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Glory 7/11 - NIGHTMARE - My Review


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Can I be honest, at this point I am devistated, exhausted, and ready to take my pillows and blanket to the main theatre (to which I was told Security wouldn't allow that). About 5:30am I get up tired of tossing and turning and being misrable and put the big fan in the hall. My wife and daughter finally fell asleep. Once the early risers started moving in the halls, I pulled the fan in and went off with my laptop. My wife is woke up with a phone call indicating that our privacy sign is still up and they are there to measure the temperature. Of course he measured 72 (Wall said 77). While this was going on I was down with the laptop reviewing the carnival website for the contract, contact links, some way to get ahold of someone beyond this ship for help (without paying for internet).


Interesting side note: While surfing the carnival site, I got to the Carnival Connections site (Carnival's Forums) and registered, and typed a message. By the time I tried to post the message, it wouldn't go. I also could no longer access that site from the "Free Side". (Don't misread this, don't think there was any conspiracy, and really is coincidence) Tried to reaccess the same pages I had viewed, but it truely wasn't accessable the remainder of the cruise. Also tried to access John Healds Blog...no go.


So I return back and hear what has happened. I go straight to the purser and as politely as a person who hasn't slept in 3 nights can, I insist on speaking with the Chief Purser and Hotel Director. They ask my schedule for Belize, and I indicate that I'll be going out to pick up a few things, but won't be gone but an hour. They tell me they will pass the message along. They also will dispatch a technician. This tech measured yet again, and came up with a 72ish. I asked him to go three other places with me. Deck 8 to a friends room 65, Main Theatre 61, Purser's Desk 67. While I don't believe those are real numbers, I finally had a comparision Over the last two days, we also had talked to other guests (Lunch/dinner/waiting for activities) and found most guests had chilly to comfortable cabins, some had slightly warmer than they liked. No one reported sweating through the night.


We were late into Belize due to the Harbor Pilot over sleeping (per Ryan) plus being a Tender Port, it was noon before I got a tender out. I get back about 1:15, and find a message on my phone to call 7777 to setup the meeting with the Purser. I walk to the purser's desk and they initally wanted to schedule it for after dinner. I push, and get it set for 2pm. We go to lunch, stop back and change (She is a Sr. Officer, and felt respect was in order). We arrived a few minutes early and were shown right in.


This was the first time (Other than the intro at the Captains Party) we met Ramune Adomaviciene-Bovo. She told us she had received Rebecca's letter, and also was fully aware of the situation. She appologied (Side note: Even though I haven't said it, every contact regarding this issue was met with an appology.) She then went on the inform us that there was nothing that could be done to get us more air, and also the 71-74 temp standard. I told her that this was finally a step in the right direction, I was no longer be led on that they would "check on things". I asked her if we had any other options.


She indicated that she had one cabin that the guest had missed the boat in Canaveral and was trying to fly on, but didn't make it in Cozumel. She didn't think she would make it today in Belize, and Costa Maya tomorrow was impossible. She would offer us this cabin, but there was a problem...this cabin is right over the piano bar, and gets the most noise complaints. It is also a 2 person cabin, but they could make the sofa work for Emma (but her official records put her in another cabin). I sat there for a moment, and said...so its pick our poision??? We would have to decide, and the decision could not be reversed.


(Side note: In my thought process: I am an audio guy, and know that a piano bar doesn't have subwoofers [deep bass thumpers]- or shouldn't, and it would likely just be piano and voice. Also knew that Russell the piano bar guy wasn't attracting huge crowds on my sleep walking trips down Promanade...)


I asked to be sure it was over the Piano bar and not the rear lounge. I also asked what time they shutdown. She said that they try to control the volume of the performer, but the problem is when you get guests packed into the room singing loud it can get out of hand.


We were escorted to the new room, and it was MUCH COOLER even with the curtains open!!! I should also mention that it was a Balcony stateroom, and so an upgrade from 6C to 8A.


Ramune answered a few other questions regarding making sure our tips would be divided accordingly (our old room steward was awesome), muster stations, and our little one's fake cabin assignment.


So we went to pack, ready to reboot this vacation. Housekeeping was to help us move when packed.



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We had a similar problem with the A/C on the Conquest last year. We reported the problem and the engineer was dispatched to our room. We got off in Cozumel and went to Nachi Cocum; upon our return the room was even more unbearable. While they were working on the A/C problem I asked for a box fan, which magically appeared.

We called the pursers desk, and the engineer again appeared and fixed the A/C, now we froze, but with my asthma (can't breath, hospitalized), cold is MUCH better than hot/humid. My husband didn't have the same feelings, so we had to call again. The engineer than came to the room, and showed us the control in the ceiling, and although we never touched it, it made us feel better that we had some control over the situation.

As some of my family is in the A/C/Refrigeration/Heating business, I am well aware of certain problems that may/may not occur; but the engineers on the Conquest went out of their way to make sure our A/C worked properly.

It took about 24 hours to resolve, but to tell you the truth, I never gave it another thought until now, and I never thought of it as a BIG problem. Not only that, we booked the same room for next year, three days after arriving back to Richardson.

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Not trying to highjack the thead but we had a similiar a/c situation on a Royal Caribbean ship once. The "engineer" (and I use that term very loosly) came into our room to check the temp and put his reader UNDER THE DESK. I told him that will be the coolest place in the cabin, put the reader at head heighth but he said "No the floor is the warmest part of the cabin." Well, I learned in 4th grade science that heat RISES but chose not to argue.


Long story short, called the resolutions department and complained, they told me they had to download the ship's information that would include their side of the story. The lady said she would call on a Thursday. I got a call that Thursday and I received a discount coupon on my next cruise.


Gonna continue to read and hope the OP FINALLY gets some cool air!



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I should also mention that Ramune asked us if we drink (we do not), and told us we would receive Chocolate Strawberries in our new room.


We packed everything up...whew sweating the whole time. Housekeeping arrived with a cart and took us to the new room.


We unpacked...SHOWERED IN OUR OWN ROOM! I decided that hopefully this was the turning point in our vacation, things have to look up from here, right?:rolleyes: We made reservations for the supper club, as the dinner menu didn't look all that exciting.


Finally we layed down for nap time, with our little fan for white noise....we all slept for SEVERAL HOURS. We quickly checked our little one into Camp Carnival and dressed for supper club. We realized we actually felt better after the nap, and looked forward to the night ahead.


Supper Club I mentioned above...ok, but probably won't do it again. (May have been an issolated incident - and also mindset of the cruise could also affect the preception).


Fast forward to after showtime. We walk into the room and can hear the piano bar singer Russell and the piano. My wife and I joke, we've always wanted to check out the Piano bar, but haven't because of the smoke....so now we can. Even sang along with the song he was singing.


We turned on our little one's lullaby CD and the fan, and it went to bed. Our best guess is he finished about 1ish, but we slept well, really well till 930am!!!



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We had a similar problem with the A/C on the Conquest last year. We reported the problem and the engineer was dispatched to our room. We got off in Cozumel and went to Nachi Cocum; upon our return the room was even more unbearable. While they were working on the A/C problem I asked for a box fan, which magically appeared.

We called the pursers desk, and the engineer again appeared and fixed the A/C, now we froze, but with my asthma (can't breath, hospitalized), cold is MUCH better than hot/humid. My husband didn't have the same feelings, so we had to call again. The engineer than came to the room, and showed us the control in the ceiling, and although we never touched it, it made us feel better that we had some control over the situation.

As some of my family is in the A/C/Refrigeration/Heating business, I am well aware of certain problems that may/may not occur; but the engineers on the Conquest went out of their way to make sure our A/C worked properly.

It took about 24 hours to resolve, but to tell you the truth, I never gave it another thought until now, and I never thought of it as a BIG problem. Not only that, we booked the same room for next year, three days after arriving back to Richardson.


We found out we were on the end of the line, the rooms progressively got cooler and had exponentally lessmore air flow (specifically to our two closest neighbors). Shouldn't admit this, but I even pulled the cover off as I had seen the engineer do, and make sure the vent was all open myself. Also tried one night leaving it off to see if we gained any advantage...there was none. I'm not an AC expert by any stretch, but wished I was in this case....

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I probably would have jumped overboard:p without A/C for all these days. That is something that is defintely needed!.


lol...didn't get that despirate, but was considering all options.

I live in a 74 degree enviromnent at work and home (due to allergies/asthma). My body definitely knows 74...

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Jas, this is the most positive review I've ever read that included the word Nightmare in the title!


I hope things got better once you moved to your new room. Sounds like it was an improvement so far....

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lol...didn't get that despirate, but was considering all options.

I live in a 74 degree enviromnent at work and home (due to allergies/asthma). My body definitely knows 74...


Nothing worse then humid Heat to me. The most uncomfortable thing to deal with.

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I don't get it... seems like the OP (who I belive is being honest and accurate) is reporting his room was measured in the 70s - he reported 74 to 79 degrees at various point in the narrative.


Now, I understand temperature is personal preference, but I keep my house at 78 - 79 in the summer and am very comfortable. No one who visits complains. I don't know how someone would have any difficulty sleeping at 79 degrees (don't wear PJs is my advice there.)


What is the desired temperature they wanted? They mentioned other places in the 60s. Did you want your room to be in the 60s? I don't think that is a reasonable expectation.

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We delivered a letter outlining our thanks, and indicating that if the noise Tuesday eve was typical, we could live with that...This letter went unresponded to.


Also, we let our old room steward know why we dissappered. He told us to stop by during the turn down service time nightly and check his cart...He would leave anything delivered for us in a specific place (such as past guest invites...etc)



Got up and went into Costa Maya, feeling quite refreshed. We took a taxi to the Fishing Villiage and got my wife her $20 massage on the beach. We shopped and returned to the ship.


Nap time was great and we all participated!


Tonight was Deck Party/lounge hop, and didn't see that the Russell would be performing this night...so figured might get caught up on the sleep.


Went to showtime, then headed up to the room. Our room was vibrating with thumpy music. I went downstairs to find the room empty but loud music playing. Being the audio guy I am, I walked over and turned it down to a moderate level (since no one was there). I went up and went to bed. The music cranked up from about 1-2:30am and the ear plugs did no good. We finally all got to sleep at 2:30am.



We received an early wake up call by some unidentifed sound (like an airhorn). We got up did breakfast, and the other final sea day activities. When nap time came, we all crashed once again and woke up with just enought time to get to dinner and camp carnival.


Fast forward to evening, and Russell was once again performing. All was good until he took breaks when the loud thumpy music would shake us. Not exactly sure what time he quit and things were quiet, but probably around 2am. Ironically we woke up about 3:30am in a sweat. Appearantly the air was down for a time during the night but was working again by the time I woke up.



We set the alarm for early due to the short time available in Nassau. We taxi'ed out to Atlantis (gorgeous resort!). We did our own walking tour of the public areas, and made a short stop in the not smokey casino. We saw how busy it was, and were glad we had decided not to do the Aqua Adventure this trip due to short time in port and heavy crowding. We went back to the straw market wondered around outside the gates, and then went back to the ship.


Naptime was good but short due to Ryan's long winded announcements.


Fast Forward to evening, and the Legends show. Being the last night everyone wanted to get the last bit of partying done. My wife and I just looked at each other after packing and said, we're done. This vacation, really wasn't a vacation, and while we caught up on sleep, the relaxation aspect just wasn't there. Needless to say I was feeling kind of bitter about the whole thing at this point, things had gotten better, but were still not up to par. We select our rooms for a reason, I didn't know that I should also be interviewing past guests in rooms we are selecting to be sure the air works....(maybe I need to be sure the beds work, lights, power, tv, etc???)


As was to be expected it was much louder last night, and went a bit later.


I stopped by the purser's desk and inquired about any possibility of compensation for the issues on the cruise (which hadn't really been a worry of mine early on, all i wanted was relief). I was told that Chocolate Strawberries were sent as the gesture of good will.



I'll tie up the loose strings shortly....

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I'm anxious to see the rest of your review! (Btw, DH and I live in St. Pete too!... hi!) :)


Please, please tell me a warmer room is not the norm in the 6C category!! We are taking the Liberty (which as I understand, the layout is very similar to your ship, I think the room #'s are the same at least)... and our room is in 6C as well, right in the very middle!


DH and I prefer the AC COLD (for instance, our house is at 68 right now!! You can imagine how our electric bill is during these summer months!) I will cry if our room is always warm! :( I know you said there was something WRONG with your AC, so I know your particular case isn't the norm, but you mentioned something about your 2 neighbors having problems as well?? This makes me nervous!! :eek:

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I don't get it... seems like the OP (who I belive is being honest and accurate) is reporting his room was measured in the 70s - he reported 74 to 79 degrees at various point in the narrative.


Now, I understand temperature is personal preference, but I keep my house at 78 - 79 in the summer and am very comfortable. No one who visits complains. I don't know how someone would have any difficulty sleeping at 79 degrees (don't wear PJs is my advice there.)


What is the desired temperature they wanted? They mentioned other places in the 60s. Did you want your room to be in the 60s? I don't think that is a reasonable expectation.


I think its more than personal preference. I tend to be warm blooded and 78 - 79 would be way too hot for me at night, I have always been this way (and my 2 yr old grandson is that way too). We have a window unit in our bedroom and the room stays cool enough for us to sleep (too cold according to my hubby). But if its any warmer, I won't sleep good.

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Salty Dingo: Naked would be great, if we didn't have the 3 year old with us. Also, the numbers they measured I really don't believe were reality. The numbers on the standard thermometer were measuring close to 80. Also, one other thing that may affect this is the fact that the entire ship is kept very chilly, so perhaps when you are in that environment, the drastic difference may affect perception?


Skylock: (Toungue in cheek) - Would you mind turning your air off, get the room to 80ish, and go without sleep for 3 nights and report back if at that point if you think its a nightmare? Oh, and better yet, could you send your landlord or mortgage person a couple of grand for the privlege? (End Tongue in cheek) Seriously, maybe you had to be there? A very grumpy 3 year old, and the lack of sleep quickly become overwhelming.

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I'm anxious to see the rest of your review! (Btw, DH and I live in St. Pete too!... hi!) :)


Please, please tell me a warmer room is not the norm in the 6C category!! We are taking the Liberty (which as I understand, the layout is very similar to your ship, I think the room #'s are the same at least)... and our room is in 6C as well, right in the very middle!


DH and I prefer the AC COLD (for instance, our house is at 68 right now!! You can imagine how our electric bill is during these summer months!) I will cry if our room is always warm! :( I know you said there was something WRONG with your AC, so I know your particular case isn't the norm, but you mentioned something about your 2 neighbors having problems as well?? This makes me nervous!! :eek:


My experience on the ship is almost always room is too cold.

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Skylock: (Toungue in cheek) - Would you mind turning your air off, get the room to 80ish, and go without sleep for 3 nights and report back if at that point if you think its a nightmare? Oh, and better yet, could you send your landlord or mortgage person a couple of grand for the privlege? (End Tongue in cheek) Seriously, maybe you had to be there? A very grumpy 3 year old, and the lack of sleep quickly become overwhelming.


OMG was that funny!:p

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My wife and I keep our home thermostat on 66 at night in the summer. If you are accustomed to a cooler temp, a hot, humid, caribbean cabin IS A NIGHTMARE! (and I am speaking from experience)


I am with you jas1178!

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I am so sorry about your predicament. I can't imagine what it would be like to go through this with a child. We were very uncomfortable while they were working on the A/C, but everyone responded promptly.

We live in in Texas, and understand completely about dealing with heat issues. We keep our home A/C between 70-74 while at home, but have a high efficiency unit. We were pretty miserable for those hours on the cruise when our A/C was dead-in-the-water, but the Carnival employees were great.

I only wish it had been the same for you.

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