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Everything posted by Norwaylady

  1. After rehydrating in Al Bacio Mr & discovered that maybe we need something to eat? We went to our stateroom, today’s canapés: Mr declared: Do they have no imagination? 🤣🤣🤣 We decided that a slice of pizza and some fresh scones for dessert was a better option😁 And then we could bring a 🥂 to our window (it is what it is….) Cheers to a great day in Muscat!
  2. It’s very different how good you manage heat….💙 Mr is a cold person💙 He is not to well when it’s hot… I on the other hand is extremely happy for warmer weather and don’t care. So we are completely opposite when it comes to temperature💙😎❤️ So I have to adjust when he finds it to hot.
  3. Well, today we docked in Muscat, Oman. (Yes, you are reading correct!) It was nice to wake up to the port of Muscat. Our plans for today was to go ashore and just go for a walk. Since it’s Friday things are closed after 11.30 and grand Mosque is closed for visitors. We have visited Muscat and Oman before. We have visited the Nizwa fortress on one occasion. We had a look on the tours offered by the ship. The big problem for all of them is travel time. You need to spend 2h each way in a bus. (We learned this on the Nizwa fortress tour😂) So that is minimum 4h in pure travel time…. Mr said NO! So then it was a walk in Muscat✔️ We started our day by breakfast in OV around 09.00 it was quiet and not many people around. Mr had his usual omelette and herring. Today they had made cinnamon buns. They looked good and smelled good…. So we had to test them😋 The cinnamon buns did taste very good. They had same texture and taste as mine😌 Mr was very happy, and repeated that the bakery/bread has tasted excellent, really good for a ship. That’s a very good compliment🙌🏻💙 After breakfast it was time to leave the ship. We went downstairs to the gangway and straight onboard the shuttle to the city centre. We had around 1,5h in the Souq before they closed for Friday service. We walked around to have a look. (No big shopping plans) Carpets, clothes, jewellery and Parfum. When the Souq started to close down, we decided to walk out and continue further inland. We took a grand walking route in the residential area, down to the fortress and continued onward in direction old Muscat. About halfway to Old Muscat Mr complaint… Ugg it’s hot🫣So we turned around and walked in direction of the Souq. We went over to the fish market. They were packing down for the day. After touring back to the pick up point for the shuttle, Mr declared that he was done for the day outside. 10.000steps was enough for him😝 (according to Mr the Movember is growing slowly… can’t agree on that… it’s day 10 and it’s starting to be very visible🫣) We returned to the ship around 14.00 Then it was Al Bacio time… Ice tea & iced americano.
  4. it’s one of his favourites😍 It’s the Eden shirt🤩 He can fit as a decoration there😂 Eton makes shirts in different styles and this is absolutely a winner for Mr
  5. Transit Pass Dubai We had one on our bed when we returned home for Mr😂😂😂 Mr said instant: you need to go home😅 the ship doesn’t like you😂😂 No B2B letters included. It’s 2,5 possibly reasons for this… The mail ✉️ service has misplaced a envelope or it’s missing from the printer department Mihail hotel director is walking on thin ice again…. Last time we were b2b onboard by Mr Mihail, eclipse Alaska+Hawaii he was giving out b2b envelopes on the meeting. I attended for us and he only gave me 1 envelope… He was told cabin number, but he thought I was travelling by the persons sitting on my table during the meeting…. So I had to request the second envelope after the main meeting was finished, since I checked the inside😂😂 Mr Mihail did not see that coming😂😂 The face when I requested the second envelope was a a bit 😅 even the hotel director lost that poker table😂😂😂 Someone on the ship is following along… and know they can’t deliver paperwork containing Retreat logos yet. We will see if transit card or something is showing up for me… Otherwise I will ask for it later😌
  6. We went to captain’s club senior officers party🥂 Captain Matt was presenting the officers, drinks, canapés and music was flowing🎶🥂 The Barricade Boys had a mini show. All in all, all by the book💙🎶🥂👍🏻 Tonight’s show is production show. Colours of life The show was great! Dancers, singers and acrobatic delivered💙 After the show we dropped into Live at the club. CD Guiseppe has Salvatore Hazard and Jessica Jane in the hot spot😂😂 Great fun and they are really “offering” the guest entertainers😂😂😂 We had dinner in Tuscan. Service by: Today’s menu: Mr had: bacalao crochets, Caesar salad and herb roasted chicken Mr said all food tasted good. The chicken was juicy and tender. I had the eggplant bruschetta, roasted pumpkin salad and shrimp soup as main. The bruschetta was not bad, and eggplant is good. But this was definitely not the best. Texture and flavour was just like Norwegian «Makrell i Tomat». I eat this a lot on dry breads for lunch. So personally they would be better to make them “classic” by tomato and garlic. Our main waiter had “left the building” 😅😂🫣 It started good, everything was fine. We got the first course, bacalao and bruschetta. It was good, we are eating and Mr finishing his plate before me. Almost before he was able to lay down the cutlery 🍴 the plate are picked up and his salad arrived in the same move. I was 😯 what did happen? We are eating the same number of plates? Mr looked 🫣 (he knows what I feel about this type of practice… my mother in-law literally takes plates, drink glasses out of your hands when she’s done eating, she’s in a hurry to all meals) After awhile, my plate is picked up and I got my salad. When our plates of salad are picked up, I have the correct cutlery 🍴 on my side. I have used my 2 sets of fork and knife. And the soup spoon is left. Mr need a new set of cutlery and has a unused spoon… Our waiter picks up on auto my spoon and lays out a new set of knife and 🍴 fork. And then he rushes off before I can say cake🫡 The assistant waiter is the one delivering the main course. He says: do you need an extra plate? Since you are also having chicken? No thank you, I just need a spoon 🥄 your friend took it off the table and gave me knife and fork for my soup….🤪 Dessert menu: We had one of each of the signature desserts. The napoleon style cake was extremely heavy. Mr had a bit and said this is a full dinner😅 The Fondant was good. It was not to sweet. After dinner it was bedtime 🥱
  7. Not interfering at all Gerry💙🙂 please feel free to say Hello when we invade your “house” next sailing😂😂🙂 We really miss the elite and above cocktail hour💙 It was a great way to be a little social for us. (Not that we don’t like each other’s company😂😂) But when we are away for a longer time, it’s nice to speak to someone else then Mr from time to time😅 People are so afraid of speaking to us🫣
  8. Today it’s pool Olympics😎 May the best team win 🏆 I took it easy in the sun overviewing the pool game. Around 14.45 it started to cool off and be better for a walk. So run downstairs to change into walking shoes and clothes. It was a decent 45.minute express walk😎 Mr has enjoyed some working hours in the stateroom. Today’s canapés: It’s senior officers party today 17.15 in Eden. So time to change from outdoor outfit to decent evening attire💙
  9. @Northern Aurora that’s interesting. It’s probably due to less people moving around? Anyway, I will pack and prepare everything, so housekeeping can do their job and I can go outside for a walk and tour of the View Dubai😎
  10. @DaKahuna this looks promising for next part of my journey😂😂😂 We do actually have a balcony, so we must do at least one breakfast outside… Thank you @Joker54 for the details and love your attitude💙 Hopefully the cheese plate was a awful day at work mistake🫣
  11. Today was a slow day😂 I was not awake before 09.00🙈 Mr was waking up as I moved out of bed. Today’s breakfast was in OceanView. I had my usual thing and Mr had his omelette😋 My “cat pellets” 😂😂🙈🐈‍⬛ Prefer them in milk by some fresh fruit or yoghurt. It’s super healthy, it’s black oats. Black oats are a separate oat species with a different nutritional composition than the usual white oats. There is about 50 percent more unsaturated fat and 15 percent less carbohydrates in black oats than in regular white oats. Black oats are also more resistant to disease, which results in cleaner products than regular oats. We do not need to spray our grain. Black oats have otherwise got their name because of the color of the outer shell which is black. After breakfast it was straight off to the b2b meeting. Stopped by Al Bacio to pick up some coffee. Assortment for “breakfast” pastries: CD Guiseppe had a port talk about Oman/Muscat from 10.15. The theatre was packed and he was not ready talking when we arrived 11.05. So it was a little logistical challenge to get everyone in/out and start the b2b on time🤪🤪 They had a b2b meeting at 09.00 also🙃 It’s 1200 B2B guests🤩🥳 So definitely a record for me😂😂😅 300 keep their stateroom and 400 is moving! So you need to pack everything in your suitcase. No clothes on hangers or loose items…. It’s a very busy day for them due to this🤪💙 B2B meeting was by Mihail hotel director. Document officer was present and shoreX. shoreX made it clear they have space on tours in Dubai for b2b, please come by for suggestions🙂 Nothing new on the block… They raffled away a champagne, specialty dinner, 2x laundry bag. No prices for us😝 We need to do face to face in Abu Dhabi going into UAD and then a full inspection for b2b arrival Dubai, since we will stamp out of UAE. Those on ship tours on turnaround will do this inspection when they arrive back from tour. We on a private tour will do it in the morning as we leave the ship. We are visiting the View tower on the Palm. We need to bring passports, express pass DXB-SIN, visas for Sri Lanka and India for inspection. The port agent will check them. After the meeting Mr decided to go to the stateroom. He has some work to take care off🤓 I decided that a little break on a sun lounger was the best option😎 mid-day is not the perfect time to go walking. It’s the warmest point of the day….
  12. The captain’s club and concierge for us received a written letter Day 1. It said clearly that we are in a concierge cabin the first part and on next we are SS and booking number for the next part. i don’t know what TAD is short for😝😂🫣 we have never tried a suite on X😅😂😂😂🙈 Fingers crossed for a great experience💙
  13. They ask when you order: Rare/medium/well done etc. So just say your preference😇 this meat has been prepared by Sous vide method. It had the texture of velvet. So it has slowly become perfectly cooked and get a beautiful velvet texture. This is impossible to achieve in a frying pan. You need to slow cook it and the temperature is low.
  14. I have only watched Barbie so far on this cruise. It was at 14.00. So now popcorn. They have never had it on any of the ships I sailed on on X. (I think it’s only Youth club that has popcorn service if they have it) The bar servers was stopping by now and then to check on if anyone wanted something and to collect used glasses.
  15. This is a tricky question…. A bit like YES/NO game😂 Seriously it’s a personal preference. As you have seen from start to this point, the food has either hit very good/excellent or blah and down to “this should never left the kitchen” -The salads has all tasted fresh and they are still crispy and fresh (not halfway dead or slimy at any occasion) - The fish dishes (except the the grave lax and the dry heated cod) has all tasted good and arrived fresh. Fish is a bit more finesse to prepare, so it’s not dry or over cooked. The scallops in Normandie has arrived perfectly cooked ( the line for overcooked and chewy is a thin line) Mr had some chicken dishes for dinner and I have tasted some (not the Jerk🍍🍍 it’s boiled in 🍍) They have tasted juicy and very tender. Yesterdays Indian dish was a walk of glory from the probably an Indian chef😂😋😋😋 So I would say that those dishes/plates that are on target 🥇 (as all chefs and Food & beverage manager and head chefs want them to be) are around 9-10. So they can if they will🤩 They have shown it! We have tasted and seen it in front of us. So they definitely can deliver… But then you have those days and plates where someone is not at 100% on duty…. Then you get the gravelax failure, the dry cod and attention to details that could and would not left the kitchen if they had a second taste and look…. Then we hit the numbers from 2-5 It’s as of now, it’s definitely not the worst cruise we had for food. For buffet, Mr says it’s good. He is a happy camper. He said that the eggs were better and fresher in OceanView for breakfast. So he put on his puppy eyes last night and said: can we please eat breakfast in OceanView? I want freshly eggs my way. So we will see what happens when we move in Dubai to our SS. Am a bit anxious and also looking forward to Luminae! It will be fun to see if they have same type of failures or if they manage to keep it all over good on 9/10 every day…
  16. Brittany was CD on my infinity adventure in May/June. She did a great job👍🏻💙
  17. Let’s kick off the evening🍸 Cheers, Salute, Skål🥂 We started the evening by a cocktail in grand foyer and live music. It’s Jazz🎶 Today’s show is Salvatore Hasard, new show🎶🎶🎶 What can I say? He is SO good! Entertainment has really delivered. The orchestra is perfect backing and it’s a great evening. After the show we went straight to the whisper game in the Club😂😂 Captain Matts team Knock-out the guest team😂😂😂 Dinner tonight was in Normandie. Wow, as said before… our 🥇 last time on Edge was Normandie and after tonight they are definitely nr 1. Tonight’s service team: Tonight’s menu: They offered a Chicken Tikka off menu. Mr went for chicken soup, màche salad and chicken tikka. I had salmon, máche salad and beef sirloin en croúte. They are cooling as we are going to Antarctic. This applying for theatre and restaurant area🥶🥶🥶 So mr had to go upstairs to get my merino wool poncho for dinner….🥶🥶🥶 I looked like a ribbed chicken Back to tonight’s dinner. Great service from crew. The food tasted excellent and beyond. The chicken tikka was 😋😋😋 Mr had to request a second portion…. (My sirloin was excellent) Really a flashback to our last visit onboard Edge. Normandie was in their own league….. 10/10. Tonight’s dessert options: We had ice cream🥰 After dinner we ran off to Liars Club😂😂 Hilarious 😂 panel of CD Guiseppe, Captain Matt and comedian Wayne😂😂 Then it was definitely time for bed😴😴
  18. Around 14.15 we needed some more shade⛱️😎 So we moved into the Magic Carpet to have some club soda and shade. We had lots of dolphins 🐬 jumping close to us🐬🐬🐬 It’s plenty of them, you really have to work hard to avoid seeing them at least once during the last days😅 Around 15.30 we called it for today on deck. No need to turn into a 🦞🦞🦞. Today’s canapés: It’s Evening Chic🥳 tonight Mr is “bringing” the cats 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
  19. Thank you💙 For me/us, it’s not a reason to book a ship if it’s this or this Captain. (It can change, since I’m a planner😂😂 normally booking far out from sailing date) Same goes for CD. But what we have learned over the years is that the dynamic between CD and Captain plays an important role on how things will be on a cruise. Giuseppe & Captain Matt make each other extremely good and crazy in a fun way🤩 Captain Matt said a very good thing during the “Talkshow/Gameshow” yesterday. The important part of being a team player and wanting to be a part of elevating your team mates. And that the dynamics change when people are replaced by someone else. This is spot on what I believe in! And it made me think about 2 recently scenes onboard different X ships. This is everything Captain Matt talked about! This is one of the reasons he is very respected and seems like a very nice person💙 and he is funny (have just seen him alive😂 have not spoken to him in person) And he glows this in his interactions onboard. My scene is one from Sil and one from Infinity. During our Easter 🐣 trip on Sil, we did a b2b 10+4 and the 4-days sailing is a booze cruise (can’t deny it… average age dropped by 40-50years😂😂) Well, it was packed in Sunset and the crew was working crazy. It was crazy from boarding started and was made house crazy when we were ready for sail away… The lines were long and people was ordering drinks in a hefty speed. Every time a crew was trying to take the route to pick up dirty glasses and empty bottles they received a stack of cards and a million orders. So everyone was occupied constantly, not a second of time to breathe for the crew. A higher ranked person arrived ( this was a younger person) , he started shouting at the crew, pointing out that this was extremely poorly work from the crew. It’s not that hard to keep up by the demand…. You could see on the crew that this was definitely not working… it just made their extremely busy day worse. And this happened also at a later occasions by same person. On infinity in May/June I had the total opposite situation. It was crazy madhouse in Al Bacio on several occasions. But what happened here was that a higher ranked person then on Sil jumped into the situation. Tossing off his jacket and did as a “regular” server. Making coffee, cleaning tables, serving guests. Helping the team out and get thru the humpback together as a team. You could see in the crew that this is so much better way than standing on the side, shouting and pointing on all things that are not perfect.
  20. Charla, looking forward to the rest💙⚓️ You are a great live reporter🤩 I do bite notices in the comment: SS in the future…. I’m shaking my pants🫣 since we will try out the suite life in a SS for the first time in only a few days time🙄🫣🫣🫣🙄
  21. I started my day walking😎 You know the time is adjusted… less people outside in the early morning🙃 Sun is shining and it will be a great day🤩 Today’s program is filled by several options…. So much to do, so little time🤭 Since Mr was quickly out of bed when I returned from my walk, we could make it to Cosmopolitan breakfast😅 It was not empty there…. Breakfast menu: I had my yoghurt and cereal (cat pellets according to Mr)😆 and I asked for a poached egg, well done toasted bread and some salmon please😇 (Here is where I did a mistake… normally I specifically say 1,1,1 etc😅) I don’t like to throw food and I personally find it better to get 2 smaller servings then 1 gigantic and leave lots of food… (I know the fishes have a snack🐡🐠🐟) It’s something we have grown up in… only take what you’re going to eat. And It’s better to take twice then grabbing a big portion and leave it halfway eaten…. This is very applying for Nordic living and culture. First cruise on X the portion size for dinner was big, I was feeling pretty bad, sending plates out “untouched” since I’m not a big eater… luckily our excellent set-time server learned quickly that I did enjoy the food, but the size was just not my ideal size😅😉 After the downsizing in dinner serving size it’s was a bit better for me… I know not everyone agrees. But from my perspective it was to the better. Well back to breakfast…. Danish pastry, croissants and juice was walked around. They didn’t offer specialty coffee, barista coffee😳 Mr had tea and had regular coffee. (They can keep this coffee…. I will not have a cup more😝 here is my snobby side👻☕️) Mr had fruit plate and eggs Benedict😋 He was a happy camper. Only “complaint” was that one egg was perfectly cooked and the other was all hard boiled. So back to my bonanza.. So I ordered, poached egg, toast and salmon…. Yep, keep it coming🍞🥚🐟 2 toasted bread (looking great toasted👍🏻) 2 poached eggs 1 salmon plate (salmon, toasted bagel, capers, onion, cream cheese and lemon) Oh my😳😆🤭 Let’s just say the fishes will have some snacks…. I put together my order, 1 toast, salmon and an egg on top. One egg was perfect and the other was smiling + to almost hard boiled. My breakfast was good, but I feel a bit bad leaving the rest…. After breakfast I wanted a real cup of coffee… So Mr walked upstairs and I went in direction of Al Bacio…. 💙☕️ real coffee for me🥰👍🏻 Celebrity Xcel was “out” yesterday afternoon…. I had a price check online last evening. I was actually surprised to see that it was priced in that price range… Because Apex, Beyond and Ascend has had wild price in Norway…. So it hasn’t happened😂😂 So if someone would like to join us on Easter 🐣 holiday in 2026. Feel free to join us😂😂😎⚓️ We are waiting for the 25/26 sailings to be rolled out… We really want some good Asian routes 14+days or good b2b 11/14d Asia….. And if they will offer some year round routes in Europe (Type canary island/Moroccan from Barcelona or Las Palmas in winter season). We do keep an eye on what Royal roles out. Specifically on the smaller vessels 🚢 Today is guest volleyball tournament. I’m taking it slow watching😎
  22. I see that I am 1 day wrong😂😂 It’s CruiseCompass for day 10🙂 No it’s time to go for a walk💪🏻🦵🏻😎
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