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Cruising to Healthy


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Man, what a weekend. Went by super fast. Spent time with friends, watched the US win gold in basektball, thought the car place left a piece off my car, lol. *Hey you just can't be too careful*


I had to do some quick planning for food for at least today.


BK: 1/2 c oatmeal dry

1/3 c 1% milk

2 tsp sugar

16 oz of water


S: 3 oz of crab meat

1/2 c brown rice

1/2 c of pineapple


L: 4 oz chicken breast

1/2 c of brown rice

1 c of green beans


S: 2 oz of turkey

1 tomato


D: Chicken stir fry with low sodium soy sauce


W: 60 mins on the bike


I didn't get to weigh sat. b/c I stayed with my friends. We had a good night. Just 2 drinks, diet coke and coconut rum, so it wasn't horrible. Grilled lean hamburgers and deer dogs and the fresh garden veggies I brought with me. We did indulge with some tortilla chips, cheese sauce and some of my mom's homemade salsa sauce. Then some ice cream later that night.


Of course Sunday we got up late and then decided to watch the basketball game, so we didn't eat until 12:30pm. I drank a glass of milk to keep my levels good and so i wouldn't be starving and over eat.


We went to a pancake house and I did get a little more carbs than usual, but I knew that I wouldn't eat again until dinner, so I knew I had plenty of points. Did try to balance it all though.


scrambled eggs- out of a cup I ate about 1/2

Country ham slice-I ate 1/2

biscuit-ate it

Pancakes 3 stack 3 inch diameter- I left them stack and left half on the plate

syrup and butter- about 1 tbsp of magarine and 2 tbsp of syrup, not all eaten.


had a hamburger and some baked fries for dinner

60 mins on the bike


I probably forgot some stuff, but that is the basics. A little less on plan, yes, but I still stayed in my points. The weekends are always going to be harder.


I still came in at 314.8 this morning. I'm gonna work to see a 312 this week, I really hope :D


good choices.

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Yes, thanks. 194 to be exact. :) Been that way for a week though, so working on lowering it. It feels good, but before I get too cocky, I need to remember that I was 198 lbs when I delivered twins, so I have a ways to go! But, XLs are starting to get big now. I bought some new black pants for work and got size 16, not 16W, but regular 16's. That was a big day for me...to bypass the "Women's" (code word for plus size) dept at Macy's and to go to the regular dept.


But, still have a way to go, so it's a long haul!


Your cruise will be here before you know it. Have you done any more fashion pieces? I love seeing your outfits!


I've still not done that, even though I can now fit into some Lane Bryant 14s, I can't seem to fit right into non W clothes. They are cut differently (for women without curves). Maybe I should try them again but, it will feel REALLY weird to shop in a non "Women's" store....


I started my current journey at 193.3 on 6/6. As of yesterday I was 182.6....hoping to hit 175 before my cruise in October. I'll still be "overweight" at 175 but whatever, I'm aiming for smaller goals rather than the "i want to lose 60lbs" one right off the bat. Just felt too daunting!


I've never lost 10lbs before in my entire life. Ever. WHenver I've "tried" to lose weight - i've never lost more than a couple. Why? Because I convinced myself I wasn't eating that much.


I was.


Since I've been tracking I see how fast the cals add up, and see how few (well to me it's few but to some it's a ton -- 1683) calories i get to eat in a day.


I just hope vacation doesn't totally blow me out of the water lol. I don't plan to track on vacation. I will be doing a ton of walking in ports. We dont tend to go insane with the food, but we definitely don't deprive ourselves either.


My current problem is my clothes are starting to get too big, but I don't really want to buy new ones unless the ones I have won't stay up....but I wonder what will be out for me to buy for vacation come sept/oct since i might need shorts...hmmm lol. Guess I've gotta take inventory of what I've got.

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I've still not done that, even though I can now fit into some Lane Bryant 14s, I can't seem to fit right into non W clothes. They are cut differently (for women without curves). Maybe I should try them again but, it will feel REALLY weird to shop in a non "Women's" store....


The ones I got were at Macy's by Alfani. They do say "curvy fit" and say they have "hidden tummy control and more room through hip and thigh". So, even though they are 16, they are "curvy" 16s! But, the 16Ws I tried on were too large in the waist. Sometimes, I think different brands just run differently and you really just need to try a lot on!


If you need shorts that fit before the cruise, maybe look for some with a drawstring waist, so they will adjust as you lose? I think I've seen some like that at Macys and Khols. Now that the fall clothes are coming out, the summer stuff is on sale.


I know it is a bother to buy clothes when you are "in between" sizes. I hated to spend money on pants that I knew would be too big soon, but my other size 16s were those pants that were in style a few years ago with the solid color and then a print, like little flowers, golf clubs, etc. I don't see anyone wear those now and my DD was so embarrassed every time I put them on, lol. I substitute teach at her school, so just needed some basics for school.


Congratulations on losing the weight!! That is a great accomplishment!


Brooke, sounds like you are getting really good with making adjustments in your diet as circumstances dictate. I think that is the key to long term success! We will not always be able to avoid fattening foods, but at least if we overindulge in one meal, we can make cut-backs the rest of the day to compensate!!


It's a journey...so glad to be able to share with others!

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I'm going to order these dresses. Now I'm going to order them in a 26/28 merely b/c of the tight fit they have. I'm a curvy and big girl so I will need some room with a fitted dress. I think I might have to return them, but I'm going to give them a try and maybe they will be encouragement.






Here is me in a clingy dress from last summer. A lot of pattern I know. I don't always make the best choices, but I have to say, it did boost my confidence a bit.



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Yay, fashion!!! I love the first dress. I think the black bottom part of the dress will be very slimming and I love the color of the top part. I like the red one too, but the first is my favorite.


You look very nice in the brown/black/white print. I think plus size dresses look better when they are fitted, rather than like big mumus!


Let us know how you like the dresses when they arrive. Would love to see photos!

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:) I really like both of the dresses, how fun to start buying clothes for the cruise. My DD just bought a dress over the weekend and talked herself into taking it back for a smaller size, she figures she really likes it so she plans to lose more weight before the cruise and she wants to wear the dress.



I'm going to order these dresses. Now I'm going to order them in a 26/28 merely b/c of the tight fit they have. I'm a curvy and big girl so I will need some room with a fitted dress. I think I might have to return them, but I'm going to give them a try and maybe they will be encouragement.






Here is me in a clingy dress from last summer. A lot of pattern I know. I don't always make the best choices, but I have to say, it did boost my confidence a bit.



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:) I really like both of the dresses, how fun to start buying clothes for the cruise. My DD just bought a dress over the weekend and talked herself into taking it back for a smaller size, she figures she really likes it so she plans to lose more weight before the cruise and she wants to wear the dress.


I've got a few things in my online shopping carts on a few websites in smaller sizes. I bought one size 2 x shirt from Old Navy last time, but it was a strapless with a flowly bottom so I figure it would fit. I just want it to be a little looser. ONs 3xs are really starting to sag a bit on me, but their 2xs are too snug. I don't think 10lbs will make much of difference, but I know that it should make some of the clothes I already own fit a little better.


The great thing about these dresses is they were half off, plus I got a 30% off of that. (I bought a shirt and another pair of those bathing suit bottoms) If they do fit, then GREAT! If they don't fit, then I get to send them back and get back $60 and have a little more motivation.


I know that they are going to fit tight in the behind area. I just have a big booty and a wide one, so its inevitable. But I'll probably wear a shaw or jacket or something with them, sooo.


I'm looking for those great summer sales. The prices are still a little high for me right now.

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It was a tough night b/c I ended up with 13 points left and I wasn't really that hungry. I didn't eat all my dinner, except I did eat all the protein, but not all the veggies (I did pour a whole bag of Bird's Eye veggies in there). I had my treat (which was an oatmeal cookie). I had a piece of salt water taffy. So I had 11 points left.


I knew I wasn't hungry at 8:30 pm but I knew that I would stay up until 10 and that as I was falling asleep I probably would get hungry. I had hoped that mom would not forget to bring milk home from the store when she went out b/c I could have had some cheerios for a better snack.


I ended up shoving a little cake thing in my mouth and going to bed. I should have just went to bed and dealt with being hungry. If I woke up I could have went and got some crackers or a slice of bread and been done with it. Of course, mom hasn't done her weekly shopping so the house is a little bear. You think that would be good that I don't have too much crap to get into.


Anyway, gotta move on to a new day.


BK: 2/3rd c of oatmeal (finished off the little extra)

1 c 1% milk

2 tsp of sugar


S: 2 oz of fake crab meat, lol

1/2 c of pineapple

25 caloires of butter spray


L: 3 ounce chicken breast (Its packaged, mom found them.....they are decent and I don't heat them so I don't get that metal taste.)

1/2 c of brown rice

1/2 c of cucumber


S: 2oz of Turkey pepperoni

1 medium apple


D: Grilled Chicken with bbq ranch sauce (mom bought these little flavor bottles and I will only use like a tbsp for flavor)

Baked potato


W: 50-60 mins on the bike (My SI Joint is out again I think, its sore)


(PS) I can do about 12 miles in 50 mins........if I remember correctly.


The scale is on 314.4 this morning.


I'm trying to wake up this morning. My dreams have been active, to say the least. I was having some stressful sleep last week. I find when I'm stressed or something is bothering me I have Awake Dreams. I'm just awake enough that I'm aware, but not awake enough to stop myself. It can be scary. I'll find myself standing up and talking to the wall or I'll be between and dream and awake and think something is being put in the bed with me and I'll jump up and run and turn the light on. Of course that usually wakes me all the way, but still. When I was younger I had gotten the blankets wrapped around my legs (dreaming) and I had been dreaming about snakes apparently. I screamed about snakes and ran to the edge of the stairs. Lucky mom heard me and got the the bottom of the stairs in enough time to stop me. I remember seeing her and doing it, but I really wasn't in full control at all. I haven't been doing it this week, so I hope I have worked out whatever it was that was working me up.


I hope everyone else is doing well and for those of you going on vacation, ENJOY IT!


Good Choices.

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Brooke ~


I like both of these dresses you are looking at ordering and you look great in the print dress you posted!!! Shopping is definitely a big part of cruise enjoyment for me, although I do tend to go overboard! LOL


We leave in three days and I have been shopping the past 30 days I think! :D

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Brooke ~


I like both of these dresses you are looking at ordering and you look great in the print dress you posted!!! Shopping is definitely a big part of cruise enjoyment for me, although I do tend to go overboard! LOL


We leave in three days and I have been shopping the past 30 days I think! :D


So incredibly jealous!

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OMG I as so excited just weighed in just hit 172...WOO HOO.

I know I still have a long way to go but this is so nice. So if I hit my goal of 15 lbs by Sept 17th I'll be down to 158lbs. I am so doing the happy dance!!!



I'll dance with you, I'll burn calories.

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OMG I as so excited just weighed in just hit 172...WOO HOO.

I know I still have a long way to go but this is so nice. So if I hit my goal of 15 lbs by Sept 17th I'll be down to 158lbs. I am so doing the happy dance!!!



Man, I'd kill to be 172 lol. :-) Hoping to hit 182 this week.... *crossing fingers*


Any loss is a loss to me though, be it 0.1 or 1, or 10, whatever. As long as the numbers go in the right direction.


Good work :-)

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OMG I as so excited just weighed in just hit 172...WOO HOO.

I know I still have a long way to go but this is so nice. So if I hit my goal of 15 lbs by Sept 17th I'll be down to 158lbs. I am so doing the happy dance!!!




Brooke ~


I like both of these dresses you are looking at ordering and you look great in the print dress you posted!!! Shopping is definitely a big part of cruise enjoyment for me, although I do tend to go overboard! LOL


We leave in three days and I have been shopping the past 30 days I think! :D


Have a wonderful cruise. Be sure to come back and tell us all about it!!:)

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I like the 1st dress brooke. What site are they from? I'm too scared to not try on before buying, so I tend to be an in person shopper, but it's def cute.


Does anyone know how to steam green beans but have them have more flavor than just green beans? lol. I made some tonight in the steamer that i've used oh maybe 3 times in the year i've owned it. The beans were 'ok' but when i eat green beans from steamfresh they taste much better to me lol. (i know they are lightly buttered i think...40 cal per cup i think).


Anyway, anyone have suggestions as to how to give the beans flavor? Either by adding something with them in the steamer or putting something in the water that's doing the steaming or something?

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I am looking a lot lately at Chinese recipes and they use a lot of steaming for veggies. I've seen garlic and ginger used.


When I want Chinese food or didn't plan and have to eat out for lunch,I get a pint of steamed chicken and veggies and maybe a little brown rice. The place I go to uses a piece of ginger with the veggies, which is usually some cabbage and carrots but have seen them make it with green beans. For $3.99 it's beats going to fast food. If your carb conscious forget the rice but that type of meal is really a calorie and money bargain, IMO.


I like the 1st dress brooke. What site are they from? I'm too scared to not try on before buying, so I tend to be an in person shopper, but it's def cute.


Does anyone know how to steam green beans but have them have more flavor than just green beans? lol. I made some tonight in the steamer that i've used oh maybe 3 times in the year i've owned it. The beans were 'ok' but when i eat green beans from steamfresh they taste much better to me lol. (i know they are lightly buttered i think...40 cal per cup i think).


Anyway, anyone have suggestions as to how to give the beans flavor? Either by adding something with them in the steamer or putting something in the water that's doing the steaming or something?

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I like the 1st dress brooke. What site are they from? I'm too scared to not try on before buying, so I tend to be an in person shopper, but it's def cute.


Does anyone know how to steam green beans but have them have more flavor than just green beans? lol. I made some tonight in the steamer that i've used oh maybe 3 times in the year i've owned it. The beans were 'ok' but when i eat green beans from steamfresh they taste much better to me lol. (i know they are lightly buttered i think...40 cal per cup i think).


Anyway, anyone have suggestions as to how to give the beans flavor? Either by adding something with them in the steamer or putting something in the water that's doing the steaming or something?


Thanks. They are from the Avenue and they are like almost half price right now......I think.


If you don't mind some sodium, I used boullion to flavor green beans.

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Refreshed my memory on my formula last night and realized I was slipping a bit so I'm trying to get back to it. Planned a little better last night before bed.


I'm not going to post food today.......its a pain sometimes to post here and on my WW. But it involves shrimp, fruit, and lean proteins.


Was at 314.6 this morning.


I didn't exercise last night b/c my back was really hurting. I'm waiting on 9am to call my chiro to see if he can get me in this week. I think I can exercise through it tonight though if he can't.


I'm hoping stopping the slipping now will help me lose another lb this week. I also thought about it last night and I think I might be ready to reduce my treats by two day. I'm gonna try that. When the other night I didn't eat all my points and wasn't really in the mood for anything.......I think it was me and my body telling me..........you don't need this. Though WW says I need to at least eat my daily points. It was a good signal that maybe I'm perceiving food differently? Am I cured? By NO means! I can tell you that mom mentioned pizza for dinner tonight b/c she has a meeting and I was drooling..............I have to remember...........moderation. Most things are fine, in moderation.


Off topic a bit.


Last night I was thinking about my glasses. While I don't mind them they do tend to get on my nerves. Mostly when they get dirty, I'm a little anal about that. The other thing is in pictures. Mom mentioned that a few of my photos from the beach (like the only ones I had) that my glasses cut right down over my eyes and really block them. Its true. I often have to move my glasses so my eyes are not covered. Its partially the style and partially just glasses in general. I used to wear contacts, then I got dry eyes. I miss contacts or should I say I miss not having to wear glasses. I've been doing some reading and it seems they may have some new stuff for dry eye people and contacts. I have the Acuve Hydro lenses from years ago (my prescription hasn't really changed) that I paid for but had to stop using. Every once in a while I will take them out and try to wear them for a while. I'm doing that today. I bought rewetting drops to help a bit. But I don't think it will work.


I think I will make an apt with the eye dr. and see if these new contact types can help me. I sure hope so. Though I hope that maybe they have some trial pairs b/c I would hate to pay that much money for them and not be able to wear them again.


Why should I care..........well........I just really like my eyes. People have told me they are pretty, but the truth is, I think they are and I really hate covering them up with glasses. Its a little vain, but its the way I feel. if I can't wear contacts, I live, but it would be nice.


good Choices


And congrats to you guys on all the weight loss around here. Maybe we are all on a roll :D

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Brooke, Try the "Dailies" contacts. I had worn contacts for years and also gave them up due to dry eyes. Then, my dr suggested the dailies. You change them everyday, but the price has really come down and when you factor in the fact that you are not buying solution, it probably works out to the same cost.


The "Dailies" are thinner than normal contacts so are not as irritating. It took me a while to learn to put them in as they are very thin, but you get used to it. When my son got contacts, the dr. also suggested the dailies, so I think they are the new thing. They also work for astigmatism, if you have that.


Most drs will give you a week's trial supply to test out if these are for you. My son and I saw different eye drs and both places gave us the trial to test out. Good luck!!

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Does anyone know how to steam green beans but have them have more flavor than just green beans? lol. I made some tonight in the steamer that i've used oh maybe 3 times in the year i've owned it. The beans were 'ok' but when i eat green beans from steamfresh they taste much better to me lol. (i know they are lightly buttered i think...40 cal per cup i think).


Anyway, anyone have suggestions as to how to give the beans flavor? Either by adding something with them in the steamer or putting something in the water that's doing the steaming or something?


Depending on your diet, bacon would add tons of flavor. I use the Rachel Ray recipe for brussels sprouts (I posted it a while back), which is basically cooking them in bacon grease, olive oil, and chicken broth. Then you chop up 3 slices of bacon and mix in with them. I think it would work for green beans too, but I know not all diets would favor the bacon grease (I do Atkins, where in moderation, some fat is ok).


Good luck.

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Brooke, Try the "Dailies" contacts. I had worn contacts for years and also gave them up due to dry eyes. Then, my dr suggested the dailies. You change them everyday, but the price has really come down and when you factor in the fact that you are not buying solution, it probably works out to the same cost.


The "Dailies" are thinner than normal contacts so are not as irritating. It took me a while to learn to put them in as they are very thin, but you get used to it. When my son got contacts, the dr. also suggested the dailies, so I think they are the new thing. They also work for astigmatism, if you have that.


Most drs will give you a week's trial supply to test out if these are for you. My son and I saw different eye drs and both places gave us the trial to test out. Good luck!!



Thanks, i actually snagged an apt. for tomr. I'm due for an exam anyway. I think my insurance gives me a little discount........but I do hope they can give me a trail pair.

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:)Have a great trip,I always pack to much but you never know what you might need.


Brooke ~


I like both of these dresses you are looking at ordering and you look great in the print dress you posted!!! Shopping is definitely a big part of cruise enjoyment for me, although I do tend to go overboard! LOL


We leave in three days and I have been shopping the past 30 days I think! :D

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:)Have a great trip,I always pack to much but you never know what you might need.


me too. I think last time I had 17 outfits, which was much better than my first cruise of 24 outfits........lol. I'm terrible.


This time, at this point, I have about 13 outfits. make that 14.......I'm adding a dress I forgot about today, lol.

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Gotta get some work done this morning b/c I have an apt. at 1:30 for my eyes. I think if I can get most of my work done I won't need to come back in.


Last night was McDs night, totally forgot as far as my food planning went, but I had plenty of points to have a grilled chicken and fries. I was totally satisfied, though for a while sitting in there eating I started getting that urge.......eat more......eat more........its okay......your hungry. I don't know where it came from. I was perfectly fine, I had plenty of food. Lucky for me the kids and everyone was very distracting and my mind soon forgot its nagging. Then I had to go home and hit the bike for 50 mins, so no time for snacking afterwards, especially when I had to put clothes away I had been neglecting for three days.


I did 50 mins. b/c my back hurts. I'm almost positive my SI is out of place and by the evening its worse for the wear, but I knew I just had to push through it and do as much as I could. So, I took it just a bit slower (14 rpm) and made it through. I need to get back to my hand weights. I've been neglecting them. But I'm gonna wait until after I get my back straight so that I'm not putting extra pressure on my joint.


BK: Oatmeal


S: Turkey pepperoni and strawberries


L: I'm gonna get a grilled chicken sandwich at McDs (I KNOW), it will be simple for me to do this instead of trying to fit lunch in at work before my apt. BUT. I will not have fries. I will have a Wildberry smoothie (small). While the sugar isn't that desirable it does have fruit in it and low fat yogurt for filling, low calorie, more nutritional value than fries.

Reg. McDs fries cost me 10 WW points

Small Wildberry smoothie cost me 5 WW points.


D: Fajitas. Like I planned last night. I've been eating chicken alot, so I think I will break it up with some deer hamburger for fajitas. Still lean, but different. I might used some of mom's homemade salsa to cook in it. And if I remember I'm gonna grab some jalopenos to add to it. I don't like green or red peppers, I've just recently been able to stand cooked onions, so my fajitas would be bear if I didn't try to add to them. Mom bought some 2 inch diameter soft taco shells. They are probably about 100 calories each. Those will be my carb to my protein.


W: At least 50 mins.



Anybody familiar with selling stuff online. I joined a FB page that is for selling and buying plus size clothing. I have a few pieces I don't really wear anymore and are in good shape and a few bucks extra to squirrel away would be nice. I was reading Pay**l (I don't want to get in trouble) terms last night and there were a little scary, but I'm not sure how else you would do it.


Good choices.

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If you are referring to the pal that you pay website, I've used it for years without an issue. I have both bought and sold stuff on ebay and the website you mention is how you make and receive payment. No problems at all. A lot of businesses use it too. When I got my son's sr portraits this summer, we paid the photographer through that website and when his school sold DVDs of a performance, they used the same website.


I know the fb page you are talking about. As I weed through my closet and get rid of my plus size clothing, I was thinking of selling it there too. But, I want to make sure I won't need it anymore, lol.


As for the hand weights, I have been doing them nightly, but I know you are meant to only do weights every other day. I am in such a hurry to lose this arm flab, that I've been doing it nightly, but I'm starting to feel sore, so I'm thinking maybe I need to take a day off in between. But, I hate to not exercise the arms every day. Does anyone have any suggestions for arm exercises to do without weights for the off days?


Good luck with your eye exam today!

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