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Posts posted by Mrs.Gosse

  1. FWIW........Stewart has nothing to do with it. He/She has enough to do already.

    If it's not in the cabin then I would call room service first and if they don't have an order then see the CC host.

    I know he has nothing to do with it. We asked him who we should contact. I didn't say we asked him to do it. In the past when we've traded it out we've always called room service to do that but receiving one to me was not the same as trading one out.


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  2. Thanks. I think our room Steward is the one that told us to go to Captain's Circle about the extra set up. That does make sense about the set up coming later on a longer Cruise but they should really leave a note to let you know just to avoid that whole situation. I'm tempted to let them know we don't need any of the sodas if we do have to call down to receive the extra one. My husband drinks about one Sprite a year. We will take the water though! I wish we could trade all of the sodas and Waters in for something.


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  3. Hi. I'm curious if seasoned Elite members could let me know if the extra mini bar setup that you receive for being Elite in a suite, will it already be in your stateroom when you arrive or do you have to contact room service or captains Circle? On our last cruise we had to go to the captain's Circle desk and the woman argued with us about the number of nights and then we told her we would check on that with someone else. A few hours later we got back to our room and we had the extra mini bar setup. Is that how it's always going to be? That was six nights. This is seven nights.


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  4. I'm really surprised to see several people saying it was just cheese and crackers. We have been going on every cruise and it is always been exactly what was listed, the shrimp cocktail or the steak tartare or the guacamole. EtC. And I personally really enjoy it. I find it very relaxing instead of going straight from our room to dinner and especially when it's in Skywalker's you get that beautiful view while you relax. My husband isn't the biggest fan but I enjoy it. On the coral on her first cruise after Dry Dock last year it was terrible. They had us smashed into a corner of one of the lounges and there was never enough seating and it was never enough food or plates. And that was happening almost every night. After a few days my husband convinced me not to go anymore. Other that we had never seen an issue. I'm partial to these parties because that's where I first had a brezza marina drink and I fell in love with it! I even searched the internet for a recipe and started making it at home.


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  5. Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm boarding the Explorer on Friday September 15th and was thinking about going down to Pike Place Market (staying at the Sheraton so I think it's just a straight walk) around 8:30am.

    I've stayed at the sheraton, it was a easy commute. 830 will be nice. Don't waste time at that original starbucks, just take it's picture.


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  6. The glass house is great, but the outdoor garden and the indoor exhibits are most of the collection and truly a great experience. You won't regret going anyway. Often they lower the admission if the glass house is closed for an event. Even if they didn't I would go. I've been twice and look forward to my next visit.

    Exactly true! His traveling exhibit came to our Botanical Garden, which is the first time I had seen any of his work other than at the Bellagio when I was just blissfully unaware. It's absolutely worth going to the Seattle location. You will still see way more without the glass house then you would save it came to a city near you. I recommend it to every person that goes to Seattle! It's breathtaking.


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  7. I have done the Underground Tour and I really enjoyed it. It didn't blow me away but technically you see things that there's no other way to see them. I've also seen this come across on Facebook as something really hidden that a lot of people don't know about, and I think it's neat to say I've done it. I've never done a ghost tour but always have wanted to. Don't they pretty much just walk the streets though? At least the Underground Tour you'll be seeing things that you can't see on your own.


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  8. In late September I wouldn't be worried about it. I'd be more worried that the weather will be poor and you won't get your money's worth.

    That's an excellent point. I have spent about 30 days total in Seattle over the years and never had bad weather but I have been very lucky. And I'm aware of it! On an extremely cloudy day you likely won't see anything from the top. If you're talking about pre-purchasing the night before or very early the morning of, like as soon as you get up before they are even open, that wouldn't be a bad idea. But a week or more in advance? Probably not.


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  9. Not all credit cards require that or even have a way of noting travel.

    No but it is better safe than sorry for a very easy phone call. On the way to Kentucky for my mother's funeral, from only one state over in Tennessee, Discover card shut my card off and I was unable to use it for gas or a hotel room and it was the middle of the night by the time I arrived in my mother's Hometown! I will never make that mistake again. Although I find that to be an extreme situation and probably the person working the desk that got alerted to it was new and went a little overboard haha... it was a terrible inconvenience! Luckily the front desk guy let us stay anyway and clear it up the next morning. Thank goodness for small town hospitality. I couldn't believe they shut it off for being only one state over. We are only an hour from the state line to begin with.


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  10. If you were positive that the time you would pre purchase the tickets for, is the times you will get there and you will not be delayed, I would recommend it. When the Space Needle is busy, it is super busy! You will often walk up and have to buy a ticket for much later in the day because everything is already booked. Which means you will have to ride the monorail back or find something else to do near the space needle or go get your car and pay to park a couple more times. Depending on what your situation is. If you get there and it's not super busy and there were tickets available, then you got to wait in a shorter line and you didn't have to stress about it. Also is anyone in your party someone that gets motion sick?


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  11. It's always really busy. I don't honestly think the cruise ships affect it because most of the time there are a half a dozen other events going on in Seattle that could change the tourist population. Very early morning is not too bad. As it gets closer to lunch time it gets absolutely packed! But it's worth seeing no matter what the Crowds Are. They do throw the fish. Or sometimes they throw a package of fish that's wrapped up haha. If someone buys something they will throw it. If you hang around the stand long enough you will see it.


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  12. I can't believe so many people are afraid to fly in the morning of the cruise. I guess it depends on distance and flight duration.

    I would be less nervous if I was giving myself a lot of time in advance, know there are multiple flights each day to that location or maybe it could technically be driving distance by the time you're notified of the cancellation. Because honestly most changes and cancellation are well in advance or at least a few hours.


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  13. I'm so glad it worked out for you! I would have been worried sick as well! I am an over stressor! I always fly in the day before cruise but I have been tempted to try to fly the day of. For our next vacation we have already had two of our four flights be changed by over two hours each! Both of them causing us to miss connections. That was enough to make me know I could never risk it. Luckily they were on the way back and the first one we decided to cancel, get our money back and rent a car. The second one unfortunately causes us a huge inconvenience as it is our final leg of our trip and we are supposed to be celebrating our daughter's birthday that day. Both of them were on Delta! I am suspicious of Delta now. When I booked these flights very early in advance there were a ton of options. It would appear to me that they give you all these options just to snare you into using Delta and then they cancel multiple flight and combine them. It may sound crazy but I'm taking two other airlines this trip and neither one of them have had any changes. Suspicious


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  14. Wasn't sure if there were Starbucks or Mickey D's in Sitka or Ketchikan and my searches show that AT&T seem to have a leg up in coverage. We have Sprint and just didn't find a lot about their coverage......



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    That's because there isn't. I'm not sure about McDonald's but I would imagine it's not right next to the port. I don't remember seeing one but I wasn't looking for one. The only Starbucks is in the Safeway and is all the way across town. Not walking distance. And that is our only stop that even has a Starbucks. So this answer was not very helpful to just tell you to go to those places. And as far as I can tell Sprint has no coverage in any of these cities. They had none when we were there in 2012 and when I have looked at their Maps it appears they still do not. There was another thread a few months back that was about sprint coverage and no one ever gave a response that they had encountered any.


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  15. There was a very popular thread on the Facebook group recently about it and of course everyone said cash but someone suggested to Google crew cabins on board whatever Cruise Line you use. And it was shocking how little room they have. Much less than I anticipated and I felt like I was already sure they didn't have a lot of room. So that absolutely made me know that I would never give them anything but cash. And of course offer to pick them up anything while we were in Port in case they were not off that week and needed something.


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  16. Thank you so much for some good tips! I will tell him about the sea bands, ginger pills, and candied ginger! I will also check out the relief bands with electric impulses! Trying to reassure my brother-in-law that you can possibly eliminate or ease seasickness without going the patch or doctor prescription pill way. Thanks again everyone!

    I really hope you can put his mind at ease before you leave. Like I said, people who are seriously Afflicted like myself go through so much anxiety over motion sickness. Not only do you just feel so bad but there's nothing you can do about it. And you know that. So you worry about that. And it almost always causes you to miss out on something fun or something great to eat. Or it puts whoever you were traveling with at a disadvantage because they don't want to leave you. It's really something that is hard to understand to a lot of folks. I hope he will trust in all the advice you will give him. But if all else fails and he still get sick, just go to passenger services and get the pills! Fyi, I travel Princess.


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  17. Point of reference on my motion sickness. The elevator down from the top of the Space Needle takes about 48 seconds. Very unwisely I was looking out as it came down. I immediately became over whelmed with motion sickness and was sick for about 4 hours until I could sleep it off and reset my brain. So let me stress that these over the counter pills from Passenger Services have given me such a strong sense of relief that I am not even stressed about being sick anymore. Being stressed about motion sickness can cause a lot of anxiety. People who are not affected may have trouble understanding that.


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  18. If he goes to the doctor he is very likely going to be suggested to use the patch. The patch can have some extremely serious side effects and apparently it is considered to be a drug used as a truth serum and in the warning pamphlet it tells you to only use it around people you trust! How weird is that?


    I have been motion sick my entire life and I swear by my sea bands. My pressure point wristbands. I have been sick on a cruise even wearing my sea bands that is true. But for just mild motion they work great. Like buses, cars ETC. I have been quesy a few time including Alaska but it was never actual sickness. [And remember I get very motion sick.] I have to wear my sea bands on a 30-minute trip to the next town over if I am a passenger.


    My last cruise I was extremely sick one day. We had to skip Costa Maya due to rough seas and there were lots of passengers onboard affected. I went to the medical center after 8 hours of being sick and they basically refused to treat me. However, they told me to go to passenger services and buy the over-the-counter pills. They are called avomine. Apparently they are over the counter in many other countries but not here in the United States. So it is possible they could be prescribed by the doctor. I saved mine as I only ended up needing two of the 12 pills I received. But it was a lifesaver! I took them, took a nap and I was able to be up, eating and walking around the ship and feeling normal again.


    I just recently bought a relief band that delivers electric pulses through your wrist. Using a similar technique as the sea-band. I have read nothing but good reviews. It has honestly been 99 out of 100 reviews that say it works. It's $100 and the battery only lasts 150 hours so I only plan on using it when we are on small ships in Alaska or when the cruise gets really rough. And probably on the airplane. I'm very sensitive about getting sick in front of other people so the airplane, while not likely to make me throw up, is stress for me. I can't say don't get the patches enough!




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  19. I actually like it and prefer it over the trend of the other colorful hull art that is out there. But then again, I'm not a huge fan of all white ships. This is one reason I really like the Holland American and Disney ships.

    I LOVE the way HAL looks. I'm always jealous when we are in port together.


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  20. As a bartender my most memorable and heart warming moments are those when someone gave me something special beyond cash. A gift card for flowers for a sick relative. An iPod when they found out I usually spend two hours cleaning after closing. A pin for my favourite sports team.


    One guest even tried to get me a car.


    I'm bringing something special for my MDR Waiter, my Cabin Steward, and my favourite bartender (Who will be getting one of my bar blades).

    This is very true. The servers at my restaurant feel so touch when a special guest thinks of them and gives them a gift along with a cash tip. And I think that the sentiment of the OP is really kind and when people think it's too personal, well we become very close with our stewards after several days don't we?


    But also being in the service industry I know that the same servers and bartenders at my restaurant would not be thrilled with having to find somewhere to put an item given to them by a guest if they were on a cruise ship.


    Most hospitality industries will give extra incentive to those that are mentioned by name. So everyone's recommendation on filling out the comment cards and doing the surveys are absolutely correct. At my husband's work if you were mentioned by name in a survey you got $50 cash. For all we know there are similar practices aboard the ship. So it is a lovely thought but it is probably better to just stick with cash and ask if they need anything in Port. We always ask but no one is ever asked us to buy anything for them. I almost wish they would so I can feel like I'm doing something extra for them.


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  21. I can't think of a con. It is a hotel with great service. It has a dark wood, nautical theme in the lobby so I guess if there is a con, some may say the lobby can be dark.


    I found the room wonderful, the view amazing, service was top notch, location great. I liked the theme in the lobby. There are a lot of restaurants close by.

    So glad to hear that. We are also coming in early and booked an extra night.


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  22. I'm probably just repeating myself from what I read but I'll just put it right out there. Here is when we tip. $1 and Cash for every beverage, it does seem to make them give you a more friendly and treatment in the future. We always tip room service, I see a great attitude from every person that has come to our room. Twerk traipsing that card up to a room for an extra $2. We took our Stewart at the end. We usually give at least 50. I usually tip the coffee people whenever I get a coffee, again $1 cash. Sometimes I just gave them 5 or $10 on the last day. We tip our dining room guys if they are doing an incredible job on a daily basis. If they are just doing an okay job usually tip on our last night. Just a few dollars. I've never once tipped someone on Princess & not seen them being grateful. They definitely don't seem to have the attitude that they expect us to tip cash.


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