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Posts posted by crochetcruise

  1. I ont use a CPAP but yes there should be a plug near the bed for those that do.


    While we're at it more HC cabins in more categories. Why aren't they available in all category cabins?


    Hear, Hear! Especially a Suite, yes I know about the Window Suite on some ships, but a Vista Suite equipped for a Handicapped Passenger on each ship, would be less expensive than a Penthouse Suite, which is my option on the Emerald Princess. It means less cruising, even though I have the choice of the Golden or the Emerald, it still comes down to being able to afford a suitable itinerary for me.


    People are aging, and are more likely to have handicaps as they age, so it would be sensible to consider this demographic in the future planning.

  2. Sometimes rudeness is in the eye of the beholder.


    On a recent cruise, my wife and I were wandering the buffet in search of a table. I spotted one nearby, and as you do when seating is in short supply, made a beeline for it. I did not sprint, bowling people over in the process, but I did speed up. As I sat down, I heard, in a very load voice, "That terrible man just rushed in and took our table!"


    I looked up to see three elderly women, at least TWENTY feet away. The speaker, while ostensibly talking to her companions, was quite obviously (from the volume) directing her words to the room at large in an attempt to embarrass me.


    I had not seen them approaching the table. They were, in fact, at that moment, further from it than I was when I first spied it. And it was not a case of them returning to a "saved" table.


    I'm sure that many people who looked up at the sound of her voice jumped to the conclusion that I was indeed a "terrible man" acting rudely to three seniors.


    Just seeing a table doesn't make it yours. And someone beating you to a table doesn't mean they intentionally scooped it. Had I known they were headed to the table, I would have differed. But they were not in my field of vision and I don't read minds. Had she spoken to me in a civil manner, I would have surrendered the table. But she didn't.


    I did not engage with this woman (You never win in these situations), but, ironically, I did encountered her and her posse again on multiple occasions during the 18 day cruise. Each time I found an opportunity to go out of my way and be polite. Holding an elevator door, stepping aside at a narrow pass way... Not only did she not recognize me as the "terrible" man, she never once acknowledged the small courtesies, let alone voice thanks.


    Sometimes those quickest to accuse are the worst offenders.


    YES! And more often than not, it's those old enough to know better and set a good example, who are the worst offenders in my personal experience! THANK YOU for discreetly reminding me to make sure I have my Visually Impaired Person badge on my jacket, and a spare packed in the carry on case, so people, hopefully, are alerted to my limited eyesight, the Rollator is fairly obvious. Because of your post, I have remembered something in plenty of time to organise it. Trust Cruise Critic to help out!


    348 days to Sailing for me.

  3. Remember your Steward can also do a lot more than look after your room,

    example something needs mending, bet you anything he will know who to talk to (might even be a crew member not working on the ship in that area but is a wiz with whatever it takes.


    THANK YOU! I've noted that down on my Cruise Information Notepad V.2, must get V.3 ready for use, I've learned so much information from Cruise Critic.


    I've had some access issues with posting replies, but seems to be sorted now. Thank You for the information on Golden Princess canned Soda prices, have made allowance in On Board Credit to buy and not have the worry of lugging them with me. 50 weeks exactly today, I should be aboard or very nearly by now.

  4. Yes the pens are yours to keep; but alas they are not silver.




    THANK YOU! Everyone's been very patient with my dumb questions, I've learnt such heaps, and my friend who's still working and doesn't have the time to do much research, now just asks me a question and I do his research for him-retired on medical grounds so plenty of time to do it. He did take over buying the power strip and extension cord for me-NO Surge Protect which was a great help.


    Adaptor plugs are on sale at the local branch of the State Motoring Organisation-sale goes until Mid-February, so can organise this after I pay for flight and hotel accommodation in January, have money over what it's costed at, even allowing for inflation-still haven't been able to get the November 2016 flights and hotel prices. Allowing a 10% increase, but not sure about the Melbourne hotel. I stay at the other when I need to go to Adelaide, so well aware of the price, and by staying multiple days, do get a discount. I'm also going to reserve my choice of Canapes for the 1st Night, aware that I do get Chef's Choice on the 1st night as well, and have invited my friend to bring his Cocktail and join me in the Window Suite-he's accepted with delight.

  5. Just off Caribbean Princess November 11th. Furniture on balcony, table with 2 chairs, 2 loungers. Sabatini's breakfast menu full menu, if you go there. Room service menu expanded to include omelet. The only cabins to have room service on last day when all others must go to HC. Flower arrangement not orchid. Fruit basket included apples,oranges, kiwi, pears, grapes and strawberrys. DVD player with extensive list. High tea in room. Afternoon appetizers. Mini-van setup very plush bathrobes slippers, personalized stationary, business card holders 2 silver ballpoint pens. Upgraded bathroom amenities. Jucizzy bathtub separate shower toilet and sink in separate room. Modified walk-in closet 2 TV'S cabin steward can bring dinning room menus the day before. Hide-a- bed in living room drapes to close off bedroom. This was in penthouse suite. 7 night cruise could change on shorter cruise.


    MANY THANK! Are you allowed to keep the silver ballpoint pens-newbie cruiser here? The fruit basket sounds lovely-a chance to try a kiwifruit. I'm sailing on the Golden Princess, 3 nights Sydney-Melbourne, Australia embarking November 11, 2016. Have noted to bring my camera and take copious photos, and make loads of notes to write my review. I'm in the Handicapped Accessible Window Suite, so no balcony furniture or Jacuzzi tub for me, but Priority Embarkation, Sabatini's for breakfast, Room Service, DVD player, Afternoon tea in suite and Appetizers sound really nice. A friend is sailing in an Inside Stateroom, so have told him I'll extend an invitation to him to come and enjoy my Window views-he went green with envy, he could only get an Inside Stateroom, he booked so late.

  6. In a Calendar year I will be sailing to Melbourne.


    I'm counting down the days in excitement.


    Still to buy:



    1. rash vest
    2. adaptor plugs-2 & 3 pin types
    3. extra memory cards
    4. orange shoes
    5. sunscreen
    6. torch batteries


    Have planned the flights and hotel accommodation, just got to make the bookings in January.


    Have date for final Cruise Payment, also date by which all On Board Purchases including gifts, Culinary Delights, Photography, On Board and Casino Credits must be completed.


    Get prescription issued for Stemetil-due to prescribed medications I won't buy over the counter for fear of a reaction.


    Make sure all paperwork is printed off and carried in the Cruise Clipboard Folder.




    Travel and enjoy myself.


    Write a review and post on Cruise Critic.


    If I've forgotten anything, please remind me.:D There's many far more experienced cruisers, who's generosity in sharing hints and tips have streamlined my packing. To everyone THANK YOU!

  7. If they have extra wide entry doors, why aren't those cabins listed as wheelchair accessible?


    I think the turning space outside the door, in the corridor, might not be deemed adequate for a wheelchair or mobility scooter user, so the cabins failed to receive certification.

  8. Am travelling on caribbean princess next year with onboard currency USD so where it talks about pre pay gratuities in the "blurb" it says $11.50 pp per day but the amount quoted for me to pay is quoted in AUD $172.50 per person for the trip. (12 days).


    Again if I read about purchasing OBC the info says USD 25/50/100 but once I go to buy now part the amounts are shown in AUD $?/?/125 so assume the amounts equate to the USD.


    ?=can't remember actual amounts but it's not 25/50]


    It's USD$25=AUD$31.25; USD$50=AUD$62.50 and USD$100=AUD$125. I've been keeping a sharp eye on the prices to assist with my own budgeting for assorted purchases.


    I'm planning to get a Photography credit, On Board and Casino Credits of AUD$31.25. Yes, it will mean a pile of vouchers to redeem as needed-I can handle that. For me AUD$31.25 is an easily achieved fortnightly saving, and I can get the TA to put through On Board Purchases in cash, allowing for Cocktail and extra Souvenir purchases to be covered by On Board Credit, topped up by Casino Credits if needed. I'm also taking the taxi fares needed in Melbourne the day of Disembarkation and out to the Melbourne Airport and home from my local airport as Casino Credit and will cash these out, and put the money into designated coin purses.


    There was a lively discussion on the main forum about buying the All Inclusive Beverage Package in Australia-it seems to be only available on board or at a higher price if bought through the Personalizer. I'm not eligible, the cruise is only a 3 night positioning cruise, so getting the Soda and More Package and budgeting Cocktail consumption and cans of Soda for the Suite overnight-a real horror for waking in the early hours wanting a cold drink, and I'm NOT a plain water drinker. If it's still possible, I'm going to bring on a 10 can Fridge Mate of Sprite, and swop out the tonic water and hopefully the beer for extra cans of Coke. I will see if I can swap alcohol for Soda on board.

  9. Close to spot on an hour.


    I tihnk you are on Golden, and I don't know her very well, but often there's a lovely little bar just aft of the buffet where you can sit with some food from the buffet and a drink poo and enjoy the sail away.


    Yes, it's the Golden Princess sailing to Melbourne. My friend suggested we have Sailaway drinks in Skywalkers so I'm not bothered by people crowding me. Another poster, who's name I have forgotten-smacks own hand in annoyance-said it's about an hour from cast off to clearing the heads, so cast off is 18.30, and I think we'd be clear of the heads about 19.30. A 20.30 (8.30 pm) reservation at the Crown Grill or Sabatini's is looking good. My vote is for Sabatini's, as I'm in the Window Suite I get breakfast at Sabatini's but my friend doesn't as he's in an Inside Stateroom on Plaza Deck. I've also invited him to have Canapes with me in the Suite, will bring some containers so if necessary, I can pack them and put them in the fridge until we get back from Sailaway.


    He suggested sharing the hot tub with me, so might be a game or two of footsie going on. He won't push the boundaries, I've got the Window views and if I don't issue him an invitation to come visiting, he's got to make do (what a hardship) with a deck chair to get some sea views.

  10. As I always told my kids and now grandkids, go before we get in the car.

    However, many times we had to stop for those"emergencies".

    And I have been known to use the restroom in a moving bus on occasion . Now that is not very pleasant.


    Try using the Ladies room on a moving overnight train and having the driver suddenly slam the brakes on! Learnt later, a car across the track ahead of us-he JUST managed to stop short of the vehicle! Judging from the swearing, the guy in the Gents had a fall with the sudden stop-at least I was gripping a handrail and never fell.

  11. I saw this for the first time on a four-nighter last month on the Ruby. My pre-cruise info said smart casual for all four nights, so I imagine some would have packed dressier clothes if they had known. Others wore shorts and t-shirts nevertheless :(.


    THANK YOU for the "Heads Up." I shall make sure to pack a shimmery short sleeved top I can wear with my Business standard Embarkation jacket and orange skirt. I also have a gold and black shimmery blouse I could wear as a light jacket.


    I'll only be taking brown and orange toned skirts-would I get away with wearing the gold and black blouse with the orange skirt if I need to "dress up" a bit please? No fashionista here, comfortable's the preferred style!


    I HAVE finally improved my colour co-ordination skills-shades of 1 colour keep me on the straight and narrow. It's adding a contrasting colour that has me out of my comfort zone! And likely to make a mistake with a clashing colour!


    The friend who originally passed the information about the Window Suite to me, also advised, "Dress for Embarkation as if you were going to a Board Meeting, you are in a Suite, and your suede jacket will go over that beige and natural skirt with a beige top and look really well "put together" even though everything was bought separately, it does blend successfully." Make up's not a problem-brown eye shadows, gold blusher and assorted orange variations of lipstick samples to ring the changes. I did get an eye shadow palette with an orange tone eyeshadow, must check if I have a gold eye shadow I could take." Yes I DO! Found an eye shadow pencil and there's a magnifying mirror in the bathroom so should be right! :D

  12. Hi Rob,


    Although I havent been on the Golden yet, I have been on the Diamond and Sapphire, very similar except Golden has Skywalkers at the very back and the layout of a few public areas are a little different.


    Having done a few two nighters, as said in above post, everyone will be wanting to do everything in a short period of time.


    Firstly I would try to board early to maximise time on. Princess you can access your cabin when you board, so go and unpack first up. Get anything you need from Steward or room service before they get too busy!


    Don't forget to bring your two bottles of wine for your two nights dinner;)

    Get an ice bucket and they will be chilled nicely.


    Take anytime dining and make a booking as soon as you board, you will probably depart 6pm from OPT as it is a weekday (ferries busy) so I woud make the booking for about 7.30pm so you can be on deck for sailaway.


    Enjoy sailaway from the rear deck to view the sun setting behind the harbour bridge.


    Have a martini before dinner, I think the bar is the Promenade Lounge bar on that ship. Princess have full martini cocktail lists, they make the martinis at your table:p Nice place for people watching.


    Self serve breakfast in the buffet and take out to the rear of the Lido deck at the outside tables.....or breakfast at the International cafe, nice coffee and snacks.


    Enjoy Skywalkers at sunset for nearly 360o views, but nice to sit and read during the day while everyone else is busy.


    Have a spa up on sports deck at sunset, (there are two spas up there) when everyone else has gone to dinner.


    Do a lap around promenade deck, you a can walk all the way around, up a few stairs at the front, sit on one of the wooden loungers on promenade and watch the waves, now that is real cruising.:p


    Enjoy your cruise, I will have to wait until 2017 for the Golden, I would have jumped at this one as insides are $196 but it is weekday and no leave for hubby:(




    THANK YOU! The tip about getting to your stateroom and booking your dining venue and getting what you need from your Steward and Room Service is duly noted-I'll have Gifts, Beverage Package, On Board and Casino Credit to redeem.

  13. Yes that is correct. You may be charged a fee for using your credit card, I'm not sure if princess does that. ( my TA does not charge me to use my credit card but princess might)

    I am purchasing a heap of onboard credit for my cruise in 2016.




    I'm planning to "gift" myself Gift Services Purchase, several Culinary Delights, the Soda & More Beverage Package On Board and Casino Credits and plan to buy through the TA using cash when I go to make my fortnightly Cruise Payment. Gift Services, Photography, Beverage and Culinary Delights purchases while I'm still paying off my cruise, then On Board and Casino Credit. I may have quite a number of vouchers to redeem-I am limited in the amount of money I can save fortnightly so at present it is the AUD$31.25 voucher, then I can get the AUD$62.50. Have costed very thoroughly, and have just discovered souvenir magnets are DEFINITELY available so I will bring separate small plastic bags to keep them from sticking to each other. Also found out Calypso Cove is the main boutique I will need


    Naturally I don't know what amount you'd be spending, but I respectfully suggest, if you're comfortable handling that amount of cash, asking your TA if they accept payments for On Board and Casino Credits in cash-mine does, and I also have a Debit card which I will use for back up in case I find more souvenirs than I had budgeted for. Hoping for a sale on souvenir merchandise from cruises other than Australia-Alaskan souvenirs would be great-Alaska is on my "Bucket List!"


    HTH, if irrelevant, please ignore.

  14. Not only would I not miss 'sailaway' out of Sydney Harbour, but I organise my MDR dinners so as not to miss all 'sailaway's out of most ports we visit. As some other poster said, "you can have dinner in MDR anytime....even better if it is 'anytime dining'!

    It upsets me when the cruise line departs ports at the set dinner time of 6pm, when we usually eat (at home), so I rearrange my eating times on the ship to allow for sailaway viewing. Just let the dining room staff know of your intentions so that they can use your table for someone else if you are not coming. They will appreciate it too!

    I live in Sydney, and have sailed out of (and into) Sydney Harbour 7 times (so far), and was on deck by choice every single time! Better at the back of the ship too!

    Have arrived back in Harbour at all various times, dawn, mid morning, night, they all have their special memories. It is a special place.

    So definitely be up on deck for 'sailaway' and re-entry too......you won't regret it, I'm sure of that!




    Please, how long does it take to depart from Sydney Harbour and sail through the Heads? A friend and I are sailing November 11, 2016 and we'd like to grab something to eat after we cast off from the Overseas Passenger Terminal and be on deck as we're passing through the Heads to get some photos if possible. I'm physically disabled and on a walking frame so would prefer the Crown Grill or the MDR, Horizon Court, from the photos I've seen, would be challenging for me.


    Thanks for your help, we're both Newbie Cruisers. I'm in F315, the Disabled Accessible Window Suite, and he's in an Inside Stateroom on Plaza Deck. He's a former Work colleague who's grandmother lives a couple of units down from me-and she thinks it's wonderful we're sailing together.

  15. I just debarked CB yesterday after a 9 day cruise on CB, a night spent on shore in an hotel, and a 10 day cruise on CB.

    My OBC from military, Stockholder Captains Circle and Future Cruise was posted on my shipboard account correctly and fully on the first cruise.

    On the second cruise I could only see the $100 Captains Circle so went to Passenger Services and spoke to "Gary" - whose first language was South African English so little chance of miscommunication - who informed me that I was only entitled to the others on my first cruise as they would be counted as one cruise.

    I politely disagreed with him - did not not even use the letters B and S.

    I even had the printout with me from Princess about the OBC for the second cruise.

    Made no difference to Gary's stance on the matter.

    I emailed Princess on shore and it was properly credited the next day to my account on board.

    2 days later Gary called on the cabin phone and told me I wouldn't be getting it for the reasons he previously stated. Now I used the letters B and S.

    Gary hadn't even checked my account or he would have seen it on there.

    Goodbye Gary.


    How can Passenger Services get away with this? They are so often wrong and, in Gary's case at least, very argumentative, even when shown incontrovertible printed proof that they are wrong.


    In 54 cruises on Princess I've only written one letter of complaint - about missing laundry - now my second is coming up. Gary needs retraining - or another job.


    Anyway the point is that if on back to backs - or even a single cruise or 2 separate but close cruises - its really worth printing out any proof of OBC you have been granted, at least you have some proof of it to show passenger services or the CaptainsCircle hostess, , unless you have to deal with Gary of course when it won't do you any good.


    My TA has already said she'll help me print out ALL paperwork relating to my cruise to bring with me. Due to a cancelled cruise, I'm to get AUD$55 of On Board Credit-my Cruise Personalizer is showing $68.75 (I think the cents are correct), so I think she's given me a little "something" as well. I'm starting to organise the On Board Purchases through the Personalizer with her help so I have a pile of vouchers to redeem waiting for me.

  16. On some ships the laundromat costs $2.00 each, on others (as reported here, $3.00) wash and dry.

    Bring your own detergent and fab soft - the dispensers for them are $1.00 each, I think.

    Iron & ironing boards (usually 2) in each laundromat.

    The hours are posted.

    Check the time when you put the clothes in, come back in about 40 minutes, switch to dryer, come back in about 40 minutes. The machines run for 45 minutes.


    On some ships the machines have been converted to using your cruise card. On most it is still quarters or tokens (each token is a quarter).


    THANK YOU! Have noted to budget for doing a load of washing on the last sea day. I am in a Suite so will ask the steward if the laundry would be back in time to be packed, or do I need to go do it myself, which is no trouble? Will have my mobile with me, so setting an alarm to "remember to change over the laundry" is no problem. The costs have also been noted in my budget.

  17. If you are cruising in winter, and you are flying in from Minn. I'm sure you will have a sweater handy in case the temps in Fl are unusually cool. The terminal is kept "room temp." Never noticed too hot or cold. Actually I've been colder in some of the public rooms onboard.

    We never wear shorts or too casual just in case our bags are late for dinner. We keep a swimsuit and extra top in our carry on for that "missing bag reason" too. I'd HATE to shop for a swimsuit if for some reason our bags didn't reach our room. :eek:


    I've also noted from previous posts to take an evening top, toiletries, camera, laptop, medication and casual outfit in my carry on case so no worried.


    Likely to be attending the Dawn Service-Remembrance Day in Australia-with my cousin the day I sail, so have noted to wear a "winter" outfit with a lighter skirt in my carry on case to change to if needed. Layering is a great help with unknown temperatures, and everyone reacts differently..


    Enjoy your cruise!

  18. It's a shop. If I'm not mistaken, it's the sundries shop: tchochkes with the Princess logo, postcards & magnets and keychains, travel-size toiletries (all wildly expensive, as you might surmise), some logo clothing, etc. A fun place to browse through on a rainy afternoon or in that brief lull between dinner and the show.


    THANK YOU! Calypso Cove is now on my list of Things To Do. Magnets are on my Souvenir List, I'd budgeted $10 per magnet-compulsive overbudgeter here!-and NEVER thought of keychains, but EVERYONE lives somewhere or drives a car, some can do both! Based on the conversion rate used by Princess of USD$100 costing me AUD$125, would a budget of AUD$10 per magnet or keychain, being USD$8 be reasonable please? My friend's sending money with me to buy her a tshirt-bang went 1 of my souvenir choices for her! :eek: -and I did warn her that I would wait until the sale if possible OR if I got a discount coupon that was relevant, would grab it for her. She's a loyal friend. Postcards meet my criteria-small, light and practical. Mugs aren't always light, but everyone drinks some type of fluid, so practical! Sounds like Calypso Cove is where I will find the boxed chocolates-looking for the tin with Happy Birthday on it for a friend, can get it on the Golden.


    Under 400 days to embarkation-already excited!

  19. Having left for cruises without various and sundry things, we now have canvas zipper pouches (from Walmart in the school supplies area) that are labeled for different categories of things, and then the required items are listed on the pouch. Rental Car category has car adaptor plug, device charger cables, little speaker, glasses wipes, tissue pack.


    General Cruising has magnets, battery votives, hand-held scale, batteries for everything, and leis to put on the door.


    And so on.


    THANK YOU! You've just inspired a "Bright Idea" re storage of prescribed and Over the Counter medications and vitamins for travelling. A nice Sponge Bag with an adhesive label affixed detailing the contents! So obvious, I feel a fool for not thinking of it earlier! I do like to "compartmentalise" my packing and different coloured sponge bags would be perfect!


    I've also noted to bring some Ziploc bags, so any magnets can be packed separately.

  20. No problem at all.


    No one will question the number of coins.


    Always possible they will wonder what it is on the x-ray at security, but will not question the number of coins you have.


    Great, thank you Caribill.


    I've previously had no trouble at my State Capital airport, but need to fly interstate so not sure. It only takes 1 Security person having a bad shift to make things difficult for people-saw it last time I had to fly up for a Specialist appointment. I'd been pulled out of the queue waiting to go through the security scanner, the staff knew I couldn't manage safely without my walking frame or 2 metal walking sticks for stability which DON'T like the scanner, it goes off at the metal! I was moved up 10 places, and some in front of me got nasty. Well the Senior Security Guard glared at the loudmouth and demanded to know, "How would YOU cope with the assorted Disabilities and Medical Problems she does every single day? We called her aside because the needed Staff Member, a lady, was available to process her immediately. YOU can run for your boarding if needed, she can't safely do so, and has to be very early for all meetings just to be safe!" The culprit was CRIMSON with embarrassment, and his mother also had a go at him for his "bad manners." Poor guy learnt the hard way, sniping at someone who tries to co-operate with the Security people can backfire on you. I did want my asthma puffer in my hand, stress is a known trigger. I explained that, and the lady suggested holding it in the opposite hand to the side she was checking so it didn't set off the detector. Her Supervisor was watching, and told me honestly, "You're the most co-operative we've ever dealt with, asking questions and providing as much information as you can. The only metal I was carrying was my asthma puffer and was told, "That's prescribed medication so must be allowed without question.

  21. I decided to start a new thread rather than post on two separate threads about bringing water and cans of soda on board. I had mentioned including your vote against the new policy on your surveys. Someone was smart enough to mention posting something on Princess' Facebook page. So I did just that.


    It took a couple of days and a couple of people "liked" my concern. Then I asked if Princess would respond. I was pleasantly surprised when they did with the following quoted message:


    Princess Cruises A recent revision of the Cruise Answer Book incorrectly stated the policy for bringing soda and water onboard, and we apologize for any confusion this may have caused. At this time, no changes have been made. We will be sure to advise our guests if these policies do change.


    Kudos to Princess. 99% of the time, I have very positive dealings with Princess and their customer service department. I also did send an email to Princess with this same concern and received a personal phone call. Unfortunately, she just quoted from the book. So I am glad we now have it in writing and all of our worries and complaints can be laid to rest...until further notice.


    Good! Hope it remains the same! By buying what is called a Fridge Mate, which is a pack of 10 cans of Sprite, from my local supermarket, I can get them for under $1 a can, which would save, based on the prices posted by another Cruise Critic member, enough to buy myself 2 extra Mocktails on the cruise.

  22. Not our packing mistake but our cruising friend failed to hold out the pants to her outfit to wear off of the ship. She put her luggage out the night before disembarking and didn't realize her mistake until the morning. We received her frantic call and were running all over the ship trying to find an open shop to sell us something she could cover herself with to walk off the ship. FYI--all shops are closed up tight.

    Her desperate plan was to take her husband's jeans and have him walk off in his boxer shorts!

    In a stroke of luck, our daughter-in-law had not packed her evening outfit, so had two pairs of pants.

    We laugh about it now...


    I can't do a multiple quote, there were 2 other posts with "essential" reminders so I can't specifically name the clever people, but they'd know who they are!


    I have noted to:


    1-Leave out my COMPLETE Disembarkation outfit when I am packing the previous afternoon.


    2-Put ALL my prescription and Over The Counter medication in a bag with my First Aid Kit to travel in my Carry On Case.


    3-Put my Cosmetic Case in my handbag/cooler bag, so I know where it is!


    I will also make sure my friend who is travelling on the same cruise, and is also a Blue Card holder, is advised to do the same re his luggage. While I WOULD have a "spare" lined skirt to loan him, I REALLY don't think he'd want to wear it off the ship in public! *Insert evil cackles of laughter at the mental images evoked* here.


    I am revising my packing list, and making sure all tops will combine with all skirts to maximise the wearable outfits. Have noted the 3 useful Essential Items at the top of the Packing List.


    It's 400 days today until I embark in Sydney for my Coastal repositioning to Melbourne! Yes, I AM more than a little excited!

  23. I am planning to bring my budgeted Casino Spending Money in Pre-Paid Casino Vouchers. I will also put the Taxi money needed in Melbourne and on return to my home town into Casino Vouchers as I understand these can be turned into Cash.


    Thanks to Princess Cruises providing the information in my Cruise Personalizer, I already know how much to allow-with an additional sum to allow for variations in fare-for the taxi from Station Pier to my CBD hotel on disembarkation, and from the hotel out to the Airport the next morning.


    The Australian $1 is a metal coin. I will be in my State Capital pre-cruise, and had intended to get coins to use for taxi fares supplemented by notes to give exact change-the taxi drivers REALLY appreciate my thoughtfulness. I intended to get the coins from the bank, and leave them in the bank supplied bags until I needed to transfer money to my purse. Does anyone know if carrying say $100 in coin is likely to be questioned? I will have the bank documentation with me, also my Taxi Voucher book, so can explain why I am carrying such a large amount of coinage.


    I've learnt such LOTS from Cruise Critic, but this is something that I haven't yet read about. Due to disability, I frequently have to travel by taxi, and have been asked by the driver if I minded while he went to get change-he suspended the meter so it cost me nothing for helping him. After that I developed the habit of carrying a purse full of $1 coins to pay my taxi fares, EVERY DRIVER is amazed and delighted to take the full fare in coins! Even when I travelled down to see my aunt, the fare was over $50, and the taxi driver happily accepted a bag of coins in payment, he was VERY pleased as he was almost out of that denomination in change so win-win!

  24. I was advised by a friend, who is Elite with Princess, to bring a long sleeved jacket with me as the Public Rooms can be cool. I asked her would a suede jacket be suitable-I have a suede skirt in a similar toning shade, and she said, "That sounds good, warmth and looking smart Business style."


    I may be attending the Dawn Service with my cousin on the way down from their property to Circular Quay, so will NEED the suede outfit and a long sleeved top in the morning-it can get chilly. Have noted to pack a crocheted beanie and scarf, don't want to get to Embarkation and start sneezing!


    Due to Cancer treatment, I'm quite used to dressing in layers of clothing, some days I'm alternating between too hot and then getting too cold almost continuously! But at least I am one of the lucky people who have survived cancer for over 10 years, some people aren't that fortunate.:(

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