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What shocked you the most

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A couple of years ago on the Mariner, we had arrived for the parade on the Grand Promenade early so our 9-year old daughter could be in front to see everything. About 2 minutes before the parade began, an older gentleman came through, elbowed us aside and stood in front of our daughter. I said

"excuse me" and he turned to me and said, "well, I want to see the parade!" It just always amazes me how self-absorbed some people are!

Same thing happened to me on the Freedom. A woman with a child on her shoulders pushed through the crowd and stood directly in front of me. I tapped her on the shoulder to inform her she was standing in my way and she got belligerent screaming at me not to touch her. She then wanted to know where my child was. Apparently, because I didn't have a child in tow and she did, that gave her authority to push those who had been waiting for 30 minutes out of the way. I remember feeling really sorry for her child.

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The most shocking was a woman yelling at the server in the Carnival fish restaurant (upstairs buffet) because she didn't like the selections or presentation. I was so embarrassed FOR her.


As for the man who pushed the boy, well if my Father were alive and someone pushed a member of his family, that man would not have ever forgotten the payback!!!:eek: He'd have decked him no questions asked. Not that I advocate violence, but sometimes you just like to see someone get their bell rung.;)


EXACTLY- Unfortunately sometimes the KITA theory (Kick In The A) is the only thing that some people understand. Sounds like this guy is one of them.

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A few years ago I was on the Enchantment. I was in the Solarium

going for my normal late night pizza fix and I see two young women

swimming together slowly and seductively. Then I see a sleezy

guy filming it. At first I didn't understand what was going on until

I heard him giving them some direction and realized they were filming

a porno. At least they both had their swimsuits on .

I'm assuming they filmed the rest of it in the privacy of their stateroom.


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The quest on the Adventure on the 6/21 cruise-when they were calling for a thong and more than a few females and one male mooned as we say showed our CD their "thong" Hillarious-the whole thing :eek:

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I don't find any of it funny. I do find it sad and extremely disgusting that there are so many hostile, rude, self-serving people. I am by no means a really touchy-feely emotional person, but I am very respectful of people and their space and would never cut in front of anyone or touch anyone. I'm sure there are people reading this thread thinking "what's the big deal, everybody does it"? And, no, everybody doesn't do it.


If you want to find a place full of these people, you just need to go to Miami International Airport. My 14 year old son was standing there with his suitcase, and apparently was in the way of this lady who was trying to get her suitcase, she bumped into him in order to get what she needed to get and literally sent him about 5 feet in the other direction. She didn't miss a beat. No excuse me, no sorry, nothing. I was shocked at the rudeness and impatience of so many people in that airport. We try to fly into FLL at all costs!

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We were just getting back on the ship in Bermuda and heard this awful scream. We turned around in time to watch a woman drive one of the rental scooters right off the end of the pier. The ship security that was checking IDs to get back on all ran and dove in after her. Fortunately, she was really beat up, but they were able to get her out. The entire time, her husbad (I presume) who watched the whole thing -- and never went in after her -- was shouting, about how he wasn't going to pay to replace the scooter. Not a word about the PERSON riding it.


We saw her around the ship on the way back to NY. She was pretty beat up and had her arm in a sling. I'd imagine his trip back was pretty unpleasant as well.


That was probably 15 years ago and whenever we see someone on a scooter, my family still talks about that guy.



Now this is funny. I can't stop laughing. Thanks for sharing!

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If you want to find a place full of these people, you just need to go to Miami International Airport.


Miami is great for entertainment. Once, while disembarking, while standing in line to get to customs, this guy from Brazil was in the line in front of us. A really cool dude. Slicked back hair, sunglasses and the like.We didn't know why he thought it was cool to have his red thong underwear showing up the back of his pants. He was talking on his cell phone. Of course he was doing it while leaning on the sign that said no cameras or cell phones. A CBP agent asked him to turn off the phone. (Strike one.) He did. Two minutes later he was back on the phone. Back came the CBP agent...(Strike two.) After he turned the phone on the third time (strike three) they yanked him out of the line and dragged him off to a room where I assume the latex gloves were at least elbow length.


Later the same day, while at Miami International Airport, we heard this commotion. Then we saw this guy running from police. Next thing Lassie and Rin Tin Tin were barking loudly and chasing this guy. In tandem Lassie caught the left butt cheek, and Rin Tin Tin caught the right butt cheek. The guy went down to the ground and off came the pants.


We never saw the face of the guy, but two guys, in one day, wearing red thong underwear??? :D:D:D

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We were on a cruise several years ago and it was time for first night dinner. A family came to our table with a son who was 17. He sat down gathered all of his silverware and put it in a pile in the middle of the table. He grabbed a fork and knife from the pile and told the whole table that he only needed those two pieces to eat. Things didn't improve from there and we moved the next day.

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On our last cruise, there was an older gentleman (oriental maybe??) that would walk around the lido deck during breakfast in his PJ's and slippers!


Hopefully this will be a lighthearted post ;)


Just reading on another site about the rudeness and arrogance (i.e sunbed reserving, pushing to the front of queues to be first off ship) of some guests. I'm a first timer..so whats the worst thing you have seen which left you picking your jaw off the deck - then I can give these guests a wide berth (forgive the pun !!):D

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On our last cruise, there was an older gentleman (oriental maybe??) that would walk around the lido deck during breakfast in his PJ's and slippers!

uh oh! I hope someone doesn't post that they saw a young guy walking around getting drinks at the bar in his pj's and slippers! That's my bf!! lol:p:D:p


PS - he'd probably kill me if he knew I've posted this all over CC!! lol

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The only thing I can think of right now is that shocked me was what I saw from my balcony one evening. I was watching the people who were late to get on the ship. This one group came along and this lady was very drunk. I could see she fell down on the gang plank and her group had to carry her into the ship. I would imagine that would be so embarrassing.

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This did not happen to us on the ship but on a bus that we took from our city to the port that was controlled by the cruise company. The ride was to take 2 to 3 hours but took 6 hours because the woman bus driver did not know how to get from one city to another. When we finally got to the port, the bus driver turned off the bus (and the air conditioning) and locked the door. We were left in the bus for 1/2 hour while one person unload the luggage. Now in the 6 hours we did not stop for food or drink. There was a bathroom on board. When several people knocked on the door, the guard at the port just laughed at us. My husband has health problems so I was concerned about him in the heat. When they finally opened the door, everyone had choice words for the driver and guard.

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A woman on our port trip was so rude to the tour guide I was shocked. She had a problem hearing the tour guide on the ear piece thing they give you, she said to the tour guide " All I can hear is you blah blah blahing " and she was doing the duck quacking action with her hand to the guide. All of us that was stood around opened mouth at what she did, the tour guide was shocked and walked off for a few minutes to cool down.

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This is part of a saga that continued throughout the entire 7 day cruise but our "most memorable" moment would be the intoxicated twenty-something young lady pole dancing during family karaoke. (while others were performing). I was traveling with my mother, my sister and my two sons. Of course you can probably guess that this young lady and the group she was traveling with turned out to be our dining companions.

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in regards to that jerk who manhandled that little boy..... His parents were right not to take action. you can never tell what may happen. Personally, i would have been on my cell phone calling 911 and making sure that jerko got a nice long vacation, compliments of the state of Texas. its called injury to a child and it is a felony.

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sorry no story...

i will have to keep my eyes peeled on our next cruise:)


i do have to say that i am guilty of the pj thing:) hey, when you are waking up at 5:30 to see the sunrise i think it is ok to keep your pj's on. of course i chose flip flops for my foot wear:)

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There was a younger gentleman, late 20's-early 30's, on Liberty a couple of years ago, laying out on the sun deck above the sky bar, wearing a thong. Not shocking, in and of itself. It was the cover up he wore to go get a drink at the bar....cowboy hat and boots! With nothing else but the thong:eek: I never had my camera handy.

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I've told this one before, but it was shocking!


Early afternoon on a sea day we are in one of the shops and there is this couple that are obviously drunk....she is taking bottle after bottle of liquor and bringing it up to the cash register....her male companion is grabbing the bottles and putting them back....choice language is shared between them.


Later that same day, we see her rushing out of her cabin (they were 2 doors down from us), with security and she has blood all down the front of her shirt....she looks like she's been beaten. They are telling her to calm down, they will find her another cabin to stay in that night. Security is posted outside the cabin door all day and night. The next morning, Miami police are on board to escort the man off in handcuffs. We just shook our heads...what a way to spend a vacation!

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I have experienced way too many rudies, both on land and sea. People that think that the world revolves around them.


The only tidits that I can contribute are:


I worked for a cruise line, several years ago. I was in the baggage claim area during debarkation. Customs had isolated a bag due to the fact that there was a rather loud buzzing sound coming from inside the bag. It turned out to be a rather large battery operated (ahem) adult toy. They turned it off and waited to see the hot momma that would claim the bag. Well, the owner obviously thought she was a hottie. Picture a lady in her late 60's to mid 70's, in skin tight leopard pants, a gold halter top, and gold 5 inch stilleto heals. All the jiggly bits hangin out and long platinum hair.


Another time during debarkation as well, we notice a couple arguing rather loudly. They had just been married on board. Apparently, the wife had packed her wedding dress in a suit case. Her new husband thought that the wedding dress would be good cushion for his liquor bottles, so he packed them in there. When I get to where they are, I notice a strong coffee scent. When I looked down, I see a half brown wedding dress. The culprit? Two bottles of Kalua. I expected to see them on divorce court.

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The only thing I can think of right now is that shocked me was what I saw from my balcony one evening. I was watching the people who were late to get on the ship. This one group came along and this lady was very drunk. I could see she fell down on the gang plank and her group had to carry her into the ship. I would imagine that would be so embarrassing.


This reminded me of another cruise. We drove to the port and parked for the cruise. As we got to the terminal, another couple was being dropped off by someone who was running late. I didn't think the cruisers were late, but the driver was in an obvious rush. The cruisers climbed out of the back seat of the car. The driver ran around back, popped the trunk open instructed the cruisers to get their luggage, and close the trunk as he rushed back to the driver's seat. They grabbed their luggage, slammed the trunk closed, and off he went.


The problem was, her white, cotton, lightweight sun dress was caught in the trunk.


She was lucky the driver didn't drag her off when he left in such haste.


But then again, she was unlucky when the dress decided not to go on the cruise, instead choosing to stay attached to the car and not her.:eek:

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That's an easy one.

It would be the lap dance someone got from his significant other on the Grandeur. She had on a T back and performed on the pool deck in front of the playing steel band and everyone on that deck and on the overlooking deck. Not a person missed it.

They later were picked as contestants on the Love and Marriage Show. All you heard was whispering, "she's the one".


Hopefully there were not too many children around!

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I know lots of shocking things happen at 'The Quest' thats what makes it so funny but we were on Explorer in January and I think the question was 'anything on your body' or something like that, A man stood up and popped out a false eye:eek: Dave Chapman the Cruise Director looked shocked (and a bit sick)! We couldnt decide it it was for real or not but it was effective.

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We were on the Pirate Ship shore excursion on one of the islands in the Caribbean...can't remember which one. Anyway- 2 guys (probably in their 30's) had WAY too much of the rum punch.

A catamaran sailed past us - and the one guy jumped up on the railing of the Pirate Ship and dropped his drawers....MOONED the catamaran - jumped down and forgot to pull his pants up.....oh my - I got an eyeful. YUCK! :eek:

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I don't know whether to be appalled, humored or scared by these stories.

It seems there are some of the most rude & discourteous ppl occupying an enclosed place within proximity of all of us.

I'm telling the s.o. to bring mace @ a bare minimum.

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I don't know whether to be appalled, humored or scared by these stories.

It seems there are some of the most rude & discourteous ppl occupying an enclosed place within proximity of all of us.

I'm telling the s.o. to bring mace @ a bare minimum.


Wots a "bare minimum"?:D


But I agree. At first these were funny. Now I am appalled at what I can expect on my first RCCL cruise - Aug - Mediterranean


Could someone please reassure us that these people are in a minority and will be swamped by normal human beings.:eek:

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