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Parents... this ? is for you!


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Reminds me of my first sailing out of NY, up on the F deck, looking down on the Veranda deck, and a "mother" put her infant UP ON THE RAIL and sat her there, holding her. :eek:


That is a rarity, or MJ,:D but still is not relevant to the issue being discussed. Any child can misbehave, and no parent is always there,so others will have to intervene, if the child is misbehaving then others do have the right to tell a child their behaviour is unacceptable.....in a proper controllled manner, of course.

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others will have to intervene, if the child is misbehaving then others do have the right to tell a child their behaviour is unacceptable.....in a proper controllled manner, of course.


HUH? Who designates what is misbehaviour?


And, NO, they do NOT have that right.

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HUH? Who designates what is misbehaviour?


And, NO, they do NOT have that right.


Everyone really knows what is acceptable or what is not.....


And if your child misbehaves and you are not present then get over it, they need to be told in a proper manner that they are behaving badly. Or is it a question of your child can do no wrong?......if so you are doing her no favours.

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Everyone really knows what is acceptable or what is not.....


And if your child misbehaves and you are not present then get over it, they need to be told in a proper manner that they are behaving badly. Or is it a question of your child can do no wrong?......if so you are doing her no favours.


Everyone?? NOT!!!


If my child misbehaves (?), no one bestows it on you to address. And you certainly don't know if I'm present or not.


I'll ignore your last assumption.

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Just got off our cruise on the Conquest with my 7 month old. Since he's not very mobile just yet he was pretty easy to contain. That being said I always tried to ensure that my DS' behavior was not disrupting anyone's vacation. Case in point, we took our DS to the dining room everynight and he was perfectly well behaved most nights. One night, I guess he had just had a long day and wanted nothing to do with sitting in his stroller. So I took my DS up to the cabin and asked DH to bring my dessert up to the room. No mess, no fuss. I certainly wouldn't appreciate having to endure eating my dinner next to a child who's screaming for over an hour so why would I subject anyone else to that?


Thank you. If only more parents with young ones would be so kind to do this.


What just rips my heart out for the kid is when mommy and daddy are just oblivious to the screamin' banshee. The kid is crying for a reason. Now, I'm the first to let them "cry it out" a bit at bedtime. But, sitting by the pool withOr at dinner. little Jr. in a stroller is not a good time to let him "cry it out."

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we are all just sharing experiences and discussing things...such as why sometimes parents have to step in....


sometimes kids need a good "look" at...and sometimes parents need a good "look"


i have no problem with either. I was an owner/operator of a daycare....mom of 3...i'm pretty good with kids of all ages and dealing with parents too.




if parents aren't around and your child is acting up...i have the right to say something. your child has the right to have you, as their parent, to be there with them. when you, as a parent, choose to leave your child unattended, you gave up your rights for discipline by leaving it to others.

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I have no problem with someone discipling my son. I tell most friends cruising with us to "treat him like a relative"...


Also the rule of thumb in my home is "guilty until proven innocent"


We only try to take our son to dinner the first night also. ALthough he is well behaved after a full day of traveling, sunning and early wake up calls, he is usually done by that time. So off to Camp Carnival he goes. No one should have to deal with my son when he is tired

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I have no problem with someone discipling my son. I tell most friends cruising with us to "treat him like a relative"...


Also the rule of thumb in my home is "guilty until proven innocent"


We only try to take our son to dinner the first night also. ALthough he is well behaved after a full day of traveling, sunning and early wake up calls, he is usually done by that time. So off to Camp Carnival he goes. No one should have to deal with my son when he is tired



You do not say what age your son is.

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Also the rule of thumb in my home is "guilty until proven innocent"



Same motto in our house and it was proven innocent beyond a reasonable doubt. I always told my kids "occassionally you will take a punishment for a crime you didn't commit. It is just Karma for the times you didn't get caught".

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We, also, have seen some very poor behavior from the kids on the ship.

Running around, using the adult hot tub--usually with their mothers, which I thought very funny.


But, what really shocks and amazes me is the parent who lets his/her LITTLE child roam around the ship alone. I'm not talking about a 13 yr old year old--but children as young as 5 or 6. On more than one occasion, we got to the elevator to see a little girl or boy about 5-6 heading back to the cabin alone.


Last month we saw the same thing at a very luxurious resort in Marco Island, Fl. We walked into the hotel, through the very crowded pool area, and found the elevator to go up to our friends' room. There at the elevator is a very little girl. I asked her if she was lost and she said No--she was just going back to the room from the pool. She was 6 years old!!


Please, someone, tell me why any parents in their RIGHT mind think this is okay?

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We, also, have seen some very poor behavior from the kids on the ship.

Running around, using the adult hot tub--usually with their mothers, which I thought very funny.


But, what really shocks and amazes me is the parent who lets his/her LITTLE child roam around the ship alone. I'm not talking about a 13 yr old year old--but children as young as 5 or 6. On more than one occasion, we got to the elevator to see a little girl or boy about 5-6 heading back to the cabin alone.


Last month we saw the same thing at a very luxurious resort in Marco Island, Fl. We walked into the hotel, through the very crowded pool area, and found the elevator to go up to our friends' room. There at the elevator is a very little girl. I asked her if she was lost and she said No--she was just going back to the room from the pool. She was 6 years old!!


Please, someone, tell me why any parents in their RIGHT mind think this is okay?


I don't even allow that at the age of ten.


She wanted to experiment with freedom last year, and asked if she could go to the room one deck down to get something. I let her, but she NEVER knew I followed her the entire time.


I must of looked quite strange if anyone was monitoring the security cameras.

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There is a quick soloution to unruly kids...


When you see the little criminal in action, get your spouse to walk to the opposite side of the deck, scream fire and when everyone else is looking throw the little buggers off the opposite side!



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It only takes a village if all of those villagers know how to tow the line, raise good kids, drink and drive responsibly, educated themselves and children etc etc. You get my drift. While I realize that this is a catchy phrase...this village thing......DH and I prefer to do it ourselves....why....just look around at what's happening...in society...in homes.....in schools....and of course the most important place for all of us:rolleyes:....cruise ships.


Village....no way Solid parents....yes And, yes, I would not make this statement if we were not solid parents.....and yes, I have been told we are....by teachers, doctors, friends and casual observers....strangers as well.....because they can see it.


Why do I sound defensive? I have been around here lon enough to know that the next poster will ask "Well, how do you know you are solid parents"?

Good gracious...

I take full responsiblilty for raising my children...in fact take care of their schooling myself from 8 am to 4 pm every day. My kids are very well behaved and I know that it is my responsiblility that they stay that way. But take a good, honest look. Kids are not perfect. And I would be embarrassed but hopefully HUMBLE enough to admit that mine may perhaps have made a mistake.

As one of my good friends always said (after successfully raising 2 boys), "kids make you proud but keep you humble."


There is nothing wrong with accepting a helping hand if you stumble, is there?

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And that is relevant to this thread how? who on here has said that they would resort to this type of behaviour? No one would condone this....it is completely unacceptable.


However, this is a red herring, maybe posted by someone who thinks his child can do no wrong?.....any child can behave in a manner their parent, and others, consider unacceptable, that is the nature of childhood. Any parent who thinks otherwise is niave, and headed for a rude awakening when puberty hits!! Also, no parent can be with their teen every waking moment, again, anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded or overly possessive, and asking for trouble.


Come back in ten years when you have raised several kids to responsible adulthood, and tell us your child(ren) never caused others to need to intervene, and that you have never let the child out of your sight or control;. Note, that is very different from you thinking others need to intervene. Take off the rose tinted glasses and realise that to you your child can do no wrong, that premise does not apply to others. Indeed, to suggest to your child that may be the case is doing that child a great disservice.

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Well.....I just spent some time reading this thread, and I must say, it is very interesting! Very colorful comments!


We will be cruising next June, our first with our kids (11 turning 12 on the trip, and 9). Hubby and I will be with them the majority of the time (unless they are in camp). We will, however let our oldest "explore" a bit, with the understanding of what we expect of him. During this time, if another adult feels he is not in the right for something he's doing, I don't have a problem at all, for them to kindly correct him. And, likewise, if I see something going on with another child, that perhaps someone will get hurt, or acting badly and can see no responsible guardian around, I will say something. I just think it's the responsible thing to do if the parent or guardian is not around to correct their child. I guarantee you that the child will learn something from it.


Happy and safe cruising!



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Come back in ten years when you have raised several kids to responsible adulthood, and tell us your child(ren) never caused others to need to intervene, and that you have never let the child out of your sight or control;. Note, that is very different from you thinking others need to intervene. Take off the rose tinted glasses and realise that to you your child can do no wrong, that premise does not apply to others. Indeed, to suggest to your child that may be the case is doing that child a great disservice.


I have raised several children to responsible adulthood (if you consider 4 to be several). I totally agree that all children cross a line sometime in their life. At least I hope all children do. Didn't you? You should hear my kids laugh and talk about the things they got away with... me not knowing about...(cut a class, had an underage drink, etc) and the times they did get caught by neighbors... my son driving his bike with no hands on a busy street (neighbor called me before my son even got in the door).


I'm will be eternally grateful to every adult who yelled at my kid for going somewhere they shouldn't be or doing foolish tricks on the monkey bars.


I would say if I was available and my child had been doing something dangerous or objective I would have expected you to talk to me first. If I am not and you took the time to make sure my child was not hurt of bothering others, I would have been apprecative of your concern.

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And that is relevant to this thread how? who on here has said that they would resort to this type of behaviour? No one would condone this....it is completely unacceptable.


You seem to only thing there is only you sailing with me.


If this person was on their cruise, how happy would they be to have them discipline their child?

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Good gracious...

I take full responsiblilty for raising my children...in fact take care of their schooling myself from 8 am to 4 pm every day. My kids are very well behaved and I know that it is my responsiblility that they stay that way. But take a good, honest look. Kids are not perfect. And I would be embarrassed but hopefully HUMBLE enough to admit that mine may perhaps have made a mistake.

As one of my good friends always said (after successfully raising 2 boys), "kids make you proud but keep you humble."


There is nothing wrong with accepting a helping hand if you stumble, is there?

If you stumble....absolutely!!! In my 20 years of parenting I have been called on for advice more times than I can remember......from what I gather I am now considered somewhat of an "expert":rolleyes: on preschools, grammar schools, high schools, after school classes and Disneyworld deals!!!!! Joking around of course but I do get asked my opinion often about childrearing.....and sometimes I even offer it anyway......but what I and many of of peers object to nowadays is the "assumptions" that the village elders force on us. Have you ever sat thru a public school 6th , 8th or heaven forbid, 10th grade health class? Just because little susie got pregnant at 12, does not mean that every 12 yo will as well!!! It is ashame that the schools takes so much away from educated parents who have good relationships with their kids by forcing kids to grow up so fast. I know, I know we can't live in a bubble....and I don't...I am very open and forthcoming with my kids......but it just seems that everyone from educators to total strangers think that because a few kids are undiciplined and wild, that all kids are that way. There is nothing wrong with raising your kids the way you see fit....and not the way others see fit. Case in point...I have been told I am overprotective because I do not let my girls roam the streets or hang out...duh? And a neighbor thinks it is odd that my 19yo still enjoys babysitting...duh? she makes a fortune and is in high demand!!!! Parents seem to want a valedictorian to help their kids with homework....go figure!! And yes, my 19 yo is part of the village...but only at the request of the parents....as they want her help. And I do give advice......because people respect it.....and have asked for it. What I despise about this "village" thing is that so many so called "professionals" seem to think that their unsolicited advice is what my kids need. My pediatrician doesn't even offer too much advice....why....because he can see that in our family it is not needed. While some families "need all the help they can get".......not all do and that is why this village thing is not for us.........thankfully.

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You seem to only thing there is only you sailing with me.


If this person was on their cruise, how happy would they be to have them discipline their child?


I take your point, but most people are reasonable and would never treat any child like that, let alone a child they did not know. That kind of thing is unacceptable, and certainly doesn't come under my definition of "speaking" to a child about their behaviour. That was clearly assault, and should be treated as such. As another poster said, that man wouldn't have got a second slap in on my child, although I expect the mother was stunned.

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I take your point, but most people are reasonable and would never treat any child like that, let alone a child they did not know.


Agreed, and the odds are on my side, but I will not be taking any chances. Still creeps me out about that girl in CA. in the news. Not on a ship, but her own "front yard".


Now compare THAT to a kid that splashes, runs, or pushes a bunch of elevator buttons.

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