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Cruising to Healthy


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Brooke, I know this has been a long journey for you and I haven't been keeping up on here.


So your on WW?


I am using Myfitnesspal to lose this baby weight. Counting calories and fat grams with 3 workouts a day (2 walks and circuit training) has helped me lose 40lbs in 4.5 months.

I have found that portion sizes and the calories go with that (if it is something not healthy for you) are not worth the extra effort to work it off.



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Wow to be in a 12 again! I've not been in a 12 since I guess college. I've been up to 18/20 but now seem to be decently in the 14/16 range for things. Someday i want to be able to shop at ALL stores again, rather than like 3! So tiring to have only those few options right???


While I love being a 12 again I also know clothes are running bigger.About 10 years ago I was a very tight fit size 10. And I weigh 40 lbs more right now that I did then. I would really love to be back down to 125 again.

Its a good weight for me not thin. But very nice shape. I'm a curvy girl

So while I'm pretty short 5'2" dos'nt matter what size I am. big busted small waist and curvy hips so thats the weight that works best for me.

I know my hubby would love to see me fit again.


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That sounds like me! Busty, small waist and some hips and thighs. I am back down to 125 now, but don't think I will get to my pre-pregnancy weight again. I would love to not have to buy clothes but size 2-5 won't fit these hips that spread. :rolleyes: My son was completely worth it though!!


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While I love being a 12 again I also know clothes are running bigger.About 10 years ago I was a very tight fit size 10. And I weigh 40 lbs more right now that I did then. I would really love to be back down to 125 again.

Its a good weight for me not thin. But very nice shape. I'm a curvy girl

So while I'm pretty short 5'2" dos'nt matter what size I am. big busted small waist and curvy hips so thats the weight that works best for me.

I know my hubby would love to see me fit again.



Ugh don't say that! I want to believe that a 10 is still a 10 LOL. Not that I think I'll ever see it :-)


As for the ideal weight - it's really more about being healthy - not what the scale says. At least, for me.


I want my cholesterol to be normal again. I want to not worry about heart disease from that. Scary crap.


Now, I'd be lying if i said I didn't want to look great in a dress or a bathing suit, but honestly, I want to be healthier on the inside and the outside benefits are just a bonus.

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Hi everyone, hope that you had a nice weekend!


So I've been tracking on loseit for almost a week (5 days now), and I'm down 2.5 pounds so far! I usually weigh in everyday, first thing in the morning. Yay. You know what, it hasn't even really been that "hard," and I don't feel terribly restricted. I just have to be a lot more mindful than I normally am. I'm finding that it is actually really encouraging me to workout, because that extra 300-400 calories comes in handy if I want a treat. If I didn't workout, I don't get that glass of wine or whatever. Also, I'm not doing any mindless snacking, because if I do, I have to log it, and not only is it a minor inconvenience, but I also see how quickly it eats into the amount I have budgeted for meals! I have to say my favorite thing about the app is how you can scan the UPC of pretty much any food and it will find it immediately. On the way back from the bike ride, we stopped near the lake and had a beer. I chose a Corona Light and I scanned it and found it for something like 96 calories. Really cool since most alcoholic beverages DON'T have calories printed on them (why is that, anyway? Super annoying!). Also, anything I buy from Trader Joe's has been found using the UPC scan method really easily. It's nice, so I don't have to enter in all the nutrition info manually, what a pain that was!


So get this - DH joined with me, and he set it so that he stays the same weight. He found out that he is "allowed" 900 more calories than me everyday!! How annoying is that! JK, haha. It's actually a little shocking since we usually eat very similar meals, although I think he snacks more than me. No wonder I need to lose weight, if I have been eating the same things as him. I know that no matter how "unfair" it is, women need less calories than men, it seems. Anyway, 900 calories is just slightly over half my daily budget, which is a lot extra!


Anyway, I will be sure to check in on Thursday and let you know how the first week went - but so far it is looking OK. I'm going away ALL next week for work, so it's going to be hard tracking/estimating unless we are at chain-type restaurants, I think. I see lots of salads in my future... Also, I won't be able to weigh in for like 5 days, which will be an adjustment for me! The good thing is that I will have a built-in 15 minute walk (each way) to work, so I'll at least be getting 30 minutes of exercise in.

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Brooke, I know this has been a long journey for you and I haven't been keeping up on here.


So your on WW?


I am using Myfitnesspal to lose this baby weight. Counting calories and fat grams with 3 workouts a day (2 walks and circuit training) has helped me lose 40lbs in 4.5 months.

I have found that portion sizes and the calories go with that (if it is something not healthy for you) are not worth the extra effort to work it off.



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I've been watching your fb with all your Jillian workouts, lol. I don't know if I could handle her. Plus I have no where to workout with a DVD in the house.


Yep WW. I know it works, apparently I just suck at doing it right. I'm hoping restarting and getting back to the basics will help.

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Hi everyone, hope that you had a nice weekend!


So I've been tracking on loseit for almost a week (5 days now), and I'm down 2.5 pounds so far! I usually weigh in everyday, first thing in the morning. Yay. You know what, it hasn't even really been that "hard," and I don't feel terribly restricted. I just have to be a lot more mindful than I normally am. I'm finding that it is actually really encouraging me to workout, because that extra 300-400 calories comes in handy if I want a treat. If I didn't workout, I don't get that glass of wine or whatever. Also, I'm not doing any mindless snacking, because if I do, I have to log it, and not only is it a minor inconvenience, but I also see how quickly it eats into the amount I have budgeted for meals! I have to say my favorite thing about the app is how you can scan the UPC of pretty much any food and it will find it immediately. On the way back from the bike ride, we stopped near the lake and had a beer. I chose a Corona Light and I scanned it and found it for something like 96 calories. Really cool since most alcoholic beverages DON'T have calories printed on them (why is that, anyway? Super annoying!). Also, anything I buy from Trader Joe's has been found using the UPC scan method really easily. It's nice, so I don't have to enter in all the nutrition info manually, what a pain that was!


So get this - DH joined with me, and he set it so that he stays the same weight. He found out that he is "allowed" 900 more calories than me everyday!! How annoying is that! JK, haha. It's actually a little shocking since we usually eat very similar meals, although I think he snacks more than me. No wonder I need to lose weight, if I have been eating the same things as him. I know that no matter how "unfair" it is, women need less calories than men, it seems. Anyway, 900 calories is just slightly over half my daily budget, which is a lot extra!


Anyway, I will be sure to check in on Thursday and let you know how the first week went - but so far it is looking OK. I'm going away ALL next week for work, so it's going to be hard tracking/estimating unless we are at chain-type restaurants, I think. I see lots of salads in my future... Also, I won't be able to weigh in for like 5 days, which will be an adjustment for me! The good thing is that I will have a built-in 15 minute walk (each way) to work, so I'll at least be getting 30 minutes of exercise in.


I find for me, it's best to weigh in on Fridays because 1. It's the end of the week and I've worked out 5 days, 2. I eat good at home while I work and am with my son and 3. What I eat Friday night I will have all week to work off (we eat out for dinner on Friday's as an "Ahh, it's the weekend" moment, lol). Otherwise, if I weigh in everyday, I get so obsessed with not losing a pound a day, lol!


When my husband was working out to lose weight he was allowed way more calories, but that's because they're bigger and burn calories at a faster pace. Not fair right?!?! HA! I couldn't imagine eating that many calories though, yikes!

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I've been watching your fb with all your Jillian workouts, lol. I don't know if I could handle her. Plus I have no where to workout with a DVD in the house.


Yep WW. I know it works, apparently I just suck at doing it right. I'm hoping restarting and getting back to the basics will help.


Trust me, I didn't like her either, but she keeps you going, lol! Now that I completed her 30 Day Shred, I'm doing her Ripped in 30 (something new) and attempting to do her 6pack in 6 weeks again. I tried doing the 6pack one before but shortly after I started, I found out I was pregnant.

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I felt that I've been fairly well. I can't start my 10 days of one treat a day yet though b/c I fudged that this weekend and I almost know I will fudge it over vacation. But the point is, that I have put a great effort into it and I've done MUCH better than I have been doing.


Mom fixed skewers last night with chicken cubes, squash, onion, tomato (though I won't eat a roasted tomato, blech), carrots and one little potato. It was really yummy and filling. I had some whole wheat low calorie and 6 net carb toast with it. Then I had a bowl of cereal that evening for my treat.


Before I went to bed last night I filled in my WW tracker with my meals for today. And then I put what I needed to pack on my notepad on my phone so I wouldn't forget to pack anything.


Okay, so maybe deciding the night before isn't real planning, but its a step in the right direction. Plus we arent' really going to the store this week b/c we will be leaving for a weekend this weekend. So, I'm sure I will have to run by the store before work a few times.


BK: 2/3 c oatmeal

1 c milk

2 tsp sugar (I was going to eat a egg, but I had to factory reset my phone Friday and forgot to reset my alarm......woke up 20 mins. late)


S: Leftover skewer from last night.

2 oz of chicken

1/2 cup of varied veggies


H2O: 24 oz so far today


L: 3oz of the fake crab meat

5 sprays of the ICBINB

2 shakes of Old Bay

1/2 c squash steamed a bit with a few sprays of ICBINB and some salt

1/2 c canned in its own juices/drained/rinsed pineapple


S: 1 serving of Greek Yogurt cup

1/2 c green beans


D: 1 hamburger patty

1 c brown rice

1/2 c squash

1/2 c broccoli (if it hasnt gone bad)

Gonna make like a rice beef veggie mash up thing


W: I hope to get to the ellpt. today at the gym. My ankle feels stronger and has lost most of the soreness and hasn't swollen for a few days now. I will wear my brace though b/c the ellpt. has too much change of putting my full weight on my ankle, unlike the bike.


Well, Its about 12 and that is my que to get my lunch ready so I stay in the habit of eating every 2-3 hours.


BTW, My weight is showing 315 so far this week. I will not make my five lb goal, but I'm okay with that.


Good choices

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I want my cholesterol to be normal again. I want to not worry about heart disease from that. Scary crap.


Now, I'd be lying if i said I didn't want to look great in a dress or a bathing suit, but honestly, I want to be healthier on the inside and the outside benefits are just a bonus.


I totally agree. While the way I look does play a role in my dieting (I want to look good in my twins' graduation photos next summer!), the main reason for me to start dieting was health related. Turning 50 this year and I didn't like the fact that I was on bp medicine and was headed towards cholesterol meds. Since losing 50 + lbs. (I haven't weighed since I lost the 50, lol...I only weigh once every 2-3 months), I've cut my bp meds in half and hope to be off of them completely when I see the dr. at the end of the summer. My cholesterol has also improved, contrary to what a lot of people say about the Atkins diet.

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Sounds like a good plan, Brooke.


We are going to the beach this week too, just for 2 nights, but unless I get to the hotel gym, I will miss my workout. I'm determined to stick to the diet though in terms of food. I may have a glass of wine or two though.


Had company Fri and Sat. night and since my exercise bike lives in the guest room, I missed my workout for 2 nights. Wasn't happy about it, but hope the deep cleaning I did on the house to prep for the company helped some (you know when you get the crevice attachment on the vacuum and get all the nicks and crannies, lol....even used the drapery attachment on the drapes). I was beat when I finished cleaning, so hope I used up some calories.


I'm so into working out now that I was telling DH I want a bow flex for Christmas, lol and a home gym. We have 2 kids going off to college in a year, so DH said to pick a room and make it the gym. Not sure how they will feel when they come home on breaks to a gym in their rooms though, so will probably stick to the guest room! Wish I had one more room, lol!!


Doing good with the food. Made a pork roast in the crockpot marinated in Gourmet Warehouse of Hilton Head Classic Marinade (found in the meat section of Publix...1 carb per TBSP). So, I use about 1/4 cup to marinate a whole pork loin...not sure how that ends up in terms of carbs per serving size, but it doesn't taste sweet like a lot of marinades do. Made Rachel Ray's brussels sprouts w/bacon (I posted the recipe here a while back ) with it and scalloped potatoes for the family. Made brownies and biscuits for the rest of the family, but I was ok just eating the pork roast and brussels sprouts


Wishing everyone a good week.

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I totally agree. While the way I look does play a role in my dieting (I want to look good in my twins' graduation photos next summer!), the main reason for me to start dieting was health related. Turning 50 this year and I didn't like the fact that I was on bp medicine and was headed towards cholesterol meds. Since losing 50 + lbs. (I haven't weighed since I lost the 50, lol...I only weigh once every 2-3 months), I've cut my bp meds in half and hope to be off of them completely when I see the dr. at the end of the summer. My cholesterol has also improved, contrary to what a lot of people say about the Atkins diet.


How high was your cholestrol when you started and what is it now, do you mind sharing?


At my highest I think I was 278. Last time I was checked I think I was in the 240s. I'm too young to be put on the meds (child bearing age still) and really hope to right this wrong before I'm old enough to go on the meds. My goal is to not take daily meds unless I have to (aside from BCP and maybe allergy since the allergies never ever seem to get better regardless lol). Ok so maybe i'll never be med free but i want to be free of the ones that are things I can control! lol

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Sounds like a good plan, Brooke.


We are going to the beach this week too, just for 2 nights, but unless I get to the hotel gym, I will miss my workout. I'm determined to stick to the diet though in terms of food. I may have a glass of wine or two though.


Had company Fri and Sat. night and since my exercise bike lives in the guest room, I missed my workout for 2 nights. Wasn't happy about it, but hope the deep cleaning I did on the house to prep for the company helped some (you know when you get the crevice attachment on the vacuum and get all the nicks and crannies, lol....even used the drapery attachment on the drapes). I was beat when I finished cleaning, so hope I used up some calories.


I'm so into working out now that I was telling DH I want a bow flex for Christmas, lol and a home gym. We have 2 kids going off to college in a year, so DH said to pick a room and make it the gym. Not sure how they will feel when they come home on breaks to a gym in their rooms though, so will probably stick to the guest room! Wish I had one more room, lol!!


Doing good with the food. Made a pork roast in the crockpot marinated in Gourmet Warehouse of Hilton Head Classic Marinade (found in the meat section of Publix...1 carb per TBSP). So, I use about 1/4 cup to marinate a whole pork loin...not sure how that ends up in terms of carbs per serving size, but it doesn't taste sweet like a lot of marinades do. Made Rachel Ray's brussels sprouts w/bacon (I posted the recipe here a while back ) with it and scalloped potatoes for the family. Made brownies and biscuits for the rest of the family, but I was ok just eating the pork roast and brussels sprouts


Wishing everyone a good week.



Totally get the exercise thing. I don't mind it so much now. It has become routine, to the fact that I worry about it if things get in my way of doing it. Like the headahce yesterday that almost made me so dizzy I almost...:eek:. Never has a headache done that to me before. So, exercise did not happen to say the least.


I did find out that the resort area we are staying at has a fitness class at least once a day (water aerobics, muscle toning, and zumba), so I think I will try and make those while on vacation. If not, some night time walks on the beach might be in need. I'm bring two sets of workout clothes (we have a washer/dryer) to motivate me to get it done.


I won't make the ellpt. tonight b/c my SIL asked me to go get our toes done for the beach tonight after work, so I will go do that. But I will obviously just work out on my bike at home.


I too would like an ellpt. for the house, but as it is, I don't have any room to spare to put anything else, so I will just have to wait until I can afford one and get a place of my own to put it. But I'm happy I have a gym at work to use for free (when its open) and they will be getting new equipment this Fall and new classes sponsored by the Y too. I'm hoping this will really shake up my workouts.:D

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How high was your cholestrol when you started and what is it now, do you mind sharing?


At my highest I think I was 278. Last time I was checked I think I was in the 240s. I'm too young to be put on the meds (child bearing age still) and really hope to right this wrong before I'm old enough to go on the meds. My goal is to not take daily meds unless I have to (aside from BCP and maybe allergy since the allergies never ever seem to get better regardless lol). Ok so maybe i'll never be med free but i want to be free of the ones that are things I can control! lol


I don't remember exactly, but it was close to 200 (over 200 is when they were going to put me on medication). I know it had gone down enough that the dr. was very happy at my last checkup, but I don't remember the number. I go back again in Aug. and I will make a notation and share then.:) Being on the bp medicine, I go in every 4 months for checks. Hope to stop that soon!

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I don't remember exactly, but it was close to 200 (over 200 is when they were going to put me on medication). I know it had gone down enough that the dr. was very happy at my last checkup, but I don't remember the number. I go back again in Aug. and I will make a notation and share then.:) Being on the bp medicine, I go in every 4 months for checks. Hope to stop that soon!


I'd kill for close to 200 lol. Cholesterol wise, not weight wise lol. Weight wise I'd kill to be like 150 lol

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I'd kill for close to 200 lol. Cholesterol wise, not weight wise lol. Weight wise I'd kill to be like 150 lol


I guess the only thing I'm lucky about with my weight, so far, is the lack of problems.....period. Though, I'm sure my age works for me right now and I would have to have a pretty good guess that the older I get and the more weight I keep, problems will arise.


I don't know if I've ever said where my dream weight number would be........probably about 160 or 170 even. I'm not looking to be where medicine says I should be or where society thinks I should be. I just think I would be healthy and very happy at that range. I'll just have to get there to find out.


But for right now, I'd like to see under 300 for once.

Then I'd like to see 250 again.


We will see where it goes after that.

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I did pretty good yesterday. I ended with a different dinner than planned, but my plans didn't go as planned either. I ended up going to get my nails and toes done with my SIL and it took them like 2 hours, I got home around 7:40. So it was much easier to fix egg sandwiches than the hamburger and rice I had planned. I came in with a bit higher points b/c of the bread (we ran out of low calorie, but still had wheat).


Anyway, I had some leftover ice cream cake for my treat and some cheesy crackers with my sandwiches. Came in right on my points target for the day.


I think going under my WW appointed points target (49) to 44 has actually made me stay within daily points better. I think I will see a gain from changing my points up. I mean I'm adding about 100 calories a day back in. But I guess I won't know if it was going back to the right WW points or vacation..........




Though I got home late, I remembered our little chat on here about exercise, so I did get in a 40 min. workout with some weights. I would have done the full 60, but I know I needed to leave time for a shower and then enough time to fix the food I was going to eat today. Speaking of:


BK: 1/2 c oatmeal

1/2 c 1% milk

2 tsp sugar

I guess some might ask, why oatmeal all the time. Well you know our discussion about fiber............well..........oatmeal seems to help with me and its a good healthy/reasonable breakfast too.


S: 2oz of Turkey lunch meat

1 c berries


L: 1 hamburger patty chopped up (Helped keep the portion right, plus we didn't have any ground)

1 c brown rice

1/2 c green beans


S: 2 oz boiled egg

45 calories of spray of ICBINB

1 c watermelon


D: Okay I admit, I didn't get this far. I actually should have looked in our deep freeze to see if we had some chicken or something down there, but I didn't. I know we don't have any upstairs. I was thinking some stir fry though. So, I have a tentative plan until I'm proven otherwise.


W: 60 mins of something. I've been trying to get to the gym, but it seems between my ankle and then the week before vacation has all kinds of excuses. Needless, to say I'm glad I do have the bike at home so if I do have an excuse not to get the the actual gym.........I still have no excuse not to exercise period.


My excuse not to go to the gym tonight is I need to go see my grandfather before we go on vacation. I've been avoiding him so that I had time to think through this whole house/land situation. I still haven't heard if we have met our enrollment numbers yet, so I'm still shy about moving forward. I would like to give him some good faith payments though. They haven't even closed on the land yet, so I was waiting until he actually spent the money to give it to him (really more for me than anything b/c I hadn't planned on needing payments this early). I've had to stretch my budget for the summer to meet my regular payments, plus beach money, and now paying him a reasonable amount. The point being I want to go see him and tell him what is going on in my world, so that he knows I'm not just playing around. I would hate my grandfather to feel like I've wronged him in some way. So, I will go after work today and visit with him, then go home and catch a workout.


On Thursday I have my hair apt. But as long as the gym is open on Wed. and Friday I should be able to hit the gym. Although, I may need to watch the kids for my SIL one of those days. I'm gonna be happy if I just get at least four days in this week.........


As I said yesterday, I did find out they have at least one exercise class a day at the resort we are staying at. I don't know if they have a gym, but I can check into that. All else fails, a walk on the beach is still up for grabs.


I showed at 314 this morning. Oh......to see 313..........




Good choices.



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Brooke I have to ask why can't you keep to a healthy eating plan while at the beach? You have a goal so stick to it! I'm really not being mean here but you make way to many excues as to why you didn't stick to the workout or why you didn't eat well. I'm just trying really hard to understand why you do this. As long as you make excues for why you do this it will keep happening. Just something to really think about:)


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Brooke I have to ask why can't you keep to a healthy eating plan while at the beach? You have a goal so stick to it! I'm really not being mean here but you make way to many excues as to why you didn't stick to the workout or why you didn't eat well. I'm just trying really hard to understand why you do this. As long as you make excues for why you do this it will keep happening. Just something to really think about:)



I know that excuses are part of my problem, but I don't know if anyone could live their life without making excuses. Its a bad habit.


I'm not making excuses for not exercising at all, I'm making them for not using the gym as my exercise place. I will exercise at home. And I plan on exercising while on vacation.


I want to say that sometimes they are not excuses, but facts. But I guess that is another excuse......just excuses with factual basis. Doesn't make them better, I suppose.


I'm not going into vacation knowingly sabotaging my weightloss, but with a realistic mindset. They say not to make unrealistic goals for yourself. I feel like staying completely on my diet is unrealistic for my current mental state. However, I know I can do better than I EVER have on vacation before and I intend on making sure I'm paying attention to my intake and hunger needs, and exercise. My goal for vacation is not to gain more than 2lbs. I'm thinking if I set the bar low I'm CERTAINLY going to surprise myself with what I achieve.


I know I will surprise myself. Remembering my last cruise I was pleasantly surprised that I only gained like 3lbs (I think I remember correctly) where the average is 7lbs. I remember feeling like I could never finish a plate in the MDR and skipping dessert once at least. I remember my friend and I eating a big breakfast and less than an hour and half later her wanting to get ice cream.........I was beyond full still and said I didn't want any. I FREAKING TURNED DOWN ICE CREAM! It was a major thing for me.


I fully expect to realize on vacation that I can enjoy my family and food without going overboard. I will count points and I will journal my food.


You bring up a good point. I need to sit down and make of list of things, regarding my eating/exercising, that I will accomplish on this vacation. A plan of action. Something that will at least keep me attached to the horse, even if I fall off. I will think about this and write something up just to solidify it.



Oh and I'm taking the scale with me too.........I'm going to weigh everyday of vacation........seeing the numbers WILL definitely help me focus. Wish I could do that on a cruise:rolleyes:.

Oh excuses, How I love thee, let me count the ways.........at least five in that post.:o

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I have used excuses all of my life to cope. But, I know now that I am getting older, I can't use excuses for not taking control of my health.


You may be surprised that you may stay the same or even lose when you are on vacation. I returned from my last cruise without gaining anything. Build a long walk into your daily vacation routine and follow your plain as closely as you can. You know what to do. ;) You don't even need to count points.


Holding steady here - eating really well for the last week and getting daily exercise.

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I guess the only thing I'm lucky about with my weight, so far, is the lack of problems.....period. Though, I'm sure my age works for me right now and I would have to have a pretty good guess that the older I get and the more weight I keep, problems will arise.


I don't know if I've ever said where my dream weight number would be........probably about 160 or 170 even. I'm not looking to be where medicine says I should be or where society thinks I should be. I just think I would be healthy and very happy at that range. I'll just have to get there to find out.


But for right now, I'd like to see under 300 for once.

Then I'd like to see 250 again.


We will see where it goes after that.


My best friend was the exact same way. She was 340lbs - however her cholestrol was fine, blood sugar fine, blood pressure - fine. She was/is very lucky. She had gastric bypass 3 years ago but is still struggling with her weight to this date, I guess she's down right now about 100lbs, after gaining back about 20 or so that she lost, she was down in the lower 200s (like 225) I think at her lowest.


Some people just have good genes. I unfortunately seem to come from a family with cholestrol and blood pressure issues. Sigh. LOL.

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I have used excuses all of my life to cope. But, I know now that I am getting older, I can't use excuses for not taking control of my health.


You may be surprised that you may stay the same or even lose when you are on vacation. I returned from my last cruise without gaining anything. Build a long walk into your daily vacation routine and follow your plain as closely as you can. You know what to do. ;) You don't even need to count points.


Holding steady here - eating really well for the last week and getting daily exercise.


I tend to lose about 5lbs when I go on vacation, if not, I break even. Why? Because we are walking from the minute we get up until the minute we go to bed at night (we cruise in Europe). A ton of walking at port. On sea days, we lap the track around the pool deck. Even on some port days we'll do the track if we feel we didn't get enough walking in. I eat like I'm on vacation, i certainly don't count things. It really is about activity for me. My day job is sedentary. I drive 45-60 minutes to work. Sit in a cubicle testing software for 8-9 hours a day. Then i drive home 45-60 minutes. So that's 11 hours or more of my day taken up by sitting around doing nothing.


I have NO doubts as to why I gained weight. I became a bump on a log. And I'm always tired because I get little sleep because well, when your work day is already taking 11 of your waking hours...and you want to have some waking hours for exercise/relaxation/enjoyment - then well sleep has to give.


Truly a sad existence that is common for many here in the US. I wish we had a more European attitude. FOcus on downtime and vacation and whatnot. I think we'd all be a lot healthier if we as a nation could change focus from the slave drivers we have become...

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I was on twitter this afternoon and someone retweeted this

From Bob Harper

Bob HarperVerified@MyTrainerBob

It's not that you "can't" it's that you "won't!" Stop the #excuses, change your perspective and feel better. TODAY!


Just thought it was approprate:)

Something we all can keep in mind

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I was on twitter this afternoon and someone retweeted this

From Bob Harper

Bob HarperVerified@MyTrainerBob

It's not that you "can't" it's that you "won't!" Stop the #excuses, change your perspective and feel better. TODAY!


Just thought it was approprate:)

Something we all can keep in mind




Bob Harper is hot.




That is all.

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The best thing for me to do is ask myself "is eating this worth the extra workout (or two) or weight gain you'll have to do or get from eating it?" Most of the time it's no.


Today was 72oz of water, Breakfast was Special K Red Berries and Silk almond milk (I'm in love with Almond milk now!), Lunch was 1 slice of digiorno pizza and boston cream pie yogurt, snack was strawberry gelatin jell-o, dinner was grilled chicken strips and 1 steamfresh bag of broccoli. Still have room for dessert in my diary (on Myfitnesspal) so I'll be eating 3 spoonfuls of Ben & Jerry's Fro-Yo chocolate fudge brownie. Workout was Jillian Michael 6pack in 6wks, and once my DH gets done mowing the yard, we'll go for a walk with Ethan (our 4.5mo son).


Most of the time, when I want something/craving something, I'll only want a bite to satisfy my craving. And it works....most of the time. I do indulge though in what I want.

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