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Past Celebrity Employee - Answering Your Questions


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CruiseEmployee: Thank you for being so candid in your response. I found the article to be incredible & had to find out if these things were really true. It's interesting that the airline industry takes security to extreme measures, e.g., the flight attendants have complete control in the cabin once the flight takes off. If the FA reports threatening behavior to the cockpit, the police are waiting for the offender upon landing. It surely doesn't give me a warm & fuzzy feeling to know that the security on a cruise ship is so lax.


As for the "dogs in heat", you find those wherever you go. They stand out in a crowd, and if you're into that, then have at it.


Is there any type of pre-employment or routine testing done for drugs or std's? I know it's a costly undertaking, but consider the cost of defending the lawsuits?!


I was displeased to read the side article where the doctor referred to cock roaches as "permanent residents". One was found in the public ice cream machine. Ewwwwwwwwwwww, bad visual.


It was upsetting to read about the various assaults on employees and/or pax. I have not personally seen nor heard of anyone being assaulted on a cruise ship, but I know if I were to happen upon someone being abused or assaulted, I would have to get involved.


The former medical chief's frustration was so evident in this article. He obviously found some solace in writing about the painful events he witnessed.


I was a flight attendant for several years, and I know that it isn't all romance & glamour. Thank you for taking the time to respond to all of our questions and comments.



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I have tried bands, patches, Dramamine which puts me to sleep & the a pharmacist years ago turned me onto BONINE. Grocery stores have it. Cherry flavored pills that disintigrate in your mouth. I take one when I wake up & all set for 24 hours. GIVE ME WAVES, TURBULENCE ON THE PLANE, I am ready to ride it out & not sick!



What happens at sea??? Get ready for a rough one... lol...just kidding...

A few tips:

1) Try and get a stateroom near the center of the ship and lower down. Less movement there.

2) Get the patches that you put behind your ears (don't remember what they're called) for seasickness. I think these are prescribed from a doctor. Make sure to put them on 3 hours before you set sail. Ships also give out dramamine at guest relations.

3) Worst time is during dinner when you are sitting and eating...get up and walk around.


(Some people get very seasick while others don't) I have never been sick on a ship before...Just lucky I guess.

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CruiseEmployee: Re. the crew members who compete to pick up the hottie each week...... do the crew check out the new meat on embarkation? Should all we hotties "dress for success" for embarkation? :)



Of course they do...It's a new week, with new guests. Dress to the nines if you wanna get noticed. (If you're into that) The first day is typically called "scouting day" and you can tell on the first day what a cruise will be like. Funny how the ship and crew are on display for all to see, but yet so are the guests!!!
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Hi CruiseEmployee --


Does security ever get so lazy that the crew will formally complain about it? (And when the crew has a complaint like that, do they address the staff captain or an assistant?)


Also, a couple of questions on something else: Choosing a ship when you begin a new contract.

If crew members have enough seniority to exert some control over which ship they'll work on next, what are the main factors that influence them to ask for ship Z instead of ship W ... is it the itinerary, the embarkation port, the other staff onboard, the supervisors and managers currently assigned onboard, the "reputation" of the ship itself? Or other factors, like the quality of the security and medical staff working on each ship?

Do some ships have significantly better crew accommodations than others?


Thanks as always for participating in this thread! Enjoy the week.

No the crew will usually never formally complain about the security on board. The last thing anyone wants on a ship is to be blacklisted by security. They would make a special effort to monitor you then and would write you up for the smallest thing that you did wrong. The line "you scratch my back" seems to fit rather well with security on board. If there is an issue that happens on board, then you would go to your immediate supervisor (I would go to ACD) and then he brings it forward. Taboo to go directly to Staff Captain.

Choosing a ship for those with seniority is almost always determined based on itinerary. The only time it would be different is if your bf/gf is on a different ship and you wanted to join them. I've heard a couple times also where people wanted to avoid certain ships due to bad past relationships with CD, ACD... But it's almost always an itinerary thing. Typically (not for everyone) the most desired itineraries for Celebrity are (in order of most desired):


Europe (it's Europe!!!)

South America (never get a chance to go there again)

Bermuda (overnights)

Alaska (but only once)

Caribbean (same old thing)


It also depends on your position on board. Some positions know that certain itineraries are cash cows while others are dead itineraries with no money to be made.

Usually you would see the people with more seniority in the itineraries at the top of this list. Quality of staff, security, doctors, has no bearing on which contract to choose.

Some ships do have better crew accomodations on board. The Millenium class ships have far better crew cabins than the smaller ships. Some of the mill. class ships even have internet in each room. Smaller ships are older and don't have the space to provide these extra things. One thing I have heard and have noticed first hand though is the atmosphere on a large ship compared to a small ship. Large ships have more crew and so it's harder to meet and get to know everyone you work with. So there are little cliques on board. Smaller ships have less crew so you tend to know more people from different departments and then fewer cliques. Typically on a mill. class ship, you'll hang out with the people in your department, and have acquaintances in other depts. On the smaller ships, you tend to hang out with everyone.

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do the crew check out the new meat on embarkation? Should all we hotties "dress for success" for embarkation? :)Jen


imo you should if you want to be a notch on some crewmembers bedpost--and they will tallk about you til the new pax come aboard

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Choosing a ship for those with seniority is almost always determined based on itinerary. The only time it would be different is if your bf/gf is on a different ship and you wanted to join them.


A recent example we saw of that was when Matt, who had been the Asst. Cruise Director on the Summit in the Baltics last summer, became the Asst. Cruise Director on the Horizon on its October 9 Bermuda itinerary. He said it was because his fiancee was on the Horizon.

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When we went to Alaska our original itinerary included both Skagway and Sitka, but a change was subsequently made to dock at only Skagway and offer excursions to Sitka. That change was made because Sitka had increased their port charges substantially between when we booked that cruise and when we sailed. With this in mind I was shocked to read your post stating that some ships went to Sitka instead of Skagway to save money on port charges, and am curious to know the time frame when the opposite situation existed.

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When we went to Alaska our original itinerary included both Skagway and Sitka, but a change was subsequently made to dock at only Skagway and offer excursions to Sitka. That change was made because Sitka had increased their port charges substantially between when we booked that cruise and when we sailed. With this in mind I was shocked to read your post stating that some ships went to Sitka instead of Skagway to save money on port charges, and am curious to know the time frame when the opposite situation existed.

From my knowledge, a few of the 7 day cruises had changed to Sitka this past summer. Looking to next year, it appears that most of them (Merc. and Summit)have remained in Skagway. Although Infinity is staying the Sitka route. I'm not in the office so I don't know any details but my guess would be that these port charges change year to year.

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I’ve been reading this thread since beginning and have enjoyed all the honest answers. It’s actually peaked my interest in employment. Not for me but my son. He’s 20 and still trying to find out what he wants to do. Did one year at university; then working odd jobs. I mentioned to him about working on a cruise ship, he liked the idea, as he likes to travel; he’s even been to Europe.


He’s worked in customer service before, but also delivery; manufacturing; and computers; what kind of work could he do on a ship with this kind of varying experience? Could he apply to Celebrity on-line at their web site?



Thanks for all your help with our inquiries.

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I’ve been reading this thread since beginning and have enjoyed all the honest answers. It’s actually peaked my interest in employment. Not for me but my son. He’s 20 and still trying to find out what he wants to do. Did one year at university; then working odd jobs. I mentioned to him about working on a cruise ship, he liked the idea, as he likes to travel; he’s even been to Europe.


He’s worked in customer service before, but also delivery; manufacturing; and computers; what kind of work could he do on a ship with this kind of varying experience? Could he apply to Celebrity on-line at their web site?




Thanks for all your help with our inquiries.

I'm glad I've sparked his interest...It's a great way to travel and make some money at the same time. I'm not too sure what to suggest as far as a position for him...Doesn't sound like he has too much hospitality experience. Might I suggest working in the shops on board??? Or maybe with computers (if he has lots of experience) in an IT position. For the shops position, you will need to apply at Starboard. They are contracted to run the shops.

Good luck. Celebrity only hires the entertainment department. Almost every other department is contracted out to other companies. Their website has land-based jobs available.

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Cruiseemployee, what a great thread you have started! I have enjoyed reading about your experiences, thanks for sharing them.


I do have a question for you, could you tell us about safety on cruise ships.

What I mean is, what is the Officers, Staff, and Crew taught in handling emergencies and life threatening situations. Such as fires, collisions, compartment flooding, ect.


I am sure that the safety situation is taken very seriously, and if you can I would like you to explain a little bit about it.


Regards and thanks



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I do have a question for you, could you tell us about safety on cruise ships.

What I mean is, what is the Officers, Staff, and Crew taught in handling emergencies and life threatening situations. Such as fires, collisions, compartment flooding, ect.

I am sure that the safety situation is taken very seriously, and if you can I would like you to explain a little bit about it.


Hi Jim,

I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm enjoying hearing about what everyone is interested in finding out, and I'm somewhat hooked now. I had said at the beginning that I would reply once a week but seem to check the site out every day and answer the questions.

Safety...oh boy...

Ok, as far as overall safety, we are taught (very thoroughly) how to extinguish fires, and what to do in case of a ship evacuation and everything regarding musterstations and lifeboats, liferafts, etc. (We know exactly how much water and food is rationed per person on a liferaft for example; very thorough) We are not taught anything about collisions or compartment flooding (other than close the watertight doors).

At the beginning of a contract, it is mandatory for every employee (supposedly even the captain???) to go through safety training on top of their regular work schedule. (1st week of a contract is usually called hell week)

Training includes safety, customer service, harassment, security, among others.

Training does NOT include CPR, or First Aid. I'd say that the training is very general but is taken very seriously. At the end of the training, there is a test that has a required pass attached to the clause. (pretty leniant however)

There are also quarterly safety videos in which a certain percentage of the crew is randomly chosen to watch during their downtime. (Not fun)

Hope that helps a little.


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Thanks so much for your "timely" reply!!;) It seems that no one ever talks about safety on ships, except at the musters. I especially liked your comment opening the second paragraph, "oh boy" lol:D That says alot...and your information was good to hear.


Anyways, thanks for your time, and you started a great thread!!!


Regards, Jim:cool:

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CE - i have just recently found this thread (just got off Infinity, the holiday cruise) a few weeks ago and am still catching up..... i graduated college about a year ago with a bachelors degree in criminal justice, but do not want to head into that field anymore....i have been cruising since i was 17, and enjoy it immensely... ive talked to crew on every ship, and since i was 17, have wanted to work onboard.....do you have any information about the companies contracted out by celebrity to hire people? im currently trying to get my personal trainer certificate, as well as bartending certificate....i do have a background coaching a high-up youth soccer league (past few years) and have worked security....im young, unattached, and want to travel....and i love the water....any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated...thanks for the incredible answers to all the questions asked....


i talked to my head waiter friend and as others have said with friends onboard...all the info is correct....so thank you so much for doing this :)

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CE - i graduated college about a year ago with a bachelors degree in criminal justice, but do not want to head into that field anymore....i have been cruising since i was 17, and enjoy it immensely... ive talked to crew on every ship, and since i was 17, have wanted to work onboard.....do you have any information about the companies contracted out by celebrity to hire people? im currently trying to get my personal trainer certificate, as well as bartending certificate....i do have a background coaching a high-up youth soccer league (past few years) and have worked security....im young, unattached, and want to travel....and i love the water....any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated...thanks for the incredible answers to all the questions asked....



The experience you have is for many different positions on board. Anything to do with the gym is contracted by Steiner. You would have to have your certificate before applying here. Good job but long hours in the gym. Youth staff is hired directly by Celebrity Cruises or by a hiring agent in the U.S. (I'm assuming you're American) Good job if you can handle kids. Not much money but you get lots of time off. You don't wanna do security. Shops on board are hired by Starboard. Website is www.starboardcruise.com Check it out and apply. Probably 40 hours per week (depends on the itinerary for this position) Not great money, but definitely a great time. Bartending is extremely long hours on a ship and I wouldn't recommend it. They are hired by Apollo apolloships.com .

I would recommend 1) you doing the gym thing if you get your certificate, and 2) then working in the shops. 3) Then youth staff, 4) and finally bartending. It really depends on what you want??? Do you want to make money with little time off, or do you wanna have lots of time off but not make much money??? I realize everyone wants lots of time off with lots of money, but that's hard to come by on ships.

Good luck...let me know if I can help with anything else


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Hi, I see that you have cruised with both the Celebrity line and the Carnival LIne,

which is better for a 10yr wedding anniv/honeymoon cruise.

We are going to cruise the southern carib, and never took a honeymoon. So part of me after 3 kids wants to be pampered, and the other part wants fun!!!


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Hi, I see you have cruised both the carnival and celebrity lines, which one do you recommend for a 10yr wedding anniv/honeymoon cruise to the southern carib?






This is interesting! My guess is that this "past" employee is a female based on some of the words, phrases and the smiley face that is used in the postings.I don't know about this employee, but our friends' son cruised the sea on NCL for three years and was on the activities staff (after climbing the ladder rather quickly.) He had taken a break from college and was able to sock away over $10,000 in a savings account...enough to get him started on land. Not too bad! ;)
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cruiseemployee - thank you very much for the info...... it does help alot....only thing right now is im used to not making a lot of money with tons of time....soccer season is only so long, and i havent found a job in that free time... im currently in the works to getting into a personal training class to get certified....and am looking for a job dealing with bartending, working in the gym, or just doing something that could help me get hired.....i greatly appreciate all this information and am going to start looking into it asap.....thank you for all the questions you have answered for us poor souls who just want to be better passengers on board...... and thank you for everything for those of us who want to work on board....and yes, im american :-) if i have any other questions, i will be sure to come to you....you are doing an incredible job....keep it up

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Cruiseemployee, please excuse me if this question has already been addressed on this thread. My husband and I just returned from a cruise where there was an outbreak of the Norwalk virus. The sick passengers and all other cabinmates were quarantined to their cabin for 24 hours, and to the ship for 72 hours. The outbreak was very underreported because of this time period of confinement. Three days is a long time on a 7 day cruise. The crew worked very hard to sanitize all surfaces but it was an impossible job. I was told by another crew member that after we docked and all passengers were off of the ship, the crew would sanitize the entire ship with a chlorine bleach mixtures and that every surface that could possibly be touched by human hand would be cleaned. None of the crew could leave ship until this was completed even though some were starting their vacation period. Have you ever had to go through this process? Is there a way that the furniture is cleaned? Can this all be done (thoroughly) between cruises? I don't see how it can be accomplished in just a few hours between departure and arrival of passengers.





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He doesn't work with kids.


However, my g/f does on board the Constellation, and like canderson told you in the other post they do not accept children who are not potty trained. No exceptions.


In fact (and this I'm not sure on), I think the minimum age to be enrolled in the Fun Factory is 3 years.

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