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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Good morning, Ladies!


All right, I think I'm going to need some encouragement today....for 2 reasons.


First, I weighed in this morning and the scale didn't move at all. Exactly the same as last week. :( BUT... I'm not as bothered by that as I normally would be, because I know that my week was all thrown off and my body might be holding on because I didn't eat much on my UDs. I also had a lot of sodium and am probably holding water from that. And not to get too personal, but I'm noticing, how shall I say.... things are more "stopped up".... on this plan. Is anyone else having that problem?


My other need for encouragement today is this *^$#((^# food table at work right next to me. One of our co-workers brought in my FAVORITE cookies (oatmeal choc chip) and they're literally 5 feet away, right in my line of sight. Today is an UD, so they should be okay, but certainly not good for my no sugar/no flour plan.


All right, just typing this has helped. I just need to keep telling myself that no cookie is good enough to be worth migraine/sleep problems/etc.


My date/weight results:


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183 (started JUDDDing on 8/14)

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179 (blah)


Oh, and Elizabeth.... keep in mind that if you do that weight ticker in your signature, it will show up on all your cruisecritic posts, like your roll call/etc.


And Elizabeth, your mom's service is tomorrow, right? Do you feel prepared emotionally? I know it will be so hard. We'll all be with you in spirit. *hugs*

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first of all, thanks so much for telling me how to post the wt ticker Misty - but in light of what Tammy said, maybe I'll give it some thought - do I really want "joe blow" who I'm at loggerheads with on a thread, to know how much I weigh? not that I'm ready for a ccbrawl, but you never know....


so sorry Tammy about that blasted number. As much as you know it has to do with your health lately and the salt intake, I know how disappointing that can be (which is why I am going chicken and waiting til next week to weigh in;)). You know from how you feel and how the clothes are fitting that the fat is going so hang onto that and bugger the numbers! And anyway, You are down 7lb in a month! that's GREAT:D


Yes, thank you for remembering Tammy, I'm off today at noon out of town. I've been fairly tightly wrapped so a bit worried I'm headed for a big emotional melt down. Of course, at a funeral it's expected but still, I will not be happy to be so vulnerable in public - plus, I've a mostly British heritage and we simply don't do that you know :rolleyes:. In addition to the emotion of mum's funeral, it will bring together several factions who have issues with each other and am hoping no one feels the need to go for anyone's jugular...any of you who don't know what I'm talking about, don't have a dysfunctional family.


so i saw my dr this week and got a px for lorazepam. when the **** hits the fan i may not have the sense to duck but at least i won't feel it:D. Then I'll come home and sleep - my refuge.


ud today so i've let myself have a few of those damn peanut butter cookies in the office kitchen...as you can see Tammy, I don't have a strategy to share with you on dealing with that except maybe - try to swap desks with someone? keep a photo of yourself looking your best in your eyeline as you look up and maybe that will mute the goodies on the table?


talk to you all when i get back, have a good weekend! elizabeth

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Elizabeth ~ I agree about not having to give myself the "big fat failure" talk, as you put it, now on UDs. I feel so much better about myself now. Kudos on the size 14's! Woo-woo, hottie Elizabeth, coming through! I'll all for posting numbers. I think it's a great idea!


Nora ~ Good luck with that test! You'll do great!!!


Tammy ~ In regards to the "stopped up" question, funny you should mention it because I've had some issues since I began this WOE. I've never been one who "goes" daily, but since I began JUDDDD, I'm having urgent needs to go almost every UD. I mean, to the point where I'm having to leave my cart half full at the grocery store and race home, praying the whole time! :eek: lol, too much information, I'm sure! But anyway, at the same time I began JUDDDD, I also began taking fish oil capsules. After having a few UDs like the ones I described, I started researching and found that fish oil can cause that. I quit taking the fish oil a couple of weeks ago and I thought that fixed the problem, but I had another "bad day" on Tuesday. I don't know if it has something to do with this WOE or what.....some people on the Low Carb Friends site have suggested that maybe I have a gluten intolerance, but I'm reluctant to believe that.


Oh, and good luck avoiding the cookie table!


Supposed to be a DD for me, but I had a craving for sausage balls yesterday, so I made a HUGE batch. HUGE mistake. They've been calling to me all morning. I had a couple, so now I'm trying to decide if it's still a DD or if I should make it an UD. I need to rearrange my schedule so that next Saturday is an UD anyway, so at some point during the week, I would have to do 2 UDs in a row....Maybe I'll just do it now. I'll wait and see if my husband gives me a "Tsk, tsk," look before I decide, lol.



I'm not weighing in until Sunday or Monday (depending on what kind of day today becomes), but I'll go ahead and post numbers:


7/13 215.2

7/20 211.4

7/27 210.2

8/3 210.6 (started JUDDDD)

8/9 206.4

8/17 207

8/24 204.6

8/30 202.6



Have a great day!

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I'm back! that was a short trip huh? just remembered about the "stopped up" comment Tammy - yes! I would have that sensation the morning after a dd - which is funny because i ate so much raw veg and drank a lot of water - anyway, i started using metamucil or similar product to help. just remember to drink lots of water with it or you end up with the same problem...has the dual benefit of expanding inside you and making you feel fuller!


Thanks Misty, I appreciate the hugs! glad you liked the numbers posting plan - wow! 13lb gone in little over a month! way to go.:D


ttfn - e

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Hi Everyone!

Just a quick Hello :)

Friday the nursing home called and asked me to work that night. So yesterday I worked my regular job and went to the nursing home and worked 3pm-9pm. Then got home and got up at 5am and worked 7am-1pm and then went to my sister in law's moms funeral. She passed away on Thursday at home with hospice. she had been ill with cancer for a long time and she was ready to 'go home' as she told me.

I work 7-3 tomorrow and monday. So I will be busy.

I am thinking you all.

Be Well!


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Nothing much to report today.


Finished this DD with about 500 calories. My belly's rumbling, so I'm going to bed early.


I'm supposed to weigh in tomorrow. I'm dreading it after having 2 UDs in a row this week and because I've been experiencing the "stopped up" issue we discussed earlier since TUESDAY!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Definitely buying some Metamucil at Walmart tomorrow!


Good night!


Edited to add: Nora, sounds like you need a vacation!!! Love your heart!

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Not great, but at least I'm not crying because I gained... I lost 0.4 lbs. last week. I'm not too surprised after having 2 UDs in a row on Thursday and Friday and plus I only exercised once because my feet have been hurting (plantar fasciitis).


I'm going shoe shopping today for some new supportive sneakers so that I can get my butt back in gear next week! Kicking it up a notch and hoping like crazy to make it to Onederland!!!!


7/13 215.2

7/20 211.4

7/27 210.2

8/03 210.6 (started JUDDDD)

8/09 206.4

8/17 207

8/24 204.6

8/30 202.6

9/06 202.2

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Good morning, Ladies!


Oh, and Happy Labor Day. I'm celebrating the holiday by laboring... working today. I usually work all of our company holidays because it's extra money for my cruises! I'm expecting a pretty quiet day today at work.


Misty~ I know what you mean, my "issue" was several days and I think that definitely affects whether the scale moves or not. I'm hoping for a much better weigh-in this next Friday. I have an old crappy scale that's not digital, but I just ordered one.


I think it's still great that you showed .4 down!


Oh, and I keep meaning to ask what's probably a dumb question... what's Onederland?


Elizabeth~ I hope everything went okay this weekend.... with the service and especially with the family. I know that closure can be good, but it also can bring a new wave of grief. Take care of you...


Nora~ Holy cow, I agree, you need a vacation! Hope you got a little sleep this weekend through all of that!


As for me... I did have some sugar/flour stuff Friday and Sunday, but they were UDs, so I'm not going to beat myself up over it.


OMG, do you ladies ever watch TLC? My daughter and I ended up watching a few shows last night about these super morbidly obese people. One of them was called The 650 pound virgin. This guy lost over 400 lbs without surgery!!!! He's down to around 250 and looks great. It was really motivating. I kept thinking to myself how pathetic it is that I can't stay motivated long enough to lose 40 lbs, but here he has stayed motivated for 4 years!


I took Olivia school-clothes shopping and Wal-Mart had all their shorts on clearance. I bought a couple pair of 14's and they fit perfect. So I went ahead and bought a pair of 12's just to help me stay on track. I have 61 days until my vacation, so I'm hoping to get some momentum here.


All right, now I'm just rambling.... Have a great day!

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Tammy ~ Onederland is when your weight is in the one hundreds instead of two hundreds, lol. I'll feel so much better when there's a 1 before my number instead of a 2....


I've seen that program, the 650 lb. Virgin. It WAS amazing! I love hearing inspirational stories like that. I love the show The Biggest Loser. I read Shape magazine mostly for the "I Did It" section. It just helps motivate me.


Way to go on the 14's! I would be THRILLED with that (in 18s now). Good idea buying a smaller size, too. That'll help with the motivation!


Well, I bought myself a new pair of shoes yesterday and some orthotics to go in them, especially for plantar fasciitis. My feet are already feeling better. I'm going to rest them some more today, but tomorrow, it's back to working out!!! I also bought some of those chewable fiber tab thingies. :D


Have a great day!

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AHA! Onederland. I get it now. OMG, Misty, you are SO close! Your next weigh-in you'll be there... I just feel it!


Plantar Fascitis... yikes! My uncle has that and says it's excruciating. I'm glad you got something that might help that. Don't overdo it!


I've been using those chewable fiber thingies since last week and honestly they haven't helped much. BUT.... I almost never drink water and I just learned today that taking them without drinking water is probably amplifying my problem. :eek: So today I'm guzzling water. I hope it'll help because I'd really like to see that scale move this week.


I'm having trouble with my DD today. I know it's because I ate garbage (sugar/flour) yesterday. Today I'm tired and starving and have a headache. Ugh. This happens everytime I eat sugar, you'd think I'd learn my lesson!

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Good Morning Ladies!

I am glad the last 4 days are over. I am beat! I know one thing I will never volunteer to work 4 days in a row at the nursing home again. We had enough staff however it was a full moon and had to deal with a lot of psych issues with patients,staff and visitors. Could of used Dr Phil's help :D


I am happy to say I am down another 2 #. But here is the weird thing. My period arrived 7 days early. I didn't have any of the usual PMS stuff and I still lost weight. What's up with that??? No complaints but weird. I really think the no flour and added sugar thing is making a difference.


Tammy- where in NY does your friend live?

Misty-Keep up the good work. Remember as Tammy said you need to drink lots of H20 with metamucil.

Elizabeth- Glad you made it through the services and dealing with your family. I know all about that. I say this about my family. We put the 'fun' in dysfunctional! ;)


Have a great day all!


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Nora~ GREAT JOB!!! Another 2 lbs is awesome awesome awesome!!!


As for your period being off, I forgot to warn you that might get thrown off when you cut flour and sugar. Especially if you're on birth control. If you stick with it, it'll regulate, but it can be annoying until then.


My friend lives in (or is it on?) Staten Island. I've been single for the majority of the last 12 years, so I've only traveled with someone else once, years ago. It'll be very different for me, but I think it'll be great. We're pretty opposite in a lot of ways, like I'm a small-town redneck girl and he's a big city boy, but on cruises we seem to like the same things and have surprisingly similar personalities. He's an NYPD detective that works 17-hour shifts and I've got a troubled teen, so we're both really looking forward to relaxing!


You're in NY, too, right. Nora? Near the city at all? I'm not very familiar with NY at all. My daughter goes to the Word of Life camp up at Schroon Lake in the summers.


Well, I made it through my DD yesterday. UD today :). And I'm drinking lots of water today. I got in about 50 oz yesterday. I have a 32 oz cup at my desk, so I'll shoot for 2 of those. I've got to get this fiber thing figured out, it's definitely causing "issues." :(


And Olivia is starting high school today. I hope she is able to make a fresh start.... behavior/grades/etc....and make some better friends! Some of her teachers will be teachers I had, which can be good and bad. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


Everyone have a great day!

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Feel free to laugh at my expense...


Reason #47 why you should never tell your child that you dated one of your high school teachers when you were in college:


Because you just might move back to that school district and she will have him for a teacher when she first starts high school.




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Tammy- LOL on the teacher thing.

I am in upstate NY. About 4.5 hours from the city. Down in the city they consider us candian. ;) I am closer to Canada then NY city.

I know Schroon Lake. Have been there. It is about 6 hours from me in the mountains. God's country up there :D.

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Good morning ladies! The baby slept through the night, and if I could just get rid of this headache, I'd feel wonderful today!!!


Tammy ~ LMAO about the teacher thing! OMG!

How was your daughter's first day of school?


Nora ~ CONGRATULATIONS on the 2 lbs! Yay! That's great! About your period, mine's been funky since I started dieting, and that's weird for me because I'm on birth control pills. But my best friend is a doctor (love that!) and she says that's common.


Elizabeth ~ Hope you're okay.....


Finished Monday's DD with 333 calories. I let my feet rest one more day on Monday and began my workouts again yesterday. I did WATP - 2 Mile Walk. My feet kinda hurt after, so I'm not going to increase my intensity just yet. Yesterday's UD was pretty good. I didn't go overboard.


Oh, my MIL started JUDDDDing last week and somehow GAINED 3 lbs.! She's been dieting for quite a while (using Phentermine) and has lost 40 lbs. but has stalled recently. I talked her into giving this one a try as I'm hoping she'll quit the Phentermine....that stuff worries me. Anyway, needless to say, she was not happy. I can't figure out what went wrong... She says she must've been eating the wrong things on UDs, but I started doing the math, and she would've had to have eaten 5700 calories on her UDs to gain 3 lbs. if her DDs were really 500 calories. She has to be retaining water or something...


Have a great day!

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good to be back. Just skimmed the entries so will address things properly at length; a reinforcing thing about taking fibre: WATERWATERWATER - great idea any way while losing wt but absolutely essential for extra fibre or it ends up bunging up the works rather than solving the problem


sorry about the plantar fasciitis Misty. I developed it 3 years ago when I ws working out and walking great distances without proper shoes - nobody tells you that if you do your healthy exercise on nonsupportive shoes, that ligament will tear and stay with you for years. i have had 2 sets of orthotics and my foot is only now getting better - because i am on my ass so much! good luck with it. maybe you caught it soon enough. there are mild exercises to do that gently but consistently stretch the ligament so everything doesn't seize up on you.


glad to hear about all the losses - even when they are disappointing numbers, they are going in the right direction!


Mum's funeral and the scattering of the ashes went very well. she would have approved. and the vipers waited for at least 4 hours before slithering about and biting. Horrible couple of days afterward of gossip and nastiness. Dying down now as I have disentangled myself from their coils and won't go near the family swamp again. Cecil under strict orders to hire security for my funeral - none of the s*** stirrers will get in so they will have no one to bite but each other LOL


Weighing in on Friday and very nervous about it - am preparing myself for disappointment; it has after all been an unusual period of weeks to maintain a new woe - suitable word that. anyway, clothes are fitting that didn't before so i am going by that.


i should be working...i love having this private little space in my office- i have no one who can look over my shoulder. Have a great day all, Elizabeth

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Hey, Elizabeth! Good to have you back! I'm glad your mother's funeral went smoothly but sorry to hear about the "vipers".... People never cease to amaze (and horrify) me.


I'm excited to hear about your weigh in tomorrow! I just KNOW you're going to be pleased! I can feel it. :)


I'm weighing in on Monday. I'm visualizing the scale saying no more than 199.9...


Ended yesterday's DD with 418 calories. I didn't work out because I had a massive headache most of the day. I hope to make up for it today. I've been stressed lately with some worries, but I made the decision to give my worries to God, and now I'm feeling more at peace. It WILL be a good day today.


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning Ladies!


Elizabeth~ Welcome back. How unfortunate that the nastiness couldn't stay away during a time that should be a sacred time of loving reflection. Good for you to recognize it for what it was and separate yourself. That takes a lot of strength, especially when it's family. And don't worry about the weigh-in. Stress does a lot of strange things to our bodies and you've had your share lately. We'll be thinking positive thoughts for the weigh-in still!


Misty~ I was in your boat yesterday with a nasty migraine. I had to tough it out and stay at work or I would have lost my holiday pay from Monday. I ended the day at 410 cals, but it was tough. It seems like when I have a really bad headache, for some reason I think eating will make it better. I know that's not true, but I still struggle with it. I took my meds last night and feel much better today.


I feel your MIL's pain, Misty. Frustratingly, I'm having another week where I just don't feel like I'm losing anything. I've been perfect on my DDs, rarely exceeding 400 cals and I just have a strong feeling that I'm not going to lose anything again this week. I hope I'm wrong but I know I'll be majorly frustrated if I don't lose 2 weeks in a row. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. My weigh-in will be Saturday.


I keep getting busy at work, so I better hit submit!

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HI Everyone-

Our kids started school yesterday. I was working along and got a call from the school. It was an automated call stating my stepson was not in school and please call the attendance office. So I started freaking out. He is 14 and walks to school. Not far. He is not one to skip. So after 45 minutes of getting a busy signal I drove up to the school.

Turns out they made a huge mistake. Instead of calling the kids that were absent. The system called all the kids that were there. 900 phone calls. There were parents who had left work and frantic. Kind of ticked me off as the school officials were laughing about it.

Not funny!

Otherwise things are good. Taking my sister out for a late B-day dinner and movie tonight. I will weigh in again tomorrow.


Take care!


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OMG Nora, I'd be plenty ticked too. All that fear generated because they screwed up and they had the temerity to LAUGH in front of frantic parents?? Hope you are ok now. Good luck with the weigh in tomorrow - you and me both...


Tammy, interesting what you said about wanting food when you are in physical pain. A while back I did a little research about this because I noticed that when I injured myself and could no longer work out, I immediately wanted food. Initially I put it down to depression and we all know about self medicating with food for emotional pain. I looked up amino acids and what i read seemed to suggest that if one is low on certain acids, then you feel pain more keenly and heal more slowly. Don't know if that is what happens with me but I had amino acid blood work last week to see if I could use supplements. Will let you know the results.


Misty, just wanted to remind you that we're here for you if you want to talk about what's been on your mind. You've all been such a good support to me, and maybe we can help. And look at the bright side -this is about the safest group you could confide in! It's not like we'll be having coffee with your sister/neighbour/banker/whatever, and accidently let something slip, LOL.


Take care all - home to bed asap, feeling a little blue today, to be expected, but all I want to do is sleep...and get a GREAT weigh in tomorrow! Elizabeth

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Just realized I didnt' finish that entry clearly - the theory is, that a person may be overeating in an unconscious effort to raise the amino acid levels to help heal and kill the physical pain. If I turn out to be low on these and take supplements, maybe I won't feel the need to overeat when I hurt...

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177lb!!! Down 10 since I started Aug 10th - very chuffed. Helped I suppose that I was so depressed when I got home from work I didn't even have a protein shake - straight to lorazepam land and sleep.


Ten pounds a month would make me very happy! Hope you all have a good day - Elizabeth


Aug 10 187

Aug 19 181

Sep 11 177

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Good Morning!

Elizabeth- WOW :D Congrats that is great. No wonder your clothes are loose.


I am down another pound. I wll take it. Especially how my menstrual cycle is all weird.

Not on birth control. Had tubes tied when I was 40. Didn't want any after 40 surprise babies

;) My mom was 41 when she had me. My DH's mom was 48 when she had his little brother.



Hope everyone is well. I am going to enjoy this weekend. Have been working straight for almost 2 weeks. DH is out of town Golfing with his friends. So I am going to have me time.


Have a great day!


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Wow! Congratulations to both of you for the weight loss!!!! That's WONDERFUL!!!!



Elizabeth~ That's interesting about the amino acids/pain/food. I'll have to look that up. I thought it was primarily with my migraines, but I did gain 30 of my extra 40 lbs pretty quickly after a severe leg injury in a car accident a couple of years ago. Hmmmmmm....... I suppose there were multiple factors at play... not being able to walk for a while and depression primarily, but I wonder if the pain/food thing is something I've experienced subconsciously. Since I know it happens with my migraines, I'll have to start paying attention to whether it happens when my leg hurts.


Nora~ I don't blame you for not wanting later-in-life surprises! I'm 35 and already wondering how I can seal things up in there. LOL I'll be 39 when my daughter graduates and this might sound terrible, but I'll be ready to enjoy that next chapter of life on my own while I'm still young.


Funny little story about that... I have a friend here at work who's just very down to earth and I often ask him for advice. I had always wanted more than one child and when I turned 30, I sort of decided 35 was my cutoff. I kind of had in my head that if I wasn't remarried or close, by my 34th birthday, that I would just have another child on my own. So I asked Jim what he thought of that from the whole "is it fair to the child" standpoint. He said something to the effect of... "Listen. Look at where you are. You're attractive and have a good job that allows you to do some traveling. If you're going to stay single anyway, when you're in your 40s, would you rather be the attractive single woman on the beach in Tahiti or the attractive single woman in the Orthodontist's waiting room?" I literally laughed out loud and take my birth control religiously JUST IN CASE! LOL :D


Nora~ Good for you taking some time for yourself this weekend! I think women do that far too rarely. And yeah, I'm with Elizabeth, I wouldn't have thought that school mistake was funny!


Everyone have a great day! Not sure if I'll be able to check in over the weekend, so if not, have a GREAT weekend!

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