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Posts posted by beekat

  1. You are all so lovely I can't wait to meet such wonderful people.:-D Hope your on my ship.i won't be going any time soon as its alot of money.so I need to save.Why is it more money for solo travellers? Xxx


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  2. I think someone was just trying to wind me up yhen when they told me that it slams back down..I'll be fine then..xxx


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  3. Hi hun..my names kathryn aswell.:-D Thanku so much for that..Appreciate that.i cannot fly at all.i go numb all over my body.through panic.its scarey.

    I've always wanted to go to America so when I saw there was a ship that goes from Southampton I was sooo happy.But it looks expensive? As I want to go there and get off and have 10 days to 2week there.

    Yes im mostly scared if the unknown. ? The most part im scared of is being in a storm? Because the thing I hate when im on a plane is the sudden drop.(like on a roller coaster. ) And I've heard the ship can go up in abstorm and slam back down.making your stomach go.i know it sounds silly but I just want to be sure that when I do go that I will have a smooth crossing? But you can't be sure on the Atlantic. So its just choosing the best time of year really? Xxx Thankyou Catherine.


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  4. I have watched a ship on Utube going from Southampton to the usa and I frightened myself.lol.Because the way it when up and slammed back down.If I was to get that when I was on it, it would make my stomach turn.And I hate that feeling of my stomach turning when im on a plane . But the one I watched on utube was a ship in a storm.So heres me hoping there won't be one.i just have to get lucky I guess? And choose the right time of year.Because I hate the feeling of being on a roller coaster. But thanks so much for all your advice im going to look at the weather on the Atlantic and try and choose the best time to go.xx


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  5. Thanks for being so nice.You don't think ill feel anxious when im on board? I guess we just think alot hey before hand? where do you come from?


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  6. Thanks..Yes.we had the same where there was another plane in front of us.but then there was smoke coming out everywhere? Jesusand everyone was screaming. My friend sailed to the usa on ship and she said she couldn't feel a thing? But im just anxious of any travel. But Im not gonna let it stop me.Thanks for being so nice.x


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  7. Awww thanks.im just very anxious of travelling altogether after I had a bad flight..I was so scared. I so so want to go to the states. As before my grandmother passed.she always said make sure you go .it was the best thing she ever did in her life.So I really want to go.I know ill enjoy myself.But as I said im scared because its the thought of being out there in the middle of no where. But as you said theres soo much to do on board time will fly by.Im scared of the weather and having a bad experience. but I can't keep thinking negative just because I had a bad flight. .x Thankyou again.x


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  8. And babs 135.ill make sure your not on the same ship as me..Im only asking all these questions because I want to go to the usa.? As I won't fly due to having a crash land in 2000.So I want to weigh up my options.

    But thanks to everyone else for being so helpful. x


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  9. I think everyones a bit frightened about how the weather gonna be on a ship.When crossing the Atlantic you have to be aware of what can happen? And it will be my first time? And I done like flying so I feel cruising is my only chance to get from A to B.?


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  10. How long do you just see water for pls? Sorry to ask lots of questions. .also isn't September hurricane season? x


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  11. You're all lovely thanks so much for making me feel more confident. im just scared.im a wuss.lol


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  12. And will you feel motion even if its calm? x My friend said she never felt anything thats why im asking. .x?


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  13. Awww thank you. ..I've been on a ferrie to jersey and that was rough I didn't get sickness but I feel strange. .I've also been from Dover to calais.When I was walking I was falling side to side..is it anything like that on the qm2?


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  14. Not worried about the sickness I fear the unknown. ...Does the ship rock? Or does it go up and slam back down if there's a storm? x


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  15. I want to go around autumn time and stay for 2 week and come home..Can you feel the motion at all on the big ships pls? As im afraid. And is it as bad as you think its gonna be? x


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