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Posts posted by PennStateFan123

  1. And if they were Millionaires (and Ginger was a movie star) Didn't they have their own yachts? Since when do Millionaires and movie stars go on these little dinky tour boats? *LOL*



    And how come the professor could make all of those great inventions like a coconut that was a radio but he couldn't figure out how to build a raft



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  2. I've been reading a live blog from the Brisbane Times and read that an evacuation center has just been evacuated because it was determined that it could not withstand a category 5 storm. (This was just a category 1 storm as recently as yesterday morning. The rapid strengthening of Marcia has been phenomenal. )




    Things are about to get nasty for those on land. We're still fine here out at sea.



    Wow. Good thing nobody's wearing jeans in the dining room



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  3. I never have a problem with these two. I walk up to the Solarium attendant and politely ask them to remove the children. I walk up politely to the Solarium attendant and politely ask them to find us seats based on the chair hog removal method.


    The last 4 cruises we've been on, the attendants have been pro-active with the chair hogs and semi-so with the kids.



    Point is that it's not MY job to do that, it's royals and when they start doing it along with the guy who reserves 12 theatre seats, let me know



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  4. Nah it's all good I'm not mad or anything. I'm just trying to figure out why these farmers keep growing so many green beans. I find them disgusting, so I assume they are required by law to grow them or something? I can't think of any other reason. :confused:



    Yeah I know. Well I don't know about you guys down there, but some people up here drink both coke AND Pepsi. I mean come on, what kind of jackweed does that?



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  5. Sure, of course you're allowed to have an opinion. I assume you were inviting comments on it since you posted it on a message board, so I gave my opinion in return. You didn't say anything about the short hours being the reason you thought it was wasted, just that you don't care for SJ (which you repeated again in this post)




    By the way I didn't take offense to you not liking SJ. Different strokes. I don't care for a couple of the Caribbean ports myself. It just wouldn't occur to me that since I don't like St Thomas, probably nobody else does either, so they must only stop there because they're required to by some regulation. :confused: Yes to me that's silly. Sorry, but I'm allowed to have an opinion, right? ;)



    Fabulous points . Just be careful, you might get a snarky response for daring to have an opinion or for a post that he doesn't like.....just sayin[emoji378]



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  6. i think everyone missed the point of my post, royal cant advertise one price then charge another and then not fix it! who do i contact to complain that will actually get me a result without another 5 hours on the phone!!!! even if i cancel the kennedy space i have to call them and i still have to book through them for sting ray city....and in the weeks since i tried to book there have been even more price increases too



    Unfortunately, yes they can.



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  7. The subject of tipping would not be so fractious if it was included as a service charge in the fare - just like most countries do outside of the USA - VAT, GST etc. That way RCI et al can pay their staff decent wages from the get go.




    Back to the original post with regard to pre-paid gratuities - do you pay tips before you arrive at a restaurant etc? If we tip, it is because of exceptionally good service.. why encourage mediocrity?



    Agreed . If I get really poor service I'm pulling some of the tips.



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  8. Yes :) especially when it comes to people who are trying to make an honest living and putting up with demanding people. I have never had a bad experience on a ship and I do not go looking for it to try to save a few dollars.



    Good for you. Bet you talk in the third person too



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