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Cruising to Healthy


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brooklynfc & gathina ~ thank you for your encouragement and suggestions on my "binge" the other night. I needed them!


hulalovestocruise - glad you are enjoying those almonds. I love them! Just bought some more at the grocery store this evening. So yummy and the chocolate ones are such a good satisfier for the sweet craving.


Today was a good day ~ but goodness was it BUSY! So thankful it is the weekend. I stayed under my calories tonight although, due to poor planning, I ate the last 300 of my calories WAY TOO LATE tonight. I got my workout in, late as well ~ it was 8:30 before I ever arrived at the gym. Tomorrow morning I am going to a Salsa Jam class, looking forward to it!


Hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day and finds healthy ways to celebrate with their families. We are barbequing and I purchased healthy food options tonight at the store.



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:)Busy week for me, glad to read everyone is doing okay. It is just starting to be warm and sunny here so there is lots of yard work and winter clean up for us.I bought some of those cocoa almonds and the cinnamon ones they are a great after dinner snack on occasion. :) Brooke I was hoping to see you under the 315 when I checked in today sounds like your starting to get more motivation so hopefully by the end of next week. Have a great and healthy weekend everyone.


Trust me, so did I! But, its better than nothing, so I will just keep plugging along and hope that my increase in exercise will help and show results soon.


Have a good weekend!

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brooklynfc & gathina ~ thank you for your encouragement and suggestions on my "binge" the other night. I needed them!


hulalovestocruise - glad you are enjoying those almonds. I love them! Just bought some more at the grocery store this evening. So yummy and the chocolate ones are such a good satisfier for the sweet craving.


Today was a good day ~ but goodness was it BUSY! So thankful it is the weekend. I stayed under my calories tonight although, due to poor planning, I ate the last 300 of my calories WAY TOO LATE tonight. I got my workout in, late as well ~ it was 8:30 before I ever arrived at the gym. Tomorrow morning I am going to a Salsa Jam class, looking forward to it!


Hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day and finds healthy ways to celebrate with their families. We are barbequing and I purchased healthy food options tonight at the store.




I've read and watched several things that say that eating after a certain time isn't really about the calories just sitting there b/c you burn calories when you sleep, its more about just have a schedule, being able to sleep well, and avoiding things like heartburn and stuff.


Salsa Jam sounds fun! I miss my zumba.......

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Sat. 315


Come on 314........wouldn't even mind 313.............:rolleyes:


BK: 1 homemade biscuit with butter. 1 scrambled egg on low carb bread w/ a smear of mayo


On the weekends I don't plan foods out.......never know what is going to happen.


W: Bike-60 mins. I might have to break it up into two 30 min. session.......my butt gets too numb.


A pretty day outside.....I'm very tempted to just have some me time and lay out in the sun for just a little bit and pretend I'm on a cruise.

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Wife and I are currently on a medically supervised diet where we eat only products provided by the hospital (program is called Optifast) . Between us , we've lost over 80 lbs in 10 weeks.


But in a couple of weeks we begin a 12 week transition back to eating regular food (although obviously better choices than we made previously).


At any rate, I was in the book store a couple weeks ago and ran across a book in the discounted section, called "The Skinny - On losing weight w/o being hungry" by Dr Louis Aronne. Lots of good insights in there. Promotes a low carb based diet w/ mandatory breakfast, concentating on protein.


While he advocates exercise at later stages of the diet, he makes the point that the real change agent in weight loss is changing previous eating habits and cautions against the mindset that by exercising we earn the "entitlement" to indulge in food items that have been problematic for us in the past.


Aronne is the guy who diagnosed David Letterman's heart issues and there is an endorsement on the book's cover by Dr Oz (for those for whom that matters). At any rate, as one who ate what they damn well pleased for 64 yrs (and paid the price) I'm now determined to clean up my act for however long I have left (and better enjoy retirement, which is on the horizon) and I felt there was quite a bit of insight and direction in this book that will help in that journey.


I do admit to a certain bit of guilt over the donut shop's imminent bankruptcy now that I no longer stop every morning.... but hey... collateral damage


Good luck in YOUR journeys

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Wife and I are currently on a medically supervised diet where we eat only products provided by the hospital (program is called Optifast) . Between us , we've lost over 80 lbs in 10 weeks.


But in a couple of weeks we begin a 12 week transition back to eating regular food (although obviously better choices than we made previously).


At any rate, I was in the book store a couple weeks ago and ran across a book in the discounted section, called "The Skinny - On losing weight w/o being hungry" by Dr Louis Aronne. Lots of good insights in there. Promotes a low carb based diet w/ mandatory breakfast, concentating on protein.


While he advocates exercise at later stages of the diet, he makes the point that the real change agent in weight loss is changing previous eating habits and cautions against the mindset that by exercising we earn the "entitlement" to indulge in food items that have been problematic for us in the past.


Aronne is the guy who diagnosed David Letterman's heart issues and there is an endorsement on the book's cover by Dr Oz (for those for whom that matters). At any rate, as one who ate what they damn well pleased for 64 yrs (and paid the price) I'm now determined to clean up my act for however long I have left (and better enjoy retirement, which is on the horizon) and I felt there was quite a bit of insight and direction in this book that will help in that journey.


I do admit to a certain bit of guilt over the donut shop's imminent bankruptcy now that I no longer stop every morning.... but hey... collateral damage


Good luck in YOUR journeys



WW allows you to use exercise points towards food.........I've never understood this...........I guess if you are desperate or its a holiday coming up and you just know you aren't going to lose that week, but don't want to gain.........I guess it could workout. However, the whole thing with diet is you must burn more than you take it to lose. This is why I've increased my exercise and my food should be okay if I follow my points guide b/c basically WW is giving me enough to eat to just feed what you need to function on a daily basis (move, think etc.). Hopefully, this exercise should show some results in a week or so, once my body computes it, lol.


But I totally agree........moving more does not mean.......eat more.....unless you are Michael Phelps.

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Sat. 315

Sun. 315.2

Mon. 316.2


Argh.........I actually saw 314.8 on the scale yesterday.......and that was after I ate and had been drinking water. But as you know, I tend to round those numbers up anyway, so I just left the 315.2 for Sun. thinking that today I would see the 314 again................maybe some water. I ate some salt food yesterday.


BK: Oatmeal, I gotta switch up for a day or two.........


L: Bought some veggie beef or chicken noodle soup. I don't know which one I will want. cup of fruit on the side.


D: Grilled shrimp with mixed steamed veggies


W: 60 mins. on the ellpt.


S: carb bar before I workout to help keep me going.


I'm hoping that my body is adjusting to the increased exercise. I feel better. My body feels stronger.........could be all in my head though, but it isn't a bad thing to make up. I should probably increase my water intake a bit since I'm moving more to help repair muscle damage (at least this is what I read). I know this will work.........its basic science..........more out than in..............so I just have to hold on and probably just wait for my body to catch up.


Gonna be a long day.........a quick grant deadline for a grant I just got a few days ago and it had to be federal, which is extremely intense. Its a rainy, nasty day, which will not help to keep me awake and alert to get some work done that has me pretty much staring at a computer screen all day. I will admit that I bought that MIO drink flavor stuff with energy boost in it...........60 mg of caff.........that can't be too horrible and no calories.........or carbs..........or sugar..........I'll use it probably mid-day when I need to wake up.


Good choices.

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With all of your exercise, you are bound to see the scale move permanently in the downward direction. It can be frustrating when you are doing the right thing and the scale does not move. I rarely weigh myself between dr. visits, but was in Publix yesterday and stepped on the scale and was only 1 lb. below my weight the last time I weighed, which was a good 2 weeks ago. Not very encouraging at all, when I have been sticking to the diet other than a glass of wine and dessert a week ago. However, my clothes continue to feel looser and I actually tried on a size 14 dress last night that fit, so that is encouraging! Still, I am heavier than when I went to the hospital to deliver twins, so I have a good 50 lbs. to lose. My goal is to be my "normal" weight in one year, when my twins graduate from high school, so I have a year to make it work, but it does not seem like it should take another year!!


I've tried the Mio and like it, but prefer crystal light. However, I was a bit miffed to see that my crystal light stick of honey lemon green tea gives the carb count for a serving size of "1/2 packet". Really...how many people use 1/2 a packet? Maybe if you have 1/2 a bottle of water, but still seems far fetched. So, since the carbs are <1 g. for 1/2 a packet, I'm assuming a full packet is between 1-2 g of carbs. Why couldn't they say that in the first place??


Ok, I'm done ranting...hope everyone has a good week!!

Edited by pcrum
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With all of your exercise, you are bound to see the scale move permanently in the downward direction. It can be frustrating when you are doing the right thing and the scale does not move. I rarely weigh myself between dr. visits, but was in Publix yesterday and stepped on the scale and was only 1 lb. below my weight the last time I weighed, which was a good 2 weeks ago. Not very encouraging at all, when I have been sticking to the diet other than a glass of wine and dessert a week ago. However, my clothes continue to feel looser and I actually tried on a size 14 dress last night that fit, so that is encouraging! Still, I am heavier than when I went to the hospital to deliver twins, so I have a good 50 lbs. to lose. My goal is to be my "normal" weight in one year, when my twins graduate from high school, so I have a year to make it work, but it does not seem like it should take another year!!


I've tried the Mio and like it, but prefer crystal light. However, I was a bit miffed to see that my crystal light stick of honey lemon green tea gives the carb count for a serving size of "1/2 packet". Really...how many people use 1/2 a packet? Maybe if you have 1/2 a bottle of water, but still seems far fetched. So, since the carbs are <1 g. for 1/2 a packet, I'm assuming a full packet is between 1-2 g of carbs. Why couldn't they say that in the first place??


Ok, I'm done ranting...hope everyone has a good week!!


I sure hope so.......I've already made an apt. with my chiropractor on Thursday due to some tingling in my lower back and yesterday I had to lay in the floor of my office and do some stretches to help with some pinching. I can only hold out hope that the increase in exercise will help me lose the weight faster and therefore take more pressure off my spine.


Wow, crystal light is sneaky.........I wouldn't have figured that. But agree that nutrition labels are confusing........some do grams, some do ounces, some do a whole serving..........or 1/2 serving..........


When I was more active on the WW site boards there was a huge debate going on over there about popcorn. On the old system popcorn used to be really easy on the points and was obviously filling and helped with cravings like chips. But the debate raged about the serving size. It went like this:


Serving size 2 tbsp (unpopped)-makes about 5 cups popped

Serving size per bag: about 2.5


Calories (2tbsp unpopped) 110


Some argued that if there was 2.5 servings per bag then that would be about 300 calories per bag according to the serving size calories.


While others, me too, said that the best way was to measure the amount popped. When I popped a bag of popcorn and measured it by cup ( I had a four cup measure) it came out to be just about 5 cups popped......which would technically be one serving, which would only be 110 calories.


Confusing right?


The point is that I have heard the gov. debating on regulating nutrition labels and I kind of hope they do b/c the exact calories for the serving size should be listed.

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Sat. 315

Sun. 315.2

Mon. 316.2

Tues. 315.8




BK: Atkins shake, diluted with some milk and I added a tbsp of protein powder. Greek yogurt with some flax meal.


L: Veggie soup, fruit cup.


D: I have turkey in the fridge I need to use.........hmmm


S: individual serving of dry cereal, carb bar for before my workout.


W: 60 on the ellpt.


I did do another 60 on the ellpt. yesterday. I knew the second time would be harder, in fact.......I go tired after 30 mins (I mean I was doing 40 just fine), but I guess your body is different everyday. Anyway, I knew I could check my breath and eventually would get over the "hump." so I just kept going. I did start off a little faster than I did last time so that might have been why I got tired quicker. Around 40 mins. one of the many people who work here came up beside me (I also know him from when I was a student) and gave me a high five and a pat on the shoulder. That helped push through the last 20 mins. though I did slow down just a bit.


My back is a little upset with me. Yesterday afternoon I had a lot of strain and strain in the left side (which is where the pinches nerve was last time), so I got down in the floor and did some stretching and then called the chiropractor for an apt. Today Its the right side sending tingles down my calf (which isn't a good sign). Hopefully, the chiropractor can set it straight. I may need to get the Dr. to put me on the prescription anti-inflams again for a little while. But for right now I'm staggering use of OTC.


Yesterday I just kept picturing my nephews at the beach, me having to put on a bathing suit (its still snug) and trying to get lowered into that tube for cave tubing...............all motivating when you still have 30 mins of exercise to go.


Oh and good news............we will be getting YMCA programming at our gym..........I'm not sure how I feel. The gym right now isn't very busy when I go to use it and I feel comfortable there for the most part, but I'm just wondering how accessible equipment and things will be now that community will be allowed to use the facility. On the other hand, exercise classes and more and newer equipment will be helpful to keep my routine from becoming boring. I guess, I can't worry about it b/c I don't really know, right?


Good Choices

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Sat. 315

Sun. 315.2

Mon. 316.2

Tues. 315.8

Wed. 316.6


I don't know what is going on...........I just keep taking a long breath and saying, "It will come around."


BK: Oatmeal


L: Chicken wraps and fruit cup


S: Cereal box, carb bar


D: Turkey cutlet and baked potato


W: 60 mins. ellpt.


Well, I went into the gym and both ellpt. were in use so I jumped on the bike for 30 mins, then the ellpt. for 30 mins.


I know its positive thinking that helps moves things forward, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed that I've been going at this more exercise thing for about 8 days straight and I thought that I would see some results.........but apparently...........its gonna take longer? Maybe I'm still eating too much. I mean looking at my WW points, I'm not eating more than I have been.........so if I'm eating the same and exercising more, there should be a result????:rolleyes:.


I guess I just have to give it some more time, but I'm getting REALLY tired of seeing 315.....and I'm sorry, but that is really frustrating and the time I have to lose the weight i want is slowly going down.............and my weight isn't.


Nonetheless, I'll be on the ellpt. this afternoon, hoping that things will turn around soon.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 315

Sun. 315.2

Mon. 316.2

Tues. 315.8

Wed. 316.6


I don't know what is going on...........I just keep taking a long breath and saying, "It will come around."


BK: Oatmeal


L: Chicken wraps and fruit cup


S: Cereal box, carb bar


D: Turkey cutlet and baked potato


W: 60 mins. ellpt.


Well, I went into the gym and both ellpt. were in use so I jumped on the bike for 30 mins, then the ellpt. for 30 mins.


I know its positive thinking that helps moves things forward, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed that I've been going at this more exercise thing for about 8 days straight and I thought that I would see some results.........but apparently...........its gonna take longer? Maybe I'm still eating too much. I mean looking at my WW points, I'm not eating more than I have been.........so if I'm eating the same and exercising more, there should be a result????:rolleyes:.


I guess I just have to give it some more time, but I'm getting REALLY tired of seeing 315.....and I'm sorry, but that is really frustrating and the time I have to lose the weight i want is slowly going down.............and my weight isn't.


Nonetheless, I'll be on the ellpt. this afternoon, hoping that things will turn around soon.


Good Choices.


Hi Brooke,


You know I was looking at your earlier posts when you started this thread, you were losing consistently back then and your eating habits were a bit different meaning you were eating from mainly all the food groups (carbs, proteins, veggies, fat). You were also going to weight watchers meetings, do you think that maybe attending these meetings again would help? maybe that is the answer to keep you accountable. Maybe going back to read some of your own posts will give you an idea of what you were doing a few years ago, just a thought, because yes I really do agree that with all the exercise you are doing you should be seeing better results. Are you eating enough now? because what you are listing as to what you eat everyday does not seem like enough, sometimes you have to have more calories to compensate for all the exercise you are doing.


Well I hope that the scale starts moving soon in the right direction for you

Edited by BEARFACE
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Have you thought of doing the Atkins induction for a week or two to jump start the weight loss again? It's pretty hard core...protein mostly with maybe a spinach salad thrown in, but it does get weight off quickly. I would think you'd see real results with the induction combined with all the exercise!


I also assume you've had all all the medical tests to rule out a thyroid condition which might prohibit you from losing? When I gained 20 lbs in 3 months, my dr gave me the test. It came back negative...there was no reason for me to have gained so much other than REALLY poor choices, lol!!


I admit I know nothing about WW, so they might have a completely different philosophy, but I'd also try giving up the potatoes. Somewhere I read that the potato turns to sugar in your system (I'm sorry I can't be more specific on the source or more scientific, but I just vaguely remember reading this when I first started on Atkins, which warns against starchy veggies like potatoes, corn or peas.) Also, if the fruit cup has sugar in it, that might also be adding extra calories. Like I said, I know nothing about WW and am just going by what I know from Atkins, which is to eliminate sugar and starch. I know people are really successful on WW, so their system works too, I just don't know enough about it. So, maybe the idea of returning to the meetings would help...maybe their counselor could look at your diet and see something we are all missing!!


Best of luck!

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Well, is it entirely possible that the Atkins approach just doesn't work for everyone? My brother in law is a naturopath doctor in Hondouras and he preaches against eating a lot of meat because meat can cause inflammation. He would probably recommend a more plant based diet with whole grain carbs that have more nutrients (sweet potato versus a white potato, brown rice versus white), and beans/legumes for protein and plant protein instead of getting it from animal sources. He woud argue that a cup of beans has more protein and fiber (but better carbs) then what you would get from meat.


But, you've mentioned before your not keen on the texture of vegetables and fruits or something..that could be a problem.


Maybe there is such a thing as eating too much protein..and even lean meats have a bit of fat in them.


The other thought I had was (and maybe you do this already?) is to write down every last morsel you put in your mouth for a few days..even if it's a "taste" of something? And then you'd really get a glance at seeing if you are following the weight watchers plan totally. Just a thought? I've never done it, but have many friends who did and when they did follow it exactly to a T they lost weight consistently with a few plateaus but not many


I'm thinking that maybe you are not eating enough and your body has gone into a starvation type of mode and that also can feed intro cravings because your missing some nutrients, etc. Also, are you on any medications that is maybe causing water retention or inflammation? You mentioned you have some muscular issues, etc..if your muscles are inflammed that can cause weight gain temporarily from the inflammation.


My thoughts.

Edited by Gathina
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Have you thought of doing the Atkins induction for a week or two to jump start the weight loss again? It's pretty hard core...protein mostly with maybe a spinach salad thrown in, but it does get weight off quickly. I would think you'd see real results with the induction combined with all the exercise!


I also assume you've had all all the medical tests to rule out a thyroid condition which might prohibit you from losing? When I gained 20 lbs in 3 months, my dr gave me the test. It came back negative...there was no reason for me to have gained so much other than REALLY poor choices, lol!!


I admit I know nothing about WW, so they might have a completely different philosophy, but I'd also try giving up the potatoes. Somewhere I read that the potato turns to sugar in your system (I'm sorry I can't be more specific on the source or more scientific, but I just vaguely remember reading this when I first started on Atkins, which warns against starchy veggies like potatoes, corn or peas.) Also, if the fruit cup has sugar in it, that might also be adding extra calories. Like I said, I know nothing about WW and am just going by what I know from Atkins, which is to eliminate sugar and starch. I know people are really successful on WW, so their system works too, I just don't know enough about it. So, maybe the idea of returning to the meetings would help...maybe their counselor could look at your diet and see something we are all missing!!


Best of luck!


I don't even think I'm really doing low carb anymore. I'm not over indulging, but I'm not staying away either.


I can't bring myself to cut to min. b/c I worry about the long term effect. I will not do low carb for the rest of my life...........simple as that. So, while for a short period of a few months or even a year that it would jump start my weightloss........it won't be permanent and I worry about the effects that will have on weight gain when and if I decided to go back to a more normal balanced eating. I have the beach and a cruise coming up...........I know I won't behave. I will however, pay attention and make steps to keep lower and more healthier carbs such as low carb breads, complex carbs. etc.


I think I will see if my chiropractor has a suggestion, though not a medical dr. he has some knowledge and actually lost 200lbs himself.


Either way.........I'll just keep plugging along........



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Well, is it entirely possible that the Atkins approach just doesn't work for everyone? My brother in law is a naturopath doctor in Hondouras and he preaches against eating a lot of meat because meat can cause inflammation. He would probably recommend a more plant based diet with whole grain carbs that have more nutrients (sweet potato versus a white potato, brown rice versus white), and beans/legumes for protein and plant protein instead of getting it from animal sources. He woud argue that a cup of beans has more protein and fiber (but better carbs) then what you would get from meat.


But, you've mentioned before your not keen on the texture of vegetables and fruits or something..that could be a problem.


Maybe there is such a thing as eating too much protein..and even lean meats have a bit of fat in them.


The other thought I had was (and maybe you do this already?) is to write down every last morsel you put in your mouth for a few days..even if it's a "taste" of something? And then you'd really get a glance at seeing if you are following the weight watchers plan totally. Just a thought? I've never done it, but have many friends who did and when they did follow it exactly to a T they lost weight consistently with a few plateaus but not many


I'm thinking that maybe you are not eating enough and your body has gone into a starvation type of mode and that also can feed intro cravings because your missing some nutrients, etc. Also, are you on any medications that is maybe causing water retention or inflammation? You mentioned you have some muscular issues, etc..if your muscles are inflammed that can cause weight gain temporarily from the inflammation.


My thoughts.


I do have a hard time with veggies and beans, but just like I've tried new ways of going about this diet.......I'm trying to work on that too. I don't mind the refried beans so much as they are more like mashed potatoes, lol. I've done some actual chili with beans in it lately too. I've found that I need to buy fresh veggies and cook them, not frozen (although they are good in a pinch) b/c I like a more crisp feel to my veggies. Spianch and aspargus have become new favorites.........thinking of brussel sprouts next.


I eat all my points for the day and I usually eat about 80% of my weekly points (spread out through the week-but more on the weekends). So, I know I'm getting the food I need, maybe I need to cut back to 60% of my weekly points and see if that helps.


You have several valid points that I will of course investigate to the best of my ability. I'm hoping the non loss this week might be attributed to the extra workout my muscles are getting and the need to use water to repair them and therefore........retention. I can only hope its that simple.


Oh, I think Pcrum (sorry I use your screen name so that others know who I'm talking about) asked if I had a thyroid problem..........NOT A CHANCE, LOL. I told my dr. "I wouldn't be that lucky." She laughed.


I feel like the little engine that could, but keeps hit waves............

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Here's a great brussel sprout recipe. Everyone in my family (even the non-veggie eaters) love it and it's pretty easy! Of course, my philosophy is if you add bacon to any recipe, it will be good! I've only used fresh brussel sprouts, but the comments section of the recipe show that some have tried it successfully with frozen.


Lol about the thyroid condition...I was the same way! Couldn't blame my gain on a medical condition either, just too many cocktails and chips!!



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Here's a great brussel sprout recipe. Everyone in my family (even the non-veggie eaters) love it and it's pretty easy! Of course, my philosophy is if you add bacon to any recipe, it will be good! I've only used fresh brussel sprouts, but the comments section of the recipe show that some have tried it successfully with frozen.


Lol about the thyroid condition...I was the same way! Couldn't blame my gain on a medical condition either, just too many cocktails and chips!!




Thank you for that.........i really might have to stop by the store and pick it up to try with my turkey instead of a potato. Those are the kind of recepies I've been looking for.......some way to cook different veggies without the same out butter and salt routine.

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Brooke, have you tried roasting veggies? It's my favorite way to eat them. All I do iis take a sheet pan, cover in foil, add veg , olive oil, and salt and pepper. Maybe 375 degrees or so for 20 minutes. Asparagus is good. Cauliflower and broccoli excellent. Sometimes i'll do peppers, zucchini chunks, etc. Whatever you like!

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Brooke, have you tried roasting veggies? It's my favorite way to eat them. All I do iis take a sheet pan, cover in foil, add veg , olive oil, and salt and pepper. Maybe 375 degrees or so for 20 minutes. Asparagus is good. Cauliflower and broccoli excellent. Sometimes i'll do peppers, zucchini chunks, etc. Whatever you like!


Yes! Red peppers are wonderful roasted with some olive oil. I've not tried broccoli, but I will have to try that one!!

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Thank you for that.........i really might have to stop by the store and pick it up to try with my turkey instead of a potato. Those are the kind of recepies I've been looking for.......some way to cook different veggies without the same out butter and salt routine.


Let us know how you like it. Rachel Ray has some good ideas!! Bon appetit!

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Veggies..don't underestimate the power of Salsa..it's easy and cheap to make and there are many different variations..I even make a fruit salsa that you could spread on a piece of wheat toast for a snack.


I would seriously look at whatever medications you are on and research their side effects. I know that steroids and some anti depressent/anti anxiety drugs are very common for causing weight gain and inflammation. Wellbutrin, on the other hand is an anti depressent that actually causes appetite loss.

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