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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Good, good, good Thursday morning, ladies!


As you can tell by my cheery greeting, Josh's surgery went well! They removed the part of the disk that was damaged and pressing on nerves, although they had to cut deeper than they expected. They kept him overnight, and he was NOT happy about that because he couldn't smoke. I say it's a great time to quit! Anyway, thanks for the prayers and positive thoughts! I'll keep you posted.


Okay, on to Tammy's vacation adventures: Those dance classes sound so fun! I'd love to do that! Did you learn "Thriller" too? My 5 year old niece has a "boyfriend" who will dance the Thriller dance on command, lol. And I agree with Elizabeth that the way you met McDreamy on the last night and then ended your vacation with thoughts of what might have been is probably much more romantic than what could've been! I gasped and gagged out loud when I read about the sibling grinders! Ughhhhh! And about the "trash" crowd...I don't think you sound snobby. In fact, I've read similar comments from many others on CC. Maybe it's because cruises are so cheap right now that they are attracting a different crowd? People are comparing Carnival to Walmart at this point. Funny, but disturbing at the same time (although, I'll openly admit, I'm a Walmart shopper! I'm all about saving a buck)! Still looking forward to those pictures! Are you going to pm us a link or something?


Okay, about the concert....It was really good! We got there a little late and missed some of Night Ranger. Styx sounded good but played entirely too long. I was psyched for REO, and it was good, but I can tell it's about time for them to call it quits. The bad thing that happened was that my brother's back starting hurting a few minutes after we got there, so he went to walk around and stretch his legs. For some reason, this helps the pain. So anyway, he went outside and smoked a cigarette and walked around the parking lot a little. When he tried to come back in, even with his ticket stub, they wouldn't let him! He had texted me before and told me he probably wouldn't come back to our seats because he needed to be able to move around, so we just figured he was in the back somewhere. He didn't let us know that they wouldn't let him back in because I guess he knew we'd go raise you-know-what then we'd all get kicked out! So, that part sucked. However, the bands did the coolest thing at the end: all three of them came out on stage and performed the last song. It was awesome! Oh, and I made a teddy bear friend, lol! It was this GINORMOUS guy in front of me, bald with a long red goatee. He was standing up and he turned around and mumbled something to me. I thought he said, "Quit bumping my chair." because the chairs were so close together, so I was like oh crap! I'm sorry! But I leaned in closer and made him say it in my ear, and what he said was, "Stand on your chair so you can see." He knew there was no way I could see over him! But I told him no, I was fine, and then he asked if I wanted him to sit down. I assured him that I was fine (it was Styx anyway, and I really didn't care much about them), but he sat down anyway and stayed seated throughout the whole thing! Love his heart!


Elizabeth ~ I can understand you wanting to tweak this WOE. I'm losing my resolve as well, but I'm telling myself it's just because there is so much going on right now. Oh, and Tammy, you're right about how some people start to lose momentum after they lose a little weight, and yes, you'd think it'd be the other way around! But anyway, I've not been sticking to plan very well either, but like I said, there have just been so many things going on. I told my husband my goal is to maintain until the cruise. After the cruise, I'll get back on the wagon. I'm going to stick with JUDDDD I think. I really like the freedom to eat every other day and still lose. Good luck with WW, though; I know lots of people who've found success with it.


Nora ~ It's really common around here to hit deer on the roads, even the interstate. It's so sad. :( I'm glad the lady wasn't hurt, but I hate that about the deer. Sorry about the weight gain...surely it's just this time of year and all the stress you've been dealing with... Oh, and it really sucks about your vacation days!!! Where I used to work was the same way about only letting one of us off at a time, and I, too, was low-man. Stinks, doesn't it? Good tip about the Chia seeds (not pet, lol, that was funny)! I'll check into it! I need all the help I can get right now!


Well, baby calls. Later!

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Just a quick post to let you know I'm still around. It's been super busy around here and I just hadn't had a chance to get on here and read, let alone post anything. I am still trying to catch up on everybody's posts. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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misty I'm so glad your bro is okay - :D


Nora, don't tell me you are going to have to cancel your cruise?! I think I'd be inclined to invent a dear relative with a crisis to go with it at the strategic time;)


:)Brandy! Glad you're still with us


gotta go-eyes are everywhere:eek:-elizabeth

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Hi, everyone. Hope you all have some great weekend plans coming up.


Tammy - glad to have you back, and glad to hear you had such a good time. That brother/sister team sounds like a real Jerry Springer moment. I'm looking forward to doing some of the dance classes on our cruise. And I made peanut butter fudge tonight. Thankfully, I handed most of it out at the cookie exchange I went to tonight, and I'm sending the rest to my daughter and her college roommate. It's just way too dangerous to have it in the house!


Elizabeth - I've never been to BC, but I think if I went, it would probably be one of my most favorite places on earth. I understand switching to a different eating plan if this one isn't working for you. It's all about finding what will personally work for you. Are you still taking the resveratrol? I'm thinking about taking it, if it would really make a difference.


Misty - so glad to hear your brother came through surgery well. Hopefully, he will have a lot of relief from the pain now. And glad you had a good time at the REO concert.


Nora - sorry things are so stressful for you right now. And that just sucks that you can't plan your vacation! That's so not right!! I'm originally from rural Missouri, and I've had a run in with a deer too. I've lived in Fort Worth since I graduated high school 20 something years ago (I can't believe it!). I really do like the mild winters. But summers are brutal! I want to try the chia seeds too. I've been taking hoodia to decrease my appetite, but the one I have now also has green tea, which is a stimulant. That's not good when coupled with my perimenopausal insomnia.


Well, my weigh in this week was good - I lost 2.5 pounds. The first part of my week went really well. But the last two days, not so much. I usually do down days on MWF, then Sat and Sun are both up days, just so I can keep on the same schedule every week. But I try to not go overboard. I was going to a cookie/candy exchange tonight, so I dedided to switch and make tomorrow a down day. Yesterday I had pizza, and today I had peanut butter fudge. Making holiday candy did help get me into the holiday spirit, but I'm not having any grand expectations for this week, weight loss wise. We booked our cruise for next August, so that was exciting!


What is your experiences with resveratrol? Does it really help? And I read that the SIRT1 gene kicks in after 3 weeks of JUDD. Can you tell when it does?


Hope everyone has a great weekend.



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Hi ladies!


Just a real quick note since I'm typing this on my phone....


I still haven't gotten back on track yet since my cruise, but I weighed in on Friday and guess what! 165.2!!!! (Yes, I finally got my digital scale). I was SO happy I only gained 3.2 lbs!!!


Now I've just got to put everything carb-y in the outside freezer today and tomorrow I'm back on track.


I'll respond to everything else tomorrow.

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Okay, I finally have more time to post and an actual computer to type on. SO much easier!


Here's my recent weight "graph" update. I'm so happy to have my digital scale now, so I should be much more accurate. That could be good or bad! :eek:


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163

10/30 - 162

11/6 - 162

11/13 - cruise

11/20 - 165.2


And in true Tammy fashion, after being so excited about my weigh-in Friday, I pigged out all weekend. My pants even feel tighter today! So mad at myself. :mad: I think it all went to hell on Friday when I got groceries on an empty stomach. What was I thinking???? Grrrr.


BUT.... I'm back on track today, and eating my hard-boiled egg and bullion for lunch.


As for Thanksgiving, I'm actually not anticipating going hog-wild. The big thing that I'm craving is squash, of all things. The desserts that my family is bringing aren't tempting for me at all, so I'm not worried about that. I was going to make almond poppy seed bread and pumpkin bread, but I think I'm actually going to look up some recipes for breads that I won't like.... that way I won't eat them. What do you think?


Misty~ I'm so glad your brother's surgery went well! That stinks that he couldn't come back into the concert, though. That was so very cool of him to not let you know he couldn't come back in. I can see that ruining the rest of the concert for you. What a guy!


Elizabeth~ Good for you making whatever changes you need to. We're all with you! WW is a great program. And we don't want you in a coma once a month! Very cool that you have a group at work doing it... do you think they'll be a good source of support for you? I hope you'll stay with us!!!


Nora~ OMG, are you going to have to cancel your cruise? I can't believe they can't plan ahead better for that. If someone's got time approved, they should never be able to be "bumped." Maybe I misunderstood that, but that sounds so crazy unreasonable. How could anyone other than the top person ever make any plans? I hope things de-stress for you soon. You do so much to take care of other people, don't leave yourself out.


Jenny~ You're so right, the brother and sister were total Jerry Springer. I showed the videos to my daughter last night and she said, "I can never get my innocence back now." LOL I cracked up!!! Congrats on the 2.5 lbs!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!! You're off to such a great start! Keep it up!


Brandy~ Hang in there, and try to take a few minutes to breathe. I can't even imagine how busy the holidays would be with a spouse and 3 kids!


Misty~ I'm a total Wal-Mart shopper, too! Someone did mention that maybe the low cost of the cruises are attracting a different crowd, but as I talked to some of the crew they said no, it was just an odd week. I love a diverse crowd, it was just strange.


Yes, I'll definitely give you the link when I get my pictures posted. I should be able to do that Thursday when I'm at my sister's house. I've got them all ready to go, just need to label them. I really didn't take as many as I intended.


I know this will be a busy week for everyone, so I'll post an early HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


Oh, and I saw the funniest thing that made me think of our group here. Did anyone see SNL this weekend? During the news part, they gave a "report" that went something like this.... "XYZ Magazine interviewed Kate Moss for their latest issue and she was reported as saying, 'Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.' Said the rest of the world... BACON!" I laughed so hard!

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My name is Patty and I have been reading this for several days. I think all of you are incredible. I have lost 25 pounds. I need to loose the last 10 pounds. Buuuttttt.....I quit smoking and gained 10 back. Yah I smell better boo I am fat again.


I am going to try to follow this program. I have an incredible sweet tooth so this is going to be a challange.


I will try to post regularly to update you on my progress and be inspired.




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My name is Patty and I have been reading this for several days. I think all of you are incredible. I have lost 25 pounds. I need to loose the last 10 pounds. Buuuttttt.....I quit smoking and gained 10 back. Yah I smell better boo I am fat again.


I am going to try to follow this program. I have an incredible sweet tooth so this is going to be a challange.


I will try to post regularly to update you on my progress and read your postn and be inspired.

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Hi Patty and welcome! Good for you for quitting smoking - not only do you smell better but your body and bank account will be healthier!!! Having quit years ago I remember the terrible oral cravings that hung around long after the nicotine withdrawal - keep lots of sugar free candy and gum on hand. Kojak had something there with those lollipops. And congrats on the wt loss. Are you booked on a cruise at present? I wish you continued success.


Tammy! Good for you on such a small wt gain - it will fall off in no time. I haven't totally given up the idea of the part time coma...hey, I can see it now- a string of Elizabeth's Wt Loss Coma Clinics - franchises across North America, Europe, the World; then I'd be so rich, I wouldn't need to diet - just monthly 7 day comas with followup liposuction. I'd offer once a yr lipo thrown in for regular customers...:p; ah, it's good to have a dream:rolleyes:


Jennie, I've been taking the resveratrol for almost 2 weeks now - I don't know if it's just mind over matter (and don't care) but I seem to have more energy during the day. I forgot to take it on Sunday morning before dress shopping with my granddaughters and ended up in bed by 6pm!! Don't know, as I said, if there is a placebo effect at work but will keep taking it. Yes, Victoria is beautiful - much more so than Vancouver with it's endless dull rain days and high drug crime problem. Don't know why so many people want to head there. Great job on the weight loss!!


I came in here to clear off the junk and file some papers (currently under threat of being buried under piles of ribbons, tinsel, stocking stuffers, etc) but now I'm out of time and have to get ready for work. Oh well,I guess I'll find out what got buried when something gets cut off;)


Have a happy Tuesday all - elizabeth

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Good morning, ladies! I probably won't post for the rest of the week since it's going to be so hectic and all. I'm so looking forward to Thanksgiving and then, it's off to Florida for the cruise! Woo-hoo!


I haven't had a true DD since last Wednesday. Thursday was a scheduled UD, then Friday was the Jason Aldean concert (OMG, it was INCREDIBLE! I know I'm a married woman and he's a married man, but wowzer! I think I have myself a celebrity crush, lol!) So anyway, I made Friday an UD, then Saturday....then....you get the picture. I think I've started my vacation already in my mind! I tried for a DD yesterday, but ended up with a MD, around 900 calories. I weighed yesterday morning, and I'm up 1.5 lbs. Blah. BUT I'm not going to let it get me down. My first DD when I get back will be Sunday, Dec. 6. I'm going to hit it hard again at that point! My next time-frame goal is to to lose 30 more lbs. by my 30th b'day in April. I'm also retaining water, for some reason. I can feel it in my hands and feet. I elevated my feet last night for about 20 minutes; after 5, I could already visibly see a difference! Not sure what that's all about...


Tammy ~ Excellent job on the modest gain! Like Elizabeth said, that'll be gone in no time! I give you 2-3 good DDs, and you'll be back to pre-cruise weight! Don't beat yourself up about the weekend....This time of year is HARD to diet! I laughed at loud about the SNL thing. :)


Jennie ~ Good job on the weight loss! As for how to tell when the SIRT gene kicks in, I have no idea, but I, too, have heard that it takes 3 weeks of good alternation.


Brandy ~ Good to hear from you! Hope things aren't too stressful for you right now!


Welcome, Patty. Great job on the weight loss so far. As for a sweet tooth, the great thing about JUDDDD is that you can indulge your sweet tooth occasionally and still see great results!


Well, I hear the baby stirring, so I guess I better get this day started! My husband got all his stuff packed last night, so my plan for today is to get Lexi and I packed and ready. I guess I'll post when I get back from the cruise. Happy Thanksgiving, my JUDDDD buddies! :)

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:eek:OMG! Misty! where did the time go? I completely forgot your cruise was almost upon you. Have a wonderful time (like I'd have to tell you that:rolleyes:); relax, enjoy yourself and remember: a little bit of us goes with you. Lounge around for me, take an occasional dip in the pool, wear a big sun hat and drink tall cool indulgences with fruit stuck in them. Ahhh, I'm there already....Elizabeth

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Patty~ WELCOME! I echo what Elizabeth said... congrats on the weight loss and especially quitting smoking!!! I've never been a smoker, but from my friends that I've watched try to quit, it takes an AMAZING will, so good for you! Did you do that recently? We'll try to be support for that if we can, too!


I think we all understand the sweet tooth problem! You'll notice as you get to know us all, that most of us have tweaked the JUDDD and sort of made our own plan based on what works for us. For me, I really can't do carbs, so I do a very low-carb plan with my own versions of down days. The other gals have a lot of success with knowing that they'll be able to have the sweets every other day. I think all of us have had the struggle of going "overboard" on up days and continue to work on that.


Elizabeth~ You crack me up! Sign me up as a customer if you're offering yearly lipo!


Misty~ Hey girl, we all have a celebri-crush! Mine is Darren Hayes. I can't even say his name without drooling. In fact, that's one reason I was SO attracted to that magician on the cruise... he looked a lot like Darren. (Yes, I talk about Darren like he's just part of my life. LMAO!) HOW EXCITING... you leave on your cruise this weekend!!!! WHOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!! You're going on the Fascination, right? I can't wait to hear about it! What ports are you going to? Do you have anything special planned? And if I remember right, this is your first??? Wait until you try the warm chocolate melting cake... OMG. It is to die for. Like seriously, I'd kill someone for it. :p


I think we'll all have to regroup with goals after the holidays. Misty wants another 30 before her birthday... very realistic! I want another 20 before my Feb cruise (which is also my b-day). I think it's realistic if I don't blow it over Christmas.


All right.... back to work for me!


Misty.... have a WONDERFUL time on your cruise!!!!

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I'm not sure who Darren Hayes is, but I'll google him. As for my Jason Aldean crush, I had to giggle to myself when I thought about how I can fantasize about him and even say his first name aloud in bed and still not get in trouble since hubby's name is Jason, lmao. :)


To answer cruise questions: Yes, we're going on the Fascination. It's our first cruise with Carnival, but second cruise. Our first was Navigator of the Seas with RCCL. It's the first cruise for Jason's parents and our nephew, Ryan. The ports of call are Nassau and Half Moon Cay. I chose this cruise just for HMC. I've heard so many wonderful things about it! HMC will, of course, just be a beach day. In Nassau, we're doing the Dolphin Encounter at Blue Lagoon. Jason, Ryan, Lexi, and I will be participating while my in-laws take pictures and video for us. Lexi is even free since she's only 22 months. :) Jason and I did a dolphin swim on our last cruise in Jamaica. This one is just the encounter, not a swim, so that the kids can participate.


I can't wait for the Chocolate Melting Cake!!!!


Elizabeth~ I'll be sure to have lots of fruity cocktails in your honor! :)

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Misty - have a great time on your cruise. My SIL did a dolphin encounter with her 5 year old daughter. Her daughter loved it! I would be just like you, starting my vacation a week early as far as eating. Enjoy yourself! The diet will be here when you get back.


Patty - good to have you with us! That is a major accomplishment to quit smoking. I have a major sweet tooth too. At least on up days I can occasionally eat something that I really like. I struggle to keep it "occasionally." But somehow it helps me psychologically just to know that option is there, I think.


Brandy - take care of yourself, and try to get some rest.


Tammy - that's not a bad weight gain at all for after a week long cruise. A week or so, and you'll have that off. Buying groceries on an empty stomach has bit me in the butt more than once before as well. Good job getting back on track this week! I'm also hoping that I don't go totally overboard on Thanksgiving. But I'm not thinking about squash. I'm thinking about peanut butter fudge. I think I need professional help, of the psychiatric kind!


Elizabeth - you may have something with the weight loss coma idea! LOL If someone could just put me in a coma until I lost all the weight, I could live with that. (Just kidding.) Thanks for the info on the resveratrol. Even if it is placebo, if you have more energy, that's always a good thing.


My weigh in wasn't too bad on Monday - I lost 1.5 pounds. I ate too much peanut butter fudge over the weekend. But I put the rest in the freezer yesterday, along with all the other goodies I got at the cookie exchange. Out of sight, out of mind - almost. I'm taking a bunch of it up to my mom's for Thanksgiving. My dad loves sweet stuff, and it will be safer if I just get it out of my house.


I would love to lose 8 more pounds before Christmas. I don't know if it's realistic with the holiday season, but I'm going to try. Then 10 more pounds before my birthday in February, and 20 more after that before my son's graduation in May.


Well, off to packing for my trip up to Missouri to see my parents for Thanksgiving. Wednesday and Friday will be driving days. My son has to work this weekend, so we can only spend a day up there. And I'm going to try to make Wed and Fri DDs, since I will just be sitting in the car anyway. We'll see how this works.


What things do you eat on down days? That fill you up without a lot of calories. I find that I make it through the day a lot better if I eat more protein. I've made some chicken/vegetable soup with shiritaki noodles. And I like cottage cheese with sugar free jello. And lots of hot tea!


Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!



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Hi Everyone!

I am in a much better frame of mind this week. I decided not to let the stress get to me and to control the things I can.

I worked an extra shift at the nursing home last night. I didn't realize that they gave the employees turkeys. When I got there at 4pm everyone was so happy to see me. Then they said go get your turkey. That made my night. Also the director of nursing called me into her office to thank me for working on T-day. Then she asked if I would like a full time job as the assistant director of nursing. I was flattered but said no. I love my work from home job!


Misty- Have a great cruise. We will miss you!


Patty- Welcome! We have a great group here. Congrats on the quitting smoking. I have tried so many times. I know better I am an RN!


Jennie- Safe travels to your get together.


Brandy- Good to hear from you.


Elizabeth- I love the idea of the "Coma Weight Loss Clinic" Will us Judd girls get a discount ?


Have to run. Hugs to all.


Happy Thanksgiving and remember to count your blessing!



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Hey gals~ Just wanted to send one more Happy Thanksgiving wish. I hope you all are able to enjoy the food and fellowship with family/friends. My family is all pretty close by, but it's so nice to get together all at the same time.


I had a rough day today, felt like I was starving to death all day. I had some chicken for lunch and that seems to have helped. I'm going to weigh-in tomorrow morning instead of Friday because I know I'll eat more tomorrow.... and will definitely be eating some carbs. I'm not hoping for a weight loss tomorrow morning, just hoping to not have gained after gorging on cookies all last weekend. I've only been back on track since Monday, so we'll see. *fingers crossed*


Nora~ I'm so glad you're feeling better this week. That's so cool that they gave you a turkey! Sometimes it's the little things that make us happy, huh? And what a great compliment that they asked for you for that job. You should feel VERY good about that!


Talk to you all after the holiday!



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OMG Ladies! I just couldn't wait to post! I weighed in this morning at 161.8! That's .2 less than before my cruise! I was so excited, I tried to post this morning but my blackberry wouldn't connect. I just had to tell you!!!!


Hope everyone is having a GREAT Thanksgiving!

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Okay, one more post from me tonight and then I'll stop bugging everyone. Here is the link to the pictures I took on my cruise. You'll notice that I didn't take a whole lot and they're not exactly in order. I'm also not quite used to the settings on my camera yet, so some of them are just downright terrible.





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Tammy that's fantastic! that just has to take the edge off the endofholiday blues. Can't wait to check out the pics.


Nora, how wonderful! Even if you don't want to take the job, it's always a great boost to the ego to be recognized for your skills and capabilities. Well done. What goes around comes around.


gotta go look at pics-elizabeth

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Good morning! Now that I'm back on my computer, I can post my updated chart.



7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163

10/30 - 162

11/6 - 162

11/13 - cruise

11/20 - 165.2

11/26 - 161.8




Elizabeth~ AWWWW... You're so sweet! *blushing*


I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! I did pretty good overall. I ate way too many carbs, of course, but kept portions low. I filled my plate and then could barely eat half of it. I had a piece of pumpkin bread and a small piece of pumpkin pie for dessert, but left it at that.


And I'm back on track today. I even brought in the extra pumpkin bread for my co-workers to eat.


Are any of you Black Friday shoppers? If you... let me be the first to say that YOU ARE CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! LOL But if you're one of the crazies, I hope you got lots and lots of great bargains!

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HI Ladies!

Hope every one had a good weekend and Holiday. I worked on T-day and it was nice. Had plenty of staff and everyone was in a good mood.


I didn't do the black Friday thing. I had the day off and did my annual "Christmas Cleaning"

Some people spring clean I Christmas clean. I washed windows and curtains and scrubbed floors. I refuse to decorate over dirt. We get the tree this Friday so I am ready.


Tammy- conrgats on the weight loss you are doing great. I agree you are a pretty lady ;)


Hope all are well!



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Good morning Ladies~


Not really much to report this morning, just wanted to say hello.


Nora~ Bless your heart for working Thanksgiving! Sounds like it was a really nice day. Did you cook your free turkey? Christmas cleaning is a great idea! Something about autumn gets my house filthy. Dirt/leaves/etc. I might have to start doing what you do. Next year. :D LOL


I have to admit I really missed the leftovers this year. Since I got right back on plan Friday morning, I didn't bring home any leftovers and really those are my favorite!



Okay.... I started writing this around 8:00am, so in the meantime, I got a huge ego boost that I have to share. (Picture me grinning and squealing like a schoolgirl as I write this) So I have this friend here at work that I call my "work crush." (Not to his face, just to myself because he's totally off-limits.) Today, we had a holiday open house for one of our employee groups and he was in there at the same time I was. When he saw me, he literally did a double take and made a point to come over and tell me that I looked really good today. Then later, when I got back to my desk he had sent me an email, apologizing if he sounded creepy but just wanting to compliment me again on how I looked. I swear I'm gonna frame that sucker! LOL


So off I go, with a smile the size of Montana! :D

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Tammy - I love your cruise pictures. You look so good. It's not a big surprise that the guy at work did a double take. That's so fun! Too bad he's off limits, huh?


Nora - Good for you getting your house all super clean for Christmas!


Well, I gained a pound at my weigh in, due to Thanksgiving weekend, I'm sure. I'm pretty much back on track this week. I need to keep myself from going overboard on up days. I got some chia seeds last night, and have started using them today. It's finally cold here, and we had a bit of snow last night. My daughter is coming home from the dorm in a week and a half, and she wants me to wait until she gets home to put up the tree.


And my son wants to take his girlfriend on our cruise in August. I really thought her mom would say no, because she is rather strict. But she says she is thinking about it. My son, and my daughter for that matter, would have more fun if they had someone their age to hang out with. On our last family cruise, a couple of their cousins went, but they aren't able to this time.


Well, I hope everyone has a good rest of the week!

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Good morning, Ladies!


I weighed in this morning and literally did a little happy dance. Another 3 lbs lost! I was SOOOO happy to see that 5 in the middle!!! 150 is my first goal, and now it's so close!


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163

10/30 - 162

11/6 - 162

11/13 - cruise

11/20 - 165.2

11/26 - 161.8

12/4 - 158.8


Jennie~ Thanks! Actually, I pulled up that photo album the other day and was flat-out embarassed. I didn't realize that my pictures had pixelized when they uploaded. I'm going to re-do that album, probably this weekend. I'm a bad photographer, but not THAT bad!!! As for my work crush... too bad he's off limits is RIGHT! Bummer about your weight gain, but 1 lb over Thanksgiving weekend isn't bad AT ALL! Holidays are so tough and you got right back on track. That's what's the most important. That's so sweet that your daughter wants you to wait to do the tree with her. Special memories in the making! And how old are your son and his girlfriend? I have often thought if I'm ever able to bring my daughter on a cruise, I'd like to bring one of her friends, too.


I hope Misty made it back from her cruise okay and that it was fabulous. If you're out there Misty, welcome back and we can't wait to hear how it was!


Everyone have a fantastic Friday! I'll probably check back in later. I'm here for a long day today until 7:00pm, so I'm sure I'll be bored later. :)

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