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Posts posted by maynovmom

  1. I have an April 2022 8 day cruise booked with an FCC from April 2020. I honestly feel now I won’t even be sailing then. Like another said I won’t want to cruise with masks and covid rules although I am a true believer in social distancing and masks day to day. When I switched my cruise like many others I had faith this was going to be resolved by 2022. Now I am not convinced and feel I’ll end up losing the FCC due to Carnival going under or not wanting to vacation at sea masked and with thousands of people onboard. It’s a shame. I’ve loved the 18 cruises I’ve taken. 

  2. I love cruising. I have cruised 18 times with Carnival and had this year’s April cruise canceled. I’m sorry to say but I don’t believe they’ll be cruising for many months, if not a year. If states aren’t open and cruise ships carry thousands (or even hundreds with reduced capacity) it just doesn’t make sense. If one cruise turns out to be a mess with Covid19 it will set back everyone and every state that has begun to phase. It’s just not the way to go and believe me I am sad that this virus has hurt so many around the work health wise, financially, and emotionally. That’s just my opinion and one I wish I didn’t have to share. 

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  3. I had canceled my April cruise and at the time I was given the only deal going which was an FCC for 50% cruise fare and refund 50% cruise fare plus taxes and port charges.  I had a 2021 cruise booked so they agreed to apply the FCC to that. The next day Carnival canceled the cruise and shortly after I got a letter that superseded their first offer. It said I could choose either a 100% refund or 100% FCC and $600 OBC even if I had already canceled. It said I had until December 2020 to decide. I decided to wait til then because this virus is more impactful than I originally understood. Today I received a credit on my charge card for the original 50% cruise fare and they applied 50% cruise fare to my next cruise. On top of that I don’t have a refund for the taxes and port charges. Obviously I need to contact Carnival but was wondering if anyone else has had a similar issue. 

  4. I LOVE cruising and go annually but I very much doubt this. We live in MA and I’m a teacher. We aren’t even sure about school starting up in the fall on time and with full attendance due to the number of staff and children. I don’t see how it’s safe to sail large numbers when schools, colleges, and businesses are all in limbo. It’s a great thing to hope for but I highly doubt it! My cruise was canceled for April 2020 and I’m not even sure I feel comfortable sailing next April. We have a very long way to go health and safety wise. 

    • Like 2
  5. 12 hours ago, Joe817 said:

    ^^^^^This! V.M speaks wisely. Read before you pull the trigger on doing it.

    My cruise amounts were virtually identical. Same ship, same month, same cabin. All I meant was I don’t know if it’s safer to just skip the future  $600 onboard and take my full cash refund. Then if things seem ok next year rebook.  FCC won’t be any good to me if the ships aren’t sailing. So many people are ill and this is really more important so I’m just trying to figure out if the FCC deal is worth it or not in reality. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, TNcruising02 said:

    What's going on now won't last for ever.  I believe there will be treatments that will prove very successful.  The quick testing will roll out.  Someday there will even be a vaccine.  This too shall pass.  I am optimistic that cruising will begin by the fall and I have a cruise booked in September.  If it doesn't happen and I have to reschedule, I'm ok with that.  I don't think this virus means an end to cruising or anything else.  

    I know it's hard not to worry about the future when we are about to go through the worst of it.  But someday this will all be in the past and I will be gazing out at the ocean again from a cruise ship.

    That is exactly what I am hoping for! I know this is temporary but it really has changed my view of life in a sad way. Thank you!

    • Like 1
  7. Hi. This post isn’t to be inflammatory at all. I’ve cruised 18 times on Carnival and have never had less than a perfect experience. My cruise was canceled for April of course. Now I find myself honestly torn about ever cruising again. I’m booked for spring 2021 and that was also booked prior to the outbreak. I never ever believed anything could keep me away but this has taken its toll on me. I feel afraid to choose transferring the FCC even with the huge $600 onboard credit to the 2021 cruise. I have til December to decide if I should just take the refund which is great.  This outbreak has changed my outlook in such a way I don’t know if I’ll ever be comfortable on my favorite way to travel again. How are people feeling? Do you think the cruise industry will even make it? If it doesn’t I assume the full FCC will be gone as it’s not cash any longer on the new cruise. It’s a credit/non penalty gift. I’m not faulting Carnival but rather wondering if this virus will change cruising vacations for many people in the coming year. 

    • Like 3
  8. 10 hours ago, naxer said:

    This is why we like Your Time Dining.  We go when we want, stay as long as we want, order how we want, and talk about what we want to talk about.  We've also met people on the cruise who also had YTD, and we just went together sometimes.  This works well for us.  It's not for everybody.  


    7 hours ago, ShakyBeef said:


    It appears that you've missed my point(s) entirely.

    My husband and I dined alone. Table for two. Anytime dining. We do enjoy a leisurely meal and had no complaints about the food. We just aren’t ready to choose dessert when we sit down. I do see how some people in different situations might want to but the staff should all be fine if we say that we would like to wait and see after the main course. That’s the point I was making. It’s a trial and the hostess told us it’s supposed to be fine either way we choose. Some waiters weren’t very nice about it and that’s the issue. 

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  9. 15 hours ago, sanmarcosman said:

    OP: were you handed the dessert menus with the dinner menus or were you given a new menu combining both? Either way if this is a trial balloon they should stick a pin in it. 

    They tried to give us both menus at once. We said we wanted to wait on dessert. Two waiters were fine with it and two were annoyed and tried to talk us into ordering then. We didn’t and we did ask the front desk about this policy. They said it was two weeks old. I don’t like it and mentioned it in my email review. It’s tacky. Otherwise an awesome cruise! 

  10. 15 hours ago, sanmarcosman said:

    OP: were you handed the dessert menus with the dinner menus or were you given a new menu combining both? Either way if this is a trial balloon they should stick a pin in it. 

    They tried to give us both menus at once. We said we wanted to wait on dessert. Two waiters were fine with it and two were annoyed and tried to talk us into ordering then. We didn’t and we did ask the front desk about this policy. They said it was two weeks old. I don’t like it and mentioned it in my email review. It’s tacky. Otherwise an awesome cruise! 

    • Thanks 1
  11. I just got back from my 18th Carnival cruise and it was wonderful. We sailed on the Conquest. I would like to hear what others think about this one new dining room twist that I’m not a fan of. Apparently two months ago Carnival started asking their waiters to have diners choose their appetizers and main course and dessert choice all at once. I don’t like deciding if I’m going to have dessert before I begin my meal. It also felt more rushed. Some waiters were fine when we asked to think about dessert after we had eaten the main course. Others were put off and argued slightly that we could order it and just not eat it later if we were too full. I like to take my time and enjoy my meal then see a dessert menu afterwards. I definitely plan to write that in my comments when my email comes. It didn’t ruin my cruise of course. I just don’t like the new policy or how some waiters don’t want to be more flexible even though the hostesses told us we can absolutely wait and decide after our main selection. 

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  12. On my very first cruise in 2002 I played my very first ship Bingo on the Sensation. I stood in line for a long time and talked to the man ahead of me and the woman behind.  When the man ahead of me was finally buying his set of three cards he jokingly told the woman selling them he didn’t want those and to give him the next set. We both laughed and I got the set that he passed up on. Well I ended up winning Bingo and when I stood up all you could hear was  “Oh my God No!”  We wanted to at least buy him a drink but we never saw him. I was honestly in shock and I remember shaking as they counted out the bills. I’ve won a few times over the years but never that much and never that way! I bet he’s never forgotten either!

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  13. We have cruised with Carnival 17 years in a row. We had sailed inside cabins the first three years. On our 4th cruise we had an inside cabin and were upgraded (not a penny paid) to a balcony. I couldn’t believe it and was obviously very excited. Smart sales move on Carnival because after that we have always sailed in a balcony. Sometimes a freebie can be the best marketing strategy around.

  14. I seriously doubt the schedule was set that far out. I think OP was just assuming the 2019 start date would be the same as 2018. I think that’s too much to assume..and cutting it close to cruise the week before the day you think school will start the year after next. A different rate should’ve been booked under those circumstances.


    Exactly. How can you assume that and then expect Carnival to waive the restrictive fees? I’m far from perfect;) but I don’t book until about a year out with early saver until the next year school calendar is voted on and made public.

  15. Hi, there was one year in returning and asking for missed work. End up being almost two weeks because of a hurricane the boat was unable to take us home the teacher said " well she would have to get somebody book to copy from. I can't go over the work. She wasn't sick, I would like to go on a cruise too but I am not as lucky. "

    Teacher would then proceed to drop remarks if my daughter wasn't up to speed. Luckily my daughter is working a class above her she and caught up by end of term.

    this is in no way insulting the teaching profession. I actually tip my hat to you since you do what I can never do. But as I had mentioned I am from a different country from you all. Our school system is different. As far as I know absenteeism only affects when you are at college or university. Not saying our government is not concerned, but there are kids who goes to school probably a total 5 weeks out of a 13 week term.

    side tracked a bit

    since flying out to board a ship is very expensive. We embark from the country we live. There are only about 20 cabins assigned every sailing to my elaboration port. We do not get past guest, military or elderly specials. We like the quad cabins to save money and they fill up quite quickly.

    There are some instances where someone cancels and they advertise a cheap fare in newspaper 2-3 months before cruise but then I have to choose my vacation dates the year before (Oct 2018 for 2019) once you choose those dates they are set in stone unless emergency or sick. So I book my cruise then book vacation to suit. After the last episode with teacher we all agree to pay (half a week's pay for some in our group) the extra to go earlier in the year.

    Oh another difference with school system is ours is free. There are no boards or committee for each school or district.

    Which is a shame so many young people waste the opportunity.


    I did not realize you were from another country. In our country a principal or higher administrator would intervene if a teacher behaved or spoke that way. That being said the original poster chose to assume when the school year would begin. My argument is never assume and make your choice of early saver based on a school calendar that is voted on. Also realize other factors can come into play with early saver. I take my chances but carefully plan around the things I am sure of like my school calendar.

  16. My school system here is different from yours, but my budget only allows me to cruise during the first or second week of school. I talk to the teachers and i write a letter explaining the reason for absenteeism. In return to school she borrows a classmates books to copy work done. Don't think one week will kill them. Talk to your kids as this would affect them too. Make them aware of sacrifices (school work during cruise downtime or long nights on return)


    a cruise for two from where I live costs more than what I work for a month before taxes are taken out so to reschedule won't be economical for any of us. I spend some time helping to copy work and trying to explain in my own private lessons after school.


    keep in mind some teachers may be spiteful at the opportunity you and your kids have that they can't.

    make friends with a parent ask them to photocopy the assignments.

    ......and enjoy


    I’m a teacher and a parent of three and can’t believe your last comment. “Teachers may be spiteful at the opportunity that they can’t have.....” Wow! How outrageous! Yes I’m serious. That statement is incredibly harsh and insulting to those in my profession.


    How about this? I cruise annually (17 now) and have always waited for the next year’s finalized school calendar to come out before I book early saver. That way I know my work/ childrens’ schedules. Yes these trips are expensive and yes we work hard to save up for them. It’s called responsible planning around work and school. That’s my choice to book early saver. Choice is the operative word.


    Our school policy is that students are not given work before they leave for a vacation but rather receive make up instruction and assignments after. Instructional pacing and understanding of the curriculum varies in the classroom and students need to learn the standards not just “do” the assignments.


    As for early saver there are many things that can happen to affect sailing the booked week. It’s understood that you’re taking a risk for that price/type of booking. So yes potentially insurance may/may not cover the unexpected issues that arise such as illnesses, deaths, other work related changes. However this original poster booked way out thinking that the schedule was set. In most districts once a calendar is printed and sent out it is set in stone. If it changes that drastically after it’s been posted then shame on the district. Assuming a vacation week before it’s voted on is the issue here and not whether teachers will penalize or be spiteful to their students for taking a vacation planned by their parents.

  17. I play Bingo occasionally. The very first cruise I won $500 on my first game ever! A few years ago I won $500 again. It’s not a scam. It’s a chance. You play—you win or lose. It’s entertaining and a form of gambling. A scam is no chance of winning. I’m sure I’m still slightly ahead because I don’t play that often. Honestly I get annoyed at some of these posts where people complain about rules. They are spelled out on the blackout. If you don’t win in a certain number of tries you downgrade to another prize. Carnival is very transparent and of course looking to make money just like in the casino. But people do win in Bingo and in the casino and more often they lose.

  18. I have seen a post about cabin noise and vibration on deck ten from the IMAX theater. I have cabin 8286 and am hopeful someone can tell me if this is a deck/area that is noisy. From the deck plan it’s so hard to tell what floors the IMAX affects. The cabin is slightly away from that big white space but since we usually aren’t up late at night I wonder if I should move while I can. We don’t sail for two years. I like our location other than that concern. Thanks!

  19. She (Conquest) is moving to Miami, although I do not know when. We are sailing on her in May, 2019 and leaving out of Miami. I hope for you that she moves after February. :)


    We are booked on the Conquest out of Fort Lauderdale in mid April 2019 so she must be switching shortly after that cruise.

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