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Cruising to Healthy


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Hey everyone!


I'm back from my week away as well. Spent one week in another office of ours. Was very difficult since we ate out EVERY NIGHT. I did track everything though (as best I could - we didn't eat at any chains so it's difficult to estimate sometimes). I ended up being over my calorie goal ranging from like 100 calories over up to like 800 calories over each day! I'm not going to freak out though. Already back on track. I ended up "gaining" 2 pounds, but I'm hoping that some of it is retaining water from eating out/too much sodium. Meh. I was down 5 pounds before I left, and so excited, that it's disappointing to see a gain.


I did pick the best options when I had a choice, but we had some group dinners (pizza, etc.) where I didn't really have a choice. I did walk back and forth to the office everyday, for a total of about an hour walking everyday. So hopefully that helped a bit.


I made a lasagna last night w/home made marinara from all the lovely tomatoes right now. I used thinly sliced zucchini instead of lasagna noodles for every other layer. Still wanted a bit of noodle though. Entered everything in my calorie counter, and it's about 260 calories for 1/8 of the pan, which seems to be a generous portion. Will have that for some dinners this week, but still need to think of something else to make (we don't like eating the same thing every night).


Brooke, sounds like you had a fun time, just know that others are in the same boat of coming back from a trip and seeing a gain.. the best thing we can do is exactly what we are doing and that is to just keep going. Not a complete start over, but just getting right back into the good habits. Good luck!

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Congratulations on reaching that goal!!! :D


This morning was my weigh-in, and I did it! Dropped 1lb! 124.6 *Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight* Opppss, wrong place.:p


Hope everyone has a great weekend. It was storming here a while ago, but thankfully it's done now. Hoping to go for a walk after dinner and the store.

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This morning was my weigh-in, and I did it! Dropped 1lb! 124.6 *Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight* Opppss, wrong place.:p


Hope everyone has a great weekend. It was storming here a while ago, but thankfully it's done now. Hoping to go for a walk after dinner and the store.


How did I miss this post! That is excellent !

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Brooke -


Have you ever considered wearing a pedometer to see how much exercise you get? I have found that having this little contraption to "answer to" that I can't make the excuses, because in my head, i HAVE to reach the goal I set that is in the pedometer.


You could always start yourself slow and work up.


I bought a fitbit ultra recently, but i've been using a pedometer that goes with my DSi for over 2 years now. I've become "obsessed" with having to meet my daily step count. I don't allow myself to not at least make that count. Some days that means taking a 30 minute walk after work. Some days more, some days less, and some days I do enough that i dont have to do an extra session unless I'm in the mood.


Just something to consider...

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Apparently, I need to eat spicy food to help with sinus headaches. The one I had yesterday lasted all day and it was just painfully annoying. My aunt sent me an article with suggestions on home remedies including eating some jalopneo peppers. Might have to try it.


Last night I put the turkey in a caesar salad. It was wonderful! They also do a jerked chicken breast, which I have not tried yet, but I'm sure it's great as well.

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16 mins in on the bike as we speak. I tried a pedmeter once, didnt make a difference at the time. Im actually pretty comitted to exercise. Ive been doing great before vacation, even with my ankle which would have been a great excuse for me to pretty much quit in the past or at least a segway to it. Food is my obstacle and i knew exercise wuld come but food had to be my first priority to getting back on track. But my ipod has a fitness ap on it that i havent tried yet so maybe its time i did!


Still doing good on food, still going down in the weight dept. Too.


Question? My body is trying to get used to not overeating again and so ive been having some hunger pains during the day, though im eating enough. I shouldnt be worried it will take this to a starvation mode, should i? I have not went to bed yet feeling hungry or deprived yet, but my guess is that it got a little taste of eating again and not eating well and is fussing a bit so i shouldnt worry. Plus im following my plan.

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I have found the most delicious lunch food. Now, it's not for the faint of heart as its super spicy, but yesterday Publix was passing out samples of the Boars Head jerk turkey breast lunch meat (from the deli) as well as the Boars Head 3 pepper colby jack cheese. No carbs in the turkey breast, but 1 g of carbs per 1 oz of cheese. They are sooo good, but also very spicy, so you have to like spicy foods. But, I love my spices, so to me, some turkey breast wrapped inside the cheese is a perfect lunch. I was so excited, I had to share!:)


Did u see the new faster to fun.....?

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16 mins in on the bike as we speak. I tried a pedmeter once, didnt make a difference at the time. Im actually pretty comitted to exercise. Ive been doing great before vacation, even with my ankle which would have been a great excuse for me to pretty much quit in the past or at least a segway to it. Food is my obstacle and i knew exercise wuld come but food had to be my first priority to getting back on track. But my ipod has a fitness ap on it that i havent tried yet so maybe its time i did!


Still doing good on food, still going down in the weight dept. Too.


Question? My body is trying to get used to not overeating again and so ive been having some hunger pains during the day, though im eating enough. I shouldnt be worried it will take this to a starvation mode, should i? I have not went to bed yet feeling hungry or deprived yet, but my guess is that it got a little taste of eating again and not eating well and is fussing a bit so i shouldnt worry. Plus im following my plan.


Try drinking water and see if the "hunger" goes away. You might just be thirsty and misinterpreting it. If it stays then you could be hungry but I'd make a wise choice of something healthy to snack on (carrots or something)

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Try drinking water and see if the "hunger" goes away. You might just be thirsty and misinterpreting it. If it stays then you could be hungry but I'd make a wise choice of something healthy to snack on (carrots or something)


Will try that. And I haven't been keeping anything at work that I can get to that isn't a good choice. If its not there, the chances are I'm too lazy or cheap to go get it.

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Did u see the new faster to fun.....?


Yes...I am still up in the air as whether or not to book. The only perk I really like is the early luggage delivery, lol. We will eat at the steakhouse the 1st night for the free wine and in the past, we have never had trouble getting a reservation as soon as we board. If we drive down that morning, it will be 10-10:30 am before we reach the port, so by the time we check in and board and have lunch, it will be about time to access the cabins anyway. It's only $50, but still, that's several alchemy bar cocktails...decisions, decisions. I guess they call these first world problems, lol!:) I know I have to decide quickly!!


This is our 9th Carnival cruise, so the next one after this would have been our platinum one, if we did it before 12/31/13, the cut-off date to be grandfathered in the old program. We had planned on doing it for the platinum perks, but now, not so sure...maybe we will try RCI, as it's about the only mainstream line we've not sailed yet. But then again, it would be nice to have the platinum perks for free. More first world problems!

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Yes...I am still up in the air as whether or not to book. The only perk I really like is the early luggage delivery, lol. We will eat at the steakhouse the 1st night for the free wine and in the past, we have never had trouble getting a reservation as soon as we board. If we drive down that morning, it will be 10-10:30 am before we reach the port, so by the time we check in and board and have lunch, it will be about time to access the cabins anyway. It's only $50, but still, that's several alchemy bar cocktails...decisions, decisions. I guess they call these first world problems, lol!:) I know I have to decide quickly!!


This is our 9th Carnival cruise, so the next one after this would have been our platinum one, if we did it before 12/31/13, the cut-off date to be grandfathered in the old program. We had planned on doing it for the platinum perks, but now, not so sure...maybe we will try RCI, as it's about the only mainstream line we've not sailed yet. But then again, it would be nice to have the platinum perks for free. More first world problems!


I said the same thing on one of the threads about. Sure makes me feel okay with not feeling like I have to keep sailing Carnival for the perks...I was thinking about trying RCL too, just for curiosity sake. I'm pretty sure I will like it.......its the cruising that is important, not really the line............and the price of course, lol.

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Doing well. Down another lb today, so 5.8 gone out of 7.8........only 2lbs to go and I'll be back down to when I left. Perhaps some extra time on the bike is called for just to say I put forth the effort, just in case I don't make it.


Let's see:


BK: 1/2 c oatmeal (I think I need to use a smaller bowl....mind tricks and all)

1/3 c of 1% milk

2 tsp of sugar

1 medium banana (I did count this as one point on WW b/c 100 calories should be counted no matter what they say)


S: Small hamburger patty about 4 oz

1 tsp of ketchup

1/2 sliced cucumber

some salt for the cucumber (I have to have a little something still, but its a step in the right direction of the ranch dressing I suppose)


L: 1 c long grain rice

2 eggs scrambled

1.5 tsp of oil (I let the pan heat up and then poured the extra oil that didn't stick to the bottom out so it was probably about a tsp or .5)


S: 1 serving cup of greek yogurt

1 medium apple


D: 1 6oz of chicken breast (I find extra protein at night helps the cravings)

1 c of brussel sprouts seared (they were steamed in the bag and are like mush, I'm hoping searing them a bit will help. They did come with some light butter sauce in the steamer bag, so I will be counting the points for them too)


W: 60 mins. Felt good after the 50 mins. last night. Used my ipod again instead of the tv. I get tired of the ipod and the same songs over and over again, so I try and take a break from it when I can't afford to buy a few new songs. One of the benefits of home exercise is that I don't have to worry about accidentally starting to sing along with the music, lol. I did that and it confirmed that I'm getting a pretty good workout b/c it was def. difficult to try and keep my breath while singing along. That's one of the measurements WW gives to see if you are working hard enough, lol. I'm going to call the gym this week and see if they are still open or if construction has closed it down. It will be nice to get back on the ellpt. I kinda miss it, but I'm sure it will be very hard getting back to it.


Treat: Hmm, I may not have one today, I will have to watch my points today b/c I up'd a few oz in my protein for lunch and snacks to see if that helps the hunger pains I've been having. Not by much just 1oz or so.


I've been craving a latte lately........and not the sweet part of it........my taste buds seem to remember the bitter taste from the coffee (what little there is in it)...........not sure what that is about, but I've been thinking about one on and off for about a month now. Not many places around here to get a good latte (our campus starbucks closes down for most of the summer while the students are gone), so I haven't really given in. Just a curious craving that just seems to linger in the back of my mind.


Good Choices.

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I've been craving a latte lately........and not the sweet part of it........my taste buds seem to remember the bitter taste from the coffee (what little there is in it)...........not sure what that is about, but I've been thinking about one on and off for about a month now. Not many places around here to get a good latte (our campus starbucks closes down for most of the summer while the students are gone), so I haven't really given in. Just a curious craving that just seems to linger in the back of my mind.


Good Choices.


Congrats on losing the 2 lbs!! I love the Atkins mocha latte and the cafe carmel...they are cold, but I'm sure would taste fine heated. Both have real coffee in them. 5 grams of carbs per 11 oz.


Also, Super Walmart sells the sugar free syrups like the coffee houses use. They are in the coffee aisle.


I went back to Publix for more of the jerk turkey breast...yes, I'm a bit obsessed, but today was the last day of the sale, so I bought another lb. The other one is chipotle chicken, but the guy behind the counter said it is not as spicy as the turkey...he said it's a 3 on a 1-10 scale. One time I will try it!


I am stretching out the last 50 Shades book by only reading it while on the bike. I am up to 4 miles, but it only takes 22 minutes. I applaud you for doing 50-60 minutes! I don't know if I could do that! My next book to read will be Gone Girl. The author was on The View today and it sounds good. Reese Witherspoon has already bought the movie rights.


Still undecided about the pkg with Carnival...my DH says since our next cruise is our 10th and we will get to experience all these perks anyway, to save the $50 and wait. I'd kind of like to try it, but when I clicked on it on the excursion page, it said only 5 are left for our sailing and that we would board between 11 am and noon. We usually board around then anyway, so not sure the early luggage delivery and other perks are worth it. I know I need to decide quickly. I wonder how many they sell per sailing and if the "only 5 left" is really true.

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W: 60 mins. Felt good after the 50 mins. last night. Used my ipod again instead of the tv. I get tired of the ipod and the same songs over and over again, so I try and take a break from it when I can't afford to buy a few new songs. One of the benefits of home exercise is that I don't have to worry about accidentally starting to sing along with the music, lol. I did that and it confirmed that I'm getting a pretty good workout b/c it was def. difficult to try and keep my breath while singing along. That's one of the measurements WW gives to see if you are working hard enough, lol. I'm going to call the gym this week and see if they are still open or if construction has closed it down. It will be nice to get back on the ellpt. I kinda miss it, but I'm sure it will be very hard getting back to it.



We check out CDs from our library and load them into our i-tunes. In Orange County, you can request the library materials online and they actually deliver them to your home. So, the only way you have to visit the library is to return the items. We have greatly expanded our i-tunes library this way. I have no idea whether or not this is legal, but I figure if it wasn't, the library would put some anti-copying device on the CDs...

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We check out CDs from our library and load them into our i-tunes. In Orange County, you can request the library materials online and they actually deliver them to your home. So, the only way you have to visit the library is to return the items. We have greatly expanded our i-tunes library this way. I have no idea whether or not this is legal, but I figure if it wasn't, the library would put some anti-copying device on the CDs...


Hey, ps........




It burns calories too!

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I'm excited to see my progress this week. I know a lot of it is simple science meaning: If you increase your calories by like 1,000 a day for a week you will gain say oh........7.8lbs........so it is just kinda a given that if you decrease by 1,000 calories a day for a week.......you should lose ......praying......7.8lbs.


It really makes me happy that I've lost 7.2lbs in a pretty much a week. :D


I shouldn't have gained it, but if some of you were here when I went on my last cruised and I gained like 3-5lbs.......it took me almost 3 weeks to get it off.


So to recap:


I started the end of my vacation weighing around 322.8 (give or take a 10th)

I now weigh 315.6


This might deserve a:




See, I promised you guys I was def. in this for the right reasons. I guess I was so adamant about doing it my way b/c.............I'm so much more proud of myself for doing this on my own. And maybe I shouldn't be pumping myself up for a basic science loss, but it does feel good and gives me hope and builds me back up from feeling like a failure for so long.




Had Mcds last night........forgot they had switched visits for the boys to Wed. But I had the points to cover a grilled chicken sandwich and reg. fries. Had an unsweet tea. When I got home, I didn't feel like I needed to eat anything else and as well I shouldn't. But in the past I would have. I did have some pickle juice...........but just a little. McDs ended up being my "treat" for the night.......technically the fries were the treat.


I did get that latte yesterday though and used it as my carb balance to my protein. They still had some gingerbread syrup left and it hit the spot like NONE OTHER! I think I'm good to go again until winter, lol.


No time for writing my food out, but it involves turkey slice, tomatoes, some corn, greek yogurt, apple, small hamburger patty.........


Had a 40 min. workout last night bc I got home late from eating and playing with the kids and I had to.......needed to.......copy all the pictures from vacation to a drive for my SIL, still missed some of the babies bday party and the dino adventure. The beach was about 400 pictures alone. And 400 pictures in large format..........take a long time to load. Plus a shower.


But I could have shucked my workout for all of these reasons, plus the fact that it was hot as blue blazes in my room b/c the air didn't get turned on until I got home.............but I sweated it out anyway.


Okay, major work to do today:


5 proposals

2 letters

and I have to comb through 888 records by hand.......by next wed.

Plus 2000 research reports to start pulling




Good Choices.

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Hey, ps........




It burns calories too!


Wow, I had not realized. It's coming by quickly!!


In the end, we decided not to do the faster to the fun program. DH said to use the money on some wine, lol, and with two kids entering their senior year of high school, it's like I need to bleed money!! Between college applications, ordering copies of SAT/ACT scores, senior photos, senior trips, etc., it's a very expensive year!


Last night, there were only 2 faster to fun excursions left for our sailing, so apparently lots of people bought them. What time did your excursion say when you bought it? Mine popped up between 11 am and noon. I wonder if different people get different times, but that wouldn't make much sense if the Faster to the Fun are let on right after the wedding parties and VIPs...you'd think they would all go on at once. Strange! Oh well, I'll be interested in your experience and in the experience of others who try it out!


Congrats on the weight loss by the way. I've been the same for a week...even with the exercise. Sticking to just protein tonight to see if I can make the scale move. But, it's my first time below 200 in several years, so it's all good!

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Wow, I had not realized. It's coming by quickly!!


In the end, we decided not to do the faster to the fun program. DH said to use the money on some wine, lol, and with two kids entering their senior year of high school, it's like I need to bleed money!! Between college applications, ordering copies of SAT/ACT scores, senior photos, senior trips, etc., it's a very expensive year!


Last night, there were only 2 faster to fun excursions left for our sailing, so apparently lots of people bought them. What time did your excursion say when you bought it? Mine popped up between 11 am and noon. I wonder if different people get different times, but that wouldn't make much sense if the Faster to the Fun are let on right after the wedding parties and VIPs...you'd think they would all go on at once. Strange! Oh well, I'll be interested in your experience and in the experience of others who try it out!


Congrats on the weight loss by the way. I've been the same for a week...even with the exercise. Sticking to just protein tonight to see if I can make the scale move. But, it's my first time below 200 in several years, so it's all good!


Mine originally said 8 9 but they changed it to 11 12 now. JH said they wud change them all to that. It will def. Be interesting to see how thigns pan out. Im glad there are 12all weeks of cruisers to try it out and report....and get the bugs worked out before i cruise.


So u made it to Onderland! Thats a big deal!

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So u made it to Onderland! Thats a big deal!


Yes, thanks. 194 to be exact. :) Been that way for a week though, so working on lowering it. It feels good, but before I get too cocky, I need to remember that I was 198 lbs when I delivered twins, so I have a ways to go! But, XLs are starting to get big now. I bought some new black pants for work and got size 16, not 16W, but regular 16's. That was a big day for me...to bypass the "Women's" (code word for plus size) dept at Macy's and to go to the regular dept.


But, still have a way to go, so it's a long haul!


Your cruise will be here before you know it. Have you done any more fashion pieces? I love seeing your outfits!

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Yes, thanks. 194 to be exact. :) Been that way for a week though, so working on lowering it. It feels good, but before I get too cocky, I need to remember that I was 198 lbs when I delivered twins, so I have a ways to go! But, XLs are starting to get big now. I bought some new black pants for work and got size 16, not 16W, but regular 16's. That was a big day for me...to bypass the "Women's" (code word for plus size) dept at Macy's and to go to the regular dept.


But, still have a way to go, so it's a long haul!


Your cruise will be here before you know it. Have you done any more fashion pieces? I love seeing your outfits!


You know it is about that time........I was gonna try today but it rained. Maybe Sunday.

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Oh, no I have finished the 3rd "50 Shades" book. Whatever will I read on the bike now? In fact, last night I was so engrossed in the really exciting part near the end (Brooke...you know what I mean, don't want to spoil it for others) that I actually did 33 minutes and over 5 miles!! Yelp, one mile over what I usually do and I was ok. So, I guess I can push the limit a bit. I don't know when I'll work up to 60 minutes, but it's a start!!


So, now I'm kind of bummed I don't have exciting reading material for the bike. I kept the 50 Shades book only for the bike so it was like I was looking forward to exercising so I could read and it really worked!! I've ordered Gone Girl from the library as well as Joan Rivers' new book, "I Hate Everyone" and an older Joan Rivers' book, "Still Talking". Hope they come soon (Orange County delivers to the house when you order online).


I watch HGTV while I do my weights workout and it helps pass the time too. Today I hope to organize my closet to get the things that fit all in one area so I don't have to dig through 10 pairs of black pants to find the ones that actually fit this week!


About the "50 Shades" trilogy...definitely recommend it. The 3rd book started off really slow and I was getting annoyed with it, thinking it was just stupid couple arguments and that there was no real plot, but then it really picked up and the 2nd half was just wonderful with a great resolution! Can't wait for the movie...wonder if they will do 3 movies or how they will organize the books?


As far as food...it's been hamburger patties this week, caesar salad with the Boars Head jerk turkey breast, jerk turkey breast and the Boars Head 3 pepper jack cheese, and pork loin cooked in the crock pot (marinated in Hilton Head Island marinade purchased at Publix), and Rachel Ray's brussels sprouts. Had lots of company and made breakfast pizza (crescent roll dough topped with cheese, sausage, and scrambled egg mixture...kind of like a quiche) and overnight french toast for the company, but I stuck to my 2 hard boiled egg, mayo, bacon bits breakfast. Have been the same weight for a week (had 2 dr. appts this week and was weighed both times), so hoping the exercise will make the scale move. That is why I don't usually weight daily or even weekly. I like to see the scale jump. Before this, I had not weighed in about 6 weeks and saw a 5 lb. decrease over that time. Baby steps, but at least it's going down, slowly but surely. A year ago, I was 247 and now I am 194, so hopefully in another year I will be in the low 140s, which I will be happy with. That's a size 10 for me and at almost 50, I don't expect to go lower than that. I was 99 lbs. at my first wedding at age 25, but don't expect to see that weight again!!!

Edited by pcrum
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Sounds like everyone is doing really well with the weight loss:):).

I'm shooting for other 15 lbs by Sept 17. So I went back on keeping my carbs down to 5 grams yesterday.

I am thrilled yesterday I decided to try on some dresses that I bought a couple years ago that have never fit. Anyway they are all 12s and they all fit very nicely. So it looks like I wont have to buy anything for our upcoming cruise:) Can't wait for this cruise we are going with 32 friends this should be sooo much fun,


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Well, I was slightly disappointed yesterday in my weight. I was hoping to see 314 again and know that I had shed every # from vacation in a week. It was 316.4.


I still found pride in the fact it took me a week to get most if the weight off and that I've Bern sticking to my guns,


I had a battle yesterday too over lunch, some cookies and some chips and cheese dip.


I had to get my car checked so I left at lunch from work and I had planned to grab lunch on my way bc I knew it would be a while. I did think about it but didn't really track it ahead of time. I fought myself over what to order bc I was extra hungry from having a smaller snack. I decided on a grilled chicken meal with a half sweet/unsweetened tea. I logged the pointsnfrom my phone.


Then went home and knew I had an afternoon close to the kitchen. Had planned on cleaning my car but rain killed that. Had already decided I was taking a day off from exercise. I forgot my head and picked up two cookies and ate them. I banished myself from the kitchen.


I found distraction in cruisecritic .


After a caloric lunch I needed to have a smart dinner.


2 small grilled tenders

1/2 c of brussels

Sprinkle of parmesan

1/2 c tomatoes

4 of those tiny potatoes


5 points left lead to cookies


Then I kept thinking about the dip and chips, many times almost getting them. I pressed myself to think about the problems that would create, remember that I would be indulging in some adult beverages with friends the next day. I even ate a few canned peaches......like gathina had said with a mind trick. In all I just had to say no MANY times and went to bed satisfied and without chips.


This morning


313.2 on the scale.


And though we r having alcohol today I pre planned a healthy food choice of veggies and chicken skewers grilled.


Good choices.

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Wow! That's a great accomplishment! A lot you are thankful for I am sure!


As they say, you CAN do it "if you put your mind to it"..literally, as you are! :)


Well, I was slightly disappointed yesterday in my weight. I was hoping to see 314 again and know that I had shed every # from vacation in a week. It was 316.4.


I still found pride in the fact it took me a week to get most if the weight off and that I've Bern sticking to my guns,


I had a battle yesterday too over lunch, some cookies and some chips and cheese dip.


I had to get my car checked so I left at lunch from work and I had planned to grab lunch on my way bc I knew it would be a while. I did think about it but didn't really track it ahead of time. I fought myself over what to order bc I was extra hungry from having a smaller snack. I decided on a grilled chicken meal with a half sweet/unsweetened tea. I logged the pointsnfrom my phone.


Then went home and knew I had an afternoon close to the kitchen. Had planned on cleaning my car but rain killed that. Had already decided I was taking a day off from exercise. I forgot my head and picked up two cookies and ate them. I banished myself from the kitchen.


I found distraction in cruisecritic .


After a caloric lunch I needed to have a smart dinner.


2 small grilled tenders

1/2 c of brussels

Sprinkle of parmesan

1/2 c tomatoes

4 of those tiny potatoes


5 points left lead to cookies


Then I kept thinking about the dip and chips, many times almost getting them. I pressed myself to think about the problems that would create, remember that I would be indulging in some adult beverages with friends the next day. I even ate a few canned peaches......like gathina had said with a mind trick. In all I just had to say no MANY times and went to bed satisfied and without chips.


This morning


313.2 on the scale.


And though we r having alcohol today I pre planned a healthy food choice of veggies and chicken skewers grilled.


Good choices.

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