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Everything posted by mslayer_99

  1. Thank you for all your posts, greatly appreciated
  2. Have a good trip! We're heading out on the Escape in April. I would appreciate to hear how the Premium Plus wine offerings will work out for you (bottles available in MDR, wines available at The Cellars, etc) And that packing inventory is definitely being shared with my packing-obsessed partner 😛
  3. I will be going on the Encore this summer with a large group. I would like to make laser tag and go kart reservations for the entire group (9 people). Is this possible without them waiting in line with me on embarkation day just so they have their card scanned?
  4. Here's a possible combination where you can all eat together at specialities with your current situation: - You and 3rd guest use voucher for first meal - son uses FAS credit; - Son and 3rd guest use voucher for second meal - you use FAS credit; - You and son use FAS credit for 3rd meal; 3rd guest either doesn't partake in said meal or pays out of pocket. Maybe others can correct me on this but I don't think the vouchers are limited to the first and second guests in a room. This would permit 3rd guest to partake without buying a package. The purchase of upgrade package will simply add more meals for you and your son; they can't be transferred to 3rd guest.
  5. Thank you for your review! Very nicely detailed. We are going on the Joy next month. Are there still issues of types of alcohol being unavailable, like at the beginning of summer? And do you recall when were the showings for Footloose and Elements? Are they limited to just one night during the week?
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