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Posts posted by lazeyey

  1. I haven't been keeping up with this thread like I wanted to. I also got norovirus ans my 18 month old got hand mouth and foot disease. I wash my hands all the time and use hand sanitizer.


    The one thing that bothers me is that when I saw people giving staff members excuses as to why they can't wash their hands before entering the windjammer, the staff member told me there's nothing she can do and said she can't 'make' passengers wash their hands all the time. Now this one comment (out of many) was made the day before I got noro. Now there are security guards everywhere at the windjammer entrenches. I told medical that story, not sure if that's the reason for the security guards or not.

  2. I would love to see pictures of any scrapbooking kits and albums available onboard. You should be able to see them at the photo shop and/or the craft venue if past experience is any indication.


    Hi. I am very sorry for the delay. And I'm also sorry to tell you that I haven't seen any scrapbooks, however, I did ask someone and they said that it's located at 270, so I went there to look and found out that they don't have anything like that for now because of the norovirus. Everything has been shutdown to prevent it from spreading. I missed a lot that the ship has to offer, like the bumper cars for example.

  3. Hope your family is feeling better soon! I've been ill on cruise ships several times and I know its not fun!


    I do have an odd and probably way out of the way, far fetched question. We are looking at booking a cruise aboard the Anthem, and I have my eyes on a specific stateroom, 3250. On the Royal site, it shows NO connecting door, but on pretty much every other travel website it does show a connecting door. I wonder if there's some way to find out since you're onboard the ship. I wouldn't expect you to go knock on their door (although maybe you can call the guests in that cabin, haha! ;)), but maybe there's someone in the stateroom staff or guest services who has a definitive answer.


    I'm calling Royal today to see if they can provide a bit more info, but I figured I have little to loose by asking for a bit of help from someone who is currently on the ship.


    Once again, hope everyone starts feeling better! :)


    Hi! Thank you for your well wishes.


    So I asked my now AWESOME stateroom attendant this question for you and he said that he's pretty sure all staterooms on this ship are connected to each other. I will go there tomorrow and see if I can find the owner of the room or an attendant near by I can ask, but my SA seemed like he knew what he was talking about.

  4. The information that you shared is startling..... And I hope you do not get dismayed by the RC "Loyalist" who are always in denial. (Shall not say anything negative about Royal Caribbean) The Loyalists feed into the lack of transparency that Royal Caribbean Public Relations dishes out as news statements. The local press is covering your dilemma and I would voice my story to them when you disembark in Hoboken. They will certainly be asking for statements from passengers. Just a thought.

    Good luck with a speedy recovery and God Bless!



    I didn't think the press would be out there, especially after the comments I've heard online and from guest services. This one guest service agent had the nerve to tell me to stop talking to him and talk to my lawyer because there was no way he was going to be helping someone like me. UGH, I luckily spoke with his manager afterwards, not even knowing it was his manager who solved my problem (with adventure ocean) in 5 minutes. I'm sure he could have done the same as her if he wanted to, but everyone in the LONG line was saying how they hope he doesn't help them because he's rude. He sure was.


    I will definitely be talking to the press, I was even thinking of writing CNN, but if the press are going to be there when we get off, you can bet I'm going to be talking to them lol.


    Thank you for that information. I had no idea there was such thing as Royal Caribbean "loyal" but I should have assumed because that's the way it is with everything. I just hope a 'loyal' doesn't get their cruise cut short, contract noroovirus and have the worse stateroom attendant in the history of stateroom attendants.


    Thanks again for your support.

  5. I had noro on one of our 24 cruises and vowed I would do everything I could to avoid EVER getting this horrible disease again.

    I truly commiserate with the OP and wish them well.


    The comment by Tapi made me pause because I remembered that the

    WORST problem WAS MY BEHIND!!.......I was "fortunate" only because I did not have the vomiting part.


    If you have or can get any Pepto Bismol.....get it, use it and take it often. It works the best for this particular problem and I always carry tablets after my first and last encounter with this plague.


    This is honestly the worst virus I have ever had in my life. Thankfully it's short and I am feeling better. Medical gave me all sorts of medicine that has kicked in so I feel great now, just weak and tired.


    I washed my hands like crazy on this shop and still got it. It makes me a bit mad when I still see people (as of yesterday) not washing their hands when entering the Windjammer. You should see how clean they are making this ship, I've never seen people wash walls this much.

  6. You can not private message anyone on Cruise Critic as that function does not work.


    I would highly suggest that you contact the Community Manager at community@cruisecritic.com


    I do hope that you start to feel better along with your husband and baby.


    Ah, then it must have been somewhere else and I got confused. Oops, sorry for accusing you guys. I feel like an idiot now LOL. Once again, i'm sorry.

  7. Just to update. I went to medical today and they have isolated me to my room after spending all day with really bad diarrhea and vomiting. I got a call from guest services to say that the mini bar (not including alcohol) and the movies on the TV are free while I'm in isolation, so that is good. I slept all day and now that I have a bit of energy but can't leave my stateroom, it's good to know that Royal Caribbean is being accommodating.

  8. Hope your family is feeling better soon! I've been ill on cruise ships several times and I know its not fun!


    I do have an odd and probably way out of the way, far fetched question. We are looking at booking a cruise aboard the Anthem, and I have my eyes on a specific stateroom, 3250. On the Royal site, it shows NO connecting door, but on pretty much every other travel website it does show a connecting door. I wonder if there's some way to find out since you're onboard the ship. I wouldn't expect you to go knock on their door (although maybe you can call the guests in that cabin, haha! ;)), but maybe there's someone in the stateroom staff or guest services who has a definitive answer.


    I'm calling Royal today to see if they can provide a bit more info, but I figured I have little to loose by asking for a bit of help from someone who is currently on the ship.


    Once again, hope everyone starts feeling better! :)


    I'm in isolation right now but as soon as I see my stateroom attendant I will ask him if he can find out for me. If not, maybe tomorrow, I can go there and ask a stateroom attendant on that floor for you.

  9. Hi all. Omg, I was looking forward to answering everyone's questions, then my whole family came down with Noro. My husband has it the worst followed by my 18 month old. I just started coming down with symptoms as of 10 pm last night. The baby has had a high fever since this morning and it scares the hell out of me because she has a history of febrile seizures. Medical was great today until the night shift came on, now it seems like all they care about is the norovirus and not my baby who is at high risk of a seizure. The last time she has a seizure, 5 months ago, she stopped breathing and turned blue. So I'm terrified of the possibilities and have heen worried sick.


    This cruise has been my first cruise where I came to CC to share information with you guys and what do I get? Jerks calling me names in pms and in posts, and Internet strangers in general who think all I'm doing is complaining when they aren't even on this cursed ship. They aren't the ones dealing with the rudeass staff on the ship, and they aren't the ones who had their cruise cut short. I don't blame the staff for being *******s on this cruise, I mean they're understaffed. Every time i was in medical, the waiting room was PACKED with sick crew members. Wow, no wonder why we are going home. I don't believe for one second it's because of a storm.


    Anyway, I've already taken some notes and have some answers so after some sleep I will answer questions to the best of my ability. And when I get home, I will finish this thread by turning it into a review. But if I keep getting creepy pms, I'll never come back here.

  10. We are on this ship also it has been great so far and the food has been very good. The size of the lobster tails in the grande were very large and no limit.

    Yes disappointing cruise cut short due to the storm and yes want to be safe , that being said couldn't we extend the cruise a few days to be sure storm passes, suppose it doesn't? Talking about a forecast for Wednesday and we all know how the weather can change.

    The person who posted a level for Niro virus, where did you hear that?

    They are cleaning like I never saw on any cruise I've been on.

    Again disappointed but oh god please get us home safe!


    I heard it on the speaker yesterday late morning when mostly everyone was in Martinique. I asked someone at seaplex who told me what the level was all about. Apparently they haven't one in 5 years! The noro virus started our small (a handful of people) and now it's apparently REALLY bad and way more people have it. They're washing the walls constantly on our deck.

  11. 5 minutes ago in from the the guest services desk someone lost control of the bowels and it went EVERYWHERE. Ugh the poor crew that has to deal with cleaning that.


    Dining staff and cabin stewards are hit hard. I'd guess 30% reduction in staff.


    My room is getting picked up but not cleaned in a normal way. Our steward has been I incapacitated for 4 going on 5 days.


    The ship is deserted at night. The majority of infected people that won't show up on the official records because the medical facility was was swamped and can't handle any more and others don't want to be quarantined.



    Oh no, thank god I left that place. The line was too big.


    Our stateroom attendant said that as of now the cleaning won't be the same. Like vacuuming for example, they can't go that with the norovirus because there's a chance they could pick up the virus and move it to someone else's room.

  12. Ok whatever, to whoever made the comments about the sheets, but my sheets smelled bad (from the moment they were on the bed). AND, I went DAYS without clean towels and when I asked, I got my head bitten off by the horrible stateroom attendant, who btw, got $20 from us on dat 1. It's something I do every trip.


    But it doesn't matter anyways because it has been resolved. The same stateroom attendant who cleans the captain's room, the hotel director's room AND the cruise director's room. And guess what???? He's actually doing his JOB, you know the same job the other guy never did. And also, I haven't had the time or working Internet to tell you the WHOLE story.


    So you people can think what you want of me, but the matter of the fact is, you're not going here dealing with the crap I am. So say whatever you want to me because I'm don't arguing with Internet strangers. I'm doing my own and don't care what anyone says. So I'm going to my other thread to finish my review. I'm done with defending myself to people who don't matter :D

  13. Hi everyone. I am going to try to take some time today to answer everyone's questions. I have notes and some answers already and will answer them all depending on the ship's wifi connection. I guess because it's open, it got really busy and wasn't working all night last night.


    Sorry for any delays, but know that I didn't forget about your questions.


    My husband and I are a bit hungover today, he's really sick so far. Now that Adventure Ocean is open I'm going to try to get my baby in there for awhile today. It's great to finally have that open so I can have some time to myself. She's a great well behaved kid and most people on the ship just love her. She had a group of people watching her during a character visit. It was the cutest thing ever.

  14. We are saddened by returning however are having a great time. The captain is only turning around for weather. He showed it on our tv last night the storm that is brewing. Has nothing to do with virus. That is a rumor. We are serving ourselves at windjammer. Staff is awesome and will come back. 3 days at sea. Yeah. Already received my credit. And just like the end to a cruise people must leave the ship. No big deal. We are sick of hearing the negativity on board. And are trying to spread positive thoughts.


    Believe me, I feel the same as you. I actually LOVE this ship and had nothing bad to say about it, but then we get the worst stateroom attendant ever and now this happens. I'm still happy to be here and I'm going to enjoy my last couple of days here. Enjoy the rest of your cruise, as long as my room is cleaned I know I will enjoy it.

  15. Emailed the president?? Wowsers... I understand that you are in a less than ideal situation. However, I can assure you that the president of a multi billion dollar corporation has far more important things to do than yield the customer complaints. This is what the chain of command is for. Did you ever approach the stateroom attendant before going above their head? IF so and nothing changed, at that point is when you would address the supervisor and so on working your way up. I'm not quite sure the reasoning on emailing the head honcho of a company before first having your issue attempted to be resolved on the ship. Are you sure you are upset about the other situations on this ship and now are looking for a scape goat for your rath? The attendant will probably be fired. Is that going to make you feel better?



    Lol, whatever. You'd do the same thing if your sheets weren't cleaned for 4 days. I can email whoever I want. I don't need YOUR permission. So thanks but no thanks.

  16. You need to make a fuss, that is not acceptable.



    I know, it's really sad. I told the supervisor who tried to make it right by giving us a free chops dinner and some wine (that I don't drink lol) , but things just got worse after that when the stateroom attendant keeps sucking his teeth and giving me dirty looks every time I see him in the hall. The supervisor made me think I was making things up when he defended the guy by saying he's his best worker ever and no one ever has complained about him 🙄 AND our room still wasn't cleaned for 2 days after complaining.


    So today I talked to guest services again and they sent a senior supervisor to talk to me, which she seems like she is taking this seriously, so far anyway. But the stateroom attendant still gives me dirty looks in the hallway, which is a bit intimidating and scary.

  17. What is an "OPP level three"?


    I could have heard wrong, but in the afternoon they made an announcement. So when we were in the Seaplex and noticed the bumper cars not working, we asked a staff member who told us that OPP level three is the worst outbreak condition there is. The bumper cars and anything that needs to be touched is closed down or heavily restricted. It's too bad since I was looking forward to those bumper cars.

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