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Posts posted by Jeads323

  1. Well hang in there, it will all come together. My friend was able to get her dress altered the week before her wedding.... she kind of planned last minute. So know that a good bridal shop or seamstress could do it quickly.



    Thank you!! That has me relieved. Because right now I cannot close the dress... It needs to be taken out a little in the chest area. I'm just nervous about packing up my house then unpacking then off to wedding lol. I have to get my boys their outfits my hubby has to get his suit, just so much stuff that still needs to be done. But it will be ok. It will all work out and will be fine. Another 4 people booked the cruise to go with us... We are now at 15 total, which is awesome!

  2. Hello everyone! Im probably going to be MIA for a bit. We just were told we have to relocate from Boston to Orlando, Florida by the end of Feb. It's a company transfer but that has me freaking out a bit because of everything going on. I'm glad I didn't buy my plane tickets yet lol. I have so much I have to figure out and I'm not sure how everything is going to work out, but it has to. I also have a lot of traveling for work...these next 3 months are going to be tough!! I gotta find out about the alterations for my dress and how long those take because I'm supposed to do a fitting beginning of feb. If it's going to take longer than a few weeks, I might have to hold off until I get to Florida. But then that will be about 1 month out. So much to do before then...


    UGH so stressed out!!!


    Good news: we paid off our cruise last week :) so that is definitely happening lol.

  3. Curious... Do many of the stores on the islands now have electronic card readers, or are they still using the old paper copy method? I'm reluctant to leave a paper copy of my CC around where anyone can copy the # down at a later time.



    That's a great question I would like to know..

  4. My personal preference is cash. I'm nervous to use credit cards out of the country.



    That's me too, I'm afraid that someone might try to steal the number and charge them up! His comeback is well I don't lose money because of fraud. If he loses his cash..it's gone..ugh I'm so confused.

  5. My fiancé and I are going on the southern Caribbean cruise out of San Juan in April. We are debating on Cash or Credit while on the islands. I know that taxis and little stores are cash only, but is it safer to take cash? He's worried about getting mugged and losing the cash. We will probably bring both, but more cash than credit?


    Sorry if this has been asked before, I tried searching. Thank you!

  6. Are any of y'all going to play? I read they usually ask the person married the shortest so if its within the cruise you are it. I am hoping to play, I went through old forums and found the questions.






    1. Where and when did you first meet?


    2. On a scale of 1-10, rate your first kiss.


    3. Two part question: Who was your husband dating before you and what did you hate about person (for the wife) and what did you love about her (for the husband)?


    4. You haven't seen ugly until you've seen my wife's ______


    5. What's your husband's most disgusting habit?


    6. Where is your husband more macho? In bed, out of bed, or in his head?


    7. When your wife bends over, what does her butt look like to you?


    8. Your husband steps out of the shower, which of the following describes him? A dump truck, a stretch limo, or a little pink Volkswagen with two flat tires?


    9. If you had a parrot in your bedroom, what would be his first words?


    10. What animal best describes your husband and why?



    I don't think DF would play lol. I would love to but he is super shy and likes our personal lives not shared even though its nothing crazy..

  7. Not sure if any of you are interested in this, but I thought it was a great idea. So during the wedding I have a videographer and photographer for the wedding in St Thomas. But I wanted something to remember the time on the cruise with all the friends and family that are joining us.


    There's a company that you can upload videos and photos and they will turn it all into a video. Kind of like the videos for weddings but it's for the whole vacation. If anyone is interested let me know and I'll tell you the website.


    Other than that, nothing new. Waiting on my shoes to come in the mail. And for tax return. I have to pay off my remaining balance this month which is a whopping $777.


    Am I the only one excited for tax return time?

  8. My bouquet was mailed to my mom in Florida on Saturday. We have most of our tip and spending money set aside. Final paperwork has been in for three weeks. Our marriage license is in our wedding binder to go with us. Dress and suit have had final fittings. We simply need to finish packing last minute things, have the final phone call and we are ready for our wedding!



    I LOVE your bouquet!!! It's so beautiful! I really will start looking through light in the boxers and see if I find anything. I'm just so unsure. You are so close! I'm so excited for you and can't wait for pictures!



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  9. Happy New Year everyone!!! I'm starting to freak out.. Lol it's literally been almost a year that I started planning, I can barely believe that. The logistics of the wedding are set but now I'm trying to figure out the rest.


    My shoes are in the mail. I hope I like them when they arrive, they look great online lol. I'm trying to figure out the cake now. I honestly can't seem to find a cake I like. It will only be a 2 tier cake but I can't figure out the design I would like.


    Haven't gotten little gifts yet for the guests. I know some of you ordered from light-in-***. What did you get for your guests? I'm stuck on that right now.. I don't want to spend too much, but enough to make the feel like I care about them going.


    I really want to start picking out stuff for the cruise like excursions and clothing for that.


    I hope you all are a little calmer than me cause I'm literally starting to freak out. 😁

  10. Hello everyone!!


    I sorry I haven't updated in a while. Tis the season to be BUSY! Lol. So I have been working very hard at my actually job and haven't had a lot of time to actually plan. I do need to get formal invitations out but I kind of haven't ordered them yet. The goal is to have them sent by end of Jan and rsvp by March 1st. I have found my makeup artist and hair dresser. Put a deposit down for that. We decided to do a cocktail hour type of thing before we all go to lunch. A few people who said they were going are now saying they just want to give $$ and I'm fine with that!! Lol so it's now looking like 20 people for the wedding. That's all I've really worked on. I don't have my fitting until February, but my dress is all paid off. Making payments on cruise, final payment is due end of January. Just trying to make it all work :)


    Merry Christmas to all of you!!

  11. Sorry for the few typos before..... by the time I saw them I couldn't edit them...and its capable not "cap bible"




    onto the next part....




    After my fiancé left the night before I brought over my dress to hang on my closet door. This became my inspiration to write the love note that was going to be delivered the morning of the wedding to my fiancé along with his wedding gift! A shiny Movado watch that I had been saving up for forever! (And bought on black Friday, months before the wedding with helped out a lot)








    The bridesmaids dresses were left in my room also so I could steam them if needed, (I snuck not one but TWO steamers onto the ship….. I was very surprised). So my bridesmaid across the hall came over and we had fun figuring out ways to take the “pre-wedding dress picture” in such a small room. Having our balcony divider open, killed that hanging spot so this is what we came up with.








    So we waited around for my other bridesmaid to make it over to start on my hair. She is my normal at home hair stylist which was perfect that she was also a lifelong friend. We started on the hair which took longer than we thought from the time at the trial, so it was a mad rush to get my make up on and me into my dress before 10:15am! I also had a bridesmaid do the gift exchange while I was getting my hair done, my fiancé got me a beautiful blue topaz and diamond necklace and earing set to wear for the wedding!




    I was supposed to be outside at my car at 10:30 and I hate being late! So we rushed and my MOH was getting her hair done when my mother, a family friend, and I started walking off the ship. There was a lot of attention and I was in no mood to deal with it right then because I was so flustered with time. I smiled and said thank you but I know I wasn’t the kindest of brides that morning. Finally we are off the ship and a man walks up to me and I recognize him from many of Island Bliss wedding pictures, He is Janelle’s husband and the Officiate of our wedding, Stewart. He takes us in a SUV to the courthouse where I was to sign my paperwork and then to Magen’s Bay. Everything is going so well, we arrive at the beach I see the set up and I am flabbergasted by the beautiful place I am about to get married in. Janelle and her assistant did an amazing job of setting everything up!!




    ry%3D400Photo by Elisha Orin




    Janelle comes over and introduces herself and tells me about how everything else has been going this morning. It seems the other private SUV driver (picking up fiancé and his parents at 10:45) couldn’t find him, it took extra time but he is on his way to the courthouse now. The “safari” busses picking up all of the wedding guests hasn’t left the ship yet because we are 6 people short. She posed the question, “did she want me to have them leave and just leave the people behind at the ship? This is pushing the wedding back and cutting into the reception.” I asked who was it that was missing…..was my bridesmaids!!!! And my father who went looking for them! (Turns out only my sister's hair and mine were finished for the wedding, everyone else just sort of threw it together on the ride over! Love them for that!) I had them wait and finally got the call that they made it on the bus and were on their way over as well.




    Well I am a nervous wreck by now and getting very impatient because I am a very punctual person, sitting in the SUV is killing me! Finally I see everyone getting off the bus! I get out of the SUV where no one can see me, my fiancé has been instructed to stare at the water so he can’t see me, and my mother tightens up the laces on my dress because I had them looser to be more comfortable sitting in the car (very glad I did this as it was very hard to sit at all for the rest of the day!) My father walks over and its time to get the show on the road!








    It was stunning!!!! Absolutely gorgeous! There were a lot of people and quite many speedos but it was perfect! Everyone later told me that we looked nervous up there during the ceremony because we were non stop laughing. Well that’s why we are good together, we make each other laugh, and this whole situation was a fodder of quick jokes and one liners.




    We were in our own little world. Do we remember any of the words we recited to each other… no. Do we remember who was sitting where in the first row of seats….no, Do I even remember what the beach looked like that we were at…. No. but I remember the twinkle in Cody’s (my hubby) hazel eyes as we laughed at how long the reciting of vows was and how loud my heartbeat was in my ears when we first made eye contact when I walked towards him at the isle. It could have been just us or 100 people on the beach, what we did was perfect for US, no one else.




    ry%3D400Photo by Elisha Orin




    We were married on April Fool’s Day 2014, a perfect day for us because we are jokesters and live to make each other smile and laugh. We got to share that with 32 other amazing people, and everyone else on the beach! Oh and we got “Go pro-ed” by some random man, our whole ceremony. I’m still trying to look for it online, it’s a free videographer if I can find it!




    ry%3D400Photo by Elisha Orin




    Onto reception next……


    So I was thinking about getting my fiancé a Movado as well. You said you got a great deal during Black Friday. Where did you happen to look to get it. Black Friday is around the corner and would love to get him one






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  12. So I have a question, I'm contemplating the time of the ceremony.. What did you decide? I have to get my hair and makeup done before...right now I have it planned for 11:30. I know the ceremony will be about 20 mins and then photos and the linch.. What time do u need to be back on the ship? I want to make sure the I have enough time for everything before having to be back on the ship.



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  13. My wedding planner in st thomas does everything for me. I show her the flowers I want.. And she takes care of it all.

    I was also thinking about having my hair all in the back. Don't think I want the side pull I think it will be a pain in the ass with hair in my face. I think I want it all pulled back. Maybe half up half down or something.


    I also like these flowers...


    A little more than the tropical colors one.


    I picked out what I want my boys to look like...ImageUploadedByForums1414336157.189356.jpg.637e2453c9cda97756a941a870a505b7.jpg

    How cute is that????


    Now I just have to find all this crap. Lol we have the reception set up and all. So I'm on a roll!!!


    How's your planning coming??? You are getting married a day before me!! You must be so excited! I'm starting to get anxious... I really need to go and pay for my dress. I have not even come close to having time.



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