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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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HI Everyone!


Went and got the Christmas tree today. Found it pretty fast too. We have beaten a weather record of no more that an inch a snow per day for 275 days! I guess we are getting a storm next week. It was nice picking out our tree with out shivering.


We do not cut our own. We go to a tree farm that is a little pricier and trees are cut daily. This one was being unloaded from the tractor when we got there.


Tammy- You rock girl! Did the magician cast a weight loss spell on you :)


Elizabeth- How are you doing. You have been quiet.


Misty- Welcome back!


Jennie- That is not bad at all of T-day weight gain..


Have a good night!



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I'm sure you guys thought I upped and left y'all. But I'm still here. Just staying busy is all.


Still doing the Juddd diet and did really well during Thanksgiving. I didn't pig out, so that's good. I haven't weighed myself all that often, but I have lost a total of about 13 lbs, which I'm very happy with. I would like to lose about 5-10 lbs, but really it is my stomach that needs the most work. i am okay with the rest of my body, but having 3 kids did a number on my tummy and I don't know if it will ever be the same. :o


Tammy, glad you had a great cruise. I couldn't see the pics, but hopefully you will get the back up and I can. And another 3 lbs lost, awesome!!!


Misty, I hope your cruise also went well. I'm not sure of the exact dates that you were going to be gone, so you may not even be back yet.


Nora, How fun to get your tree. I'm sure it looks wonderful. We use a fake tree and sometimes I miss the smell of a real tree.


Welcome, Patty. Yay for stopping smoking. That is a great accomplishment by itself. I'm sure the few lbs gained from that will be quickly lost.


Jennie, only a lb gained at Thanksgiving is not too bad at all. It will come off quickly. On my dd I like to eat a lot of soup. Some salad, but they don't keep me full very long. We eat chili and it doesn't have a lot of calories either. String cheese, pickles, and sugar free jello are good "snacks" My husband likes the 100 calorie packs as well. I try not to eat anything until lunch so I don't use up all my calories to quickly.


Elizabeth, I hope you are doing well also.


Well, let me get off here. I just wanted to check in with you guys.

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I'm back and it was great! I've blogged about it, attaching pictures, on Facebook, but I don't want to share a public link on here because I have pictures of my babygirl on there. Soooo....I tried to figure out how to send a private message to each of you, but I don't think we can, can we? The only other option I guess is for you each to give me your email address and I'll email you a link to my FB stuff, unless anyone else has another idea????

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Misty~ WELCOME BACK!!! I don't have a Facebook account, so I wouldn't be able to see... but did you have fun??? I sure hope so! Was there something you liked the best? The least? Did you try the warm chocolate melting cake??? I swear I could eat about 3 of them right now!

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You don't need a FB account to be able to see if I email you a link. It takes you directly to my post without you having to sign in or anything.


Yes, we had a blast! My favorite day was Nassau because we went to Blue Lagoon Island and did the dolphin encounter. Lexi's face was priceless! I wasn't too thrilled with the Fascination. It was nice and clean, but it lacked that "WOW" factor that we got on Navigator of the Seas.


Oh, yeah, we tried the Chocolate Melting Cake! Delicious! We only made it to the dining room twice, but we all had it both times. Loved it!

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Misty - I'm so glad you had a great trip! I would love to see your pictures too. I'm on Facebook. Will you please send me the link too?


Nora - Wow! I can't even imagine getting any amount of snow every day. We got a little bit here one day last week. It only snows a few times a year. I grew up in Missouri, and I miss having real snowfalls, enough to build a snowman. You can always tell a Texas snowman, cause there's usually not a big snowfall - so he has lots of bits of grass sticking out all over him. :)


Tammy - my son is 17 and his girlfriend is 16. They've been dating for a little over a year. She decided that she couldn't do the cruise. He was a little bummed about it, but he gets over stuff quickly. At least he has his big sis to hang out with. How old is your daughter?


BGsMom - good for you on staying in control on Thanksgiving! You sound like you are closing in on your goal. That is awesome! Yes, I eat soup on every down day. It's very filling.


Well, my weigh in was great this morning - I lost 3.5 pounds! I tried to practice some self control on the down days and make good food choices for the most part. At least I can have pizza and a brownie on an occasional basis. And I've currently been able to talk myself out of making more fudge. A couple of my daughter's friends who have been away at college are coming home this weekend, and have mentioned that they would like to have some, so I may break down here soon. I'll give most of it away though.


Hope everyone has a great week, with lots of holiday cheer!



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Misty~ Oh, I hope you're right! My email is tammy.hisler@gmail.com. Can't wait to see!!!!! I thought you might not like that ship after being on one of the big WOW ships. I can just imagine Lexi with those dolphins... how awesome! My parents did that in February and they even looked like little kids!


Jennie~ WHOOOHOOOOO! You ROCK! Did you do your happy dance after weighing in? As for the fudge making... one thing that helps me sometimes is to chew some peppermint gum. It's such a powerful flavor that it can sometimes overpower the smell and keeps your brain thinking you're getting food. Also make it when you're full. My daughter is 14. She has some pretty severe behavior problems right now, so I can't even consider bringing her on a cruise, but maybe someday. And your son will have SO many kids his age to hang out with. He won't even miss his gf. Just remind him not to tell HER that! LOL


Brandy~ I feel your pain about the stomach. I always tell my daughter I wouldn't claim her except them how could I explain these god-awful stretch marks? People have all these noble things they would do if they won the lottery. Not me... my tummy would be under the knife so fast! :D 13 lbs... that's AWESOME! You're doing fantastic!


Nora~ I thought about you yesterday as I did a little deep cleaning in my house. :)


Elizabeth~ psst... are you out there? Hope everything is okay. We miss you! :)



So I have some friends from my February cruise that are part of the group going again this next February ... well they just did a Mexican Riviera cruise the same week Misty was gone. They had an ATV accident on an excursion and the wife crushed her arm. She had to have surgery and stay two days in a hospital in Cabo San Lucas! They had travel insurance, but still had to pay out of pocket (he says $30K) and then have to file for the insurance. Can you imagine? I'd be stuck there, because I sure couldn't come up with that kind of money. I'm definitely buying travel insurance this time, though!


Y'all have a great night!

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Good Morning Ladies!


Jennie- congrats on the weight loss you rock!


Brandy- Good to see you. You are rocking this as well :D


Misty- Loved the pics. Your Lexi is an Angel and looks like her mom.


Tammy- I had an 'office husband' at my last job. He is a real nice guy. I was only one of 2 out of 130 co-workers invited to his wedding.When I met his wife at the wedding she gave me a big hug and said Dave speaks so highly of you. we still stay in touch.


Elizabeth- Do I need to send the Mounties out after you? We miss you. Maybe I will. Love to see those guys in their riding pants ;)


Patty-Hope things are good with you.


Have a big announcement!


Have not even told DH about this. I asked my doctor for a prescription for Chantix ( to quit smoking) and started it today. It seems when I try to quit DH smokes more!

It takes about 5-7 days to kick in and then smoking will not taste good or feel good.

I will keep you posted.


have a great day!


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Misty~ I didn't get an email :( Can you try to re-send it?


Nora~ WOW!!! Good for you! Let us know how we can help encourage you. I know that must not be an easy process. That's cute about the office husband. And good that his wife wasn't jealous! If my crush was my office husband, I would get NO work done. I was on a 3 month project with him last fall and we were wroking with about 12 other people in this tiny little conference room, but we were seated right next to each other. It was all I could stand. Perhaps I've just been single WAY too long! LOL

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Tammy ~ I emailed you again....I'm not sure why you didn't receive it the first time. This time, I copied and pasted directly from the email address you provided into the "to" part, so hopefully it went. As for your weight loss, you're doing so awesome! I lol'ed over Nora's comment about did the magician cast a weight loss spell on you! If so, send him my way! :p


Jennie ~ Evidently, you've had a run-in with Tammy's magician, too! Way to go, girl!


Nora ~ Good luck with the quitting smoking! I smoked when I was younger but somehow managed to not get addicted. I only smoked when out with friends so that I could "look cool." :rolleyes: My mom quit smoking a few years ago, though, with the help of a Nicotrol Inhaler. She still uses the inhaler some to help with cravings. I know it's not the greatest scenerio, but it has to be better than smoking! My brother tried the Chantix at the beginning of the year, but he just wasn't committed enough. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! Thanks for the Lexi compliment! Most everyone tells me she's her daddy made-over but that she's starting to take after me a little now as she gets older.


Brandy ~ 13 lbs! Woo-hoo! You're doing great! Glad to hear you're doing well.


Elizabeth ~ Hope you're okay and you can check in with us soon...


Sorry if I forgot to address something. Still got a sick baby at home. I'm keeping her entertained with some country music videos at the moment so that I can type this, lol. I finally got all my vacation laundry done, but I'm still working on cleaning the house. My vacuum cleaner died last week and I've ordered another one, but it's not scheduled to arrive until Thursday at the earliest. In the meantime, the dog hair accumulating in the carpet is driving me NUTS! Oh, and I'm still trying to finish up some Christmas decorating. We have the tree up, but nothing else. If it wasn't for the fact that we're hosting Christmas dinner at my house this year, I'd just say forget it! Anyway, I hope to check in again soon!

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Misty - I loved your pictures! Both your kids are just so cute. I loved their reactions to the dolphin kisses. Hope Lexi gets to feeling better real soon.


And yes, I love Tammy's magician as far as having a good week weight loss wise. If only I could meet up with him every week. It seems like I lose in spurts now - so different than when I was younger. I just looked at my stats that I'm keeping track of. I've been doing JUDD for 6 weeks. I lost 12 pounds total. Three of those weeks I didn't lose hardly anything or I gained. But overall, I'm losing more than I was with just trying to cut back and eat low fat/low sugar. And I like JUDD better. I really hope I can stick with this long term.


Nora - way to go making the decision to quit smoking! I'm sending postive thoughts and prayers for total success. I know that's a very hard thing to do.

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Misty~ I can't figure out what's wrong, I still didn't get it. I've quadruple checked to make sure I typed it right. Try my work email...




I'm so sorry Lexi's sick, hopefully nothing serious?



I do feel like this almost pure protein thing is a magic wand for me as far as the weight-loss goes. As for my cruise magician.... y'all can have his weight-loss abilities, I'll take the rest of him! LMAO! :D


Jennie~ 12 lbs total in 6 weeks is GREAT! Even if it's off and on, it's the overall that counts. Finding a plan you like is really the key!

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Thank you, Jennie, but only the little girl is mine. The boy, Ryan, is my nephew. He's my husband's sister's kid. I'll claim him, though! ;)


I know 12 lbs. in six weeks may feel slow, but you're doing awesome! I've never had a fast metabolism or ability to lose weight quickly, even when I was younger. They say it's optimal to lose 1-2 lbs./week, and you're doing that, so way to go!

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Misty~ Those are GREAT pictures! I don't know why, but I had Lexi pictured littler/younger in my head. She's SO adorable! You can tell that you guys had a lot of fun with her. From your blog it sounds like you guys really took it easy and got some relaxation, too. I'm sorry Jason and Lexi got sick. Spending 5 days with 2500 people sometimes does that. I've gotten sick after 2 of my cruises, but I usually forget to take my vitamins half the days, too. When I go in February, I'm going to try to double up on Vitamin C and be better about taking them onboard. I'm glad theirs held off until the end of the vacation. I know exactly what you mean about the ship lacking the WOW factor. I was a little worried about booking on that ship next October for that reason because I've already figured out that I like the big ships better. But when I go, it's not really my big vacation, it's sort of an "extra" and it'll be my sister's first cruise. It's still 11 months away and she's already so excited, like a little kid at Christmas, so it'll be really a BLAST to see it and experience it through her eyes. But for you, at least now you know too so that you can be sure to book one of the bigger ships next time.


In weight-loss news... I don't usually peek early at the scale, but did this morning. I won't post it as "official" yet, but it said 156.0.... that will make exactly 30 lbs lost! I was pretty happy!!! I shouldn't have any reason to blow it between now and Friday. We're under a blizzard warning starting at 1pm today, so my friends and I decided against our normal Wednesday night out. Today, they're catering in lunch from Fazoli's for my team to celebrate one of my co-worker's 25th anniversary with the company. It will of course be on the table 2 feet from my desk :mad:, but I brought my chicken and eggs, so I should be able to stay on course. Plus I have an errand to run at lunch and my lunch break will be right after they bring the food. The only thing that will be really tempting is the breadsticks. Have you gals ever had them from Fazoli's? OMG, they are SO good! Hopefully they'll be cold and not so good smelling by the time I get back to the office.


I'm just rambling and I'm working early shift today, 7:00-3:30, so I'll shut up now and get to work! :D Have a GREAT day everyone!

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OMG, you guys... I had to get off the scale and double check again. I lost 5.4 lbs this week! I honestly have no idea how, I didn't do anything different at all. I sure am happy about it, though!


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163

10/30 - 162

11/6 - 162

11/13 - cruise

11/20 - 165.2

11/26 - 161.8

12/4 - 158.8

12/11 - 153.4


I do have a challenge coming up next week. On Tuesday, our entire department (over 100 people) is having a holiday food day where almost every person will be bringing in food/treats/etc. I might just allow myself an OFF day. I'm such an all-or-nothing type, though, that I'm worried I'll really blow it. I guess I'll figure it out. I'm happy to report I did really good the other day and avoided the Fazoli's breadsticks. I swear I wanted to grab one and just suck the garlic butter right out of it!!! LOL


Anyone have exciting plans for the weekend? I'm going to try to steal my nephews for a while. I found a little craft thingy on a co-workers desk that I think they would love to make for little Christmas presents. I'll try to post a picture here... hope it works.


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Hi Everyone!

This week has gone by fast. It always does when I have to work the weekend. Just a bit north of us they got hit with 4 feet of snow. We only had 4 inches a few days ago.I just hope it does not swing south. I hate driving in bad snow so early in the morning.


Tammy- You are rocking it! Wow hats off to you.


Misty- how is Lexi and DH doing? Hope they are better!


Have a good weekend all!


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Good morning, ladies! I haven't been getting emails about new posts on here, so I was surprised to see that Tammy and Nora have posted recently! I was thinking everyone was so busy with this time of year that they hadn't had time to post lately...


Anyway, Tammy, you are my weight loss idol. :) That's so awesome! I feel ashamed even posting on this board right now as I've not gotten back on the wagon yet, and I'm still not sure when I will. I'll think, "Okay, I'm starting back tomorrow." Then it hits me that I have this, that, or the other going on this week, so I'm like what's the point in starting yet? I'll just wait until X, Y, Z is over. I may just end up waiting until the New Year. Oh, but wait...my friends' annual Christmas get-together is scheduled for Jan. 2, so... See!!! There I go again! Oh, and about the Vitamin C you plan on taking, there is recent research to suggest Vitamin D is just as important if not more important for immunity health, so make sure you're getting lots of D, too! Oh, and love the reindeer craft! I was looking at different Christmas crafts and gingerbread houses the other day thinking to myself when Lexi gets older, we're going to do all that stuff! Have fun with your nephews!


Jennie~ Thanks for finding me on Facebook!


Nora~ Sorry you have to work the weekend. :( As for Jason and Lexi, Jason seems much better, but Lexi's not much better. I thought she was getting there, but then yesterday she woke up all snotty and coughing again (sorry if that's TMI). She's had a whole week of antibiotics so far, so I don't know why she's not clearing up. If she still seems bad Monday, I'm taking her back to her pediatrician. Thanks for asking!


My mom and I had a little girls' night out last night for her (belated) birthday. I took her out to eat and to the movies to see New Moon (which was much better than Twilight, for all you Twilight junkies). It was a great night! This weekend, we're putting Christmas lights on the house (Jason insists since we're hosting Christmas dinner this year) and going to the scrapbook store to pick out paper. Every Christmas, we make my parents and Jason's parents a 12 month calendar using the best family pictures from that year and scrapbook paper to match the particular theme of that month's pictures (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Grandmother, Family, etc). We've done this for years now, and it's always our parents' favorite gift. We all decided not to buy for each other this year, only buy for the kids, BUT both sets of parents requested that they still get their calendars! :)


Hope y'all have a great weekend and STAY WARM!


(P.S. Elizabeth, still kinda worrying about you...please check in at your earliest convenience...)

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Hey Ladies!


Happy Monday!


Nora~ Did you survive the working weekend? Did the big snowfall miss you? I hope so!


Misty~ Thanks for the info on Viatmin D, I didn't realize that. I'll check my multi-vitamin to see how much is in there and if I should add more. I don't want to be a vitamin-addict (like my mom) but I know with my diet I'm not getting as many from foods. And OMG, don't you DARE feel ashamed posting, Girl! We're all in this together! I know exactly what you mean about always saying "I'll start after X" ... I'm terrible about that. It is SO hard with the holidays because not only are there tons of events, but they all seem to center around food, don't they? What about if you get a calendar and X or mark the days when stuff's going on. That way you can plan for those to be up days. Then you can try to work in some down days around them????? Would it help for it to be visual like that? I'm sorry to hear Lexi's not recovering quicker. You're right to follow up on it if it's not better soon. Some of these bugs that go around just need a couple of doses of antibiotics. Poor little thing. The snot makes them cough more, too, and then it's a vicious cycle.


I didn't end up doing the craft thing with my nephew. My washing machine broke last week, so I ended up working on that most of Saturday. I fixed it, though... YAY! I felt very empowered after that! LOL Then Sunday I painted my nephew's bedroom. They stay over usually around once a week so they have their own bedroom at my house and we picked out paint months ago and I just haven't gotten to it until now. It turned out really good.


For some reason, I'm having this terrible "I feel fat" day today. I drank pop all weekend, which I haven't been doing lately, so I'm sure I'm bloated. And if I'm bloated, it was a bad day to wear these pants. They fit good for the most part, but the cut is such that the waist is a little snug for me. I should have just thrown on some comfy jeans. I'm trying to guzzle water today, I hate this feeling.


Tomorrow's our big food day. It'll definitely be an UD for me, I'm just trying to figure out how to avoid the sugar stuff. I can feel myself slipping into my "comfort zone" where I tell myself I don't have to be as careful. I don't want to go down that slope. I'll probably be posting all day to avoid all the food!


My daughter has an appointment this afternoon at a new behavioral health place. Please wish us luck, send a prayer, send karma, or whatever you do.... She's been spiraling downhill and it's overwhelming for both of us. Neither of us feel like things can keep going the way they are.


Oh! Misty, I almost forgot... I love that calendar idea! What a special keepsake!


I'm rambling, so I'll zip it now! Have a great afternoon!

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Hi Everyone!


I had a busy weekend at work. Glad it is over.

We were missed by the snow! Sunday we had freezing rain and it happened while I was working so I did not have to deal with it.


I had my last cigarette this morning. It sure was tasting yucky!. So far so good.


I am concentrating on getting some type of exercise every day. I have the Exercise on Demand channel and did a 10 minute buns and thighs work out. Boy my buns were a burnin!


You all be good!



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Hi, ladies. I'm just checking in to see how you all are doing.


Misty - I'm sorry Lexi's not better yet. You are right to get her back in if she doesn't improve. She may need a different antibiotic, or it may be a viral thing. I hope whatever it is, it goes away soon - for good. I can so identify with the "I'll start after ___." I will put almost anything in that blank! If I'm being logical, I realize that anything I am able to do will at least help me not gain weight or not gain so much. But it's hard to be logical when chocolate is calling my name. Hang in there!


Tammy - your weight loss is incredible! It must just feel awesome. Good luck tomorrow with the food day at work! I'm saying a prayer for you and your daughter, to find the help that will truly make a difference. It's so hard to raise children, isn't it?


Nora - sounds like the Chantix is working! You will feel so good to have conquered this habit and have cigarettes out of your life.


My weigh in today was not too bad - I lost 1.5 pounds. I tried to be good this weekend. I got through the fudge making session without totally blowing it! And three 9x13 pans of fudge are sitting on my counter waiting to be divied up and given out as gifts. It was a busy weekend, which usually helps me avoid overeating. Saturday I went with friends to a holiday tour of homes, and yesterday I went to watch my son play lead guitar in a band he is in. He did a good job, and it was a lot of fun! And he finally decided to get his hair cut. It was getting real scraggly looking, and I was determined not to make an issue of it. I'm glad I held out and kept my mouth shut. My daughter came home for Christmas break.


Well, I hope everyone has a good week. I can't believe it is less than 2 weeks before Christmas!

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