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Posts posted by leosmom08

  1. I am so excited to post that we snagged 1804 for our April 2016 cruise!!!


    We had already moved up to the large panoramic oceanview on 12 from deck 8. I saw this was open but wanted to confirm the extra $$ with DH before booking it. The next morning it was gone! :(


    Lo and behold this morning it opened up again! We snagged it right away.


    Did I mention how excited I am??? We are a family of three with my sister's family of four a few doors down. I think there will be some "sleep overs" in our room that week.

  2. Huh, we were on her in October and had no trouble getting off. We did not self disembark. We had a nice breakfast in the MDR and waited a few minutes after they called our numbers (About 10 am). We literally walked off the ship and were at the cab station in less than 15 minutes.


    Sorry to hear of other people's frustrations.

  3. My husband and I are taking our son on his first cruise in April '16.


    We want to avoid a balcony stateroom because a curious little boy (7 at cruise time) and ocean water just don't mix.


    I was very happy to see a YouTube video of a family promenade stateroom but was very sad to learn that the minimum family size was 5! I realize getting a larger family together in one room is difficult at best...but what about the rest of us! The bunk beds, the closet, the tub! LOL.


    I was also a bit miffed when I found out the price for that room would have only been $25 more than a large Ocean View room. :mad:


    Can anyone recommend an alternative? Are there any "larger than usual" oceanview rooms for families of three?


    I appreciate your help!

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