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Posts posted by mimmy52

  1. Glad that my review is still helpful. djh1959, here's hoping you have neither low water nor high water for your trip.  As for why the review is still getting replies, my guess would be it's for the same reason I read older trip reports before I went on my two river cruises.  There aren't a lot that have details and a lot of photos.  Those were always my favorite.

  2. It was 2014 when I took a Rhine river cruise. We had high water so the cruise had to start in Breisach rather than Basel. We had a lot of sunshine, yet when I was on the top deck and the ship was moving, it was cool enough for a jacket. Just goes to show that you never can tell what the temperatures will be on your trip. I wouldn't even have brought a jacket had it not been that I spent a pre-cruise visit in Lucerne and knew at some point I'd be on a mountain.

  3. Most of your questions have been answered, but I will add that embarkation is a little more than giving your name. You must also show your passport. Then one of the crew will escort you to your cabin. It is so easy.


    When I did a Viking pre-cruise in Amsterdam two years ago, six passenger vehicles started arriving at the hotel at 2:30. So the registration desk on the ship was never crowded. No embarkation procedures at the hotel, unless they've changed in the past two years.


    During your stay in Amsterdam, there will be a Viking representative available at the hotel during the morning and at other times throughout the day. We were given a sheet that had suggestions on things to do along with what tram you should take if you were doing public transportation. But you could also ask the rep for specific information about places and directions.


    Have a great time!

  4. I would definitely choose option 2. My friend and I did option 1 in 2015 (you should see a link to my photo heavy report in my signature). I thought Copper River was wasted time. That might be because it was at the end of our trip rather than the beginning, but the really fun sounding excursions from there all took a considerable amount of time to get to and we'd already spent a lot of time on a bus. It was a long bus ride from Fairbanks to Copper River and another long bus ride from Copper River to Anchorage, although we did make a couple of interesting stops along the way.


    The idea of two nights in Denali is a selling point and if the Denali History Tour is the included excursion there, be sure to upgrade to the Tundra Wildnerness Tour. Otherwise, you probably won't see wildlife. With two days there, you can probably do more in Denali if you choose. Even if you don't want to hike, you can see the Visitor Center and the sled dogs.


    I liked the McKinley Princess Lodge. We were only there one night so just enjoyed the lodge the afternoon we arrived and left the next morning. That is a place where you can get some nice excursions, though, if you're there for two nights.

  5. I feel I must stand up for those of us who are stampeding geezers. We were three who wanted to be seated at a table with a certain waiter who was very popular. I was the geezer chosen to stampede and save two other spaces at the table. This only started when we had been in other sections and had other wait staff.


    I love dining on river cruises. You meet such interesting people. I never noticed excessive noise, but I am hard of hearing so maybe we were all shouting and it sounded normal to me.

  6. I took the pre-cruise Luzern extension with Viking in 2014. At that time the hotel was the Radisson Blu and the room was very nice.


    The guided tour on day 2 will probably start at 9:00 am and end at lunch time (lunch on your own).


    I would check the Mt. Pilatus website to see what time everyone has to be off the mountain. When I was in Luzern, the first two days were rain, and I was told they wouldn't be good days for a mountain trip. Since I was by myself, I took Viking's optional tour on day 3 of Mt. Titlus, a beautiful sunny day. I signed up for it the night before (day 2). Since the first stop was a cheese making demonstration and the lines for the Titlus gondolas were long, we didn't get to spend much time on the mountain, so I think doing it on your own makes better sense.


    After you book your trip, you should get a link to "My Viking Journey" where you can plan any excursions. I don't think it matters how quickly you sign up for the included tours. There will be enough room. If there's an optional tour you don't want to miss, you might want to sign up beforehand, but from what I saw, they rarely sell out of the optional excursions.


    I don't know if you can see the link to my review of the trip in my signature, so I'm including it here. The first couple of pages are about the Lucern portion.



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