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Brilliance of the Seas 4/29/05 ROLL CALL


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I too am looking forward to the cruise, our winter has not be as bad as yours, but I am still looking forward to the summer. I will be on a cruise in March out of Galvaston, to Key West, Grand Cayman and Mex. Did the same thing the first of this month and the weather was great, warm and sunny.

I live just out side of Houston with my partner of 12yrs. Sorry to say he will not be traveling with me (one of us has to work). It looks like I will be makeing the trip by myself. I also like the formal nights, you will see me in my dress kilt for the formals nights. Do you know what sitting you have for diner? Early or late? I am not sure when my flight will be into Miami the cruise line normally does not let me know until a few days before the cruise. Hope to see all of you on the ship, pool side.

Robertoward (Dale)

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Hi Roberto...


Sorry that your patner won't be coming on the cruise ... if I remember correctly his name was John. Perhaps ... down the road we can all meet on another cruise? Michael and I were looking forward to meeting him.


I guess that makes our numbers at 8 guys instead of 9. It does look like we are going to have cruising buddies and great company for the cruise.


I seem to remember that you were in the Military ... is that correct? If you like you can email me at ... heritageexhibitions@hotmail.com ... and we can chat more leading into the cruise.


Let us know if you're going to be in Miami before the cruise and we can meet for supper or drinks.


Again ... sorry that your partner won't be on the cruise but we will keep you busy and it sounds like YOU like being around the pool too!



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DICK:cool: : I was in the USAF for 30yrs. Yes I am an old guy:D.

Now retired going on cruises as often as I can (when my partner lets me). By the way my partner is Richard not John, John was a friend who was going to travel with me on this cruise but he can't go now. So I will be alone:(. So you will be at the pool the first day, with all the good looking men around the pool how I will I know you guys? My gaydar is not that good. You will be able to know who I am I will be dressed all in black.

I am so looking forward to the cruise and meeting all the guys.


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Hi Everyone


There's another thread for our cruise on the Roll Call board listed as "BRILLIANCE Transatlantic 4/29/05 and there are a number of people on that. RCCL offers a Cruise Critic Party for its guests if 25 or more people sign up for it before the cruise. I did it once before and it's a good chance to meet all the people from the boards-tho RCCL doesn't do liquor for this one. I think it's typically held on the 2nd day. To sign up you will need your Booking Number. Dick & I have already signed for it. If anyone else wants to sign up, use this link: https://secure.royalcaribbean.com/ccEntry.do


As far as those of us on this board, I'd like to suggest a gathering the 1st day, probably after the Life Drill at whatever pool bar there is at the main pool on Deck 11. Anyone know the name of the Pool Bar?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone ...

It's been a hectic month and this is the first opportunity to drop a note and say "HI" again.

It seems that it has taken forever to reach our impending cruise and now ... all of us will soon be boarding and enjoying the long awaited cruise. It's been awhile since I have communicated with any of you and I'm not sure how many are now in our little Cruise group?

I believe it's "7" ... but someone who has the count ... please let me know. Michael and I are scheduled for the late seating for dinner and it would be nice to meet the group later and party into the evening.

I'm really looking forward to meeting each of you ... sharing a great cruise and having alot of fun. The group could provide the neucleus for great fun and companionship.

Keep in touch ... we are excited about meeting all of you!


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I guys just got back today from a 7 day cruise on the Rhaposdy of the Sea, had a great time. The first stop was at Key West, got in at 3pm and departed at 1am, a good time to be in Key West. Next cruise is on the 29th of April, looking forward to meeting all of you. Should be a fun crossing.

See you soon.


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Time to add a few lines from good old Germany today! Guys today in 4 weeks we´ll be boarding our floating home for 13 wonderful nights. Can´t wait because I´m more than ready to get away from a few things. Talking to Rick in San Juan the other day I know that he is also in desperate need of a good and peaceful vacation. Our friend Bill from San Diego who hasn´t posted on this board yet just got back from a great vacation in South Africa. Lucky him. He also can´t wait to do the crossing with us though. Bill, his friend, Rick and me are also confirmed for late dining so I guess most of us will have the time to do pre dinner cocktails every now and then...

Guys, take extra care of yourself within the next 4 weeks so that we all arrive onboard in good shape and health. See you soon... Michael

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Great to get your note and update. I think all of us are looking forward to a warm and sunny cruise and sharing time with some great guys and new friends.


I think meeting for drinks before dinner sounds great and offers us the chance to get to know one another and catch-up on each day. The thought of 13 days of relaxation with no demands ... no stress and great company is (for me) long awaited!


The time is arriving soon ... in fact ... it got here pretty fast! I don't really know that much about the ship but my expectations are high and I'm sure will be fulfilled.


so ... i'm really counting the days ... starting to get ready for the cruise ... and excited about meeting all of you!!!



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Not much longer, I am looking forward to meet all of you and having a drink as we start our crossing. I will miss not having my partner with me, but a good friend said he might come along if he can get the time off.

See you soon

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Hi All ...


Do any of you know how many FORMAL NIGHTS there will be on this cruise? Are any of you familiar with what shows or entertainment that would be appearing during the cruise?


I'm starting to dig up tuxes ... swim wear ... etc. and it occurs to me that perhaps there will be additional formal nights based on 13 days. I also think that someone mentioned ... or ... I read that there was a fantastic magician on board the Brilliance.


Anyway ... I'm starting to get ready and pack early for the most part. I also have to work on a tan again which takes a bit longer. I'm really looking forward to this cruise ... warm, beautiful weather and great companions!


See all of you soon!!!



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Hi Guys,

as far as I remember we will face three formal nights. I´m positive that there will be no more than that. We had three on the 12 night Millenium cruise two years ago and I´m sure that RCCL does the same as Celebrity. Definitely no tuxedo for me but nice suits!
The shows on RCCL are usually good but I guess it depends on how many you have seen before on cruise ships. Last year on the Radiance I was a bit disappointed. The dancers were pretty bad and so were the singers. That´s why the production shows last year to me were a disappointment. Same on Celebrity the year before. Terrible dancers but at least the singers were OK. So production shows can be hit or miss. But then, hey, it´s included in the price and we couldn´t do it any better ourselves.
Other shows usually include comedians, magicians and "famous" people from the past. Can be great and can be dull. Again it´s free and it all depends what you make out of it. To me highlight on all my cruises always was the cruise director in person. Always had great ones and thinking of the "sister" from the Radiance last year still makes me laugh. So we will have a great time each and every night. I´m sure about that.
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Hi All

Let's have a G&L Meetup following the Emergency drill on Deck 13 at the Viking Crown Lounge on our first day aboard. Dick and I will probably be right up at the bar. I, Michael, have a beard and Dick has a goatee and we'll be smoking.
If you plan on meeting that 1st afternoon at the bar, please indicate w/ a post here.

Also, the larger str8 group aboard has signed for the meet & mingle CC party which will probably be on the 2nd day aboard. I know that Dale has signed for this as have Dick & I. Not sure about Bob. If anyone hasn't signed for this, get your RCCL Booking # and click on this site to register. Meet & Mingle sign-up:


Let's make up a G&L cruise list of names and cabin numbers. Just copy the list, paste in to your new post and add your name & cabin #, then post it here. Dick & I will start it here:

[b][u]G&L CC Brilliance Guest List:[/u][/b]
1. Michael Kraus, Richard Steeley--- Cabin 4008

Finally, if any of you have a cell phone, you can reach Dick & me while we're in port in Miami at 513-237-4396 provided we're not buried deep in the ship's super-structure.

Anyhow, let's all try to meet at the Viking on Deck 13 after Emergency Drill and copy the above Guest list, and add your name and re-post the list for a rolling Roll Call.

We're anxious to meet you all and really looking forward to this cruise.
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Received my cruise documents yesterday. We will have 3 formal nights!!!

G&L CC Brilliance Guest List:
1. Michael Kraus, Richard Steeley--- Cabin 4008
2. Michael Wurm, Riracdo Grave---Cabin 8648

Regarding the meeting after the muster drill I´d rather take it easy and meet around the pool bar. The Lounge will be deserted at this time which makes it easy to find each other on one hand but it´s rather boring on the other hand. I have no doubt we will spot each other. I have very short and few hair (blondish) and a goatee, Rick short dark hair and either beard or goatee. Not sure how he looks these days as we haven´t seen each other for 11 month. In case we do not bumb into each other we still have the room numbers.
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[b]Meeting around the pool is just fine with me. Michael usually arranges these get-togethers and I know that he chose the Viking Lounge because he could NOT find a pool bar! He checked the diagram ... etc. but finally opted for the viking.[/b]

[b]What's the name of the pool bar ... or it's location. Where ever or what ever it's called ... we will be there to meet all of you.[/b]

[b]I tend to agree ... the pool area is best!!! I do believe we won't have any problems finding one another. I can tell you that we would be at the pool as early as possible (smoking side) and I will be keeping my gaydar (such as it is) operating to find all of you.[/b]

[b]I wear glasses ... br. hair-goatee-stash. 5'11" ... and will be wearing Torqoise swim trunks (I've got to remember to wear those) ... so ... let's make it the pool![/b]

[b]Thanks for informing me about Formal Nights ... 3 sounds more like it. You're right about the shows ... you just don't know ... but we will make our own evenings ... own fun![/b]

[b]Can't wait to meet![/b]

[b] Dick[/b]
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Michael et al

Unless someone has been on the Brilliance before and knows differently, I think we should meet after muster at the Crown Viking because I am not sure there is a Pool Bar. The Pool Bar was my first choice until I could find no Pool Bar on the ship's diagram. When I called RCCL, the agent could not identify that there was a Pool Bar after searching whatever tools he had availble. So, unless someone knows from prior sailing on Breilliance, I think it is not likely that there is a Pool Bar and trying to meet at a possibly non-existent bar could blow the opportunity to meet up.

At this point I would prefer to stay w/ the Crown Viking unless we know ahead of time that there is a Pool Bar, in which case we can agree to meet there. I found it odd that the RCCL agent could not name nor could he confirm that there was a Pool Bar.

[u][b]So far only Michael and Dick and I have posted our names and cabin numbers. If all you others will copy this list and then paste it in a new post and add your name and cabin # to this thread, we will all know how to get in touch. Please post your cabin # below. Thanx[/b][/u]


[b]G&L CC Brilliance Guest List:[/b]
[b]1. Michael Kraus, Richard Steeley--- Cabin 4008[/b]
[b]2. Michael Wurm, Riracdo Grave---Cabin 8648[/b]
[b]3. ???????[/b]
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Hi guys,

Brilliance sure has a pool bar and it is located right at the outside pool. Can´t miss it! Every RCCL ship has a pool bar (probably every vessel at sea). Hard to believe the RCCL agents don´t know every detail of their product. But I made a similar experience with another question regarding pier information (something they should definitely know about, especially if a city (Vancouver) has two piers a couple of miles apart). RCCL wasn´t able to tell me, in fact their email stated that I would be able to spot(!!!) the ships from the taxi.... Do I need to tell more...??!!?? I thought this was rediculous and managed to find out the correct pier inforamtion 3 months prior departure through the Vancouver Port Auth. internet pages, which clearly stated which ship would leave from which pier. The Radiance happened not to leave from the well known Canada Place but from an industrial area which could only be reached by cab or car. Something a passenger sure wants to know when making travel and hotel arrangments...

So having been on the sister ship "Radiance" I can promise you that the Brilliance does have a pool bar like every RCCL and Celebrity vessel at sea. Cant wait.... :-))))
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Just got my Doc. and now know my cabin number. And a good friend of mine will now be traveling with me, things are coming together now. See you by what ever bar we plan to meet at.
[b]G&L CC Brilliance Guest List:
1. Michael Kraus, Richard Steeley--- Cabin 4008
2. Michael Wurm, Riracdo Grave---Cabin 8648[/b]
[b]3. Robert D Edwards, Richard Pfleger---Cabin 1005[/b]

[b]Robertoward (Dale)[/b]
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Hey Guys

Thanks Mike, you relieved my anxiety about a successful Meet Up. The BOS diagram did not indicate a pool bar and when the agent seem to not know I was dubious about there being a pool bar-tho I thought it strange.

So let's all meet at the outside Pool Bar after muster.

Dale -glad you have a cabin mate. You should get him on this CC thread for an intro'.

Mike and Rico- can you get your friend Bill to post on the board? Dick and I will be arr. MIA on Wed afternoon and staying w/ friends at around 5500 Collins. Don't know if we'll have time to see you before the cruise but may have some time Thurs. afternoon-esp. if it's overcast and no sun.

[b]TO ALL: We'll have a cell phone w/ us and can be reached at; [/b]
[b] [u]1-513-237-4396[/u] [/b]
[b]in Miami after 5pm Wed-or at any time anywhere before then except during our flight.[/b]

Looking forward to our post-muster Pool Bar meet up.

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