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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Hi Everyone!


Just a quick note. Down .5 but that is ok it is one day before TOM.


Congrats on the weightloss everyone! We are rocking.


My plan for the Superbowl is grilled chicken wings- salad filled with good stuff and have to have some M&Ms it is a tradition!


Have a great day


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What does it mean when there is a lack of posts on a weight-lose thread...? I started a diary when I was a teen and promised to not record anything negative in it. I found it a few years back and there were only 7 pages recorded. I hope everyone is hanging in there. Know that you are not alone and it's okay. I'm going to guess that you are all enjoying beautiful weather and too busy outside walking the pounds off!


So I had my 3rd week weigh-in. I must confess that I sneak peeks at the scales everyday. It's a habit that is hard to quit. The morning of my last DD I had a 4lb loss for the week! Yippie!! :p BUT, when I did my official weigh-in today I was only down 2 lbs.:( I was really careful about staying under 500 cal for the day but I did try something new that I will not do again. I found this giant Hot Momma pickle in the deli with only 5 calories that I thought would be fun to eat. Yes it was fun but it also contains 200% of your daily req of sodium! I'm guessing I can't deal well with that much sodium.


Still, that's 10lbs in 3 weeks! I'm halfway to my goal and still have 6 week before my cruise. I think I can do that.


Super Bowl plan: Fill up on celery before hitting the hotwings.

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Good Morning!

Vickie- I think we are slow at posting as Tammy and Elizabeth are on their cruises. Lucky ducks ;)

I worked this past weekend so didn't post.

Things are going good with me. Congrats on your weight loss you are doing great.


Hope to hear from all the gals soon!


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Hi everyone,

I feel like the tortoise here, but I guess slow and steady will EVENTUALLY win the race.


WK 1 - 4 lbs

WK 2 - 0

WK 3 - 1.5

WK 4 - 1

WK 5 - 1.5

Total - 8 lbs


3 1/2 weeks til my cruise! I can't wait and am jealous of those already sailing!

The rest of us have to hang in there, we're still here...I read your posts daily :)


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I'm still here. I haven't had too much time to check in and not really all that much to report on. Still hanging in there. I lost 1 lb for this week. My weight loss has really slowed down. I have less than 10 lbs to reach my goal weight and I think they always say the last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose. Anyway, it sure feels that way.


I really need to start exercising longer than I do now and do more ab related exercises. I am happy with everything, but my stomach. Which may never be flat again without the help of surgery. Oh, well, my kids are worth it. :p


Well, hope everyone has a great week. Tomorrow is a dd for me. Hopefully, it will go by quickly.

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Thursday again. Weigh in day for me. It was after a DD, and I lost another 4 lbs. That is three weeks and 12 lbs.

I'm still doing all the things I started 3 weeks ago plus taking the Resveratrol I found at Walgreens. So I am not sure what it is that is working. I get up every morning and exercise with my wii active doing the 30 day challenge. 5:30am yuck! Then i get in some cardio later in the day, everyday. Drinking lots of water like I am supposed to, but rarely do when I am not dieting, so all these things are things I should have been doing and haven't been so the combo is working. Of course next week will be a better indicator after an UD, but I like the encouragement from weighing after a DD.

Scary diet weekend ahead for me! I have 2 fancy birthday cakes to bake for family parties this weekend (gotta taste when I bake) and we are going to Benihana for the birthday dinner for my SIL. Then Sunday is Valentines Day. I havent decided yet if I should turn the DD for Sunday into a medium day or not. I don't know how we will celebrate and stay on my diet.

Hope everyone is doing well with their goals. It has been really quiet here this week.

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How many of you are sitting knee deep in snow? I hope you're keeping warm. When your power comes back up let us know you are alright.


I had a regular Dr's visit today and the Medical Assistant asked me if I realized that I had lost over 15 lbs since my last visit. It made me feel good just to see the look on her face.:eek:

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Hello, everyone...I'm BAAAACK! I haven't posted for some time because I got off the JUDDD cycles. It didn't seem like anything was working so I just kind of gave up and tried counting calories. But I've been lurking here anyway and it seems like it works for everyone else, so I decided to try again. I think I just didn't give it enough time. So...today is my NEW first DD and no problems so far. Just coffee for breakfast, a hard-boiled egg for lunch and I'll have some roasted chicken and asparagus for dinner. According to my calorie counting, it should be about 250. I really have to get with the program because time's a-wasting...my cruise is in 2 months and I'd still like to drop 10-14 pounds. It SHOULD be do-able from what everyone else here seems to be posting. If I get discouraged, I'll just come back here for some pep talks!:)


SW - 155 2/12/2010

CW - 155 2/12/2010

GW - 140 by 4/15/2010

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Hi Everyone!

Susan- Good to see you! I was wondering if you were buried in the snow down there in

Pa. Yesterday every state had snow except Hawaii!!! Amazing. The last time there was an El-Nino we were dumped on. We have been spared so far.


I have fallen off the wagon a bit. Between super bowl and yesterday was my son's 21st birhday and my wedding Anniversary. We will also celebrate Valentine's day but I will make better choices.


Vickie that is great about your trip to the doctor's office. Love it when 'their' scales show a loss!


Brandy yes things slow down closer to goal. The important thing is you are getting there!


Happy Valentine's day everyone!!!


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Hi Everyone!

Susan- Good to see you! I was wondering if you were buried in the snow down there in Pa. Yesterday every state had snow except Hawaii!!! Amazing. The last time there was an El-Nino we were dumped on. We have been spared so far.



Happy anniversary, Nora! Yes, we got 22" here in Macungie on top of what was already on the ground. Here is a link to some photos of my back deck. http://picasaweb.google.com/snoopsmom2/Snow?authkey=Gv1sRgCN-WtZ_ouLXjggE# I see your cruise is looming....I hope you get off OK.


I'm not going to worry so much about what I eat on my UDs. I think that may have been part of the problem....not eating enough. I plan to have some wine and maybe some snacks while I watch the Olympics tonight....not overboard, but just enough to enjoy without guilt! I actually dropped 1 pound yesterday. I'm aware it's probably just water, but it sure looks good on the scale! Actually, my starting weight was not correct on my previous post...it was actually 153, so I adjusted my stats accordingly.


SW - 153 2/12/2010

CW - 152 2/11/2010

GW - 140 by 4/15/2010

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I look forward to all your encouraging words, results and tips, but they have been a little scarce lately. I hope everyone is doing well.


As for myself, the weekend messed my eating plan up a bit. With all the birthdays and Valentines Day, my calorie count suffered. I don't weigh in until Thursday, but I know I did not do well. Has anyone down two DDs in a row to try and make up for two UDs. Any suggestions to help me get back on track? Will two DDs mess with the chemistry of the diet and throw off my metabolism? Don't want to go into starvation mode, but want good results for Thursday.


On the upside, my Valentines gift from my husband was a trip to Paris for our 30th Anniversary. So I plan to be on these boards to work towards my goal until at least the middle of July!! Our 30th is July 19th.


I know my name is Parisbound, but that CC name is from our Med Cruise for our 25th we took a train from Venice to Paris at the end. Only stayed for a few days. Very quick trip. This time it is only Paris and thI am blesse Loire Valley and Tours. I am blessed with a very romantic Husband!

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Hi gals!

Welcome back Susan! I see Nora, Vickie and Brandy are still with us and maybe some more lurking in the background? Parisbound, I have tried 2 DD's and it was too hard for me. I just wait a day and then start again. We had 6+" of snow here last Friday, which is unusual here in North East Texas (only lasted one day). Cancelled school which made it a 4 day weekend. Would have been nice but I was sick most of it :( Now I'm dealing with a painful tooth and trying to get in to the dentist, already paid him $986 :mad: Really need it to be feeling good before we sail out of Galveston :eek: in 2 1/2 weeks!! Here's my progress report:


WK 1 - 4 lbs

WK 2 - 0

WK 3 - 1.5

WK 4 - 1

WK 5 - 1.5

WK 6 - 2

Total - 10 lbs

Hope everyone has a good week. If you mess up, just start over. That's the good thing about this plan :D


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Hi Everyone!

I am still here too. Just busy getting ready for the cruise. Getting arrangements made for my house/pet sitter and all that goes along with a cruise.

Sue- Bummer about your tooth but better here than on the ship!


Paris- I blanked on your name ;) sorry. I would not do 2 DD in a row. Your metabolism may slow down too much and go into the starvation mode. You do not want that.


Susan- Yikes looks like Syracuse in that Pic.


Misty oh Misty where art thou? :D

Have a Good night everyone!


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Thanks for the advice, that is what I am worried about. I just hate to gain on my weigh in day and I am worried about that. With my Hubby out of town this week I do not need to worry about the temptations when I am cooking and thought I probably would do ok with the hunger. But I am worried about the metabolism thing.

BTW it's Ellen

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Just checking in since Ellen is worried by the scarcity of posts. But this thread does have over 500 posts and over 12,000 views. So if any of you are out there just lurking, come on and join in. I am trudging right along.

I had the same thought as Nora: Misty, where are you?

I figure I will gain a few on my cruise, so I plan on using this after the cruise also. But, not ON the cruise, I plan on enjoying every minute of that. This is a DD for me and kinda stressful at work, with my aching tooth, and an issue with our son (ongoing) nuff said. I'm sipping a Special K2O right now.

I need to get my packing done and start on those last minute plans. Can't wait to get a pre-cruise pedi, gotta make an appt asap! Check with you later, Sue:cool:

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Weigh in day. I am down .5 pounds. Better than up! I am gonna shake it off and keep ramping up my workouts. I have started to add the 30 day shred from Jillian Michaels daily. I rented it from netflix. What I like about it is it only takes 20 minutes. Even though it is a difficult workout with no stopping, I can do 20 minutes. I have continued to do the wii active everyday and have added this daily 30 day shred 4 days ago. I also have been faithful on the treadmill in the evenings. I have no energy for anything else other than keeping up with these workouts.


I only have 16 days until I leave on a business trip to Hawaii which will interrupt my workouts. I hope I can keep it up til then and find some way in HI to work out while I am there. The things I have been doing are not portable. And with entertaining clients, The JUDDD will be on hold. Then I will be home 3 days and off to my Cruise!!!


Any updates from my fellow dieters?

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I do Marketing and support for Sales Staff for a truck equipment company. Most of the business and clients are on Oahu. Once in while I get to visit another Island. I go over there 2 or 3 times a year for a week at a time. And yes I will walk on the beach in the mornings, but those dinners with clients might get the best of me. I will have to turn on the willpower. I hope I can find time to do some other kind of exercise besides walking, although, just like when I am on a cruise, I plan to hit the gym, but the sun and tropical weather make me lazy.



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Just checking in. How's everyone doing? I am still hanging in there. We are still participating in our church fitness program and I am really enjoying it. I'm still at the same weight- no loss, but no gain either. These last few pounds are being really stubborn. They do not want to come off. Oh, well.


Today is a down day that will probably turn into a medium day. My nephew is having a birthday party this evening and I'm sure I won't be able to say no to cake. But- I'll just have a tiny piece. Hopefully, there won't be a lot of other snacks there.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Here is my weekly weigh in ...178

I am just not doing good with the down days. I start out good. I use the idea from Vickie about having a "500 calorie" box for the day. but...I end up eating right before I go to bed .Usually icecream. :rolleyes: I really love ice cream. I don't think I am eating enough on the up day. On down days I take in about 600-700 ,on up days I take in about 1500 calories.According to the web site I should be taking in about 2000.:eek: That seems like a lot. I am getting really frustrated. I will try harder this week.

Wish me luck for the upcoming week.

sw 179

cw 178

gw 160


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Hey, ladies. I'm still around. I log in to read your posts a few times each week, but I just haven't felt up to posting myself. I think I may be dealing with a bit of depression. It's such a vicious cycle, too, because I know part of the reason I'm depressed is my body and the way I feel, so I eat because I'm depressed....


Anyway, sounds like y'all are doing well, and I wish you much luck. Hopefully one of these days, I can get going on this diet again.

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I hear ya, Misty. Been there many times. Perhaps setting a goal or meeting with an old friend that you want to impress with your weight loss. Say a month from now, and then set to achieve that goal. It seems that if I have a cruise or trip it inspires me to lose because I don't want to be embarrassed with my body around others. My self esteem prevents me from doing things just for me a lot of the time. I seem ok with my body unless I set a goal. I have been working so hard this month because I took 4 months and just let myself go. I got really fluffy. I am sure depression played a big part. I am so far from where I want to be, but reading all the posts from everyone really does help. I want to thank you for starting this thread, and would love to have you back posting regularly. Remember you are so much more than your weight, you are important to this thread. Maybe just update us on your baking, family, or other things in your life.

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