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Posts posted by Southendweather

  1. 😞

    5 hours ago, brian1 said:

    Blimey,that sounds technical.We were on Southend seafront last week with daughter and grandkids,walking along with pie and chips in cold drizzle.Contrasted with eating local fish and chips alfresco,riverside in Singapore a few years ago.I know where I'd rather be,lol.Anywhere a few degrees from the Equator will not be like walking along Thorpe bay,even in our sometimes good summers.It reached 50 once in our unshaded back garden in July.The strength of the Sun makes a lot of difference in unshaded areas in different parts of the world.Let me know the outcome when you get back,even if it's to say "I told you so".

    Hi Brian, Southend seafront never seems the same after travelling around the world 😉

    I love the heat so not a problem for me, worked in Oman one August (Khasab) and it was 50c in the shade, but saying that, not the humidity that you get in the tropics which saps you. My Wife always has a go at me when I take her on a route march in the mid day sun 🌞 Thorpe Bay was where I grew up and still have relatives etc.

    Btw, are you going on one of these Asia cruises soon Brian?


    Okay back to the weather at the cruise locations:



    Maximum missing from bufa/synop data for Ho Chi Minh City 😞


    Keith (Southend)

  2. 5 minutes ago, ekco said:

    Thanks Somerset Cruiser.  Dollars make more sense due to the different countries we visit.  Sigh! Nearly 3 weeks on and still awaiting the refund.  Quelle surprise.


    Still not heard anything from TUI. I'm trying to track the ship but doesn't seem to be updating atm, in theory K0 Somui should be tomorrow. 🤔 We're 5 weeks away.


    Keith (Southend)

  3. 7 hours ago, brian1 said:

    We get those forecasts in Southern Italy in July and August ie. mid 30s but often reaches 40 in unshaded areas.Anyway I hope you are right for your own comfort.

    These are actual recorded shade temperatures from official meteorological locations, mainly airports. I have two automatic weather stations in my garden, both in proper enclosures, one I have on a north facing wall which I use to record the maximum *shade* temperature on sunny days. The temperature can be 3 to 4 degrees higher in full sun in summer, even though it's in an enclosure, the north facing one seems to agree with Southend Airport about 1/2 mile from me. 🌡️

    Just decoded the data for the 5th January 2020 for the same locations:




    Nearly half an inch of rain at Kuala Lumpa, but probably fell in a very short time.


    Keith (Southend)

  4. 21 minutes ago, Southendweather said:

     It's the humidity that makes it feel hotter, but unlikely to reach 40+c on our ports. Here's my data for the 4th January 2020, the best time of year as it is the driest season atm:




    Keith (Southend)


    I've added a bit more data to these locations, added values are taken from mid day (local time) data.


    Keith (Southend)

  5. No, we fly to Langkawi on the 13th February 2020 arrive 20:30 and return on the 27th February 2020 depart 17:25 (Both latest flight times received from TUI), from Gatwick.


    All the excursions at Langkawi are gone for the 14th February apart from 2 with 2 places left,  but there are some for the 27th February, which look like being half day trips, not got the cable car, which is what we wanted to do, maybe that will appear once we board and make a stampeed for the booking booths 😁, you'll know it's me by the speed...watch this space so to speak...


    Keith (Southend)

  6. Okay I've booked online 5 trips we want to do, just incase there ia a mad dash and they go, didn't see one for Koh Sumui that set us a light, so we see what happens. All gone online at Lawgkawi Island 1st day and also nothing jumps out at me for Cambodia, so we'll see what's available on board, same with Lawgkawi Island.

    If it's £250 per person compensation that will cover those excursions. In some ways I'm glad I have wind of this now, so will be expecting an email soon from TUI.


    Will be interesting to hear from them as we are also booked for next August on Marella Explorer, I'm the lead of a party of 5. I'm sure they will want to keep us sweet 🌡️


    Keith (Southend)

  7. The link to excursions from the login page doesn't work for me, but I saved previously the actual link, which does. I just add my date, booking ref and lead name. Just thought I'd add this in hoping it may do the trick 😉



    I noticed Discovery was reporting showers but now clear, I think you can see the shower it went through in the Malacca Straights here, just SW of KL:



    I always take my Netbook with me on cruises, just love my personal window on the weather 🌞🌡️


    Don't worry, I will turn the computer off later 😀

    Keith (Southend)



  8. Koh Samui still there:

    Your 1 & 2 is our 8 & 9.


    Booked 1st excursion today 'Best of Kuala Lumpa', I've got another 4 earmarked. Koh Sumui 3 are sold out and 2 only have 1 place each left, so this will have to wait until on board, I wonder if they've done this deliberately, now that would be a conspiracy theory 😎

    Langkawi - MALAYSIA
    Langkawi - MALAYSIA
    Penang - MALAYSIA
    Port Klang (for Kuala Lumpur) - MALAYSIA
    Singapore - SINGAPORE
    At Sea
    Koh Samui* - THAILAND
    Laem Chabang (for Bangkok) - THAILAND
    Laem Chabang (for Bangkok) - THAILAND
    Sihanoukville - CAMBODIA
    At Sea
    Phu My (for Ho Chi Minh City) - VIETNAM
    At Sea
    Malacca - MALAYSIA
    Langkawi - MALAYSIA
    Keith (Southend)
  9. Hi theped - Now if I've got this right that would be in the same week as us, 1st week for us, 2nd week for you, I assume you fly into Thailand to board the ship. You haven't been told officially yet I guess?


    I think we will know one way or the other this week.


    I wonder if a large part is required to repair the transformer as this would more likely come into Thailand due to the size of the port, but I'm only playing a guessing game.


    Keith (Southend)

  10. Mmm, 5 weeks from a week ago would take us to 8th Feb 2020, it could be tight, assuming the Captains right. We go the 13th...


    The flight is one of those things you have to endure, we hate it. Booked seats together on the inside so haven't got to disturb anyone if we want to stretch our legs or use the loo.


    A long day the 13th, I'm working an early, 6am to 2pm, then head to Gatwick late afternoon, so should get some sleep once in the air.


    Thanks for the info.


    Keith (Southend)

  11. Thanks Somerset Cruise - I'm intrigued following this saga. Our original outgoing flight was 12th Feb 20:10 but is now 13th Feb 00:45

    Our return to Gatwick was 23:10 and last week got changed to 22:40, I also seem to recall 23:25 was another change, so a little earlier.


    Still nothing to say any itinary changes - yet - I imagine if there is it will be this week we will be told.


    I assume the damaged transformer hasn't been fixed yet?




    Keith (Southend)


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