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Posts posted by Bootsy15

  1. I had a post here about what you could do in Halong City for a couple of hours (visit coffee/icecream shop and nearby markets)


    It has been removed and I have no idea why?


    Anyway hope you got to see it before it was "deleted"


    Thank you BPOS, I did see it and I suspect we will do something along those lines.


    I also appreciate and thank those who have taken the time to comment too, but as I stated originally we have already arranged a private full day junk cruise and was really only wanting half day suggestion.

  2. We are on a day and a half also in Dec 2017 and wondered about the same thing. Were you able to find any. My email is lynlitvack@yahoo.ca


    Hi, no unfortunately I had no responses - we have emailed various companies which we have seen recommended by CC posts and TripAdvisor for a full day private tour on a junk and we have been able to confirm 8 of us from our roll call to do the private 9.5 hour trip. We still have not arranged anything for the half day, but suspect that we may just get off the ship and have a wander around the town for a few hours.

  3. Hello.


    We are visiting Halong Bay in February 2017 for 1.5 days on the Celebrity Millennium.


    We have already booked a private junk for a full day tour and wondered what options are available for our half day? Is it worth getting off the ship and exploring Halong town?


    Any suggestions would be gratefully considered - our ship sails at 1.00pm so we are looking for something to do for about 3 hours max.


    Hello, we are stopping at Halong Bay for 1.5 days as part of our Asia Immersion cruise in February 2017. We have read other CC posts and recommendations and have decided against the 4 hour trip to Hanoi. We are undecided whether to take a junk tour of 6-8 hours around the bay or splash out on an overnight one (we depart at 12.30pm on day 2)


    I would be interested in hear what other cruisers have done within the same time frame. Can anyone recommend any tour companies that they have used? Did you pre-book or arrange a trip once you had docked?


    Many thanks

  5. Hi


    We did a tour in January this year with Indochina Junk Tours and it was absolutely amazing. We hired the "Princess Junk" which was a private tour but the money spent was well worth it! I put a review on trip advisor. We only wished we would have done it for more than just 1 day so I would agree, if you have the chance to do the overnight one, I would really recommend you do it.


    HI, this sounds of interest to us - did you do an overnight tour or just one day. Also, did you have to leave Halong port to get to the marina where the junks are moored?

  6. Hi


    My husband and I will be travelling on the Anthem in a few weeks time and have been offered the VOOM package at a 30% discount if we purchase pre-cruise. We don't normally bother with onboard internet but we have a lot of sea days this cruise and I understand it is amongst the best coverage at sea.


    We have some questions re this:-


    1) Some posts have suggested to wait until we are onboard to take advantage of a Crown and Anchor discount - can anyone let me know what this is? We are at Emerald


    2) Onboard can you just purchase a few days cover or does it need to go for the whole cruise?


    3) We want the internet to check emails, news, FaceTime/Skype our children, use WhatsApp - I'm not sure whether I need the basic Voom Surf for this or will I need the Voom Surf and Stream?


    Hope someone can help :)

  7. Is there a map where the x80 bus stops are marked in Athens? We plan on taking the bus to the Acropolis and pick up the return bus from somewhere in the city (Maybe Syntagma square?). I have been to Athens once before and sort of know my wayaround, but not without a map :p


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    Hi there


    A map can be found online using this link-




    My husband and I have used this bus twice on previous cruises and have always got on and off at the Acropolis stop. One comment I would make is that we waited almost 50 minutes in the late afternoon sunshine last June for the return bus back to Piraeus and were on the verge of calling a taxi. I would be interested to know if any other recent CC users have had similar experiences? My parents are visiting Athens on their August cruise and I know they would struggle physically with the heat if this happened to them.

  8. Your post prompted me to check and discovered that my Spectra res had also changed. Was 9pm on 6/20 now listed as 12pm - 10pm, but is displayed on my calendar as 12 midnight. Before changing to another night I called cruise planner at Royal and their system still lists the show time as 9pm. They assured me that I will receive an email alert if one of my show times changes.


    @#%#$$ system!!!!


    Hi Baron Barracuda


    It did this on my planner too - after the earlier glitches, I waited 5 days and it changed back to 9pm! Don't quite understand the issues, but hopefully I've got all the bookings that we wanted secured now - good luck with yours too!

  9. I am travelling on the Anthem in June, we have never used DD before. We had four reservations booked in our planner, but this morning they have been cancelled with the message to book onboard instead - its very frustrating! I wanted the peace of mind to know that I had certain evening's meals booked.


    I waited several days and have re-attemped these bookings today with success!!:o


    I am pleased to be able to schedule the restaurant times around the showtimes we have booked......only now the showtime for Spectra has changed too from 9pm to midnight! I am not sure that a show will be on that late so will just wait a few days again to see if it rectifies itself.:confused:

  10. I am travelling on the Anthem in June, we have never used DD before. We had four reservations booked in our planner, but this morning they have been cancelled with the message to book onboard instead - its very frustrating! I wanted the peace of mind to know that I had certain evening's meals booked.

  11. Hi, just to clarify things - we have recently returned from our cruise which included Athens and we went across the road to the stop in front of the DHL building. However the route seems to have been changed and it now stops on the same side of the road as the cruise terminal, so the instructions given are correct. Sue


    Thanks Sue for this info - it makes more sense for it to be there, the road was very busy when we last visited. :)

  12. We docked at Terminal A on May 10 and I have better instructions for catching the x80 bus from Terminal A. We went out the wrong exit and unnecessarily went across the street searching for the bus stop.


    The bus takes about 20-25 minutes and if you take the first bus you can get to the Acropolis ahead of the main crowd. A taxi is faster but the price of the bus is right and it will get you there early enough.


    1. Exit the boat and walk thru terminal A.

    2. As you exit the terminal doors you are in a covered area. There is a taxi circle to the right, an island straight ahead and a sidewalk to the left along the fence. https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t31.0-8/11312938_1061996420495528_8798892691003171688_o.jpg

    3. Go left, follow the sidewalk, hug the left side.


    4. After about 50-100 feet you'll come to a car gate, go left thru the gate to exit the covered area and enter the parking lot. Stay left along the fence.


    5. Just before you reached that exit, on your right, on the island is a little drink kiosk you can get drinks on your way back to the boat. Beer and soft drinks, maybe chips. Don't pet the dog without asking.


    6. Walk thru the parking lot, there may be tour buses lined up. Stay left on the "sidewalk" along the fence. Do not walk thru the middle of the parking lot like the people in the picture, stay left. Did I mention, stay left?


    7. At the exit of the parking lot (200 feet?) there is a guard shack with 4-5 dogs. From here you can see the ticket kiosk. The ticket kiosk is not on the main road, it is sort of in the entry to the parking lot.


    8. Buy your bus ticket at the kiosk. You can buy on the bus, but the bus driver gets irritated if he has to sell a bunch of tickets. Once on the bus you have to validate your ticket by getting it punched by the machine in the middle of the bus. The picture shows a window in the kiosk, but I think the kiosk is automated, no person.


    9. Once your buy your ticket go to the bus stop which is on the main road, the four lane divided road. The bus stop is on THIS side of the street. The bus will come from the right (terminal B) and turn around and pick you up. The bus stop is not "down" from DHL it is across the street from DHL. Actually it is across the street from the Keg n Crew pub, which you should stop at on your way back to the boat if you have time.


    10. The bus stop is on the main road, just past where the split is to enter the parking lot on the same side as the terminal. There is a shelter and a bunch of bus related signs. There is a little tiny decal on the bus stop that indicates the x80 bus. In this picture, the harbor and ticket kiosk are on your left, the Keg n Crew is across the street on your right. The bus will come from behind you on the other side of the divided road, turn around and it will be coming from the direction this picture is looking.


    11. The bus is really only for cruise people. The bus driver is only looking for cruise people so he will do what he can to pick you up as long as you dress like a tourist and act confused and helpless. The bus runs every "30 minutes".

    12. The bus makes no other stops. when it gets to athens it goes up Leoforos Vasilissis Amalias, the street with the arch of Hadrian, you will see this on the right and the bus driver will tell you to calm down, that he will turn around and drop you off at the Acropolis. He's right.

    13. The bus will drop you off just past the corner of Leoforos Vasilissis Amalias and Dionisiou Areopagitou. Dionisiou Areopagitou is the road that goes right up to the back entrance of the Acropolis. As you exit the bus, go right 30 feet and if you look left up Dionisiou Areopagitou might see the Acropolis. There is a big brown sign pointing you toward the Acropolis you can see on google street view.


    14. Follow Dionisiou Areopagitou up the hill, it is a short walk (0.2 miles?), you can see the Acropolis and you will literally run into the back entrance which is down by the Theatre of Dionysus. You have to jog right slightly when you get to the fence that is around the Acropolis. Pay your money and go in. The back entrance is where the group of people is, behind the bush.


    15. To return, the bus picks you up in the same place. Right in front of the fur store next to the Alpha Bank. There is a bus stop with a label, it is literally 30-50 feet down the main street from the corner of Leoforos Vasilissis Amalias and Dionisiou Areopagitou.

    16. The buses run every "30 minutes". When we picked the bus up the people waiting complained they had been waiting an hour and saw no bus. They may have been exaggerating, we waited about 5 minutes and the bus arrived. I suggest having enough Euros to take a taxi just in case. It's a 20-25 minute ride so you have to be careful to time it right and not miss the boat.

    17. Also note there are no toilets at Temple of Olympian Zeus, so if your plan is to do that last and then ride the bus, find a restroom first.

    18. When you get back the bus drops you in the same place. Just go left and hug the fence on your right and you are home. Or, go across the street to the Keg n Crew for a quick beer. A surprisingly nice place with good restrooms.


    Hi Jimbo Jimbo


    We used this service in November and your photos are really useful in giving directions from the terminal.


    All I would say is that at point 10. we had to catch the bus on the opposite side of the road. We originally waited exactly where you stated and were advised to cross over the road - there is also another bus stop with an identical sign post to your photo outside the DHL shop.


    The X80 map from the website also shows the stop on the opposite side.


    I seem to recall for the DHL side bus stop you had to walk between cars parked at the side of the road to get to the bus. There were one or two people with strollers and one person on a motorised disabled scooter who really struggled with this. For this reason, maybe the bus stop has been changed? It would make sense for tourists not to have to cross this busy road?


    We found the whole service really good value for money and will be using it again in 2 weeks time - though I'm not sure now which side of the road I need to be on 😜

  13. I will have a 1 year old with me. Do you think this will be an issue? Usually I don't book tours for places like this but having the little one with me is making me think twice. Thoughts?


    With a stroller, you'll have no problem exploring the town. If you are docked and need to use the water bus I am sure that the stroller can be stored with your child travelling on your knee.


    It's a beautiful little town, enjoy :)

  14. If the ship is docked 1.5 miles away, you may wish to take the water bus instead which is about 100m from the ship - cost us about Euro1.50 each way for a 10 minute ride - very efficient.

  15. We have recently booked a F grade cabin on Rhapsody on deck four for summer 2015, direct from RCI website. Both G & F grade cabins are described as Panoramic window cabins with 220 sq ft on the website but they actually only have a picture window and 152 sq ft. The advertising cabin photo also has a picture of the panoramic window.


    RCI are totally aware that the descriptions are totally inaccurate on their website but refuse to offer any reduction in cabin costs or move to a genuine panoramic cabin. They say that an email apology is sufficient.


    I have checked many of the Rhapsody sailings for 2015 and all the online descriptions for cabin grades G & F are incorrect. As we are in the UK, I am sure that this is miss-selling/mis-advertising.


    I wonder if anyone else is having the same problems as us - any advice how to proceed would be gratefully received as we seem to be going around in circles with RCI customer services. I would hate for any others to be disappointed like we are.

  16. I paid $95 for as many prints as I wanted on Mariner of the Seas in March. Just be very vigilant to virus check your disk before downloading the photos. Mine had a very damaging worm virus on it & after about 20 emails to the company who does the photography, they still would not reply to me apart from automated responses. I had sent them proof with a screen shot. There is no contact phone numbers supplied to call. So essentially a cheap photo package cost me a fortune to get fixed!!


    Helbel, did they offer you this on board - the lowest package I am being quoted via the RCCL page is $175 for 10 prints. :confused:

  17. Thanks everyone for your suggestions and advice.:)

    We are uncertain with using the local train from Civitavecchia because of the road works around the port - I understand that the shuttle drop off is 1.4km from the station now - and so further time needs to be allocated to an from the ship. (as well as the additional walking, probably in high temps)

    Can anyone confirm that, if we purchase a BIRG ticket, we can catch any train back to the port and not limited to a specific time please?
  18. We are a fit family of 4 who have planned the following itinerary for a whistlestop walking tour of Rome in July.

    I would like to allow some time for photo opportunities, none of us wish to visit the inside of the Vatican this time, but are hoping that we could just have a leisurely walk around the city.

    Can anyone please advise whether this is reasonable in under 5 hours? Or offer any suggestions to improve the route etc.

    - Train from Civitavecchia Port to St Peters Station
    - Walk to St Peters Square and view the Vatican from the exterior
    - Take a taxi to the Colosseum - view it from the exterior.
    - View the Forum from the exterior as you walk down towards Piazza Venezia
    - Walk through to the Trevi Fountain and toss a coin
    - If possible in time, walk up to Spanish Steps
    - Walk to the Pantheon and explore inside
    - Walk to the Piazza Navonna and explore the square, enjoying a gelato.
    - Walk up to the Ponte Umberto and walk along the River Tiber as you make your way back to the St Peters Station

    Any advice would be appreciated, thanks:)
  19. Hi

    We are a family of 4 who usually just get off the boat and arrange a taxi at the port to take us on an excursion.


    Has anyone had any experience of this at Civitavecchia travelling to Rome and back? We are wondering whether taxis are available as you come off the ship or at the port gates?:confused:


    Also, can anyone give us a rough idea of the cost for the days hire?


    Many thanks


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