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Bad day today....so I went to drown it in McDonalds.....then got upset and threw most of it out. How I wish to be someone who exercises, not eats, their emotions/boredom away.


Brooke~ Hope you have a great date!


Here's to a better day tomorrow!



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Bad day today....so I went to drown it in McDonalds.....then got upset and threw most of it out. How I wish to be someone who exercises, not eats, their emotions/boredom away.


Brooke~ Hope you have a great date!


Here's to a better day tomorrow!




If it makes you feel better I went to McDs after my date last night. Grabbed a grilled chicken, fries and soda...........triple whamy. I had the points for it, but still.


Its a new day.............a new chances.

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Well, the date was fine. Umm, I just don't know. Let me ask you non-singles a Q. When you met ur now........significant other......first time..........first date.........did you have a "feeling"? A chemistry, a spark?


This guy has some GREAT qualities. Some of which I've been looking for and haven't found in such abundance in one person. However, instead of feeling like I was on a date, I just felt like I was out with a guy friend. I didn't feel any static. Electricity........nope. He was interesting to talk to, but I was trying in my head to picture taking things to another level...........and I couldn't see it. On the minor things side, he probably should have brushed his teeth a bit better before showing up......it was bad. And, I guess this is weird, but most guys (under cologne) have a "smell." Like I guess its a pharamone (sp)...Whatever he was giving off, was not pleasant to me. I'm sensitive to smell anyway, but when I got home I could smell him on me and we didn't even touch. He moved closer to me to watch a video on my phone, but that was as close as he got. I had to get into the shower when I got home. Now, it wasn't a like BO smell, it didn't smell like armpit or anything. Just his natural odor, but it put me off.


He has so many great qualities though, I agreed to another date. But I'm so conflicted. I don't want to miss an opportunity, but I don't want to settle either. Mom said there isn't a rush, but to me........I've spent so much time already. I've had the bad relationships, I was in a sorority and know about relationship drama, I watch my friends and see what they go through. At this point I just kinda feel like I know what I want and when I find it, I will know it. Sigh. Might be some emotional eating from all this. Its dredging up a lot of old wounds. Enough so that I want to go back to some of those old wounds and clear the air, just get it out of my head.




Sat. 322.6

Sun. 321

Mon. 321.6

Tues. 322

Wed. 321


Looks like 321 will be my number this week. That is okay.Its down.


BK: Oatmeal


L: ugh, got home late so thinking about lunch wasn't a priority. We have a Food Fair at work today. A "benefit" of working at a college. We have a Cafe and I can eat there if I want to (don't often, its like a buffet). Anyway, they have this fair every year to find new stuff to serve in the cafe and everyone can go. Its samples of everything from fish, chicken, soup, breads, snack foods, ice creams, etc. All local companies too. That might be my lunch with a side of PB sandwich to make sure I have enough protein.


D: I had a grilled chicken last night............late.........b/c we just had "coffee" on my date and I was hungry by the time I left. I found like a grissle in my chicken...........ugh. This is why chicken makes me ill sometimes. I have to block it out of my mind to even eat it again. I might stop on my home at the store and pick up stuff for a taco salad. Since its just me and mom for the week.........I might be nice and make something, lol.


W: Well, here is the deal. I forgot to charge my Ipod after the cruise, so I don't know if it has anything left on it and I didn't realize this until I drove halfway to work. I don't have anything to charge it with here. So, if its dead.........there is no way I can keep my mind on exercise at the gym, so I will have to postpone. Its probably good though. I need a night to plan for our ghost hunt on Friday.


Well, after I blabbered about my "love life" I think that is enough for the day.


Good Choices.

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Its a new day.............a new chances.


So true! And today was much better...looking forward to even a better one tomorrow!


I picked up the kettlebells last night while watching Biggest Loser. Didn't do too much with them but better than snacking which is usually what I do.


For what it's worth, I met my hubby on the internet, long before it was the thing to do. We chatted on line and on the phone for about 6 weeks before we met in person. Our first meeting was at a baseball game, we had a good time. After the game he walked me to my car....we hugged good nite and it was very different than it had ever been before. There was a sense of calm and security, like all my worries just melted away.


Can't wait to hear about your ghost hunting...love the stuff but have never gone.




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So true! And today was much better...looking forward to even a better one tomorrow!


I picked up the kettlebells last night while watching Biggest Loser. Didn't do too much with them but better than snacking which is usually what I do.


For what it's worth, I met my hubby on the internet, long before it was the thing to do. We chatted on line and on the phone for about 6 weeks before we met in person. Our first meeting was at a baseball game, we had a good time. After the game he walked me to my car....we hugged good nite and it was very different than it had ever been before. There was a sense of calm and security, like all my worries just melted away.


Can't wait to hear about your ghost hunting...love the stuff but have never gone.






See, just the little things make you feel better and remember why :D I should have got my butt up and did that last night.


Yea, I didn't feel that way with this guy, just "comfortable." Its so hard. I've found at least two guys in the last year or so that have great qualities and share interest, but the attraction isn't there. I'm not asking for fireworks here, just a little chemistry connection.........spark, tingle, sigh, something. :rolleyes:

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Well, I sat on my butt last night. I haven't felt "up to par" since the cruise. I think its b/c I haven't had time to just..............be, since I got back. Catching up on work, my nephews, ghost hunting weekend, laundry, putting stuff away, dates...........geez. I guess I should be glad that my life is full and not empty. Yep, that is what I will say.


Anyway, Thanks Paula for your help on the date thing. Idk, mom thinks I'm being quick to judge, but I'm giving him a second date. Its just the more I think about it, the more I think its no good. He hasn't stopped texting me since I first texted him back after he gave me his number. Like he will text me in the morning around this time (though he hasn't yet, maybe he go the hint). I know when things are new and exciting people want to just be "in" it. I get that, I do too. Its ironic, that I don't like that aspect of him.........and its something I see in myself when I get excited about something (like cruises, lol.). The same thing happened with the last guy, I didn't like him that much b/c he was A LOT like me.


I know this has nothing to do with getting healthy and losing weight, but.......I'm going to cont. anyway........


I actually talked to an ex of mine last night about it. We are still good friends, even though we didn't work out and obviously he knows a lot about me on that level. I asked him what kind of guy I needed and his answer was funny, "You need someone opposite of you." Which I though was funny after having this problem with guys have too many qualities like me. He also said, that knowing me the way he did, that I wouldn't be able to stay with a guy if I didn't have an "initial" spark with him.


I'm still committed on going on a second date, I think its worth it. I'm curious of why on his facebook there is a status update near the end of October talking about "I miss my baby doll" and how "special she is." Thats like two weeks ago...........I have questions about that.


Anyway, back on topic.


Sat. 322.6

Sun. 321

Mon. 321.6

Tues. 322

Wed. 321

Thurs. 321.6


Doing well, I hope to add more exercise in next week.


BK: I had a Breakfast lean pocket. It was the same points as my oatmeal. I just needed a break from oatmeal and I figured at least the lean pocket was better than mcds.


L: I also bought a personal frozen pizza. I just had pizza last night, but the house is bare with stuff right now b/c mom isn't cooking (dad's gone hunting). I think I'm just in the mood for a pb sandwich, might grab some soup from the bookstore.


D: sigh...............idk.


W: I didn't pack last night..........I suck.


He hasn't texted me yet, maybe his chances are looking up.............


Good choices.

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Hubby's at work and it's one of those nights that all I want to do is eat, so I thought I would write.


We bought some 100 calorie snacks to help us both with portion sizes. I'm keeping them in the basement so I have to go down there to get one. I typically won't journey down there twice in a row. Sounds silly but it seems to work.


At least I am making better choices tonight so far an apple, raisins, hamburger and now I'm thinking about a sweet potato, baked that is. Thankfully I went to the store earlier today to get some better foods in the house.


Brooke, I love PB&J sandwiches! I now use natural PB and fruit spread, neither have sugar in them so I don't feel so guilty about it...


Well, I best find something to keep me busy till I go to bed. They're predicting snow tonight, the first of the season. Not really ready for winter but I know you burn more calories when you're out in the cold!


Have a great night!

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Well, auntie Broke got called to babysitting duty last night for at least the 4 month old. It was fun. I assisted him in learning how to roll over and we worked on forming our mouths and making noises, and kicking our feet. Of course that required a nap later and some food, but he was happy baby when mommy and daddy got home.


This evening I'm leaving to go ghost hunting. I hope we see some good stuff this time. Maybe just a few more bits of evidence. lol Have layers to dress in b/c it will be super cold.


So last night I had to make dinner fast and take it to my brothers with me. I just threw some chicken nuggets in the oven, then some birds eye rice and veggies and soy sauce. Make shift, but worked. I did have some cake..........I realized I never got actual birthday cake for my birthday and I do actually look forward to that b/c I try not to eat it any other time. So I went to the store before home and was hoping they had just a single serving slice (sometimes they do), but they didn't. They did have the little baby cakes though, which is about 2-3 serving. So I got that. I had a piece last night and I have a piece for lunch today and I'm done.


Sat. 322.6

Sun. 321

Mon. 321.6

Tues. 322

Wed. 321

Thurs. 321.6

Fri. 321.6


So I entered 321 as my official weight. 9lbs again.........hoping for 10 next week and then onto getting more off. I do hate that the Holidays are upon us, but I can't just give up for a while until I get through the Holidays. I will just have to do the best I can.


BK: Lean pocket. Only bought a 2 serving box, so I will be done with those and back to oatmeal. Haven't gotten to eating it yet though........


L: I have that frozen pizza. I went out for a late bday lunch for a co-worker yesterday. I had grilled cheese on wheat with tomato soup, but I added fries.........yea.


D: Since we will be on the road........I don't know at this point. Will try to be healthy of course.


W: Well, I will be up all night walking around...........does that count?


Mr. Dude texted me most the morning yesterday, then I had lunch, so he stopped for a while, then texted me again, then I had a meeting, so he stopped. Then I had the baby, so he stopped............It was peaceful. I enjoyed it. :p My brother apparently was stalking his FB page and noticed the "baby doll" comment too and didn't like it. So, he doesn't have my brother's vote, lol. Everyday, I don't like him more and more. Not that I don't like him as a person, but as a potential "mate." I may just have to take back my second date. He seems like he just falls hard and it just wouldn't be fair. But we will see. I will have time talk this out with my friends in the car and my co-workers (all women) gave me some advice too.


I'm trying to fight off this allergy headache this morning, but other than that........its a good day.


Good choices.

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I am back. All kinds of mixed emotions going on.


I had a very full vacation. What I can tell you is that I did NONE of the Carnival cruise activities, so I cannot comment on any of them. What I can tell you is that I noticed a decline in service in general. We had issues with our cabin - not enough towels (like one wash cloth for two people, no bathmat), dirty balcony chairs, a glass left on the balcony when we arrived that was full of cigarette butts. What got me the most was the air conditioning. It did not work. The dial in the ceiling would not turn. I complained 4 times. I had been on the ship 4 times. They checked it and every time they left a note saying it was fine. It was not. It was VERY hot and impossible not to sweat when trying to get ready.


Anyway...I am all done with cruising for at least the next year or so. If we do go, I think it may be time to try out a different cruise line.


I won't bore you with my Rick Springfield related activities. (Brooke and Jess, you will have to endure my pictures on FB). But, I had a blast!! Many concerts, activities, laughs, etc. Next year, Club Med Sandpiper Bay. My new goal for that 50 more lbs. Here we go again. I have not weighed myself since I got home. I did not overeat at all because the food was just not good and I was on the move constantly. I don't think there will be much of a gain if anything. But...stay tuned!

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Brooke...I wanted to comment on the guy situation you talked about.


I met my husband online in 1999. There were sparks flying in emails, then on the phone and in person. We had chemistry from the start. I don't know that chemistry/sparks are something that can grow over time. I do believe that love can come from friendships, but you would obviously have a connection because you are friends with that person. If you are not feeling it, then don't take it any further. As far as the fact that he should have brushed his teeth better, YES, absolutely. When you have a planned first meeting with someone you may potential date, that person should put in 100%+ effort in getting ready.


I have had my share of duds before my husband. I have been on blind dates and internet dates. But, when I met my husband, I just knew. He was for me. It will happen, my friend, it will happen. :)

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I am back. All kinds of mixed emotions going on.


I had a very full vacation. What I can tell you is that I did NONE of the Carnival cruise activities, so I cannot comment on any of them. What I can tell you is that I noticed a decline in service in general. We had issues with our cabin - not enough towels (like one wash cloth for two people, no bathmat), dirty balcony chairs, a glass left on the balcony when we arrived that was full of cigarette butts. What got me the most was the air conditioning. It did not work. The dial in the ceiling would not turn. I complained 4 times. I had been on the ship 4 times. They checked it and every time they left a note saying it was fine. It was not. It was VERY hot and impossible not to sweat when trying to get ready.


Anyway...I am all done with cruising for at least the next year or so. If we do go, I think it may be time to try out a different cruise line.


I won't bore you with my Rick Springfield related activities. (Brooke and Jess, you will have to endure my pictures on FB). But, I had a blast!! Many concerts, activities, laughs, etc. Next year, Club Med Sandpiper Bay. My new goal for that 50 more lbs. Here we go again. I have not weighed myself since I got home. I did not overeat at all because the food was just not good and I was on the move constantly. I don't think there will be much of a gain if anything. But...stay tuned!


I think it is always good to switch things up.


Still sounds like you had Fun!!

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Brooke...I wanted to comment on the guy situation you talked about.


I met my husband online in 1999. There were sparks flying in emails, then on the phone and in person. We had chemistry from the start. I don't know that chemistry/sparks are something that can grow over time. I do believe that love can come from friendships, but you would obviously have a connection because you are friends with that person. If you are not feeling it, then don't take it any further. As far as the fact that he should have brushed his teeth better, YES, absolutely. When you have a planned first meeting with someone you may potential date, that person should put in 100%+ effort in getting ready.


I have had my share of duds before my husband. I have been on blind dates and internet dates. But, when I met my husband, I just knew. He was for me. It will happen, my friend, it will happen. :)


Thanks, I just figured that it may not work out, but if it had any chance at all, there should have been some connection.

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My ghost trip was AWESOME! I have some vids I need to download and when I can I will get to it.


Lets see, as usual I indulge on the weekends, but that's why I reset of Fridays with Weekly points, so I can do that if I want to.


I think I might be back into schedule b/c I felt kinda refreshed this morning, so hopefully through vacation and all I have gotten back to normal.


Sat. 322.6 (I weighed after being up all night from the ghost hunt and having a biscuit on my way home, so...)

Sun. 321.2

Mon. 320



BK: oatmeal


L: 1/2 hamburger and chips from last night-leftover


D: Umm, idk. I'll figure out something. Probably spaghetti that mom made last night.


W: Zumba


Dude has quit texting me so much, so that is nice. I'm not sure if I really want a second date or not though. I'm sure he will be asking me soon about a time and place though, so better make up my mind.



Good Choices.

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I've been doing much better at portion control and ordering iced tea instead of pop when we go out. Life is so much better when I limited sugar.


My pants seem to be big and am fitting into a smaller size, although I really need to get on a scale. I have 3 or 4 sizes of jeans and it's nice not being in the largest size anymore. In this house we don't have a good place to keep a scale out and convenient. I think I do better when I weigh myself more often, gonna have to figure something out.


Kim~ sorry to hear that your cruise was disappointing, glad Rick Springfield came through for you.




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I am grateful that I was not part of the regular cruise. I just didn't the level of service and entertainment that I saw previously. It may be different on different ships - I know Brooke has had positive Carnival experiences - the avoid the Destiny. It is an older ship and I think the staff/management is starting to care less. We had an excellent waiter and that's about it. Rick Springfield was sooooo awesome - I had many Rick encounters that kept my attention away from the flaws of the ship. But, if I had more time on my hands, I am sure that I would have discovered more. I am definitely looking forward to a new pace of a resort. Not so much rushing around and more relaxation or at least, that's what I am hoping for. Mr. Springfield may have other plans.


I was not good with food today at all. I am just so tired still and need a kick in the pants!! I have set new goals for myself and I want to get right on them before I lose control again. I have no more fatter girl pants in my closet, so there really is no choice.


Brooke...did you have any ghost experiences? I peeked at your pictures. Have you written a review of your cruise? I love to read them, complete with your fashion choices. :D

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I've been doing much better at portion control and ordering iced tea instead of pop when we go out. Life is so much better when I limited sugar.


My pants seem to be big and am fitting into a smaller size, although I really need to get on a scale. I have 3 or 4 sizes of jeans and it's nice not being in the largest size anymore. In this house we don't have a good place to keep a scale out and convenient. I think I do better when I weigh myself more often, gonna have to figure something out.


Kim~ sorry to hear that your cruise was disappointing, glad Rick Springfield came through for you.





Portions are so hard, you just don't know how much something is nowadays. 8oz is normal for one burger now. Its silly. I had a burger the other night and I only ate half.

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I am grateful that I was not part of the regular cruise. I just didn't the level of service and entertainment that I saw previously. It may be different on different ships - I know Brooke has had positive Carnival experiences - the avoid the Destiny. It is an older ship and I think the staff/management is starting to care less. We had an excellent waiter and that's about it. Rick Springfield was sooooo awesome - I had many Rick encounters that kept my attention away from the flaws of the ship. But, if I had more time on my hands, I am sure that I would have discovered more. I am definitely looking forward to a new pace of a resort. Not so much rushing around and more relaxation or at least, that's what I am hoping for. Mr. Springfield may have other plans.


I was not good with food today at all. I am just so tired still and need a kick in the pants!! I have set new goals for myself and I want to get right on them before I lose control again. I have no more fatter girl pants in my closet, so there really is no choice.


Brooke...did you have any ghost experiences? I peeked at your pictures. Have you written a review of your cruise? I love to read them, complete with your fashion choices. :D


I had a good time on the Dream, but the cruise director was really bad, compared to others I've had. So, I think every cruise has its moments.


I did have some ghost experience, Its just a matter of getting the vids uploaded, I keep forgetting. I do have a review for the Dream, it is just taking forever to write as I'm getting done a little each day, you will notice my memory slipping more and more each new chapter, lol.


Yea, I set my goal as soon as I booked my new cruise. I knew I had to or else I would lose track, especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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Zumba was rescheduled for tonight, which is okay. i was only planning on getting in two exercise sessions this week. Build back up slowly. The gym hours will be limited next week b/c of students gone and we get three days off anyway next week.


I had the spaghetti last night. Mom has been using this canned tomato sauce she made with the garden tomatoes this year. I like it. Its much better than that nasty tomato paste she used (dad's mom made it that way and he is such a picky snot, so thats how I've always eaten spaghetti growing up. Plus I guess it was cheap). So, its "fresh" good tomato sauce and deer as the meatballs. I think it was wheat pasta, not sure. I over ate a bit last night. I was thinking. I had bread with butter, then a snack cake, milk, popcorn..........geez. Nipping that in the bud for sure.


Sat. 322.6 (I weighed after being up all night from the ghost hunt and having a biscuit on my way home, so...)

Sun. 321.2

Mon. 320

Tues. 320.6


If 320 is my lowest this week, then that means I can start on my new goal of 25lbs and that makes me excited. I can't wait to see what I can do.


On another note. I got a bunch of clothes I ordered from Old Navy for a bump to my fall collection/winter. You know I can't resist clothes. I did really good though. Tis the season to save some money, let me tell you. I had a basket that was a little over $400 and after some things went on sale and a 30% coupon code............$286. I almost cut that in half! 15 items. I think that was a good deal. I also saw that LB was having a good sale, so I checked that out yesterday. I bought a few sweaters, some camis, a few shirts and a new coat! Get this.....the coat was orig. $199, they knocked it down to $119 and then I had a get $75 off $225 of more coupon. I had $350 worth of stuff and got it for $240. Not as good a deal as Old navy, but I think we all know that LB is just better quality.


I did get my ON stuff. I was trying it on and the dresses were just wrapping around my booty. I know I have some junk in my trunk, but it just looked bigger. I know they were straighter lined dresses too, but I liked them so much. I just had to throw my hands up and say..........baby got back :rolleyes:. Leave up to my dad though to be a putz when it comes to most things (I mean that with love), but come threw on this topic. "Well, that just means the rest of you is getting smaller, its just an illusion. You didn't think you'd lose it all in one place, didja?" Oh dad, you know just what to say.


PS-Check out ON for these jeans they have with an elastic waist band. I know, but I never tuck my shirts it, so no one will know and I got a pair in a size 28.............too big. So I'm going back for a 26 b/c they actually felt like they fit well, didn't cut off my air when I sat down and they seem like they won't stretch out during the day. Fingers crossed.


Double PS-I can't freakin' wait until I'm small enough to buy a pair of panty hose at like Walmart. I'm soooooo tired of getting snags and stuff and having to drive 45 mins or wait for online deliveries to get panty hose and tights that fit me. Its annoying.


BK: Oatmeal


L: We have a staff lunch meeting, so it will be the cafe. Lord help me make good decisions.


D: Umm, Idk.


W: Zumba


Trying to find a way to let dude down. I think i will lay it at his feet. I will say something like. "Listen, when you asked me for a second date, I said yes, but I'm not sure if I was more excited about the date or a date....with you. Since you know this, I'll let you decide if you want to try a second date."


Its either that or just asking him if he really feels any chemistry with me........this is what I hate about dating.


Good Choices.

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Portions are so hard, you just don't know how much something is nowadays. 8oz is normal for one burger now. Its silly. I had a burger the other night and I only ate half.


We went for Italian the other night....had it for two more meals! Party cuz there's so much and partly cuz I'm watching...that's the way to get your money's worth!

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I feel like I am detoxing today. I am doing well with food and once those kiddos of mine are in bed, I am getting on the bike. It will be the first time in about 2 weeks. Yikes.


There Brooke goes again...shop, shop, shop. I also need a few new things, but I am trying to refrain. I bought a lot of tops for the cruise that I can easily get a cute sweater or two to put over it. My job is not one I need to dress up for. In fact, you pretty much don't want to wear anything you actually like. I do really need a pair of jeans. I struggle so much in that area. The sizing from brand to brand is so inconsistent. My other is that I do need a touch of spandex, but not so much that the jeans get bigger and bigger throughout the day.


SO....wish me luck. I may be sore tomorrow. :(

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We went for Italian the other night....had it for two more meals! Party cuz there's so much and partly cuz I'm watching...that's the way to get your money's worth!


Its amazing the food. People think they have to eat all the food that is in front of them not to be wasteful or get their $ worth. Taking it home is a good way to do both and not have to pack on the calories.

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I feel like I am detoxing today. I am doing well with food and once those kiddos of mine are in bed, I am getting on the bike. It will be the first time in about 2 weeks. Yikes.


There Brooke goes again...shop, shop, shop. I also need a few new things, but I am trying to refrain. I bought a lot of tops for the cruise that I can easily get a cute sweater or two to put over it. My job is not one I need to dress up for. In fact, you pretty much don't want to wear anything you actually like. I do really need a pair of jeans. I struggle so much in that area. The sizing from brand to brand is so inconsistent. My other is that I do need a touch of spandex, but not so much that the jeans get bigger and bigger throughout the day.


SO....wish me luck. I may be sore tomorrow. :(


I bet my credit cards wish i wouldn't, lol. But I always put clothes up there with things I need. I skip purses and shoes, and other things that people collect, lol.


These jeans at ON are kinda nice. I can't wait to get the smaller pair, so I can see how they wear throughout the day. If they work out, I'll let you know. Not sure if they'd have them in your size though, now you've lost all that weight :D

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Well, they cancelled Zumba this week b/c our instructor had a family emgy. But I made my butt go to the gym and do the ellipitcal. You know it was tough after not doing it for a few weeks. I got to 25 mins and started getting shakey. I wanted to push through, but I just didn't think it was safe b/c you have to have some balance for that thing. My hand was shaking pretty bad too. 25 mins at about 3.5mph wasn't bad for getting back on the horse though. I'll go back on Thursday.


Had Lasagna last night. I had a big lunch, cafe......:rolleyes:. I had about 2 tbsp of rice, a few sticks of broccoli, they had a fried chicken patti and I didn't see any other protein I would eat, but I left the bread off. A small back potato with cheese and butter. I fixed a big salad, but I put some dressing on it I knew I wouldn't like too much so I just pick at it and ate most of the protein (turkey). Then a chocolate cupcake and root beer. Its makes me wonder how I ate all that. GEEEEZZZZZZZ. This is why I dont' go to eat there people!


After the workout I got a small ice cream cone b/c I was shaking so bad I though it was my sugar. Quick fix.


Went home and had a very small square of lasagna and a roll. I was done. I was very tempted by the ice cream mom and dad were eating. In the past........I would have had some, but I knew that I'd already overdone it and already had ice cream. So one small victory I guess.


Sat. 322.6 (I weighed after being up all night from the ghost hunt and having a biscuit on my way home, so...)

Sun. 321.2

Mon. 320

Tues. 320.6

Wed. 320.2


Looking good.


BK: Oatmeal and skinny gingerbread latte. I had a tickle in my throat and my head is stopped up (probably getting something from the baby having its fingers in my mouth, lol), so I got a latte for the heat to move things around.


L: Leftover spaghetti and a fruit cup


D: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, mom has let the fridge get pretty bare b/c she is waiting for Thanksgiving. Idk.


W: Not today.


So, I told dude I wasn't interested in a second date. I was really nice about it and he seemed okay with it. I wouldn't mind being friends with him, so maybe that will happen. Onward to find someone.........somewhere..........sometime.


Today is 14 anniversary of my aunt's death. She died around 40 years old from cancer. She was the next to oldest and oldest girl on my dad's side. Her sisters all take it hard each year and my grandmother has never really got over her death (survivors guilt, especially since she has beat cancer 3x). I'll have to remind dad to call his mom tonight, It will probably help to here from her baby boy :rolleyes:.


Well, Good choices.

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