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Posts posted by JimS4210

  1. And I will take the other side and tell you to rent a car and drive.


    I guess it all depends on what type of person you are. Ourselves, we like to go at our own pace, stopping when we like, spending an extra few minutes, or longer, at places WE find worthwhile. We like to stop and chat with locals and not worry about getting back to the train or bus. I love to take pictures and will wait a few extra minutes, maybe for the sun to come out to make a good pix, great. But, as I said, if you are one that likes to go at your own pace, rent the car. if you want others to do the driving, or just sit back and watch the world roll by, take the train.

    I know too many people are always rushing from one place to another and never 'step to smell the roses' as they say. We always do, so don't want some one to tell us to move on, when we don't really want to.


    PLUS, the drive to Emerald Lake is a very easy one. It's not like you are single lane, climbing some mountain. Even as the driver, you can relax and see the wonderful scenery, stopping when you like and moving on when the mood suits.





    I couldn't have said it any better! This June will be our first trip to Alaska and this describes us exactly. I'd much rather hop in a car and go out on our own and at our own pace, stopping when WE want to instead of being locked into someone else's schedule. Plus, it'll be nice to escape the hordes for a bit! I figure, if I could drive the Going to the Sun road and the Beartooth Highway last year, the drive to Emerald Lake oughta be a piece of cake!


    When we booked this cruise, the first thing we did is reserve a car from Avis. Just gotta remember to bring the passports with us... :D

  2. Hi all,

    My wife and I plan on taking a shuttle bus from Whittier to the Anchorage airport where we'll pick up our rental car and continue our DIY land tour. We were looking at Alaska Cruise Transportation. Their website says they'll meet you right inside the cruise ship terminal. The cost is $45 per person. Has anyone used this company or are there other options I should be looking at? Don't need a tour. just want a direct route to the airport. Also, is it necessary to book in advance or is there usually room on the buses for walk-ons? It would just be the two of us. Thanks!



  3. Also look at boat size and number of passengers. I think Major marine has a smaller boat but also only 50 passengers Kenai Fiord boats hold 150 peoplef if that is important to you. Also check tripadvisor for asmall boat cruise' date=' I don't know how far into the fiord they go but it sounds like a great trip.[/quote']

    I like the idea of less people on the boat. I plan on taking a ton of photos and want to spend as much time as possible at a railing. I'd rather be on a boat with fewer people. More photo opportunities... :)



  4. Aargh! Decisions, decisions! I would be disappointed if I couldn't do this tour. We want to do the one that goes to the Northwestern Fjord. Looks like both Major Marine and Kenai Fjord offer one per day, leaving around 9 AM. Guess I'm gonna bite the bullet and reserve one. I don't want to risk getting shut out.


    They're both around the same price, within a few bucks and I assume they follow the same route. Is one necessarily better than the other? Not really too concerned with the food offerings since we'll probably bring our own snacks and such... Thanks for the advice!



  5. Hi all,


    We'll be disembarking in Whittier on June 30th and will be spending a few days in Seward. We'll be in Seward for 3 nights, leaving on July 3rd. We want to take one of the longer 8-9 hour tours offered by Major Marine or Kenai Fjords. Is it necessary to book these tours ahead of time or can we walk up and book that morning? Don't want to book months ahead of time and get locked into a certain day only to have weather issues and beautiful weather the next (or previous) day.


    I know we'll be getting close to the July 4th race and crowds may increase, but our two full days, July 1 & 2, have no scheduled cruise ships in Seward. Any thoughts?



  6. I booked with Alamo. Located right in the airport. Pretty sure all of the major car rental agencies are available year round. Just pick one and book online.



  7. We did a float plane to see bears. Unfaortunately we didn't see any bears but the trip was still great. We saw tons of eagles. It's also amazing to see Alaska from the air. Expensive but....wow.


    I'd love to do a float plane, but I don't see it happening. Don't think I'll be able to talk my wife into doing it. She's not a great flier as it is, and when I first suggested a float plane, she said no way, no how. She told me to go ahead and do it without her, but I can't see myself doing that.

    I'm probably leaning towards Crab Fishing on the Aleutian Ballad or the Misty Fjords boat tour...



  8. I'm not asking for specifics because I know everyone has different tastes? I'm just curious.


    We're on the Sun this June heading NB from Vancouver with stops in Ketchikan, Juneau and Skagway. I'm narrowing down our excursions. Already have Harv & Marv's Whale watching booked in Juneau and a car booked through Avis in Skagway to drive the Klondike Highway up to Emerald Lake. I've been on Tripadvisor researching all of my options and every time I research a port I have the same problem. That stop becomes my potential favorite.


    Right now, I'm figuring out what I'd like to do in Ketchikan and it's number one on my list of favorite ports. Problem is, Skagway was number one when I researched that and so was Juneau.


    So just asking, which of those three has your favorite excursions, atmosphere, scenery, you name it.



  9. Thank you for taking the time to review your cruise. We fell in love with the Sun this past summer. Mostly because of the crew members who made the trip so nice.


    I love reading all of these positive reviews of the Sun. Our first ever cruise will be on the Sun this coming June. Getting excited, especially with all of the miserable weather we've had this winter. Ready to get away!...



  10. As of April 1st, 2011, all birth certificates submitted with passport applications must include your parent or parents’ names. So, before you send in your paperwork, take your birth certificate and double-check to make sure that your parents’ names are on the document.


    I found this on the internet. Sounds like it could be either/or but doesn't necessarily have to be both parents.


    Just discovered this fact three weeks ago when my wife and I went to apply for passports. Both of of our Pennsylvania birth certificates had no parents listed. I had to apply for new long form BC's from the state. Still waiting for them to arrive so I can apply for passports. Good thing we're not flying to Vancouver until June!



  11. As someone else posted, that suite does not get any bottles, but it is a lovely suite! If we sailed the Sun again, we'd likely choose that cabin again. Enjoy!

    Good to know! This will be our very first cruise and we couldn't be more excited. It's a surprise for my wife. She thinks I booked an Oceanview room. Can't wait to see her face when she sees the suite!



  12. We're cruising first. Disembark in Whittier and then we're doing our own touring for a few days. We got a 9:50 PM flight out of Anchorage to Philadelphia with a 50 minute layover in Minneapolis. I like the later flight. It gives us a little more time in Alaska!



  13. We'll be leaving Denali early on 7/03. I was planning on flying out the same day but could stretch it out until 7/05. That would give us more than 2 full days since flights out of Anchorage are late in the day. Same with Fairbanks.




  14. Hi all,


    My wife and I are on the Norwegian Sun NB out of Vancouver on 6/23. We'll disembark in Whittier on 6/30 and take a bus to Anchorage. Our plan is to grab a rental car in Anchorage and head to Denali for 3 nights 6/30-7/02. Originally, we were going to drive back down to Anchorage and catch a plane back to Philly, but now I'm wondering if Fairbanks is worth a visit.


    Looking at car rentals, one way rentals add about $200 to the cost and flying back home from Fairbanks is considerably more expensive as well. Money isn't totally the determining factor, but it does matter. :) Is heading north to Fairbanks worth the added expense? Are there things to do, tours to take? If so, I could add a night in Fairbanks and fly back on 7/04. Haven't booked airfare back home yet so that's pretty flexible...


    Or I could drive back down and spend some time in Anchorage after Denali. Already have nights booked in Denali so those dates are set. I guess what I'm asking is, Anchorage or Fairbanks? Thoughts? Opinions? Flames?... :)



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