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  1. This. 100% lx not sure if you're the one who told me this originally but I do the same thing. Feels like doing the same thing expecting different results but it does work.
  2. Enjoy your cruise! I learned to love cruising on the Grand Class. First 4 sailings were on Grand Class, 2 of those on the CB specifically (2018 & 2019). Lots of fond memories! Having said that we've since broadened out horizons within the princess fleet and definitely prefer the Royal class at this point. We even revisited the CB last year when scheduling logistics dictated it to be the best choice. It was like a throw-back cruise. A great time was had but it did confirm we prefer the Royal class at this point. You'll have a great time but I'll be surprised if you come back and say the CB is your new favorite.
  3. It's been really bad recently. Interesting to see the thoughts about viewing in private mode. Might try that. As-is everything seems to work fine from my phone but not my full pc. 95% of my clicks on "Manage this Booking" lead to "Technical Difficulties" on a full PC browser.
  4. I actually did buy it at the $7 price point even with a package just because it was so cheap and it was nice to have a stash in the room on day 1. I'm well aware of steps I can take to get water and they're not that hard, and quite frankly I do those things too as the 12 pack is not enough for the whole trip it was just nice to have a starter stock just waiting for me when I got there. I have no problem with the price increase, it makes sense, but I probably won't do it at the $24 price point though. I would never argue it's that difficult to get the included water but at $7 I just didn't care.
  5. Kind of surprised it took this long. I feel like it's been $7 forever. They're for-profit business...What do you want? If it's priced too high not enough people will buy it and they'll make less. If people continue to buy it up like hotcakes they'll raise it again at some point. I always get a drinks package but have historically bought the bottled water because it was so cheap the $7 was worth the convenience of starting with our own private stash in the room but I'll have to revisit this concept the next time I'm ordering this stuff for an upcoming cruise. Even $24 seems pretty much pennies in the grand scheme of the cruise but I'm really paying to not have to bother with room service and not having to be really diligent about picking up and bringing back bottles from bars. I'm lazy when I'm on vacation...a few bucks was worth getting away with that level of laziness but when I look at it objectively $24 is probably a bit steep just to avoid that little bit of work.
  6. yep I think its the app that flips over in the middle of the day. The website and app are independently calculating the same metric using two different sets of logic. My career is built around data analytics and this is a never-ending challenge....seeing Princess guilty of this is the least surprising thing that will happen to me today 😆
  7. The days seem to flip over some time during the middle of the day. I'm sure it said 9 days in the morning and switched to 8 at some point during the day. I've run into this issue on other cruise groups on other social media sites where someone posts the countdown in the morning and later in the day someone else has a different number. I think of it as if they just don't round. For easy numbers let's say embarkation is at 3:00pm on the 25th. On 9/16 at 2:00pm there are 9 days and 1 hour to go. The app says 9 days. Fast forward a couple hours, on 9/16 at 4:00pm there are 8 days and 23 hours to go. The app says 8 days. So, they just call out the number of full days remaining and ignore the hours in the remainder. I don't know that this is EXACTLY how it works or if the time of day is right but I think it's directionally correct for why you're seeing what looks like bad basic math.
  8. Same....having said that I've gotten that error when I click on "Manage my booking" at least 80% of my attempts for what must be 2 months at this point.
  9. My experience has been crew checking medallions with their little handheld devices. Wouldn't shock me if this isn't 100% consistent, especially if they're just about to open them up to everyone anyway and/or it's not a packed show.
  10. Doing a little math between what you'd pay out of pocket for wifi at 50% off and daily gratuities you'd be utilizing about $30/day of the $60/day cost right off the top. You'd need to cover the remaining $30/day with adult beverages, soft drinks/water, premium coffees, desserts, casual dining, etc. The exact definition of "not a big drinker" probably makes a lot of difference here. Some people would use this same verbiage about having 1-2 per day, others would mean 1-2 per week. Considering most adult beverages are somewhere in the $8-12 range, if you're talking per day then you're probably a strong candidate for the package...not so much if you're in the "per week" club. Do the math on what's realistic for you.
  11. Agreed that it will change the dynamic. I don’t think in the near future that they’ll allow any more of the time slots to be reserved in advance than they did before, but they probably will fill up much quicker upon the start of the cruise. It’s the next race to book once on board next to sanctuary.
  12. This is true to some degree, and I've been one that has pre-purchased and gotten refunded later most of the time. Having said that when I haven't done that it's been my experience that once on board, calling the dining line I find many more slots available than I thought there would be after seeing no reservations available for MONTHS on the app. They definitely hold some reservations back. I've read plenty of discussion on the topic and it seems my experience is the most common but not 100%. Definitely no guarantees. Especially now with the very recent change to premier.
  13. Feels like they should follow Royal's example here and only allow pre-booking if you pay in full, even if you have unlimited dining. It would suck in many ways as it would create a rush to book dining as soon as everyone boards which would be the drama of the sanctuary x10....but it's definitely going to be a ***** show if you just let people make unlimited bookings. Damned if you do/if you don't situation I suppose.
  14. Exactly....that's why I'm holding onto my pre-paid reservations even though I have to float the cost. Having said that it's always been my experience that once on board calling the dining line reveals there's a lot more time slots available that apparently just weren't offered for pre-booking online. Having said that I'm still not willing to take that chance and keeping my pre-paid reservations.
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