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Posts posted by Jennizor

  1. Eddie, I am so sorry to hear your very sad news. I am a big cat lover, have had them most of my life. These days I always have a rescue cat. My daughter is a vet nurse and they always have cats that need homing. Three years ago we got Cassie (formerly known as Edith) after we had lost Tilly to mouth cancer. She had been taken into the vets to be put down after her owner had died and the family didn’t want her. They never put a healthy cat down so I got the call from Jen. While we were on Britannia in December my friend who fed her when we were away found her dead on the rug in the conservatory. She had a heart attack. We were all devastated she was such a lovely cat. I told Jen I would need time before I could have another one. However I got a call mid January to say a cat had been brought in with a broken pelvis having been hit by a moped. Her owners were traced via the chip but they abandoned her. She has been with us for 4 weeks now, living in a cage until last week. We absolutely love her so no regrets. I will be thinking about you tomorrow and send you lots of love. Just remember you gave her a lovely life and lots of love.



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  2. As a Lancashire lass, only sugar and lemon on pancakes for me. I have tried chocolate spread but never again. 

    Miserable day here with heavy rain forecast later. It will probably arrive just as I set out for the school run. It doesn’t bother the boys as once we have crossed at the school crossing they just run home. My running days are long over ( I do quite a quick march though).

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  3. 2 hours ago, ohnonotmeagain said:



     One of the things life has taught me over the last two years [and just found out that, sadly, one of my friends has terminal liver cancer]

    "if you want to do something,just do it." don't keep procrastinating

    So on that basis, I've booked a holiday to LAS VEGAS! Always been on my bucket list so I'm going!

    4 days in September [heard that will definitely be enough time!!!] I am beyond excited....... is it too early to pack ! Going on my own, hubby doesn't fancy it at all !

    Just Japan left to go to visit bucket list wise, although plenty of other "things" on there.




    In his younger years my husband was a competition addict. Over the years he has won loads of good prizes, a car, holiday in Switzerland and many others but those were before we got together in 1995. In 1996/97 he won a four night trip to New York and soon after a week in Las Vegas. We stayed in the Excaliber in Vegas which was great. Included in the prize was a thousand dollars spending money. We didn’t  gamble an awful lot but he did buy me an engagement ring and we saw David Cassidy at the MGM. I don’t think we would have gone to Vegas but for this win but we loved every minute. He doesn’t enter them anymore as with the advent of the internet his wins got less and less.

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  4. 4 hours ago, mrsgoggins said:


    I really did feel for you when I read your first post on the subject and saw your delightful view.  We have (slightly elevated) uninterrupted views over farmland and, although 'development' not even mentioned anywhere, it is my biggest fear.  West Lancs, where I live, has lots of high quality farmland and I obviously want it to stay that way.  I know, I know, I'm a potential NIMBY 😉. You obviously live in a very nice spot and I hope, if the development goes ahead that it is well-landscaped.


    Mrs Goggins

    The plans are with the Council currently and we don’t know when we will get the results. Part of the plans include a Championship golf course and they are bidding for the Ryder Cup to be held there. Realistically, why would Bolton be considered as a venue for this? In addition, with number of houses planned, the current infrastructure couldn’t cope with all the extra traffic, local schools are already full, we would need more doctor’s surgeries, the list goes on. The plans for the course show that hole 11 would be able to be seen from our garden!  We were told at a planning meeting that we would be able to rent our house for a lot money to potential spectators (not going to happen). 

    We wait with baited breath.

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  5. All still calm here but blue sky gone. Just seen a heartwarming site. We have cows and sheep in the farmers fields at the bottom of our garden. The cows go inside over winter but not always the sheep. Looking out of our bedroom window just now I saw the farmer and sheepdog herding them towards the farm buildings at the bottom of the field. I don’t know how sturdy the buildings are but they will offer some protection to the sheep. Our other concern is that between us and the fields there is a narrow wood. The fields and the wood all used to be owned by Sir Geoffrey Hulton. When he died several years ago it went to his nephew who has sold it all to Peel Holdings! We have been fighting their plans to build a golf course and at least 2 thousand houses on this site but, despite help from local MPs it looks like they will win. In the wood at the bottom of our garden a huge tree died a few years ago and Peel Holdings eventually had it taken down. If it had fallen our way it would have devastated our garden. While we were in the Caribbean in December a small one fell into our next door neighbours garden and demolished a number of mature shrubs. I just hope that the winds today don’t cause anymore damage. 


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  6. Sitting in my conservatory in Lancashire. Sun streaming in through the lounge window, the sky out of the conservatory window is black and threatening. Mild breeze currently. The forecast is for us to get the bad weather by lunchtime but local news says the wind will be losing some of it’s strength by then. Not going anywhere today. I’m glad it’s half term so that I don’t have to do school run. I hope you all keep safe.

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  7. I had pet insurance with a well known company. I think it was around £40 per month. After about 6 six years my cat became ill and was treated at the vets and she had an X-ray which cost quite a lot. The insurance company wouldn’t pay the first £200. I was quite annoyed by this as they had around £3000 of my money. I subsequently cancelled the policy and opened a post office account and paid £50 a month into it. Last year my cat was quite poorly and the treatment cost over a £1000. Cassie had more than £2000 in her account so it was well covered. I wouldn’t buy pet insurance again. I know vet bills can be very high but over the years, having had many cats, they have had a fortune out of me whereas I have not claimed anything like that amount.

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  8. On a pre-COVID cruise to the Med in 2019, one of guests sharing our fixed dining table received the sad news her dad had died. P & O were excellent and helped her make the necessary arrangements and she was on her way home very quickly. I hope you don’t have to be in the same position, it must be very upsetting for you. 

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Gettingwarmer said:

    The wording is ambiguous. I read it that the second/last vaccine relates to the main vaccines (one or two shot variations). If 270 days have passed since that you will need to have had a booster vaccine so I reckon most people will be ok. Needs clarification.

    I read it the same as you. It will be interesting to see the EU guidance when it comes. They will want to balance the need to take precautions and getting the economy back on track, we are still in difficult times.

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