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Posts posted by Bobblefrog

  1. When the cruise is only one week out I'll probably...

    • have to try not to let my mind wander off to exotic destinations while I'm at work
    • check and recheck my cruise documents
    • make sure our passports don't get left behind
    • cruise these boards for the latest news and info
    • double-check our packing list
    • choose which credit cards to take and which to leave behind
    • wander through my photos of cruises and cruise ships
    • yes, check to make sure bills are paid up
    • and try to sleep despite the growing excitement!


    yep, that

  2. I can't respond to all your questions but on the lanyards - for the adults, anyway, while Carnival doesn't give them out, you can go into the casino and they punch a hole in your card and attach one of the stretchy coil ones for free (at least they did a couple of years ago - someone will chime in if they've stopped doing that).


    On our second cruise we did a behind the scenes tour and got one as part of the little goody bag at the end - we liked those better as they were more the fabric style. I am pretty sure you can also buy lanyards in the gift shop if you want to pay a premium price :-) But makes for a souvenir, what the hey.


    Water - they will want to check the water - take it out, shake it, etc. to ensure the bottles haven't been refilled with alcohol, so it's better that you keep that separate or at the top of the duffle so he doesn't have to unpack all his unmentionables - grin!


    Sounds like you have a great cruise planned!

  3. He has pictures too :-) The lasagna bolganese on my first cruise (course that was a few years ago now) was memorable. I haven't cruised since they've added the steakhouse surcharge option - seems kind of nice idea. Enjoy your cruise, wish our next cruise was closer :-)

  4. My partner and I, now in our late 40's, have only sailed one Carnival ship. This time we're trying a new ship and port yay! But while I always look at other lines when planning our cruises, I can't get past the benefits their cruises offer for the price and so always seem to always end up back at Carnival. Love the little perks like free room service and robes in the room, as well as the cheerful service, itineraries - and the variety of food. So I would say if you appreciate a value then Carnival will go over well with you.


    I will echo some of the others - the only thing we find lacking is the entertainment. But then we are the sort that DOES salivate over other line's culture lectures, art collections, demonstrations and sexy libraries. However we aren't willing to pay the higher prices for that.


    The one show we ever peeked in on was weird in a sort of sesame street meets stripper way...I think we would have stayed only the music sent us screaming. Now if we ever found a cruise line that played punk instead of rock and pop - well that might be a different story - slam dancing on the lido? Sign us up and we'll pack our doc martins :-) ROFLOL! That would be a sight. Nah, we know that we have eclectic tastes - so it doesn't bother us at all that the entertainment is a little lame.


    Everyone on our two cruises, on one of their smallest oldest ships, was always enjoying themselves whether they were enjoying a snooze on the promenade, a drink in the cigar bar or the contests by the pool. The ship was clean, the rooms spacious and comfortable, and plenty of places to get away and plenty to be with the crowd. You can see by my signature our dates are off season. On those cruises we never experienced "hordes" of children or of drunks :-) Just one or two to make you smile and shake your head and think "bless their hearts" and then you went on your way.


    I hope you enjoy your cruise!

  5. I certainly don't think you are chump - rather that you are gracious. I like nchikk's comment.


    My only other thought is: What do you normally tip? Would it make any sense to split it? I tend to bring only the cash I need and think through all my tips, and amounts and envelopes, but I don't think one wrong room service order would throw me off - but if it was happening all the time it would rattle my OCD to no end!


    I know in the restaurant business the waitress for example is responsible for doing a check on food she's taking out to ensure it's both plated correctly and is satisfactory. But yeah, have no idea on cruise ships with those covered dishes...

  6. It does seem for two cabins that's a lot of money for the convenience you are getting.


    Our first time on the Fantasy they didn't have it yet - and DB forgot his phone at security so I sat surrounded by all our stupid carryons the first 45 minutes we were on board while he went back to get it. So next time I GOT it just so we could get to the cabin and dump our stuff. We had wine, our nonalcoholic beverages, electronics we didn't want to trust to the porters and being OCD a change of clothes, a bathing suit to take advantage of the hot tub right away...and I love getting to the ship early to explore (although second time we knew our way around) We just enjoy everything still kind of empty - like the buffet lines :-). But on that second trip we also had a tender port so it was completely worth it.


    Would it make sense for you to get just one FTTF, get the kids on board (it was nice to just be waved up to the front of the line once we made it through security), and then have a cabin everyone can leave their stuff in?


    Then again maybe someone wants to sit on deck and watch the stuff with drink in hand for those couple of hours til the cabin is ready. That's not a bad way to start a cruise if someone is willing to wait on them :-)


    Hope that helps!

  7. We have always booked Early Saver, but it isn't for everyone. Read the terms - you can only get a deposit back for example as future cruise credit - non refundable. And there are change fees etc.


    If you decide to go with Early Saver, you should check your fares daily to see if they go down:



    What you are looking for is drops in prices for your exact class - ie balcony 8E - if you find that they go down, then you have to either call your Carnival rep, travel agent - or if you booked through the website directly fill out form here:



    Always take screenshots - especially ones that include date and time on your computer screen just in case they try to argue with you :-) I've never had a problem but have heard others that have. And there's no rhyme or reason when they MIGHT post a fare reduction, so that's why the daily check.


    That said, you could just decide you like the price and not worry about checking for those :-) This is our first time to do a balcony and it's a higher class so we might not get anything this time - but in the past we did portholes (considered insides on the Fantasy class) and I saved several hundred off my initial booking each time.


    If you do get one two things could happen - if it's before your final payment you could get a price reduction - if it's after then they offer you the OBC. Which is nice - it can cover gratuituties, charges on your S&S card, etc.



    http://www.carnival.com/about-carnival/legal-notice/ticket-contract.aspx (and do a search for early saver)

  8. Meh. I like the concept but not the dishes themselves. Maybe they just aren't described as interestingly as the current menu? It looks like the meals are much less gourmet and much more Applebees? LOL - who knows, but this looks like the boring old menu you can go out to eat anytime on restaurant row. And I have to agree not very vegetarian friendly :-( Fortunately Fantasy will still have the old menu when we go out this month as I'm so looking forward to the Indian dishes! Next cruise? I don't know...probably will save our pennies and try another line. This whole thing with Hasboro games and branded foods and hearing more and more about passengers in their bathrobes (did they get that idea from watching the Triumph footage?) and the zombies in front of the jumbotron - makes me feel like we are about to partake in a reality show! Guess I'm gettin' old - grin - I want the traditional "specialness" cruising used to seem to offer. Just saying. It's just one opinion. Course I like the Farcus-off-the-wall designs - so there is just no accounting for taste is there!!

  9. I haven't done Amtrak yet, but planning on it. I have terrible anxiety about flying (I think it's the claustrophobia in the economy class - which is all I can afford) and lately, while I used to love road trips, I now hate those too. Too many semi's and fast drivers and my back can't take the long hours in one seat.


    OOOPS - I guess that's called GETTIN OLD!!! LOL


    Not sure the issue with getting information on pricing and routing - I don't have to register at the Amtrak site for that?


    It is quite a research project though. Our closest station requires I always go to DC before going south - no thanks. But then as I started widening the net I found some where I can go south - great, but no place to leave the car safely so someone has to drive us - and that's a bit of pain. Finally found a station I can safely leave my car at not too far away, and great inexpensive and just overnight trips down to the Florida ports. Okay, so the train doesn't leave til 1:45 in the morning. But that's a little inconvenience to avoid the above mentioned.


    I'll report after I take my first one and tell you how it goes.


    I disagree with the above poster, though - I would be happy if we'd stop subsidizing oil companys and private companies - and put MORE money into the trains so we could get better routes that got priority over the freight trains (that's why all the delays). Then more trains, rails, and more stations (like in my home town) so I didn't have to go to freakin seattle to get to houston - just kidding. That is extreme, but you get my point. And while I'm Diva for the Day - lets add more sleeper cars so the price on those could go down - that would be fabulous - lol. I do like the new healthier menu options at the snack bar - Naked juice - yum! Course that doesn't mean it'll be "in stock" - but who knows? It'll be an adventure no matter what.

  10. No suggestions but V1 is right there next to the stairway down - although you'll probably find it busiest the first day while people are exploring or pulling into ports. If you're social you can just raise your glass and toast folks! If that worries you and you decide to stay with the verandah I would suggest seeing if you could go 5 to 6 cabins back. Course then you risk being downwind of smokers.


    I think I'd just risk the stairs!!! LOL!

  11. I do know the verandah deck is a sweet one - short, steps to outside, quiet as most people don't use it. I considered an interior on that deck but boyfriend doesn't think he could handle anything without a window. Course we used the gym and saunas every day so for us, it would be a convenient location. Aft gets you closer to serenity and buffet. Decisions, decisions.


    I have read on the forum that connecting rooms can be noisy - depending on your neighbor.

  12. Does Fantasy even have balcony rooms that aren't suites???


    I was confused too - but I think the OP is talking about Fantasy class - the Fascination, like the Ecstacy and the Sensation have balcony cabins in addition to the suites.


    Hopefully someone can chime in and give them opinion. I've only been on the Fantasy.

  13. Here's a neat picture on Carnival Dream...the waves were rather big during the crossing of the Atlantic due to the effects of a H. It almost seemed like the cabin was under water!!! :D


    Neat, and a little scary, too! LOL! Talk about a little bit of an adventure!


    We have a porthole room booked on the Fantasy as well - I'll be sure in my review to try to give an idea of what it was like. We did consider the potential pitfalls before taking one, but we chose to err on the side of adventure. We'll see if we come to rue the day!

  14. It was so wonderful to find this thread! I live with anxiety as well and I sympathize and, like another reader expressed, felt the pain in every post. I have not cruised yet (I'm booked for my very first cruise during the holidays), and I don't know if this will be of any use to anyone, but here are some of the things I've found personally helpful (for traveling):


    Private, quiet, safe and appealing accomodations can really create a sense of refuge and control for me within otherwise chaotic situations. This is my number one priority. My sanity is worth it ;-)


    Research. The more I know what to expect, the less anxious I am. It can get a bit obsessive though. I have to really force myself to "stop".


    Too much caffeine, dehydration, lack of sleep and emotional stresses are fertile ground for attacks. Yeah, this includes the emotional stress of obsessive research ;-). Don't worry about it - just be aware you are more vunerable during times emotional stress and physical "degradation" and try to nurture yourself accordingly.


    And here's the best trick I learned from a Haikomi therapist - this has worked for me both when I felt one coming on and when I really was already losing it.


    Open your eyes, look around and really concentrate on your surroundings. Examine the artwork, the scenery, the bedstand - really focus on what you are looking at. Keep looking around with (obviously forced at this point) interest - don't "stare". Keep your head and as much of your body moving that you can to do this. Use your active consciousness to talk you through your environment as if your irrational fear is a frightened child. Is that lamp anything that is putting you in danger? It's not, okay then lets look over at that pretty picture on the wall, do you feel like that is threatening? And so on. Recognize that you are not in any immediate danger (I'm not so sure this would work in a noisy crowded place - I've always been in a restaurant or a room somewhere that my rational mind could literally understand there was no imminent chance of death/doom). Next, consciously pay attention to how your body feels. How do your feet feel on the floor if you are sitting? And, don't laugh - it works - how does your butt feel in the chair? Just pay attention to different parts of your body. Note how they feel. Keep your eyes open. Now try to identify where you feel your "fear" in your body. Don't judge or try to do anything, just recognize it. Pay attention and just observe it. Does it stay in one place? Does it move? And so forth. It's really just "centering" like they teach in any meditation, but what it does is counteract the disassociative spiraling of irrational fear. It brings you back to the "here and now", minimizes the fear and gives you control back.


    To me it feels like in the attack I am contained within the fear, and then as I go through the exercise the fear contracts until it becomes a part of me - like any other emotion. It doesn't make me blissful! But it does help me get control back.


    My best wishes to all. Look forward to hearing about your experiences!

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