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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Hello Ladies (and maybe guys). I just learned about this thread yesterday from one of the Conquest Crazies ladies. I hadn't heard of this diet before and I'm sad that I didn't know about it even before xmas.

I'm 29 days out from my next cruise and really wanted to lose at least 20 before then but I'll take anything this diet will help me with.

A bit about me. I'm Janey, 53yo and have actually had gastric bypass about 5 years ago and lost about 120 lbs in the 1st year, (I needed to lose about 160 total). But as time went on and my appetite finally came back I started snacking and over the ensueing 4 years gained back about 50 of the original loss.

I would eventually like to lose about 75 lbs. I think this will be a really great way to do it. I'm lucky that I can still get by on very little food and not feel deprived, I'm more worried about controlling myself on up days.

I do drink socially but I think I will limit my alcohol to only the occasional UD and then no more than 2 or 3 drinks.

My sister (Donna) and I live in Dallas and spring is on the way here so I'm going to encourage her to join me on the journey. She needs to lose about 100 lbs.

I look forward to chatting with all of you and maybe meeting on a cruise in the future. I've only sailed with Carnival and we'll be leaving on our 19th cruise on 2/21.

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Hi ladies! I don't have much time to post, so I have to make this quick...


I lost 0.8 lb this week. Not ideal, but still in the right direction, so I'm happy.


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163

10/30 - 162

11/6 - 162

11/13 - cruise

11/20 - 165.2

11/26 - 161.8

12/4 - 158.8

12/11 - 153.4

12/18 - 156.2

12/25 - Christmas

12/31 - 161.2

1/8 - 156.4

1/15 – 153.4

1/22 – 152.6



I got that mandarin sauce at Wal-Mart.


Welcome welcome welcome to the new gals! Glad to see such an active group!


Misty~ Yeah, I'm not doing a true JUDDD. Remember a while back I decided carbs are the key for me? I went to a very strict low-carb (almost no-carb) plan back in September. I'm eating primarily meat, eggs and cheese. While I'm not counting calories, I'm utilitizing the UD/DD concept by every other day being extra careful. For example, no sauces, condiments, skin on the meat, etc. So on my UD, I might have skin-on chicken or low-carb sauce (like the Mandarin sauce), etc. But on DD, I do no fats, no extras, and really watch my portions. No cheese on my DDs either, since it's higher in fat and cals. As you can see, this really works for me. And I have to say, I have never felt as good in my life. My migraines are almost down to nothing and I have more energy than I ever have. I'm keeping up with my doctor and getting everything checked regularly, taking a couple extra vitamins and the doc says I'm healthier than ever!


Sorry everyone that I have to run so quick. I'll try to get a bit more caught up this weekend or Monday. Everyone have a GREAT weekend!!!

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Tammy- what an inspiration you are! Love your attitude and perserverance. Great numbers!


Susan- I have only started, but with ready the prior posts on the diet, that low amount on UD might put your body in starvation mode. You may hit those plateaus because of it.



I could be wrong, does anyone else interpret the diet like that? I think the UD calories the calculator has me at is way high, if going to 1200 like Susan is would help me, I think I can do try, just makes me nervous to not follow the calorie calculator at first.


Anyone had good experience taking that eRservatol (?) I remember someone posting about it, but how many of you think it is an advantage?




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Welcome Janey,Beth and Ellen :D


I had tried the reservatrol. It was expensive and did not do that much for me. So I only took the one bottle.


I have to work this weekend so may not post again until Monday.


Tammyl- I know how you feel. I was too shakey doing a true JUDD so what I am doing is south beach with no carbs on DD and having healthy carbs and a treat on UD.


Went out to dinner last night to celebrate passing the test. I did something very unusual I did not stuff myself and I ordered dessert to go and took 2 bites and gave the rest to my DS that is a first for me.


Have a great weekend and be good to you! ;)


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Good morning! Only time for a super-quick post as I'm about to walk out the door! Busy weekend ahead!


Anyway, real quick, welcome Janey! And Tammy, good job on the loss! I can't believe how much weight you've lost! You're doing awesome!


I weighed this morning to get myself back on a Saturday weigh in schedule...Down 2.8 lbs since Monday! I'll take it! So good to see the scale moving in the right direction again!


7/13 215.2

7/20 211.4

7/27 210.2

8/03 210.6 (started JUDDDD)

8/09 206.4

8/17 207

8/24 204.6

8/30 202.6

9/06 202.2

9/14 200.6

9/21 199.8

9/29 198.4

10/06 199

10/12 198

10/18 196.6

10/26 195

11/06 195.6

11/13 195.2

1/18 208.8

1/23 206


Everyone have a fabulous weekend!

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Good Morning,


I need a little advice, please. What do y'all do during your hardest hours of the day? I want to eat the house down between the hours of 4pm and 8pm!! I am not kidding. Before 4, I am eating fruits and veggies, yogurt, fiber, chicken, fish, eggs and drinking tons of water. But when the clock strikes 4, holy cow!!!, and then after 8 I am good again. What gives? Those 4 hours are literally killing me. I haven't lost 1 lb yet, but I feel so gung ho about WW and JUDDDD. Please tell me what you do to stop from eating. I have 60 lbs to lose.


Thank you very much!


Hi Janey,

We live so close together! If you ever want to get together for a coffee or salad(I know I know) you can email me at michelle_dane@verizon.net. There is always room in my life for a new friend!


Take care Ladies,



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I read back in the old posts about someone trying a medium say to switch the order of the UD DD cycle for a special occasion. I can't find the explanation of it even though I spent awhile on the board looking. Can someone tell me about how to do a medium day and the results (good or bad) of your own experiences with?


My second DD today, wish me luck!!

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Welcome, Janey! You lucky girl, cruising in less than a month!! What ports will you be visiting? And I live fairly close to you to, in Fort Worth. I'd love to meet you and Michelle IRL. My email is jennietilton@swbell.net


Misty - way to go on the 2.8 pound loss! That must feel good, getting the scale to move in the right direction.


Vickie - I LOVE your idea for having cruises every three months for motivation to stay motivated to stay a healthy weight! Yes, that should definitely be worked into ur national healthcare plan! LOL


Susan - your menu looks great! Very healthy.


Tammy - you are doing great overall. I always get a little disappointed with the low weight loss weeks, too. But you have just done amazing!


Nora - that must feel good to have so much control with dessert! And on a celebration night, no less.


Michelle - during my times of temptation, I like sugar free gum and hot tea. I put chia seeds in my yogurt and EAS shakes - it keeps me full longer. And hoodia suppresses my appetite. Some brands work better than others. I haven't found any negative stuff on hoodia, but if someone else has, let me know. I don't want to be doing myself any harm here. And above, I told Janey that I live fairly close to you and her, in Fort Worth. I'd love to meet you all.


Ellen - I sometimes switch days. But I'm doing it a little different. I do MWF as down days, then Sat and Sun and up days, but try to not be too up. So if I have something on Friday night, I just make Friday an UD, and do a DD on Saturday. Hope that was not too much abbreviating. LOL


Well, my weigh in was OK this week - lost 1.4 pounds. I exercised a bunch, but since I was exercising more, I used it as license to cheat. Grrrr!


Got to go, my daughter and boyfriend are bringing his computer over for my husband to try to fix.



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So, 1st official weigh in and I lost 7lbs. I couldn't believe it so I reweighed on medical scales at work and it was true. Then I decided that it must be water weight. I have access to have my hematocrit checked and it was normal so I'm not dehydrated! I used a calorie counter computer program and stuck to 500 cal on DDs (MWF) and 2000 cal on UDs. I also try to get on the eliptical every day. I don't know. It could be a fluke but I'll take it. Let's see if I can keep it up.


Michelle - That 4-8PM time is really hard for me too. Especially when I have to make dinner for my 3 teenage boys. I found sitting with them at dinner with a big plate of salad and fat free spritz dressing made me feel inclusive and not as deprived. I also found that the Special K water was much more satisfing than any flavored water I have had.


Ellen - I live in Hockinson! We're neighbors! I'm trying eResveratrol. I found it at Grocery Outlet on 4th Plain blvd for cheap. I think it is working. I like my weight loss so I'll keep taking it.


Tammy & Misty - I want to mention how brave you are for listing your weights. To me, it's kind of like being up on the high dive and being really scared to commit to jumping because once you leave that platform, there's no going back. I need a few more weeks of this before I can be ready to jump like you.

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Thanks for the encouragement everyone, it really helps my attitude to see all your sucessful postings since this is my first week.


Vickie- small world! Funny we both began this week and live so close. Do you remeber how much you paid for the eResveratol? Wondering if it is worth the drive for me. I am up in Salmon Creek. Your first week #'s are sure encouraging.


My second DD wasn't so bad. Although I did find myself thinking about what to eat for breakfast for about an hour before I could get to sleep!

I have been on the treadmill everyday and doing the Wii active 30 day challenge for the past 5 days.


My cruise is March 19 on the new Celebrity Equinox, we usually sail with Princess so this is our first Celebrity cruise. I have an extra incentive to really push this plan because I have a business trip to Hawaii I am going on with my DH on March 7th. Would not want to be in summer clothes until some changes happen!!


I hope everyone has a fantastic week!


I am going to wait until my first week is over before I weigh in.

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Ellen - Here's a site that shows the nutri value of the Resveratrol I got for $9.99



It's not the same as the eResveratrol that Dr Johnson sells on the JUDDDD site. As soon as I bought a bottle I started noticing all different forms of Resveratrol all over the place. Costco even has a liquid form sold in a wine bottle.


I'm on my way to work my 3rd night shift in a row and have started my Monday DD. I already know it's going to be hard!!

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Good Morning,


I need a little advice, please. What do y'all do during your hardest hours of the day? I want to eat the house down between the hours of 4pm and 8pm!! I am not kidding. Before 4, I am eating fruits and veggies, yogurt, fiber, chicken, fish, eggs and drinking tons of water. But when the clock strikes 4, holy cow!!!, and then after 8 I am good again. What gives? Those 4 hours are literally killing me. I haven't lost 1 lb yet, but I feel so gung ho about WW and JUDDDD. Please tell me what you do to stop from eating. I have 60 lbs to lose.


Thank you very much!


Hi Janey,

We live so close together! If you ever want to get together for a coffee or salad(I know I know) you can email me at michelle_dane@verizon.net. There is always room in my life for a new friend!


Take care Ladies,




Hi Michelle, I can always use a new friend too..... There are quite a few of us CC people here in the DFW area. We get together every few months and in the spring usually have a big meet & greet at a hotel and people come from all over Texas and Oklahoma. You'll have to join us.

Most of us are Carnival fans and specifically Conquest Crazies..... Some of us have cruised together a few times and the big group (about 300) were on our 1st official CC Conquest Crazies Group Cruise back in September.

My email is janey4858 at sbcglobal dot net lets try to get together in March, I'm already in packing mode for my next cruise.

Today is my 1st day on the JUDDD diet. So far so good. Donna and I made what we call egg cups to have for breakfast this week. Basically it's just 1T of onions/peppers diced up and put in a regular muffin tin sprayed with Pam. Add 1/4 cup of Southwest flavored egg beaters and bake for 15 minutes at 350. Each "muffin" is 30 calories. I had 2 for breakfast around 7:30 and a cup of black coffee.

I brought 1 cup of raw cauliflower to snack on between meals (24 calories) and I'm going to have a whole can of Progresso Light Chicken Noodle soup for lunch (140 calories for the whole can.)

That will leave me around 250 calories for dinner and I'm either going to make a huge veggie omlette with egg beaters or I'm going to have a big salad with a pouch of tuna and 5 ritz crackers (80 cals)

I'm usually home from work around 4:30 so I may start incorporating a small salad when I 1st get home, to take the edge off, then go for a walk and have my dinner by 6pm.

I'm sure that some of you more experienced JUDDD's have found all the high volume low cal foods but I was very surprised to find already in my freezer some of those Birds Eye steamin fresh veg mixes and the whole bag was only 120 calories. And there are several WW Smartones frozen dinners that are between 160 to 200 calories. That will probably always be my lunch go to on UD's along with other lean meat/green veggie type stuff in the evening. My splurge on UD's is probably going to be potatoes or pasta.

But if anyone has any other low cal really satisfying suggestions or recipies please share.

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Wow, I am gone a few days and come back to a couple pages worth of posts to get caught up on. Welcome to all the new girls on here. There are several of you and I think it is great to have our group growing!


My church is still doing the fitness program and it is going really good. Well, except the part that I gained 2 lbs on week 2 and 1 lb on week 3. Hoping to not having gained anymore this week. :( I didn't do so well eating this week though, so not looking good. I just couldn't get on track, so I kind of did a whole week of medium and up days. Today is my first true dd since last Sunday. So far I have kept the calories low, of course it's only 1:15 in the afternoon, so hopefully I can make it.


I don't have enough time to respond to each post that I missed, but I did read them all. Hope everyone has a great week and I'll check in again- soon!

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hi all! just wanted to say I sure have missed everyone but have had some crises to deal with - wt was pretty much the last thing on my agenda lately-so haven't had the energy for much of anything but doing the "dogpaddle in the deep end" if you know what I mean. If we get medical go-ahead tomorrow, we will be heading out on the carnival Spirit next Saturday; Talk about down to the wire!!! I'm sure it will be wonderful, but quite frankly, a rest home in a peaceful setting sounds more apt at present rather than an exciting trip LOL.;)


Hope you all are doing well and are happy! Elizabeth

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I seem to be ok so far on my DD. The shakes aren't so bad, and what's a little hunger at bedtime :( I am sticking to the nothing after 7pm rule I made before starting the diet.


Janey- Thanks for tip on those egg cups. My daughter was on South Beach a while a go and they have a similar recipe with spinach and eggs. I forgot all about those, and your recipe sounds good. They are a quick breakfast to grab, she used to make ahead and freeze them and them heat them quickly in the microwave.


Vickie- I checked out the Resveratol at that store, and it looks good a diet supplement to curb your appetite, I did not end up getting though, because you were right, the formulas are sooo different. Dr Johnson's formula has 200mg and that one only has 8mg. It does seem to have a lot of other ingredients that might be beneficial to a weight loss program. Keep me updated on your progress, and I may get it later if I start to struggle.


Brandy-any hints on doing a medium day? We have a couple of holidays and birthdayd coming up this next month and I might need to do some to switch my up and down days around. This is new to me, but I would like to plan.


Does every stick with a pretty basic diet besides doing the down days, or are you eating anything you want on UD as long as you stay in your calorie range? Just curious if anyone would like to share what is working for them.


Thanks for any advice.


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Elizabeth - just noticed that you said something about a medical release for your cruise. I hope everything is alright! Do we need to send any prayers your way? What better way to get better than relaxing on a Cruise!!

Again, I hope all goes well so that you can board and enjoy on the 29th.

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Hi Ladies!

Well yesterday my computer died. So I headed over to Bestbuy and the Geek pronounced it dead. So I have a new computer. I have windows 7 on it. What a difference! Everything is so much faster.


Elizabeth- Good to see you post. Sorry so much is going on. Hope all is well and you can make the cruise. I agree with Ellen. Relax on the cruise. Besides the food and company is much better than a rest home ;)


Will do my weigh in on thursday. Was doing the every day and we all know that is not good.


Brandy- Good to see you too. Hang in there. Come chat with us that is what we are here for.


Have a great day everyone!


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Wow! We have a lot of peeps on this thread now, I had to make a post-it note to keep up. I think there is around 15 now. The more the merrier, I have enjoyed keeping up with YOU and the tips. I want to try the egg cups, my husband does Atkins and he will like those. I tried the Jello mousse (caramel), had it last night, and liked it. I did pretty good on my DD yesterday. This is my 3rd week, here's my progress:

Weight loss:

Week 1: 4 lbs.

Week 2: 0 :(

Week 3: 1.5 lbs.

Total: 5.5 lbs.

My goal is to lose 15 lbs. by cruise time so i have 6 weeks left to lose the other 11.5. I think that is reasonable. Now I just have to prove it!

Hope you have a good day (I will, its UD)!


P.S. Hope you get a good report, Elizabeth! Good health to you!

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Good Morning Ladies.......well my 1st DD went remarkably well........I kept a baggie of cauliflower and celery at my elbow all day and drank almost 50oz of water during the day.

I had the can of Progresso soup for lunch (and btw sister purchased several of the Progresso and some of the new Campbell's Light soups yesterday and almost all of the Campbell's had more calories.

I got home and had a green salad to take the edge off then had a couple of Boca Vegan Soy burgers for dinner along with 1/2 bag of steamed veggies. I almost couldn't finish the burgers and only ate about 1/4 of the bag.

I had gastric bypass many years ago and the type of surgery that I had also implanted a hard plactic ring just below me new tummy. The opening is only about the size of my thumb, so I still can't eat much volume at one sitting.

I managed to gain back some of my original loss by doing too much snacking and way to much wine.

Anyhow, as I was trying to make up my meal plan for today I had a hard time coming up with more than 1100 calories. So I guess I need to trade out my veggies during the day for fruit and yogurts. I want to keep my upday calories to no more than 1500.

Are any of y'all old WW people. They used to have a great recipe for a crustless quiche. If you happen to find that recipe please post it here. It was very satisfying and flavorful.

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Holy Cow... I can't keep up! I love it!


Elizabeth~ It's so good to hear from you, but not good to hear you've been in crisis. I'm sending some positive energy your way. I know how strong you are but also know how hard it is to be strong for very long. If there's anything we can do, please let us know. We miss you!


Sue~ Great job! You're right on track to meet your goal before your cruise. Can you check how many carbs are in that Jell-O mousse? I saw the commercial and it looks delicious. I won't be able to have it, but am curious.


Nora~ Congratulations on passing the test!!! We knew you'd do it! *happy dance* GREAT job with dinner and not eating the whole dessert. That takes a lot of willpower. But doing South Beach, you're probably noticing that the fewer carbs you eat, you just don't crave them as much.


Ellen~ When I was doing a true JUDDD, I didn't have any success with a MD. I'm such an all-or-nothing person, though. I think when Misty and I originally were talking about it, we were trying to stay between 1000-1200 on a MD. Sounds like you have some fantastic trips coming up. What a great motivation!


Brandy~ Hang in there. Maybe with the exercising you're building some muscle. I know that plays some havoc with weight loss, but is better in the long run.


Janey~ Welcome! Sounds like you've really thought out the menu, great recipe, too! I know it must be tough after the surgery to have gained some back. But you're in the right place. Support is the number one key in my opinion.


Vickie~ Honestly, starting to post my weights back in the beginning has really helped keep me on track. I am the queen of making excuses to myself, but if I know I'm posting it here it really helps. Even if no one was reading this, somehow putting it "out there" makes it more tangible for me. Once I get to where I'm ready to maintain, I'll post my start, goal and current weights each week to I don't stray too far. GREAT job on the 7 lb weight loss! That first week is usually a bigger one, but water or not, a great jumpstart is a great jumpstart!!! Good for you!!!!


Jennie~ Great job! 1.4 lbs is a perfect weekly amt. You're doing great!


Michelle~ I have a hard time between 4-8pm also. My advice would be to make sure you have a high protien snack just before that time and keep that sugar-free gum on hand. Chicken bullion always helps me get over those humps, too. It sort of feels like I'm eating because it tastes like soup, but it's only 10 cals.


Misty~ Yay! You're back on track, Girl.


It's taken me forever to write this.... back to work for me! Sorry if I missed anything or anyone. :)

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Sue~ Sorry about that! I knew someone had asked this, but couldn't remember which board or who to reply to. LOL! Absinthe is an alcohol. Some varieties are now legal in the US, but many are not. There's a pretty interesting history of it, if you google it. Anyway, on last February's birthday cruise, I made very close friends with a group from CC and we happened upon some Black Absinthe in St. Maarten. Drinking (sipping) this was something we enjoyed as a group throughout the rest of the cruise. One night after several sips, someone said something about us being absent minded, but didn't say it right and the term "absinthe-minded" was born. The same group is going again this February for an absinthe-minded reunion cruise.


And just for the record, I'm only a complete lush 2 weeks out of the year... cruise weeks! :D

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I have read up a little on Absinthe, just didn't know what your theme was.

I knew about it being illegal. What would you describe the flavor as? I drink in moderation and like the taste of alcohol. Maybe I should try some if I find it somewhere.

Those Jell-O Mousse have 60 calories if anyone wants to try one for a snack.


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Sue~ I would describe it as a very strong licorice taste. There is a proper method to drinking it, but we were actually sipping it straight. The stuff we had was VERY strong, 85% alcohol. I would recommend trying Lucid. Thanks for the info on the Jello-O mousse. 10 sugar carbs is a no-no for me, but maybe while I'm at the hotel for a couple of days before and after the cruise, that would be a better snack than what I would normally choose. I won't stay on plan during vacation, but don't want to go crazy hog-wild either. Until the warm chocolate melting cake, that is! :) Thanks!

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