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Cruising to Healthy


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I think you made a valid point here..you have to find a way and be consistent with it, not "tweak" it to your liking. Nobody said it was easy. I read somewhere recently that said every diet will work if it's followed consistently, which I think is true. If you read ALL of the boards in this forum you see a lot of tweaking , and then people wonder why they don't lose.


Good advice..follow it 100% for a month and see what happens.


Gathina gave you excellent advice. Here's what I see, and I am not trying to be mean, snotty, rude, etc. You keep doing what you think is right. You are making valiant efforts. However, it's not working. You are not taking the doctor's advice (completely), but you are combining programs, making modifications to programs, etc. You need to pick a method and stick with it. Give it time to get results. Follow it 100% for a month and then judge it. Don't judge after a week with 3 "exception" days.


Which WW program are you following? In the old program 1 point is approximately 50 calories. In the new points plus program, it's more like 35 calories per point.


In the past I've questioned if you're eating enough. You said that you eat more than you list here. Are you tracking everything that goes in your mouth? If not, you need to do so, whether or not you post it on here, though I think it would be helpful to post it here.


As for fruits and veggies, yes, the recommendation is 5 servings per day, but at your weight, you should be consuming closer to 9 servings. You need more veggies than fruit.


Good luck with your appointment. I think you need to probe more at your appointment. If the doctor tells you to cut back on carbs, find out what that means. Don't come up with your own hybrid version. If the doctor tells you to increase exercise, find out what that means in terms of time, days per week, etc. Don't assume anything. Don't let the doctor rush you.


When you get good, solid advice such as Gathina's, don't rationalize why it won't work for you. Figure out how to make it work.


Fingers crossed for a good appointment. I know you're trying and the desire is there. If we all knew what to do, there would be no need for programs like WW, Jenny Craig, etc, and we'd all be a healthy weight.

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Gathina gave you excellent advice. Here's what I see, and I am not trying to be mean, snotty, rude, etc. You keep doing what you think is right. You are making valiant efforts. However, it's not working. You are not taking the doctor's advice (completely), but you are combining programs, making modifications to programs, etc. You need to pick a method and stick with it. Give it time to get results. Follow it 100% for a month and then judge it. Don't judge after a week with 3 "exception" days.


Which WW program are you following? In the old program 1 point is approximately 50 calories. In the new points plus program, it's more like 35 calories per point.


In the past I've questioned if you're eating enough. You said that you eat more than you list here. Are you tracking everything that goes in your mouth? If not, you need to do so, whether or not you post it on here, though I think it would be helpful to post it here.


As for fruits and veggies, yes, the recommendation is 5 servings per day, but at your weight, you should be consuming closer to 9 servings. You need more veggies than fruit.


Good luck with your appointment. I think you need to probe more at your appointment. If the doctor tells you to cut back on carbs, find out what that means. Don't come up with your own hybrid version. If the doctor tells you to increase exercise, find out what that means in terms of time, days per week, etc. Don't assume anything. Don't let the doctor rush you.


When you get good, solid advice such as Gathina's, don't rationalize why it won't work for you. Figure out how to make it work.


Fingers crossed for a good appointment. I know you're trying and the desire is there. If we all knew what to do, there would be no need for programs like WW, Jenny Craig, etc, and we'd all be a healthy weight.


Advice and suggestions are never taken the wrong way, as long as its not taken the wrong way if I don't follow them, lol.:D


I'm not going back to the Dr. this week. I will just weigh at home. He said not to come back until I've shown some progress. I don't really plan on going back b/c they charge me $55 each time b/c its coded as Obesity visit and my company didn't buy an obesity rider so the insurance won't pay for it. Which is fine, I understand, but I won't pay $55 to see the Dr. period. Maybe this sinus infection I feel coming on will cause me to go and then I'll sneak some questions in:rolleyes:.


I really think I'm eating plenty. Like I said, I never feel like I'm really hungry, mostly just, "I think I'm hungry so I should eat b/c I want to."


I'm trying not to sound like I'm rationalizing, but of course I am. I'm just stubborn. I'm gonna find a way to make this work for me on my terms. Its a family trait. Though, at this point, I'm the only one if my family (though not the only one who needs to) even trying to fix my problem.


I REALLY do hear you and you will probably find that in a few weeks or months, I might listen...........its just how I do things. I'd like to change that stubborn streak too, but I think I need to work on one thing at a time.


But I really appreciate everything you say and it makes sense. But I also think what I said makes sense too. :D. I'm gonna win this fight, one way or another.

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Gathina-I hear you too:D.


Okay, so I watched a little yahoo video with Bob from BL and he had 5 tips to get skinny.


1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning


2. Filling BK-He suggested oatmeal and fruit


3. Lean proteins


4. One day of no meat (:o)


5. Veggies, eat them and don't care about the calories.


I like all of those except number 4. Don't have a clue what I would eat with my aversion to most bean proteins. Maybe I could do the opposite and do one day with NO carbs? I do most of those anyway except for 4 and five.


BK: Oatmeal and serving of Watermelon (I told you I would try to get more in)


L: breadless sandwich with ham, tomato slices (whole tomato), light mayo, mustard and some watermelon (I wanted to make a salad with spinach, but it had gone bad and so had our lettuce.)


W: 60-bike, weights/planks (forgot my tennis shoes)


D: Probably going to McDs with the nephews so I will do a grilled chicken sandwich.


Okay, here is the real method to my madness about the points. I feel like 47 points should be enough for me to eat a day, but b/c my weekly points are there I feel like I tell myself, "They are there, why not have this little extra...."


I felt that if I took my points down to 44 that with the weekly points I would actually come in at 47 points a day instead of 50. I guess I mind trick, like Gathina would do. Does that make sense? The BMR stuff just made it sound scientific and I thought it would make more sense instead of me saying, "I can't stay in my daily points b/c I'm too tempted by the fact that the weeklys let me feed my addiction more."


I thought this way I would meet my daily points and not have to use weeklys.


Spending $250 today to get my house and land appraised, cross your fingers it appraises high enough.


Good Choices.

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Glad your receptive to the feedback..we might all be different weights and in different places in the journey but we all know what it's like to feel frustrated when the scale doesn't move.


Sometimes when we hear advice it kinda hurts because we know it's true so it's easy to push it aside untli we feel we're ready to do it. Sometimes that day never comes for some. Not saying this is you but it's true of many.


I will self disclose. I mentioned this diet thing I'm on ..I really thought I was about 15 lbs overweight..when I saw the scale a couple of weeks ago I was horrified, embarrassed, and even cried in front of the doctor. I couldn't beleive it. How did I put on 30 lbs? I was depressed the entire day and cried quite a bit. Now that might not be a big deal for some, but keep in mind I also ran 3 half marathons last year and have been an athlete my entire life. It might as well have been 100lbs. After I cried a little I finally rallied and just made up my mind I was going to do exactly what the doctor told me to do for the weight loss and I did.


I've had a lot of temptations..I have been invited out to dinner and I just said "no, love to, but can't". Had a few opportunities to eat something offered that I wanted, just said "No thanks" and no reasons why. Nobody's business why I don't want it. In your case, if it was McDonalds, I would either take my food from home so I know what I was eating, or I'd eat before and have a diet soda. If I had someone pressure me to take something I didn't want, I'd say "Sorry, not in the mood for it today though it looks yummy". I learned to not care about hurting people's feelings if I don't eat something. Or I take it home and give it to my neighbor or once I even left it at the curb for a homeless man.


For me, it's the mind tricks that work. And I keep focusing on the clothes that I loved waiting for me in the closet. Today I put on something I haven't been able to wear in 3 years. I really believe if you totally abstained from things like McDonalds and other things you like, you'd find in a month or so you'll hate the taste of them. Nobody said you can't ever eat at those places again, or eat the treats you like, but the thing is, and the reality is, you will NEVER be able to eat them again the way you are accustomed to. Maybe 1-3x per month but never 1-3x per week.

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I'm on no carbs no sugar have been for a month now. Down 17lbs yeah!! also down 2 sizes. This is what will really make me stick to this by day 3 I no longer had that tight nagging pain in my back, After doing tons or research I found that wheat can be the reason for the inflamation.

So the I tested this the other day and had 1 small slice of pizza.

With in a hour I felt really horrid sluggish, head pounding, And when I got up in the morning my back was tight and sore.

I really don't want to feel like that again, I also have a ton more engery now:) Love it.

Brook I understand that its hard to not eat the junk when its in the house.

I always have chips, dip. popcorn, icecream in the house. My hubby is one of those people who eats all daylong, He's one of those tall thin people who just dosn't gain. He's 52 and only gone up 1 pant size in 17 years.

Me I went from a 10 to 16/18 eating like he does not a good look for me.

So back down to a 12/14 trying so hard to be a firm, tight 10 again.

So my long winded point is. It is your choice to eat the junk or not. I choose not to feel icky and be sluggish. My biggest problem would be portion control I simply was eating to much. Now I'm counting Cals and really watching what I eat.

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I'm on no carbs no sugar have been for a month now. Down 17lbs yeah!! also down 2 sizes. This is what will really make me stick to this by day 3 I no longer had that tight nagging pain in my back, After doing tons or research I found that wheat can be the reason for the inflamation.

So the I tested this the other day and had 1 small slice of pizza.

With in a hour I felt really horrid sluggish, head pounding, And when I got up in the morning my back was tight and sore.

I really don't want to feel like that again, I also have a ton more engery now:) Love it.

Brook I understand that its hard to not eat the junk when its in the house.

I always have chips, dip. popcorn, icecream in the house. My hubby is one of those people who eats all daylong, He's one of those tall thin people who just dosn't gain. He's 52 and only gone up 1 pant size in 17 years.

Me I went from a 10 to 16/18 eating like he does not a good look for me.

So back down to a 12/14 trying so hard to be a firm, tight 10 again.

So my long winded point is. It is your choice to eat the junk or not. I choose not to feel icky and be sluggish. My biggest problem would be portion control I simply was eating to much. Now I'm counting Cals and really watching what I eat.


Was watching that Extreme Weight Loss show the other night and it had those little tip videos in the middle and the lady said that taking sugar out of your diet for a whole week will wing you of it and stop cravings for it b/c the more sugar you eat the more you want it.


I admit I considered it just to try for a week to see if it really did lesson my cravings, but I'd be afraid of what I would think didn't have sugar in it, that did. I'm sure its worse than I think it is. But the ladies above are right, that I need to find something and stick to it and stop trying to do too many things.

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You would be shocked to see how much stuff has sugar in it. If I can't read a label it dos'nt go in my mouth. There are spice mixes with suger in them.Even dressings for your salads. I use drews no sugar.

Other than being hungry and craving wheat for the frist 3 or 4 days. This has been pretty easy for me.

It helps that I always cook fresh. And we stopped eating fast food about 12 years ago. Just the thought of eating something from Mc D makes me sick..I know people say oh I don't have time to cook..I say BS I work nights and still come home and make dinner when I get home doesnt matter what time I get home. Could be 9 could be 12. Work nights its alway either chicken, shrimp, ground turkey, Something thats not going to take more that 30 min from stove to plate.

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You would be shocked to see how much stuff has sugar in it. If I can't read a label it dos'nt go in my mouth. There are spice mixes with suger in them.Even dressings for your salads. I use drews no sugar.

Other than being hungry and craving wheat for the frist 3 or 4 days. This has been pretty easy for me.

It helps that I always cook fresh. And we stopped eating fast food about 12 years ago. Just the thought of eating something from Mc D makes me sick..I know people say oh I don't have time to cook..I say BS I work nights and still come home and make dinner when I get home doesnt matter what time I get home. Could be 9 could be 12. Work nights its alway either chicken, shrimp, ground turkey, Something thats not going to take more that 30 min from stove to plate.


Haha, I totally cop to just not wanting to cook, just not something I ever really enjoyed. But, thanks to these guys, I'm learning to cook more, better, and healthier.

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:) My son wanted McDonalds yesterday and I was not even tempted to eat one fry, the smell turned me off. My DH and I were just talking about how we haven't ate McDonalds for at least 3 years now. It is funny how your tastes change when you start eating healthy, you calculate calories before you put something in my mouth without even thinking about it.:) Good Luck tomorrow Brooke crossing my fingers for a good reading.

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Wishing you good luck, Brooke, both with your house and with your weigh in. I must admit I don't understand those BMR calculations or WW points at all! For me, it's all about the carbs and I have been sugar free since I started this thing last August. For me, once you give up the carbs, the craving just goes away and let me tell you, doing these college tours 50+ lbs. lighter made a world of difference! No more was I the last one in the group huffing and puffing up hills. It was soooo worth all the "sacrifices", which really don't seem like sacrifices. I'm kind of a meat and veggie type person anyway, so if I can have some chicken and a green veggie or salad, I'm happy. The almonds curb my salt craving (I used to eat loads of goldfish and cheddar cheese rice cakes). It's all about changing what tastes good to you. Eating out is also not really a problem...I just have protein and veggies instead of a potato. I watch my salad dressings...there is often hidden sugar in vinaigrette...blue cheese seems lowest in carbs. Cobb salad is always a good choice for me...I love hard boiled eggs, bacon, cheese and some protein with the greens. I have them hold the tomatoes and avocado (if it's included).


I know McD has been getting a bad wrap lately, but what is wrong with a grilled chicken salad or with getting a grilled chicken sandwich and just eating the chicken? Many times I have gone through the drive-through and ordered a sandwich (either grilled chicken or burger) and just eaten the meat (I order mustard only...no carbs there). It's quick and easy and often my "go to" lunch when I'm working.


Hoping you see some results!:)

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Good Conversation yesterday!


I know you guys want to know and I actually think you guys will be more disappointed than me.........





Yep, I was 314.8.


I guess I just have to hope that intake is my problem and my trick of lowering my daily points will make me stop "actually" eating over them. The last two days I've been doing 44 points instead of the 47 points and just as I thought.........I've been hitting at or just a point or two above 47. I haven't felt like I'm starving either. I've felt hungry, but it is okay to feel hungry as long as within a reasonable amount of time I plan on eating. I usually get hungry around 11:30am, which is only 30 mins before lunch. So, I drink some water and wait it out and I end up being fine. I'm gonna stick with this idea for a few weeks. But I have decided to go back to weighing everyday.


I did have like a breakdown yesterday. Another dramatic moment in my house whoas. Now they want me to do a FHA loan and find 3.5% down payment from someone, then they will build it back into the loan and I'll get the money to pay whoever back. But this means putting me at my top amount for loan. I mean, the estimated payment is what I had planned in my budget, but still I was looking forward to coming in under that and not being so stressed about payments. The other loan would take too long to close for my aunt.


I've tried doing one step at a time, but it is almost impossible! Now, I have to wait for the appraisal to come back and hope and pray it appraises over $130,000, where before it just had to be $125,000. Needless to say i was in tears at my desk trying to do work for the better part of the afternoon, then went home and ate about 10 double stuffed elf cookies and then baked fries and little fish sticks. I was planning on just putting in a pizza, but I knew the danger of that. If was planning on having grilled chicken sandwich and fries, then I knew that the fries and fish sticks would be about the same, where the pizza would quickly take me over. The cookies took up the last 7 points I had left for the day and I had a 3 point soda to come up with 47 points. So, I felt better that even "overeating" still kept me in my "actual" daily points for the day. I was going to skip exercise, but I didn't. I decided to try it and see if my body would get out of the funk I was in. I was completely exhausted from just being so emotional. I felt like I'd been out in the sun all day picking up rocks or something. really. I got to 40 mins. and did my weights. I felt that was good for the mood I was in.


For today:


BK: Oatmeal and watermelon



L: subway turkey sandwich


S: greek yogurt


W: ellpt-60


D: Grilled chicken........hmmm.........I have carrots, peas from the garden, so cabbage from the garden and potatoes..........no clue what to make as a side.


I'm trying to get my energy back up from yesterday, but its hard. Hopefully, a good workout tonight will help and a nice weekend too.


Good Choices.

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Well, you did not gain weight...you have to look at the bright side!! And with all the working out, you should be gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat. I'm all about seeing the glass half full! Do you feel a difference in your clothes?


Buying a house is sooo stressful and although I've never built a home, I've heard that is even more stress. Hoping it all goes well for you and you get the appraisal you need.


I know you don't like a lot of veggies, but have you thought about just for a week or so eliminating starchy veggies, like peas, corn, and potatoes from your diet to see if it makes a difference? I know nothing about WW, but I know these are higher carb veggies and from what I've read, something in the starchy veggies converts to sugar in your body. So, even though you are not having sugar, the starch acts like sugar in your body. I think pasta and bread are the same way. Now, I'm really paraphrasing here and others here might have a much more scientific analysis of why this happens, but it is just something I remember reading. I know green, leafy veggies are fine...cabbage and spinach and collard greens are my "go to" veggies along with broccoli, cauliflower and mushrooms.


Good luck with everything. I really feel you are moving in the right direction!

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Here's a little trick that I do with zucchini, but you have to start with a screaming hot cast iron skillet and you need one of those crinkle cut slicers (they are like $3 in k-mart or walmart or they even have them in my supermarket - like the one you use to make crinkle cut fries).


Preheat cast iron on med high to high. Slice the zucchini (I do like 4-5 zucchini a week) put in bowl with like 2 tablespoons of olive or canola oil; pepper, and any type of seasoning (I use an italian mix) salt also if desired, but I omit. If the pan his hot enough you don't need any oil in the pan due to the high water content or you could pam it. "fry" in cast iron in single layer for like 2 minutes a side. They are fantastic, taste like the grill, which we have but I don't like to use it unless I'm grilling an entire meal. These are great, you can eat them like that, sprinkle some greated parmesan cheese or make a zucchini tomato caserole. I do these zucchini every Sunday and take them to work for lunch with a salad with onions, tomatoes and peppers. I don't eat any meant (chicken, pork, beef but I do eat all kinds of fish and shell fish) This could also be done with Chinese eggplant (the small ones).

I peel the eggplant put not the zucchini.


Another favorite, for crunch are kale chips - spray each with pam and put on whatever seasoning you want. Bake on a dry tray for like 30 minutes, you have to watch them, could be longer. A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez for you non-Yankee fans) makes these and he has like zero body fat. They are fantastic.


One final, although this is kind of high carb, grill corn on the cob, take corn off the cobb, defrost package of baby peas - puree in food processor with some salt, pepper and either basil or celantro. I love scallops over this but you could use shrimp or salmon as well or it would even be good with thinkly sliced flank steak.


Happy cooking!

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:)I love these ideas, thanks for sharing.:)


Here's a little trick that I do with zucchini, but you have to start with a screaming hot cast iron skillet and you need one of those crinkle cut slicers (they are like $3 in k-mart or walmart or they even have them in my supermarket - like the one you use to make crinkle cut fries).


Preheat cast iron on med high to high. Slice the zucchini (I do like 4-5 zucchini a week) put in bowl with like 2 tablespoons of olive or canola oil; pepper, and any type of seasoning (I use an italian mix) salt also if desired, but I omit. If the pan his hot enough you don't need any oil in the pan due to the high water content or you could pam it. "fry" in cast iron in single layer for like 2 minutes a side. They are fantastic, taste like the grill, which we have but I don't like to use it unless I'm grilling an entire meal. These are great, you can eat them like that, sprinkle some greated parmesan cheese or make a zucchini tomato caserole. I do these zucchini every Sunday and take them to work for lunch with a salad with onions, tomatoes and peppers. I don't eat any meant (chicken, pork, beef but I do eat all kinds of fish and shell fish) This could also be done with Chinese eggplant (the small ones).

I peel the eggplant put not the zucchini.


Another favorite, for crunch are kale chips - spray each with pam and put on whatever seasoning you want. Bake on a dry tray for like 30 minutes, you have to watch them, could be longer. A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez for you non-Yankee fans) makes these and he has like zero body fat. They are fantastic.


One final, although this is kind of high carb, grill corn on the cob, take corn off the cobb, defrost package of baby peas - puree in food processor with some salt, pepper and either basil or celantro. I love scallops over this but you could use shrimp or salmon as well or it would even be good with thinkly sliced flank steak.


Happy cooking!

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:) I was a little bummed not seeing at least 114 but I do agree with the fact muscle weighs more than fat so if your feeling toner than thats a plus. The house is going to be stressful for like a year so hopefully you can figure out how to manage the stress without damaging all the good you have done so far. Good Luck and keep up the good work. :)

Were all here for you.




Good Conversation yesterday!


I know you guys want to know and I actually think you guys will be more disappointed than me.........





Yep, I was 314.8.


I guess I just have to hope that intake is my problem and my trick of lowering my daily points will make me stop "actually" eating over them. The last two days I've been doing 44 points instead of the 47 points and just as I thought.........I've been hitting at or just a point or two above 47. I haven't felt like I'm starving either. I've felt hungry, but it is okay to feel hungry as long as within a reasonable amount of time I plan on eating. I usually get hungry around 11:30am, which is only 30 mins before lunch. So, I drink some water and wait it out and I end up being fine. I'm gonna stick with this idea for a few weeks. But I have decided to go back to weighing everyday.


I did have like a breakdown yesterday. Another dramatic moment in my house whoas. Now they want me to do a FHA loan and find 3.5% down payment from someone, then they will build it back into the loan and I'll get the money to pay whoever back. But this means putting me at my top amount for loan. I mean, the estimated payment is what I had planned in my budget, but still I was looking forward to coming in under that and not being so stressed about payments. The other loan would take too long to close for my aunt.


I've tried doing one step at a time, but it is almost impossible! Now, I have to wait for the appraisal to come back and hope and pray it appraises over $130,000, where before it just had to be $125,000. Needless to say i was in tears at my desk trying to do work for the better part of the afternoon, then went home and ate about 10 double stuffed elf cookies and then baked fries and little fish sticks. I was planning on just putting in a pizza, but I knew the danger of that. If was planning on having grilled chicken sandwich and fries, then I knew that the fries and fish sticks would be about the same, where the pizza would quickly take me over. The cookies took up the last 7 points I had left for the day and I had a 3 point soda to come up with 47 points. So, I felt better that even "overeating" still kept me in my "actual" daily points for the day. I was going to skip exercise, but I didn't. I decided to try it and see if my body would get out of the funk I was in. I was completely exhausted from just being so emotional. I felt like I'd been out in the sun all day picking up rocks or something. really. I got to 40 mins. and did my weights. I felt that was good for the mood I was in.


For today:


BK: Oatmeal and watermelon



L: subway turkey sandwich


S: greek yogurt


W: ellpt-60


D: Grilled chicken........hmmm.........I have carrots, peas from the garden, so cabbage from the garden and potatoes..........no clue what to make as a side.


I'm trying to get my energy back up from yesterday, but its hard. Hopefully, a good workout tonight will help and a nice weekend too.


Good Choices.

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Here's a little trick that I do with zucchini, but you have to start with a screaming hot cast iron skillet and you need one of those crinkle cut slicers (they are like $3 in k-mart or walmart or they even have them in my supermarket - like the one you use to make crinkle cut fries).


Preheat cast iron on med high to high. Slice the zucchini (I do like 4-5 zucchini a week) put in bowl with like 2 tablespoons of olive or canola oil; pepper, and any type of seasoning (I use an italian mix) salt also if desired, but I omit. If the pan his hot enough you don't need any oil in the pan due to the high water content or you could pam it. "fry" in cast iron in single layer for like 2 minutes a side. They are fantastic, taste like the grill, which we have but I don't like to use it unless I'm grilling an entire meal. These are great, you can eat them like that, sprinkle some greated parmesan cheese or make a zucchini tomato caserole. I do these zucchini every Sunday and take them to work for lunch with a salad with onions, tomatoes and peppers. I don't eat any meant (chicken, pork, beef but I do eat all kinds of fish and shell fish) This could also be done with Chinese eggplant (the small ones).

I peel the eggplant put not the zucchini.


Another favorite, for crunch are kale chips - spray each with pam and put on whatever seasoning you want. Bake on a dry tray for like 30 minutes, you have to watch them, could be longer. A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez for you non-Yankee fans) makes these and he has like zero body fat. They are fantastic.


One final, although this is kind of high carb, grill corn on the cob, take corn off the cobb, defrost package of baby peas - puree in food processor with some salt, pepper and either basil or celantro. I love scallops over this but you could use shrimp or salmon as well or it would even be good with thinkly sliced flank steak.


Happy cooking!


Thanks, the garden is finally starting to produce, so maybe I will make use of these ideas.

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:) I was a little bummed not seeing at least 114 but I do agree with the fact muscle weighs more than fat so if your feeling toner than thats a plus. The house is going to be stressful for like a year so hopefully you can figure out how to manage the stress without damaging all the good you have done so far. Good Luck and keep up the good work. :)

Were all here for you.


I feel stronger, that is for sure, but I would rather see some weight loss to be honest. I REALLY want to lose the 20lbs to meet my goal for the cruise. I'm going to make it though.

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Was re-reading this though it was a few days ago..after reading so many posts on these boards I've come to the conclusion that how you might have been raised affects how you eat today. I've shared my weight challenges but I was actually raised eating only fresh, NEVER eating out, cooking at home all the time, etc.We ate out MAYBE once a month if it was that much, and it was usually some kind of take out like a pizza or Chinese.

My weight issues happened as an adult and giving into convenience instead of practicing what I was taught. And as kids we had a stay at home mom, so we had homemade cookies, breads, pies almost every day..and none of us had weight issues. But we also had to use our bikes everywhere, even our after school jobs, or we had to walk.


When I eat out now occasionally, almost nothing tastes good to me. I look at the menu ahead of time to see what might be the most healthy and it's sad that they even kill salads now with the calories contents..without the dressing even! I cook my own food, and take a few hours to prep on the weekend. I like reading what others are eating, but after reading the lists think "how boring. I wouldn't stay on a diet if I ate like that every day too". I like to cook Ethnic dishes a lot as they use a lot of legumes, veggies, and spices and tend to be more healthy and lower fat. You rarely see an overweight Indian, Japanese, or Chinese person.


I also go to a butcher or Whole Foods and if I buy a package of chicken breasts I ask them to portion out each one and wrap it separately..it goes home in to the freezer then I can just grab it and cook it. Veggies I cut up ahead of time, and I plan my snacks. I take my lunch from home and for every meal it's just a matter of grabbing from my piles. For breakfast I eat 1/4 cup of eggwhites..and I buy Butter Ball pre-cooked turkey bacon..all the fat is out of it..and for 3 slices for 60 calories it takes 5 minutes or less to make breakfast as the eggwhites are already in a pour container.


My point: You have to really plan and consciously make choices. If you have things ready to go, there is less chance for failure. I work anywhere between 8-12 hours a day, drive a lot, have a new husband, and I still force myself to work out an hour a day. If I can't get to the gym or a class, I ride my bike to the store nearby if I need something..spend less money, too.



You would be shocked to see how much stuff has sugar in it. If I can't read a label it dos'nt go in my mouth. There are spice mixes with suger in them.Even dressings for your salads. I use drews no sugar.

Other than being hungry and craving wheat for the frist 3 or 4 days. This has been pretty easy for me.

It helps that I always cook fresh. And we stopped eating fast food about 12 years ago. Just the thought of eating something from Mc D makes me sick..I know people say oh I don't have time to cook..I say BS I work nights and still come home and make dinner when I get home doesnt matter what time I get home. Could be 9 could be 12. Work nights its alway either chicken, shrimp, ground turkey, Something thats not going to take more that 30 min from stove to plate.

Edited by Gathina
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I have poor planning again, so my meals for today are going to be rough.


BK: oatmeal


L: ham/cheese sandwich and pb crackers


S: greek yogurt w/ some protein powder mixed in


D: Mom's got stuff from the garden I will see what she had to eat with chicken.


W: Ellpt. 60


I admit this weekend was a wash. Though I did do a little better with my new points level. Saturday I went over and had bk with my brother for Father's day and then went home and buried myself in that book "50 shades of grey." Ugh, I always do this. If I find a book that I like then I just immerse myself in it whole heartily and get caught up in it like........its really part of my life or something......and when it is over (almost done with book 2) I will be sad. I already think about it and try to analyze it and reply parts of it in my mind........I did the same thing with the Twilight Books, HP and the Sisterhood books, lol. I get to into them. Its gonna be hard not to read it at work today. And people wonder why I don't read that much, I would never live my own life..........


Still an interesting book, once you get past the :eek: about every 5 pages (nothing really worse than romance novels, just different), then you can get into the story, which almost kinda hits home with me b/c of the male main characters background. Won't tell you anything b/c that would be rude. Is is a bit of a soap opera.........sometimes I get mad that they re-hash the same issues over and over and over again.........get over it and move on one way or another (secretly rooting for them). It also brings up some very good internal questions about relationships and understanding, lifestyles etc. Has my brian on overtime and is probably me using it to forget my own problems for the moment. I used the HP books in college to escape my senior year and all the stress. I used Twilight to escape being pretty much unemployed after grad school.........I see a pattern........


Anyway...........way off topic there.


Got to spend Sunday with most of my family on a mini road trip to a nice little park up the road about 2 hours and had a picnic and looked around for a bit then back home. Its nice spending time with family though. I didn't get any exercise in this weekend though b/c I decided to take Saturday off and then didn't realize I'd be gone all day on Sunday until 10pm on Sat. Our family is so last min.


But it will be back to the grind today with the gym (hoping its still open, looks like they are getting ready with equipment to start renovating), but it is raining today, so maybe......


Anyway, started back weighing everyday again.


Saturday: 316

Sunday: 314.6

Monday: 316



I'm hoping to see a difference from my decrease in points. I still haven't felt like I'm not eating enough yet, but I haven't done a full week of it or with full exercise, so we will see.


Good Choices.

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Woo Hoo down 4lbs.. Spent yesterday at the beach playing in the water and just laying around reading with my hubby..Total lazy day.

We had a nice little picnic lunch on the beach..He had 3 chicken salad sand. A huge container of greek yogurt and fruit. And some cookies I cheated with and bought from the bakery.

I was good spinage salad with a small scoop of chicken salad. And I found some low carb yogurt 3 grams 45 cals. It was good.

I don't think I will buy it very often tho I really try to stay away from artifical sweetners. But it was a nice little treet:)

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Was re-reading this though it was a few days ago..after reading so many posts on these boards I've come to the conclusion that how you might have been raised affects how you eat today. I've shared my weight challenges but I was actually raised eating only fresh, NEVER eating out, cooking at home all the time, etc.We ate out MAYBE once a month if it was that much, and it was usually some kind of take out like a pizza or Chinese.

My weight issues happened as an adult and giving into convenience instead of practicing what I was taught. And as kids we had a stay at home mom, so we had homemade cookies, breads, pies almost every day..and none of us had weight issues. But we also had to use our bikes everywhere, even our after school jobs, or we had to walk.


When I eat out now occasionally, almost nothing tastes good to me. I look at the menu ahead of time to see what might be the most healthy and it's sad that they even kill salads now with the calories contents..without the dressing even! I cook my own food, and take a few hours to prep on the weekend. I like reading what others are eating, but after reading the lists think "how boring. I wouldn't stay on a diet if I ate like that every day too". I like to cook Ethnic dishes a lot as they use a lot of legumes, veggies, and spices and tend to be more healthy and lower fat. You rarely see an overweight Indian, Japanese, or Chinese person.


I also go to a butcher or Whole Foods and if I buy a package of chicken breasts I ask them to portion out each one and wrap it separately..it goes home in to the freezer then I can just grab it and cook it. Veggies I cut up ahead of time, and I plan my snacks. I take my lunch from home and for every meal it's just a matter of grabbing from my piles. For breakfast I eat 1/4 cup of eggwhites..and I buy Butter Ball pre-cooked turkey bacon..all the fat is out of it..and for 3 slices for 60 calories it takes 5 minutes or less to make breakfast as the eggwhites are already in a pour container.


My point: You have to really plan and consciously make choices. If you have things ready to go, there is less chance for failure. I work anywhere between 8-12 hours a day, drive a lot, have a new husband, and I still force myself to work out an hour a day. If I can't get to the gym or a class, I ride my bike to the store nearby if I need something..spend less money, too.


I agree, how you were raised on food can have an effect. But you are also right that as adults we have choices to make.


I know my eating steams from my childhood. We were a one salary family and not much of one either for a long time. Mom had to buy what she had coupons for and cheap stuff. So we got a lot of those Banquet metloaf/turkey trays, mac n cheese, stuff like that. I was actually lucky if we got to eat out when I was little. So, maybe my need steams from not having? But then again I also associate my feelings for my family and friends with food b/c there wasn't a time that I got together with my family that it didn't revolve around a big meal. This past weekend........case in point.


But its my responsibility. And I'm not making excuses for my lack of preparation. I just don't do it. I get wrapped up in doing stuff I want to do or just doing nothing and I just don't do it, even though I do have the time. Its a crutch that my mom does the grocery shopping for the most part and so, I don't do it. I will have to learn to find a time to do it though........in the next few months.

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BK: Oatmeal


L: Mom made squash meatloaf pockets. She cut the squash in half and gutted it, then mixed it with the deer and other veggies for a meatloaf mix, the baked it inside the leftover squash shell. Pretty good, so I brought one for lunch with a baked potato.


S: I have almonds. I forgot snacks.


W: 60 mins. ellpt. and some weights.


D: I was thinking low carb wrap fajitas.


Still waiting on the appraisal to come through. I keep distracting myself with this book. Almost done with the series though. I can't wait b/c the sooner I finish the sooner my mind won't be all garbled with random thoughts about the book. I really do kinda hate the way books make me feel. Its really distracting and overwhelming.......I just can't explain it. I should stick to reading one level books or self help, lol.


Although, reading my tablet while working out makes the time past SO quickly. And remarkably keep a really good pace.......the distraction of the book.........then I have my ear phones in with high paced music and then I'm moving. I guess my brain is trying to do so much at once that it just is on auto pilot or something. Any recommendations for fun exciting books to keep me distracted? lol.


Good Choices

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Hi everyone!


I have been checking in the last week or so but not doing much posting. Busy, busy with school just ending and transitioning my kids to their summer schedule and changing up my work schedule a bit.


Been struggling the last three or four days. I am up 1.1 pounds from my low last week. :( I always get frustrated when I feel like I am continuing to really stick with it and see no results or negative results on the scale. Trying to hold it together ~ hoping I will see a drop over the next few days.


Glad everyone is still plugging along! FYI ~ I LOVE kale chips, so yummy! I spread them on a large baking sheet, spray them with Pam spray, sprinkle liberally with garlic powder and very lightly with salt, bake at 350 degrees for about 11 minutes. Perfect evening snack to replace regular chips when I am watching TV at night!

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Brooke: I just started 50 Shades of Grey...I love it so far!! As for books, I rarely read fiction. I am mostly into biographies. These are my recent favs:


Written by JFK Jr's secretary...Fairy Tale Interrupted by RoseMarie Terenzio.


Imperfect Justice (written by Casey Anthony prosecutor, Jeff Ashton)


Truth and Consequences, (the story of the Madoffs as told by the one surviving brother and with some interviews with Ruth Madoff) by Laurie Sandell


The End of Normal, written by Stephanie Madoff Mack, the widow of the Madoff brother who killed himself.


The one fiction book I read recently that was pretty good was Bond Girl by Erin Duffy. It's kind of like A Devil Wears Prada does Wall St. Entertaining and a quick read.


How do you read and do the elliptical? Isn't it hard to balance the kindle and do the handles? I don't think I'd be coordinated enough to do that. I listen to music on the bike, but don't think I could read. I have to kind of zone in on the beat of the music to get me through. I really hate exercise!!! I made a workout playlist of songs with a good beat..."Walk this Way" by Aerosmith, Adam Lambert's "Born to be Wild", Bob Seger's "Katmando and "Fire down Below", Blondie's "Call Me", etc. Yeah, I'm a child of the 80s!!


Have been doing ok with the food...had an omelet for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch and hamburger patty for dinner. Sugar free jello for a snack. I really like the way eating low carb makes me feel. Just wish I could be thrilled about the exercise part! I dread it, but do it everyday!!


Good luck to everyone!

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