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cruisin from vegas

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Posts posted by cruisin from vegas

  1. OBC can absolutely be used for gratuities.  Have many times.  Gratuities are not actually a “fee”, they are “technically “ optional and can be reversed.  (Although those that do such should find another way to vacation, IMO). OBC cannot be used prior to sailing (obviously, thus the “on board “ part), therefore cannot be used for anything that must be paid prior to sailing...like cruise fare, port taxes.. etc.  I have also used OBC for service charges on NCL as well.  

  2. Love this review so much....giant memories for me.  I’m originally from Long Beach, a CSULB alumni.  More specifically from 1979 to 1982  a Tour Guide on the Queen Mary ( yes it’s absolutely haunted).  After college I was a crew member (casino dealer) on the brand new Carnival Tropicale, Carnival’s first new build ship from 1982-1984.  I have sailed the Splendor in the Western Caribbean two years ago (love her).  Next on the Fascination out of San Juan  in November.  (Did an NCL Mediterranean last year). Love the review!!!!!

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  3. I have been on three solo cruises, and have two more booked...love it!!! I don't want to eat with strangers, so i get "your time" dining,request a table for one...never had any problem or waited more than a couple minutes. And that is rare.

  4. Will be going to Cuba in september on the Paradise...can't wait! Many many countries require a visa to enter, some less in price some more. For me, well worth it to visit any foreign country. You don't have to use Carnival for excursions (you actually don't even HAVE to take an excursion...but there are lots of threads on this under Cuba Port of Call). Private tours much much les expensive. The Cuban people are wonderful, kind and appreciative of the new tourism. The restrictions put in as of 6/2017 are US, vey political with this administration...but I won't go into that...it's all about $$$$, these conditions are monitored by the US Treasury dept. (IRS)... that won't stop me.

  5. Also, how did you just go to the market on the second day, without satisfying the people to people requirement? 'According to Carnival and NCL you cannot do that? ( I know they want to sell you expensive excursions). I am very interested how that worked, as it is exactly what I want to do.

  6. Interesting. I have had the social plan on two Carnival ships, and a full internet plan in one NCL ship (that one was in Europe) and never had one problem. They all worked great. I have to have some kind of communication with home, as my cell phone does not work on other countries, and no plan available to do so.

  7. There definitely was a Senior Frogs in Matzatlan back in the 80s/90s, it was the original. It has since closed. I was a Carnival crew member, casino dealer on the Tropicale, in the early to mid 80s and went there nearly every Thursday....which was not always the smartest idea being I had to work that night.... but hey, I was 21 having the time of my life

  8. Just did this on the Spirit. Pre-Booked all excursions on the excursion phone line prior to trip. The first day of cruise, all 7 excursions were charged to my account, in full. As each excursion was taken, up to $100 (both promos) were refunded back to my ship account. Worked well, just be prepared to pay all in full at embarkation, and then get refunded.

  9. I just got off the Spirit with this perk. Sign up for all shore excursions in advance or on board. Your account is immediately charged the full amount for each excursion, in first day. In my case 7 excursions totaled over $500, which I was charged immediately. Each day a few hours after the excursion, I was credited $50. The last excursion I was credited $100 which included the disembark excursion. If I did not take the excursion, nor cancel in time, I would have paid full price. It is $50 per port, cannot be combined and if you don't take an excursion, you don't get it.

  10. Also wanted to add, because someone asked me to check, there is no lobster offered anywhere except pay venue (Cagneys). Did have it one night on Getaway and could purchase on Carnival in MDR. None offered on Spirit.


    Also, embarkation and debarkation were a breeze. No customs.

  11. just off the Spirit Mediterranean cruise...a few notes. I am a solo traveler, female..mid 50s. I do not participate in solo events, so I don't know much about those. I have been on 15 cruises as a passenger, and I was a Carnival Casino Crew member in the mid 80s. I have cruised mostly on NCL and Carnival.


    Ship: Older, but good condition. Inside cabin, deck 10, plenty of storage and room for one person, would be a bit cramped for 3. Nice cabin, no complaints.


    Technology: very behind the times. I was on Getaway in 2016, and a big differance here. No account info on tv, must go to guest services for anything. Internet, ridiculously expensive. Worked well. Carnival has NCL beat in this department. I only use wifi for communicating with home. Paid $125 for 250 minutes...last year in Carnival $35 for unlimited social network (Facebook, messenging etc.) NCL needs to work on this...this could be a deal breaker for me.


    Activities, Night life - I am not young, I don't drink.. but this was the most boring cruise activities wise I have been on. It was very port intensive, which is why I chose it. However, Funchal port stop was cancelled due to winds. This left 4 out of 10 sea days...virtually nothing to do. Anything they did have was extra $$. Which I have don't agree with. The Getaway, was much better in this area, of course it is a much bigger ship. This ship virtually closed up by 7pm. No pool deck activities, bar closed, lights out and chairs put away by 7:30 pm every night. It was cooler and some days wet weather, but nothing was scheduled that didn't happen. The casino was open, although very small and only a few tables. After 11:30, other than casino, may have had an hour or so more entertainment anywhere else.


    Entertainment: Excellant. The shows were some of the best I've seen on a ship. No comedians though. NCL has Best entertainment, in my opinion.


    Food: Meh. The Windows and garden rooms food were pretty good, although I can't think of anything phenomenal. Excellent service as well. Buffet was horrible, barely edible. Very crowded during port days as no other food venue was open for lunch. So crowded that If you left your table to get more coffee or dessert...your table would be cleaned and taken over by another passenger imediately. This happened to me several times. The Chinese fusion included resteraunt was horrible, cold, under cooked or over cooked, not edible. Did not go to any pay venue resteraunt said this time. I though it was reasonable when they had a set price..but the new ala cart menus are ridiculous. The main dining venues were good, stick to them and you won't go hungry. Make sure your not hungry after 11:30 pm...buffet completely closed. One venue, blue lagoon open 24 hours. Went there twice and could not get anyone to help me, completely ignored .... heard this from several people.


    Room Service- morning continental breakfast great. On time and fresh. Anything else ordered is now $7.95, the whole menu. Didn't order anything else. Last time on getaway, a few items like pizza were $5, but this is completely differant.


    Service- exemplary in every department. Some of the best I've experienced


    Ports - Casablanca was changed to Tangier (supposedly due to weather, but they announced it 5days in advance) I think there is something else going on with Casblanca. However, Tangier was awesome. Loved it. I did NCL excursions in every port


    Las Palmas - loved it and the excursion.

    Tenerife - volcano visit canceled, pouring rain whole day. Dissapointed, just drove around the city on a bus.

    Funchal - cancelled

    Malaga - loved it .. cold and rain all day though

    Alicante - loved the city, really nice...poured all day

    Barcelona- disembark tour of Monserrat, awesome.


    The positives outweighed the negatives, I loved the ports, the service, entertainment, cabin, food in mdr. Had a wonderful time. Just wanted to share my experiences and I don't know if it's because it's Europe or an older ship, but some what dissapointed in NCL. Will I book with them again..yes probably... but will do more comparison shopping.

  12. Thank you EnricM, I have enjoyed and taken great insight from your very informative posts for months. I am in your beautiful city right now...and I LOVE it here. I will be joining the NCL Spirit tomorrow, but have been here a couple days before and another day after. This a unique and magical city..the most friendly people I have ever come across...I completely understand why you love it so. Thank you for all of your info...

  13. I am on the Spirit out of Barcelona in two weeks (1/24/18) there are still no excursions of any kind in Barcelona presented as of yet. No transfer excursions, nothing. I called NCL and she said they are being re-negotiated and most likely be unavailable until boarding. I have the $50 credit...so I will have no scheduled method of transfer when I board. Not too happy about that, she said she was sure something will be available after boarding... so I hope they have enough spots....

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