan cheese, add a salad and you won't miss the pasta!!

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Well, I was getting kind of tired of chicken salad everyday for lunch, so today I put the chicken salad on romaine and added a small bit of Wishbone caesar dressing (2 g of carbs for 2 tbs) and some grated parmesan. Viola...chicken caesar salad. Sometimes you have to spice it up a bit...

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:) Question for all, do you work out everyday or do you take one or two days off per week? My DH says its good to take a day off each week, what do you think? I took a really fun cooking class tonight, they taught us 5 different stir fry dishes easy to prepare in 20 minutes or less, we sampled each one and they were really fresh, very fun. I don't usually cook but DH signed us up for this class and I did enjoy it.

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:) Question for all, do you work out everyday or do you take one or two days off per week? My DH says its good to take a day off each week, what do you think? I took a really fun cooking class tonight, they taught us 5 different stir fry dishes easy to prepare in 20 minutes or less, we sampled each one and they were really fresh, very fun. I don't usually cook but DH signed us up for this class and I did enjoy it.


I try to get in 4 days a week. I take the weekends off b/c I always seem to not get around to it anyway. Although, I think now, if I want to see more results I will need to up the exercise somehow. But the experts do say to give yourself some rest, your body has to repair itself.

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sat. 316.2

Sun. 315

Mon. 317

Tues. 316.4

Wed. 316

Thurs. 317


Well, had I not had a craving for pizza last night I might have been okay. But such is life and I guess I'll have to make up for that.


BK: Greek yogurt w/ tsp of flax, egg on l sugar bread w/ slice of ham.


L: Spinach, tomato, parmesan, bacon and....I will have to go see if I can buy some dressing at our subway b/c I forgot to mix some this morning.


D: Possibly steak and aspargus (finally got some) or Turkey breast cutlet and aspargus. Does anyone know a good way to cook the turkey breast cutlet?


W: I'm gonna reach for 40 mins on the ellipt. today. I'm gonna cut back on the tension a bit though. I've been slacking on making my workouts more challenging b/c frankly I haven't been able to be consistent in my workouts. We will see how it goes. I might have to just do 30 and then get on the bike and finish out, but it will still be more time in the gym.


I had a work event yesterday. I did better this year staying away from the food than last year, but I did indulge in these ham and cheese crossiant things...........which probably prompted the pizza "need" later. I was just so tired. I was mentally not willing to fight against my bad habits. I was up early to go to this event and I didn't sleep well b/c I had just put in that bid on the house and was worried about my decision all night (I should find out tomr.), then I plugged through being in front of people and having to be "on" for half the day and on my feet more than usual. I went home and just laid down to watch tv (we got off early) and I was out like a light.........I slept until about 5pm. Plus, hardly any water in yesterday...........ugh. April 30th is just around the corner (Dr. check up) and I haven't really lost anything. Just been yo-yoing. Its no ones fault but my own though. I know I can put more effort in. I know I'm still showing progress, but it just seems that I'm still at that 80% mark........not getting any closer to putting in 100%. I wish I knew if there was something underlying holding me back.


Anyway. Just one day at a time I guess. I will get there.


Good Choices.

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Congratulations on your downward slope and minus 14.6 lbs. is nothing to sneeze at!!! That's probably down a size (isn't it about 15 lbs equals one size?). Good for you and best of luck on the house! Fingers crossed your bid is accepted!!

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Congratulations on your downward slope and minus 14.6 lbs. is nothing to sneeze at!!! That's probably down a size (isn't it about 15 lbs equals one size?). Good for you and best of luck on the house! Fingers crossed your bid is accepted!!


Thanks. I just have to remember its not about other people's expectations, its about mine.

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sat. 316.2

Sun. 315

Mon. 317

Tues. 316.4

Wed. 316

Thurs. 317

Fri. 316.8


Well. lost .4lbs this week. I guess that is better than nothing and after the last weekend.........I can understand.


BK: Flax muffin


L: Leftover steak from last night and asparagus (brought them in one of those steam bags with some butter thrown in there and some lemon pepper. It was a huge steak and I was proud that I cut it down to a 3oz portion size last night and only ate that and the asparagus (though I might have used too much butter).


D: I think I might try the low carb lasagna tonight.


W: umm, I might try for 40 mins. on the bike today.


I did 40 mins on the ellpt. last night. Did I take the level down, yes. Did I have to slow down a bit towards the last 10 mins., yes. Did I make it........YES! So, I'm happy with that. I will trade off for the bike tonight b/c it was a bit rough on my lower back yesterday.


Can't give any news on the house yet for certain. They will email my agent so I will have to wait for him to get the email. Although, I went to the website this morning and it says it is open for daily bids now. So, I'm guessing they didn't get the amount they wanted and are fishing for higher bids. Eh, such is the game of life.........$ is always important or should I say more of it. Que Sera Sera.


If this means what I think it means, then I have some pressure off my back at this point. My brother and SIL booked a house at the beach for a week at the end of July for our 1st real family vacation in maybe a decade. Both sides of the family too (his/hers). I have to pay a portion of the cost for the house and then of course I'll need spending money. Today I'm making my final payment on the cruise, so that will be another financial relief. Everything happens for a reason and as much as sometimes life is disappointing...........it will soon be good again.


Good choices.

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Thanks. I just have to remember its not about other people's expectations, its about mine.


So true...you have to do what is right for you and lose at your own pace!


Went out to dinner with my mom last night to Outback. The wine was 2 for 1 and she wanted me to share one with her. I have given up sugar (except for some indulgences on the cruise), so really didn't want to have wine. I took a few sips and then left the rest. I find that I really don't like sugar anymore! Dinner was a healthy 6 oz. sirloin paired with a lobster tail and asparagus. The best thing for me about the low carb is that you don't get hungry! I cannot fuction if I'm hungry!!


Have a great weekend!

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Sat. 317


Yea, my eating habits are horendous and I have to find my way back.



Didn't get the house, so maybe all this bad eating was just stress and now I can just get back to normal. We will see.


Gonna go get on the bike for a bit before we have to meet up with friends for lunch.

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sat. 317

sun. 315.8

mon. 318


Seems like I'm a slow track to gaining a little every week. I mean.......either that or its a maintaining trend again............Last Sunday I was 315........now I'm 315.8...........and 318 today.


I just haven't been eating right. I've been to easy on letting things slip. I know that. Increasing my exercise isn't a great achievement if I sabotage it by over eating again. I will just have to try again.


BK: Oatmeal 1/2 cup dry 1 cup 2% milk, 1 tbsp sugar


L: I let the weekend slip away and not plan, so I will grab some hamburgers out for lunch and ditch the buns.


S: Cheese stick.


D: Turkey cutlet pan seared with seasoning and some asparagus w/ butter and lemon pepper.


W: 40 mins ellpt.


I have another count down to get to first now. We are going to the beach with the family and the kids so that will be at the end of July now. So, I would really like to make a goal for that. I would really like to be another 10lbs lighter by then b/c that is 3 months out from the cruise and would leave me at 5lbs to lose by the cruise for my 25lb goal.


This means I'm gonna have to find the sweet zone for me to lose weight a little faster. I'm gonna to really put in a effort to be low carb this week. I've just been messing around lately. Let myself think it was okay to cheat here and there, that it wasn't making a difference, so why not. Well, if I never really tried then......I guess it wouldn't make a difference. More effort. Yep. that sounds about right.



Good Choices.

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Do you like Italian sausage? One sausage is 2 g of carb (the Publix brand...check your own grocery store). That with a little spicy mustard (0 carbs) is a good lunch or dinner paired with a salad. If you really want to lose quickly, going 20 g of carbs/day or under is the way to jump start and then you can gradually add more in.


Good luck. Your beach trip sounds like fun and what a good goal!!

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As I previously posted, I tried the low carb thing. I found I do much better by upping the exercise to 60-65 minutes a day and stick to my no fried food/no junk food/no soda/everything else in moderation plan.


In one week, I lost 2 lbs doing low carb, plus exercising 30-35 mins a day. In one week of following the above theory I lost 6 lbs in a week.


Mother nature came visiting last week, and I am always good for a 3-5 lb gain, so I avoid the scale at all costs!!!!!!!! But, I am still getting up in the morning to exercise before work/school and exercising again at night. I will weigh in a few days and report back.


You are right, though Brooke, if you are exercising, but not following your plan, it won't work. You will more than likely maintain, but a loss may not happen. Another thing to consider...if you are sticking to the food that you outline here, is it enough food?

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I read an article last night about a couple of snack items that I'm going to try.


Better'n Peanut Butter is sold at Trader Joe's and can also be purchased online. It's only one point per serving if you're doing weight watcher's. It's supposed to taste really good, and comes in different flavors. A serving (two tablespoons) of the regular flavor has 100 calories, 2 grams of fat, 190 grams of sodium, 2 grams of sugar, 4 grams of protein, and 13 grams of carbs. The website has lots of yummy recipes. http://www.betternpeanutbutter.com

Yonanas is a cool appliance that turns frozen fruit into ice cream-style soft serve. http://www.yonanas.com/


I'll report back after I try them or maybe someone else who has tried them will share their experience(s).


Good choices! icon7.gif

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Do you like Italian sausage? One sausage is 2 g of carb (the Publix brand...check your own grocery store). That with a little spicy mustard (0 carbs) is a good lunch or dinner paired with a salad. If you really want to lose quickly, going 20 g of carbs/day or under is the way to jump start and then you can gradually add more in.


Good luck. Your beach trip sounds like fun and what a good goal!!


Will have to give it a try. probably can find something similar.

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