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Oh! And I have a trick for the night-time cravings. I don't know what happens around 9pm, but I suddenly want something to eat every single night.


I found that if I keep unsweetened applesauce in the fridge...those little all- natural unsweetened ones that come in 8 packs....one of those with just a tiny bit of Splenda tastes wonderful and is sort of filling and satisfying. Fiber, healthy, sweet, sugar free, fat free, low calorie. All good! It's cold and sweet and I can actually be happy with that while my husband eats ice cream next to me. If I really need something more substantial, I add fresh blueberries or strawberries (not the kind with sugar!) to the applesauce and then I get to chew on something :D I have actually gone back to the fridge and had seconds from time to time it's so good. But even two unsweetened applesauces is better than most snacks.

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Hi everybody,

I hate being the newcomer and just barging in on conversations - but I was in this thread what seems like a million years ago and so now I am back in the 'lose before you cruise' mindframe and I thought it would be good to take a peek and join back in. Something about hearing other people struggling with the same problem makes us all feel better. Good to know we are not alone! And it's so good to bounce all these ideas off each other.


Having said that, I just read posts which included crackers, chicken noodle soup, and pancakes as diet suggestions. When I am in diet mode...which comes and goes...LOL!... I try to eat as close to nature and unprocessed as possible. And white flour and sugar are my mortal enemies, followed closely by salt!


Hey Texas and welcome!


We all have the same issue, just problem at different levels, but support and advice is always available.


I'm sure if you read through, you will notice that we all do something different to reach our goal of weightloss. And for the most part, we each have success if what we are doing.


LOl, I wasn't recommending crackers and cheese and soup for anyone. I post what I plan to eat for the day daily. I was also posting my weights daily, but on recommendation from some on this thread I'm just not looking at the scale for a few weeks and just focusing on exercise and food control. I'm on Weight Watchers, so yes, I can have things like chicken noodle soup for lunch and cheese and crackers for a snack as long as I stay in my points value. I chose WW b/c I don't feel deprived and I feel it teaches me how to eat normal foods in all situations that will be around for the rest of my life. Though I've tried and failed at many other kinds of food plans. Right now I'm up against a wall with a plateau, but I know I can turn it around and will eventually drop the weight I want to.


My goal is 25lbs by my next cruise, I've managed to waste away 6 months losing 5lbs, but its something and not nothing. 20lbs to go in 5 months.


We welcome you to tell us about the things you do and your journey past and present! :)

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Hey Texas and welcome!


We all have the same issue, just problem at different levels, but support and advice is always available.


I'm sure if you read through, you will notice that we all do something different to reach our goal of weightloss. And for the most part, we each have success if what we are doing.


LOl, I wasn't recommending crackers and cheese and soup for anyone. I post what I plan to eat for the day daily. I was also posting my weights daily, but on recommendation from some on this thread I'm just not looking at the scale for a few weeks and just focusing on exercise and food control. I'm on Weight Watchers, so yes, I can have things like chicken noodle soup for lunch and cheese and crackers for a snack as long as I stay in my points value. I chose WW b/c I don't feel deprived and I feel it teaches me how to eat normal foods in all situations that will be around for the rest of my life. Though I've tried and failed at many other kinds of food plans. Right now I'm up against a wall with a plateau, but I know I can turn it around and will eventually drop the weight I want to.


My goal is 25lbs by my next cruise, I've managed to waste away 6 months losing 5lbs, but its something and not nothing. 20lbs to go in 5 months.


We welcome you to tell us about the things you do and your journey past and present! :)


Hi again,

I hope I didn't sound as if I was preaching, and I apologize if I came across that way. Sometimes I speak my mind too freely (a lifelong habit, and at my age that's probably not going to change!) but I promise it's not with any sort of malice and I didn't mean to be unkind. I have nothing but admiration for anybody who loses weight by ANY means. I read everybody's successes, and it sounds like all the hard work is paying off! I have struggled with yo-yo weight gain all my life, and I know how hard it is.

I appreciate what you are saying about how we all diet different and that is precisely why this forum is so cool...to learn and share. I would love to hear about everybody's weight loss tricks and tips, especially tips to combat those mental and emotional gremlins that makes us eat when we are not even hungry. Why DO we do that??

But ...and here comes the honest and speaking my mind part....nutrition and food science is not a matter of opinion, but proven facts. I would love to discuss diet science and theories, it's become a passion of mine over the years - to learn all I can about what foods to choose - and why. That is where I was going when I mentioned the crackers and pancakes. Everybody knows that processed white starches, like white bread or pasta, are nothing but empty calories. Fluff. They are not nutritious, and not chock-full of any vitamin or mineral. With almost no fiber in them, our bodies just convert it into a sugar quickly. We may as well eat a candy bar. I was just surprised that anybody would want to include that in any kind of diet...even if your plan allowed it.

To be honest, I am surprised Weight Watchers (or any plan) doesn't suggest something more nutritious in place of every single food with empty calories. If they are teaching people to make wise food choices, why is anything with white processed starches one of the choices? Now I know WW really works, and in fact this is really my only beef with them. I have several friends who lost a lot of weight on the plan, and I know a lot of people absolutely love it and it really works. The support of the WW people help people stick to it, and point plan makes it easy. But I still have to wonder why they don't suggest substituting whole wheat products at least, and totally ban each and every food with white processed starches.

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Hi again,


I hope I didn't sound as if I was preaching, and I apologize if I came across that way. Sometimes I speak my mind too freely (a lifelong habit, and at my age that's probably not going to change!) but I promise it's not with any sort of malice and I didn't mean to be unkind. I have nothing but admiration for anybody who loses weight by ANY means. I read everybody's successes, and it sounds like all the hard work is paying off! I have struggled with yo-yo weight gain all my life, and I know how hard it is.


I appreciate what you are saying about how we all diet different and that is precisely why this forum is so cool...to learn and share. I would love to hear about everybody's weight loss tricks and tips, especially tips to combat those mental and emotional gremlins that makes us eat when we are not even hungry. Why DO we do that??


But ...and here comes the honest and speaking my mind part....nutrition and food science is not a matter of opinion, but proven facts. I would love to discuss diet science and theories, it's become a passion of mine over the years - to learn all I can about what foods to choose - and why. That is where I was going when I mentioned the crackers and pancakes. Everybody knows that processed white starches, like white bread or pasta, are nothing but empty calories. Fluff. They are not nutritious, and not chock-full of any vitamin or mineral. With almost no fiber in them, our bodies just convert it into a sugar quickly. We may as well eat a candy bar. I was just surprised that anybody would want to include that in any kind of diet...even if your plan allowed it.


To be honest, I am surprised Weight Watchers (or any plan) doesn't suggest something more nutritious in place of every single food with empty calories. If they are teaching people to make wise food choices, why is anything with white processed starches one of the choices? Now I know WW really works, and in fact this is really my only beef with them. I have several friends who lost a lot of weight on the plan, and I know a lot of people absolutely love it and it really works. The support of the WW people help people stick to it, and point plan makes it easy. But I still have to wonder why they don't suggest substituting whole wheat products at least, and totally ban each and every food with white processed starches.


It takes a lot more than stating your opinion to make me take offense.:D New perspectives are welcome!!!


I agree with you on basic science, though I hate getting too indepth about all the different reasons why no carbs, or no sugar, or raw foods, or low sodium, etc...........are all great ways to eat. Its too much to think about for me and though I had tried about everyone of those, they never last long.


I'm looking at the long haul. I know I'm going eat fast food, I know I'm gonna eat pizza and fries, and crackers, and bread.........I don't feel the need to take things out of my diet completely, just moderately.


So, WW works for me b/c I can, if I want them, have a donut or fries, as long as I realize that I'm not have 5 donuts and a large fry.


WW does encourage you to eat high fiber, low fat, low carb and high protein foods. It does want you to eat fruits and veggies vs. candy and chips. But the main thing it will teach you is the very basic of weight loss science..........more out, than in. So, you must eat a little less, and move a little more. It gives me the choice of saying:


"Hmmm, I can have that 7 pt donut that has no value nutritionally, if I really wanted it, but I could also have a turkey sandwich on low calorie wheat bread with mayo/mustard/tomato/lettuce a banana and some a handful of wheat crackers for the same amount."


Which is really what my mantra is about, "Good choices." If I'm really obessessed with food, then I should make the good choice of going with the sandwich and sides b/c it is more food than one donut.


I'm not arguing with you, just trying to explain.


Mini pancakes aren't my normal breakfast, lol. People on here could tell you that I'm more of an oatmeal, protein shake, maybe greek yogurt, or a low calorie egg mcmuffin (in a hurry) kinda of breakfast eater. But they could also tell you that my biggest fault is probably my lack of planning and the fact that I ran out of all that stuff and the mini (50 cent piece) pancakes were there and easy.


The chicken noodle is actually the healthy one with low sodium and less choles and fat too. I also eat 35 calorie fiber wheat bread, almonds, low fat popcorn, grilled/seared poultry, low fat hamburgers, baked fries and have recently discovered my love for brussell sprouts (thanks Pam) and asparagus.


I've learned mind tricks (Gathina) for coping with cravings and have doubled my exercise efforts for the past three weeks-without fail I may add, lol.


This is all part of the "Good choices" and learning to eat better and change my relationship with food. These ladies and gentlmen could tell that though I'm a bit stubborn and maybe a slow learner.........I almost always get it in the end.


Its hard when you come into a thread that is 131 pages long, lol. So much history there. But there are NO harsh feelings here and honest opinions do NOT bother me as long as they are helpful (which yours def. are). I guess I'll speak for myself and not for the others :D.


Its great to have a new poster aboard, diversity is such a helpful component.

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Yay for a two bathroom house...sounds wonderful!!


WW definitely works...I don't even recognize Jennifer Hudson now. She looks so good! I hear Jessica Simpson just signed on to lose her baby weight with them too. The only reason I don't do WW is I know I am truly a carb addict and the best way for me to lose weight and to feel better is to avoid carbs. But, if you don't get the carb cravings, I'd think WW would be the way to go.


I made a low carb version of meatloaf tonight...ground beef and pork with Hunts tomato sauce instead of ketchup and grated parmesan cheese instead of bread crumbs. Of course the Lipton garlic and herb soup mix I used for seasoning added some carbs, but since I've found out that all seasonings have carbs, I went with it and just limited my portion!!


Love the George Forman grill...I started out with a small one, but then upgraded to the large one with plates that come off for cleaning. It is used several times a week in our home!!


I also just saw a new way to cook bacon (or new to me). Put it in the oven on a rack in a baking pan and cook for 20-25 minutes. The logic was that the bacon was not sitting in grease that way. Something to think about. I usually microwave bacon on a plate with a paper towel under the bacon to soak up the grease, but I like the oven idea too.


Tomorrow is Friday!!

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It takes a lot more than stating your opinion to make me take offense.:D New perspectives are welcome!!!


I agree with you on basic science, though I hate getting too indepth about all the different reasons why no carbs, or no sugar, or raw foods, or low sodium, etc...........are all great ways to eat. Its too much to think about for me and though I had tried about everyone of those, they never last long.


I'm looking at the long haul. I know I'm going eat fast food, I know I'm gonna eat pizza and fries, and crackers, and bread.........I don't feel the need to take things out of my diet completely, just moderately.


So, WW works for me b/c I can, if I want them, have a donut or fries, as long as I realize that I'm not have 5 donuts and a large fry.


WW does encourage you to eat high fiber, low fat, low carb and high protein foods. It does want you to eat fruits and veggies vs. candy and chips. But the main thing it will teach you is the very basic of weight loss science..........more out, than in. So, you must eat a little less, and move a little more. It gives me the choice of saying:


"Hmmm, I can have that 7 pt donut that has no value nutritionally, if I really wanted it, but I could also have a turkey sandwich on low calorie wheat bread with mayo/mustard/tomato/lettuce a banana and some a handful of wheat crackers for the same amount."


Which is really what my mantra is about, "Good choices." If I'm really obessessed with food, then I should make the good choice of going with the sandwich and sides b/c it is more food than one donut.


I'm not arguing with you, just trying to explain.


Mini pancakes aren't my normal breakfast, lol. People on here could tell you that I'm more of an oatmeal, protein shake, maybe greek yogurt, or a low calorie egg mcmuffin (in a hurry) kinda of breakfast eater. But they could also tell you that my biggest fault is probably my lack of planning and the fact that I ran out of all that stuff and the mini (50 cent piece) pancakes were there and easy.


The chicken noodle is actually the healthy one with low sodium and less choles and fat too. I also eat 35 calorie fiber wheat bread, almonds, low fat popcorn, grilled/seared poultry, low fat hamburgers, baked fries and have recently discovered my love for brussell sprouts (thanks Pam) and asparagus.


I've learned mind tricks (Gathina) for coping with cravings and have doubled my exercise efforts for the past three weeks-without fail I may add, lol.


This is all part of the "Good choices" and learning to eat better and change my relationship with food. These ladies and gentlmen could tell that though I'm a bit stubborn and maybe a slow learner.........I almost always get it in the end.


Its hard when you come into a thread that is 131 pages long, lol. So much history there. But there are NO harsh feelings here and honest opinions do NOT bother me as long as they are helpful (which yours def. are). I guess I'll speak for myself and not for the others :D.


Its great to have a new poster aboard, diversity is such a helpful component.


Your explanation makes perfect sense. I think it sounds like you have found the perfect solution, and it's working. Who can argue with that?! What are your mind tricks to cope with cravings?

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Your explanation makes perfect sense. I think it sounds like you have found the perfect solution, and it's working. Who can argue with that?! What are your mind tricks to cope with cravings?


Gathina suggested it.


Lets say I'm sitting here and think about chocolate cake and then I want chocolate cake.


But am I really hungry or am I just craving something/bored/emotional?


She suggested that you think about a piece of fruit and if you say, "Sure, fruit sounds good." Then you are probably actually hungry and then you should have the fruit.


But if you say no, I don't want fruit, then you probably are just having a craving and not hungry.


I added a third level to this b/c I came up with Yes, I could eat some fruit.......but really........I was absolutely full.


So, I did a third check with my stomach and decided that I was full......fruit or not.

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Wow, that's really great! Actually, think about the whole bowl of fruit..if you could really eat that bowl of fruit (if it were real) then you are most likely hungry.


That's really cool that you found a trick that works. But last week you had mentioned the Hershey's pie and that one serving was the same amount of calories you'd just slogged out on the bike so you'd chosen the 200 calorie snack instead.


I think what you'll find is over time, taste buds change..scientifically they do..there are some foods I used to like and now I've gotten used to not having them I can't stand the thought of it. I used to love half and half in coffee but can't stand it now, used to like Chinese food a lot and now it makes me sick. (except the steamed chicken /rice I mentioned earlier)


Gathina suggested it.


Lets say I'm sitting here and think about chocolate cake and then I want chocolate cake.


But am I really hungry or am I just craving something/bored/emotional?


She suggested that you think about a piece of fruit and if you say, "Sure, fruit sounds good." Then you are probably actually hungry and then you should have the fruit.


But if you say no, I don't want fruit, then you probably are just having a craving and not hungry.


I added a third level to this b/c I came up with Yes, I could eat some fruit.......but really........I was absolutely full.


So, I did a third check with my stomach and decided that I was full......fruit or not.

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BK: Mini pancakes


L: breadless ham sandwich, natural fruit cup


S: Cheese/crackers (the pre-packaged ones to control intake, made for kids)


D: Hmm, the nephew is over this evening.........so I don't know yet.


W: I'm gonna try and get in 60 mins. today if I can do it while my nephews are around and depending on how late they stay.


So, I found out yesterday, b/c I called, that the gym may not be open for the rest of the summer b/c of the construction that will take place to help us get ready for the YMCA. Understandable, and such is the life of a gym that is free.


I also asked about the pool being open. He did say maybe in a couple of weeks b/c he has to get people certified to be lifeguards. So, though the bike may get old for a while, for right now it is what I have and what I will work with.


I would love to do like a workout dvd. All these people doing p90x, and insanity........etc. But unfortunately, my parent's house is not conducive to exercise videos. Its an old farm house so its broken up into smaller rooms and there are no "open" floor spaces that also have tvs for me to have the space to workout to a dvd. The WW dvd I have does have hand weight workout on it and it doesn't require space to move, so that is okay.


I did do some upper body work last night with the hand weights. I feel like it will add to my workouts. I think the bike and ellpt. def. work on my cardio, but also help build my leg muscles. I use the planks to build my core, so the only thing left was my upper body. Now, I can work on that too.


On another topic. Was just wondering thoughts on about the drink size controversial topic from Mayor Bloomberg?


Another blog I read brought it up and at first I was like, "who cares?" Then I was like, well.......who needs a 32oz soda? But then my thinking cap came on.


First of all..............he would have to banish free refills :rolleyes:


Second, people who like food and drink, don't often let spending an extra $4 to get two Mocha chocolate.........whatever.


Third, this is such an enabler move. When you start taking away basic choices from people, then you are just creating a dumb down society.


Fourth, Why do you want to force people to choose better choices? Emotionally/psyh. it is better if people, who are capable (and most are), make this decision on their own........less you want relapses.


Fifth, No one could tell me, want me, make me want to lose weight. It didn't matter that I faced all kinds of diseases and problems from my weight. It took ME to say, "Yes, I'm ready and willing to do this."


I like the things that the government is doing like having food places have nutritional information available and updating food labels, offering programs and information.


But, the old saying is correct,


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.


Good choices

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I am not a conservative politically but think Bloomberg is a left wing loon. Seriously..it's nobody's business how you choose to eat or drink. The stupid thing about it as that wouldn't stop someone from buying 4 8 ounce drinks if they really wanted a 32 ounce cup. That's about as hypocritic as Michelle Obama being a food and exercise guru and then there's a picture of her shoveling a cheeseburger in her mouth all over the media. Putting label information is helpful and needed on some food, but a lot of people still aren't going to read it or heed it. How are they going to make people read the labels?


Everything boils down to personal responsibility. Only you are the one who puts the fork in your mouth. Nobody makes you do anything, eat anything, drink anything except for you. Granted there are temptations but in the end you are the only one who controls what you do.


Now..back on topic..exercise..have you ever thought about getting a bicycle? I found one at a pawn shop for $30 and brought it to a bike shop and got a quick tune up. You could ride in the evenings toward sunset when it's cooler in the summer. Or walking is always free. Calisthenics are something you can do on your own too or maybe see if there is a community center or church that offers some type of class. Maybe summer could be your chance to try "new" exercise challenges so the bike doesn't get old.


Keep up the good work!





BK: Mini pancakes


L: breadless ham sandwich, natural fruit cup


S: Cheese/crackers (the pre-packaged ones to control intake, made for kids)


D: Hmm, the nephew is over this evening.........so I don't know yet.


W: I'm gonna try and get in 60 mins. today if I can do it while my nephews are around and depending on how late they stay.


So, I found out yesterday, b/c I called, that the gym may not be open for the rest of the summer b/c of the construction that will take place to help us get ready for the YMCA. Understandable, and such is the life of a gym that is free.


I also asked about the pool being open. He did say maybe in a couple of weeks b/c he has to get people certified to be lifeguards. So, though the bike may get old for a while, for right now it is what I have and what I will work with.


I would love to do like a workout dvd. All these people doing p90x, and insanity........etc. But unfortunately, my parent's house is not conducive to exercise videos. Its an old farm house so its broken up into smaller rooms and there are no "open" floor spaces that also have tvs for me to have the space to workout to a dvd. The WW dvd I have does have hand weight workout on it and it doesn't require space to move, so that is okay.


I did do some upper body work last night with the hand weights. I feel like it will add to my workouts. I think the bike and ellpt. def. work on my cardio, but also help build my leg muscles. I use the planks to build my core, so the only thing left was my upper body. Now, I can work on that too.


On another topic. Was just wondering thoughts on about the drink size controversial topic from Mayor Bloomberg?


Another blog I read brought it up and at first I was like, "who cares?" Then I was like, well.......who needs a 32oz soda? But then my thinking cap came on.


First of all..............he would have to banish free refills :rolleyes:


Second, people who like food and drink, don't often let spending an extra $4 to get two Mocha chocolate.........whatever.


Third, this is such an enabler move. When you start taking away basic choices from people, then you are just creating a dumb down society.


Fourth, Why do you want to force people to choose better choices? Emotionally/psyh. it is better if people, who are capable (and most are), make this decision on their own........less you want relapses.


Fifth, No one could tell me, want me, make me want to lose weight. It didn't matter that I faced all kinds of diseases and problems from my weight. It took ME to say, "Yes, I'm ready and willing to do this."


I like the things that the government is doing like having food places have nutritional information available and updating food labels, offering programs and information.


But, the old saying is correct,


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.


Good choices

Edited by Gathina
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I don't like Bloomberg's idea at all. If you really want a big soda, you will just buy 2 to equal the 32 oz size. Of course, this will most likely be more expensive! My DH gave up a 30 year smoking habit. His soda habit, however is quite extensive (although he does drink diet). If he really wanted 32 oz of soda, he would just buy two or three 16 oz bottles and be done with it!!


My son's school banned soda from the drink machines. So, what do the kids do? Do they give up on soda? Of course not. They either bring it from home (my son brings a mountain dew every day!), buy it from the teacher's lounge (some teachers will let favored students in the lounge to buy a soda), or walk across the street to the gas station to buy a bottle of soda before after school activities begin. It would be a whole lot more convenient if they just left the soda in the machines the students can access.


My daughter attends a private school and they were exempt from this silly law, so sodas are sold around school.


I'm with you Brooke that it all comes down to mentally wanting to eat healthy. If you are not there mentally, these laws do nothing!


(Before I am flamed for letting my son take a soda to school everyday, let me clarify that he is underweight and his dr. would actually like for him to gain weight, so I am fine with him eating high calorie foods as long as he also is eating nutritious things with it!)


Wishing everyone a good weekend. Good luck with the working out Brooke. I have an old Cher workout tape (told you it was old!) where she used the step (in the early 90s, they sold this step that a lot of workouts centered around). It didn't really take a whole lot of space as you were mainly stepping up and down on the step, but it provided a pretty good workout. I have no idea if they still sell those things or not. Just an idea for a limited space workout. I saw where Jane Fonda has re-released her workout DVDs too. I remember when they first came out and they were pretty good too, but I guess they do take some space.

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Gathina suggested it.


Lets say I'm sitting here and think about chocolate cake and then I want chocolate cake.


But am I really hungry or am I just craving something/bored/emotional?


She suggested that you think about a piece of fruit and if you say, "Sure, fruit sounds good." Then you are probably actually hungry and then you should have the fruit.


But if you say no, I don't want fruit, then you probably are just having a craving and not hungry.


I added a third level to this b/c I came up with Yes, I could eat some fruit.......but really........I was absolutely full.


So, I did a third check with my stomach and decided that I was full......fruit or not.



I am glad you found something that works for you! How do you handle it when your mind and stomach admit you are full, but your taste buds want seconds?

Edited by TexasHorseLady
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Hi everyone. I'm new to this thread also. I think I was posting a year or so ago but I forget.


About an hour ago I typed up a lengthy post reintroducing myself, all that...asking questions, thanking everyone for sharing great tips. And my app crashed. I was on Tapatalk with my iPhone. Its happened before. I can't even remember what I said.

In a nutshell, I've lost 30+ in the past year. Its from eating healthier and I've been going to the gym since Jan 2011. I take at least 2 Pilates group classes per week and 2-3 group muscle training. I walk a couple times a week.

Everything was going along great then I hit a plateau and I noticed I started finding excuses to skip the gym. OMG this traffic is hideous, lets go home we'll never make the class. Or: I hate this class lets skip today and we'll take such and such class tomorrow.

So I need to get back in the groove. I'm lucky because my daughter is my gym partner. She's really thin and goes to the gym to stay that way.

My weight gaining began about 15 years ago. At least looking back that's when I notice. I went to Curves for 4 years faithfully 5 days a week. Then I stopped. Then I started saying things like, oh wow these size 16 pants feel so comfortable. I like them YES of course they're comfortable. Size 14 is too tight now. I'm back in a 10-12. Even 8s but size really depends on the manufacturer. But I like those sizes better. I'm 5'5" and I want to lose 10 more pounds. Or 15....

We go on our yearly Boston to Bermuda cruise. Two years ago as I would ride up and down in the elevators because I was too bloated to walk, those mirrors in there are what made me join the fitness club I am currently a member of.

I love it. All female. Over 85 classes a week. You name it they have it. Tons of equipment. Nice rooms. Clean. But these excuses are creeping up. I even gained a couple pounds back. They'll be gone soon I hope.


So I read over 20 pages of this thread. Got some new tips I never thought of. I like the visualizations.

I have a love hate relationship with planks and its fun to read about them on here!


I really feel like Pilates is what helped me the most. I remember when I first started I couldn't even do a roll up. Side planks...out of the question.


And muscle training is so important too. Just as much as cardio. I listen carefully to all the verbal cues from the trainers. Its drilled into my mind. I'm very aware of my posture. My core. I "zip up". I align my spine. I engage my abs in every thing I do. Even in the car. Even right now. It all helps. I've seen a lot of success and everyone does each thing to their own ability. Everything can be modified. We have women of all different ages and body shapes in our classes. I know some people can't go to the gym but if you are able...do it! Its not boring like working out alone can become. I haven't been in the cardio room in months. I'm thinking of going in and doing the elliptical after reading how much you guys use it! I've never tried it. Especially now that it will be getting too hot and humid to walk.


I have a lot of books and I'm always searching and reading and trying to fill my head with tips and ideas.


What I eat helps me too. I'm extremely happy that the good vegetables are slowly coming back in season. We've already been eating from our garden.....We have vegetables from each season growing.


I wish I could read all the posts, because I feel like I'm missing out on something...I may get to them. But thank you all for sharing and I will try to help as well. We all have our own experiences and you never know what may benefit someone else! Right? I love Cruise Critic! Never know where I'll end up or what I'll read and talk about:)



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Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I am into organizing this weekend and had to share my latest find. Size dividers for your closet. Am I the only one with clothes from size 10 to 22? I finally decided I needed to organize my closet so I can find things that fit now (which changes monthly as I lose weight), so I found these nifty size dividers for 27 cents each!! How can you go wrong? They are like the ones clothing stores use. Etsy had a lot of cutesy ones meant for kids' clothes, but these are just like the ones used by stores. So, I ordered up 24 blank ones and intend to organize my closet...




Dinner last night was steaks on the George Foreman grill, sauteed mushrooms and caesar salad (added rolls for the rest of the family). Tonight I'm thinking shrimp and chicken fajitas (no flour tortilla for me). I have to have sugar free jello after every dinner for something sweet, but it's 0 carbs, so it definitely does the trick. Another snack is a bit of brie cheese with Blue Diamond Bold salt and vinegar flavored almonds...a bite of brie and about 5 almonds...the flavors blend so well, it's heaven to me and I'd honestly rather have that than a piece of chocolate!!


Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!

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Hi everyone. I'm new to this thread also. I think I was posting a year or so ago but I forget.


About an hour ago I typed up a lengthy post reintroducing myself, all that...asking questions, thanking everyone for sharing great tips. And my app crashed. I was on Tapatalk with my iPhone. Its happened before. I can't even remember what I said.

In a nutshell, I've lost 30+ in the past year. Its from eating healthier and I've been going to the gym since Jan 2011. I take at least 2 Pilates group classes per week and 2-3 group muscle training. I walk a couple times a week.

Everything was going along great then I hit a plateau and I noticed I started finding excuses to skip the gym. OMG this traffic is hideous, lets go home we'll never make the class. Or: I hate this class lets skip today and we'll take such and such class tomorrow.

So I need to get back in the groove. I'm lucky because my daughter is my gym partner. She's really thin and goes to the gym to stay that way.

My weight gaining began about 15 years ago. At least looking back that's when I notice. I went to Curves for 4 years faithfully 5 days a week. Then I stopped. Then I started saying things like, oh wow these size 16 pants feel so comfortable. I like them YES of course they're comfortable. Size 14 is too tight now. I'm back in a 10-12. Even 8s but size really depends on the manufacturer. But I like those sizes better. I'm 5'5" and I want to lose 10 more pounds. Or 15....

We go on our yearly Boston to Bermuda cruise. Two years ago as I would ride up and down in the elevators because I was too bloated to walk, those mirrors in there are what made me join the fitness club I am currently a member of.

I love it. All female. Over 85 classes a week. You name it they have it. Tons of equipment. Nice rooms. Clean. But these excuses are creeping up. I even gained a couple pounds back. They'll be gone soon I hope.


So I read over 20 pages of this thread. Got some new tips I never thought of. I like the visualizations.

I have a love hate relationship with planks and its fun to read about them on here!


I really feel like Pilates is what helped me the most. I remember when I first started I couldn't even do a roll up. Side planks...out of the question.


And muscle training is so important too. Just as much as cardio. I listen carefully to all the verbal cues from the trainers. Its drilled into my mind. I'm very aware of my posture. My core. I "zip up". I align my spine. I engage my abs in every thing I do. Even in the car. Even right now. It all helps. I've seen a lot of success and everyone does each thing to their own ability. Everything can be modified. We have women of all different ages and body shapes in our classes. I know some people can't go to the gym but if you are able...do it! Its not boring like working out alone can become. I haven't been in the cardio room in months. I'm thinking of going in and doing the elliptical after reading how much you guys use it! I've never tried it. Especially now that it will be getting too hot and humid to walk.


I have a lot of books and I'm always searching and reading and trying to fill my head with tips and ideas.


What I eat helps me too. I'm extremely happy that the good vegetables are slowly coming back in season. We've already been eating from our garden.....We have vegetables from each season growing.


I wish I could read all the posts, because I feel like I'm missing out on something...I may get to them. But thank you all for sharing and I will try to help as well. We all have our own experiences and you never know what may benefit someone else! Right? I love Cruise Critic! Never know where I'll end up or what I'll read and talk about:)




Welcome Cindy!

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Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I am into organizing this weekend and had to share my latest find. Size dividers for your closet. Am I the only one with clothes from size 10 to 22? I finally decided I needed to organize my closet so I can find things that fit now (which changes monthly as I lose weight), so I found these nifty size dividers for 27 cents each!! How can you go wrong? They are like the ones clothing stores use. Etsy had a lot of cutesy ones meant for kids' clothes, but these are just like the ones used by stores. So, I ordered up 24 blank ones and intend to organize my closet...




Dinner last night was steaks on the George Foreman grill, sauteed mushrooms and caesar salad (added rolls for the rest of the family). Tonight I'm thinking shrimp and chicken fajitas (no flour tortilla for me). I have to have sugar free jello after every dinner for something sweet, but it's 0 carbs, so it definitely does the trick. Another snack is a bit of brie cheese with Blue Diamond Bold salt and vinegar flavored almonds...a bite of brie and about 5 almonds...the flavors blend so well, it's heaven to me and I'd honestly rather have that than a piece of chocolate!!


Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!


I liked the look of your chicken fajitas the other night!

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BK: Oatmeal (YAY for getting to the store.....well mom did)


L: Idk, I think I'm leaving work early, so I might grab something (grilled of course)


D: Well, I'm going to the grocery store when I leave work.


W: 60-bike-pushed the tension up by one for the first 30 and then take it back down for the next 30 and I'm trying to get through the whole 60 mins without a break. I've also been good about the sets of hand weights with my upper body. About five ways at 30 sets, 10 at a time.


I think someone asked if I knew how to properly use weights.......and yes, I do. I did workout with a trainer for a summer and we used weights and resistance bands in my workouts. He taught me how to hold myself and keep a tight core to keep from hurting myself.


I almost talked myself out of exercise last night. I was having a relaxing day and my SI joint was hurting all day and I thought, "Hmm, maybe I should just rest today?" Well, I also was thinking that I normally don't workout on Friday, but managed to squeeze in 30 mins, weights, planks after my nephews went home. I normally get one day off a week (normally Friday), so that was my rationing. But, something in me said, "What's the real excuse?" So, I went upstairs and did 50 mins straight on the bike. I didn't do 60 full, but I did more than what I was planning and I did it without a break. I forewent the weights and planks until I started watching that weightloss show on ABC and decided I could get up and do some reps before bed. I did hold off on the planks though b/c of my SI joint. I thought I might hurt myself if I my back was already feeling weak. I did do some major stretching though and my back feels much better this morning.


I did 80% better with food this weekend than last weekend. I'm wondering how MN will effect me this week, but hopefully I will just stay strong.


MN will be out of the way by Sunday, I think, she has been a little off lately. In any case, once she goes away, I will get on the scale again. I don't know if it has been more stressful to not look at the scale and be doing all this work and to worry that when I look at the scale it won't show any or very little difference............worse case........a gain. I think its stressful both ways, but I think I've dealt better, so far, with keeping an eye on the scale. But I'm gonna stick with this, like I said I would.


I guess I will hold on to the fact that I have lost some inches, if my bad thoughts come true. Gotta find a positive somewhere.:p


Anyway, I know I'm the worst at planning for my food and though I may have gotten like 3% better at it, I'm still slacking in that area. Since I will have some time this afternoon. I'm planning on sitting down and looking for some recipes and putting together a list for the store. Then I'll plan somethings out for food and maybe do some pre-cooking on a few things.


Good choices

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I think it's really great your getting insight into what your doing..like your stopping and thinking about your choices for food and exercise and not being as impulsive (sorry to sound like a psych. here..LOL)


Like you said, planning is the key. If you plan, then it's easier to not fail.


And the bike..I don't know if it's the intensity you want to build up so much as the endurance. You shouldn't push yourself if you have an injury. 60 minutes at a pace you can handle is better than 60 minutes at a pace that you have to really struggle esp. if you have an injury.


Ask your doctor about inflammation..there is a LOT of good medical research that deals with inflammation from injuries as causing numbers to go up on the scale, even if you are eating right and excercising right.






BK: Oatmeal (YAY for getting to the store.....well mom did)


L: Idk, I think I'm leaving work early, so I might grab something (grilled of course)


D: Well, I'm going to the grocery store when I leave work.


W: 60-bike-pushed the tension up by one for the first 30 and then take it back down for the next 30 and I'm trying to get through the whole 60 mins without a break. I've also been good about the sets of hand weights with my upper body. About five ways at 30 sets, 10 at a time.


I think someone asked if I knew how to properly use weights.......and yes, I do. I did workout with a trainer for a summer and we used weights and resistance bands in my workouts. He taught me how to hold myself and keep a tight core to keep from hurting myself.


I almost talked myself out of exercise last night. I was having a relaxing day and my SI joint was hurting all day and I thought, "Hmm, maybe I should just rest today?" Well, I also was thinking that I normally don't workout on Friday, but managed to squeeze in 30 mins, weights, planks after my nephews went home. I normally get one day off a week (normally Friday), so that was my rationing. But, something in me said, "What's the real excuse?" So, I went upstairs and did 50 mins straight on the bike. I didn't do 60 full, but I did more than what I was planning and I did it without a break. I forewent the weights and planks until I started watching that weightloss show on ABC and decided I could get up and do some reps before bed. I did hold off on the planks though b/c of my SI joint. I thought I might hurt myself if I my back was already feeling weak. I did do some major stretching though and my back feels much better this morning.


I did 80% better with food this weekend than last weekend. I'm wondering how MN will effect me this week, but hopefully I will just stay strong.


MN will be out of the way by Sunday, I think, she has been a little off lately. In any case, once she goes away, I will get on the scale again. I don't know if it has been more stressful to not look at the scale and be doing all this work and to worry that when I look at the scale it won't show any or very little difference............worse case........a gain. I think its stressful both ways, but I think I've dealt better, so far, with keeping an eye on the scale. But I'm gonna stick with this, like I said I would.


I guess I will hold on to the fact that I have lost some inches, if my bad thoughts come true. Gotta find a positive somewhere.:p


Anyway, I know I'm the worst at planning for my food and though I may have gotten like 3% better at it, I'm still slacking in that area. Since I will have some time this afternoon. I'm planning on sitting down and looking for some recipes and putting together a list for the store. Then I'll plan somethings out for food and maybe do some pre-cooking on a few things.


Good choices

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Sounds like you are doing very well, Brooke. Sorry about the injury...hope you are feeling better.


Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are losing inches, you might not see the scale drop as much, but your clothes should be fitting better, which is always a good thing!:)


Planning is key...it's when I don't have low carb things readily accessible that I'm likely to stray. I always keep sugar free jello (I buy the pre-made kind) in the house and almonds. Since I've discovered how easy the frozen chicken breasts are, I always keep a bag of those in the house. I'm boiling some now for chicken salad. I also try to always have hard boiled eggs on hand.


The fajitas were good last night...I added some red pepper flakes for spice...I will have to google to see how many carbs are in red pepper flakes! So annoying that spices have carbs!!


DD and I are taking a college trip next week to S. Carolina to check out some schools. We are going to try to skip the chain restaurants and only go for the local cuisine. I've googled some places to try, but any suggestions for good restaurants in Charleston, Greenville or Hilton Head are welcome. We love she crab soup, so will be looking for that! I've already googled the carb count (10 g per cup), so will definitely be pairing it with some grilled shrimp or seafood for a minimum carb impact! I will be sticking to my diet as best I can...looking to try some local seafood, but crab and shrimp are fine as long as they are not fried. I'm not a big sweet eater, but I know DD will be trying some cobblers and other southern desserts, but she doesn't have weight issues, so that's fine for her.


Hope everyone has a good day!

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Sounds like you are doing very well, Brooke. Sorry about the injury...hope you are feeling better.


Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are losing inches, you might not see the scale drop as much, but your clothes should be fitting better, which is always a good thing!:)


Planning is key...it's when I don't have low carb things readily accessible that I'm likely to stray. I always keep sugar free jello (I buy the pre-made kind) in the house and almonds. Since I've discovered how easy the frozen chicken breasts are, I always keep a bag of those in the house. I'm boiling some now for chicken salad. I also try to always have hard boiled eggs on hand.


The fajitas were good last night...I added some red pepper flakes for spice...I will have to google to see how many carbs are in red pepper flakes! So annoying that spices have carbs!!


DD and I are taking a college trip next week to S. Carolina to check out some schools. We are going to try to skip the chain restaurants and only go for the local cuisine. I've googled some places to try, but any suggestions for good restaurants in Charleston, Greenville or Hilton Head are welcome. We love she crab soup, so will be looking for that! I've already googled the carb count (10 g per cup), so will definitely be pairing it with some grilled shrimp or seafood for a minimum carb impact! I will be sticking to my diet as best I can...looking to try some local seafood, but crab and shrimp are fine as long as they are not fried. I'm not a big sweet eater, but I know DD will be trying some cobblers and other southern desserts, but she doesn't have weight issues, so that's fine for her.


Hope everyone has a good day!


I remember going to SC to visit an all girl college with my mom. It was fun. But I ended up staying closer to home...........about 30 mins. lol. Better scholarships. It will be a great bonding experience!

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BK: Oatmeal


S: Atkins shake, probably about 1/2


L: bunless ham sandwich


S: Pineapple


D: Gorton's grilled shrimp (8 oz) and spinach salad


W: Bike, weights.......plank if I feel I can.


Well, I got the afternoon yesterday, so I decided to take my menu I had planned a go to the grocery store. I actually grabbed a grilled chicken wrap and a small vanilla cone and large unsweet tea from the DQ on the way b/c I wasn't going to go into the grocery hungry.


I went through my list and didn't stray. It was about $95......I did buy 8 pack of Rib eye though, so that will last me more than a week and a bag of frozen chicken breast too. I gotta get better at this grocery spending thing soon, lol.


Here is the list of things I planned for lunch and dinner:



1. Flank steak (way too expensive, so I went with rib eye) and a SW salad salsa on top with black beans, corn, onions, red pepper etc. You get the idea.


2. Asparagus Prosciutto Panini. Okay, so I modified it. Its ciabatta (I bought thin sliced) with swiss, sticks of asparagus and some prosciutto.......I'm gonna use reg. lunch ham (I'm not fancy) with garlic mayo. I'll have to grill it the night before and warm in the next day, but it should be okay.


3. Roasted Potatoes and sausage. I will do roasted potatoes, onions (it calls for peppers, but I don't like them) and I will used Low sodium Turkey sausage.


4. Pasta/Broccoli- Now I bought low carb wheat pasta for this and low calorie swiss cheese.


5. Well that was what I have for today.......




1. Grilled Shrimp/Parm Salad


2. Low carb taco salad (last night, I posted a pic on my FB) I was proud that I made my own shell!!!


3. Southwest chicken with cooked in salsa and green onions etc. Probably Asparagus for a side.


4. Fajitas.


5. Grilled chicken with low fat cheese melted on top, covered in tomatoes with basil/oil/garlic. Some broccoli on the side


6. Grilled Chicken and Mashed Cauliflower.


I didn't do a number 7 b/c I might eat out once this week for dinner.


So after the store, I went home and let my room cool for a bit, then went upstairs and hit the bike (I lowered the tension back down) for a full 50 mins. without stopping. I then got up and did my hand weight reps. I wanted to finish out 60 mins. so I got back on the bike. I felt a little energy boost so I decided to go ahead and finish 20 mins. So, that is 70 mins total. I have to admit my back was sore after, but its something I have to deal with, if it really hurt, I'd take a break.


I doubt I can do that all the time.....I probably just won't have the time like I did yesterday. But its good to know I can do it.


Although, I didn't get good sleep last night, too much on my mind, I was in and out all night. My aunt called me with the prices for the land and house last night. I have to get the lot re-surveyed b/c they still have it as two lots on the plat. Then I have to decide on an offer price. On top of that she didn't price the porches for the house in with it b/c she thought my brother would do it, but we still need the cost for supplies (the labor is free, well, I would pay him in babysitting). And then there are closing cost. So much to this. :confused:




$118,380 -House set up and delivery (water hook up/septic/foundation/electrical/grating/block costs/etc.), also including full price for the land ($19,900).




$5,000-Closing Costs


$126,380...........about $6,000 over where I want to be. I would really actually like to be at the $118,380 total. So.......I need to knock off $8,000 somewhere. Hopefully, I can knock a few thousand off the asking price for the lot and I still have to buck up and ask my aunt for a family discount on the house. There might be $8,000 in there somewhere.


Grant it this is a 3bd, 2bth, 1500 sqft house with .67 acre land in a good location.


Good Choices:rolleyes:

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Sounds like your house plans are coming along and yes, you totally should get a family discount (maybe your aunt could reduce her commission on the house?).


Your meals sound good. My DS loves mashed cauliflower...he requests it at Christmas and Thanksgiving over mashed potatoes!


Good for you for going so long on the bike! I finally started last night...I could only manage 3 miles...about 15 minutes. My bike measures your pulse rate, so my pulse got up into the 160s...I have no idea what it should be...probably need to google that! My bike has different "courses", so I started with the easiest one. I figure I will add 5 minutes a night and then slowly go to the more difficult courses with more hills. I think I need to make a good i-tunes playlist for the bike...I was just randomly flipping through the ipod for music last night, but need a dedicated playlist to keep me motivated. Any suggestions?


Yes, my DD is looking at the college road trip as a chance to bond. My DS would like to come, but she is adamant that it just be the two of us, so he is staying home with his stepdad. We did a similar trip last Oct. while DS was in NYC with his school looking at theater colleges. We are not seeing any schools DS is interested in this trip, so I think I might do a separate trip with him later this summer to see his schools. Having twins entering into college at the same time is tough! DD's first choice is UF in FL, as that is where her boyfriend will be, but even though she is a straight A student, they are very selective, so she is keeping her options open.


I made fried rice with chicken for the family tonight, but kept a couple of chicken breasts aside to make chicken salad for me. Love the convenience of the frozen chicken breasts!

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Hi Everyone!


Brooke ~ you did a great job planning out all your meals. It is so much easier to be successful when we have a plan! I agree with pcrum, you should totally get a family discount on the house.....hope it all comes together smoothly for you. :) You are still on track to weigh in once per month, right? When is your first monthly weigh-in? Hoping for a good number for you!


pcrum ~ Sounds like you have quite a memorable trip in store with your daughter.....enjoy every minute of it! What is your recipe for mashed cauliflower?? I have made it before but it hasn't turned out the greatest. Sometimes I have a craving for some potatoes so I would love to find a good replacement recipe. :)


The week is off to a good start, although I already wish it were Friday! It's horrible how I have become about work lately. :o Weighed in this morning and FINALLY hit my first big goal I had set last year (5/24/11). As of this morning I was down 60.7 pounds (the goal was 60)! I was so happy! That put me under 200 pounds for the first time in about 15 or 16 years. I almost can't believe it. I started out at 260 pounds and making it to "one-derland" seemed so far off. It has definitely been a lot of work but I am finally feeling like maybe I can do this! My next goal is to be down 75 pounds by our summer cruise on 8/18/12. The pounds are coming off slower, so it will be a challenge - but I am ready for it!! :D Initially ~ I set out to ultimately lose 100 pounds. I haven't weighed 160 since I was in junior high. Hopefully, in 39.3 pounds I will know how it feels again.


Here's to successful, on-program weeks for all of us!!! :D

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pcrum ~ Sounds like you have quite a memorable trip in store with your daughter.....enjoy every minute of it! What is your recipe for mashed cauliflower?? I have made it before but it hasn't turned out the greatest. Sometimes I have a craving for some potatoes so I would love to find a good replacement recipe. :)



Congratulations on the weight loss! That is incredible!! As for the cauliflower, I used to boil the cauliflower (1 head), but found that left too much liquid in it. Now I microwave it with just a couple of tablespoons of water and then drain it in a colander. Next, put the cauliflower in a bowl (it should break up pretty easily once cooked) and add butter, salt and half and half or heavy cream (I count carbs, so the cream is less carbs) and mash with an electric mixer until it's a smooth consistency. I don't really measure...just kind of taste as I go along, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's about 3-4 TBSP of butter and 1/4 to 1/8 cup of cream with about 1 tsp salt. My son eats it just like you'd eat mashed potatoes...with gravy on it along with our holiday turkey. I like it with cheese melted on top.

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