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Posts posted by Norwaylady

  1. The captain’s senior officer party was at 17.15. 

    The ladies attended👍🏻

    See my new shoes🤩





    It was live 🎵 music. Canapés, drinks etc. 






    captain Ioannis was talkative 🗣️ and very on stage. 

    He presented the senior officer team. 





    So a very well done performance by him and crew. 

    They do take their time to be present and they seem comfortable with the situation.

    • Like 15
  2. I started the day out on deck. 

    Both the front and aft section was closed off for maintenance when I arrived for my walking trip….

    So for the first 35 minutes of walking, I was only able to walk the running track around deck 11. 

    Then they opened up the rest of the way😎

    It was a bit windy and chilly outside. 


    But a perfect time to go walking. We where sailing in the strait💙🤩 

    So a lovely view and a great way to enjoy both sides🙂


    After an hour the Queen texted me… I’m downstairs on the terrace for breakfast… 

    So I walked the final round and went downstairs to her🙃

    She had picked up her preferred breakfast and was eating. 


    I went inside to get some breakfast for myself. It had just turned 10 and they were closed in many sections already. 

    So I was ready for a poached egg 🥚 but NO, they had closed already…. 

    Then it was yogurt and muesli…. 

    Another day….😇 it will be poached eggs 🥚 


    After my quick breakfast, the Queen walked off to find a sun lounger. 

    I told her, you must find one in a place that have shade from the wind 💨😉


    I went downstairs to change out of my walking clothes. 


    You know the Queen are not properly trained🤪😜😝 

    When I returned to our cabin, the sign deep sleep was still up🫡 YEP, she’s not trained yet🤭🤔 Sorry Lerma❤️ 


    I went downstairs to get some coffee for me on the way upstairs to the pool deck. 

    I arrived 30.seconds before the beyond the podium guests arrived😅 


    They were armed and ready to fight them🤣🤣🤣

    One officer was ready marking cups and collecting cards and then they were making coffee in full speed😅 


    It works well to keep control of the line🤓

    I did also see a very friendly face of walking service (yes I have looked for her🥰 in Al Bacio) Maria our very friendly face from last year is onboard🙂 She was very busy as everyone serving tables. So I didn’t approach her to say hello 👋🏻. 

    I told the Queen when I arrived upstairs🥰

    She was SO happy! 


    The sun had arrived outside😎😎 the temperature in the sun is much better than cloudy and windy😝 


    • Like 9
  3. Dinner….


    Tonight’s menu: 



    Our waiter had arranged a chef’s special for dinner…. 

    So we only had the spring rolls for starters. 



    They were okay. 


    Earlier on the sailing it was the vegetarian korma on the menu. I asked him if it was “tourist” edition or Indian version…. Our Indian waiter said, more of the tourist experience…. (Also my experience from earlier sailings) 

    And I said to him that it’s okay, but a bit sad. Because Indian food is very good and is complex in flavour and taste. That’s why it’s very good 😊 

    So he was on fire happy when I told him that we do enjoy Indian food🤩


    So tonight he had asked for something for us….. 



    it’s was vegetarian chickpeas, (I do make this at home often) they were delicious and creamy. 

    And lamb chops in sauce. This was not a spicy dish but a very tasty combination of spices. It had a very wide range of different flavours when you had a bite. When you took a bite the first impression was a tingling touch of spicy, but not strong just a careful touch. As you processed your bite, the flavour of the lamb was calling, then a touch of cinnamon, cumin, anise and Bay leaf. 

    So a very nice treat for us😋😋😋


    The Queen really enjoyed it🥰


    Dessert menu: 



    Just an observation…. The lava cake is on for several days😇 (not bad for me😂😂) But usually one night only! 


    We had a little visit to our table…. 

    Before dinner I dropped off an attention to details card…. 

    I said that our housekeeper Lerma is doing a great service. Cabin is spotless 24/7 and she’s very attentive and friendly. 

    Our night light in the bathroom is not functioning, is it completely out or is it just the lightbulb that has died?  (We will see if it suddenly goes on😇) 

    The food has until now tasted good and presentation is good. 

    But the ice cream has really gone downhill and you need to work on it. The after eight, chocolate and vanilla ice cream was really not okay. It was wrong taste and the texture is just not right. 

    It’s completely lacking the texture of velvet and a “body”. 


    The supervisor is a familiar face from last year. He is very friendly, perhaps the dessert/ ice cream chef will listen? 

    Fingers crossed that they will get back on track on the ice cream 🍨 


    We received ice cream today 😅

    This was not from the MDR ice cream station….. 



    It was vanilla and raspberry sorbet. 

    That vanilla was Mmmm and the raspberry sorbet was just as delicious as always😋😛😛😛

    So yes, someone on the ship can definitely make ice cream! 


    The texture was 👍🏻👍🏻 certainly creamy and it had a full body texture of velvet and vanilla. 

    The sorbet was light refreshing and had the full body texture of velvet. 

    So you can make it! 


    As the “weak” spot of desserts was on the menu today (again) I had to accompany the ice cream to a lava cake😆😅😋 ( I had logged 18.500 steps on my Istanbul walk, I had earned it😝) 


    The lava cake was delicious again tonight. 

    They really do make it good 👍🏻 


    After dinner, the ladies were of to 🛌 

    • Like 12
  4. 10 hours ago, StopTheWorld said:

    No Eurovision 😱 Nil points to Celebrity! 😝 Waiting patiently to see if ABBA will feature in the final as it’s the 50th anniversary of Waterloo 😍



    This is the only place in the newspaper that Eurovision is mentioned😳


    We have lots of European guests onboard and Australians guests. 
    Really strange, they could definitely have made a ABBA & Eurovision party tonight. 

    And as you say, it’s 50 years anniversary for ABBA…. Waterloo. 
    We are also very excited and hoping for an appearance of them live. 
    The timing of 🇸🇪 Sweden and Malmø as location couldn’t be more perfect than this! 

    Time will tell if they decide to speed up the Eurovision final party 🎉 (CD Ernest is from USA 🇺🇸 so I don’t know how much he is interested in Eurovision (yet) since he lives in 🇩🇪

    But as a LGBT 🏳️‍🌈 friendly cruise line, I know from my LGBT friends that Eurovision is as Christmas+New Year and birthday celebration for them🥳🥳

    Its THE party week of the year🥳🥳🥳

    • Like 7
  5. Star Factory production show is a great show. 

    Aerial performance and singer/dancers can really show off. 






























    CD Ernest said something about tomorrow’s sea day… 

    There are plenty of things to do😝

    Our “friend” Dominic Allan has arrived onboard as a podium speaker…. 

    Yep, it seems like me and him almost cruise identically😅😝 


    The house band are playing in the grand foyer, martini bar is alive and the acoustic guitar player is in Cellar Master. 

    Everyone has something they like onboard 💙💙

    • Like 8
  6. 1 hour ago, dock said:

    @Norwaylady, Galataport to Taksim. Walk up or take the tram? 
    We’re in good shape but will be midsummer when we’re there. 
    Thank you. 

    If it’s hot… 

    take the tram 2 stops(end stop)  and the funicular up. Follow signs F1. 
    It takes 15.minutes up from Galataport this way. 
    And walk downhill🙃 


    You will understand when you are getting close to the tower😉

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. After a little coffee stop in Al Bacio together by the Queen I was ready for a jacuzzi session. 
    YES, you are seeing correct ☑️ it’s a lemon 🍋 tart 


    The Queen had a great day, she had used the heated indoor pool and jacuzzi. 

    So she was defrosted from the cold 🥶 Istanbul weather 🤣🤣


    I went for an outdoor jacuzzi. It’s really not cold for a Viking😝 

    So I had the pool deck all private to me😅😎


    After a good soak into the jacuzzi, it was time to go downstairs and get ready for the evening🙃

    The Queen was talking to the king 👑 when I arrived back. 

    He was on his way to the grocery store😝 

    No one did refill the fridge and make him dinner🤣🤣


    Tonight’s show is Star Factory, Production Show. 

    • Like 13
  8. The Queen safely parked and everything is fine! 

    Time to “hit the road” 


    I had a little de-tour via the concierge desk. 

    I needed to print a paper. It wasn’t possible to sign it digitally😩🤪 (usually never an issue) 

    But this had to be printed-signed and pictured it back🫡

    The concierge Nino was very helpful to accommodate me👍🏻🫶🏻

    But she was thinking 🤔 (where is the adult) I could see it on her😝😂


    After finishing the paperwork, foto and returning it back via email…. It was time to go! 


    Today’s route was the grand circle of tourist attractions😂 I was on the street a little before 11.00.


    I started out from Galataport turning left. 

    Today I was walking the bridge…. You get a very good view for pictures📷 (my  apologies for the cloudy weather😩 I promise you, on blue days you will understand) 












    I continued to the Egyptian market/spice market and continued in direction of Grand Bazar. It’s the local market in between those two markets (You have a million stores and its fixed price. Very cheap and the locals shop here) 



    After reaching the Grand Bazar I was not keen on a new visit🤣🤣

    So I went in direction of the other sites to see in the neighbourhood📷





    I walked over to Blue Mosque 🕌 (not visiting) but it’s nice to walk around the neighbourhood. It’s park areas and options for a relaxing stop on a bench. You walk by the obelisk and have plenty of options for pictures and details out on your walk. 

































    At 15.00 I returned on foot to the ship💙







    • Like 15
  9. Good morning from 🇹🇷 Istanbul 🇹🇷

    The weather is gray and same as yesterday😝 a bit more wind. 

    I was asking for a little bit more sunshine🫣🤩😂 But my prayers wasn’t answered yet😅


    The Queen was really into sweet dreams this morning😝

    Hello? Wake up please 🙏🏻 


    it’s window washing day today🤪



    The Queen has moved out of bed… she’s getting ready for breakfast💙

    it arrived quickly when she was “connected” to the world: 

    I think I will stay onboard today, I hear the heated pool calling me 🤗😜

    My feet are killing me from yesterday🫣 


    So let’s get down to business…. (🎶🎶) for breakfast and I will go for a walk! 

    Let’s see what route I pick for you📷

    • Like 12
  10. Tonight’s show was some comedy person…

    Well, we didn’t make it😅😂


    We needed to shower and just chill a few minutes before dinner. 


    Tonight’s menu: 


    The crew from last year is “waking” up😅 

    I see several of you🤩 but you don’t see me😜 until tonight. 

    A warm welcome to see you again🥰 

    I’m very happy to see familiar faces😘


    Back to dinner😋


    view from our table 


    Tonight is the starter meal for me😅


    We had carpaccio and salad. 


    Then I had onion soup and the Queen had chicken. 







    All plates were very good and the presentation was good. 


    For dessert the Queen wanted crème brûlée and I didn’t want anything. 


    Our main waiter was surprised, so he arrived by 2 crème brûlée🥰 Extremely kind of him❤️ but I don’t like it🫣 

    So he returned carrying ice cream to me😜


    It was chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. 

    The chocolate was pale as first night. 

    But, it’s a big difference on the vanilla. 

    It had small dots of vanilla! And it tasted real deal vanilla🥰 

    The strawberry ice cream tasted as on EQ. 

    It tasted real ice cream🥰

    So I don’t know what’s going on in the kitchen…. But they obvious can make some ice cream correct🤗



    After dinner we went to bed. 🛌 


    For all my European and Australian friends, you know it’s Eurovision song contest this week in Malmö, Sweden 🇸🇪


    It the biggest event of the year for many people and specially for many in the 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ community. 


    So I’m a bit surprised it hasn’t happened a thing onboard around Eurovision. (It’s lots of Europeans onboard🤔 we all know the craziness around Eurovision 🥳🤪🤩🥳) 


    Norway 🇳🇴 qualified last night to the final! 

    • Like 18
    • Thanks 1
  11. 3 hours ago, CardowMD said:

    You photos are getting me excited about my trip in November. We’re only passengers allowed on that pier? I know Galataport is a large shopping complex and trying to get a better idea about access. Glad you and your mom are having a good time. 
    Look forward to photos of your bargain purchases at the Bazaar and shops!

    the shopping complex and restaurants are open to everyone. 
    it’s a small entry area where you need to go to enter the cruise area. It’s marked. 

    Galataport has shopping, restaurants and ocean access. 
    The Istanbul Modern Museum is located on the area. 

    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, JeanieC,Aston said:

    Hi,lucky you sailing through the Dardanelles Straits in daylight so you could see the Anzac memorial on Gallipoli.most cruise ships pass in the evening to get into Istanbul for 07:00…you must have been sailing at walking pace.

    Some cruise lines have a minutes silence passing Gallipoli.

    On one cruise an Australia passenger asked the CD to read out on the PA system a peom written by her relative who lost his life at the Gallipoli Landings.

    You couldnt hear a pin drop from those lining the decks.


    There is an annual pilgrimage from Australia/New Zealand to this area for Anzac Day on 25th April.


    ps,,did the Queen actually drink the Turkish coffee?

    The Queen drinks Turkish and Greek coffee ️ 

    it’s not for everyone😅

    She likes it 😋


    We had a sea day, so we sailed in 7-10knots speed all the way from Thessaloniki. 
    So perfect for pictures and recording Timelapse🙂

  13. 35 minutes ago, MikeMary4449 said:

    Thank you so much for posting your pictures of Istanbul.  We visited there in 1983 on our very first cruise.  The pictures have brought back some wonderful memories of all those years ago!  Maybe it's time for us to revisit this amazing city!

    you should go back🇹🇷 

    Istanbul has changed a lot since my first visit here🇹🇷 

    My first time to Istanbul was in 2012. 

  14. 40 minutes ago, Jim_Iain said:

    So excited to see and hear of your time in Istanbul.      Never been before and will be taking a cruise from there in Nov 2025


    I think we will be spending 2-3 days there per-cruise.

    Istanbul is a fantastic city 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷

    You need 3-days at least to do it all in a comfortable timeframe. 

    You can rush through everything, but I strongly recommend at least 3-days so you can have dinners out and soak into Istanbuls potpourri of Arabic, Europe and Asia. 

    • Like 4
  15. 1 hour ago, Arzeena said:

    Love your nails. The polish looks very nice. Did you get them done onboard?

    I did them myself😅 

    The nail polish is IsaDora, wonder nail, colour: 581 Pearl girl. 
    it’s a light pearly shimmery colour. 
    Really nice colour🥰


    I love this and the colour called Vintage Rose. 
    They are classic and very nice looking. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  16. We are back on the ship😅

    The Queen has dumped into a chair in Al Bacio😝


    So let’s go back to the morning. 

    We left the ship a little before 09.30 and we walked to the tram station. The closest is out and turn left as you leave the port entrance. 

    We needed to get public transportation tickets 🎟️ (it’s for sale on machines on all stations. Cash or card) 

    The Queen was “fixing” it🫣 It was a line. 

    I said to her that a 10-tickets card was the easiest thing for us during our stay in Istanbul. 

    She got a 10-ride card. 

    You just tap for each person and go. 


    We jumped on the first tram in direction to Kabatas. It’s the final destination on the line. 

    From Kabatas you take the funicular up to Taksim. (You can walk, but it’s uphill and NOT advised for the Queen or others who have mobility concerns) 

    From Taksim and downhill, it’s easy to walk. 

    From Taksim to Galata Tower you have shopping, shopping 🛍️ and restaurants. 

    Cats are all over town🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛





    We had to do some shopping😅😝🛍️

    I ended up getting 2 new pair of shoes. (Remember I broke a pair on Edge?😳😑 it’s a replacement for them😅) 


    The Queen bought a scarf or two😂😅😝🛍️


    After the shopping morning, we need to have a little stop. 🛑 

    Some Turkish coffee ️ for The Queen and a little bit of Turkish bread starters. 





    After our little stop, it was time to continue our journey. 




    We passed Galata Tower and ended down on the Karaköy tram stop. 










    The Queen didn’t want to walk the bridge. 


    So we jumped on the tram to Bayazit (Grand Bazar). 


    The Queen wanted to go to Grand Bazar (so I thought that if we do it on day 1… I have ticket off her wishes😝😅🤭) 

    So off we went, it’s a Bazar and it’s GRAND😂🇹🇷🛍️ 

    So brush off your haggling skills and prepare yourself for a crazy visit and vibe. 





    The Queen wanted a similar handbag 👜 as she already has at home…. It’s getting worn after long service😅 she bought it her on her first visit to Istanbul (and we didn’t find one on our walk from Taksim to Karaköy) 



    We did find one ☝🏿 

    Happy Queen🤩🥰🥳


    After the haggling we said it’s done🤗 let’s get outside and have a walk towards Galataport. 


    The Queen wanted to have a stop for some tea and Turkish 🇹🇷 delight. 


    So then it was just to go all-in😋🤣


    I said to the server, bring it on! 🇹🇷





    He did🤣🤣🇹🇷


    After the overload of Turkish 🇹🇷 delights, we needed to walk a little bit….



    We walked until the Queen asked for the tram back to Galataport. 

    So we jumped onboard and headed back to the ship. 





















    We pinged back onboard at 18.00. 

    So we have toured around for a while😌



    • Like 18
  17. The ladies are in Istanbul🇹🇷 

    We left the ship 09.30 this morning🙂

    We are docked at Galataport. 

    We started our day in MDR breakfast



    We had some Greek yogurt, berries and coffee. 
    The Queen also had some French toast. 

    We left the ship 09.25 straight off and walked the terminal zigzag to get out. 

    Since we have visited Istanbul several times and visited everything. 
    Our plan for our stay is not locked. 

    The Queen wanted some shopping, easy walking and Grand Bazar…. 
    I tried to tempting her by a food tour or other activities…. 
    No luck so far😝


    So we will see how this goes😅

    • Like 13
  18. Dinner tonight..

    Tonight’s menu: 


    The menu set is a great set😁


    We had salmon, salad and duck 🦆 





    The Queen wanted potatoes for the main… 


    Food was good and presentation was okay. 


    Dessert menu



    Hurrah 🙌🏻 it’s after eight ice cream 🍨 

    My favourite dessert💚🤎💚



    Hmmmm 🫣🫥 what the heck happened? 

    What is going on? It tastes just like egg whites😑🙄🫨😵😵‍💫🥴

    Really just 😮‍💨🥴🤢😵😵‍💫 not good. 


    Definitely fish food🤭🫣🫠🫡

    Is the ice cream chef ill or have he jumped off the ship? 

    I don’t want to complain…. But this ice cream was really inedible🥺☹️😞

    It was worse than the chocolate ice cream on day 1. 

    So out the back door it went and apple crumble and crème brûlée arrived. 



    They were all better. But no fireworks and big compliments to dessert department. 

    But really, they need to work on their ice cream. The ice cream is just bad😔

    The ice cream on the apple crumble is supposed to be the Tahiti vanilla ice cream. 
    Compared to the ice cream on EQ, this is Lidl ice cream at your best. 
    I could not find a single black dot from a vanilla bean. And it’s definitely not tasting as a real vanilla ice cream. Vanillin, Yes🫡


    After dinner it was bed time 🥱 

    • Like 7
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