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Posts posted by StevenStephen

  1. You're making fun of people who post frquently? Who ARE you people...why is it so easy for you to ridicule others? Maybe the forums are the one place they feel safe. Maybe cruising is their life and they enjoy sharing their experiences. Maybe, just maybe, you could see them as a resource instead of the butt of a rude comment. Isn't this forum a place to share...in what one would assume is a safe environment?

  2. I can't figure out how to make a link from my amazon app....do a search on amazon for the "WITZ See it Safe Waterproof ID/Badge Holder Case". It was inexpensive but really handy. I've used it all summer at the beach and when camping.

  3. People who wear lanyards lack class and etiquette? Are you kidding? You might need a refresher on the concept of class and etiquette. While you're reading up on those distant, lofty, concepts, I might suggest a reading on humility and grace. Your reply to this post suggests you might be handicapped in those realms.

  4. Is it cool to feed the fish when you're on an excursion? I imagine that I'd be really irritated if I'm snorkeling along and enjoying the fish...then to have all of them swim over to the dude feeding them.


    When going on snorkeling excursions I tend to swim way out on the fringes of the group as I really don't appreciate how close everyone gets...not a fan of getting finned in the face. So, I guess I wouldn't be too much of distraction to others if I were to feed the fish....I'd certainly enjoy the thrill of a swarm of fish around me for a bit. (Yep. I know fish school together...but when they group up in that feeding frenzy it's more of a swarm to me!)


    Do the excursion/tour operators encourage feeding the fish? If they don't mind...I'm going to do a little grocery shopping for the fishies.

  5. I don't think you need to have major skills in swimming to be able to safely enjoy snorkeling. I can tread water for a while and certainly move from point a to point b but I would never really be able to swim more than a few laps in a pool. But, put me in some snorkeling gear and I turn into a freaking dolphin. It's my favorite thing in the whole wide world.


    My suggestion is that somebody take your mom to a pool or the beach and teach her some simple lessons...how to float on her back (It's so relaxing. She'll love knowing how.) and how to dog paddle at the least. When she feels confident in the water get a mask and show her how to just put her face in the water for a moment or two...in fact, there are dozens of videos on-line of people learning to swim at every age.


    When I wanted to learn how to swim (in my twenties) somebody laughed at my anxiety (about not being able to learn) and reminded me that if horses can swim...I can too.


    If she feels confident, and is up to the adventure, take her! One of my favorite people is 78 years old and we snorkel on every cruise...I have to keep up with her sometimes!


    As for people 'over reacting' to this post....well, it seems like the same reaction I would have to a child running into the street to chase a ball. I would get upset because I'm afraid that the kid will get hurt...so, try not to take it personally. It's just CARE coming out sideways.

  6. The only time I didn't use a lanyard was during formal nights. If I didn't want it hanging out I just tucked it inside my shirt. Having a lanyard certainly made keeping track of my sea pass...no digging around pants and bags looking for one credit card shaped thing. It was hanging by the door or it was hanging around my neck.


    Oh, okay...I'll admit it. I had lots to different lanyards. Most of them really dramatic rhinestone covered ones. When the bartender had three or four sea passes in hand, I always knew which one was mine!


    I actually got a lanyard with a small waterproof container just big enough for my sea pass, some cash and an ID....it was perfect to keep track of my stuff during beach/snorkeling excursions where I'd need cash on the beach.

  7. When preparing for my first cruise (last year) I wanted to take along my own gear...mostly because I didn't want to use gear that had been used by hundreds of different people!


    I actually live for researching stuff like this...I scoured amazon.com, Leisurepro.com and other sites for reviews on different masks, snorkels, fins and complete sets. There is one dive shop in the Boston area and they're apparently really good. But, their prices were steep and the selection didn't reflect what I knew was out there on the market.


    In the end I spent about fifty bucks on a mask/snorkel set and about sixty bucks on a great pair of fins.


    Now, that I've got some serious snorkeling under my belt...I know what I like rather than depending on reviews. If you have a normal/medium sized face (and are new to snorkeling) I can easily recommend a Promate mask and snorkel set. Just google Promate Purge Mask and you'll find it. As a newbie I really appreciated the purge (blowing out of your nose a bit to clear your mask) on the mask and snorkel. My favorite fins (for an easy kick and swift ride) were the Mares Avanti Super Channel...you should be able to find them on line for around sixty bucks. They're not toooooo long for the suitcase (and some airlines allow them as your carry-on)...best fin I own for warm water snorkeling.


    My newest mask, now that I am more comfortable diving a bit deeper than just hanging around the surface, is a Mares i3 liquid skin mask (the Sunrise version as my face is WIDE) that I got on line for about fifty bucks. I like the really comfortable nasal section...super comfortable and easy to pinch for equalizing pressure as I dive a bit.


    I know I'm writing a bit...sorry. But, there are a couple of other things I'd really suggest. I watched YouTube videos on how to prepare my mask so it won't fog up so quickly. SO important! I ended up buying Sea Buff and Sea Drops for preparing my mask and then a defogger (that's the drops). Lastly, I found these little magnets with soft cushions on them...one magnet goes inside the mask window the other outside, with the cushions of both touching the glass. If the mask does fog, then you just move the outside magnet around and the inside one is dragged around to wipe up the fog. They are like magic!!!


    Wow....sorry to write so much.

  8. So here's a suggestion. If you do decide to visit Jamaica or St. Petersburg or wherever, buy a couple fewer drinks while there and send that money to ILGA (http://ilga.org/) or Amnesty International's LGBT rights campaign. Let's face it: might be a drop in the bucket, but it might well bring better results than just staying on the ship.


    I think you are brilliant. Thank you for a great idea!

  9. No, that's not it at all...I'm probably going to get off the ship and hit the beach at least!

    But I don't want to feel like a rotten person because other people disapprove. I live in a studio apt in Boston where the number of beach days is cut by three seasons...If I go on a tropical vacation I want to make the most of the sun and sand.

    If I choose to hit the beach in Haiti, I will do so without guilt or shame.

  10. Right. I think I actually have to unsubscribe from this thread! This cruise is, for me, a real luxury...it's costing me every penny I have. It's a ridiculous waste of my funds and it's really quite frivolous.

    My avocation is to make the world a better place. But, for one week out of the year I don't want to know about a fence or to imagine what's beyond it. My life isn't hellish...but I'm exhausted. I serve people everyday and look forward to one week of not caring about the state of the world beyond the next buffet. I have 51 other weeks of the year to worry about fences and poverty. Of course I probably sound like an 'ugly american'...I'm not, but the last thing I need is my one real luxury weighted by guilt.

  11. I'm looking forward to Haiti...it will probably be the one real relaxing day of my cruise! All I want to do is get sit on the beach and swim a bit. No desperate searching for a spot by the pool or battling through a sea of people waving their Sea Pass at the two over worked bartenders serving the crowds by the pool.

  12. The 2013 Post-Thanksgiving cruise was my first cruise. My (ex) partner and his group of friends take this cruise every year and had apparently become close friends with Derek. Mind you, I never once met Derek or the hosts....actually, I'm surprised there were hosts! I never saw evidence of one.


    But, as it was my first cruise, I had a blast!!! The only thing I could have passed on were the two strippers...hairless gym bodies that couldn't dance to save their lives.


    This year, I decided to request a room share...after waiting for weeks I dropped PP an email. Were they able to find me a roomie? Hardly an hour passed before I got an email saying that if I wanted to share a more expensive room I would probably have better luck with a share. Before I could even pen a reply...Derek wrote me saying that somebody (another penny pincher) was looking to share an inside cabin. Bingo! I could afford to go on the cruise!


    These few emails from Derek really made me feel like I was being taken care of...so, even if things don't go 100%, I'm going to remember this thoughtfulness. Even if PP doesn't have a great record with communications...I'm going to trust that I can ask you helpful folks for your experience and suggestions.


    It's going to be a blast getting to know you all!



  13. I've been scouring the Celebrity website excursion pages...I just want to do everything. I really hadn't cared about Jamaicans and their apparent hatred of the most fabulous people. I've grown up with Americans who hated me because of my being gay...no worries if some stranger on an island hates me. Right? But, with SO much being said about their awful behavior, skipping Jamaica sounds like a good idea.


    Besides, I thought of all the gay people who are probably going to stay on the ship...and, well, doesn't that just sound fantastic? A ship full of gay people? So, I'm going to treat Jamaica as a Sea Day and work on making the most of my beverage package. :eek:

  14. Thanks for posting this question! I've grown a (gorgeous) beard and mustache over the last year and I certainly don't want to shave it so that I can snorkel a few times on my upcoming cruise.


    I am sort of horrified by the idea of trimming a little of my mustache (thinking it would look weird). But, I honestly haven't tried on my traditional mask to even see how it fits now that I've grown this bushy thing on my lip.


    Because of another recommendation I bought an Aqua Sphere Seal 2.0 mask and a good nose clip just in case the mask doesn't fit. Though, now that I think about it...it will be impossible to equalize the mask pressure if I dive even just a few feet.


    Well, I guess I'll just have to experiment.

  15. Well, I did end up wearing lanyards...In fact I brought a wardrobe of them. All of them were rhinestone covered....and everywhere I went people asked where they could buy them. I purchased mine on amazon.com, often for less than three dollars; but they were for sale on board for ten dollars.


    The one waterproof one was ideal for my snorkeling excursions. I jumped off the catamaran without worrying about my sea pass or the cash that I ended up using at the beach snack bar.


    We've signed up for next year's cruise...I'm going to bring a pile of lanyards to give to friends.

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