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Cruising to Healthy


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I tend to lose about 5lbs when I go on vacation, if not, I break even. Why? Because we are walking from the minute we get up until the minute we go to bed at night (we cruise in Europe). A ton of walking at port. On sea days, we lap the track around the pool deck. Even on some port days we'll do the track if we feel we didn't get enough walking in. I eat like I'm on vacation, i certainly don't count things. It really is about activity for me. My day job is sedentary. I drive 45-60 minutes to work. Sit in a cubicle testing software for 8-9 hours a day. Then i drive home 45-60 minutes. So that's 11 hours or more of my day taken up by sitting around doing nothing.


I have NO doubts as to why I gained weight. I became a bump on a log. And I'm always tired because I get little sleep because well, when your work day is already taking 11 of your waking hours...and you want to have some waking hours for exercise/relaxation/enjoyment - then well sleep has to give.


Truly a sad existence that is common for many here in the US. I wish we had a more European attitude. FOcus on downtime and vacation and whatnot. I think we'd all be a lot healthier if we as a nation could change focus from the slave drivers we have become...



I totally agree. We as a nation need to move more. I think Americans tend to really push for success in our careers, so it's not that we're lazy at all. It's a lifestyle issue. Many people live in suburbs or more rural areas and have to drive. We need our cities to be more walkable and/or bike friendly.


I was reading about the loseit program, and how it adjusts for your activity level. For everyone who starts it assumes you do the following everyday. If you are more active, you can manually change your calories to reflect that:


Sleeping - 8 hours

Personal care (dressing, showering) - 1 hour

Eating - 1 hour

Cooking - 1 hour

Sitting (office work, selling produce, tending shop) - 8 hours

Driving car to/from work - 1 hour

General household work - 1 hour

Light leisure activities (watching TV, chatting) - 3 hours


How sad is it that it just assumes that the average person just basically sits all day? I left my calories alone, even though I do walk to work and to get groceries (I live in the city and don't have a car). I think if I had to drive everyday, I probably would have gained more weight by now. Just incorporating exercise into our everyday life is important... walking instead of driving everywhere, etc. I know that's hard when it's 100 degrees out, but it isn't impossible and worth thinking about. I do enjoy riding my bike so that is an option, too (for transit, not necessarily just for fun). I do not a lot of people that bike to work and it's a built in 30-60 minute bike ride everyday, that you don't even have to think about or convince yourself to do. You just DO it.


On a totally different note, Brooke I hope you have a great vacation. We will all be waiting to hear how the diet went while you were gone! Just think of how great it would feel to type to us all and say that you totally stayed on plan and are proud of that. We know you can do it.

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I totally agree. We as a nation need to move more. I think Americans tend to really push for success in our careers, so it's not that we're lazy at all. It's a lifestyle issue. Many people live in suburbs or more rural areas and have to drive. We need our cities to be more walkable and/or bike friendly.


I was reading about the loseit program, and how it adjusts for your activity level. For everyone who starts it assumes you do the following everyday. If you are more active, you can manually change your calories to reflect that:


Sleeping - 8 hours

Personal care (dressing, showering) - 1 hour

Eating - 1 hour

Cooking - 1 hour

Sitting (office work, selling produce, tending shop) - 8 hours

Driving car to/from work - 1 hour

General household work - 1 hour

Light leisure activities (watching TV, chatting) - 3 hours


How sad is it that it just assumes that the average person just basically sits all day? I left my calories alone, even though I do walk to work and to get groceries (I live in the city and don't have a car). I think if I had to drive everyday, I probably would have gained more weight by now. Just incorporating exercise into our everyday life is important... walking instead of driving everywhere, etc. I know that's hard when it's 100 degrees out, but it isn't impossible and worth thinking about. I do enjoy riding my bike so that is an option, too (for transit, not necessarily just for fun). I do not a lot of people that bike to work and it's a built in 30-60 minute bike ride everyday, that you don't even have to think about or convince yourself to do. You just DO it.


On a totally different note, Brooke I hope you have a great vacation. We will all be waiting to hear how the diet went while you were gone! Just think of how great it would feel to type to us all and say that you totally stayed on plan and are proud of that. We know you can do it.



I'm gonna try........I'm hoping I will sweat a lot of weight off, lol.

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It was a good day yesterday. I did really good sticking the plan.


My treat last night ended up being two things.......I had a mini pack of Lance cookies (4 pack of small cookies) and then after dinner and exercise I had some chocolate cheerios. I measured the cereal and when I wanted to go back and get more b/c they tasted so good I decided I needed to wait to see if it was worth going over my points for the day. It wasn't. They will be there tomr.


BK: 1/2 c oatmeal

1/2 c 1% milk

2 tsp sugar

1.5 oz of turkey slices seared


S: 2 oz turkey slices

1 yellow tomato

1 tbsp light mayo

1 tsp mustard

1/2 c cucumbers (I'm putting the veggie from lunch up here)


L: 4 oz fake lobester (lol)

1 c brown rice

45 calories of butter spray

1 sprinkle of old bay

1/2 c berries


S: 1 tbsp of peanut butter (maybe two I have to check my tracker again)

1 c berries


D: Well my nephews visitation will be today instead of Thursday. As such I have planned to eat out tonight

1 McDs grilled chicken sandwich

1 Reg. fry

1 unsweet tea


I'm thinking I should treat this meal as my treat and forgo an actual sweet tooth treat.


W: Depending on if we go out to eat or not. But I will make time to get on the bike no matter what.


We leave for the beach in two days! I'm kinda excited, no so much that we are taking dad's truck though. Number one it smells bad, like diesal and cig. smoke, and man smell. The passenger wheel makes the squeaky noise that we will have to listen to for 6 hours or driving. His seats are SUPER uncomfortable and most of all..........he gets to smoke in his truck, well he will roll down the window, but still. I think its really why he wanted to take it b/c he couldn't stand driving 6 hours without being able to smoke when he wanted to. I'm going to have the worst headache, I just know it. I'm thinking about taking a mask with me.........seriously. I have to say one thing about being fat vs. being a smoker...........my addiction does not directly affect those around me to the extent that smoking does. If I got as mad about being fat as much as I get mad about my dad smoking around me I'd probably be 160lbs by now.


I would get mom to have a chat with him about smoking, but this would probably only P him off and I'm sure we will already have to listen to him be grumpy about having to drive 6 hours to the BEACH.


Oh well, I guess this is life.............wish I could skip the drive and just hit the beach.


Good Choices.

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Well, I'm proud of myself and a little disappointed at the same time, but happy all at once............


We did go to McDs last night as the visitation was changed for yesterday. I'm proud that I stuck with exactly what I said I would have. I'm also proud that I left the two points I had left alone. I was full and satisfied and eating a McDs meal was all I needed for a "treat" (and probably then some). The leftover ice cream cake is still in the fridge and it was tempting last night, but I made a decision and I liked it.


Also, when I got home I just felt all tired and no energy and kinda bloated, thought I stuck with the grilled chicken sandwich and fries (sans my usual quarter pounder or 2 cheese burger meal). So I don't think I will be giving up fast food anytime soon, but I guess that is a start?


Now, I'm disappointed b/c I skipped my workout. I was feeling icky from the food and I needed to repack b/c I realized that my suitcase was going to be in the bed of a truck.........so you know rain will happen.......so I repacked everything is space bags. Didn't really save any space b/c what I packed was all pretty flat stuff anyway (plus I rolled everything in the spacebags b/c you can't get them even if you don't.). Needless to say that took me most of the rest of the evening after dinner, then shower, then bed.........which was hard to do b/c my mind for some reason was racing.


But the day was filled with happy things too.


1. The land is FINALLY purchased (and $300 of my money is with my grandad for a deposit)


2. We found out some good news about my nephews and maybe someone new, but I can't go into detail. If you are of faith, prayers are welcomed for good outcomes.


3. I talked to the USDA Loan guy and apparently the things I have been told by my former mortgage guy were not exactly right. So.....I may be able to get a house, but it will have to wait until the Fall b/c they don't get more funding until October.


4. I have been slowly losing weight everyday. I logged 316 last week (I went with an even number b/c I was 316.4) and everyday since then I have slowly lost about .2lbs a day on average. I saw 314 on the scale today, exactly, no rounding.


5. I got a LOT of work done yesterday......I think that is important.




7. We are leaving for the beach this weekend (1 more day of work)


8. My measurements are down just a bit. I actually am 44 inches around like my bra size instead of 46 inches and squeezing into a 44 cotton bra and making it stretch to fit me. And my lower thigh is showing 27 inches around instead of 29 (part of the thigh closer to the knee). My arms are still 13 inches in the skinny part near the elbow, but I have been doing arm weights so I won't be made about that. And my waist is about 46 inches. The tape still can't fit all the way around my hips yet, but that's another win for another day.


Needless to say, I feel really blessed right now. I feel like God has answered a lot of my prayers.


Sooooooooooo........it is important for my weightloss to examine what has changed in the last week to cause a more consistent loss.


1. I started using that formula from that other diet of mixing proteins with certain carbs, fruit, and veggies, eating 2-3 hours, eating 'measured' amounts at those meals.


2. I restarted my Weight Watchers starting weight (could be something)


3. I restarted my Weight Watchers points to the recommended WW amount.


4. I started planning more and better.


5. I stopped taking that vitamin powder stuff.


Did I forget something?


So, I guess it could be a combination of all of those things, a few, one, or I guess even none. But its good to log it so I can look back later.


I'm also disappointed b/c after a very good day I guess i was just so high on my day that I forgot to plan my meals for today. But this morning as I was getting ready I quickly put stuff together in my head and then packed it. Its a little off, but better than not trying at all.



BK: 1 c oatmeal

1 c 1% milk

3 tsp of sugar

*I up'd this b/c I wasn't going to eat an egg or anything else until my snack*

16 oz of water

2 tbsp of fiber powder in the water


S: 1.5 oz of turkey slices (all we had left, we are getting ready to leave for a week)

1/2 c berries or cucumbers


L: 2oz of scrambled eggs (two eggs, I need a scale, but is that about right?)

1 tsp of oil (cooking the eggs)

1 scoop of Biggest Loser Protein Powder

12oz carton of milk (to mix the powder with)

(see how that was a bit weird......I'm supposed to do protein and carbs together always..........to balance.........I may have to eat the eggs first, give it an hour then drink the milk)


S: 2 oz of lobster fake meat ( I need to get rid of it before I leave)

1/2 c berries or squash


D: 4 oz of chicken

1 c of brown rice

1 c of green beans


Treat: I planned this today. 1 small DQ oreo cookie blizzard (one of the lowest calorie blizzard) b/c today they give a portion of the purchase to the Children's Miracle network............yea..........pretty sure. So, I'm going to use my treat for good. If the mini blizzard counts (not sure if it does) then I will get a mini.


W: Oh yes, there will be one today. I actually made my hair apt. for 5 b/c I'm going to take a short lunch and leave early so I can get done sooner and home sooner and on the bike sooner. See how that works.



So, I'm off to another day.........


Good choices.

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Treat: I planned this today. 1 small DQ oreo cookie blizzard (one of the lowest calorie blizzard) b/c today they give a portion of the purchase to the Children's Miracle network............yea..........pretty sure. So, I'm going to use my treat for good. If the mini blizzard counts (not sure if it does) then I will get a mini.


I wish there was a DQ near me so I can do the same! I know any hospital will benefit from my purchase, but I particularly would like to help Cincinnati Children's (they're the one's that did my airway surgery in 2010). Even just a donation or something! And yes it's today Brooke. :)

Edited by Mrs.C05
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I wish there was a DQ near me so I can do the same! I know any hospital will benefit from my purchase, but I particularly would like to help Cincinnati Children's (they're the one's that did my airway surgery in 2010). Even just a donation or something! And yes it's today Brooke. :)


Well, I just looked at the WW points for the small...........its about 18-20 points. I think I will HAVE to get a mini for about 10points though I have the points for a small. Or if I have to I guess I will buy a small and dump half of it in the trash before eating it or give it to someone.


Either way, I thought it was a good way to use my treat for the day.

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Well, I just looked at the WW points for the small...........its about 18-20 points. I think I will HAVE to get a mini for about 10points though I have the points for a small. Or if I have to I guess I will buy a small and dump half of it in the trash before eating it or give it to someone.


Either way, I thought it was a good way to use my treat for the day.


Just get a mini, it'll still be a treat and save some WW points.:D

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Well, I'm proud of myself and a little disappointed at the same time, but happy all at once............


We did go to McDs last night as the visitation was changed for yesterday. I'm proud that I stuck with exactly what I said I would have. I'm also proud that I left the two points I had left alone. I was full and satisfied and eating a McDs meal was all I needed for a "treat" (and probably then some). The leftover ice cream cake is still in the fridge and it was tempting last night, but I made a decision and I liked it.


Also, when I got home I just felt all tired and no energy and kinda bloated, thought I stuck with the grilled chicken sandwich and fries (sans my usual quarter pounder or 2 cheese burger meal). So I don't think I will be giving up fast food anytime soon, but I guess that is a start?


Now, I'm disappointed b/c I skipped my workout. I was feeling icky from the food and I needed to repack b/c I realized that my suitcase was going to be in the bed of a truck.........so you know rain will happen.......so I repacked everything is space bags. Didn't really save any space b/c what I packed was all pretty flat stuff anyway (plus I rolled everything in the spacebags b/c you can't get them even if you don't.). Needless to say that took me most of the rest of the evening after dinner, then shower, then bed.........which was hard to do b/c my mind for some reason was racing.


But the day was filled with happy things too.


1. The land is FINALLY purchased (and $300 of my money is with my grandad for a deposit)


2. We found out some good news about my nephews and maybe someone new, but I can't go into detail. If you are of faith, prayers are welcomed for good outcomes.


3. I talked to the USDA Loan guy and apparently the things I have been told by my former mortgage guy were not exactly right. So.....I may be able to get a house, but it will have to wait until the Fall b/c they don't get more funding until October.


4. I have been slowly losing weight everyday. I logged 316 last week (I went with an even number b/c I was 316.4) and everyday since then I have slowly lost about .2lbs a day on average. I saw 314 on the scale today, exactly, no rounding.


5. I got a LOT of work done yesterday......I think that is important.




7. We are leaving for the beach this weekend (1 more day of work)


8. My measurements are down just a bit. I actually am 44 inches around like my bra size instead of 46 inches and squeezing into a 44 cotton bra and making it stretch to fit me. And my lower thigh is showing 27 inches around instead of 29 (part of the thigh closer to the knee). My arms are still 13 inches in the skinny part near the elbow, but I have been doing arm weights so I won't be made about that. And my waist is about 46 inches. The tape still can't fit all the way around my hips yet, but that's another win for another day.


Needless to say, I feel really blessed right now. I feel like God has answered a lot of my prayers.


Sooooooooooo........it is important for my weightloss to examine what has changed in the last week to cause a more consistent loss.


1. I started using that formula from that other diet of mixing proteins with certain carbs, fruit, and veggies, eating 2-3 hours, eating 'measured' amounts at those meals.


2. I restarted my Weight Watchers starting weight (could be something)


3. I restarted my Weight Watchers points to the recommended WW amount.


4. I started planning more and better.


5. I stopped taking that vitamin powder stuff.


Did I forget something?


So, I guess it could be a combination of all of those things, a few, one, or I guess even none. But its good to log it so I can look back later.


I'm also disappointed b/c after a very good day I guess i was just so high on my day that I forgot to plan my meals for today. But this morning as I was getting ready I quickly put stuff together in my head and then packed it. Its a little off, but better than not trying at all.



BK: 1 c oatmeal

1 c 1% milk

3 tsp of sugar

*I up'd this b/c I wasn't going to eat an egg or anything else until my snack*

16 oz of water

2 tbsp of fiber powder in the water


S: 1.5 oz of turkey slices (all we had left, we are getting ready to leave for a week)

1/2 c berries or cucumbers


L: 2oz of scrambled eggs (two eggs, I need a scale, but is that about right?)

1 tsp of oil (cooking the eggs)

1 scoop of Biggest Loser Protein Powder

12oz carton of milk (to mix the powder with)

(see how that was a bit weird......I'm supposed to do protein and carbs together always..........to balance.........I may have to eat the eggs first, give it an hour then drink the milk)


S: 2 oz of lobster fake meat ( I need to get rid of it before I leave)

1/2 c berries or squash


D: 4 oz of chicken

1 c of brown rice

1 c of green beans


Treat: I planned this today. 1 small DQ oreo cookie blizzard (one of the lowest calorie blizzard) b/c today they give a portion of the purchase to the Children's Miracle network............yea..........pretty sure. So, I'm going to use my treat for good. If the mini blizzard counts (not sure if it does) then I will get a mini.


W: Oh yes, there will be one today. I actually made my hair apt. for 5 b/c I'm going to take a short lunch and leave early so I can get done sooner and home sooner and on the bike sooner. See how that works.



So, I'm off to another day.........


Good choices.





9: I have bathing suit skirt bottoms that are 28s from last year. They are def. loose on me, so I went ahead and ordered a pair of 24 brief bottoms (a big step in itself) last week. Got them yesterday...........AND THEY FIT.

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BK: 1 c oatmeal

1 c 1% milk

3 tsp of sugar

*I up'd this b/c I wasn't going to eat an egg or anything else until my snack*

16 oz of water

2 tbsp of fiber powder in the water



Here's a suggestion, Brooke. Instead of upping your sugar (carbs) in your b-fast, pick up a carton of liquid egg whites. Towards the end of the cooking time, stir in 1/2 - 2/3 Cup of the egg whites. This will add a lot of extra protien without the carbs and for only a small amout of calories too. The egg whites cook right in with the oats and you won't even taste them!

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a mini is 350 calories and a small is 550 calories, so neither one of them is a very good choice for those of us that are trying to make headway on our weight. If you want to make a donation to the children's miracle network, then write them a check.


Do something for yourself by passing up those 350-550 empty calories. This from a guy who now drives past the same donut shop where he stopped every workday morning for the past 2 1/2 years. Do I want one? Sure... but I want to be healthier and off my diabetes meds more (not to mention being in pants that are 10 inches smaller than those I wore in February).


All about choices. Don't see any scenario where a blizzard is a good one. Sorry.

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a mini is 350 calories and a small is 550 calories, so neither one of them is a very good choice for those of us that are trying to make headway on our weight. If you want to make a donation to the children's miracle network, then write them a check.


Do something for yourself by passing up those 350-550 empty calories. This from a guy who now drives past the same donut shop where he stopped every workday morning for the past 2 1/2 years. Do I want one? Sure... but I want to be healthier and off my diabetes meds more (not to mention being in pants that are 10 inches smaller than those I wore in February).


All about choices. Don't see any scenario where a blizzard is a good one. Sorry.


Nope, I get one treat a day and this is mine and it will benefit someone else too.


I'm glad your way works for you, but this is my way and its how I'm doing it. I have to make decisions for myself and not let other people make them for me, that way in the end.........I have no one to blame for my success or failure but myself and I like it that way. No disrespect at all.:)

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I was on twitter this afternoon and someone retweeted this

From Bob Harper

Bob HarperVerified@MyTrainerBob

It's not that you "can't" it's that you "won't!" Stop the #excuses, change your perspective and feel better. TODAY!


Just thought it was approprate:)

Something we all can keep in mind



Just for conversational purposes..........


I was thinking about this, probably my brains way of finding excuses, but nontheless.....


Would a psychiatrist say this to a drug or alcohol patient or even someone suffering from a phobia?


I mean, I have an addiction to food, and unfair as it is I can't take it out of my life forever, just modify it.


But still, a lot of people consider addiction a disease, something that has to be treated at least, like alcohol or drugs or even a phobia.


When you deal with chemical dependency the statement on a physical level is, NO they CAN'T. Their body tells them so.


When you talk about the mental part of it, then its they CAN'T and they WON'T. B/c their mind is mentally effected by the chemical in their physical body.


If you asked someone who had a phobia of going outside.....They would say "I can't go outside." They might not be able to tell you why, but they mentally can't rationalize their fear, their problem. So, while you and I are probably like, "Just freakin' go outside!" They are paralyzed by a fear that probably feels like having a gun held to your head by someone saying, "Don't go outside."


Now, is food addiction this serious? Do most people who have weight problems actually have this kind of severity of eating issues? I don't know. I'm sure their are statistics on it.


I do know the treatment for these addictions and issues take time. It isn't overnight, its small steps to retrain you mind and body to respond differently to the stimulate. 12 step programs or what have you.


Sure, some people can quit cold turkey (my did it with smoking when i was born, although he started back up again when I was in high school), but did they address their issues or just push them to the side only to pop up again later?


I do believe their are people out there who eat b/c they can and don't care and if they wanted to stop eating and lose weight all it would take is for them to care. But I think there are people out there, maybe like me, who have physical and mental reasons why they struggle with food on a daily basis.


I'm as slow as a turtle on this and it well may take me years to get to a safe place, but my plan is to stay there.


And yes, there are things that I say I CAN'T do and believe me when I tell you, I'm not using it as an excuse. I'm either physically or mentally not ready for it and in my mind........I can't............yet.


With all that rant........do know I'm not picking on you or anything like that. I will say it again, I do appreciate everyone and the help they offer.


PS-Bob Harper is hot.

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I have been reading this thread for over a year now and have not commented because I felt I didn't really have anything to add to the conversation.


BACKGROUND: I'm a 36 yo woman. I have struggled with my weight for pretty much my whole life. I was always overweight but I had an alcohol addiction that kept my eating somewhat in check. It's hard to gain too much weight when I needed to spend that money getting smashed and I couldn't get as drunk if I was full of food. :( I was a binge drinker and I could go a couple of weeks without drinking (usually after a really bad hangover), but then LOOK OUT- I could make up for "lost time" like nobody's business.


Four years ago, I had enough. My life wasn't my own anymore and I felt like I was out of control. One day, during one of my "dry spells", I realized I didn't have to start drinking again. So I didn't. YAY! Right? Not so much... I transferred my addiction into a compulsive spending habit and overeating. I then made the transition from overweight to obese to morbidly obese.


This went on until about a year ago. I lost my house and had to get rid of most of my stuff. I was heartbroken. Everything I worked for...just...gone. Family and friends came to pick over the remaining bits of my life. It made me happy that my stuff would have a good home (LOL) but it pissed me off that it wasn't mine anymore. I made the best of it and I'm in love with the life I've made now. But it took hitting the proverbial "rock bottom" to figure out I don't need lots of stuff. I figured out my food addiction for myself (my intense need for stuff included lots of food. I had a great storage place for it!:o) and worked on finding something that worked for me. I wouldn't have stood for someone telling me how to do it, I had to do it for myself.


Sorry for the long backstory, I just wanted to let you know that I know about addiction and am supporting you, Brooklynfc. You have to decide for yourself when the time is right to take the full plunge. (Others telling me to do something, even if it's what I myself want to do, kind of makes me resist.:()


I have found something that works for me and with my addictive ways. Those who have never had a food addiction (or any addiction, for that matter) don't know the intense and unrelenting physical hunger that comes with it.


Stay strong. You'll get there. :)

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Ok I'll buy the you may be a food addict. But lets be honest with ourselves here it isn't all food. For most its sugar that is the problem when you eat it your body craves more. So the best thing one can do not eat it.

My DH is in recovery has been for 27 years. H can't drink alc. But he still has to drink something ie water,juice.coffee, tea Their are just somethings he can't drink. to stay sober.

If I want to be a healthy weight I can't eat sugar or most carbs as they break down to sugar.

Its the same with working out. We don't work out or push ourselves becuse we sweat or its to hard. Of course its to hard and we sweat..We are over weight and out of shape. Or the best excuse I DIDN'T HAVE TIME! I call the BS card on this one. When I'm really sticking to my workout plan I make time. I work fulltime have a house to take care of. And I am a crazy clean freak..Have a DH to take care of. Workout in my yard. And yet I have time to workout. There is always time. We just decide not to make the time.

Bottom line if we keep making excues nothing really changes does it?

If we stick to what ever plan we have picked it will work.

It doesn't work becuse we change it

I don't mean to sound harsh but all of this is the truth for all of us.

Bottom line we decide to be healthy or fat!

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Ok I'll buy the you may be a food addict. But lets be honest with ourselves here it isn't all food. For most its sugar that is the problem when you eat it your body craves more. So the best thing one can do not eat it.

My DH is in recovery has been for 27 years. H can't drink alc. But he still has to drink something ie water,juice.coffee, tea Their are just somethings he can't drink. to stay sober.

If I want to be a healthy weight I can't eat sugar or most carbs as they break down to sugar.

Its the same with working out. We don't work out or push ourselves becuse we sweat or its to hard. Of course its to hard and we sweat..We are over weight and out of shape. Or the best excuse I DIDN'T HAVE TIME! I call the BS card on this one. When I'm really sticking to my workout plan I make time. I work fulltime have a house to take care of. And I am a crazy clean freak..Have a DH to take care of. Workout in my yard. And yet I have time to workout. There is always time. We just decide not to make the time.

Bottom line if we keep making excues nothing really changes does it?

If we stick to what ever plan we have picked it will work.

It doesn't work becuse we change it

I don't mean to sound harsh but all of this is the truth for all of us.

Bottom line we decide to be healthy or fat!


Valid points.


I don't know if its the truth for all of us, we are all different. Hints the different opinions.


I guess I'm not in a hurry. Maybe that's what bothers people about me (not you, but like Dr. and such). They always want me to lose the weight so fast, doesn't matter if I understand what I'm doing or why.........just do it. My mind doesn't work that way. The rhyme and reason has to make sense to ME.


I want control. And to me, getting control means working through why I want what I want and dealing with things slowly and purposefully.


So, I decided one treat a day, when I have the points for it. Last night I didn't have points for ice cream cake b/c I decided to have McDs. Normally, I would have had both.


To me its about slowly, methodically, in steps changing old habits. This may have not let me lose any weight in the past 2 years (well 5-10lbs if you count that), but I have maintained my weight, which means I haven't fallen back on old bad habits that I have changed. This gives me great hope that I will lose the weight and when I do..........It will stay off.


I know I can be a frustrating person, though likable, I know many a times people probably wanna take me by the shoulders and shake me, but it won't do anyone any good. I will not relent until I decide I want to.


I don't know what in my past makes me so strong headed about ......what would you even call it.........personal control, no being told what to do, stubbornness, IDK........something like that. I've learned to be better at taking other opinions and not going straight to a very negative/mean spirited/ugly place. However, as you can see........still won't give in.


We just all do things differently, think differently, proceed differently, see differently. Maybe I'm walking around the lake, instead of getting on a boat and going across. I will get there, just the same as you, maybe just not as fast. :D

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The key to this thread is to never take anything anyone says personally, though sometimes it feels like you should.


Unless they say something like:


"Brooke you are a fat idiot." Then I might take offense. :rolleyes:


Its a conversation of intellectual adults who all have their own thoughts, feelings, opinions. I will respect anyone, if they respect me (so far, amazingly, had no problem.) Sometimes the conversations are hard and they bring up a lot of emotions, but it is def. worth talking about. I have to remember that the passion can be just as strong on both sides. And its not always right or wrong and black and white. There can be a grey area (maybe not 50 shades of it :p).


I'm glad to know you are here and supporting me and anyone else.

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I know I came across angry..I am at myself...I am sooooo mad at myself for getting so out of shape. And for me it has been excuses..So I am sorry if anyone took it the wrong way...I'm just on the no excuses!

Also really living with someone in recovery to stay clean they will not make excuses or really allow anyone else...It really was my DH telling me stop the bull**** and get honest with yourself...wakeup call:)

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lhanson38- I didn't know if you were referring to me about the addiction since your post was right after mine. I may have taken it personally :o but then I saw you refer to something Brooklynfc posted so I took back my comment since it may not have been me you were "not buying." :eek:


If this is a conversation of intellectual adults I will step back and continue lurking, since I think I just proved I'm not...


Good luck to all of you. I'm still cheering you on. :)

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I know I came across angry..I am at myself...I am sooooo mad at myself for getting so out of shape. And for me it has been excuses..So I am sorry if anyone took it the wrong way...I'm just on the no excuses!

Also really living with someone in recovery to stay clean they will not make excuses or really allow anyone else...It really was my DH telling me stop the bull**** and get honest with yourself...wakeup call:)


My brother had a problem too, to the point where he actually became seriously allergic to it, to the point it would give him a lethal reaction. His wife was his saving grace. We all have our battles to win :).

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Don't lurk...Stay we are all at diff places in our journey's. And really just trying to help each other. Me I'm at the sick and tired of being sick and tired of being out of shape..So I'm being really really tough on myself!

And I think everyone else..:eek: Don't mean to come across mean really.

Again I'm just at the point where I will not let myself make any excuses and i am putting that on other people also. I will try not to do that anymore..:)

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lhanson38- I didn't know if you were referring to me about the addiction since your post was right after mine. I may have taken it personally :o but then I saw you refer to something Brooklynfc posted so I took back my comment since it may not have been me you were "not buying." :eek:


If this is a conversation of intellectual adults I will step back and continue lurking, since I think I just proved I'm not...


Good luck to all of you. I'm still cheering you on. :)


Lurking is just fine, I'm sure there are plenty (maybe some I don't want to know about, LOL). But you are def. welcome to post anytime you want to, intellectual or not.......like:


Bob Harper is Hot.

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Just got back from our own trip to the beach...Clearwater Beach... and I'm catching up. Have not read all the posts yet, but will try to catch up tomorrow.


Mrs. CO5: I don't know why I never realized you are from Orlando also...small world! We are in the western part of the city. Hello neighbor!


Brooke: Congratulations on the smaller bathing suit bottom! I know that feels good. I actually wore a smaller swimsuit this trip too...one that in March was too tight! Baby steps...a little bit every day does add up!!


Stuck to the diet pretty well on our break...just had a couple glasses of wine and a couple of bites of my son's baked alaska dessert just because the restaurant served it with homemade hot fudge. How could I pass up a taste?:) But I stopped after a spoonful...it was delicious, but not worth blowing the diet for a whole slice!! Didn't work out in the gym, but we were pretty active with lots of beach walks and jumping over the waves in the Gulf. The Gulf of Mexico is usually pretty calm, but due to some storms, the waves were quite high and fun!


Will try to catch up with the other posts. Brooke, wishing you a wonderful beach vacation! Hope everyone else has a great weekend coming up!!


Off to the exercise bike for the first time since Mon. night! The 3rd 50 Shades book just arrived from the library, so that will help the bike ride go by much faster!:)

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