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Posts posted by jackpotter

  1. On 1/28/2024 at 9:16 PM, Mitzi73 said:

    For anyone who has recently cruised on the Liberty, are there any adults only pools or hot tubs?  I’ll definitely be spending some time at Serenity but was wondering about possible pools as well.   Thanks!!

    I saw one comment that there are no pools but yes there is an adult only pool.  Deck 9 in the back have to walk past the buffet to outside.  There are a couple of hottubs there and a bar too.  Pool is older.

  2. you still get a wristband cause you can still go to vaxed bars/shows if kids are not with you, for instance grandma takes them while you go etc.  we just got back from Symphony and we had grandparents, two children under 12 not vaccinated and two parents, all adults of course had to be vax.  What a great time.  we had ship to ourselves!  They said they will be adding passengers as each wekk goes till full again by December I believe, but things can change depending on virus and mutations etc.  There were only like 1000 passengers on our ship that normally has 6000 passengers.  Crazy, spoiled for life.  Had great attention from staff which was more than passengers.  Ate at the specialty restaurants, kids could go, but usually had meals outside seating.  A lot of activities were closed down like laser tag, and number of shows was very limited.  But did not have any issues with covid.   Kids tested before boarding and at end of 6 night trip again..  Adults could certainly bring virus onboard since test results are up to 3 days before sailing.  That is a worry, but we did great thank goodness.  

    • Like 4
  3. 4 minutes ago, harkinmr said:

    You are correct in one regard. The Florida vaccine passport ban does apply, however, Carnival has opted to sail with not less than 95% vaccinated passengers. They did this to avoid test cruises. The workaround to the ban is that passengers confirm their vaccine status online or by phone prior to sailing and then voluntarily submit their proof at boarding. If they do not, they are considered unvaccinated and could be denied boarding if the 5% unvaccinated cap has been reached.  If Carnival sails with more than 5% unvaccinated passengers, then they are in violation of the CDC requirement and could lose their certification to sail. At least this is the way it is “supposed” to work. 

    Ok, thanks for that info.  I am thinking RC since that is what we said and they are not doing the same way as Carnival unfortunately.

    • Like 1
  4. On 7/3/2021 at 9:16 PM, davekathy said:

    Nope. Four or five or 6 drinks daily, anytime, any where. 

    Yep, this is new policy and Diamond is now 4 instead of 3, Diamond Plus 5 instead of 4 etc.  And as above poster said, can be used anywhere on ship now any time which I love cause now you can have a bloody mary at breakfast etc.  But two places you can't use, one as another poster said, bionic bar and trying to remember the other place, but there is a second.  

     What I want to know and it is not clear on their site, because it says coupons can be used any bar restaruant, etc. and also in the Diamond Lounge during happy hour, where the rest of bars and restaurants any time.  Used to be that you could use your coupons on your card and also go to Diamond Lounge and have drinks during happy hour and your coupons would not be used while in there.  Looks like from what I am reading that if you do choose to go into the Diamond Lounge, close quarters too! that the drinks you get count toward the coupons.  .  

    • Like 1
  5. On 7/4/2021 at 3:23 PM, harkinmr said:

    This is the most disturbing thing.  I too have seen social media posts that CDC cards were not checked. They ARE required to have at least 95% vaccinated passengers in order to sail without a test cruise and are clearly violating their obligation to confirm passenger vaccination status. Apparently, as is commonplace with Carnival, they are not following the rules.  

    Nope, the lovely guvnah of Fl, Ron DeSantis has said no one has to show vaccination status going out of FL so all they can do is ask if you want to tell, but they do require tests if you say no you haven't had shots.  Very Scary.  The Govenor was wrong, and should have allowed the cruise industry in Florida to ask that all cruisers up to 95% at least, were vaccinated and to show proof.  Not sure why the cruise industry bowed to the Govnuh.  Tough guy taking away the rights of the vaccinated passengers.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, mauraoel said:

    Thanks for you opinion I don't agree with you; noro virus isn't about a high population in the same locale for along time its about cleanliness.   Both my kids who are now adults have caught noro but it wasn't on a cruise ship, their school was the culprit. 


    My grandchildren are annoyingly germ-a-phobic but spent many hours in lines for 5 minute rides if I can dig out the photos you would see we were in line with the same sets of strangers multiple times daily, although since I don't know the strangers in the background of the photos I probably shouldn't share them.  


    I don't have a problem with vaccines I have a problem with individuals who think my grandchildren should wait to have their vacation just because they aren't eligible for the vaccine yet. Just as Mr. Fain said studies show children are less likely to spend the disease, and as most parents and grandparents are vaccinated I don't think they have a chance of coming in contact with an adult who has it.

    Yes, it seems kids do much better with the virus but strains are getting stronger and the virus is looking for bodies to invade that are not vaccinated.

     DeSantis is not allowing the ships to ask who is and who is not vaccinated or to show any proof, so you  do not know who the kids may come into contact with that may be carrying the virus.  Just can't understand that either.  Most people are more than happy to show they are vaccinated.  I know we were jumping with joy!

     We booked a cruise with my daughter and her very young children for August, but I would never be able to live with myself if my dear grandchildren became sick from someone not vaccinated.  I like to gamble LOL, but not with their lives.  Just saw many more teens are ending up in hospital because virus can't get to most vaccinated adults so looking to those not vaccinated.  And they are saying many end up in intensive care. 

    Not trying to change your mind, just something to think about.  Yes, schools are huge germ spreaders.  Washy washy as they say on the ship.  Hoping we can all get back to fun cruises soon and I think it starts with everyone being vaccinated that can be and since ships are confined spaces inside mostly, everyone needs to show they are vaccinated.  Why not?  Don't get it.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, sept10dsm said:

    Exactly, the vaccine doesn't stop one from getting it or spreading.  The test is the best and I agree.

    I just read many articles about this on this site and from what I read, everyone would be tested before, during and after, but since tests don't show positive for several days, you still have some getting on carrying the virus and then when it shows a few days later, you all go home.  Not fun. When I spoke to the RC person today, she said it is still changing daily.

    I still think DeSantis should allow people to show vaccines, for God's Sake, we are talking about the worst virus and deaths in over 100 years.  He wants to open the cruise industry but is blocking what the cruise lines feel is a requirement to keep everyone safe.  Vaccines,  And vaccines are available to everyone except very young children so what is the big deal?

    Who will pay for the lawsuits when they return and people get sick on the cruise.  With tests, and  everyone vaccinated, I think you would feel safer if you choose to go.

    And again, if you think you would be ok, and don't care if the ship has to return to port because unvaccinated people get sick,  go for it!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, harkinmr said:

    That’s helpful. Just in time for FCCs but no refunds. 😉


    3 hours ago, cruiserking said:

    That's wonderful, but, I'm truly baffled as to how and why Royal Caribbean caved. 


    Well, I just waited on the phone for an hour and half to voice my displeasure to a Royal Caribbean rep who told me the situation is fluid. I get the feeling that things may change, I sure hope so. She also mentioned you would find out whether your cruise was vaccinated or not a month before sailing which is a little crazy. 



    I too waited for almost 2 hours today, (cleaning house while on hold).  I assume lots of people calling to cancel since DeSantis strong armed the cruiselines in Florida for political aspirations.  Ridiculous.  This is about passengers' health.  Yes, we have the vaccine, but there are still quite a bit of unknowns regarding this virus that killed almost 600,000 people in this country alone, including family members.  Now saying some of the strains are becoming more prolific and able to get through the vaccine in some people, that is scary.  Why can't DeSantis allow the cruise lines to ask for vaccinations so no one has to worry about who is not vaccinated while enjoying their trip?  Even if vaccinated, You can still get it, probably not get too sick, but can still carry, therefore pass it to a non-vaccinated person like grandchildren who are too young to get a vaccine when they get  back home.  

    The big thing though is all these people who don't have a vaccine and get on these ships which are close quarters and become ill or even asymptomatic while on the ship, then the ship has to turn around and go back to port.  Wow, I'd be pissed that RC decided to cruise without people needing to be vaccinated (they can't show they are because DeSantis will charge the cruiselines 5000 per person).  So when your cruise is cancelled or you or others become ill on ship, who is responsible?  You because you got on the ship or DeSantis cause he allowed the ships to cruise with unvaccinated passengers.  Sorry, but if you don't agree, get on the ship, it is your choice now.  I'm just stating my thoughts.  

    • Like 4
  9. so if playing slots and you bet 90 cents, it is rare that if you hit jackpot, you make much money. Of course the more you are betting when you hit on a slot, the more you win. You can play a lot longer if you are betting low, like 38 cents, 60 cents, 90 cents. When I have hit jackpot and was playing higher bets, I did well. I just haven't hit any big jackpots or small jackpots for awhile. haha

  10. Jackpotter

    what does bid $8 or $10 a shot?

    are you betting $8 or $10? and if so, on what?

    I am a bit confused.


    sorry, not sure how to reply without a title or quote.


    I meant people are betting that much on slot machines

    (two of the really big winners were betting 10 dollars each time on slots). Hope this makes sense. Probably using the wrong vocabulary. Some of the machines allow higher bets each time, even on penny machines. So if one bets the 10 dollar amount, if you hit, you usually get a large win and as it was they did end up with jackpots betting this amount every time. You run out of money fast but if you hit, that is when you can win big.

    Do you play tables? Maybe that is why this doesn't make sense.

  11. I got the OV BB so to upgrade to the Grand Suite for a week was $500 pp. Glory leaves out of Miami. We like PC better (2 hour drive vs. five hours) but the Glory is a fine ship and we like the Eastern Caribbean itinerary. As of today, there were suites left on the April 15 (Easter sailing) and April 29. We picked the later one.


    Never been on Glory. She looks nice. I am just so spoiled going out of Port Canaveral all the time, can always find a ship and date that works. Try not to drive to Miami as well. PC is an hour from me. You are certainly spoiling yourselves with Grand Suite! Good for you. If I keep that much back from slots, I can stay there too! ;) But don't know how much I am even in the cabin. Will probably go with husband, he doesn't gamble. He figures I spend enough for both of us. He likes the comedy shows. Thanks for sharing. Just saw Oasis RC is in PC now. That is an awesome ship! Been on it once.

  12. Wow, that sounds great! I will take a look. Where does it leave from? I try to get the cruise out of port Canaveral cause I have 3 dogs and leave them with a petsitter at our house. She costs more than the cruise. LOL I have not been on the Glory. Really like the Sunshine but can only book upgrades, no OV. Did you get an OV offer also? or balcony? We probably all could have bought the suite several times over with our casino deposits. Those slots are very addictive and never have so much fun losing all that mula, but am I the only one who gets a bit of anxiety back in the room when I realize all the money I just spent? haha

  13. Hi LazyD

    Yes, I did get bounceback offer. And I did look to see the availability of the offer which is up to 15 days through May, ov cabin. Yet, no 15 days offered if I wanted to take a 15 day cruise and unlike before where you could choose a cruise for the number of days you wanted (up to amount of offer) and you would be able to get that cabin free, not just the days they offer on the calendar they have shown on your special offer. It's weird. There were very very few available dates. I called and was told they offer so many free every week and they fill up so fast that only a few are available. It is not worth it for me if I have to go to Galveston or Miami. Just another thing that has changed. I did get off the ship yesterday and checked for bouceback same day and as I said less than a handfull free. I did notice they had a lot of balconies and suites for higher prices since you can upgrade, but on the same ship that I wanted, no "free ov cabins" available. hmmmm. If I am spending this much to gamble on the ship, I should not have to "upgrade." I agree about up to us if we want to go every time they have a drawing etc. Not saying that. Just that you may be in there all day waiting to hear your name called amongst all the ultra guests. And, actually I did not go to every drawing. haha... I did enjoy some pool time, etc. And of course that is the casino's strategy. But again, I have so much more enjoyed the regular cruises when in the casino. Was just nice getting to meet the hosts, and getting more attention and perks. And if you get a bounceback, not sure you need to stay up for free cruise at midnight last night. LOL. Except maybe they let you choose the ship and date.?? I am probably the only one who had this experience. Sounds like most loved the Ultra. I just didn't find it as fun as others, but yes, that is me and my opinion. Thank you for allowing me to whine. LOL

  14. I see I am going to be different in my opinion of the ultra premier casino cruise on carnival magic nov 2016. No wins and I put a lot of money into that casino. Never met a host, even after seeking one out to ask why we were not invited to a dinner at one of the specialty restaurants as we always are. At that time he said oh, yeah, you should have been asked. And then when Victor came to us, he said I really think you should do the Italian, the Steak house makes you feel so full. What??? In other words, take the cheaper of the two, as it is only 15 dollars for the Italian restaurant which I always pay for a few times a cruise. wow, and looking at the points of the above posters, we were in same ballpark.

    Be careful because they want you in the casino at all hours for drawings and with over 300 people in ultra, very small chance your name is called when calling one or two names. Unfortunately mine never was. But when you are in there of course you gamble. I realize it is a gambling cruise but they do get you into that casino a lot under the pretense of you must be there to win, lol. The big prize was done each night as another poster said, depending on what group you are put in. I was last name called second night and it took over two hours of standing there just to get called. ahhhhhhhhh. waste of time. I am really not a complainer, but come on, it should be better organized. The casino was soooooooooooo crowded it was very difficult to find a machine, but I managed and it cost me a lot. LOL

    I have enjoyed regular cruises in the casino and also the premier. I felt lost on this cruise. Never greeted by a host, has to seek out to get the dinner. Won 400 dollars casino cash on BIG drawing. That went in 2 seconds. haha. Normally, I get that much in casino cash when I get on board, or more so not that big of a deal. And to be extra whiney, sorry, the casino was soooooooo smokey, sorry smokers, but not everyone smokes. I have never been on a carnival ship where the smoke was so thick. I did hear a lot of people complaining. I also think maybe because it was the casino cruise aand veterans cruise it added to all the heavy heavy smoke in the casino. As I said, on previous cruises, I have always met the hosts, been spoken to, sent to dinner, etc. etc. I would not do the Ultra again, not worth it. I do much better in smaller setting, not so much smoke, can get a machine, meet the hosts, and be treated like you are important(heck, I could have bought the casino by the end of the week!)

    That being said, please don't hate me because of my negative comments. They are sincere and honest. If I had won a huge jackpot maybe I would not feel this way right? LOL. Another funny thing was the same guy won over and over and finally I only heard them say his first name when announcing his big wins. I think so everyone didn't know it was once again, the same guy. I did see he was bidding 10 dollars a shot as the other big winner was bidding 8 and more. I think the cruise ships are getting harder to win big on unless you can afford to bid 10 bucks a shot each time. I do bid high a lot but can't do 10 every time for sure. I should be going back to roulette or stay out of the casino really. It is called gambling I realize that. In the old days, I won more than I lost but no longer. I did speak to many gamblers in casino and most lost their bottoms, just a few lucky high bidders who did well. Sorry to be so negative guys! Just the truth for me.

  15. Going on Vista May 24, Athens to Barcelona, 10-day. Booked a family oceanview in family area. And we are the two of us, over 55! But I liked the extra space in the oceanview and two bathrooms so I can have my own! We can use the family lounge area which will include breakfasts, snacks, games etc. I love kids so I don't think it will be a problem. This was the best room I could find for oceanview available on my casino offer which was amazing!

    Question is? Do you think many people will be sailing with small children on a port intensive European cruise?

    Also, if cruise leaves on the 24th, and we are flying in from U.S., can someone suggest when we should arrive and where to stay in Athens? We don't have extra time unfortunately, we have a business and 3 dogs and have to get back. Will it be okay to get off ship in Barcelona on last day and head right to airport? do you think we will make it out safely? Coming into Athens, I figure we will need to stay overnight at least one night. I would love to do a tour one day in Athens if we can manage!

    Last, how do we pay for things on excursions going to different countries?

    Any suggestions on airline to fly from US to Athens?

    Thanks for any help.

  16. We are in 3115 next month. I'll let you know if there are any issues with sound. On the layout, 3115 looks forward of all life boats. I am still wondering what might be in our view besides the boats.




    I meant I booked 3115 for upcoming cruise. Did you end up in that room in 2013? Did you hear a lot of noise from liquid lounge above? I am looing at 3115 starboard where no smoking which I like and 3128 port side where there are smokers but the room is further toward guest services so may not be under liquid lounge and noise. Any info is great.

  17. I noticed the negative you pointed out. So you had to walk up 2 flights, cross the whole deck and then take the elevator up to the Lido Deck?


    Seems like a real pain to me. No one else mentioned this. Thanks for doing that.


    yes, if you want to go to aft part of lido, for buffet, other restaurants even mid pool, but if you want to go to serenity deck in front of ship, you just take elevator up which is right near room and you can go up to serenity deck and get a chair. There are 3 decks for adults, one having a small freezing pool, LOL, but none of this area or decks has food, snacks, drinks, unless you go all the way to the top, I think 14 where there is one hot tub and a bar where I guess you could get water or of course a beer/drink. It would be very difficult for older people to go down the steps and trek across the deck for lunch etc. I did see someone slip, the deck is very slippery so bring crocs or rubber flip flops for lido deck traversing. When you take elevator up to serenity/lido deck from front where front rooms are on 3 look for the elevator with the triangle above it, it took me forever to figure this out, none of the other elevators go to the serenity deck they stop at 10 and unless you know to go into the elevator with the triangle you won't get there. It's all good when you figure it out, just not the easiest ship to get around for sure. But again, the only Carnival presently with all the upgraded restaurants, bars. So that is great.

  18. I realize this, but not one on deck 3 is showing up to book for next June.


    So I'm wondering if you have to call to see if any are available on this deck.




    They block these rooms for families usually, or four guests, but if you watch them, when it gets closer to your cruise date, if they are not booked with families, they open up for less than four people, I stayed in as a single, got lucky. But they don't seem to open up till closer to cruise date so you would have to book a room and change later.

  19. Hi. Are all of the cabins on 3 for families only on the Sunshine? I am cruising solo, and none on this deck show up when I do a mock booking.


    I cruised solo also, just got off a few days ago. Left husband home with business and dogs. LOL.


    I think they try to get families to take them because they have more beds and sofa beds in these cabins. My room could have fit 5. not sure how I got the room. I also was in a room with my husband on deck 5 aft which I loved the location! But I cannot get a room there anymore either with mock booking, because it is also for families

    I did see several families with kids on my hall on deck 3 but there were also twosomes. and me a onesome. So I think it's about timing, they open them up at a certain time to smaller numbers not just families. I really liked this location for the cost! Very convenient to getting on and off ship and guest services etc. The negative is you have to go up to 5 and across to get to back of ship where lido and restaurants are. They don't have any drink station or food on serenity deck either which is annoying cause you have to go down all these steps and trek across the deck to get anything. They need to take a page from Royal Caribbean's book and always have a drink station and snacks in adult area! Oh well.

  20. We are in 3115 next month. I'll let you know if there are any issues with sound. On the layout, 3115 looks forward of all life boats. I am still wondering what might be in our view besides the boats.


    Hi hawaiibound


    I just got off sunshine and was in 3131. I stayed out late most nights but on the night I didn't I didn't hear too much noise except from lobby entertainment. I am looking at booking 3131 in November for a cruise. can you let me know about your experience with a room so far in the back closer to the music and stage? thanks!


  21. I'll let you know about any noise issues for me when I get back. Going on August 16 and will be in 3131 I think. There is a Boston concert that cruise and they will be in liquid lounge/theater so if there is a noise problem I will know it! Well, I will be at the concert but would hear practice, theater activities, dancers practicing etc. Let's hope not though as previous posters said. I have heard both. These rooms aren't as long as ocean view rooms which have GREAT space, I was pleasantly surprised by the OV rooms, but they are newer I guess. Anyway, will post when I get back.

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