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What I did on my Summer Vacation Pacific Princess 6/11-25 Live


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Hi Karen, et al:

Looks like our wonderful weather on the May 28th cruise is holding out for you guys! Hope it continues for the remainder of your cruise. Thanks for your reporting as it helps to re-live our just finished cruise.

Have fun!

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[B][COLOR=magenta]Mountainhouse:[/COLOR][/B] gorgeous photos. Thank you. We are scheduled with Dyea Dave too, so will anxiously await your report.

[B][COLOR=magenta]Karen:[/COLOR][/B] Thanks for the Sammi regards. She is our all time favorite CD.
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We arrived at Sabatini’s at the appointed time of 6:30 where the Assistant Maitre De, Fernando, who served our pre-dinner cocktails, greeted us. The canapés didn’t compare at all to those we were served on the Dawn, but then again, on the Dawn we filled up on canapés and had great difficulty with all the food that followed. We had crab-cakes, a beautiful salad, lobster, and filet mignon with all the trimmings. Desert was decadent. Both couples were presented an anniversary cake, which, after the singing and candle extinguishing, were whisked away to be delivered to our cabins. Using Sabatini’s as the venue for this was very nice. All in all, it was a very nice (though excessively time consumptive/calorically insane) experience.

Between courses, Rex returned to the cabin to retrieve something (?) and came back with Tim, the onboard Alaska Maritime Ranger. His presence was both informative and intrusive during our anniversary celebration but he was there by invitation. He speaks very positively about Princess Cruise Lines and their effort to be environmentally conscious.

Rex was true to form. When we returned to the cabin there was a gift on the pillow. He surprised me with a lovely diamond and birthstone (topaz) ring.

We were too stuffed after dinner to do much more than chat for a bit before retiring for the night.

Ketchikan June 13, 2009

I was awake at 5AM as the ship approached Ketchikan that, as always dutifully presents the first real look at Alaska. We did not plan an excursion, as we had to return to ship by 1:30 PM. That was a good thing because another one of our misadventures occurred. Rex could not find his wallet. I know it made it on the ship because he used the credit card in it to establish our shipboard account when we checked in. I also recalled watching him return it to his pocket. That is the last recollection either of us had of the wallet. We tore the room apart several times looking, then looking again, in vain for the missing wallet. Then it became apparent. The wallet, a super thin variety, had taken a trip to the ships laundry yesterday. Unfortunately, when the jeans came back, the wallet was not still in the pocket.

We always store the cash separately so that was mostly safe, however, the credit card and his social security number were compromised. I made the necessary phone calls and by the time we stepped on solid ground, there was barely enough time for a stroll and a few photos. We returned to the ship and cabin and everyone decided an Alka-Seltzer might help get the knots out of our stomachs during which time Rex opened the desk drawer and there it was. That drawer had been searched 5 times. Ahh…yes.

We enjoyed beautiful weather and spent most of the remaining day on the balcony enjoying a nice beverage with K and D.

Still satiated from the prior evenings’ shoveling of food (and Keith’s giddiness) we elected to dine in the buffet. Dancing on the dinner table would be a little rambunctious for this crowd.

Our evening ended around 11 PM. It appeared that we were the only pasengers awake on the entire ship. In fact, after the second seating, the ship goes to sleep. We have determined that if there is a Karaoke contest on the cruise, we are going to win the luggage tags as no one else can stay up that long. Although we are doing well with the time difference as far as staying up late is concerned, we are still getting up between 4 and 5AM. We get more exhausted each day. I don’t like sleeping anyway. It’s such a waste of time.

Glacier Bay June 14, 2009

I love the scenic cruising days in Alaska. We spent the majority of the day (like everyday) on the balcony taking in the awesome scenery and looking for whales. We used the GPS to monitor our progress and make sure the Captain stayed on course.

There is not enough good to be said about our steward, Ronald. We won the lotto on this one. He is a keeper and one we will miss when the cruise comes to an end. He is unobtrusive, does an excellent job keeping our cabin clean and tidy and has a very warm, friendly and outgoing personality. He sneaks in the cabin while we are on the balcony and does little things to make our trip more perfect. When he was here cleaning our cabin in the AM we were on the balcony. I guess he noticed that we had ordered a bucket of ice from room service. He timed it perfectly and quietly came in the cabin about an hour later to replace the bucket of ice with a fresh bucket.

Ronald has picked up on the OCD-clean-freak-thing and leaves us a cleaning towel for the balcony. There is a soot issue on the aft balconies. Every now and then some large chunks rain down and land on the balcony. Keith and Diane have sat in it and stained (hopefully not permanently) their clothing. We now know what to look for so hopefully that will no longer be an issue.

It was a fantastic day and the weather was flawless. The scenery was magnificent and we thoroughly enjoyed the day. Although it was overcast for most of the day and I repeatedly applied sunblock, I have a very, very red face. Even my eyelids are sunburned. I am trying so hard not to get the sun rash but it is on the back of my hands and forearms. I am sure that my nose will be bumpy tomorrow…oh, well.

We are all starting to waddle like stuffed geese and even though we made the cut for the chef’s table, we decided to back out. Further, Diane and I decided to skip dinner altogether and watch for whales as we left Glacier Bay while the men went to the dining room. The on-board ranger was very helpful as he announced several whale sightings.

After dinner we went to Scary-O-Kee in the Casino Bar. The crew sang more than the passengers. One guy sang four songs. Keith is a good sport so to save us from a fifth song and he sang Play that Funky Music. We loved it! Afterwards, Keith and Diane went to their cabin and Rex and I looked around to see what was happening around the ship. The movie Seven Pounds starring Will Smith was playing in the Cabaret lounge. It started at 9:45 and is called the late evening movie. HAHAHAHAHAHA. There was not a single person in watching the movie. We went to the Pacific Lounge where Magnitude, the resident band, was playing. They are decent and I counted seven people in there. We went back to the Casino lounge where Daniel Oliver was performing (beautiful voice) to an audience of six. It is unbelievable how early people retire on this cruise. We returned to our cabin and enjoyed some time on the balcony. At 11pm the sun refused to go nite-nite and instead elected to splash our Inside Passage sky with beautiful hints of a reddish-orange sunset.

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We went to the Pacific Lounge where Magnitude, the resident band, was playing. They are decent and I counted seven people in there.


Because -I just got the First Patter from the cruise prior to yours from a fellow CC (JEBUSH) and no he "ain't from Florida :p" he's Ph.d in Arizona.:cool:


Your diary of today's events was extremely good. You should write a BOOK. :eek:


Best wishes,

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Karen-I was lost, I had been waiting for you to start a new thread and had no idea where this was. If I wouldn't have heard from you, I would still be waiting. lol Just goes to show, I do miss some threads on CC.


To Toto…


This is your fairy godmother…:):)


Thank you Fairy Godmother.................my DH's name is Jim. So, the bed is softer in the suites hey? Might have to rethink the memory foam, maybe. lol Tell Ronald to hang in there, in just over 100 days, we will be boarding for three full weeks. Can't wait.

Now, time to finish reading all your live reports, now that I have found them that is. LOL

You and your mum have a terrific time, and enjoy that most traveled lucheon. The best one we ever attended was on one of the smaller ships (Tahitian) and it got a five star rating from us, especially the dessert. On the larger ships, maybe a 2 1/2 star for the quality of food. Enjoy your first luncheon, with many more to come. ;)

And thanks again for alerting Ronald to our apperance! :D

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Hi. My wife and I were in cabin 7111 for the cruise that just ended on June 11. We were able to get wi-fi most of the time, but the signal was weak and so web pages were quite slow to load. We usually went up to the library where the connection was strong and so web pages loaded much faster. And at the the library desk where the magazines are, there are two American-style power outlets underneath. These are very rare and precious on the ship because almost all the power outlets are European style.


Also, a warning about the $299 wildlife tour in Kodiak. Is was truly awful. Everyone who was on the tour (six of us) complained to the tour desk and we got 65% of our money refunded.



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Greetings from INSIDE cabin 7111


Well, I havent forgotten about all of you, but I'm a busy girl :)


We power shopped through skagway, visited locals that we've been friendly with and stood in line with crew to use a payphone....

that was like stepping back in time before cell phones and computers since neither was actually working in Skagway....anway he is now a very happy camper!


So I would like to give you a




at this very minute onboard the Pacific Princess ..the ENTIRE ship including

cabins is in the process of being wired for WIFI...however, no one will give be the actual LIVE date...but it's coming soon!!!!!


for my friend that asked about acrylic nails..

the massage therapist that also does nails is leaving in 6 weeks. she doesn't know if her replacement does nails, actually she doesn't even know who were replacement is...


for you long term Princess Cruisers...anyone remember Allison who went all the way back to Sitmar,she was in the shops and shorex? well we had a nice chat with her today as she's been here in Skagway for quite awhile working..


well, i;m going to continue typing my long blurb off line..

I heard Mountain House and StarTrekGeek and their wives saw bears today on their tour..if you want to see what they did, I believe its discussed on our roll call...i'm pretty sure it was private.


Ciao for now



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Karen-I was lost, I had been waiting for you to start a new thread and had no idea where this was. If I wouldn't have heard from you, I would still be waiting. lol Just goes to show, I do miss some threads on CC.


To Toto…


This is your fairy godmother…:):)


Thank you Fairy Godmother.................my DH's name is Jim. So, the bed is softer in the suites hey? Might have to rethink the memory foam, maybe. lol Tell Ronald to hang in there, in just over 100 days, we will be boarding for three full weeks. Can't wait.


Now, time to finish reading all your live reports, now that I have found them that is. LOL


You and your mum have a terrific time, and enjoy that most traveled lucheon. The best one we ever attended was on one of the smaller ships (Tahitian) and it got a five star rating from us, especially the dessert. On the larger ships, maybe a 2 1/2 star for the quality of food. Enjoy your first luncheon, with many more to come. ;)


And thanks again for alerting Ronald to our apperance! :D



this isnt our 1st luncheon...that's why I knew what I was in store for when we made the cut...


If I sail with you, pia, tina and donah and add in the clarks for good measure...it just wouldnt happen


PamWinn beat me to the punch in starting the thread, so I've just tacked on my comments...I'm typing out offline post right now, but i'm getting sleepy I had pasta and wine for dinner....so will probably continue in the morning


BTW, we are seated with Sammi (I heard from Herminio)

After the lunch is wine tasting...I told Luigi if we aren't at dinner tomorrow night..it's because we're sloshed!


the tahitian over to greenland on aug 30th is off the table,

so we are looking at Tahiti..but i need to research the air more..thats a very long flight...i need to check if hawaiian is doing a ppt-hnl flight and we can overnight there for awhile...


gotta go ...cha ching cha ching cha ching


buon viaggio

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If I sail with you, pia, tina and donah and add in the clarks for good measure...it just wouldnt happen


BTW, we are seated with Sammi (I heard from Herminio)

After the lunch is wine tasting...I told Luigi if we aren't at dinner tomorrow night..it's because we're sloshed!

buon viaggio


They did the same thing when we were on; wine tasting the same day as the luncheon. I mentioned it to the PSD and he said it was a little "peculiar" for them to do it the same day. Peculiar or not, I see they are still doing it. ;)


You have a better chance of meeting up with us on the bigger ships and need not worry about the C's at all. They only travel on the small ones.



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I heard Mountain House and StarTrekGeek and their wives saw bears today on their tour..if you want to see what they did, I believe its discussed on our roll call...i'm pretty sure it was private.


3 bears! Dave said it would give him future material for Goldilocks jokes. :D We opted to take the train on the way back. Some weather up top made for a spectacular landscape.



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at this very minute onboard the Pacific Princess ..the ENTIRE ship including

cabins is in the process of being wired for WIFI...however, no one will give be the actual LIVE date...but it's coming soon!!!!!





Thanks! That made up my decision for this fall. Will definitely be purchasing a netbook for this one. ;) Thanks for the good news! :)

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Thanks so much to "where 2 next" and "pamwinn" and everyone on this thread. We are the "next" aboard. Also enjoying mountainhouse's photos. Headed for Seattle soon and between the bridgecam and all of your great information, we are really ready to go!


Lois and Roger

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Hi Everyone!

Glacier Bay…we had a truly perfect day…no rain, it was a bit cloudy but

YOU WANT THAT! It helps to view the glaciers better.

The Rangers came onboard and set up shop in Pacific Lounge, they had books

You can buy which they take your cruise card, cash or check. They also have

Quite a bit of information to read and interactive touch items…

They had a lecture at 1130am in the Cabaret lounge which was very interesting..

They do A LOT of bridge commentary which is informative

One of the Rangers also walks around the deck. My mom has been here more than me and while this area is in constant change..my mom noticed a significant difference

In a few areas and the Ranger was most informative of what has transpired

We found the Rangers excellent along with the naturalist who wandered the decks

The photographers were around taking pictures of people with Marjorie glacier

In the background…outer high decks were full but deck 5 was totally empty.

People were very well behaved …here’s a suggestion if you want a photo shot

And can’t squeeze in, I just kneeled down between peoples legs

And nothing was blocking my view…

Also, important to note if you are a on a cruise before Sept. the John Hopkins Glacier

Is closed to traffic, not even a kayak is allowed in because the Harbor Seals are

Having their babies and they are trying to protect the population.

At apprx 5-530pm on the Starboard side you will pass by La Perouse Glacier

On your way out….much has changed since the last cruise and hopefully you will

See it on the next cruise…the photographers are now aware and will be looking for

It next cruise..hopefully it will still be there…

What it was…..a chunk of ice has dropped off the lower part of the glacier..there

Are two sections that look like caves…in the larger one when you look inside

The cave you can see a gushing waterfall….surround by blue ice…phenomenal

If anyone can get this picture PLEASE email it to me

Talking about photography…

The photo dept..all 3 of them have just come onboard in the last 2 cruises, I’ve asked them if they would do a stock cd which usually sells for 19.99 - 39.99 and they will let me know later today..

They have a cool option of created your very own BOOK…I’ve seen these on Kodak gallery and Snapfish…but this is relatively new to Princesss in the last 6 months…they will add your and PRINCESS taken pictures or give you the set up and password to do it at home

The special is 49.95 if you buy 5 pictures…so you might want to scope out how much

It costs to diy versus onboard if this is something you are interested in

To give you an idea of camera costs onboard they are selling a Canon FE340 5x zoom and 8mp for 189.00USD

DVD’s several onboard all from photodept are 39.95 by 3 for 79.95

Princess Reflection

Heart of Alaska

Wild Alaska

There’s also others in the gift shop for PBS for 20 bucks…there are DVD’s in port stores,

But you can also find them free through your public library

Scrapbookers..I saw TONS of Alaska scrapbooking themed stuff all

Over Skagway and Ketchikan…also there is scrapbooking at sea going


I didn’t mention the band Magnitude because I needed to confirm this…

this is their last cruise…I haven’t been able to confirm who comes in next

most of the higher level crew will be rotating out throughout the season..so just a fyi….

Meetings on board…

I have seen…Bill W. , red hat society, masons etc, grandparents.

Well, we have been having quite a bit of fun each evening at dinner…

We have sailed with each of the head waiters extensively and at one time or

Another each of them were our actual headwaiters, including Fernando the asst. maitre d.

As you can imagine we are being spoiled so much! My mom who is in her 70’s

said (keep in mind she thinks she’s still a spring chicken) I can understand

why THOSE little old ladies just stay on cruise ships…when I get old

maybe I should do that…hahahaahhahahaha she cracks me up…

I wasn’t going to say..um mom have you looked at your birthdate lately?

So, when I had spaghetti the other night, Luigi stops by and says

How is it…I say deliciouso and am I doing this spoon twirl correct?

He says..bene…but when I use to work in hotels we did the twirl for our guests

And placed the little spaghetti bundles around the plate.

He says And then they just pushed the bundle on their spoon and eat it…

He then says…one moment…speaks in Italian…a small table appears

And extra utensils he takes my plate and begins fix me little bundles in front

Of me…as he would do in his restaurants in Italy!!!! What fun!!!!

Yesterday was Skagway…now Ketchikan, Skagway and Juneau are kindof

Throwaway ports for us, we have been to each many many many times

And have done EVERYTHING down to Tier 10 sites… I think everyone

Knows what I mean by that…so these are our sleep in days and then power shop

So that was the plan…

So, let me take a break on ports and report in on the Captains Lunch..

We were seated with Sammi, who honestly I could spend weeks with

And just be a sponge…she is a fascinating woman with a deep love

Of cruising, she is traveler to her core…and seriously I think she;s been

Just about everywhere. She is also a riot and this really is a perfect position

For her…… all of her personality, talent and true gift of making everyone feel

Comfortable and yet EXCITED about their cruise experience!

Lunch was superbly divine…the options were halibut which was picked up in Ketchikan, veal, and pasta wrapped in thinly sliced eggplant….everything was artistically

Presented and the wine flowed like a waterfall..

I should note that wine tasting starts in 25 minutes exactly one hour after lunch ended

Oh yeah…we are seriously buzzed…border line silly…we must pull it together

And be presentable to the general ships public…

Appetizer was a seafood tower..with shrimp that were ENORMOUS, scallops

Crab, lobster..on a puff pastry with some sort of sauce that if I was in the privacy

Of my own kitchen I would be using my finger to get up ever last drop…

Oh …you know you would do it too!

Anyway dessert was the icecream frozen inside a chocolate shell placed inside

a formed bowl of melted and then frozen caramel/chocolate and almonds…then placed on a plate

Surround by berries on steroids…

So a VERY (size 72 font) well traveled and elderly man named irv sat next to

My mom and said to her...your daughter is too young to be here, it’s nice of you

To invite her..and my mom said to him…actually she has 10 more days on Princess

Than I do…I’m HER guest!!!! And then he decided I was worthy enough to speak with..

I was truly the youngest of the guests by at least 30 years

Just got back from winetasting, they have very nice literature handout and the dessert wine keeper glass is white frosted with Princess emblem in pewter on it…it’s a nicer shot glass…I always liked the little colored ones..I’ve used those A LOT when entertaining.

the cost is 9.50 unless you are elite..if elite bring invitation and black card...walk to front of line because people are standing in line to pay for their entry.

Anyway the wine we tasted and cost to purchase bottle on ship.

Kendall Jackson chardonnay Vintners Reserve 30

Nobilio Sauvignon blanc..yuck didn’t like didn’t get price

La Crema Pinot Noir 36

Wolf Blass Yellow Label Cabernet Sauvignon 34

Errazuriz – the dessert wine…YUMMY!!!! 21

Yes my cheeks are very rosy and I’m in need a nap..

The captain just announced orcas starboard 2 oclock…very cool no breeching

But still neat!

I think I need to wait on Skagway….Tomorrow is Valdez and we are doing

The Columbia Glaciar Tour…

In the patter and and in announcements have been DO NOT take food off the ship

There will be on the spot fines…coming from California and living through

The horrific medfly spraying I totally support this…and if you decided

To still bring food of this because somehow this doesn’t apply to you then shame on you.

I mention this now because it was reported that not enough food

Was given on this shorex and it was all day. If you think this is a problem

Either pack from home or pickup in Seattle packaged food items

Granola bars, crackers, whatever to keep you fortified.

Just a reminder that this is a copy and paste from word and the formatting

Doesn’t carry over to cruisecritic

Oh and the limoncello video I mentioned on another post, is really

How a Princess cruise line chef makes it onboard.

Side note…I did check to see if the suite breakfast is going on and it is

In Sabatinis…there were people in there so I didn’t want to intrude

Checking in out..so I just stood at the doorway…

More later….

Is anyone finding my posts helpful?

Bon Voyage

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Side note…I did check to see if the suite breakfast is going on and it is

In Sabatinis…there were people in there so I didn’t want to intrude

Checking in out..so I just stood at the doorway…



Hi Karen, everything sounds wonderful on your sailing.


Just wanted to thank you again for being such a wealth of information. DH is smiling ear to ear about the Sabatinis breakfast. I will go with him, even though I am not a huge breakfast person, but I just have to check this out first hand.


Keep up the good work, and reports, they are appreciated.



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Hi Karen and thanks for today's update.


Those pewter shot glasses are a nice change from the old glass ones. I never saved the others, but now we have four of these. The wine selections are identical to what we had March/April, so it appears they have one menu and it's always the same.


The appetizer and the dessert you described; have had those many times. I live to eat the "fence" surrounding the ice cream.


Your reports are so thorough, that I can't imagine anyone having questions. Keep enjoying and keep reporting.

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