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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Good morning, Ladies!


I lost 4 more pounds this week! YAY! I was mostly excited because that puts me just over the 20# mark. I'm leaving for my cruise 3 weeks from today and would LOVE to get another 10# off.


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165




Elizabeth~ WOW, good for you making it through an AWF! You rock!!! And back on track with the scale moving the right direction. WHOOHOOO! I feel your pain with the birthday cake. A lady I work with made some heavenly looking peanut-butter-chocolate things today for bosses day. And where are they? On that ******* food table right next to me!!!! (Don't worry CC, I bleeped myself :p) I'm very thankful I've not had even one bite of sugar or flour now again for a month and although they smell really great, I'm not feeling the deep craving like I normally would.


Ellen~ I agree, how FUN! A few years ago I cruised the week before Halloween and all the staff dressed up pretty much all week. It was VERY fun! I'm not creative to help with costume ideas, but I'm sure you'll find yourself something perfect. What fun to do a girlfriend's cruise, too! I'm going on the Fascination next year with my family, so I too am looking forward to your review!


Misty~ So sorry you're blue! Are you familiar with VeggieTales? You have to get online and search for a youtube or something where you can watch Madame Blueberry singing "I'm So Blue." I sing that to my nephews or my daughter when they're bummed about something and it cracks them up. As for books.... I don't know if I've been able to hide it very well on this board or not, but I'm actually a TOTAL NERD. I love classic literature, especially Russian. My favorite is Dostoyevsky. I'm also a complete Shakespeare freak. My all-time top 5 are The Merchant of Venice (not technically a book, but still), The Brothers Karamazov, The Great Gatsby, Farenheit 451 and To Kill a Mockingbird.


Brandy~ UD for you if I'm not mistaken. YAY!

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wow Tammy I'm so excited for you!!! Well done; the pounds are just melting off. I couldn't go without bread though so can't do the flour thing but have replaced most of our sugar intake.


Haven't known you for long but I feel you really deserve something good in your life right now. I'm sure you are really going to love trying on clothes, catching glimpses of yourself in the mirror, planning for this cruise and I'm so happy for you! Back to work;) elizabeth

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Hi Everyone!

Happy Friday :D


Stayed the same again this week. Did cheat a bit and had some chocolate. Oh well onward and upward.


Books- Tammy Fahrenheit 451 is one of my all time favorites. I don't like typical science fiction. I have re-read this book several times.I wish they would make a movie of it. There was a movie made back in the '60s a British flick but it was so dumb. I usually read Murder Mystery books. I love James Patterson's books with the character Alex Cross. Also love Patricia Cornwell and her books with Kay Scarpetta in them.

One thing about this book club is I have read books I would never have read before. Last month we read "Tender at the Bone" by Ruth Reichel. It is non-fiction. Ruth is a food critic for NY times. It is about how she learned to cook and love food and grew up with an un-medicated manic depressive mom.

This Month we are reading " The Reserve" by Russell Banks not sure what it is about.


Here is a suggestion for mystery-thriller. "Shutter Island" By Dennis Lehane. He also wrote "Mystic River" which was a great movie. Shutter Island has been made into a movie and is due out in a few months.


Have to run. Also working at the nursing home this weekend.

Have a good day!


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Nora~ After cheating and chocolate, maintaining is GREAT! Hang in there with the nursing home this weekend. Hopefully no full moon??? :) I can see what you mean about reading books you wouldn't otherwise read. That would be a great benefit.



Elizabeth~ I totally agree. I'm so ready for something good in my life!!! *sigh* For the most part, I'm pretty good at remaining positive and thankful for things. So many have it so much worse. Sometimes it just seems so constant. As Nora said, "upward and onward!" And you're so right about trying on clothes. I've been doing that. 2 days ago I tried on my favorite dress. I couldn't even think about wearing it on my last cruise in February, but I will be able to this time! I'd like it to be a little looser and "swingier" than it is now, I think 10 more pounds would make it a perfect fit.

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Good Sunshiney Sunday morning, ladies!


Elizabeth ~ Great job on the loss! You're rocking it, girlfriend! You're inspiring me to attempt an AWF! Maybe I will one day this week. My husband had talked about trying JUDDDD now that the cruise is less than 6 weeks away. :eek: But he said he'd probably fast every other day. I was like, yeah, of course you would. You just gotta out-do me! lol Oh, did you ever get Cecil to give you the lower-cal pumpkin pie recipe?


Tammy ~ I forgot to search for the Veggie Tales song, but I will. Oh, and I'm currently bowing down, doing the Wayne's World "I'm not worthy" chant. You're so rocking the weight loss right now! I'm happy for you... and just a little green with envy, lol. :) And I think your book selections are impressive! I'm more of a trashy novels gal, myself :p Oh yeah, I did check out the website you suggested. I saw something yesterday that would have been perfect for it. My husband and I were at Gander Mtn. (it's a sporting goods store, if you guys aren't familiar), and we saw a man with a medical-looking patch of some sort over one eye. Using his one good eye, he was staring down the barrel of a shotgun that was on display. In my head, I was thinking "FAIL!" lmao


Nora ~ I also love James Patterson, especially the Alex Cross series! I also like the Women's Murder Club ones...you read those? I kinda got away from the murder mystery genre over the last few years. After Lexi was born, all I read was self-help books for parents (how to get your baby to sleep, books about colic, etc.) and just recently got back into reading. I love a good heartwarming animal tale, like Marley & Me, My Angels Wear Fur, Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul, etc. I (reluctantly) started the Twilight series a few months ago, and little did I know I would absolutely ADORE them! I know they're written for the young adult genre, but I couldn't help myself! Great reads! I hope your weekend at the nursing home went smoothly...


Brandy, Colleen, Ellen, hope you guys are well!



I'm feeling much better. I think it was a mixture of PMS and the weather (rain....lots and lots and lots of rain). I feel some energy returning. I was getting so irritated with the fact that I clean my house and two seconds later, Lexi has toys and books scattered from one end to the other, the dog has shed another pound of hair onto the carpet, and my husband has walked in the door and put a bunch of crap on the kitchen table (our family's "catch-all" spot), and I just didn't feel like I had the energy to keep cleaning, although I feel like my job as a SAHM now is to keep a tidy house, so it was lethargy mixed with irritation mixed with guilt. lol. That was one heck of a run-on sentence. :) At any rate, I'm feeling up for the challenge again. :)



I couldn't decide whether to weigh in this morning (6 days after last weigh in) or wait until Tuesday (8 days)... I went ahead and took a peek, and I'm down 1.4 lbs. this week. I'm happy with that!


7/13 215.2

7/20 211.4

7/27 210.2

8/03 210.6 (started JUDDDD)

8/09 206.4

8/17 207

8/24 204.6

8/30 202.6

9/06 202.2

9/14 200.6

9/21 199.8

9/29 198.4

10/06 199

10/12 198

10/18 196.6

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Happy Monday!


Well another crazy weekend at the nursing home. Can't blame it on the full moon this time.

Had alot of cold symptoms going through the place and staff calling in sick.


Tammy and Misty- congrats on the losses! You guys are rocking it.


Ellen- Did you get buried in snow this weekend? I saw that NE Pa was hit. Just cold up here in Syracuse.


Elizabeth- we are going into our Indian summer this week. I love it. My favorite time of year.


Brandy- Hope things are well with you!


Have a great Monday!



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Happy Monday everyone:


Nora - We didn't get much of anything where I live but just an hour away in State College, they got about 6 inches and power was out. We dodged a bullet with that one.


Well I was so excited when I weighed in on Sunday morning to find out that I'd lost another 4.5 pounds this week !!!! Even with switching up my days and throwing a MD in there, I still had a big drop. I think this week convinced my DH that he was going to give this diet a try too. So he's starting today and we'll both be on a DD today. Woohooo....this means no cooking for me every other day !!! OMG...I LOVE THIS DIET !!! LOL.

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Ellen!! way to go! Having fun trying on clothes?


Misty - I'm so happy for you! You are so well established in Onederland, it is clear you are putting down roots to stay there. You must have dropped a couple of dress sizes? Good luck with the awf - I don't think I could have done it if I had a toddler to chase. Have you considered the possibility you may have SAD (seasonal affective disorder)? Some of us are more affected than others by grey days. A friend of mine who lives in Vancouver (always bloody cloudy there) has a special lamp she uses to indoor "sunbathe" - she says it does wonders for her. I spent my youth in England and it was a hellish adolescence; I wonder now how much those endless grey skies contributed to it. Anyway, I am so glad you are feeling better!:D


Tammy - visited failblog and still LMAO!! have passed it around. I don't like reading Shakespeare (lazy brain syndrome;)) but love seeing it performed; we are fortunate to have a world class theatrical troupe here in toontown - Cecil used to work with them as a fundraiser and lighting tech.


Nora - enjoy those warm, sunny, autumn days. I like Patterson too, both the alex cross and the women's murder club.


Today's an ud for me. Yesterday I cleaned off all our exercise equipment and am ready to work out tonight (have been taping "biggest loser" episodes - which we traditionally only watch while exercising). My neck feels less fragile - finally - and I can't wait to start getting (carefully) back into regular exercise.


have a great day everyone! - elizabeth

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Elizabeth ~ I'm not real sure about sizes... It's embarrassing to admit, but I was still wearing my maternity pants up until a couple of months ago, at which point I bought a couple pairs of size 18W jeans. Last weekend, I went shopping and bought a pair of regular size 18's from Old Navy, and in my opinion, Old Navy jeans always tend to run a little small, so I was happy with that.


I got up to 233 when I was pregnant. A few weeks after giving birth, I got down to 203 at which point I tried shopping for jeans (again, at Old Navy) and couldn't fit in size 20. I gave up. Then my weight steadily climbed back up to 215.


Anywho, now a size 18 and shrinking. :D

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This isn't JUDDD related, but I hope I can still get your input.


My cruise is at the end of November. We did not take the insurance, so if we back out or can't go for any reason, we forfeit the money. My MIL, FIL, and nephew are going with us, so they would also be super-disappointed if my husband, daughter, and I couldn't go.


I have purchased tickets for two different concerts in November. I am going with some other family members, but my husband is not going (not his kind of music).


Now it has occurred to me that I'm going to be in a building with thousands of other people (in relatively close contact), some of whom are bound to be sick.


Do I go to the concerts and just hope for the best, or play it safe and stay home?

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Good morning everyone!


Ellen~ WOW! You go girl! Another 4.5 lbs is amazing! I bet you'll find it a lot easier if your hubby does it with you. Very cool :) Hey, I keep wondering what your screen name means.... are you willing to share the meaning with us???


Glad you guys liked that website. I'm still laughing about some of them. Misty~ I'm cracking up about the guy at the store with the gun! That's priceless!!!!


Elizabeth~ In the theme of our trying on clothes, I went to the store a few days ago and just for kicks tried on a couple of pairs of 12's. I must be right in between sizes. The 14s I'm in are too loose, but the 12s were just a bit too tight.


I REALLY want to lose 10 more pounds before my cruise, but I'm afraid I'm holding steady this week and don't think I'll have a loss. I haven't cheated, but have been having a lot more store-prepared chicken than in did in weeks past. So I cooked up some of my own for the rest of the week, so that I know there's no oil or anything. And no skin. I just really know 10 more pounds would put me into the next size and I would feel awesome on my cruise! We'll see!


Misty~ I definitely understand your concern with all the flu that's going around. We have about 25 schools in our area that are closed this week due to illnesses. I think you should load up on Vitamin C, Echinacea, Zinc, etc... and still go enjoy yourself. You could just as easily catch something at the grocery store or from hubby bringing it home from work, etc. Or even on the plane on the way to your cruise! I think if I were going to get something, I'd rather have it before the cruise and get it over with! After each concert, go home and bathe in sanitizer! LOL


As for the flus and H1N1, I also heard that rinsing/gargling with saltwater and swabbing inside your nostrils with a cotton swab dipped in saltwater is almost as effective as the vaccine. The germs that have to proliferate to take hold, can't do so in saltwater.

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Misty - I would definitely go to the concert. You're not in the age range to be in the highest risk group, which means your body should already have some built in antibodies to the H1N1 flu. Just take the usual precautions of washing your hands and staying away from someone who's obviously sick and coughing or sneezing and you should be fine. I actually did get an H1N1 flu shot, but I work in a hospital and we're in one of the high risk groups.


Ok....the explanation for my screen name LOL. It's kind of silly and the only reason I ended up with this name was because I tried a variety of other things that were already taken. Ok, so I made the mistake of telling DH that I never really liked my name (Ellen)....it seemed so old fashioned when I was a kid and I always wanted my name to be something cool like KELLI (with an I of course !!!)... (I think I knew a girl in elementary school named Kelli that I must have thought was cool lol). Anyway....big mistake telling DH because ever since then I get cards and gifts addressed to "Kelli" "aka Kelli" "Kelli wannabe", etc. Also, when things happen around the house DH asks me if "kelli" may have done that. Maybe she's my evil alter-ego LOL. SO after multiple attempts to pick a screen name here I figured noone would have tried "alwayswantedtobekelli" soooooo the sceen name was born. My DH laughs everytime he sees me logging on.

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Just a quick post. My oldest sister had total knee replacement surgery today and all is well.

She never married or had kids so I look out for her.


I will post when I get a second.


Hugs to all ;)



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Thursday so it's an all water day. Good thing too. Tuesday was a wash out (pun intended). One thing lead to another and before you know it, 500 cals became 1200!!!! all in the space of the 2 hours after I got home from work. At least with a water day I dont' even START eating!


Misty - my first impulse was to say, "go out and enjoy yourself; just take a bottle of handsanitizer and use it every time you touch something and avoid eating and drinking anything exposed"; I don't know about your neck of the woods but here, recent studies have shown the highest risk group to be basically healthy young women in their 30's. Very weird. Maybe it's mutating as it moves around and the main vulnerable group there is some other demographic.


As for continuing to use your maternity pants a while back - how clever of you! Why would you invest a lot of money in a wardrobe for a temporary size?


Can't believe how fast the cruise dates are coming up for so many of you. I am really looking forward to the cruise but dreading the flights. We have to change at Denver and have an hour to do so, including going through customs. I've developed a phobia about enclosed places so will be medicated. I used to love to fly, and have since I was 10. Then back in 2004 I found myself settling in for a vacay in Cuba and suddenly I couldn't breathe and was desperately hunting for a way to get off before the plane took off without ruining Cecil's holiday. So I will be in a dopey-daze while Cecil maneuvers me through the airport:o


Loved the Ellen/Kelli story. I changed my whole name back in 1987 - best thing I ever did for myself.


Nora, hope your sister is better soon. Most of the people I know who have had this surgery have never looked back, it's worked so well for them. Not quite as well for seriously overweight people though. My sister had it when she was quite big and it was agonizing.


Hey Brandy! Haven't heard from you in a while. Are you okay?


Tammy: we're close to the same size then. I am in most of my 12's - especially the low risers as I carry a lot of my wt around my waist. My belly gets big faster than my rear and legs. I bought a pair of sz 13 natural waist pants for the office last weekend - people at work commented on my smaller lower half (I'd been wearing some pretty baggy pants I guess!); It was very gratifying:)


Speaking of work - gotta go! Have a good one all and wish me luck as I swim my day away;) - Elizabeth

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Still here. It's been a busy week.


My youngest just turned 3 on Monday and we had a party for him (UD for me).


Tuesday was spent at the dentist office for all 3 kids appointments. I felt like I was living there that day. (youngest son's appointment was at a different time than the other 2)


Wednesday, youngest son had speech therapy. Then we spent time at my mom's and last our church's kids program


Today, my daughter woke up sick, so we spent most of the morning at the dr's office. Strep and Flu swabs both were negative, so we aren't sure what she has. Today is a dd and I am so hungry, even though I've had a Clif Bar and a banana. I feel like I stay hungry on dd's.


Elizabeth, good luck with the water fast. That seems to be a better way to do a dd, but I just don't really like water very much, it would be hard for me.


Nora, Hope all is well with you. Hope your sister recovers quickly.


Ellen, Your screen name and story are so funny. Very memorable. My screen name is just my first 2 kids initials B & G 's mom. I have had it for so long at so many different sites, that I just didn't add in my last ds. It would be too hard to remember which boards used which name.


Tammy, that is interesting about the salt water and flu vaccinations. I've never heard that before.


Misty, I'm not sure what I would do in your shoes. I guess I would weigh the pros and cons very carefully. If the concerts are a 1 in a lifetime chance, then I would go, if not, then I might hold off or just go to one. Tough decision.


Well, I need to go finish up the laundry. Hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow!

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Lost another pound!! Yes I would prefer for it to be several but a pound is a pound and I didn't expect it to fall off me at my, ahem, great and venerable age.


Boy Ellen you sound busy! Glad to hear from you again


Here are my numbers:


aug 10: 187

aug 19: 181

sep 11: 177

oct 9 : 177

oct 16: 176

oct 22: 175


have a great weekend all! Keep your eyes on the prize:D - elizabeth

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Happy Friday, Ladies!


I had my weigh-in today, too. I didn't think I would lose, so boy was I happy... 2 more pounds! I really want to lose 8 more before my cruise in two weeks, but I suppose I'll take what I've got and be happy with it! I got out my dress pants that I really want to be able to wear on the cruise, but I think I'll have to wait until February.


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163


Elizabeth~ Good job! I bet that AWF the day before weigh-in helps! I did a VERY DD yesterday. I only had 1/4 cup of cottage cheese and 6 oz of chicken prepared with no oil or butter, just seasonings.


If this tells you anything, I had a dream this morning that I was on a vacation and had two big pieces of pumpkin bread. When I finished the first one, slathered with butter (yum) I panicked and thought, "Oh CRAP! I'm not supposed to be eating this!" :eek: Then I woke up! LOL I think Misty's wearing off on me with her yummy pumpkin treats that she likes.


Brandy~ Whew! Take a deep breath. I can only imagine the running you must do with 3 young ones.


Elizabeth~ You changed your whole name??? Is there a juicy story behind that??? LOL


Nora~ You're such a giver! Working at the nursing home and taking care of your sister. I think that's awesome. I hope her recovery goes well. I agree, most people who have it are truly thankful.


Misty~ Hope your weeks is going well and that Lexie's not running you too ragged.

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Hey, fellow JUDDDettes!


Thanks to all on your input about the concert. The tentative decision (for now anyway) is to at least go to the one on Nov. 13. I figure if I do pick something up at that one, I've got over 2 weeks to shake it, and plus it was the more expensive of the tickets. I'm still up in the air about the other one, though, as it is only 8 days before cruise departure...


Ellen ~ Loved the screen name story. lol


Nora ~ Hope your sister is doing well and that you're taking care of yourself, too.


Elizabeth ~ I think a lot of people are like you in that they get anxious about flying. We've chosen to drive down to FL instead of fly mostly because my MIL is scared to death to fly. Good job on the water fast and the loss! Woo-woot!


Brandy ~ I got tired just reading your post! Girl, you need a vacation, lol!


Tammy ~ Still rocking the weight loss, I see! Great job! You're going to be sizzlin' hot when you board that cruise ship! :cool: I cracked up about your pumpkin bread dream!


Speaking of, I have realized I am a porn addict. That's right. Your eyes aren't deceiving you...I said porn addict. Food porn, that is! I heard (read) someone else use that expression recently and it just hit me...that's exactly what I do on DDs! Towards the end of the night while my husband watches something I'm not particularly interested in on TV and I'm starving to death, I pull up a recipe website and browse. I add recipes to my box and fantasize and make grocery lists. I know it sounds counterproductive, to look at pictures of yummy foods while you're starving, but for some reason, I do it. I like to see what's available for tomorrow, I guess!


And speaking of tomorrow, I have a wonderful day planned! My best friends are driving down (I live about an hour and a half away) and we're going Christmas shopping and having lunch and just hanging all day, no husbands, no kids! Well, almost no kids....2 of them are currently pregnant, so... :p I have a group of 5 girlfriends who have been my pals for years....3 since high school, 1 since late elementary school, and my best friend has been such since kindergarten (she's the doctor I have mentioned before). Neat, huh? The older we get, the harder it gets to arrange get-togethers, so I'm really looking forward to this!


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Mornin' Ladies!


Misty~ you CRACK me up! Food porn... that's hilarious!!!!


Elizabeth~ somehow I think I'm safe from disappearing! I did do the trying on clothes ritual a bit last night. I got into my "these used to fit me" bins and found some capris that I was hoping I could wear on my cruise. THEY ALL FIT!!!! I went to bed so happy with that!


I'm going to my parent's house after work and they're making spaghetti. So NOT on my plan, so they know I'm bringing my own food. This will be more of an UD, so that I can have my Lee's herb-roast chicken. My mouth is already watering!!!


Misty~ Your day today sounds awesome! I'm so glad you get to do that!!! Let us know how it goes!

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