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Posts posted by NJ7

  1. Part 2 of my response - lol


    I really enjoy the BA - have been on BA 4xs and have 4 more booked. Leaving from NYC is easy for me and while the weather day 1 and day 7 is sometimes chilly - it is a beautiful ship with great indoor spaces as well.


    Splash Academy on BA is great. We have traveled during holiday weeks when there are more kids then adults on the ship and they do a great job. My son who is now 11 actually tells me his schedule - so I don't book any shows or dinners that conflict with when he wants to go to Splash.

  2. OK Maywell, this may be off topic but since you know way more than me, figured I'd give it a shot...

    Do you by any chance know if they show any NFL games while on the ship & if so where, when & which teams?

    We leave Sunday so prob won't get a chance to see it, but just thought I'd see if it's an option. And if so, maybe watch the night game ;-)


    Last year we were on 2 BA cruises during football seasons. Not sure if they have gotten this addressed but last year they were only able to get the game(s) on CBS. Could watch them at Maltings and on the Waterfront outside of Fat Cat's. They could not show any of the Fox games. When we asked why no Fox broadcast - we were told there was an issue there service contract and as a result they did not receive Fox on the ship.

  3. Breakaway has a "hole" in November/December 2016 too. Was looking for our next cruise and found nothing that went to Caribbean, only Bahamas..


    Edit: Between November 27 and December 11 2016.. 14 days with nothing



    That will probably be another 14 day Southern Carribean. In the past, they have had a 12 day Southern followed by a 2 day CTN during that timeframe.

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