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Posts posted by Korimako

  1. 10 hours ago, bebe08 said:

    Does anyone know if it is possible to just sail NZ without Australia or do they have something similar to the Jones Act?  Our Jan 14th cruise is Auckland to Sydney...wondering if the itinerary could be modified to eliminate Australia.  

    No international tourists are allowed into New Zealand - only NZ residents and citizens - who must quarantine for 14 days on arrival. This situation is set to continue until, at least, late 2022.

    So the chances of your cruise happening - regardless of what Celebrity says -  are slim to zero.  The government will decide - not a cruise company - who and when. Sorry!

    • Like 1
  2. I don't think this is likely to happen. NZ borders are closed to all international travellers at the moment and the latest from Chris Hipkins is they will not be reopening until later in 2022.

    Even if they were, there is still the necessity to do 14 days isolation - vaccinated or not. It doesn't look good for your cruise.

    Even vaccinated, returning New Zealanders have to comply with this condition.

    • Like 4
  3. 9 hours ago, fweegy said:

    So I just read in various articles online that Australia is expected to stay closed to travel until mid to late 2022. That will be twice my B2B has been cancelled. If it happens I'm done with them and NZ. I'll get my money back and move on to other countries willing to rejoin the world.


    Well, let's see. If you lived in a country of 5 million people with only 6 deaths since Covid broke out, how eager would YOU be to join the rest of the world where Covid is still raging???

    Just asking.🙂

    • Like 9
  4. 18 hours ago, OmaOna said:

    I am cruising from NZ to Seattle.   39 day.  I am wondering about air to NZ.  

    Air NZ from west coast USA is your best option, but when???

    NZ borders are closed for the foreseeable future to everyone except returning Kiwis. 

  5. On 8/15/2020 at 2:05 PM, Blackduck59 said:

    This show is interesting much of the narration is done in Maori (is that the correct term for the indigenous language of New Zealand) with sub titles.


    This is a very common and popular misconception. Maori are not indigenous to New Zealand. The first Maori arrivals in Aotearoa arrived (approximately) in the late 13th century from Polynesia - several hundred years before the first  Europeans arrived.


  6. I've been reading this thread with interest. Not once has it been mentioned WHERE these cruises will go. Unless we're talking closed loop Caribbean cruises, what is the likelihood of any country accepting travellers, particularly from the USA where the death toll is still rising and there is no national plan to combat Covid?

    Here in NZ, after a strict lockdown policy,  we have currently only 1 active case, no one in hospital, a total of 22 deaths (all elderly with underlying conditions) and our borders are closed to all but returning citizens who will quarantine on arrival.

    Ports in other countries may feel the same about international travellers.

    • Like 1
  7. On 3/14/2020 at 10:47 PM, Fletch1 said:

    Bold decision, but with only 4 reported cases in NZ so far, probably a good move. If they get more cases show up in the next few days, may be all in vain. Let's hope not. 


    But, as previously mentioned, how are they going to police the 14 day self isolation? 


    On 3/14/2020 at 10:40 PM, Calabazar said:

    I wonder how the NZ authorities will enforce this? All very well to make the bold announcement but if it can’t or won’t be enforced, what’s the point?

    If people don't self -isolate, they will be deported.



    Soooo glad I live here!!

  8. As of Sunday 15 March, all travellers arriving in New Zealand will have to self-isolate for 14 days. No cruise ships will be allowed until after 30 June.

    This will hit our tourism industry as no-one will want to fly to NZ and spend 14 days in the same room.  However, recovering from an economic downturn - and we will - is preferable to letting this virus into the country. We have only 5 cases at the moment and they are all recovering.

  9. This is exactly what I meant when I posted my comment above. Although I am VERY uncomfortable with tipping in any way shape or form because it is neither the norm or acceptable where I live, I would tip in the US as I understand - even though I think it's totally wrong and that everyone should earn a decent living wage as happens here  - that that is the norm. For someone to say, 'Well I don't accept this cultural norm and will impose my way of thinking and behaving regarding tipping' leaves me speechless at the arrogance! You should have felt you were doing wrong.

    As an example - I'd been overseas for several months, partly in the US - and attempted to leave my hairdresser a tip, to which she grinned and said 'You've been away too long!'

    Don't try to impose your cultural norms on the rest of the world please, we don't like it.

    • Like 4
  10. I often wonder when I see this subject crop up yet again, how our North American cousins would react if I said the following about tipping when I visit the US.


    "I come from a country where tipping is not the norm. That's what I am comfortable with, so I am not going to tip in the US because I would not feel comfortable doing it."

    Can you imagine the replies I'd get???


    But of course, I would tip in the US because that is their cultural norm.

    • Like 4
  11. 29 minutes ago, Rala said:

    I agree...porters, bellman, bellhops are really only seen now in very upscale hotels.  You see the bellman being "rung" for in a lot of old movies from the  30's, 40's and 50's.  


    I didn't mean I hadn't heard of bellmen, hops or porters!😀

    In the 'upscale' hotels where we usually stay in Europe and Australasia, they discreetly materialise when needed. Which was why I thought the summoning by bells was a North American thing.

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