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Not Safe to Fall Asleep on the Glory?


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I'm sure the smell was unpleasant and I do believe most of what you write, OP. But I think you lose credibility when you get all dramatic and say things like you were "gassed" and "poisoned." You smelled fumes. Yes, they can cause headaches and breathing problems, I am sure. But you weren't "gassed" -- which brings up all kinds of horrible, historical images. Perhaps dialing down the drama a bit would help your case.

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You know if this odor was so pungent and they had to evacuate the rooms.....why didn't they just alert the ship to a possible emergency? It could have been a combustion issue or worse. That is assuming this is legit and not just a case of disgruntled cruisers with their elderly parents to contend with:D


No I am not saying pull a Lucy Ricardo and pull the emergency brake on the train, and it is totally reprehensible to fraudently pull a fire alarm or something, but these pax were just lame! If it were as bad as they say, they should have contacted the captain, purser, any officer available, etc. etc. Rally the neighboring cabin pax, for goodness sakes! FTLOG, they could have contacted Carnival headquarters if they wanted. All while on the ship. No, none of what I am suggesting would have been easy, but it would have been possible nonetheless.



Sorry, there is more to it than the OP says...again for my 2cents....I just see chronic whiners and anything would have set them off, regardless of the severity!


I agree with you on that one. And I've spent enough time working around heavy industrial sites, and all the chemicals that go with them, to know that what might smell bad isn't necessarily going to eat your lungs, or cause tumors in your brain, or even make you pass out even if you think it's making you short of breath. And quite often, people *do* have a psychosematic response to a strong smell -- I had a co-worker or swore he got a contact high off of acetone fumes even though we were working in a fume-free clean room. It's not possible, but he knew acetone was involved so ...


I'm NOT accusing the OP of making this up, I have no doubt the smell existed. These ships are under constant maintenance and it's not without question that a heavy solvent or paint that is cut with a heavy solvent would be in use. A heavy chemical smell, whether or not it is toxic, can be very scary if you don't know what it is. That's where I think the issue really lays, just what was causing the smell. If the Purser's Desk had properly identified it and acted accordingly (move cabins if it's a heavy solvent that effects the body and/or confirm it's not toxic and offer a little something for the inconvenience) this story would have ended differently.


Interesting story, and I'd like to know how it all shakes out with Carnival Corp. in the end.

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Regardless of all the hish-hash going on here, it is entirely possible that a strong odor of paint solvent got into the cabin's air handling system. One day on our Carnival Splendor transatlantic cruise, we discovered our cabin has a strong odor of paint in it. We went out on deck and discovered that the deck apes were painting the grill over the air intake for the system for our area of the ship. Now DW has been diagnosed with asthma (my diagnosis in different, but that stands for now) and she had to leave. Was this a big deal? No indeed. We had to stay out of the cabin for a couple of hours. Then things were fine.


Two part polyurethane marine paint smells nasty. Some people may be very sensitive to this product. But it is used on all lines and is found everywhere nowadays.


I personally would give OP a credit just to shut him/her/it up. I would also hope they go cruise on RCCL.



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Heck, for 38 years I never referred to my wife's mother as anything but "mom", not only when speaking directly to her, but in conversation with friends and family.

that is not what i am saying...of course we call MIL mom, but not "my mom" That is how to differentiate between the 2....one would think to a married person mom could mean MIL or their own mom...however, and of course I will be proven wrong here....when a married man refers to my mom....do you really think they are referring to their MIL?

I know I know, I am the only person in the world who feels that saying "my Mom" does not mean MIL.

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I agree with you on that one. And I've spent enough time working around heavy industrial sites, and all the chemicals that go with them, to know that what might smell bad isn't necessarily going to eat your lungs, or cause tumors in your brain, or even make you pass out even if you think it's making you short of breath. And quite often, people *do* have a psychosematic response to a strong smell -- I had a co-worker or swore he got a contact high off of acetone fumes even though we were working in a fume-free clean room. It's not possible, but he knew acetone was involved so ...


I'm NOT accusing the OP of making this up, I have no doubt the smell existed. These ships are under constant maintenance and it's not without question that a heavy solvent or paint that is cut with a heavy solvent would be in use. A heavy chemical smell, whether or not it is toxic, can be very scary if you don't know what it is. That's where I think the issue really lays, just what was causing the smell. If the Purser's Desk had properly identified it and acted accordingly (move cabins if it's a heavy solvent that effects the body and/or confirm it's not toxic and offer a little something for the inconvenience) this story would have ended differently.


Interesting story, and I'd like to know how it all shakes out with Carnival Corp. in the end.

You are agreeing with ME?:D Can it be.....we think alike sometimes? Simply put....Logically?:)

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In the future, please be sure to remember to read further so you don't think the worst about people anymore and that the number of posts someone has, should not be an issue and last but not least, everyone here on CC gets to have an opnion that should be stated, not drug on for hours.

So if you want to keep being a bully and not except anything i say to you, you go right ahead, I myself am the bigger person that you.


Look, because I disagree with you (what your write or its' intent) does not mean I am bullying you, it quite simply means that I am disagreeing with you and/or what you wrote.


Now some people including myself MAY think some of your posts are bullying, others certainly would not. It is about perception.


In response to my "comments" post you wrote:

My only other comment was that i "thought" he got this off of another site


Not really, you also wrote this as your first response in this thread.


So I wonder what the odor was and how come it only

affected their group


Can we say "vacation guarantee"


And that goes to my 10,000+ posts comment. Sometimes it appears to me that some of the more prolific posters post so much they don't remember just what they have written. And that has a tendency to skew a thread. Also they don't read what they comment on. . . . for instance, as I pointed out KroozFoolz mentioned that Grand Turk was the first non U.S. port visited on the cruise. Yet even in this post, you chose to simply ignore that post:


I don't know, The ports were Jamaica, Cayman & Cozumel. Again, i was stating what i would do if this type of situation arose.


BTW, I do read the posts, carefully.

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Not sure why everyone is nitpicking this person to death!!!

I can never remember what dates I'm in port where, I'm on vacation and put dates right out with the cell phone.

I believe this happened and I'm very sorry it happened to the OP. I know they are usually painting and fixing up the ship during port days, however I really believe if they are going to be doing painting or heavily odored things they should not be doing it in the cabin areas without warning the cabins first.

A small note to the cabin the night before the work is scheduled, maybe even with an offer of a fan if the odor is too obnoxious? I know that the work needs to be done, but I would also have been freaking if it happened to me unless I know what it is, if I knew what it is I'd be better to deal with it.

Anyway sorry it happened OP!!!

For all of those doing the "oh you're gonna get flamed by the cheerleaders, blah, blah , blah stuff"

I'm sure it's just very helpful, but perhaps a new spoon in which to stir up that pot ?????:rolleyes:

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Our A/C went out in our cabin and got one of the biggest run arounds ever.


Yes, we had maintenance come to our cabin and "measure" the temperature. He said it was above the acceptable levels. (not that this did us any good)




My biggest fear is an A/C problem. My DH does not tolerate even warm weather. I don't know how someone else can tell you what is acceptable.

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Ok lets say this happened. I assume it did, even though all the back and forth about dates, times ports, rooms, mothers and best of all foul smells.


Lets just say this happened just like the OP said. Not saying it did not but lets examine it.


So he had a bad smell. Chemical Smell. At 8 am or later. In his cabin in port. If he had an excursion scheduled why was he in the room. GO GET OUT> Take on the day. CARPE DIEM. You should be on the deck, and I am sure that is what they were thinking. Not lounging about smartily in the second lowest deck of the ship looking for mermaids out the porthole they call a window, if you even had an outside room. Better in fact they could have been working in the spaces above you on deck three. Fixing or cleaning something in the Galley. Something that effects more than 8 people. That is the total effected isn't it. 8. Seems like they had a maintenance issue and for some reason between 8 am and 8 pm they needed your permission to work. Do you work? Do you need to ask someone if it is ok to work. If for example you paint your house, do you ask your neighbors, the guy down the street? What if he smells your paint, are you going to offer him $120 because he was on his day off and had to smell your paint?


Carnival must maintain the ship. They have a responsiblity to the 4000 people on board, the 2900 that are on vacation and the 1100 or so that work on board to keep you safe, and happy with little drinks and tours and such.


I am so very sorry you were inconvienced. IT SUCKS. What I really want to know, and you have yet to answer is why we should care. If Carnival does nothing, other than what they have offered then good. I do not see that you were so inconvienced or had the vacation ruined by Carnival. To do that it took you and your ? Family ? to worry about it constantly and let it make it bad for you.


Sorry but that is how I see it from here.


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My brother was on that same cruise and he had rooms on deck the Main deck which is deck 2. I asked him about them working on the tenders and he said he never saw any of that and anyway he said they were 2 - 3 decks above us. Also the A/C units on ships are not one central unit, each room has their own A/C that is above their cabins, because each room is a pre-fabricated room and everything is attached to the top of the cabin The air vent goes outside of the room to the side of the ship. I have been watching different ships being built for about the last 15 years and this is how they have been doing it since I have been watching. Now the main areas like the lounges and dining rooms do have the big central A/C, but not the individual rooms. My brother did say that they were pulling up floors and that if you went near those areas you did smell fumes, but he did not see any of that near passengers rooms. He also said that he did not hear of any problems that passengers were upset about something, but then to like he said, you probably won't unless it affects quite a few people.


Please do not think I don't believe you, I just wanted to find out from my brother if anything like this happened to him or if he had heard anything. I do have one question, have any of you sought any kind of medical help to find out if the fumes you inhaled has any lasting effects. I know it would be to late to do it now, but I was just wondering.

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I do have one question, have any of you sought any kind of medical help to find out if the fumes you inhaled has any lasting effects. I know it would be to late to do it now, but I was just wondering.


I completely sympathize with the OP. I have severe sensitivity to chemical smells - perfume (including many smelly soaps, lotions, & shampoos), solvents, GermX, spray or plug in air "fresheners," smoke... I simply cannot breathe. How can you sleep without breathing? How would you have relaxed on a cruise being 3 nights sleep deprived? No, I wouldn't seek medical attention - unless Carnival insisted on paying the doctor's bill. Long term exposure would result in health issues, but the OP is frustrated by Carnival's lack of consideration for the fact that they repeatedly caused a problem and then wanted to buy him a few drinks to make him go away. Puh-leeze.


OP, Carnival was wrong in their lack of communication with the painting/maintenance people, and their lame-o offer too, and you are right to be frustrated at having to pay for the privilege of sleeping in a cabin that was uninhabitable.


Let us know how it turns out.

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Did they ever say what the smell came from? We had the same kind of smell in our cabins and the hallway on the splendor in May. We also told the pursers office about it they said they would check it out. It was there the next day also. But it did not affect like it did you guys.


If in fact the crew was performing maintenance and using chemicals, the VOC's of the chemicals that were being used have a MSDS that will state some of the effects, both chronic and acute. I work around hundreds of various types of chemicals and I have seen the various reactions from people to solvents and paints. The a/c should have been shut down before starting the work near those rooms. I wonder if the workers had respirators on.

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On one of the ships I was on ...not Carnival there was a distinctive musty mildewy smell in the cabin .I reported it .The couch had a HUGE stain on it

They cleaned and deodorised the room but the odor permeated .That is why I try to ALWAYS book a balcony .i open windows ...ie doors .YES I turn off AC I prefer sea breezes .I did write the company and they were nice about it I could not EVER keep the balcony door closed it REEKED ..but to be fair I am VERY sensitive to odors ..perhaps someone else would not have been as bothered .

On another cruise my neighbour smoked cigars outdoors ...;( :( :( which prevented me from enjoying my balcony when he was there ...too often for my liking ....When oh when are they going to make cabins ALL CABINS smoke free in or out !!!! SOON PLEASE!!!!


Well one day it was very cool outdoors ..he smoked inside and the vents brought both smoke and stench right inmy cabin

I called someone came to see and smell the hallway and my cabin

That company too was very nice after I wrote to them

If you write in a calm RESPECTFUL way I'm sure the company will do what it can for you

It is a shame they could not give you another cabin ..I assume the ship was full ..Too bad ..It would have avoided a lot of grief

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I would have presented myself to Medical when I had difficulty breathing, and taken it from there- maybe the Dr could have influenced the Purser's dept to take this seriously . Anyone with asthma or pulmonary problems would have reacted to these noxious chemicals.At the very least they should have moved them to another cabin. Poor response from Guest Relations. :(

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I think you can have a problem where some people are more bothered by odors than others. I know here at my job there used to be an auto body shop down the street, and when I would have my window open my boss used to constantly complain about the "Smells" coming from the auto body shop. I never noticed anything different but always had to shut my window whenever she came around. She got to the point it was making her sick yet I never noticed anything different at all.


Guess what can bother one isn't an issue with another. Same with people who have problems with perfumes, etc.

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I don't know if this helps or hurts the argument. We were on the Freedom in April and we had a room below the Lido right next to the elevators, right beside a storage room. We woke up one morning to the smell of what smelled like paint thinner. When we got up and walked outside the room, they were unloading paintings from the storage room next to us. We figured the smell of the paintings just drifted into our room. Our room smelled that way for most of the day, but it wasn't strong enough for us to have problems with it and as soon as they put the paintings back and closed the door the odor disappeared.

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My biggest fear is an A/C problem. My DH does not tolerate even warm weather. I don't know how someone else can tell you what is acceptable.


We intend to carry a fan from now on.


I had no idea that they would not even rent you a fan if that AC whacks out.


We did look for a fan in port.....but did not find one.


Oddly enough, my oldest son would live in a "hot house" if he could. He loves the heat.....swears he will never live anywhere north once he gets out of college.


I am like your husband. I don't tolerate heat well. Our youngest son is a special needs child and he doesn't tolerate heat well at all.


The Maintenance guy took the temperature and agreed with us. It was not within exceptable levels. He said he would send maintenance....and then we never heard from them again. Repeated calls to the Purser's Desk were "we will send someone" and then never did.


We walked to the Purser's Desk and watched them write the complaint in a small spiral notebook....12 hours later....they could find no record of it????


That kind of craziness just drives me crazy. If they aren't going to do anything, they should have the (*##) to say so.

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I think this is awful, those fumes could pose serious health problems and I believe Carnival failed to handle this problem appropriately. I am really suprised at all the stories of how pitiful Carnival's customer service is handled when faced with real problems. I have read may wonderful stories about Carnival going above and beyond, but am shocked at some of the stories about how they drop the ball and how fellow CC's bash OP's for something like this!

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We intend to carry a fan from now on.


I had no idea that they would not even rent you a fan if that AC whacks out.


We did look for a fan in port.....but did not find one.


Oddly enough, my oldest son would live in a "hot house" if he could. He loves the heat.....swears he will never live anywhere north once he gets out of college.


I am like your husband. I don't tolerate heat well. Our youngest son is a special needs child and he doesn't tolerate heat well at all.


The Maintenance guy took the temperature and agreed with us. It was not within exceptable levels. He said he would send maintenance....and then we never heard from them again. Repeated calls to the Purser's Desk were "we will send someone" and then never did.


We walked to the Purser's Desk and watched them write the complaint in a small spiral notebook....12 hours later....they could find no record of it????


That kind of craziness just drives me crazy. If they aren't going to do anything, they should have the (*##) to say so.


Excellent post.

Everyone should should bookmark this post and read it before they click submit reply when they want to chastise someone for having a problem with THEIR cruise, in THEIR cabin on THEIR sailing when it happened to THEM.

The bottom line is that the cruise industry sells itself as a get away from everything experience for which you are willing to pay. You can do what you want when you want.

When I'm on a cruise I don't want to:


1. Call anyone on my phone to fix a problem.

2. Walk down to the pursuer desk and wait in line to talk to them.

3. Be lied to.

4. Wake up sweating.

5. Wake up with a strange and scary (to me) smell in my room

6. Worry about my autistic nephew having an episode because of the heat in the cabin. Yes this does happen to US from time to time.


When on a cruise I plan to do stuff I want to do. There is a reason that I don't consider my vacation to have started until I am in my cabin sitting on my balcony. I expect getting there to be miserable. Flying is no longer fun. I don't expect to have to do stuff I don't want to do when I'm on the ship.


When they start making me do stuff I don't want to do over and over again we are now in an area where I am not getting everything I paid for. I paid someone to take me somewhere, not make me drive around looking for food and to let me do what I want to do when I want to do it.


Feel free to bash me and tell me that my expectations are too high. I didn't set these expectations, THEY did.

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Oddly enough, my oldest son would live in a "hot house" if he could. He loves the heat.....swears he will never live anywhere north once he gets out of college.




I'm just like your Son, i love the heat, especially the humid hot heat....I know....odd but true.

I'm originally from Alaska, i think i may have gotten so sick of the cold all the time that i went completely in the other direction.

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Why is it so hard to believe that a for profit company registering their ships in 3rd world countries to avoid all kinds of regulations can do no wrong; ever?


I have only been on one Cruise and soon to be two next month on Carnival and am going back because we couldn't have had a better vacation last time so. You can say I'm a new fan of their product. That being said I think they do a good job dealing with passengers overall but all companies have made mistakes or worse.

Obviously, by my post count I'm new here but one thing I picked up on really quick was the "If it didn't happen to me, it didn't happen period" mentality. Granted those who have been here a while probably have seen their fair share of whining over petty things and I'm sure it gets old; but to the point of dissection of every action/statement of the OP? It's not his job to put on his OSHA hat and investigate the source and makeup of the smell just as it isn't up to him to be out of his cabin because he should be on a shore excursion.


The ship has to be maintained as a previous poster said but in a case like this, should their be a chance of noxious fumes being introuduced to passenger cabins a little warning before hand at the very least would have gone a long way.


I feel for the OP as I am pretty sensitive to various chemicals/ solvents etc. as it gives me pretty nasty headaches. Even if I didn't have a similiar sensitivity I would think that it wasn't an acceptable situation for the duration of their cruise.

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