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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Brandy ~ I predict you'll see a great loss after this week. I always lose more when I do "true" alternation. Good job on the exercise! What DVDs do you do? I'm also a workout DVD user. I enjoy the Yoga Booty Ballet Live series, Walk Away the Pounds, and Turbo Jam. I also do some Slim in 6, but I don't really enjoy it....It's monotonous, but it's produces good results. Remind me again how much you hope to lose?


Tammy ~ I'm glad your daughter at least can see that she needs help. That's certainly a step in the right direction. When does she start therapy? Will she do individual treatments or will you two do family-style sessions...or both? Oh, I love that magnet you talked about!!!


Nora ~ I'm so impressed with your views on piercing! You get that belly button ring, girlfriend! And post pics when you do. :)


I informed my husband last night of my wishes to have my nose pierced.....let's just say it didn't go so well.... He told me I was too old. He told me he'd be embarrassed that his 30 year old wife (you know, I'm over the hill and all...got one foot in the grave...I should be getting a senior citizen discount anyday now...) had a nose piercing. His argument was that he's the one who has to look at me. I told him if we were playing that game then I wanted him to get some tattoos and maybe even a piercing or two because I enjoy that look on a man. My husband is as clean-cut as they come!!! Don't get me wrong...I think he's super-sexy just the way he is, but I have always found myself attracted to more of a "bad boy" look. Anyway, I just let the subject drop for now. I'll re-evaluate and decide if it's important enough for me to make a fight out of it. He didn't tell me no; he just said he wouldn't be happy with it, for me not to expect him to like it, and that he wouldn't find me as attractive anymore. Ouch.


Today's DD wasn't too bad. I had a lite pimiento cheese sandwich (210 cal) and a Special K Protein Water (30) for lunch, and then 6 Totino's pizza rolls (200) and half a bag of broccoli (60) for supper, for a total of exactly 500 calories. Tomorrow's UD! Woo-hoo! My plan is to actually have a "normal" day and not a "treat" day. Weighing in tomorrow, as well.... Keeping my fingers crossed that I didn't gain....


Good night, all!

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The good news is I didn't gain.


The REALLY good news is that I somehow managed to lose 1.4 lbs!


This is BY FAR the BEST diet I've ever been on!!!! lol, I can only imagine how well it would work if I'd quit pigging out on UDs!


7/13 215.2

7/20 211.4

7/27 210.2

8/03 210.6 (started JUDDDD)

8/09 206.4

8/17 207

8/24 204.6

8/30 202.6

9/06 202.2

9/14 200.6

9/21 199.8

9/29 198.4

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hello there - i haven't been writing regularly because since my little episode a couple of weeks ago i have had NOTHING but uds and the kind of uds that could sustain a small family....never mind, today i think i'm back in harness.


quick note before i head to work. so happy about all the losses!! well done...even though i expect i've been absorbing them for you LOL - i won't be touching the scale just in case!


Tammy, just like Nora, I had a tough time with my boy - dropped out of school at 15, crime, booze, drugs,et al. And he is fine now - a responsible upright father of 3, loving husband of 1, holds down jobs, pays bill, owns a house; she is going to be okay and you really will be able to look back and say "whew we made it"; you are doing the right thing! if you take her abuse, you are not helping her or yourself. as for the aberrant personality - that may be a consistent aspect of her or it may be temporary. I really am going to send you the most positive, protective energy I can.


Brandy: glad you are hanging in there and working through those tough over the top uds. easy to start seeing them as treat days though


Misty, Cecil bakes this great lo-cal pumpkin pie - i'll get the recipe! and if you freeze left over pizza you won't smell it - of course i have a great imagination...As for the piercing, you go girl. 29 too old for something?? LMAO..I listen to Nickelback at full volume in my car on the way home from stressful office days - and I am 53. That is the tip of the iceberg. But actually I felt older at your age - don't do that to yourself!


Nora - fantastic wt loss! I'm so glad you found the right thing for you. and yeah, I guess I don't want your scale after all. soooo when are you going for the belly piercing? hey, how about if both of you post pics after?


haven't won the bloody lottery yet so -hiho hiho it's off to work i go - elizabeth

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Good morning Ladies!


Misty~ WOW! Good for you on the loss! You're on a roll, Sista! ~~~~ As for hubby's feelings and saying he would be less attracted to you, OUCH is right. I can imagine that hurt. Just remember he's not saying he's not attracted to you, just that he doesn't like that in particular. I suppose there's something to be said for him being honest about it. :rolleyes: I could argue both sides, but ultimately it's all about how YOU feel about yourself. That's really what makes a woman attractive to a man. And as for him saying you're too old for it, that's just ridiculous!!!


Elizabeth~ Hang in there and keep remembering that you can always get back on track at any time. You've been through a lot. Thanks so much for sending some positive energy this way, too!


Going through what I am with my DD, I sure wouldn't wish it on anyone. I really appreciate the sharing of your stories and the encouragement. Thankfully there are lots of good times, too and we're plugging through. We have been going to a counselor already, but she's not helping us at all and not seeing the problem. And Olivia hates her, so we're going to talk to the psychiatrist next Tuesday to see what he recommends for more specific therapy.


Sadly, I didn't win the lottery, either, so back to work for me, too. I tell you what.... as soon as I win the big one, I say us gals go for the ultimate girlfriends cruise and our piercings, tattoos, whatever else we want!

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Good evening, ladies!!!


Tammy, I'm lovin' the girlfriends cruise if you win the lottery idea! Keep buying those tickets, lol! I could use a Mommy's Vacation!

I hope the psychiatrist gives you all some helpful advice on Tuesday.


Elizabeth, the good thing about JUDDDD is it seems it only takes a few DDs to lose a few pounds gained, so don't lose heart! I'm sure if you've gained any, it's not much....Nothing a few good DDs can't fix. Even though I don't know what you look like, I'm loving the mental image of you headbanging to Nickelback on the way to work!!! :D I, too, am a Nickelback fan. Seen 'em in concert twice, and both times were excellent! I like such a wide range of music... I just purchased my ticket to go see REO Speedwagon (with Styx and Night Ranger) in November, AND I'm going with my mom, dad, brother, and uncle! How funny is that?! LOL, my very first concert was Aerosmith when I was 8 years old. It's what I wanted for my birthday, so my parents took me. :)


Today's DD was really good. I didn't starve like I normally do... Not sure what was different. I had a Special K Protein Water and 2 fiber tablets around 3:00. Then at 7, I had some Totino's pizza rolls. Just now, I had a 100 calorie snack cake. Wish I hadn't....I think I only did it because I still had calories left in the "budget". Oh well. I still came in at 446 calories.


Up Day tomorrow, and hubby's bday! I have to resist the temptation to pig out on the chocolate frosted brownies he has requested.... Evil, evil man.


Good night, all!

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good morning! feels so good to get back on track. another dd today and my tummy is already rumbling before 6:30 am! Would have helped if I hadn't woken up at 3:30 and stayed up.


Just spent 30 mins downloading a profile pic onto cc just to be told at the end of it all - invalid file....computers just don't like me :(. Haven't a clue what I did wrong.


Office manager went shopping yesterday so kitchen is full of goodies of all sorts - wish me luck resisting; now if I could just get myself catheterized so I don't have to walk through the damn kitchen multiple times a day - hey, you know I work for urologists, maybe....:eek:


Misty I sure hope you are right about making a quick recovery of my wt loss progress - but I didn't just fall off the wagon, I rolled into the ditch and drowned for a time:o


Tammy - definitely rooting for that lottery win! Funny - just the other day Cecil said, so are you planning the cruise yet with your cc wt loss buddies...


Have a good one all! Elizabeth

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Happy Friday Everyone!


I am happy to say I am down another 2.5# 188.5. Feels good to be out of the '90s.

Can't remember the last time I was there.


Elizabeth- Glad to see you pulled yourself out of the ditch. Would love to do a girl cruise with my weight loss buddies!


Misty- Hope you are well. Are you taking your DD trick or treating?


I love this time of year. Even though I do not have little kids I still decorate for Halloween. Guess I am a big kid at heart!


Brandy and Tammy hope you 2 are well.


Have a great day!



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I literally have one minute to check in.... Just wanted to report real quick that I weighed in at 171 this morning. That's 7 pounds this week!!!! I'm sure it's a total fluke, but man I'll take it with a smile!!!


I'll have time tomorrow to read and write more. Take care 'til then!

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It's been a few days since I've had chance to post here. Let's see if I can get caught up.


Tammy, Awesome weight loss. I would be thrilled to lose 7 lbs in one week. I have only lost 6 total this whole month. That's so encouraging. Did you do anything different this week that might account for the extra loss? No matter, still great! I also hope things start looking up regarding your daughter. It seems she is open to help and that is good.


Nora, I am doing well. Thanks for asking. 2.5 lbs is a good loss too. I like hearing about success. That is wonderful.


Elizabeth, I would have a hard time doing a dd after getting up at 3:30 am. It's hard enough getting up at 6:50 and not eating until lunch. You can stay away from the office snacks, I know it. Maybe you can find some low calorie snacks, gum or hard candy that you can keep in the office kitchen too. That way you have something better to grab and can resist the other goodies. Just remember you can have a goodie on the next UD.


Misty, How do the protein waters taste? Are they similar to Crystal Light in flavor? I saw them at the store, but was afraid they would not be good. For work out videos, I actually use the free exercise on demand channel that comes with our cable. There are a lot to choose from, but I like the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It's not too, too tough, but it's not easy either. Well, when I first started it, it was very hard. I could barely make it through the workout. I kept doing it and it is much easier now. Not easy, but easier. I just started doing Level 2.


Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm off to have some lunch!

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OMG! Tammy and Nora - FANTABULOUS RESULTS!!! congrats.


Nora: isn't it great when you see the back side of the 190's?? I remember thinking, "the 190's are next to the 200's:eek:; but the 180's are next to the 170's:D". It's so wonderful seeing yourself heading in the right direction and having proof that your feet are on the right path.


Tammy of the stunning 7lb - don't forget all those times you lost nothing while you were doing the right thing; it was hanging on to you, thinking you'd quit this project; finally recognized you meant business so the fat moved out. You win this battle because you hung in there and you deserve it.:)


I hope the shrink had something useful for you this week. It is wonderful when you find the right specialist but the awful part is, you don't know if you've got the wrong one until some time passes and then you have to start from scratch - hope this is not the case with this one and they are good for the both of you. While your daughter might have been a monster in some of the things she has done, there is a sad little girl in there who wants peace in her soul and clarity in her head.


Brandy, you'll be glad to know I successfully negotiated my way through the kitchen on Thursday without succumbing to temptation - Friday however was a different story. No guilt though, I'm back in my biggest jeans today (couldn't have done them up last week) - so I'll soon catch up again. Hey Brandy, earlier on we all shared info about ourselves and I'm not sure if you posted similar stuff here but I just haven't read it; we did ht, wt, goal wt, age, who we live with, that kind of thing. Mine is:


5'5", was 177lb before I fell off the wagon, so won't know till next Friday what my current wt is (I'd be happy to be 177 again); I want to weigh between 160 and 165; 53; love of my life: husband Cecil, and our 2 cats, Houdini, and Braveheart (horribly misnamed - "Chickens**t" would have been much more apt). Oh and we're cruising out of SanDiego on the Carnival Spirit Jan 30 2010.


Misty, been thinking about your hubby's hurtful reaction to the piercing. Even the most loving and supportive spouses may feel threatened when their partner starts losing wt; he may, even subconsciously, think you will be looking at other men speculatively and them, you. So when you brought up the nose ring, he may have seen it as you changing and moving away from him in some way. It may have scared him, thinking it was a symbol of maybe losing you so he reacted hurtfully out of desperation, using words designed to hit their target and control you. As time goes by, you will lose the wt, he will see that you still love him and that it is possible, if not essential, for people to change WITHIN a healthy marriage. Hey, your example may help him feel free to loosen his tie and let his hair down from time to time. Try not to be hurt - remember he is speaking from his fear.


Last night was a beer and pizza night whilst watching zombie flicks - if you haven't seen the hilarious "fido", give it a try - so today will be a moderate day and tomorrow a standard dd. The sun is shining here although it is nippy out so I should start tidying the yard before the dreadful white stuff starts up. First though I really must sit down and balance the cheque book - haven't touched it for weeks:eek::o


Hope you all are enjoying a lovely weekend. Stay strong. Be happy. - elizabeth

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Hey everyone! I have been reading all these posts for 2 days and feel like I know y'all. My name is Colleen. I am 29 years old. I am married with 3 DS's and we are taking our first family vacation on December 7th out of Galveston on the Ecstasy.


I have gained over 100 pounds over the past 10 years. I know exactly how it happened too. I love food and I hate exercise. lol. I have tried every kind of diet you can think of and always quit after a day or so because I miss food too much. I actually did a VLC diet about 6 months ago for a whole week and by the seventh day couldn't get out of bed. I lost 12 pounds but really scared myself. I saw this diet you guys are doing (never heard of it before) so I decided I would try it too. Planned out my down days this week and started this morning. I weigh 264 pounds, I'm 5'10".

I weighed 170 on my wedding day almost 10 years ago. Ouch.


I am hoping to lose 30 pounds by my cruise in December. Doable? Who knows. I do have a question about exercise though. Do you guys do it everyday? I would really like to limit it to my up days to give me something to look forward to on my down day. lol.


Y'all seem to have a great group going, hope you don't mind if I join.

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Just realized my post said sailed. Not the case. We were originally sailing out September but had to re-schedule due to my father having brain surgery. Also didn't post much about myself so here goes:


My husband and I were high school sweethearts(I was in H.S., he had graduated when we met). He is my best friend. (sappy, I know.)


We have three of the most handsome, weirdest boys on earth. Levi will be 9 on Halloween. Cale is 6 and Beckham is 4.


I am a chronic career switcher. I changed my major in college 6 times, therefore it took me 6 years to graduate. Finally decided on Social Work. I worked as an investigator for Child Protective Services for a year. HATED IT. Then switched to Hospice (not so bad but we moved). So, decided I would go into teaching. Did that for a year. HATED IT. Now I work for WIC. Don't know how nationwide it is but it's a supplemental nutrition program for Women, infants and children. I absolutely LOVE this job. Been there a year now and hopefully will be there until I die or retire, preferably the latter.


So...there it is. I could go on but I'll spare you.

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Okay, I lied about being able to get caught up on the board Saturday, but here I am so GOOD MORNING!!! :D



Colleen~ WELCOME! Oh yes, no need to ask, all are welcome here!!! Thanks for sharing your info, it really helps us not just to get to know each other but to know how to give encouragement and input. Sometimes, as you probably know, it's hard to diet when you're cooking for or eating with a family. I hate exercise, too, so truthfully I don't do it much. When I do, it's the Ab Circle Pro or Winsor Pilates DVD. I have the Core Rhythms, too, but got off track with that and would like to get back to it. I'm just about the laziest person I know. :p


Well, as for what I did different.... I went back 100% on my low-carb, only with a couple of twists and incorporating a JUDDD-like approach. I've known from all of my diets in the past that LC is really the only one that doesn't create cravings and that I really feel good on. I was so ticked off at gaining those 2 pounds that I went a step further with the LC and I'm not even eating sugar alcohols, with the exception of gum and 1 sugar-free jello per day. To incorporate the JUDDD, I'm not technically counting calories, but am restricting myself every other day. For example, I'm eating a lot of chicken, so on my "DD" I take the skin off and eat a smaller serving. I only have steak on an "UD." That sort of thing. I have to tell you ladies, I feel amazing! I haven't had a migraine since I switched to this! It's like a natural appetite suppressant, too. Even on an UD, sometimes I'm barely hungry enough to eat. Like yesterday, I wasn't hungry all morning. I had a medium steak (no oil/butter) for lunch. Then at dinner time I made chicken, but realized I wasn't hungry at all, so I packed it up to bring for lunch today and had 1 oz of cheese and 1/2 c sugar-free jello. That's all I had all day and I'm still not hungry this morning, even though I've been up since 4:00am. I've been weighing every other day just for kicks and I've been losing 1/2 to 1 pound per day! I'm sure that will level out, but right now I'm ecstatic about it!


This weekend was pretty rough with DD and yesterday was an insanely emotional day for me. But I'm reading like a fiend learning about this illness so I can stay sane enough to help her. You're so right about the sad girl inside her, Elizabeth.... as bad as it is for me, she's living in her personal hell 24/7. I do keep reminding myself that eating because I'm upset will not fix anything and will not make me feel better. I love what you said, Elizabeth, about winning. I'm going to post a note on my fridge that says, "I WIN!" :D


Nora~ Awesome awesome awesome! Don't you love those milestones? You and Misty both had big ones these last weeks, now just think how close the next one is!


Misty~ How did hubby's b-day go? Did you guys do anything special? I mean stuff you can talk about, that is. heheeee ;)


Elizabeth~ Good for you crawling out of that ditch! (hilarious!) I have a great feeling about your weigh-in and you've got all week to make sure it's a success. You can do it!!!


All right, I've rambled enough, back to the grindstone for me. Or at least pretending to be at the grindstone while dreaming about cruising... :)

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Good Monday morning, ladies!


Elizabeth ~ I like your thoughts on hubby's piercing reaction. Sounds very sensible and I can see where husbands could feel that way. However, I'm almost positive it just simply has to do with the way my husband views things, i.e. his close-mindedness. He even mentioned how it's not "normal," and asked how many 30 year olds I know have nose rings. I told him I'm not one to follow the crowd anyway, so I don't care. If I like it, I like it. I don't need society to tell me whether or not I like something, whereas I guess he does. If most 30 year old moms had their noses pierced, he'd tell me to go for it. He's so concerned with image, I guess. And the majority of his family and friends are really conservative, too, so I guess he's afraid of their reactions.... His parents visited this weekend. While he and his father were off doing something, I talked to his mom about it. She couldn't understand why he reacted that way. She said it was my body, do what I want. Hehe, let's see him argue with Mama! :) I'm still trying to decide if I want it bad enough to endure his reaction....


Nora ~ Awesome, awesome job on the loss! You're doing such a great job! Yes, we're taking Lexi trick-or-treating. This will be her second Halloween. She's going as a duck. Duck was actually her first word. For several months, she carried around a miniature rubber ducky at all times. The theme of her first b'day party was yellow and pink duckies. :) I even made a duck-shaped cake for her. He's kinda silly-looking, but I was proud of him. I'm not the artistic or creative type, so I was impressed that I pulled it off.



Tammy ~ OMG, 7 lbs!!!! That's incredible! That's astounding! That's wonderful! YOU GO, GIRL! lol I so wish I could do low-carb! I mean, I could if I really tried, but I'm the opposite on low-carb. I turn into Super B**ch. It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's super b**ch! My body just doesn't dig it. I'm sorry you had a rough weekend with your daughter.... I so hope something starts to help the both of you very soon! What can be done for people with her disorder? Counceling only, or meds, or what? Oh, and yes, we enjoyed Jason's b'day. We didn't do anything really "special." His actual b'day was Thursday. I made the brownies he requested. After we put the baby to bed, we ate one while kicking back with a movie. Then this weekend, his parents visited and his mom brought his other favorite dessert, Cherry Yum Yum. We had a nice day visiting with them and watching Lexi play with her cousin, Ryan.


Brandy ~ As for the taste of the Protein Water, I've only tried the pink lemonade flavor. It is very similar to Crystal Light. I buy the little individual packets that you mix in a bottle of water. Somedays, they do an excellent job suppressing my hunger. Others, nothing could possibly help it, so all in all, I recommend them. Thanks to you mentioning the On Demand exercise stuff, I checked it out, and 30 Day Shred is available there! I've been wanting to try it for a while now, so I plan to sometime this week. I kinda gave up on the On Demand stuff a while back because I could never find anything I liked. I'll give it another go! Thanks!


Colleen ~ Welcome! As for exercise, I was doing so well doing it 6 days/week, but a few weeks ago, my baby quit sleeping well, so I used that as an excuse to miss a few days. Then a few more. Then a few more... You get the idea. I've yet to find my rhythm again. For me, I like to work out first thing in the morning and get it over with. Otherwise, I'll make excuses throughout the day and eventually just not do it. So, the mornings of Up Days were hard for me (having not eaten much the day before). When I first wake up, I want to eat something, but if I eat, then I can't exercise immediately, blah, blah, blah. So, my plan is to eat something very light first thing in the morning, like a cereal bar or something, just enough to stave off the hunger but not enough to feel full. Down Day mornings are much easier to work out. I like the way I feel when I work out, both physically and mentally. And I KNOW I look better when I do. Again, welcome, and good luck to you!


Oh my goodness, I've written a novel already! Okay, I'll summarize my weekend. I (stupidly) decided to have 2 back to back Up Days on Saturday and Sunday thanks to MIL's Cherry Yum Yum sitting in the fridge and seducing me, so I know my loss won't be great this week. :(


Have a great day!

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Hi All

Welcome Colleen! I understand about CPS. I was a pediatric home care nurse for years.

Had my heartbroken too many times.


Misty- Cool cake.I am not crafty either.


Thanks for all the kuodos on my weight loss.


had another crazy 'full moon' weekend at the nursing home.


Just waned to pop in and say Hi


Will post more tomorrow.


Have a good night!


Nora :D

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Well I made it through my first DD yesterday. Wasn't bad at all. And today, I'm pretty sure I ate significantly less than when I wasn't dieting so I think this will work for me. I weighed today ( I know, I know). I weigh 259...which is 4 down from when I left work on Thursday. I have a scale right by my desk at work so I can't NOT weigh like 3 times a day. But...I don't have one at home so it isn't an issue there. lol.

I thought it was cute because when I got home from work today I was eating supper my husbad made (steak, salad, potato). My 8 year old looked at my plate and mumbled "must be your up day!" lol.

I've only been doing it 2 days and my own kids already know enough about it. I think I can do this diet. I really do.

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Misty~ LOVE the ducky!!! That's awesome!

~ For that disorder, from what I'm reading, sometimes they use meds, but not always, and of course behavioral and cognitive therapy. We see the psychiatrist tonight. I'm a little nervous because many doctors are reluctant to diagnose children with this and many have no experience with it. I'm just praying our doctor does.


Colleen~ You're off to an awesome start! I don't know how you can weigh your self during the day without it being discouraging! Good for you! And 4 pounds down already is a FANTASTIC start! That's great that you've got your kids onboard, too! They'll be brutally honest, keeping you on track and it will help them to know why sometimes you're not eating what they are.


Nora~ You must be very patient to work at the nursing home. I must be in a punchy mood, because when I read "full moon at the nursing home" I imagined all these elderly folks in hospital gowns bending over. LOL

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Weighed in. Gained 0.6. Dammit.


Recommitting. Less junk. More exercise. Fewer back-to-back UDs unless absolutely necessary.


Yesterday's DD was 270 calories. I'm off to workout now. Good luck all.


7/13 215.2

7/20 211.4

7/27 210.2

8/03 210.6 (started JUDDDD)

8/09 206.4

8/17 207

8/24 204.6

8/30 202.6

9/06 202.2

9/14 200.6

9/21 199.8

9/29 198.4

10/6 199

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Misty~ What a bummer! Two UD's in a row killed me, too. I think if I were going to do JUDDD without the low-carb, I'd take my chances with two DD's in a row when I needed to switch.


BUT... DON'T LOSE YOUR MOTIVATION!!!! You're still 16 pounds down and that's fantastic! And you know that .6 lb can come from a little extra salt, water retention, just about anything.

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Thanks, Tammy! I think next time I need to alter my schedule, I'm going to try a true "medium" day. I've never done one before. I don't know that I could handle 2 DDs in a row, but maybe a DD then a 1,000 calorie day where I actually count and monitor. I think I will give that a shot next time. This whole week should work with "true" alternation and will give me 4 DDs before next weigh in, so surely next weigh in will be better...


Worked out this morning (well, sort of...I'm sooooo out of shape, I had to take lots of breaks during the Slim in 6 DVD). I just finished cleaning my car (hardcore exercise there!). I'm not going to lose steam!! I CAN DO THIS!

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You bet you can Misty - you are doing really well and won't let a little speedbump bring you down! Are you taking the resveratrol? Maybe it would make a difference; I'm considering that next (btw - great duck!)


Nora, are you still using the resveratrol? if i recall, you felt it was giving you more energy at one point - anything else to report about it? has anything lead you to believe the sirt1 has been activated?


HI COLLEEN and welcome! It would depress the hell out of me to weigh in all the time - Cecil does it every day:eek:. I'm supposed to every week but if I know I've had a crappy one, I delay the weigh in and hope for a happy number...fingers crossed for this friday! Don't be too hard on yourself as far as that wt gain is concerned - not just a case of liking food and not liking exercise: you had 3 pregnancies during that 10 yrs! but you are young and determined so I know you'll soon get a handle on this. Btw - loved Galveston - went to the mardigras in 08 pre-cruise (conquest); wonderful place.


Tammy, I am so glad you've found what works for you and really happy about the migraines disappearing:D Years ago I had full blown migs that lasted for days and had me crawling close to the floor in the dark - wouldn't wish that on anyone - okay, maybe one or two...


Very strange day at work - had a new system installed and it's much more efficient so a couple of us have next to nothing to do all afternoon:( - I'm a bit nervous that my friend may lose her job - she was the last hired - but the 2 of us have sufficient work to keep one of us busy


dd today and I am embracing the hunger Misty!! Do you think if I squeeze it hard enough I'll kill it? ;) I'll try...


have a great day all! - elizabeth

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Good Morning!

Just had a thunderstorm blow past. A little unusual for this time of year. Supposed to have high winds all day as well. Hope it does not make the power go off. Makes my work day longer.

Elizabeth- Yes still taking the Reservatol. Not sure about the sirt1 thing but I do feel good.


Do any of you plan to get the Flu shot or H1Ni? I usually do not get the shot. I did this year as I am directly working with sick people. Had my flu shot on saturday and (knock wood) no side effects. I plan to get the H1N1 when it is available.

DH and I had some type of flu at the end of May. He had just returned from a conference in Florida. It was awful. I ached everywhere. And it was my birthday too.

What a bummer. The shots are worth it not to feel that way again!


Have a great day. Will check in later!


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Elizabeth ~ Yes, I know what you mean about being wary when new systems make work more efficient... That's what happened to me when I worked. I was a truck driver coordinator for Walmart Distribution. We were responsible for updating the drivers' movements so they would get paid correctly. Then they brought in a system that automatically updated drivers' movements... So I got canned. I was low man on the seniority pole on my shift (with 9 years), so I got the boot. Luckily, another position in the office opened up, so I was able to take it, but I was booted from my beloved weekend shift (I worked Sat, Sun, Mon, 12 hour shifts with some of the greatest people in the world!) and got stuck on M - F without my weekend peeps. Ah well....it all worked out...I ended up getting pregnant and quit. LOL. :D


Nora ~ We don't plan on getting the flu shot. We've never gotten one... My mom heard something about how flu shots are toxic (made with mercury), so I'm wary... I've been reading about how Vitamin D can help ward off sickness (apparently, this is what the Chinese do), so I'm giving it a shot and hoping like you-know-what it's enough! I hate to make Lexi get more shots....Feels like she gets so many as it is....and the whole "do vaccines cause autism" debate scares me.


Yesterday's UD was good. I ate rather sensibly and exercised, so I'm feeling good. I'm going to attempt to lower my DD calories, too. I looked at the calculator this morning, and evidently I'm supposed to be around 400 on DDs now. Yikes. I'm fine with having 400 when I THINK I'm allowed 500... Then I feel like I'm doing really well when I stay around 400, but I have wiggle room if I need something else to eat. Now, knowing 400 is my number might make me resentful. Funny how much of this is psychological, isn't it???


Well, my kitchen is upside down and I have laundry coming out my ears, so I better get to it. Y'all have a wonderful day!

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